The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, September 26, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. Offic ial Orian of Franklin County. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. l.ON. J. MWUJfNKU. vn ii (IKO. s. I-II1U.U-S, JAirroiss ANH Flcin-mi'.Toiui. Carnesrllle, Oa., September '2(5, 1 Still. DIRECTORY. uiiuiwnE#. IlaptlPt—Xnv (’arnesvillc—Pastor, ltcv. .T. 4. Ifcwk; nmuTiius every seeowl Sunday ;uul S;it- ur<l:t\ IttTore. llifntUfc—(T <hb Sunday Rond*—Pa-tor, and Saturday ttev. K. before. R. Sisk; »imtehmjr. tir-t Pre-bvternm— Pantor, Rev. II. Partied^*; preachifiir every third Si unlay. Methodist—Pastor, Ih v. It. (>. R. Knj*’1and; before. preachingXoiU’th Sunday school at Sund each i.v church and Saturday at a a. in. TOWN r.OYKUNMF.NT. Mayor—P. P. Proffitt. tduncilmeu—li. F. Aderbold, A. \V. McOun- tu*U, James A. Manley, W. ffl. Itampley. COUNTY OFF1CKU*. i t'leik—X Ordinal}'—Daniel M. Phillips, McKenzie, ('arne.-ville. CaniosviUc. Sheriff—J. Collector—L. P. McConnell, Carnesville. Tax J. Oreen, Came>vil!c. Tax Receiver—J. 1*. Lccrov. lVon Lavojiia. Treasurer—T. (\ Hurt on, Hock. Coroner—K. II. Hayes, Mize. County Commis-ionei^— J. M. Andrew 4 , Mize: It. J. Crump, Mize; W. V. Holbrook, Hold Spring. CO C Hi' CA LUN 1)A If. Superior Court convenes every fourth Monday in March and September. solicitor \. f.. Hutchins, judge; li. is. Kussell, general. JUSTICES’ COURT. Carncsville—J. K. Crawford, J. P.*, S. M. Ayers, N. P.; Ran court dull day and every J. M. second Monday; bailiffs, W. O. UampUy. NOTICE To the Tax Payers of Fraakhn Couuty. I will bo at the different district preeints on the different times below mentioned for the purpose of collect¬ ing the taxes for the year 18‘JO. 1'liiST EOl*N*l>. 808 Doolei's, Aioudav, Oct’r Ctb 210 Gunnells, Tuesday, “ 7th 1420 Middle River, Wed’y “ 8th 870 31anleys, Tharaday, “ 9th 1808 W. Bowcrsville, Fri’y “ 10th 204 Gainesville, Saturday “ lltli 212 llyrams, Monday, “ 18 th 200 Bryants, Tuesday, “ 14th 218 Gumlog, Wednesday, “ 15th 1877 Red Hollow, Thurs’y “ 10th 215 Big Smiths, Friday, “ 17th 207 Wolf Fit, Saturday, “ 18th 211 Flintsville, 3Ionda\*, “ 20th 812 Stranges, Tuesday, “ 21st SFY'ON'I) eol*xd. 208 Doolet’s, Wednesday, “ 22d 210 Gunnells, Thursday, “ 28d 1420 .Middle River, Friday, “ 24th 870 Manleys, Saturday, “ 25th 1803 W. Bou-crsville, 31 on. “ 27th 20t> Biyants, Tuesday, “ 28th 218 Gaming, LVeilriesday “ 29th 1877 Red Hollow, Thur’y, “ 30th 215 Big Smiths, Friday, “ 81 st 2<>7 Wolf Fit, Saturday, Nov. 1st 212 F\*ratns, 3fonday, 3d 204 Garnesville, Tuesday, “ 4th 812 Flintsville, Wedneskay “ 5th 812 Stranges, Thursday, “ 0th THIJlI) EOL'XD. 210 Gunnells, Friday, “ 7th 208 Dooleys, Saturday, “ 8th 1420 Middle River, 3Iouday, “ 10th 870 3Iauk‘\*s, Tuesday, “ lltli 1808 W. Bowcrsville, Wed. “ 12t h 200 Bryants, Thursday, “ 13th 218 Gumlog, Friday, “ 14 th 1877 Red Hollow, Saturday “ 15th 212 Bvrams, Mondax*, “ 17th 215 Big Smiths, Tuesday, “ 18th 027 Wolf Fit, Wednesday, “ 19th 211 Flintsville, Tharaday, “ 2t.'th 812 Stranges, F’riday, “ 21st 204 Garnesville, Saturday, “ 22d On tlie 2d dav* of December I will close my books at Games! ilk- for the year 1890. I feel very grateful to the people of Franklin for what they have done for me. Feeling that I have discharged the duties involved on me to the best of my abiiit\*. I remain voitrs GREENE,’ very truly, L. J. T. C. F. G. A Falsehood Hailed. A report has been circulated in Garnesville this week that I stated when in Hart county recently that I said ‘ A few prohibitionists and Al- liancemen were trying to run the county diy, but they could not do it.” The above statement, embellished with several paths, is being industri¬ ously circulated. I charge the whole statement, or any similar one, as be¬ ing a malicious falsehood in every particular, and challenge the produc¬ tion of the proof. Sept. 24, 1890. If. G. Fbi:em.vx. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the next General Assembly of Georgia for the passage of a local bill, of which the following is a title: “An act to reincorporate the town of Royston in the count}* of Franklin* to define its limits, provide for its government, confer municipal powers and privileges upon it, and for purposes.” This September 2G, (Signed) G. A. WlLDEB. Blood and skin diseases cured Dr. King’s Royal Germetuer. sale by A. W. .McConnell. Liver, bladder and kidney cured by using Dr. King’s Germetuer. Soil by A. W. Me Connell. -USE CRAWFORDS ECZEMA WASH —(SKIN CUKA.)— For All Skin Diseases, —FOR— Heat in All Its Stages* — AND — All Affections of the Scalp. For sale by Du. S. P. Hami’i.kv. 3HSL LOCAL BREVITIES. To Our Correspondents. AA’e hope it will he convenient for our correspondents to send in their communications on Tuesday and Wednesday, as we cannot get them in if they come in as late as Thurs¬ day. We appreciate your letters, and would be glad to hear from you each week. Wanted Bad—A first class barber. A gentleman of color preferred. Miss Dora Carson, of Bold Spring, visited Miss Minnie McEntire this week.' 31r. A\’. T. AVilliford and lady, of Harmony drove, visited in town Sun¬ day and Monday. Prat Brown, who has been taking special lessons under Prof. Looney, has returned to his home in Macon. “Alabastine,” the cheapest and best coating, for walls and ceiling, at L. G. Hardeman & Bro., Harmony Grove. .Air. X". S. Alexander, the genial editor of the Harmony drove Age, gave ns a pleasant call last Tuesday. Sunday last was a bad day for the Association. It is to be regretted that so many yellow-legged chickens, “stewed fruit and light-bread” should “go a-begging.” Col. R. II. Kinncbrew lias resigned the editorship of the Danielsville Monitor, and .Air. B. X. AA'liile has succeeded him, having purchased Col. K.’s interest. Read advertisement of L. G. Har¬ deman Bro., Harmony drove, da., in this issue. Those desiring to paint their houses cannot buy painting ma¬ terial cheaper in Atlanta than from this firm. Thos. J. AA’oaver, of this county, procured some pure seed of the flour¬ ing corn. In order to keep it from mixing with the common corn he planted it in the midst of his sorghum cane patch. To his great surprise when he gathered his flouring corn he found it had mixed with his cane, some of the ears being a beautiful red and others streaked with red. AVlio can get up a more common mixture—-buscuit and syrup ? Get our prices on clothing and hats before buying. McConxet.i. it Ca>: non*. New Advertisements In this week’s paper will be found several new advertisements, and we do not hesitate to say that they rep¬ resent f lic very best houses in the country in their respective lines. AA’e call special attention to the ad¬ vertisement of the organ and piano house, Athens, Ga., conducted by 3Ir. Hope Hale, who thoroughly under¬ stands his business, and is prepared to offer his customers every induce¬ ment that a legitimate business will allow. AVe heartily recommend this house to all who wish to purchase or pianos. The advertisement of the Hard¬ ware Store, Harmony drove, should be carefully read. This is the lead¬ ing establishment of the kind in this section of the state, everything being handled largely and purchased direct from headquarters, The stock is owned by that admirable gentleman, I)r. L. G. Hardeman, and is man¬ aged by 31r. Benton, who takes spe¬ cial pains in giving satisfaction to their large patronage. ilany of our readers will be glad to sec the advertisement of L. G. Hardeman & Bro., paints, oils, etc. These are goods that the unsurpassed development of the country demands, and which are frequently very hard to secure. This house deals exten- sivt-ly in these goods, and the sur- rounding trade can depend on them for any and everything in this line. Besides paints, oils, etc., Hardeman it Bro. carry a line of drugs that would do credit to any city drug store in the state. We can conscientiously say to our readers that business men who ad¬ vertise make a study of the people s wants, and as a rule are the best houses to trade with. All of the Lightning medicines at McConnell & Cannon’s. Sold on a positive guarantee. CLOSINO EXERCISES Of the EasttmaUec School—Prof. M. H. Looney’s Speech. Morgan 11. Looney, the great Southern educator, lias been with us. lie delivered an address at the clos¬ ing exercises of l*rof. Busha’s school on the evening of the 19th inst., tak¬ ing as his subject, “Determination, Application, Energy and Persever¬ ance.” lie held the school and au¬ dience spell-bound for one hour, showing the four points in his text as essential to the final triumph of every undertaking, illustrating by the ex¬ ample of all the great men of the na¬ tion—Clay, franklin, Moore, Cal¬ houn, and the world-renowned Hum¬ boldt. He showed with vivid force the effort on the part of Franklin. The audience could almost see him leaving his home at the age of til; his passing through the streets of Philadelphia with a ginger cake un¬ der each arm, and the Lady Reed laughing him to scorn; we could see smiling in his bosom a determination to woo her and make her his wife; we behold him applying himself in the printing office afterwards, becom¬ ing the greatest of American philos¬ ophers, spinning out the silken cord to his kite and bringing into subjec¬ tion the electricity of the clouds, by which the world can converse to¬ gether in a moment or in the twink- ling of an eye. lie showed by illus¬ tration the power of the four points in the text by Calhoun poring over his books at a late hour of the night, thereby becoming the greatest states¬ man of the world, when in the U. S. congress lie shook the nation. There were several declamations and dialogues, interspersed with mu¬ sic, and the acting of the various clowns. The whole affair was a pleasant one, and reflected great credit oil Prof. 1 haslet for his manly efforts. Vi'e were thoroughly con¬ vinced in the exercise of the clowns that it was easier for a white man to act like a negro than for a negro to act like a white man. , Franklin county should bo proud of 3Iorgan II. Looney, and labor to keep him. He belongs to Franklin county by birth, and should be kept here. Tom. Use Dr. King’s Royal Gernu-tner for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, etc. Sold by A. AY. McConnell. You can purchase a first-class or¬ gan from Ilaselton &• Dozier, Athens, from $50.00 to $100.00. P-cyston Sipples. George Xcese is clerking for B. E. Bryant. Miss Julia Wilder is visiting friends at Fort Lamar. The stock of drummers seem to be complete and “full up.” John Duncan, of Goldmine, is keep¬ ing books for AY. A. Royston & Son. Owen L. Moore visited our town last Sunday. He certainly had a big time. 3Iiss Effie Agnew left last Alondey for Lagrange where she will enter college. Judson A. Cautlicrn 1ms bought out Hilliard & Fleming’s codfec- tiouery. Dr. J. D.Vcal has moved his drugs into the house west of Little & Le- grand’s store. Frank 31. Cook is making milk shakes and drawing soda water for J. A. Cautlicrn. AA'ilborn AA’ilder and Webb Hutch¬ erson, of Fort Lamar, was in our town last Sunday. Prof. Lee 3Iason, assistant teacher of the Goldmine school, is now clerk¬ ing for P. II. Bowers. J. J. Bond has the latest thing in the way of a shoe. They are marked “all wool and a yard wide.” Messrs. Little & Legrand have opened up a large stock of goods in the Campbell, A’eal & Campbell old stand. The post office has been moved to Hilliard’s old confectionery stand, and Cautlicrn is keeping in the old post office house. 31r. James Hall, of Cromers 3fill, was in our city lust .Alonday. From the way he talked we think lie knows something of the mule getting away from the Prof, and Plowboy. Miss Emma Gary visited Atlanta last week and purchased a nice stock of millinery goods. -She lias opened them up in the store south-west of the depot. Parties needing goods in her line will do well to call on her. Notick.—I will be to see you in a few days to deliver the book you bought of me last spring—“The Story of America.” Please be prepared to lake it when I call. Respectfully, J. J. Ruct.ku. Court fro .'codings. Following arc the couit proceed¬ ings up to Wednesday night: J. A. Singleton vs. 31. K. Single- ton. Totnl divorce grunted. State vs. Jones 3Iisdo- meaner—plea of guilty. Caloway and Susan Yb-kory v.s. Ira Teat. Damages—verdict for plaint ill. S. M. Grier vs. F. J. drier. Di- voree granted. J. \Y. Holbrook vs. Mrs. X. E. Jackson. Complaint on mite—judg¬ ment for plaintiff. The State vs. AV. J. Sandora. Misdemeanor—plea of guilty. The State ys. George Crisp. Mis¬ demeanor—plea of guilty. State vs. Joseph Kloeekler. Mis¬ demeanor—plea of guilty. State vs. Gabriel Eddins. Assault and battery—plea of guilty. Simmons & AV right vs. Win. Hos¬ ier. Foreclosure of mortgage—dis¬ missed at plaintiff’s cost. State vs. AY. If. Haney. Misde¬ meanor—plea of guilty. State vs. P. d. Clarke. Assault and battery—plea of guilty. Eliza Hayes vs. J. M. Phillips, ad¬ ministrator of II. II. llayes. Appli¬ cation for dower—commissioners ap¬ pointed. 11. M. Payne vs. W. E. Bowers. Foreclosure of mortgage. Rule ab¬ solute. II. M. Payne vs. S. M. Wells. Foreclosure of mortgage. Buie ab- sojute. AA’. R. Bruce vs. Henry Wheeler. Foreclosure of mortgage. Rule ab¬ solute. State vs. Win. Lankford, two eases. Misdemeanor—plea of guilty in eaeli ease State vs. Jas. MeCeam. Misde¬ meanor-plea of guilty. Naneey D. Campbell v.s. J. T. Campbell. Divorce—first verdict. Caroline Wilborn vs. S. 31. Mar¬ tin. Damages—judgment for de- fendent for costs. 1-’. A. Mabry vs. 31. 31. Starnes, J. 31. Phillips guardian claimants. Claims dismissed. F. A. Mabry vs. 31. 31. Starnes. 1 llegalit y—dismissed. J. 31. Hunt, administrator of Georgia B. Langston, v.s. Ranny Means, administratrix of J. V. Means. Suit on note—judgment for plaintiff. W. C. Edwards vs. J. L. Henson. Foreclosure of mortgage—Rule ab¬ solute. MKMUKRS OF TIIK BAB. J. F. Shannon, J. X. Worley, 1\ 1*. Proffitt, Elberton. A. J. 3IcCurry, J. J. Strickland, Athens. D. AV. Aleadows, John E. Gordon, Danielsville. AV. 1. Pike, Jefferson. F. B. Hodges, AV. L. Ilodges, Hartwell. Ab Wolford, P. 31. Edwards, IIo- iner. J. W. Owen, S. 31. Smith, Lewis Davis, Toccoa. PAINTS, OILS, YAIISHES. Anyone desiring to Paint will do well to call on us before buying. AVe are agents for LONGMAN & MARTINEZ PURE PREPARED PAINTS, A. P. TRIPOD’S READY-MIXED PAINTS, ST. LOUIS RED SEAL LEAD, And many others. AVe cannot fail to please, you. Come and see what Alabastine is: One of the cheapest and best coatings for ceiling. L« G, Hardeman & Bro., 2 3Iain st., Harmony Grove, Ga. BLACK- -SMITHING! I am now prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithiiig. HORSE-SHOEING —AM)— TIRE * SHRINKING A SPECIALTY. All work promptly attended to. You will fin me at the Bob Brown shop. J. L. EMPHILL. STOVES! TINWARE! — ami — # HOUSE i FCRinSHlKG < GOODS. • ANYTHIN!! YOU WANT IN Till! AllOYK LINK. At the lowest possible prices. ROOFING AND GUTTED1NG Done anywhere promptly by best skilled workman. Call on or write for prices. J. II, Maxwell, 4-2‘J. Elberton, Ga. Money to Loan. On improved farm lands, in sums of #1500 and upwards, l’ayable in small amount instalments. Terms easier and rates lower than heretofore offered in the county. Call and see me if you wish to borrow. W. I*, Lrm.i:, Attorney, So Cornesville, Ga. ♦ • M- Organs at the lowest prices and on the best terms at A. \V. .McCon¬ nell's. All kinds of buggies and road carts sold by A. AV. McConnell. If you need furniture call on A. AY. McConnell. Fine colored over shirts at McCon¬ nell Jk Cannon’s. Call on A. W. McConnell for clocks. ANNOUNCEMENTS. l*oi: tiik i.Keiisi..vrri:K. I hereby announce Legislature. myself as a eleet- can¬ didate for the If ed 1 will earnestly strive- to the best of iny ability to discharge- the duties of the office with credit to ntyse-lf, with satisfaction to iny constituents, and to the* welfare and be-st interest of Georgia ami Franklin eounty. So¬ liciting your votes, 1 remain your humble servant, II. G. Fbkeman. FOB e-MKRK OF TIIK e eillKT. I respect t ally announce iny candi¬ dacy for t lie- office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin eountv. If elected 1 promise to discharge tin- duties of the office faithfully. J. A. McCav. Fob tax coi.i.i:< Ton. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector. If I am elected 1 promise to discharge the duties of flit- office to the best of my ability. Re¬ spectfully, Al.liX WlllTK. FOB HIlia;IFF. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Franklin county without any combination or solicitation of any man or set of men. If elected my purpose is to appoint a jailer, but will make no promises to any one until after the election. 1 further intend to give iny entire time to the office, and discharge its duties to the best of my ability. Thanking in the the people for their support past, 1 still solicit tlu-ir lu-arty sup¬ port in the future. I am your humble servant, Joii.v C. 3I< C.vutkb. FOR TIIK l.KUISI.ATl'RK. After receiving the endorsement of Franklin county Alliance, and being urgently solicited by a very consider¬ able number of voters of the county who are not members of the Alliance, 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the Legislature, promising if elect¬ ed to legislate to the best of my abil¬ ity for the good of the people, strictly mi tin- line of “equal rtghts to all and special privileges to none.” T. G. UxnKinvoon. FOlt TAX ltKI KI VKIt. I hereby announce mv candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Franklin county, and promise the vo¬ ters, if elected, that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office. AY. R. Thomas. Fob TttKASriiKB. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer of Franklin county. If elected I will uso every effort to fill the office sat- isfactorily to the people, thanking them for past favors. T. C. Binrox. fob oi.kbk of the coi kt. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereby announce myself as a candi¬ date for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court at the ensuing election in January next. ! am very thankful to the people their for past favors, hoping to receive support again. I have but one prom¬ ise to make, if elected that I will per¬ form the duties of the office promptly possible. and in the best manner Hoping a favorable response from the people, l am, respectfully, J. 31. FOB TAX' Ortl.I.KCTOK. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Franklin county, and promise if elected to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. Ees]K.-ctfu!ly, M. C. Ramflky. FOB SIIKBtFF. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, hoping of that I may have a liberal support the people, and promise, if elected, to faithfully discharge my duties as an officer. Respectfully, •). 15. 1). M< Wnoirri:. FOB TAX Cof.J.Krroi;. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector. 1 need the office and am competent to fill it. If the peo¬ ple elect me I will endeavor to faith¬ fully serve them. Kepectfully, S. 31. Mi Damki.. FOB TAX COI.I.ECTOK. I respectfully announce myself for as a candidate for Tax Collector the ensuing election in January next. If elc-ctcd 1 shall endeavor to make the county a prompt and faithful officer. Respectfully, R. 31. AVabteks. T V X K< KIVK. With many thanks to the voters of Franklin county for past favors, 1 an¬ nounce my name as a, candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklin county at the ensucing election in January next. If elected 1 will do all in my power to fill the office to the best interest of the tax payers. Respectfully, J KSMl R. LkcKOY. GrlXllSl GrTXXLSl A large and se!e< t stock just received from Europe of all grades. PISTOLS. A large stock of the best makes just received. Also Rifle and Pistol Cartridges, Powder, Shot., Caps, IIrasa and Paper Shells. COOK STOVES.^® CHEATING STOVES. A full assortment always, on band. The “Royal Keen Rutter Axe” the best in the world. Rubber and Leather Belting. The Celebrated Oliver chilled Plow and other Plows. Wagon and Buggy Materials. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ditching shovels, spades, etc. Hollow are, Tinware*, Table and Pocket cutlery, carpenters’tools. A full assortment always on hand. !>ngg\ harness, horse collars, blind bridle's. In filed, we are headquarters for all kinds of Hardware. Bo sure to call mid examine oeir stock. HARDWARE STORE 5 :iS HARMONV GROYE, GA. PIANOS Am ORGANS! -- THE- Id ReiiaMe Masea & Hamlin IS THE BEST, ami why waste your money buying trash? (’bickering, Mathushek, and Sterling Pianos. Over two hundred thousand Mason & Hamlin Organs now in use. AA’e keep the Baby Cabim-ts for Teachers always on hand. Price $22.90 to music teat hers. A splendid Walnut Case, Six feet high, with Couplers and Double Action, for $50.00. Beat it if you can. ‘ S/>cciat Prices to the AHUo/tce. Call and see or write me for terms of easy payment before buying. HOPE HALE SftUSJC HOUSE, 242 BROAD STREET, ATHES, GA. Next to Cbilds, Nickerson A- Co.’s Hardware Store. 88 Institute. FALL TERM, 1890, -BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1890.- AND CONTINUES SIXTEEN WEEKS, Under the management of the foliowing corps of teachers: »S. 1\ OKK, - Prineipal. I. G. HUDSON, - First Assistant. Miss NETTIE 31ET11Y1N, Second Assistant. Mis ADA MoKLlIAXNOX, - Third Assistant. Mrs. AV. I*. RIVERS, - Music, Teacher. - Art Teacher. RATES OF TUITION: Resident pupils within public-school age, per month Resident pupils over public-school age, per month .............. Non-resident pupils........................................................................ Tuition due at the end of the term. Pupils will be charged irom date of entrance to the end of the term, except in eases of special arrangement beforehand or pmvidencial causes for as long a time as two weeks. The discipline will be thorough. Xo association of the sexes, except so nmeli as is necessary sn class recitation and din ing school hours. One or more of the teachers’ presence will be required from opening to close cf the school each day. HEADQUARTERS -AT «—s s—s /—•V N /*S /**■, /"“X o o o S*-* •v'' W w W W W w * A. S. MCCONNELL’S. * ^ W 1 w ^ cococccococ EVERYTHING J'UUCIIASEI) Direct From the Factories! coc ooocscooo Furniture of All Kinds! Buggies, Carts and Wagons! Organs and Pianos. Heaters and Cooking STOVES SEWING MACHINES. * HAHN ESS FOR Hll 00 IBS AND WAGONS! CLOCKS INCLU DING ALL GRADES I Remember T buy direct from the factories, and that you pay no middle mail’s profits when you purchase from me. Anything the trade wants in the above line can save 11101103* by looking at my stock and getting prices. Respectfully, 85 A. W. 3b CONNELL, C'arnesvilie, Ga.