The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, March 10, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. Official Organ of Franklin County. F.VETt Y~Mondav in. ,r. McConnell \si> geo. h. chillies, Furious Avn Proprietor*. CAllXESVIU.E, GAm march 1 18‘JH. DIRECTORY. CHURCH It*. M Baptist—New Oirneftville—Pastor, Rev. .1. ; preaching every second SnmUy uutl Sat- lie!ore. w Baptist— ( Tosh Road*—I\v tor, Rev. F. L. Sisk ; rrt‘*hyM»riun--l'a*tor, lirst Suuday and Rev. Saturday (I. 11. boioro. CartKdge; ■Jr- preaehinj; Methodl*.ti~raptor, every third Rev. Sunday. O. II. I'nfcluiM; K. Jtt'eaeiiiUK fourth Sunday and Saturday before*. Sunday school at each church at U a. in. TOWN HOVERS MEST. Mayor- I*. I*. Proffitt. m Counedinen-B. F. Aderhold, A. W. McCon- ' to ll, ,)amcb A. Manley, \V. ft. Rainpley. COl!NT V OFFICERS. | dTerk—d. Ordinary—Daniel M. IhiUip-, McKenzie, Fames ville. ('arucnvillc. 0 Sheriff—J. (’. Mci'omieB, Cainoavillo. k- Tax Collector-I.. ,1. Crt*cn, Carnes ville. m Tax Receiver—J. It. Fccrov, Lavonia. II Treasurer-T. 0. Burton. Iron Rock. ( oroiicr—JI. Ii, Hayes, Mizt*. County ('ouuuisBioucrs— J. U. Andrews*, Mize; R. J. Crump, Mize; \V. V. Holbrook, itoUlSpring. K. „ COURT CAl.KNDA It. iu r.upcrior March uiul Court September. eonveneii N. every L. Hutchins, fourth Monthly judge; R. ii. Uusbeil, solicitor •General. JL8TICKJ8’ CO CUT. jt 'If. Carnesville—J. 1*.; court day t* E. very Crawford, second J. Monday; I*.; S. M. bailiffs, Ayers, mb'. O. Randall and J. AT. Itamplcy. * ANNOUNCEMENTS. . FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I respectfully for announce myself as a candidate Tax Collector for the ensuing election in January next. If elected I shall endeavor to make the county a prompt and faithful officer. Respectfully, R. 31. Walters. FOR TAX RECEIVER. L With many thanks to the voters of Franklin county for past favors, I an¬ nounce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklin county at the ensueing election in January next. If elected I will do all in my power to fill the office to the best interest of the tax payers. Respectfully, Jesse R. Lecroy. BUSINESS LOCALS. Hardware Store, Harmony Grove, agent for King’s “Popular Sporting” powder, blasting powder, dynamite, fuse, ect. Welboru & Bro.’s is the place to buy your plantation supplies. The latest styles of Derby hats at he Enterprise Store. The Farmer Boy cart takes the lead. Sold by A. W. McConnell. Oatmeal at Black well’s. Oats at McConnell & Cannon's. For harness call on A. W. Mc- Connell. The Enterprise Store is getting in new goods daily. Hats from 25 cents to at 31c- Council & Camion’s. Bedsteads at A. W. 3IeConnell’s from $1.-15 to $7.00 each. You will save money l»y going to W. C. & J. B. McEntire’s for sugar, coffee, meat, flour or anything in the grocery lme. Bottom prices qii sugar, coffee and flour at the Enterprise Store. Diamond dye at Blackwell’s. Welborn & Bro. are selling the finest flour in town. AY. C. & J. B. 3IeEntire will sell you a tobacco that is ahead of afty- thing in town for 80 cents per pound. The latest styles of hats at the En- terprise Store. Bed springs from the cheapest to the best at A. AY. McConnell’s. Death to high prices! AVelborn & Bro. are slaughtering prices on boots and shoes. Go to AY. C. & .T. B. 3IeEntirc for cooking stoves. Thoy can suit you with the best and cheapest stove ever brought to Carnesville. The Standard buggy is the best. Sold by A. AY. McConnell. Stop your cough before it devel¬ ops into consumption, by taking one bottle of P. C. C. Sold at the En¬ terprise Store. Old Dominion tobacco at McCon¬ nell & Cannon’s. Peerless Cough Compound has no equal for colds, croup, sore-throat, etc. For sale at the Enterprise Store. Corrie Hoyt tobacco found only at the Enterprise Store. 3IeConnell & Cannon have the best stock of shoes in town. Go to the Enterprise Store to buy y%ur hats. There is no use in lying awake at night on account of coughing when one bottle of P. C. C. will cure you. For sale at the Enterprise Store. W. C. & J. B. McEntire will cer¬ tainly save you money on anything you want to buy. Flower seeds at the Enterprise Store. Beautify your homes. Fresh garden seeds at Welborn A Bro.’s. . LOCAL BREVITIES. Mrs. Jas. A. Manley is ill with measles. Miss Ola Manley is quite sick with measles. B. F. Aderhold will tickle the soil this summer. The Enterprise Store was recover¬ ed last week. R. 1). Vow, of Avalon, was in town last Tuesday. II. B. Nelms, of Hartwell, was iu town Tuesday. Dr. W. L. MeBath, of Martin, was in the city, saleday. Dr. J. R. Tucker visited Atlanta last week on business. Judge L. N. Tribble is to improve bis town property soon. The saw mills are coming in. What we want next is carpenters. S. 31. Ayers and T. W. Neal vis¬ ited Harmony Grove last week. Many teachers were in town Sat unlay for the purpose of securing con¬ tracts. J. Bell McEntire and J. Monte¬ video Carson visited Fort Lamar yesterday. A. N. King and J. B. McEntire went to Fort Lamar on business last Thursday. Every fanner in the county should read “Farmer’s” letter found in an¬ other column. Miss Lula Adams, of Red Hill, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. Mc¬ Connell, of this place. Mr. W. O. Tribble’s letter “Does Farming Pay,” found elsewhere, con¬ tains many good points. Mr. L. If. Crow, who is in school at Bowersville, visited relatives and friends in this part Saturday. Ds. L. K. Burruss has returned from Atlanta, after taking a post graduate course in his profession. Mesers. E. Bowers and J.E. Bond, of West-Bowersville, was in town last Tuesday, and gave us a pleasant call. Don’t say “if they get the Carnes- villc railroad,” but just say “when they get it.” It is only a matter of time. AA'hen you go to Royston be sure and call oil P. II. Bowers before leaving. If the South wants to boycot the meanest humbug in existence she should quit patronizing the refined lard trust. Knox & Allison’s Cotton Seed Compound, same formula as Swift’s, at 270 pounds of middling cotton, at Lavonia, Ga. Drs, II, M. Freeman and S. P. Rampley went to the Gate City last week to attend the closing exercises of the Medical College. The members of Carnesville Al¬ liance arc requested to be at the next meeting, March loth, 1890. AY. II. Rampley, President. Our neighboring towns bad better get a move on themselves in the way of selling guano. Carnesville will he in their way next season. Prof. AVoodfin has returned to Atliers after about two weeks, pros¬ pecting in our county. AA r e hope to hear favorable results soon. 125 cook stoves, 500 joints stove pipe, “Never Break” skillets, and a full line of stove trimmings, at the Hardware Store, Harmony Grove. John J. Rampley who has been sick with measles for sometime, is on the streets again, and will soon be able to take his place as freight con¬ ductor. AA”c learn that the residence of 3Ir. Ambrose 3Iartin caught on tire last Tuesday, and but for the timely dis¬ covery of a neighbor who was passing the house would have been lost. Buy Knox <fc Allison’s Cotton Seed Compound, same formula as Swift’s. One ton for 270 pounds middling cotton. Lavonia, Ga. Sixty thousand dollars goes out of Franklin county annually for guano. This is too much money to send out of the county to enrich other sec¬ tions. 3Ye should manufacture our own fertilizers. Carnesville needs a good brick yard and works. Some man will show good judgment by getting him self in shape to supply an almost eoi tain demand which will be made the time the brick is ready. 3Yc call the attention of our read- ers to the announcement of Mr. R. M. Walters for Tax Collector. Mr. Walters is a sober, intelligent and j | the honorable county, gentleman, if cdected, and a good will make Our Correspondents. EASTANOLLEE. February closed with heavy rains ami high waters, March came in quite cold and blustery. The order of the present time is log rolling and guano hauling. R. D. Yow & co. are furnishing the Alliance of Eastauallee and Liberty Hill with guanos, laid down at the Eastauallee switch. They will dis- pose of 100 tons at this place. They sell the guano and promise to furnish all the cotton bagging in the fall. Mr. Yow is a far-seeing man, and re¬ alizes the fact his main-stay is in the farmers of this section, and as no man is sufficiently independent to live to himself he is disposed to help others, thereby getting help from others. Sumpter & co. are laying down a large lot of lumber at the switch for shipment to other points on the road. Speed Stoneeypher is expected to set his mill down near here, shortly, on S. \V. Moseley’s lands. Oats! Oats! Who ever saw so many sown in one section? There doubtless will be more made, if the season is favorable, than Carter bad. Wheat is quite promising and seems to be rid of the fly since the heavy rains. MisaG. J. Stoneeypher is visiting her brother near Cadiz. II. R. Smith and son are attending court at Clarksville. 3Ir. Smith is the leading stock man of this section. He deals mainly in mules, and has six fine yearling colts. lie says there is more money in them than in cotton, and as the keeping of them demands more corn and forage, it affords more pleasure in farming. Our hoys continue to make war on the hawks and owls, and have killed several lately. J. II. Hayes is the boss rabbit man. He kills more than anyone else, and wants no better sport than to get a pack of dogs after one. S. AY. Moseley has manifested a spirit of mechanism in the invention of a new ring and hoook for a back¬ hand. lie says he will not apply for a patent under the present adminis¬ tration, as the chances would be bi t¬ ter for Slat Davis ar E. L. Duckworth to get it than himself. AA’e arc glad to note the improve¬ ment in The Enterprise. The ed- itorials and locals are just splendid. The people of the county ought to ra Hy to its support and make it what it ought to be, the official organ of the county, as it is already filling a place in journalism long needed. Emin Pasha. BO AVERS VILLE. John Tlirasner lias been confined to his room for several days. O. L. Moore passed through last week enroute to Bowman to visit bis parents. The young people enjoyed a lively game of snowballing last Friday. If you want all the news of the county take The Enterprise. The school was on the decline last week on account of bad weather. T. R. Check is having bis ware¬ house enlarged. 3iiss Nannie Burton, of Shoal Creek, who Is teaching near here, spent last Sunday in town. A Ye are informed that Mrs. J. II. Maxwell, of Elberton, will commence her music class here next week. J. II. Spears and B. F. Camp, of Carnesville, were here last week. Ke-ki-ou-kali, or Star, of the Chey¬ enne tribe of Indians, lectured in Bowersville on Thursday and Friday nights of last week. He spoke of The advancement of civilization among the Indians, their customs, habits, etc. He is a good speaker, and his lectures were logical. lie will lect¬ ure here again next Tuesday night. He will speak of the war with the Sioux, Gen. Custer’s last fight on the Big Horn, the Ute and Modoc wars, and the great Oklahoma trouble. Ell Aytch. ASHLAND. are about through in this section, as there is but little material f or them to work on now. 3Ve have bad several cases of fever anf | p neumon ; a j„ this section re¬ C(?nt i v> ijut we aix* glad to state that improving> j 3Ir and 3Irs. James Crawford, liv¬ ing near hero, lost a little child by death on the 5th inst. The bereaved parents have our sympathy. Owing to the inclement weather ou last Friday night the literary club at Central Academy had no meeting. Sheriff J. C. McConnell was in this section a few days ago shaking hands and leaving free tickets with some of the boys to attend court. It is un¬ usual to see the sheriff in these parts. J. W. Neal has purchased a new team. It is a taurus, and he has horns. John says “ lls how” the mountains are not in his way now. The school at Central Academy is growing rapidly. Prof. \Y. II. Cooper is one of the best teachers in the county. ii. j. ROYSTON. C. D. Turner has gone to South Carolina, where he will sell fruit trees for the Hartwell nursery. We wish him much success. Parks Higginbotham, of Fort La¬ mar, was in town last week. J. J. Bond had another very tine cow to die a few days ago. C’apt. Turner is improving, and is able to be on the streets again. S. N. Carpenter, of Elberton, was in our city a few days ago. Little Grace Westmoreland,daugh¬ ter of Rev. C. L. Westmoreland, is improving. IL P. Pierce visited Toccoa last week on business. R. W.Gillcland and Dozier Thorn¬ ton, of Hartwell, were in town last week. B. T. Holland and Frank Isbell, of this place, attended court at Dan- ielsville last week. C. P. Dodd, of Hartwell, passed through town last week. Alex. David and wife, of Bowman, visited relatives and friends in town last week. There is a young man m our town who has the forethought t<> send his girl plenty of paper for an answer when lie writes to her. The Royston Literary Society at its last meeting was on quite a boom, as it was the night for electing offi- cers. Tlie following are the officers elected for the next three months: Rev. Ford AlcCrca, president; Prof. J. A. Neese, vice-president; Miss Julia AVilder, secretary; G. P. Gary, librarian; J. A. Neese, R. M. Turner and Miss Leila Gary, tribunal; F. M. Cook, marshal; J. J. Rucker, treas- urer. Frank 31. Cook. Cotton See-1 Compound, the same formula as Swift’s, for 270 pounds of middling cotton per ton. Knox tL Allison, Lavonia, Ga. Resolutions. At the closing exercises of the third ( lass in penmanship taught in Carnesville by Col. A. L. Barge, the following resolutions were unani¬ mously adopted by the class: Resolved, That we recognize in Col. Barge an efficient disciplinarian, an able and faithful instructor in penmanship, and as such we cordially commend him to all persons desiring instruction in that beautiful art. Resolved, That in taking leave of him it affords us pleasure to express our appreciation of bis uniform cour¬ tesy towards us, and of his painstak¬ ing labors in our behalf while under his charge, and that while our best wishes for his future welfare go with him hence, we trust that lie may find it convenient to give another oppor¬ tunity for instruction in our midst. Resolved, That a copy of these res¬ olutions be furnished The Enter¬ prise and Tribune, with a request to publish the same. Royston Business Locals. Good stock of tobacco always kept on hand at prices to suit all, at Pearce it Downs’. Genuine Cuba molasses at J. J. Bond’s. The prospect is that the Royston High School will be turned into a complete graded school, preparing students for a specific class in college. New stock of groceries, such as meat, flour, sugar and coffee at Pearce & Downs. Give u.s a call and we will save you money. When you come to Royston be sure you call and examine my largo and well assorted stock of ladies’ dress goods. J. J. Bond. Y’oung ladies and gentlemen de¬ siring a complete, practical education would do AVellto attend the Royston High School. Shoes of all kinds for men and wo¬ men, boys and girls, black and white. Also a few kegs left for horses and mules, at J. J. Bond’s. Subscribe for The Enterprise. OUR NEIGHBORS. Y/hat the People Arf. Doing in Our Sister Towns. HARTWELL SUV. Next Hart. Superior Court promis¬ es to bo a busy one and more than or¬ dinarily interest ing. With five building and loan associ¬ ations it is not unreasonable to antic¬ ipate a revival building in Hartwell this summer- A very large crowd was in town salesday, and hundreds of wagons fined our streets, and trade was brisk. No public sales. Miss Minnie McEntire, a lovely young lady of Carnesville, has. been visiting friends in Hartwell and the county this week. Oba Norris of near Lavania paid us a pleasant call Tuesday. He is now canvassing in South Carolina for the Hartwell Nurseries. C. E. T'ssery of Bowersville, sends us a blackjack sprig If) inches long that sprouted this spring, with ten leaves as large as rabbit ears. THE JAC KSON HERALD. Before the cold snap .Mrs. Hill Ran¬ dolph had a beautiful pacb of English peas large enough to stick. We learn they have feen totally destroyed. Millcdge Bennett, colored, from Minish’s district, was tried Friday on a writ of lunacy and declared insane, lie was possessed of a good farm and other property. Boreas got here with his toes up Saturday night. Sunday showed up the beautiful snow in great shape, with every thing frozen hard as brick, including blind tiger liquor, which had to be broken with a mallet and eaten in chunks. P. II. Bowers, of Royston, will sell certain lines of goods at great bar¬ gains. If you want a good mattress call on A. \Y. .McConnell. Sheriff Sales. \TTIJX W l-c* soM on the house ffr-t Tuesday door in (‘arnes- April n. xt, at the court m viJh\ Said county, within the lt%al hours of sale, to the hi^he.-t bidder l'or cash, the following property, to-wit: One tract or parcel said of land lying adjoining In the Jffhth district, <1. M., of county, land* of Wesley Burnett, Lewi* Phillips, Doe-kina*, T. T. junk ins and the estate of N. V. dee’ll, containing furiv-dve Meres, more or less, all in original * levied the property of E. lorof. on as ,|, IMuoumand 10. -J. J the . Uussum, Justice’s tosatiidy of an ex- the edition isMi< fl irom court .T.’Otli district, M. of said eountv in favor of T. T. Doc-kins. Property defendants pointed out by required plain till. by Written notice given as law. ALSO at the Fame time and place, one sorrel horse about 15 years old- Levied on aB the property of J. M. Watkins to sati.-ly an execution issued from Franklin Supe¬ rior Court in favor of Talmon Harl>cr Holbrook against J. M. Watkins principal, pointed ami by I*. plaintiff’s C. attorney. seeur- it\. rroiwrty out ALSO at the same time and Levied place one one- the horse 18 steel tooth Nelms ln.y rake. satisfy on execution aw property of M. IL to an issued from Franklin Superior Court in favor of lb Phillips Co. again*t II. lb Nelm?. Property pointed out hy plaintitPw attorney. This March 18$), J. C. McConnell, SlnriJL A. N. KING, «€*- Attorney at Law and Real Es¬ tate Agent, CARNESVILLE, - - GEORGIA. ^‘ Office in court house. l-tf Slacksmifltlsig, AND - WOOD-WORK. All Kinds of Repairing Done Very Promptly and in Good Order. Bring me your Work and I will Guarantee Satisfaction. 0. F. ISBELL, 8 - 8 . Royston, Ga. ROYSTON HIGH SCHOOL. Strictly on the Inductive Sytcrn. J. A. NEESE, PRINCIPAL. Located at Royston, Ga., on the E. A. L. Railroad, two miles from Franklin Springs. Good water, good health, the best society, instructive churches and Sunday schools. Board can be obtained at hotels or private families at §7.00 to $9.00 per month. Itatos of Tuition: First class (Advanced (Classics).................. Eng.) $8 2 00 00 Second “ Third “ (Elemeutary « ) l 50 For further information address either J. J. BOND, Chairman Board of Trustees, or J. A. NEESE, 8-84. Principal. jpOBNITURlF! AND House Furnishings. A TULL LINE OF- Bed-Steads, Sofas, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, CENTER TABLES 5 SAFES, ETC., ETC. W. F. CUNNINGHAM, Ga. 8 - 8 . Royston, COME * ALL o YE * LOVERS * — OF — Low Prices .lull See the Wonderful Ihtrga iu* 1 am Offer In? iu Ladies’ Dress Coods, Men’s and boys’ Clothing, lints, Shoes, Jeans, and Anything Usually Kept in a First-Class J*ry Pood* Store. My Stock of Hardware, Crockery, Tobacco, Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Flour, Hay, Corn and llrau Is Complete. Live we a ( all and I Will Sate You Money. liespeetfully, J. J. BOND 5 Royston, Ga. “LIVE AND LET LIVE” IS OUR MOTTO. COME - TO - SEE - l r S. An Immense Stock of Clothing. CANNOT BE EQUALED IN CARNESVILLE. Men’s and boys’ suits from the very host to the very cheapest. We are now offering bargains in all kinds of Dry goods. Don’t let the oppor- tunity pass. Save your money by giving us a trial. In HATS and SHOES of every kind and style we are Leaders in Low Prices. Iu Stoves we defy competition, and can suit you in quality and price at any time. We keep all kinds of HARDWARE at the very lowest possible prices. TOBACCO! CIGARS! CIGARS! TOBACCO! In Tobacco we carry the best and most complete line ever kept in Carnesville. We can saves you at least 10 per cent on the pound. For loot, Lar3, Floor, Star, Colleo aid Snip WE ARE HEADQUARTERS. Our stock is now in every line complete. Give us a trial ami we will Certainly save you money. W. C. & J. B. McENTIRE, 8 - 20 Middle Room, Brick Building, Carnesville, Ga. . HARDWARE STORE I HARMONY GROVE, GA. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF Hardware ! AY agon and Buggy Materials, Farming Implements, Ditching Shovels, Spades, etc., etc., etc. Doors, - Sash - and - Blinds. The “Royal Keen Kutter Ax” the Lest in the world. Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Rifle and Pistol Cartridges. Also COOK # STOVES, # HEATING ^ STOVES. THE * LEADERS * IN HjO"w Prices I W E ARK in our new quarters, and are ready to offer the public goods at prices that will secure their patronage. ()ur stock is complete as to assortment, AVe have entered the arena to take our place among the leaders in our line, and if you know the value of a dollar we are bound to have a good portion of your trade. -5:< COME * AND » SEE a US. i€- A\ r est room in 3Iasonic building. Respectfully, Welborn & Bro. 8-ly. Carnesville, Ga, WAGONS BUGGIES, Garts CUTAWAY HARROWS, PLANET JR., CULTIVATORS, Get my prices before buying. Gen¬ eral blacksmithingand repairing done on short notice and as cheap as good work can be done. 5-18 JAMES P. ADAIR. * ELBERTON » MUSICHOUSE. A full line of PIANOS, ORGANS, - AND - MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Always on hand at prices and terms within the reach of all. Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, Elberton, Georgia. (gr'Samples can be seen by calling on Mrs. Spencer 31. Smith, of Carnes¬ ville. 4-29. Staple ni Fancy Groceries! — THE - LARGEST ^ NICEST STOCK — OF — Fancy and Stick Candies, Chewing Gum, Toilet Goods, Cologne, etc., on the Elberton Airline Railroad. I keep on hand a good stock of Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Tobacco, Snuff and Segars. Prices at the Bottom. Come and see me. Next door to Brooks & Tabor. W. H. HAYNIE, 4-29. Lavonia, Ga. Subscribe for Tire Enterprise. A CHANGE. o-— The store house formerly occupied by AfcOonnell Bros, is now occupied by Messrs. i Firm consisting of J. C. McConnell and J. \V. Cannon, the latter con¬ ducting the business. The now firm are receiving daily NEW GOODS —OF- ALL * KINDS 1 *■ And are fast filling up their 3Iara* moth Store Room, and hope by < LOW PRICES and prompt attention to merit a lib¬ eral patronage. l-tf CONFECTIONERIES! -AND—- Fancy Grocery. o- 3Iy Store is Headquarters lor any¬ thing that is good to eat. Prompt attention and * LOW * PRICES. » Next door to Aderhold’s hotel. J. C. BLACKWELL 3-28. Subscribe for The Enterprise.