The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, October 31, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. Official Organ of FraAHn County. PUBLISHER every fuTijay. nr: LON. J. MHONNKLL AN It C2KO. S.'S, KWTOSW AM* l'UMI'UIKTOltH. t'araesvllle, fla., October 81, 1890. DIRECTORY. ClllHCMV.H, Uuptlf't—New jnviu*hing CitrmHvilh*—Tiistor, every seFoml Sumlay Uov. and ,T. Sat- J. art JhijitUt—Cross la v IJoatls—J\t ltt»v. tor, K. L. Si?*k; yrt ttrst Sunday and Saturday ill lief ore. lVediytcrian—Castor, IU*v. (J. C'urtlerip*; pretudiintr every third Sunday. Moth odist—Pastor, lirv. i(. O. II. ; jiroaoUiuji' tourtU Sunday eaeli church and Saturday a."m. Indore. Sunday school at at a TOWN UOVKJKNMKNT. Mayor—1*. 1*. Proffitt. Uoimciimen—H. F. Adcrliohl, A. \Y. McCon¬ nell, .James A. Mauley, \V. II. Haiupley. COl'N’TY OFFICERS. [ Ordinary—Daniel M. l’hidips, McKenzie, Carnesville. Clerk—J. Carnc.-VHie. Sheriff—»J. C. McConnell, Carnesville. Tax Collector—L. J. (Jreen, ('arnesville. Max Receiver—.1. It. Lecroy, Lavonia. Treasurer—T. ('. Jiurton, Iron Mode. Coroner—IJ. II. Have.-*, Mize. ComityOvmmis-inner-—.1, Criunji, M. Andrews, Mize: R.,). Mize; W. V. Holbrook, Hold Spring. COl*RT CALENDAR. Superior Court convenes every fourth Monday in March Kusscll, and September. so.ieitor general. N. L. llutcliiiiM, judge; R. li. JlUTH ' i :*' i ' OVliT . Carnesville—J. K. Crawford. J. 1*.: S. ?J. Ayers, N. 1*.; court day every >eeontl lluinpky. Monday; haHillV. \Y. O. lv.uidaU and .1. M. NOTICE To the Tax Payers of Franklin County. I will l>o at the different district precints on the different times below mentioned for the purpose of collect¬ ing the taxes for the year 185)0. FlitsT Kill,'XI). 363 Dooleys, Monday, Oct’r 6t!i 210 Gunnells, Tuesday, “ 7th 1420 Middle River, Wed’y “ 8 r 370 Manleys, Thursday, “ }> e-*- ^ 1363 W. Fowersville, Fti’y “ It! r 264 Carnesville, Saturday “ 11 r 212 Byrams, Monday, “ 13 c-f- r h 20(5 Bryants, AVednesday, Tuesday, “ 1 —t* li 213 Gumlog, “ 1 O 1377 lied Hollow, Tlmrs’y “ 1 w' h 215 Big Smiths, Friday, “ 17th 267 Wolf Pit, Saturday, “ 1 <S11 1 211 Flintsville, Monday, “ 2<ith 812 Stranges, Tuesday, “ 21st second itoi xo. 203 Dooleys, Wednesday, “ 22il 210 Gunnells, Thursday, “ 23d 1420 Middle River, Friday, “ 24th 370 Manleys, Saturday, “ 25th 1363 W. Bowersville, Mon. “ 27th 206 Bryants, Tuesday, “ 28th 213 Gumlog, Wednesday “ 29th 1377 Red Hollow, Thur’v, “ 36th 215 Big Smiths, Friday, “ 31st 207 Wolf Pit, Saturday, Nov. 1st 212 l'yrains, Monday, “ 3d 264 Carnesville, Wednesday Tuesday', “ -4th S12 Flintsville, “ f th 812 Stranges, Thursday, “ Gtli THiKI) KOUX1). 210 Gunnells, Friday, “ 7th 263 Dooleys, Safurday’, “ Sill 1420 Middle River, Monday, “ loth 370 Manleys, Tuesday, “ lltli 1363 W. Bowersville, Wed. “ 12th 206 Bryants, Thursday', “ 13tii 213 Gumlog, Friday, “ 14th 1377 Red I follow, Saturday' “ 15th 212 Byrams, Monday, “ 17th 215 Big Smiths, Tuesday, “ 1 Sth 627 Wolf Pit, Widaesdav, “ 10th 211 Flintsville, Thursday, “ 20th 812 Stranges, Friday, “ 21st. 22d 264 Carnesville, Saturday', “ On the 2d day' of December I will close my books at Carnesville for the y ear 1800. I feel very grateful to the people of Franklin for what they have done for me. Feeling that i have discharged the duties involved on me to the best of my ability. I remain vours GREENE,' very truly, L. J. T. C. F. C. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demands against the estate of II. II. Hayes, late of Franklin county, deceased, are here¬ by notified to render m their de¬ mands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate arc required to make im¬ mediate payment. Oct. 8, 1890. J. AL Phillips, Admins'r of H. If. Hayes, dec’ll. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the next General Assembly of .Georgia for the passage of a local bill, of which the following is a title; “An act to reincorporate the town of Royston in the county of Franklin, to define its limits, provide for its government, confer municipal powers and privileges upon it, and for other purposes.” This September 26,1890. (Signed) C. A. AATlder. --*--• ♦ — L. G. Ilardman & Fro., of Harmony Grove, will open up one of the most complete lines of Christmas goods in December ever brought to this sec¬ tion of the country. Liver, bladder and kidney diseases cured by using Dr. King’s Royal Gennctuer. Sold by A. A\. Ale Connell. Get our prices on clothing and hats before buying. AL Connell & Cannon. All of the Lightning medicines at McConnell & Cannon’s. Sold on a positive guarantee. Use I)r. King’s Royal Gcrmetucr for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, tic. Sold by A. AV. AicConnell. Subscribe for The Enterprise. — rsK — CRAWFORDS ECZEMA WASH —(SKIN CURA.)— For All Skin Diseases, —roll— Heat in AH Its Stages, — A N 1)_ All Affections of the Scalp. For sale by Du. S. P. Rampi.kv. LOCAL BREVITIES. To Our Correspondents. We hope it will be convenient for our correspondents to send in their communications on Tuesday and Wednesday, as we cannot get them in if they come in ns late as Thurs¬ day. We appreciate your letters, and would be glad to hear from you each week. Heavy frosts this week. The Tribune has a red dress. Come out to the court house to¬ night. Mrs. Cora Looney visited Atlanta this week. A six years guarantee on watch chains at Carsons. Cliesnut and apple wagons adorn our streets daily. J. M. Carson visited Lavonia this week on business. J. Americas Manley went to At¬ lanta this week. Don't fail to see “Esmeralda” at court house to-night. P. P. Proffitt Esq., of Elberton, was in the city Thursday. Carson will sell you a watch chain cheap. Mr. J. L. Ayers, of Aversville, en¬ tered the Iiiglr School last Monday. J, I>. MeEntire made a trip to West Fowersville this week. « Ordinary AlcKinzie and son John, are visiting Athens this week. Ladies and Gents gold watch chains at J. M. Carsons. G. S. Phillips made a flying trip to South Carolina last week. Prof. Looney has been offered a school in Texas with 300 students. This has been a veryjdull week in Carnesville. (his King is gazing with wonder at die exposition attractions this week. We return thanks to Dr. .T. 1L Tucker for presenting this office with several nice blotters. Sheriff McConnell and daughter, Miss Mattie, are visiting Atlanta this week. Head .Tno. P. Shannon’s letter in this issue to the democrats of the Eigth congressional district. The muddy street crossings in Ei- berton has inspired the Star editor to write poetry. Jones Fenett is completing J. Dolph Manley’s new dwelling just across the creek. Palmer & Stowe are erecting a handsome dwelling for Judge McKen¬ zie. Several new students entered the School this week. There is now over 106 scholars. Some of the lovers of fun took in Athens Tuesday to see Barnum’s big show. On account of tho R. & D. train being six hours late Carnesville did not get any mail Alonday. Dr. L. Iv. Burrnss went to Afaeon this week as a delegate to the meet¬ ing of the Grand Lodge K. of If. Prof. A. J. Alorris and Dr. If. AI. Freeman visited the “expo” this week at Atlanta. The Homer Gazette is one of the neatest and newsiest sheets that comes to this office. Editor Rorie is making things hum. Every democrat in the Eigth dis¬ trict should go to the polls on No¬ vember 4t!i and cast his vote for lion. '1'. G. Lawson for congress. The Franklin Institute is almost crowded to overflowing. 3 be prop¬ er persons should enlarge the build¬ ing at once. A move is on foot to enlarge our school house. This is a step in the right direction, and should be put through immediately. John Kamplcy has survived the re¬ cent blow be received from the heels ■ of a Texas pony, and is able to at- teiul to his daily dution. Edgar Adair was slightly kicked on the shoulder by a male last week, but his quickness in dodging saved him from a serious hurt. II. A. Conger lost all his syrup canc on J/iddle llivor, high water ruined it. Tin* next General Assembly of Georgia meets next Wednesday, No¬ vember util,. About ten men are spoken of as prospective candidates for coroner in this county. Everyone is invited to be present every Saturday to hear Prof. Loon¬ ey's lecture to his composition class. The minutes of tin* Tugalo Baptist Association and the Franklin County Singing Convention are being printed at this office. A. W. MeConnell will have a large residence erected just below the jail lot this fall. Palmer & Stowe have the contract for building. Quite a large crowd of delegates attended the Woman's Missionary Society of the Elberton district, which convened at this place tho 'doth and 26th. Miss Yannali Xcsso, a most charm¬ ing young lady of Fowersville, was in town Saturday and Sunday. We learn that Gus ( arson, of this county, will leave in a slu rt time to attend the Iliwassee school, in Towns county. All who fail to bear Prof. Looney’s lecture to his composition class every Saturday morning at 10 o’clock will miss a literary treat. Thomas Brawncr, a former Frank¬ lin boy, but now in the office of the St. Clair Coal Co., Atlanta, visited his relatives anil many friends in and around town last week. General Grundy, the husband of Madam Grundy, says that several weddings will occur in this county in a short time. Don't forget that the editor likes cakes, etc. Another case of “didn’t know it was loaded.” While examining an old pistol the other day Jesse Gaines accidently shot himself through the thumb, inflicting a very painful wound. Miss Leila Westbrook, one of Franklin’s charming young ladies, who has been on an extended \ isit to relatives in Wilkes county, re¬ turned to her home near town last Wednesday. Married. Married, at the residence of Airs. Sadie O’Bryant, on Thursday, Octo¬ ber 23rd, Rev. R. O. B. England of¬ ficiating, Air. Lawrence F. Lenhardt to Aliss Aiattie Skelton. Afr. Len¬ hardt is one of our brightest young business men, and Aliss Aiattie was one of Carnesville’s most charming and winsome young ladies. We wish the young couple a bright and pros¬ perous future. Alarried, at the residence of the bride’s father, Afr. J. A. Sewell, on Sunday morning last, Air. AY. J. Mitchell to Aliss Rilla Sewell, Rev. J. II. Ayers officiating clergyman. The happy couple have our best wishes. Afr. George Wyley was united in marriage to Airs. Emma Carlon last Sunday, Rev. Thomas O. Rosie, officiating. EUSINESS LOCALS. Go to A. AV. Mcjjonnell for a good Stove. Drugs of all kinds at B. Curry’s, Royston, Ga. A woman’s good button shoe for $1 at AicConnell & Cannon’s. Glycerine, wax, and paraline used by ironers, sold by B. Curry, Roys¬ ton, Ga. Blood and skin diseases cured by Dr. King’s Royal Gennctuer. For sale by A. AV. Ale oimell. If you want to see the finest stock of pistols ever brought to Harmony Grove, call at the Hardware Store. The Enterprise office is fitted up with new job press and material. All kinds of work done promptly and neatly. Do not fail to call on L. G. Hard¬ man & Bro., of Harmony Grove, for dolls, toys, vases, fancy goods, etc. If you want the best brogan shoes j 1 Royston, at the lowest Ga. prices call on F. Curry, I sell the best sewing machine on the market. Call and examine be¬ fore you buy. A. W. AIj onxkll. The best cook stove in Georgia can be found at the Hardware Store, Ga., living . Harmony Grove, at a price. Fe sure and examine mv buggy and wagon harness before you buy. A. AAV McConnell. DEAD. Mr. John Frown, :■ n of (!. Wash. Frown, died of Typhoid fever, last Tuesday, Nelson Carroll died Wednesday, after a short illness. Airs. Thomas James died of Drop¬ sy, Tuesday night. ♦ • ♦ Cineinnatti bad a 8 150,000 lire last Tuesday. Adel (la. bad a $15,000 tire last Monday. Birmingham Ala. had a 450,000 Tuesday. Sheriff Sales. Will Lo sold on the first Tucsdav in Decciuher Zu e'ass reerless i nline mi wheels, n‘so one ulasa ••11” make. I’ihtIcls Said traction engine. levied and tint saw jiroj mill (ieiser ty of jaojx rtv on as ci (Jeiscr Manufacturin'; Comp.'.ny. apiaDt sdii J\ (1. (Mark. This Oetobir the ;wtii,l.U». Also at the same time and place, one tract of land lying in the 1-Pit th district, G. AL, of Franklin county, containing two hundred and twenty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of George James, A. N T . Poole, and others. This is a line farm at.d in a high state of cultivation, and having good dwelling, tenant houses, and necessary out buildings, and is con¬ venient to churches, schools, etc. Levied on as the property of J. L. Carv by virtue of an execution issued from Franklin superior court in favor of B. J. Meadow, against J. S. Dud¬ ley’, M. J. Deney, principal, mid J. L. | Cary security. Property’ pointed out by plaintiff's attorney; written notice given defendant as teqni cd by law. This Oct. 30, 1890. Also at the same time and place, one certain tract or parcel of land ly¬ ing and being in the county of Frank¬ lin and state of Georgia on the we t prong of Hunter’s creek, adjoining lands of A. M. Payne, Larkin Wil¬ liams, James Crawf >.d, W. A. Or n- sbaw, and others, containing one hun¬ dred and twenty-two acres, more or less, and known as part of tlie Mize tract, the same being the tract of land deeded by C. L. Mize to 3 h anas Keller, and from Thomas Fill r to Parthena Wells, and from Parthena Wells to S.M. Wells 21st. June, 1886. There is a xcry good dw*ling anil necessary outbuildings on tho place, and a good two-lvo: sj farm of good land in cultivation. Levied on as the property of S.M. Wells to satisfy a mortgage ti fa issued by J. J/. Phillips, clerk superior court of Franklin county in favor of If. J/. Payne and against S. M. Wells. Property pointed out by plaintiffs at¬ torney. Written notice given tenant residing on said land as required by law. This Oct, 30,1890. J. C. J/i ■Coxxki.i., Sheriff. A1 >AI IN LSTRATOlt’S SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Franklin county, will be sold at public outcry at the court¬ house door of said county on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One tract of land fituate, lying and being in said county on Eu.iter’s creek, adjoining lands of William Hembree, Pink Harbin, col., R. I). Yow, the dower of J/rs. Perry Veils, and others, containing one hundred and forty-eight acres, more or less, and being tin? tract of land whereon Perry Voils lived at the time of his death, except tint part of said tract set apart to il/rs. Nancy Voils as a dower. Sold as the property of Perry Voils, late of said count.]?, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms, one-half cash tlie ether half due Nov. 1st, 1891, with intercut ] from date at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. Notes under Justices jurisdiction will bo taken and bond given conditioner to make titles on uayment cf the purchase money. This Oct. 28, 1890. J. JL Phillips, Adm’r of Perry A'oils, dec’ll. administrator's sale. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Franklin county will be sold at public outcry, at tiie court house door of said county, oa the first Tuesday in December next, •within the legal hours of sale, the foil nviug property, to-wit: The undivided on *- half interest in one certain tract of land situate, lying and being in said county on waters of Eastanallcc creek, ’ adjoining . . lands , . oi A. . aus, K. and T. R. A ow and others, contain- ing one hundred acres, more or am I being the tract of land whereon T. J, Kcese lived, at the time of his death, the other half interest Lelong- ing to Airs, L. J. Alarett. Sold as the property of T. J. Kcese, Jate of sai(1 countV) d eceast .d, for.'the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms of sale, cash. This Oct. 2otb, 1890. J. AL Phillips, Adm’r of T. J. Kcese, dec’ll. “ESMERALDA.’ To be Played at the Court House October the 31st. The literary Circle Extends a Cordial Invitation to Everybody to Be Present and Spend an Enjoyable Eva. On Friday ui"ht, October 31st, tho Literary Circle n il! play “Esmeralda,” a four-net drama, at the court house. Tho circle is exerting itself to make the plav a success, and everyone who comes out will be highly pleased. Mrs. Cora E. Looney will have a fine selection of music for the occn- sion, assisted by some of Carnesville’s best musicians. Everybody is invited to be present, and an enjoyable evening is guar¬ anteed. No admission foe will l;c charged. Everybody admitted free. Following is the cast of characters: OM M.m Hop r ..............i. n. 1‘ iikfG (i corgi ■ Drew... .........•!. Ik McLntlrc. Iv-tal rook...... ........L. .1. Mt ( opticll. Dave Hardy ... ..........(i. S. Jack 1 h Huoml .........C. D. McKntlie. Manpiis ..........H. 1*. Ih.mpU y Mi-. Kc.rrs.. Miss m .ttic McConnell K>»m raUla..... .....Miss Lula lUuru > Nora Desmond ..Miss Minnie VKKntire. Kate Dct-moiid . Mi- « Fannie Ad/rho'.d. -* • ♦ Fancy’stationery at L. G. Hard¬ man & Fro., Harmony Grove. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fob khkhiff. 1 hereby am o nice myself a candi¬ date for Sheriff of Franklin county, und solicit the votes of the citizens of tho county. If elected I will dis¬ charge tile duties of the office to the best of my ability'. 1 am running on mv own merits and not on the de¬ merits of any man. If elected 1 in¬ tend to serve the people with truth and honesty. G. li. Banks. KOI! CI.KKK of tui: rontT. 1 respectfully announce my candi¬ dacy for the office of Clerk of tin Superior Court of Franklin county, if elected 1 promise faithfully. to discharge tin duties of the office J. A. M< Cav. FOB TAX <•OM.Fl’TOR. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector. If 1 am elected I promise to discharge the duties of tin office to the best of my ability. Re¬ spectfully, Ai.k.x White. FOR SHERIFF. T announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of P'ranklBf county without any combination in solicit at ion of any man or set of men. If doited my purpose is to appoint a jailer, but will make no promises to any one until after the election. I further intend to give my entire time to the office, and discharge its duties to the best of my ability. Thanking the people for their support in the past, T slid solicit their hearty sup¬ port in the future. I am your humble servant, John (’. Mi Carter. FOR TAX RECEIVER. T hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver ol Franklin county, and promise the vo¬ ters, if elected, that I Aviil faithfully discharge the duties of the office. AV. R. Thomas. FOR trkasirer. T am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer ot Franklin county. If elected I will use every effort to fill the office sat- isfactorily to the people, thanking them for past favors. T. C. Fi/ktox. FOR CLERIC OF THE Col RT. To the voters of Franklin county: i hereby announce myself the as a candi¬ of date for re-election to office Clerk of tlu? Superior Court at the ensuing election in January next, i am very thankful to the people for past favors, hoping to receive their support again. I have but one prom¬ ise to make, if elected that I will per¬ forin the duties of the office promptly and in the best manner possible. Hoping a favorable response from the people, I am, respectfully, AL J. Phillips. FOR TAX fOI.LIX’TOK. I am a candidate for the office of Tav Collector of Franklin county, and promise if elected to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. Respectfully, AL C. Kamplky. FOR SHERIFF. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, hoping that I may have a liberal support of the people, and promise, if elected, to faithfully discharge my duties as an officer. Respectfully, AVhokter. J. F. D. AL FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector. I need the office anil am competent to fill it. If the peo¬ ple elect me I will endeavor to faith¬ fully serve them. Kepectfully, AIcDaxiel. S. AL for tax collector. 1 mpoctfuHy announce myself as a candidate tor 1 ax Collector for the ensuing election in January next, if elected I shall endeavor to make the county a prompt and faithful officer. Respectfully, R. AL Walters. FOR TAX RECEIVER. AVitb many thanks to the voters of Franklin county-for past favors, I ari- uounce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklin county at the ensueingelection in January next, If elected 1 will do all in my power to till the office to the best interest of the tax payers. Respectfully, Jesse R. Leceov. GrXUlS l CarU.Xl.s2 A large and select stock just received from Europe of all grades. PISTOLS. A large stock of the best makes just received. Also Rifle ami Pistol Cartridges, Powder, Hint, Caps, liras* and Paper Shells. COOK ST0YES.S* . CHEATING STOVES. A full assortment always on hand. The “Koval Keen Ivuttcr Axe" the host in the world. IJubberand Leather Feltiug. The Celebrated Oliver chilled Plow and other Plows. Wagon and Fuggy Materials. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ditching shovels, spades, etc. Holloware, Tinware, I'aldc and Pocket cutlery, carpenters’ tools. A full assortment always on hand. Fuggy harness, horse collars, blind bridles. In fact, we are hendqua: tors for all kinds of Hardware. Be sure to call und examine our stock. HARDWARE STORE i 33 IIAKMONY GROVE, GA. PIANOS AMD GROANS! THE GM ReiiaMa Mason I Hamlin IS THE LENT, and why waste your money buying trash? ('bickering, Matluisliek, and Sterling Pianos. Over two hundred thousand Mason & Hamlin Organs now in use. We keep the Faby Cabinets for Teachers always on hand. Price $22.00 to music teachers. A splendid Walnut Case, Six feet high, with Couplers and Double .Action, for $66.60. Feat it if you can. fc&'fyrcinl j'ricm to the. Atllhutcfi. Call and see or write me for terms of easy payment before buying. HOPE HALE ftiUSIC HOUSE, 242 BROAD STREET, ATHKS, GA. Next to Childs, Nickerson it Co.’s Hardware Store, 38 Institute. FALL TERM, 1890 -BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1890.- AM) CONTI S i:ES SIXTEEN WEEKS, Under the management of the following corps of teachers: S. P. OKI?, - Principal. I. G. HUDSON, - First Assistant. Aliss NETTIE METI1VIN, Second Assistant. A! is ADA AI- ELM AN NON, - Third Assistant. Airs. W. P. RIVERS, Afusic Teacher. - Art Teacher. RATES OF TUITION: Resident pupils within public-school age, per month........ *1.25. Resident pupils over public-school age, per month......... 1.50. Non-resident pupils................................................................. ............. 2.06. Tuition due at the end of the term. Pnpils will be charged from date of entrance to the end of the term, except in cases of special arrangement beforehand or providencial causes for as long a time as two weeks. Tho discipline will he thorough. No association of the sexes, except so much as is necessan sn class recitation and during school hours. One or more of the teachers’ ]re; -nee will be required from opening to close cf the school each day. HEADQUARTERS AT ^ W /“**• '•wS r*? W vJ /"*■ ■w' s**' w 1 ^ w' /-X W ( ? -w- o o o * 3 a MCCONNELL'S. * i i O COCO O /**• e*- /“x /■•v ^ ^. !*- /-*. N -**X /'■S (**> w' 1 W w W W W W W W W w- I i EVERYTHING PURCHASED M From the Factories! C scoooooc-co3 Furniture of A!! Kinds! Buggies, Carts and Wagons! Organs and Pianos. Heaters and Cooking STOVE SEWilMC MACHINES. HARNESS FOR BUGGIES AND WAGONS! CLOCKS INCLUDING ALL GRADES! Remember I buy direct from the factories, and that you pay no middle man’s profits when you purchase from me. Anything the trade wants in the above line can save money by looking at my stock and getting prices. Respectfully, ■ 35 A. AV. McCONNELL, Carnesville, Ga.