The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, October 10, 1890, Image 3

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TI1E ENTERPRISE. Official Or^dfl of Franklin County. PUBLISHER EVERY FRIDAY. i. on. j. mcvunnki.i. am, <:j:o. a. vmi.urs, KDITORM AM* riiOrilUiTOKH. I'liruesville, (in., October 10, 18!>t*. DIRECTORY. nil'll, lies, llvrk; H;i|ill«t—Now jtfW'Idn;; (’iirnosvtllc— second l’liKlor, isimiluy l.rv, ami , 1 . ,|. iH’fiiro. every Sut- uf,l.iv—t'M'K R>Kills . !•;, tor, RrV. K. I, Si-1.; jiroaoliliilt. first Hmulsy »„,t .Suturil.o Is'iiuo. l’re l.ytorimi—Cimun. third Suail.o. 10 v. ii. in gurtlntpe; nmictiinc,ivory MetlniilUt—la-t'ir. Rev. ft. O. I! KiuMihI M-oiolitns 1,'Urtli Sim.lay anil Sutuo.lny liofm-u. ; Sunday si,hoot at eaoh olmroii at !l a.'m. lows llO, Kit N MOM'. C’ounoiJlneii—II. Mayor—l*. I*, l’lofittt. I*. ArtcrhoM, A. W. McCon¬ nell, JiiMVti A . Manley, \V. 11. lituqilry. , COUNTY OFFICERS. t Clerk—.!. OriliiKiry—Daniel M. McKenzie,! C.triu\->vilW'. nriuwUlc. WierilY—.L V. McConnell, ('ai nesvillo. Tax Collector—L. .1. (»reen, ('aniosville. Tux Ileeeiver—«l. K. Ltoroy, Luvoniu. Trca.surer— 1 T. C. Dhi’Idil Iron Uo.k. < 'ofoner—Ji. ConmnsMofior II. I layer*, Mize. County •—.1. M. Antlrews, TMizo; R. J, Crump, Mize; \V. V. I Loll,rook, Bold Spring. COURT CALENDAR. Superior Court convene.'* every Fourth Moiulav in K. March I>. Ruascii, ami September. solicitor general. N. L. Hutchins, judge'; Jl’STICUH’ court. Carnesville—J. K. Vrawford. .1. 1'., S. M. Ayers, K. 1'.; court Randall day every .second Monday; hailill's, W. O. and d. At. Hamplty. NOTICE To the Tax Payers of Franklm County. I will be at the different district preedits on the different times below mentioned for the purpose of collect¬ ing the taxes for the year 1800. FIRST HOUND. 3G3 Dooleys, Monday, Oct'r Oth ‘210 Gunnells, Tuesday, “ 7tli 1420 Ail,Idle River, AVed’y “ 8th 370 Manleys, Thursday, “ Oth 1303 W. Bowersville, Fri’y “ 10th 204 Carnesville, Saturday “ 11th 212 Byrams, .Monday, “ 13th 20t> Bryants, Tuesday, “ 14th 214 Gumlog, AVodnes,l:iv, “ 15th 1377 Red Hollow, Thurs’y “ 10th 2If) Big Smiths, Friday, “ 17th 207 AA'olf Pit, Saturday, “ 18th 211 Flintsviile, Monday, 11 20th 812 Stranges, Tuesday, “ 21st SECOND 203 Dooleys, Wednesday, “ 22d 210 Gunnells, Thursday, “ 23d 1420 Middle River, Friday, “ 24 th 370 Manleys, Saturday, “ 2:>th 1303 AYR Bowersv ille, Mon. “ 27th 200 Bryants, Tuesday, ednesday “ 28th 213 Gumlog, A\ r “ 29th 1377 Red Hollow, Thui’y, “ 30th 215 Big Smiths, Friday, “ 31st 207 AA'olf Pit, Saturday, Nov. 1st 212 Pyrams, Monday, . “ 3d 204 Carnesville, Tuesday, “ 4 th 812 Flintsviile, Wedneskav “ 5th 812 Stranges, Thursday, “ 0t!i THIRD HOUND. 210 Gunnells, Friday, “ 7th 203 Dooleys, Saturday, “ 8th 1420 Middle River, Monday, “ 10th 370 Manleys, Tuesday, “ 11th 1303 AV. Bowersville, Wed. “ 12th 200 Bryants, Thursday, “ 13th 213 Gumlog, Friday, “ 14th 1377 Red Hollow, Saturday “ 15th 212 Byrams, Monday, “ 17th 21a Big Smiths, Tuesday, “ 18th 027 AVolf Pit, Wednesday, “ 19th 211 Flintsviile,. Thursday, “ 2uth 812 Stranges, Friday, “ 21st 204 Carnesville, Saturday, “ 22d On tlie 2d day of December I will close my books at Carnesville for (he year 1890. I feel very grateful to the people of Franklin for what they have done for me. Feeling that ! have discharged the duties involved on me to the best of my ability. I remain yours GREENE,' very truly, L. J. T. C. F. C. Notice to Belters and Creditors. All persons having demands against tlie estate of If. II. Hayes, late of Franklin county, deceased, are here¬ by notified to render in their de¬ mands to tlie undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im¬ mediate payment. Oct. 8, 1890. J. M. Phillips, Admins’r of II. If. Ilayes,dec’d. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will Apply to the next General Assembly of Georgia for the passage cf a local bill, of which tho following is a title: “An act to rcincorporate the town of Royston in the county of Franklim to define its limits, provide for its government, confer municipal powers and privileges upon it, and for other purposes.” This September 20,1890. (Signed) C. A. AVildkr. Do you want to buy- a pistol? If 6o, they have the best makes at the Hardware Store, Harmony Grove, Ga. Fine blued Harrington & Rich¬ ardson’s. Call and examine them. Liver, bladder and kidney diseases cured by- using Dr. King’s Royal Germetuer, Sold by A. W. Me Connell. Get our prices on clothing and hats before buying. McConnell & Cannon. All of the Lightning medicines nt McConnell & Cannon’s. Sold on u positive guarantee. Dr. King’s Royal Germctuer ism, kov' light, McConnell. --- USE -- CRAWFORD’S ECZEMA WASH —(skin mu.)— For All Skin Diseases, - Foil - Heat in All Its Stagos, — A X I) — All A flections of the Scalp. For stile by Du. S. I’. I’amulky. •ww r n ww rtw r wiw i w wiCTiWBi f J \ 4 £3E LOCAL BREVITIES. To Out Correspondents. AN e hope it will be convenient for our correspondents to send in their communications on Tuesday and AV ethiosday, as we cannot get them iu if they come in as late as Thurs¬ day. AVe appreciate your letters, and would he glad to hear from you each week. Mrs. J. C. Blackwell is visiting in Lavonia. Small turnout first Tuesday for sale day. Hon. R. D. Yow, of Avalon, was in town Monday. Prof. X. A. Fricks, of Martin, was in town Tuesday The Literary Circle lias a nice pro¬ for to-night. J. M. Phillips made a business trip to Toccoa this week. Dr. Nance, of Gainesville, was in town this week on business. J. II. Maxwell, of Elberton, was town Tuesday on businees. J IL Parks and A. N. King at¬ tended court at Lovonia AVednesday. AV. P. Clark, of Elberton, was visiting in town Saturday and Sun¬ day. —■s, Mr. Lon Greene, of Danielsvillc, visited in town Saturday and Sun¬ day. — Rev. E. L. Sisk preached an able sermon at Cross Roads church last Sunday. Last Monday was Ordinary’s court day, but there w as not much business on hand. Tho Danielsvillc Monitor shows marks of improvement under its new management. *- C. IL AA'elborn, of Atlanta, visited his friends here last week, and re¬ turned Monday. Cols. Lewis AV. Davis and J. AV. Hayes, of Toccoa, were in town Mon¬ day on business. AYL M. Ilainpley bought the Nelms lot at the west end of the brick build¬ ing that was burnt. Airs. Sadie O’Bryant and Misses Alattic Skelton and Arie Phillips vis¬ ited in Toccoa this week. For lack of space wo were com¬ pelled to curtail contributions of our correspondents this week. Blood and skin diseases cured by Dr. King’s Royal Germctuer. For sale by A. AV. McConnell. Mr. J. AAL Holbrook, one of the leading business men of Bowersville, was in town visiting Sunday. “Alabastine,” the cheapest and best coating for wails and ceiling, at L. G. Hardeman & Bro., Harmony Grove. The cotton crop has been badly- damaged by the recent rains. Tho corn on low lands is also considerably- damaged. A. AAL McConnell went to Atlanta Monday to purchase a stock of goods for McConnell & McDaniel’s store at Red Hill. Dr. L. K. Kumiss and A. -T. Mor¬ ns, and families, have moved into the Looney house, recently bought by Burruss brothers. The friends of Dr. T. G. Under¬ wood had a torchlight procession last Friday night in honor of his election to the legislature. Mr. E. P. Crump lias moved to town to patronize the School, He occupies the Butler house, recently vaeted by Dr. Burruss. Brother Alexander, of the Age, is improving bis paper. AVe arc glad to see the strong marks of energy and progress that the Age bears. The best cook sieve in the world at the Hardware Store, Harmony- Grove. A good stove for $9.00. Call and see them when in town. J. J. Ramplev has been suffering very much recently with a “bile” on his hand, but we are unmcasurcably glad to know that he is improving. James McDaniel has left Carne* villa to, tl.c imrpOBC of 0,o business of McConnell * Mo- i> an j v r s store at Red Uill. Mr. Me- , ,. injol '- ,. irw j e many friends while " nc;e, a m ( t h e y very much regtet hi Another Month Given. The committees that were ap¬ pointed the first Tuesday in Septem¬ ber to get an expression from their sections in regard to laying otf the county into school districts anil to report, the result the first Tuesday in this month were not all here last Tuesday, and the matter was post¬ poned another month before final ac¬ tion should he taken. The principle of letting the majority rule is con¬ ceded to be right in most of matters. YVc don’t know how the majority of the people stand on this measure in Franklin county, and arc frank to say that in our opinion the law docs not allow them the right to decide the matter in any way, but puts the matter in the hands ol’ the county hoard, and says to them plainly and unmistakably that they siiai.i. lay oft the county into districts, etc. Now if the law is wrong have it re¬ pealed, and if not repealed have it enforced. There is a law compelling the county board to lay the county off into school districts, just the same that there is a law compelling the county school Commissioner to pay over the public funds to the teachers of public schools. There is just as much reason in appointing committees to see if the people in the different sections of the county are willing to pay their taxes as to appoint them on this matter. En¬ force the law or repeal it is the only reasonable conclusion that can be reached. Woman's Missionary Society. The AVoman’s Missionary Society of tlie Elberton district will .convene at Carnesville on October the 25th and 20th. Conveyances will meet delegates at Bowersville and at Lavonia on the 24th. AA’e earnestly beg each auxiliary and juvenile society to send dele¬ gates, and also respectfully ask pas¬ tors to assist in selecting delegates from his membership who will at¬ tend, even though they have no so¬ ciety. Mrs. J. IL Joxks, District Secretary. —♦ --— NOTICE. All who are indebted to me indi¬ vidually, or to The Entekfiukk, would do me a great favor by settling as early as possible, as I have sus¬ tained a very heavy loss recently, and my obligations are such that I am compelled to collect. I trust that my friends who are indebted to me will not consider this notice as an in- dication of uneasiness on niv part that they will not pay me, but the intention is to impress them that I am greatly’ in need of money now. A'ery respectfully, Lon J. McConnell. Boarders From a Distance. Below we give the names of some of the boarders from a distance who arc attending the Carnesville High School: Misses Belle Ayers, Maude Ayers, Ida Crump, Lee Crump, Louella Duncan, Sallic Looney, Maude T. Looney, Hattie Davis, .Mattie Davis, Love McDaniel, Annie Bramlc-tt and Belle Carson. Messrs. A. N. Payne, T. L. Ad¬ ams, AV. S. Morgan, J. II., John Ash, AV. Ii. Crump, Thomas Holbrook, J. F. Duncan and E. P. Phillips. Carnesville Literary Circle. One of the best programs and most pleasant entertainments that lias been given by the Carnesville Literary- Circle xvas given last Friday night. There was a large and intelligent audience, and everyone seemed to be delighted with the progress being made by the Circle. The recitations, pantomimes, and speeches were splen¬ did, and the music led by Mrs. M. II. Looney on the organ was of the highest order. Hymeneal. Married, at tho residence of the bride’s father, Mr. V. C. Gillispic, on Sunday, October 5th, Mr. Tom Mc¬ Daniel and MBs Genie Gillispie, Rev. R. (). B. England officiating. The young couple .have many friends who wish for them a happy future. A Change in Business. J. M. C arson has purchased James McDaniel’s interest in the mercantile business, closing out his interest in the livery business to McDaniel, and L. F. Lenh.ardt lias bought the livery busiiiess from McDaniel. Tho IIartw.ll Sin awl Editor Mo- ,Gi» have boon close cum,,anions for fifteen years... Erum has qi the othe other, and the people like Uimu both M *v rimy pr-aper an- oil. M-eeri vears. ROYSTON DEPARTMENT. (iKOKUE GAMY, KIIITOK. Miss Ida Pond, of Florida, is ing her brother .1, .1. lhmd. Airs. John t». Nelms, of Prancli, is visiting relatives m town, Master Fred Pond lias about re¬ covered from a severe attack of fe¬ ver. Rev. J. II. Raxtor was in town last Friday, attending a Stewarts Meet "'g. Prof. Mewhorne, of Fort Lamar, was with his friends in our city last Sunday. (’. A. Bond and wife, of Hartwell, were among their ftiends in our town last Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Williams, T. <>. Cook have just returned from a visit near Flberton. John Duncan, Lee Mason and Judson Cautheon \ isited. the home folks last Sunday. James W. Turnei has traded torn pair of mules and now drives fa t when he starts out. Royston is the place to buy your goods, to sell your cotton, and to ed¬ ucate your children. Laurence F. Lonhavdt war. in our city last Wednesday electioneering for Dr. Underwood. There is to he about 10 new dwell¬ ing houses erected in our town be¬ tween this and Christmas. We have one of the cleverest de¬ pot. agent on the rail mod. A nu will always find Mr. Gully at his post. Miss Emma Gary has the assortment of milinery goods that wo have seen, and is doing a good busi¬ ness. Our young friend Jcrsy Hilliard left last Friday morning for Atlanta, where he thinks of going into busi¬ ness. Rev. Ford McRee preached one of his good sermons in the Methodist church last Sunday night, to tho young people. The young people enjoyed them¬ selves “hugely” at a pound party given at the Dobbs Hotel last AVednesday night. Misses Kolia Pitman and Amanda Hutcheson, two of Fort Lamar’s charmingyoung ladies, were visiting in our city last week. AA r e hope the gentlemen that were appointed for this district will call a meeting in the near future for the purpose of acting on the district school business. Frank M. Cook is collecting for Dr. A. N. McCreary, and Ed. J. Ar¬ nold for Dr. ,T. D. Veal. Tiny are both clever fellows and will treat you well when they call on you. Tlie Danielsvillc Monitor is juba- lant over the success of the alliance and democratic nominee for repre¬ sentative, George O. Griffeth. The Monitor is a right good paper after all. Rube Burrows Captured. Rube Burrows the notorious train robber and murderer has been cap turn! and lodged in jail m the state of Alabama. The .Southern express company has spent thousands of dol- lars m trying to capture the outlaw. The rewards amount to $7,590. New Store. A. AYL McConnell and James Me- Daniel will open up a stock of gen- cral merchandise at Red Jlill in a few days. The location is a good one, and they expect to do a nice business. Mr. McDaniel will conduct the business. Place Your Eye on This. For tlie next thirty days 1 will offer buggies at astonishingly low prices. I have a large stock on hand and will give you a bargain. Call around when you are in town and see my stock. J. P. Adair. The Athens Banner of last, week contains an article signed “Eighth District,” in reference to the intended bnbery the recent , convention .. at . in * Athens. 1 he writer . drives the cor- ruption in the main where it ought to be from what is known. This is one of the times when silence speaks very audibly. Mr. S. E. Ayers and family have moved to town, occupying one of the new- houses just completed by Judge Tribble. Two daughters of Mrs. Avers J will attend Prof. Looney’s J ,ch ” J ' The jonng „,a„ Kay who was sc- nously stabbed by Armour a few days ago, is getting well, so bis phv- ucians ray. If be should recover ri«; n; bf -1 will be placed at $300. Part of the Franklin county Alli¬ ance passed resolutions at. their hot quarter!) meettiij' instructing the rep¬ resentative of Franklin county to vote against Gordon for the senate. See announcement in this issue of G. Ii. Hanks for sheriff. Air. Ilmks is an honorable upright gentleman, ami would make a creditable oflicer should he he elected. I.. G. Hardman & Hro.,cf Harmony Grove, will open up one of the most complete lines of Christmas goods in December ever brought to this sec¬ tion i t the country. If you want the best gun for the least money go to the Hardware Store, Harmony Grove, (hi 'J’hev have a large stock to select from, at pi ices to suit all Mr. John (’rawford and family, of Elbert comity, visited Dr. 11. M. Freeman’s family in town the latter part of last week and remained sev¬ eral days. The singing convention at Cross Hoads church, commencing last Fri¬ day and closing Sunday, was largely attended and was a .success in every way All kinds of buggies and road carts sold by A. AV. McConnell. Fine colored over shirts at McCon¬ nell «& Cannon’s. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myself a, candi¬ date for Sheriff of Franklin county, mil solicit the votes of the citizens u r ii, ( . (.(.ujity. If elected 1 will dis¬ charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. I am running on my own merits and not on tiio de¬ merits of any man If elected i in- tend to serve the people with truth and honesty. (,. R. Banks. FOK l 1 Ml'UK OF Tin: COURT. I respectfully announce my candi¬ dacy for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin county. If elected I promise faithfully. to discharge the duties of the ofliee J. A. McCay. FOR TAX COM.KCTOU. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector. If l am elected J promise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Re¬ spectfully, A tux White J'OH SHERIFF. I announce myself as a candidate Franklin for the ofliee of Sheriff of county without any combination or solicitation of any man or set of men. If elected my purpose is to appoint a jailer, but will make no promises to any one until after the election. I further intend to give my entire time to the ofliee, and discharge its duties to the best of my ability. Thanking the people for their support in the past, I still solicit their hearty sup¬ port in the future. I ain your humble servant, John C. M( ('autku. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Franklin county, and promise the vo¬ ters, if elected, that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the ofliee. AV. Ii. Thomas. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer of Franklin county. If elected I will use every effort to fill the ofliee sat¬ isfactorily' to the people, thanking them for past favors. T. C. Burton. FOP. CLERK OF THE COURT. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereby announce myself as neaiidi- fo j' rc-oD-cti.*.* to the office of. onw , jn? ( . lection in .r ;llm!:rv next. 1 am very thankful to the people for past favors, hoping have to receive their support again. I but one prom¬ ise to make, if elected that I will per¬ forin the duties of the office promptly and in the best manner possible. Hoping a favorable response from the pimple, I am, respectfully, J. M. Phillips FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Franklin county-, and promise if elected to discharge the duties of the office faithfully : Respectfully, M. C. Ramplev. • or. SHERIFF. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, hoping that 1 may have a liberal •opi tort of the people, and promise, it duties elected, to faithfully- Respectfully, discharge my as an officer. . 3 . B. 1). Mi AVhortk for TAX COLLECTOR. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector. I need the office and am competent to fiii it. It the p‘‘o- yde {. elect me I will endeavor to fuit.h- fully- ,, serve them. ,, Kepecttuilv, ... ,, ^ jp McDanuel. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I respectfully announce Collector myself for the as a candidate for Tax ensuing election in January next. If elected 1 shall endeavor to make tlie county a prompt and faithful officer. Respectfully, R. M. Walters. ■> l* v c KCKIVK. AYLth many thanks to the voters of Franklin county for past favors, I an- nounce niy name as a candidate for ro-oleoti,," to til., office of licccivor If olcctod l wii l do al! in my power U) f;i | the 0 ff, cc t0 the best interest 0 f the tax payers. Respectfully, Jesse 11. Klokov. Guns! Guns! A large and select stock just received from Europe of all grades PISTOLS A large stock of the best, makes just received. Also Rifle and i’istol Cartridges, I'owder, Shot, Caps, Hrass ami l’aper Shells. COOK STOVES- CHEATING STOVES. A t dl assortment always on hand. The “Royal Keen Ivntter Axe” -the best in the world. Rubber and Leather Belting. The Celebrated Oliver chilled Plow and other Plows. Wagon and Buggy Materials. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ditching shovels, spades, etc. ilolloware, Tinware, Table and Pocket cutlery, carpenters’tools. A full assortment always on lumd. Buggy harness, horse collars blind bridles. In fact, we are bead,plat tors for .,!I kinds of Hardware. Be sure to call i:nd examine our stock. HARDWARE STORE i OS HARMONY GROVE, (JA. PIANOS AND ORGANS! ----Tilt:---- Did Riable Mason It Hamlin IS THE BEST, and v by waste your money buying trash? ( bickering, Mr.thu.shek, and Sterling Piano, Over two hundred thousand Mason A Hamlin Organs now in use. AVe keep tho Baby Cabinets for Touch era always on hand. Price $22.00 to music teachers. A splendid AValnut Case, Six feet high, with Couplers and Double Action, for iAO.UO. Beat it if yon can. |Qj> 'Sp-citil J'rieen to the AUliance. Call and see or write me for terms of easy payment before buying. HOPE HALE MUSIC HOUSE, 242 BROAD STREET, ATHES, GA. Next to Childs, Nickerson & Co.’s Hardware Store. 38 IVCo.x-’tixi. IrLsstitixte FALL TERM, > 1 000 j ■BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1890.- AM* CONTINUES SIXTEEN WEEKS, Under the management of the following corps of teachers: S. P. OKU, - Principal. I. G. HUDSON, - First Assistant. Miss NETTIE MKT I IVIN, Second Assistant. Mis ADA McELIIANNON, - Third Assistant. Mrs. AV. 1* RIVERS, - Music Teacher. - Art Teacher. RATES OF TUITION: Resident pupils within public-school ago, per month. *1.25. Resident pupils over public-selidol age, per month. 1.50. Non-resident pupils........................................................... ........... 2 . 00 . Tuition due at tlie end of the term, l’upils will be charged from dat® of entrance to the end of the term, except in cases of special arrangement beforehand or providenoial causes for as long a time as two weeks. The discipline w ill he thorough. No association of tho sexes, except so much as is necessary sn lass recitation ami during school hours. Ono or more of the teachers’ proi ncc will be required from opening to close cf the school each day. HEADQUARTERS -AT r \V •w’ w W OOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOQOOO ii ELL’S. * ooococoooococcoooooooooooooo EVERYTHING PURCHASED ^ asm ufrft —iuvVW s aelaries ! 0005000 0 0000 Furniture of Afi Kinds! Buggies, Carts and Wagons! Organs and Pianos. Heaters and Cooking SEWING MACHINES. HARNESS FOR BUGGIES AND WAGONS! CLOCKS INCLUDING ALL GRADES! Remember I buy direct from tlie factories, and that you pay bo middle man’s profits when you purchase from me. Anything the trade wants in tlie above line can wave money by looking at my stock and getting, prices. Respectfully, 35 A AV. McConnell, CarnesvUle. Ga,