The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, April 28, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. Official Oi’^aa of Franklin priiLlsm'.D EVERY MONDAY. lon. j. McConnell am. <h:o. s. Phillips, Kujtoiim and Proprietor*. CAUXKSVIIXK, (2A. t APRIL i», 1XM. DIRECTORY. meuciiRA. —X( w (’uruesvllU*—rahtor. Rev. J. ,!. Keck; luvnehiiitf every second Sunday and Sat¬ urday Indore. JSaptfrt— 1 Pro** Rond*—I'a'tor. Rev. K. L. Sii»k; luvuehiu#, first Sunday and Saturday before. Pre.diyterian—Pastor. third Sundi Rev. (2. II. Partied#?; |treaehim' MetlioiUst—Pastor, every Rev. ft: O. II Rutland; yreaeltlii# fourth Sunday and Saturday before. .Sunday school at each church at J) a. m. TOWN GOV EH VM l! NT. 4’ofiueihnen—it. Mayor—P. I*. Proffitt. F. AderlioM, A. W. McCon¬ nell, .lames A. Manley, \V. II. Rantpley. COUNTY Ol'T’fOKltS. [ Ordinary—Daniel McKenzie, Carnesville. Clerk- J. M. Phillips, Carnoville. Sheriff—J. c. McConnell, Carnesville. Carnesville. Tax Collector- L. .1. Urecii, Tax Receiver—,1. K. Lee coy, Lavonia. Treasurer—'T. C. P»urt<>n. Iron Rock. Coroner—II. II. Hayes, Mize. County Commissioners—J, M. Andrews, Mize; ft. <1. (Tittup, Mize; W. V. Holbrook, Hold Spring. COURT CALENDAR. Superior Court convenes every I..'Hutchins, fourth Monday in March and September. general. N. judge'; It. il. Russell, solicitor JUSTICES’ COURT. Carnesville— J. IC. Crawford. J. P.; S. M. Ayers, N. P.; court day every second Monday; bailiff's, W. O. Randall and J.'.M. Ramph y. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOK S1IE1SIFF. T respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, hoping that I may have a liberal support of the people, and promise, if duties elected, to faithfully discharge my as an officer. Respectfully, M<A\ J. B. I). irouTEit. FOK TAX UOI.l.EUTOU. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector. I need the office and am competent to fill it. If the peo¬ ple elect me I will endeavor to faith¬ fully serve them. Rupectfully, S. M. McDaniel. FOK TAX COLLECTOR. T respectfully announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector for the ensuing election in January next. If elected I shall endeavor to make the county a prompt and faithful officer. Respectfully, R. M. Walters. FOR TAX RECEIVER. With many thanks to the voters of Franklin county for past favors, I an¬ nounce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklin county at the ensuring election in January next. If elected ! will do all in my power to fill the office to the best interest of the tax payers. Respectfully, Jesse R. Lid hoy. SGYSTGM DEPARTMENT. J. .1. KUCKKli, EDITOR. W. L. Williams visited Hartwell last .Monday. Don't forget the exhibition on the 80th of May. C. A. Bond, of Hartwell, was in town last Sunday. Mr. Pearl Jones, of Hurt county, was in town las Saturday. (). L. Moore visited his best girl at Bowersville last Sunday. B. B. Westmoreland was down from West Bowersville Sunday. A. F. Westmoreland, who has been sick for several days, is improving. Luther Tucker, of near Bowman, has entered the Royston High School. Miss Emma Gary, who has been very sick with pneumonia, is improv¬ ing. When you want a good paper for one dollar call and subscribe for The Extkki’Uisk. D. C. Osborn, one of Franklin’s most prosperous farmers, was in town last Saturday. The surest way to kiH'a(u)nts is to hit your uncle’s wife on the head with a hammer. Rev. Dr. lloyt preached a very in¬ teresting sermon in the Methodist church Sunday evening. One of our farmers near town caught a rooster in his corn crib one day last week and tied a shuck to his tail in order to punish him. Three of our boys went fishing last Monday night and stayed till 12 o'clock, and did not catch but nine little minnows. Boys, I advise you to stay at home in the future. Franklin County’s Officers. Franklin has as good a corps of county officers as can be found in the State. Everyone without exception is efficient as to his duties. While other counties are fretting about high taxes and exposing corruption, 1* rank- lin is unmolested. She is free from ......w *..... . .... £ law, and Lis books open to inspection. This is a commendable showing for the county, and we should not be neg¬ ligent in keeping it this way- To Lave good comity officer; i; no matter. You will find a good line of harness at A. W. McColmi'llV. LOCAL BREVITIES. Where are yon, Joalff What has become of Girod? New white goods at the Enterprise Store. Rev. J. II. Ayers was in town Sat¬ urday. T. II. Morris lias returned from Atlanta. Mr. T. (). Burruss visited the Gate City last week. Col. B. F. Camp attended court in Athens last week. Dr. II. M. Freeman has a child very sick with pncuinauia. A. N. King made a business trip to Athens last week. Prof. J. R. Deaveors, of Red Hill, was in town Saturday. Mr. T. AY. Neal has been on the sick list for some time. Mr. \Y. P. Clark, of Elberton, vis¬ ited this place last week. Mr. J. II. Maxwell, of Elberton, was in town Wednesday. Carnesville was well represented at the Lavonia sale last Tuesday. Miss Jessie Harrison visited rela¬ tives and friends in town last week. For the nicest and tastiest line of millinery call on Mrs. S. P. 11am- pley. The season for games is now upon us. Checker playing has opened up lively. Air. A. Q. Adams and daughter, of Red Hill, visited Carnesville last week. -Mr. ITarvey Brown caught a carp in Middle river Friday that .weighed 9 pounds. There are twenty hands engaged in the construction of new buildings hi Carnesville. Trimmings, ribbons and notions of all kinds at Mrs. S. P. Rampley’s millinery store. Messrs. I). A. Baker and John G. Nelms, of Royston, were in town Tuesday on business. Mr. Gray, tin* jeweler, after rusti¬ cating in the country two or three weeks, lias returned home. T. .T. McConnell and (’. D. McEn- tire are home from the Martin Insti¬ tute, taking a week’s vacation. The saw mills, planing mills, car¬ penters, etc., make the welkin ring around town these mornings. The town council of Carnesville is a little slow in taking hold of things. Time is about up, gentlemen. Miles Rollins was committed to jail last week in default of bond, charged with selling liquor. I)r. S. P. Rampley lias about re¬ covered from his severe spell of sick- ecss, and is now able to be at his office. Mary Wilhite, colored, a sixteen- year-old girl of Lou Wilhite, living near town, died Friday last with con¬ sumption. The peach trees are dying in this section to an extent that is alarming. Some report having lost nearly every tree they have. The mayor and council seem to be afraid of our streets and side walks. Gentlemen, they ain’t no varmints under them logs or in them brush, either. Chess playing is now the game that is carried on in the temple of justice, and the King’s possessions are often in jeopardy. Married, on Thursday, April 24th, Mr. W. M. Busha, of Toecoa, to Miss Attic Cook, of Atlanta, Rev. Mr. Jamison, of Toecoa, officiating. John Kcslcr, who was charged with gambling, and plead guilty at the last term of court, was paid out last Wednesday by \\ . D. \N heeler. Messrs. W. R..Little, J. P. Adair and J. C. Blackwell left Friday morn¬ ing for Atlanta to attend the Confed¬ erate Veterans’ reunion. They will return to-day. Miss Minnie and J. B. MeEntirc left for Atlanta Thursday evening. Miss Minnie goes to spend several weeks m the Gate City, visiting rela¬ tives and friends. zzzzz Mr. A. Spcncc, ^....... | mail " itiiout paying unjust. postage. Such discriminations are Mr. J. W. Baty is done planting cotton. He is one of our beat farrn- and the community should U. proud of lain. If Franklin has any more like him please send them down this way. Goldmine eor. to Ilart- will Sun. THE POLITICAL CALDRON. Available Candidates Spoken of to Represent Franklin County. COI.. j. s. DORTCII. There is a strong sentiment tliro’- out the county that Colonel Dortch, owing to his well known ability and close alliance with the county’s prog¬ ress, is tin* proper man to represent the people in the next Legislature. CAl'T. .1. II. SI.K!II. Captain Sligh is a progressive fann¬ er and a man with a good stock of practical information, lie has many friends that would like to see him wearing legislative honors. m. r. .r. not,BROOK. .There is a general impression in the county that if the above named gen¬ tleman allows his name as a candidate that his chances for election are very good. He is president of the County Alliance, and it is thought would have a strong following in the order. Hi* devotes the most of his time to farm- ing. S. M. AYERS. Mr. Ayers is prominently spoken of by bis numerous friends. His su¬ perior ability in business affairs and his identity with the laboring class will most certainly give him a strong following if he should consent to make the race. A. X. KINO, ESQ. “Gus,” as lie is familiarly known, has a record which of itself would make him a strong candidate for any Franklin county office that he might wish. lie is strictly a self-made man, having reached his high stand¬ ing in the county through hard and honorable struggles. His friends are in every corner of the county that would be glad to honor him with their suffrage if he should aspire to represent the county in the next General Assembly. t. \. m’karlaxd. Mr. McFarland lias been urged by his many friends for a long time to consent to his name as a candidate to the Legislature, but being a farmer by profession and inclination lie has preferred to hold off, but the pres¬ sure being made <»: him by bis friends at this time will, it is thought by many, cause his candidacy. He is a systematic fanner, an enthusiastic A Him iceman, and a capable gentle¬ man. S. K. CAXXOX. Mr. Cannon stands at the very top as a successful farmer. He is closely identified with the educational inter¬ ests of the county, chock-full of bus¬ iness integrity, a leader in all enter¬ prises that have for their end the up¬ building of our county. If he could he prevailed upon to allow his candi¬ dacy he would be found to have great strength. I)R. T. O. UNDERWOOD. It is a well-known fact that Dr. Underwood has received the votes of more sub-Alliances as their first- choice to represent them in the next Legislature than any other man in the county. While many say that this does not necessarily give him the lead over all other candidates, all admit that it is a strong pul! for him. lie is recognized by many as the best man for the place in tin* county. d. m. m’coxxkll. “Mack” McConnell, as he is gen¬ erally known, is said to be the choice of his section as their next Repre¬ sentative, and would doubtless make a strong race if lie should enter the field. He has no superior as a farm¬ er in the county, and has a sound record as an honest worker for the Alliance. PROF. X. A. FRIUXS. Last, but by no means the least mentioned, is our worthy Represent¬ ative, Prof. N. A. Fricks, to succeed himself. Many of his friends think he will again he a candidate and they expect to make it mighty warm for his opponents. We present the honorable gentle- men to our readers with the remark that any of them would make a cred¬ itable representative. Attention, Camp Miilican. The members of Camp Miilican, Veterans’ Association of Franklin county, are requested to meet at the court house in Carnesville on the first Tuesday in May next, at 1 o’clock, p. m. By order of the president. J. M. Phillips, Adjutant. It makes no difference how fine your clothes are your suit is incom¬ plete without a nice hat. The latest styles at the Enterprise Store. Subscribe for Tin: Enterprise. Our Correspondents. IJOWKRSVIIJ.K. Picnics will soon be the order of the day. Misses Mattie Swift and Ida Jnek- soii, two of Lavonia’s most charming young ladies, visited Bowersville last Sunday. Jersey Hilliard, of near this place, is trying his skill selling hooks. Mrs. Walters, of Atlanta, is visit¬ ing her father, Prof. Looney. A. II. Strickland is having his house nicely plastered. .Miss Lola Westbrook, of near Carnesville, was down to see us last week. Come again, Miss Lein; we are always glad to see you. J. A. Driiiicr, a student from Cow¬ eta county, is entertaining a nice case of measles. The school boys have organized a debating society, and arc now dis¬ playing their oratory. The singing here hist Sunday, con¬ ducted l»y Profs. Vaughn and Don- nington, was well attended and en¬ joyed by all. Prof. F. 15. Doyle was ordained ruling elder in the Presbyterian church at this place last Sunday. Ei.i. Avtcii. OUR NEIGHBORS. What the People Are Doing in Our Sister Towns. 1IAUTWKLI, SI X. The Hartwell Bank is doing a good business. It is a wonderful conven¬ ience to the people. A young Baptist divine of this place is seriously eomtemplating going to Brazil as a missionary. More fertilizers have been sold in Hartwell this season than ever before, and the trade generally we learn was never better. Several parties have been pros¬ pecting in this section lately with the view of purchasing farm lands. All evinced an earnest anxiety to locate near a good school. TOUCHA NEWS. Mrs. D. J. Simpson who has been ill some days is very greatly improved in health. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Hubert Ramsey is recovering from her long illness. We regret to report the illness of Mrs. Will Kilgo who has been pros¬ trated for several days. The first lettuce of the season comes from the garden of Mrs. W. Kilgo: it is a very fine sample. KLRKKTOS STAR. The “boom” of Elberton is not an empty word but a reality. Dr. If. C. Edmunds has been con¬ fined to his room for the past week. We are to have street lights at an early date. Let the good work go on. In less than IS months we expect to have a railroad from here to Washington, Ga. Each and every one of our mer¬ chants say that the trade so far this season has been as good as they ex¬ pected. Royston Business Locals. School crayons at J. J. Bond's. The best iron stone china ut Pearce it Down’s. Call on B. Curry for dry goods, hats, shoes, etc. A new lot of genuine Cuba molas¬ ses at J. J. Bond’s. Money saved by going to Pearce it Downs. Go to B. Curry’s for canned goods, tobacco, cigars, etc. Ladies dress goods, latest styles, best quality, and prices to suit the times, at J. J. Bond’s. . The highest market price paid for country produce at Pearce Jk Downs. Try a package of “Lightning Horse and Cattle Powders,” sold and guar¬ anteed to give satisfaction by J. J. Bond. j, J. J. Bond carries the largest stock of shoes to be found in Boyston. I keep on hand always the best stock of family medicines. Pearce it Downs. ----—- Don’t get excited! C. B. Wei horn it Bro. will sell you line ging- hams at 8 cts. per yard, worsted from 8 cts. to 25 cts., line straw hats from 50 cts. to 81.50. A. W. McConnell sells the best rocking chair on (hr* maikct. Sheriff Sales. liriLK \\ 1»o M.ihl tjio on tlio Hr t TuOPduy dour in Carnes- in May m xt, at eomt hou*o villi', mill I comity, *ljl<l<Ur within tilt 1 oasli, U(C«t hours ■«( salt-, to tin 1 hiithert lor t>»* following l>ro|HTty, to wit: tine troot i.i loud 'villain the Vl.lth district, (!. M„ot l'r.inklin county, mljoinliiff lands ol I.. ('. Ilrown, lands l.<'lo»"in|.'to the estate of Canady Jarrctt, loss, all and others, original coiituiulngt'if'ht.v 1.evil'll acre*, more the or in lowsl, on and iim jiro[s rty ot At. I*. Urlaoo, by virtue of to sat¬ isfy a tax ft. fa. issued by I.. J. Orecii, Tax Col¬ lector, for tin 1 State and county tax of M. I“. lirisco for the year Ihsii. Written uotiett k'Ivcii defendant by I.. as .1. r.'<|iiired (ins'll, Tail by law. Collector I'rojK-rty of franklin pointed out county. Tills April 7. ,1. 1X1 C. hi. MeCosxi'.I.I., SliertlT. BUSINESS LOCALS. All kinds of ladies’ hats, from the cheapest to the finest, at .Mrs. S. 1*. Kampley’s. When you go to lh>yston be sure and call oil 1*. II. Bowers before leaving. Trunks and valises at McConnell & Cannon’s. Welborn it Bro.’s is the place to buy your plantation supplies. (Jo to the Enterprise Store for lady’s common sense shoes. (Jet our prices on hoes before buy- ing. MeConncll it Cannon. See my buggies and get n»v prices before buying. J. P. Adair. Young man, if you want to make your sweetheart smile, ride her in a buggy that lias a Miilhutton spring. Sold by A. W. McConnell. You are not dressed unless you have stylish shoes. The best stock at the Enterprise Store. Wo make prices for Carnesville’s dry goods trade, and undersell any other house. C. B. Welborn it llro. We will have some cotton cultiva- tors by the 1 full. McConnell A Cannon. W. C. it .T, I>. MeEntirc will sell you a tobacco that is ahead of any¬ thing in town for 30 cents per pound. P. II. Bowers, of Royston, will sell certain lines of goods at great bar¬ gains. The latest styles of hats at the En¬ terprise Store. Death to high prices! Welborn it Bro. are slaughtering prices on bi>ots and shoes. There is no tahaeco on the market for 1-R cents per pound that will equal the Old Dominion. Found at tin* Enterprise Store. Confederate Veteran cigar is the best f>-iT*nter on the market. Found only at McConnell it Cannon’s. A lot of new buggies just arrived. Come and see them and get my prices. J. P. Adair. No mon k evixo, but go right along to Welborn Bros., and they will show vou the cheapest stock of goods you ever saw in Carnesville. Every buggy I sell is guaranteed for one year. Prices from #43 to #85. A. W. McConnell. Old Dominion tobacco at McCon¬ nell & Cannon’s. Stop your cough before it devel¬ ops into consumption, Sold' by taking one bottle of P. C. C. at the En¬ terprise Store. Ladies tine common-sense shoes at the Enterprise Store. I am determined to sell buggies and carts as cheap as they can be bought anywhere in this part of the country. Give me a chance before you buy. A. W. McConnell. Peerless Cough Compound has no equal for colds, croup, sore-throat, etc. For sale at the Enterprise Store. Flower seeds at the Enterprise Store. Beautify your homes. There is no use in lying awake at night on account of coughing when one bottle of P. C. C. will cure you. For sale at the Enterprise Store. Bottom prices on sugar, coffee and flour at the Enterprise Store. I sell the best road cart on the market for the price. Call and be convinced. A. W. McConnell. Go to W. C. & J. B. MeEntirc for cooking stoves. Tli.vy can suit you with the best and cheapest stove ever brought to Carnesville. You will save money by going to W. C. it J. B. McEntire’s for sugar, coffee, meat, flour or anything in the grocery line. Corrio Hoyt tobacco found only at the Enterprise Store. If you want a good family buggy with two seats and pole complete go to A. W. McConnell and buy one for #j>8.00. 1*25 cook stoves, 500 joints stove pipe, “Never Break” skillets, and a f„ll line of stove trimmings, at the j Hardware Store, Harmony Grove. j office is fitted The Enterprise up with new job press and material. All kinds of work done promptly and neatly. 0 COME 0 ALL 0 *< 0 O 0 OF — Low Prices And Sec the Wonderful Bargains 1 am Offering In Ladies’ Dress Goods, Men’s and boys’ Clothing, Tobacco, a First-Plans Toffee, Dry Hoods Meat, Store. S Stock of Hardware, Crocker; , >i —n i r, Flour, Hay, Corn and llrau is Complete. dive inc a ('all and Will Save Von Money. Respectfully, J. J. BOND 9 Royston, Ga. “LIVE AND LET LIVE" IS OUR MOTTO. COME - TO - SEE - US. An immense Stock of Clothing. CANNOT -r BE EQUALED -r IN -p CARNESVILLE. Men’s and Ixiys’ suits from the very best to the very cheapest. We are now offering bargains in all kinds of Dry goods. Don’t let the oppor¬ tunity pass. Save your money by giving us a trial. In IIATS and SHOES of every kind anil style we are Loaders in Low Prices. In Stoves we defy competition, and can suit you in quality and price at any time. We keep all kinds of IIARDWARE at the very lowest possible prices. TOBACCO! CIGARS! CIGARS! TOBACCO! In Tobacco we carry the best and most complete line ever kept in Carnesville. We can saves you at least 10 per cent on the pound. For Meat, Lard, Fir, Sosar, Coffee and Syroj WJ3 AUK llEMXirMITEllS. Our stock is now in every line complete. Give us a trial and we will Certainly save you money. W. C. & J. B. McENTIRE, 3-20. Middle Boom, Brick Building, Carnesville, Ga. Eureka Cotton Planter, corn Dropper, --AND — Guano * Distributor * Combined. --THE BEST LABOR SAVED OX EARTH.- Also Brooks’ Cotton Planters, Dow Law Cotton Planters, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Plows, and all Seasonable Hardware. Ha dware Store! HARMONY GROVE, GA. THE * LEADERS * IN "W" E ABE in our new quarters, and are ready to offer the public goods at prices that will secure their patronage. < )ur stock is complete as to assortment, We have entered the arena to take our place among the leaders in our line, and if you know the value of a dollar we are hound to have a good portion of your trade. ^ COME e AND • SEE * US. *:£•- West room in Masonic building. Respectfully, Welborn & Bro. 3-1 y. Carnesville, Ga. WAGONS BUGGIES, Carts, CUTAWAY HARROWS, PLANET JR., CULTIVATORS, Get mv prices before buying. Gen¬ eral blacksmithing and repairing (lone on short notice anil as cheap as good work can he done. 5-1K JAMES P. ADAIR. *ELBERTON * MUSICHOUSE. A FUl.l. LINE OF PIANOS, ORGANS, — AND — MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Always on hand at prices and terms within the reach of all. Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, Elberton, Georgia. (^'Samples can be seen by calling on Mrs. Spencer M. Smith, of Carncs- ville. 4-20. Staple aii Fancy Groceries! — THE — LARGEST and NICEST STOCK — OF — Fancy and Stick Candies, Chewing Gum, Toilet Goods, Cologne, etc., on the Elberton Airline Railroad. I keep on hand a good stock of Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Tobacco, Snuff and Scgars. Prices at the Bottom. Come and see me. Next door to Brooks it Tabor. W. H. HAYNiE, 4-20. Lavoma, Ga. Subscribe for Tiie Enterprise. THF H. Y. FAMILY STORY PAPER. PROSPECTUS FOR 1890. As in the past year, so in the coin¬ ing one, the New York Family Story paper will strive to maintain its lead over all its competitors in circulation, excellence of its stories, sketches, po¬ ems, etc., artistic effect of its illustra¬ tions, and exquisite typographical ap¬ pearance. Staff of Contributors. Its well-known and most popular authors, such as Nelly Bly, Emma Garrison Jones, Charlotte M. Kings¬ ley, Mary Kyle Dallas, E. Burke Collins, Charlotte M. Stanley, Wen- on,a Gilman, Martha Eileen liolohan, Marie Walsh, Horatio Alger, Jr., T. W. Ifanshew, John Do Morgan, Dennis O’Sullivan, etc., will be still further augmented by a number of other distinguished writers. Terms to Subscribers: One copy, for one year........... #S 00. One copy, six months............... 1 f>0. One copy, four months.. 1 00 . Four copies, one year............... 10 00, Address, Monro’s Publishing House, 24 and 20 Vandcwatcr st., N. Y. L IPP/NCO and excellent TT S contents, MAC.AZMM. is a library with Hi in variU itself. It was indeed a happy thought to print MM entire neve! in each number. Not a short novelette, but a tong story such Mi you are used to ft in booh form and pay from OHM dollar to one dollar and a half for. Not only that, but with each number you get am abundance good of other besides contributions, which gives you a magatine the ssevel. It does not follow in old bialeu paths,—which it an easy task,—but is perpetually discovering new and pleasant ones, and following them too. ‘fhe ringing blows which hav* been struct on the gateway ofpopular favor, have resounded through¬ out the entire laud, and to day Lippincott's publications Mugu- tine stands tn the front rank of monthly , and is the most widety-read-and-talkod-of publica¬ tion of its kind in the world. For full descriptive circulars, address UPPINCOrr S MAGAZfNB. Philadelphia. oo per year. 25 cts. single number, the publisher of this paper will receive your Subscription. Don’t buy a cart until you see me. I have a good lot that will arrive in ,*i few days. A. A. McConnell.