The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, February 24, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. -• sr Official 0i|aa of FrankLu County. PUBLISHED EVERY 5?)mVY 1.6 Xt .1. HcVOSNEM. AMI <!i;n. S. I’llll.I.II’H, ElJlTUHB AND J’HOPltlKTOllH. ( A ' ; :• 1 . -\ i ill. OAm MONDAY, FKI DIRECTORY. C If (7110II EH. Hapt-Dfe—New t'anMMville—Pastor, l\ov. .T. J Berk; pnMurliingjcvciy second .Sunday aiul Sat uriUy JJaptbt—Crons before. Koads—I*a tor, Rev. K. L. Sibk Dicuejdu**:, riim—J’a^t-or, first Suit day and Rev. Saturday 1L heforo. CaMicd^e rrtb-byif (J. l»rcii<*hiiiti' Methodist—rastor, every third Sunday. Rev. 1‘. O. D. Kurland preaeltinj; Sunday school fourth at Sunday ouch’church and Saturday 1) bciore. at u. m. TOWS ((0 V S '.ItN MI.NT. Mayor—r. < mujcihncn—}». I*. Proffitt. K. Aderhold, A. W. McCon¬ nell, James A. Manley, W. H. Kampley. COUNTY OFFICERS. I Clerk—./. Ordinary—Daniel AT. Phillips, McKenzie, Carnesviile. Carnesviile. MienIV—J. Collector—I C. McConnell, Carnesviile. Tax j. J. Cieen, Carnesviile. Tax Receiver—J. R. Lecroy, Livonia. Treasurer—T. C. Burton, Iron Hock. Coroner—II. H. Hayes, .Mize. H. County J. Commissioners—J. Mize; YV. Holbrook, M. Andrews, Bold Spring. Mize; Crump, Y. COURT CALENDAR. .Superior Court convenes every fourth Monday in March and September. N. L. Hutchins, judge; It. B. Rush'd], solicitor general. JUSTICES* COURT. Carnesviile—J. E. Crawforil, .1. 1*.: S. M. Ayers, K. 1*.; court day every second Monday; bail ill's, "YV. (>. Randall and J. M. Kampley. ANNOUNCEMENT. With many thanks to the voters of Franklin county for past favors, I an¬ nounce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tux Returns of Franklin county at the ensueing election in January next. If elected 1 will do all in my power to fill the office to the best interest of the tax payers. Respectfully, Jesse R. Lkcroy. BUSINESS LOCALS. Hardware Store, Harmony Grove, agent for King’s “Popular Sporting” powder, blasting powder, dynamite, fuse, ect. AYelborn it Bro.’s is the place to buy your plantation supplies. The latest styles of Derby hats at he Enterprise Store. Oatmeal at Blackwell’s. Oats at McConnell & Cannon’s. For harness call on A. \V. Mc¬ Connell. The Enterprise Store is getting in" new goods daily. Hats from 25 cents to $4 at Mc¬ Connell it Cannon’s. You will save money by going to AY. C. it J. 15. MeEntire’s for sugar, coffee, meat, flour or anything in the grocery lme. Bottom prices on sugar, coffee and flour at the Enterpiisc Store. Diamond dye at Blackwell’s. There is no use in lying awake at night on account of coughing when | one bottle of P. C. C. will cure you. For sale at the Enterprise Store. AYelborn & Bro. are soiling the finest flour in town. I have on the road a nice line of buggies & carts, which I bought at factory prices. A. AY. AlcConncIL AY. C. & J. B. McEntire will sell you a tobacco that is ahead of any¬ thing in town for 30 cents per pound. The latest styles of hats at the En¬ terprise Store. Confederate Veteran cigar is the best 5-center on the market. Found only at McConnell & Cannon’s. If you want a first class road cart, call on A. AA. McConnell. Death to high prices! AYelborn & Bro. are slaughtering prices on boot.-; and shoes. Go to AY. C. & J. B. McEntire for cooking stoves. They can suit you with the best and cheapest stove over brought to Carnesviile. Stop your cough before it devel¬ ops into consumption, by taking one bottle of P. C. C. Sold at the En- terpnse Store. Old Dominion tobacco at McCon¬ nell & Camion’s. Money saved is money made, and when you want the best tobacco for the least money go to AY. C. & J. B. MeEntire’s. Peerless Cough Compound h is no equal for colds, croup, sore-throat, etc. For sale at the Enterprise Store. Corrie Ilovt tobacco found only at the Enterprise Store. McConnell & Cannon have the best stock of shoes in town. Go to the Enterprise Store to buy your hats. If yon want a cart, buggy or wagon, it would be to your interest to see A. AA'. McConnell before purchasing. AA r C. & J. B. McEntire will cer- . tainly save you money on anything you want to buy. Flower seeds at the Enterprise Stofo. Beautify your homes. Fresh garden seeds at Welborn & Bro.’s. LOCAL BREVITIES. The measles are on the decline. Gainesville is to have a tivst-class millinery store. Mr. J. (’. 1'ricks is clerking for Manley & Bro. T. If. Check, of Bowersville, was in town Tuesday. The mild winter has made the price of cattle very low. James A. Manley was. in Atlanta last week on business. A. AY. McConnell visited Atlanta last week on business. Miss Minnie McEntire is visiting in Gainesville this week. Mrs. \Y. 1'. McConnell has been quite ill for several days. Prof. Barge has a largo class in penmanship at tins place. C. B. AYelborn went to the Gate City last week on business. Miss Billa AVilinot of Gainesville is visiting Miss Mattie McConnell. Full line black smith tools at Hardware Store, Harmony Grove. J. B. McEntire made a business trip to Royston one day last week. Mr. AA r in. Hubbard has pneumonia in his family, but not dangerously. B. F. Camp, Esq., is again on our streets, having outgeneraled the grip.! Mrs. J. S. Kampley lias been very low with measles, but is improving. Col. 1). AY. Meadows, of Dan ids' ville, was in town last week on bus- ness. P. II. Bowers, of Royston, will sell certain lines of goods at great bar¬ gains. More grass patches, more colts and more yearlings; tho result—more money. Col. A. G. Ale Curry, of Hartwell, was in town last week on professional business. A’dhcn you go to Royston be sure and call on P. II. Bowers before leaving. Judge X. L. Hutchins was sick last ! week and had to adjourn court at AValton for a few days. iSherilTMcConnell left for Miiledgo- ville last Wednesday evening, carry¬ ing to the Asylum Airs. Celia Carroll. AYe call (lie readers attention to our new advertisements this week. They will be found interesting read¬ ing. Tho farmers in Franklin county are buying more cultivators, harrows, etc., than in any live years hereto¬ fore. Sam Small has again opened tho prohibition fight in Atlanta. AYe hope his efforts will be crowned with •success. Read the advertisement found o!.-g\\ here of P. J, Puckett, dealer in tombstones monuments, ect., Fiber- ton, Georgia. L. F. Lonhardt makes more notice¬ able improvements where he goes than any young man we know of. Mr. Lenhardt is a painter. Mr. J. AI. Carson made a very sat¬ isfactory trip last week in life inter¬ est of The ENTKitrisisE. Alost of his time was given the towns along tho E. A. L. 1 INv’y. According to the rotation system this is Ilart county’s time to choose a State Senator. AYe would like to see him trotted out, as he has to rep¬ resent Franklin also. AYe call attention to the announce¬ ment of Jesse R. Lecroy for tax re¬ ceiver found in this issue of Tins < Extkki'Uisk. Mr. Lecroy’s record as an officer is good, and he is otherwise a worthy gentleman. Frank AY lute, traveling salesman for Arnold, Carlton it McCord, At¬ lanta, who was badly hurt some time since, has about recovered and is on thc road again. Mr. AYliite is very popular with the trade. Mr. J. 1*. Davis, a white man, ried through Carnesviile Wednesday morning three bales of cotton for Jack Bray, a colored man. Mr. Da- vis owned the team and Bray the cot- ton, and both seemed to be happy. AYe very much regret to chronicle the death of Airs. IL J. Crump, who died AYednesday last and was buried at Funshine last Thursday. Her death was a great loss to the family a , there are several children and the 1U0st 0 f them small. Crowded Out. A'Yo received a communication from ^ J> McCa ,. ter j ate Saturday af- | tc-rnoon, and regret that it could not \ appear in this week’s paper. It will appear hi our next issue. i Don't Leave Vcur Children Alone. The sad fate of the three Birdchil- dren given in an other column should teach the parents both white and black a lesson in regard to leaving their children alone. It is too late to be careful after you have lost your children. It is trying on parents to lose thoir children by what appears unavoidable sickness, but to have them burned is heart-rending, it is hideous, it is terrible. Dont leave your children alone. A Good Paper. I'roni the Atlanta Constitution. The Carnesviile Kxtkkpuis n of this week is the best issue of that pa¬ per that has reached the Constitution office in many months. It is well Idled witii news, and is unusually well printed. The people of Carnesviile should feel proud of Tun K.vmu'iusK It is doing much good for the section in which it is published, and is, no doubt, being hansomely sustained. HORRIBLE BURNING. Three Negro Children Meet Death in a Burning House. Last Wednesday while Hut Bird and wife were in the field a half-mile from home their house caught on tire, burning their three children to death before the house could bo reached. This horror is the greatest Franklin county has had since Frank Sanders killed and burned the entire family of John Swilling. The occurrence is .ghastly to think of. Mysterious fate has dealt hard with them. AYe ex¬ tend to them our sympathies, but re¬ alizing that human expressions are too weak to give comfort to them, Hut and his wife arc said to be hard wosk- mg negroes, They live 4 or 5 miles north-east of Carnesviile on U. T. Brown’s farm. The white people arc freely giving them provisions, bed clothes etc. The oldest child C and the youngest about 2 years of age. 125 cook stoves, 500 joints stove I pipe, “Never Break” skillets, and a full line of stove trimmings, at the | Hardware Store, Harmony Grove. - »■ e-—- Our Correspondents. EASTANOLLEE. Everybody is fcu-v finishing up their cat sowing, j’.reparatory to set¬ ting thoir cotton and other crops. Our people contemplate planting largely of sorghum. Tlie population of Enstanolleo has increased. A stfanger put in its ap¬ pearance at S. W. Mosley’s the 14th. it was a girl, and Sam is quite ani- ihated, as the more girls there arc in the family the greater will be the number of admirers, especially among the young men. An Alliance lodge was organized | at Eastar.ollee the loth inst. with a monibership of 31. T. J. Stoneey- pher was elected president, and J. C. Alosely vice-president. Tho lodge lias a bright future. In the absence of the pastor, Elder Stonecypher filled the pulpit at Lib¬ erty Hill last Sunday. Borne of our young men are en¬ gaged in the culture of grapes. Good idea, boys; stick to it. There is money in it if properly managed. T. L. I Live:; is the champion hawk catcher. He set a trap, and baited with the carcas of a hen, he caught a large one. John AVily is somewhat of an owl man. Jfe found one’s den, waited for its appear race and killed it. He examined the nest and found the car¬ cass of a chicken, a squirrel and a cat’s head. The demand for a pie is being made largely on the people for the hawk and owl. The academy at Eastanolleo is nearing completion, and applications are coming in for positions as teach- tT) j )Ut som ebody will be left, as our people do not intend to have child’s pla.v in the matter, by employing in- boys with a certificate from college, sent out for mere noto- rioty. AYe want a man that has the back-bonc and nerve and knows what he is doing. Our farmers are making some close calculations j«*t ndw, as the time is j approaching to lay in their supplies, j Tli£J M al<e »' ot -reckoning on what they ; need, but what they can do without. Buys looking out for a life partner should bear in mind that there is one up this way that is true blue. She was engaged in burning some rub¬ bish when her dress caught on fire, : and she had the presence of mind to ; j„ m? into the creek near by, and ex- | tinguished the flames, thereby com- jug out unharmed. [ Em lx Pasha. royston. Prof, Morgan 11. Looney, of l?o\v : ersville, was in town last Saturday, J. J. Rtu-kor is postal clerk at this oftiec. I J. A. Manley, of llm linn of .Afan- j | ley Bros., Carnesviile, was in town j Tuesday. •T. If. Campbell is building an ad- dition to his residence. AVo are sorry to state that little Grace \ Yost mon-Ian d is very ill with fever. Captain Ginn, of Bowman, was in town last Sunday. AYaher Hodges, of Hartwell, was in town this week. AYilber AYildor, of Fort Lamar, is visiting friends in town this week. Miss Molly Brown, of Kodwino, is visiting in town this week. Miss Ida Chamber visited in town last Monday. J. II. Maxwell, of Flberton, was in our city this week. G. P. Gary has the “lazy grip,” but is able to bo up, and we think if he will take proper care of himself he will be able to cross the creek next Sunday. J. W. Osborn sold nine bales of cotton last week at a good price. S. AY. Jordan is going to build four houses on Kail road street. The school at this place is on a boom. John T. Osborn, of Elbertcn, is visiting in town this week. The farmers arc very busy just now hauling away their supplies. Fk.v.nk M. Cook. FL1XTSYILLE. Your correspondent is just recov¬ ing from a very severe attack of measles. AYe regret to note the death of Airs. R. J. Crump. Mrs. Crump was a highly respected lady, and leaves a husband and eight children 4 liesi les a host of friends, who sincerely mourn her ioss. Old Grandma Landrum, accompa¬ nied by her grand-daughter, Miss Lula Arnold, of Ogletlmrjm county is visiting her son, Air. AY. A. Landrum. (-rain crops are looking well at this time. AYe learn that a debating society has been organized at Prospect. They will meet every Friday night, day with us. Every man is becoming I his own blacksmith. AYe were glad to see old Ilunte-r s creek church, one of the oldest ehnrel es in the county, pay up her pastor ^oe. Owing to her energetic and fearing members she will eon* in- to succeed. Among our enterprising farmers is Air. Robt. "Williams. He owns a farm on Middle river, part of which is known as the John Williams farm. He has cleared off every tree and shrub from the banks of tho river and turned the soil, and has it in the highest state of cultivation. Air. AY. lias this winter killed no less than 2, 500 pounds of pork. This is what energy and pluck will do, and if wo work our hands as well as our brains we will reap a greater yield when the harvest comes. JoAll. CROMER'S MILL. AY. F. Phillips, justice of our dis¬ trict, was called to Royston last Monday to administer justice. John Bruce and James Carntb, of Madison county, visited some of Un¬ fair sex in this section last Sunday. Sirs. Lula Baker, of AVest Bowers¬ ville, is visiting relatives in this sec¬ tion. J. AY. Bond and AY. II. Roach have some tine fields of wheat; and both are good fanners. There are very few farmers in this section who will have to buy corn from tbe West this spring. The farmers in this jiart of the. county are beginning to put in fortil- users, preparatory for an other cotton crop. Plow Bov. BOAYEKSVILLE. Americas Johnson is very sick. L. II. Crow lias been very ill for several days. J. M. Carson, of Carnesviile, was in town Thursday. Mrs. Looney is visiting ... he. mothc-i in Elberton. Otho David, who has been out of school tor sonic time on ace-unit measles, lias returned. Our school numbers over 100 pils, upd new scholars arc coming : ... Miss. Lois WickliiYc, one of 'man's most charming ladies, lias been visiting relatives in this place. A certain young man of tliii town , rii .d his luck on a wheel of fortune «•» *......»«>•**. »«■', ladies lmse, table napkins, and lam). mats. With each there was a pound of coffee. lie paid 30 cents a pound for the coffee and sold it at 10 cents. Hurrah for A1 Starr. Cum,i. i t. Subscribe for Tm: Hnti:i:pi:!se. 9T .'*}#**: nr no — AM)--- WOOD-WORK. All Kinds <if Ki'iialrliii' Done Very Promptly and in (food Order. Bring me your Work ant! I will Guarantee Satisfaction. 0. F. ISBELL, 8 - 8 . Rovston, Ga. BOYSTON HIGH SCHOOL Strictly on the liiiLicilve Sytcm. J. A. NEESE, PRINCIPAL. Located at Royston, Ga., on the K. A. L. Railroad, two miles from Franklin Spiings. Good water, good health, the best society, instructive churches and Sunday schools. Board can ho obtained at hotels or private families at §7.00 to >;;),00 per month. Hales of Tuition: First class (Classics) ........ t <3 00 Second “ (Advanced Kn<r.)....... 2 00 Third “ (Elementary “ ) 1 50 For further information address either J. J. BOND, Chairman Board < f Trustees, or J. A. N'KI’.SE, 8-34. Pi inciiial. PI 5 vn S: ” URHlTURTi AND House- Fu mSsh i ng$ - — A FULL LINK OF — BoerSteads, Safas. BUREAUS CHAIRS, CENTER TABLES ) SAFES, ETC., ETC. W. F. CUNNINGHAM 8 - 3 . Royston, Ga. m OM B * STO N E A ppyiff 12 i> a ts Te>’ U $ £ rlra its »i fa %£> i s — FROM THE — pi (JmpkstT foV ‘fasT p-i f t I will be glad to furnish the public with anything in my line. Prices guaranteed satisfactory. P. J. Puckett - 8-34 Elbcrton, Ga. -THE lIiiMsrs ol Lew Muss \)\IY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, SHOES, BOOTS, HARNESS, SADDLES ’■ GROCERIES. Lawrence’s Liver Stimulator a Specialty. Give mo a call. Respectfully, PIERCE & DOWNS, 8 - 8 . Royston, Ga. — AND — dT^OmECTIQNERIECSL Mice Goods — A -XI) — Low Prices. I carry a complete stock in my line, including drugs, i how ease no¬ tions, and all hinds of canned goods. Tobacco asul Cigars a Specialty. ’Next door to P. if. Bowers. B. CURRY, Royston, Ga. pm * * CSS % ^v?.vSSL'^. -Ly; r EOHoua GO 9 J ! -AND 43 ►3 ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE ABOVE LINE. Goods shipped to any point Jred, or furnished here. Lowest ( 0I . terms on lime. Respectfully, ■J-2’4 a. w. McConnell. * COME * ALL <> YE *• LOVERS * — OF — » :Low Prices Ami See the Wonderful Bargain. 1 : 1 am Offering in j LcldilCS’ DtOSS COOtiS, Rffien’s and boys’ Clothing, Hid ;, Shor n Jpana, ami Vnylhhtff Y s«ial!y Kept in a Fir-it-Ham Drv Good* Money. Itespeetlally, » s Royston, Ga, “LIVE AND LET LIVE” 13 OUR MOTTO. COME -TO SF. E - fin Immense S es A a S' CANNOT BE EQUALED .* IN *:* CARNESViLLE. Mini's and hoys’ suits from the wry host to tho very cheapest. AYe are now offering bargains in all kinds of Dry goods. Don’t let the oppor¬ tunity pass. Save your money by giving us a trial. In HATS and SHOES of every kind and style we are Loaders in Low Prices. In Stove; we doty competition, and can suit you in quality and juice at anytime. We keep all kinds of HARDWARE at the very lowest possible prices. TOBACCO! CIGARS! CIGARS! TOBACCO! In Tobacco we carry the bed and most complete line ever kept in Carnesviile. We can saves you at least It) per cent on the pound. M, jtJ, Flour, Suer, Colo mi Sy IT *zsss IF// A Uhl IIRADQUARTEIIS. Our stock is now in evorv line complete. Give us a trial and we will Certainly save von money. ;* 5 . ,. & J. B. fflcENTIRE, 3-20. Middle Room, Brick Building, Carnesviile, Ga. “—- HARDWARE OlA x HARMONY (HU)YE, GA. HEADQUARTERS -: FOR : ALL -: KINDS OF nraa Jr3i£^x s ci.."wai?e i AVrgon am! 15u;ggy Materials, Fanning Implements, Ditching Shovels, Spades, etc., etc., etc. ? a N »-'v J m < A •v. „ T3 mm 08 KM f* 7 *. Vs M H ’ The “Itoyid Keen Ivutter Ax” the best in tbe world. Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Rifle and Pistol Cartridges. Also COOK * STOVES. # HEATING ^ STOVES. THE • LEADERS * IN sr&mff *I KTi E ARE in our new quarters, and are ready to offer the public goods at prices that will secure their patronage. Our stock is complete as to assortment, AVe have entered the arena to take our place among the leaders in our line, and if you know tho value of a dollar we are hound to have a good portion of your trade. -3D COME o AND o SEE » US. West room in Masonic building. Respectfully, Welborn & Bro. Carhesville, Ga. n VT O BUGGIES, -^3 ans 3 CUTAWAY HARROWS 5 PLANET JR., CULTIVATORS, Get my prices before buying. Gen¬ eral blacksmitliing and repairing done oil short notice and as cheap as good VVC o k can be done. r,-l3 JAMES P. ADAIR. * ELBE 30 ■H 0 KX s illBfiH ■-> tas&sm ~ - . ■ m A II I.I, LINK OP PIANOS, ORGANS I — AM) MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Always on hand at prices and terms within the reach of all. Mrs. J. H, Maxwell, Elbert.on, Georgia. O'Y.y’Eaniples can lie seen by calling on Mrs. Spencer M. Smith, of Carnes- ville. 4-29. o [fills sM Fancy Groceries! _ THE — LARGEST and NICEST STOCK — OF — Fancy and Stick Candies, j Gum, Toilet Goods, Cologne, etc., on the Flberton Airline Railroad. I keep on hand a good stock Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Tobacco, and Segars. Prices at the Bottom, Come and see me. Next door Brooks & Tabor. W. HAYNIE, 4-23. Lavoma, Ga. Subsciibe for Tue Exteepkise. 7S9 ■■■■■ 1 a A m 3 o The store house formerly occupied occupied by Ah-Gunnell Bros, is now by Messrs. IcCOlBLL k CANNON, Finn consisting of ,T. C. McConnell and J. W. Cannon, the latter con¬ ducting the business. The now firm are receiving daily NEW GOODS —op— ALL « KINDS I >:t~ And are fast filling up their Mam¬ moth Store Room, and hope by LOW PRICES and prompt attention to merit a lib¬ eral patronage. 1-tf CONFECTIONERIES! —AND— o- My Store is Headquarters for any¬ thing that is good to eat. Prompt attention and * LOW * PRICES. * Next door to Aderhold’s hotel. J. G. BLACKWELL 3-28. Subscribe for Tiie Estekpeise.