The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, November 14, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. &ciaT Organ of PranXlin County. PntLISIIEI) EVERY , 0 V. J. MrKON.NKI.L AND tlEO. S. riULUI’S, Knifi>t:s ani> I’niieniKToiis. Carnes vllJe, (hi., November 14,1 SttO. DIRECTORY. cjinu’iu**. jnv'k; ttnptto-*New Cafiwsvllle—Pastor, second ftutuluy Itev. ,T. ,T. prm lilng every ami Sat- ' liaptkt—I'ross Itoails—Pastor, Itev. K. L. Sisk; ^reaching, prt^hvtertiW—Pa*tor, flint Sunday and K«?v. Saturday <1* U. before*. art’edge; * ( ,,r«»aeidii£C 1 >dist—Pastor, every third Sunday. llev. H. (). B. Emr1n?xl; jireiicliiiig 1 school fourth Sunday each church and Saturday her ore, Sunday at at U a. in, row n oo v j: u>* m i;n t. Mayor—1*. K. J’r.illitt. rttuncilincn—II. F. Adcrludd, A. W. McCon¬ nell, Jameu A. Manley, \V. II. ltnmjrfey. vovsty o Fl ic Kits, l ordinary—Otmiel PhiIIi|)*<, McKenzie, Carnesville. Clerk—J. M. Hieriff—.I. <’• McCouuo.M, < unicsvilU*. Tux (’oHeetor—L. J. ilreen, Ciimesville. Tux llcccivcr—, 1. K. I.ocr.y, L.ivoniu. Treasurer—T. Ihirtoji. Iron Kook, r<>ron» r— II. II. Hayes, Mize. County Commiasiowr*—,1. M. Andrews Mize; j i.Criiuijt, Mize; W. Y. Holbrook, Hold spring. (’OLJtT CALENDAR. Superior Court convenes even- fourth Monday in darchand.ScpUinker. ell, solicitor general. N. J„ Hutchins, judge; IL Jl. Hum JUSTICES’ COURT. Carnesville--J. K. Crawford, «l. I*.; S. M. Avers, N. P.; Huudall court day and every J. M. second futmpk Monday; bailiffs, IV. (). v. NOTICE To the Tax Payers of Franklin County. J will be at the different district preeints on the different times below mentioned for the purpose of collect¬ ing the taxes for the year 1890. FIRST ROUND. 3G3 Dooleys, Monday, Oct’r fitli 210 Gunnells, Tuesday, “ 7th 1420 Middle River, Wed’y “ Sth 370 Manleys, Thursday, “ 9th 1303 W. Bowersville, Uri’y “ 10th 204 Carnesville, Saturday “ 1.1th 13th 212 Byrams, Monday, “ 14th 200 Bryants, Tuesday, “ 213 Gumlog, Wednesday, “ 15th 1377 Red Hollow, Thurs’y “ 10th 215 Big Smiths, Friday, “ 17th 207 Wolf Pit, Saturday, “ 18th 211 Flintsville, Monday, “ 20th 812 Stranges, Tuesday, “ 21st second r.ofxn. 203 Dooleys, Wednesday, “ 22d 210 Gunnells, Thursday, “ 23d 1420 Middle River, Friday, “ 24th 370 Manleys, Saturday, “ 25th 1303 W. Bowersville, Mon. “ 27th 200 Bryants, Tuesday, “ 28th 213 Gumlog, Wednesday “ 29th 1377 Red Hollow, Thur’y, “ Btith 215 Big Smiths, Friday, “ 31-st 207 Wolf Pit, Saturday, Nov. 1st 212 Pyrams, Monday, 3d 204 Carnesville, Wednesday Tuesday, “ 4th 812 Flintsville, “ 5th 812 Stranges, Thursday, “ Oth THIRD HOUND. 210 Gunnells, Friday, 7th 203 Dooleys, .Saturday, 8 tli 1420 .Middle River, Monday, “ Kith 370 Manleys, Tuesday, “ 11th * 1303 W. Bowersville, Wed. “ 12th 200 Bryants, Thursday, “ 13th 213 Gumlog, Friday, “ 14th 1377 Red Hollow, Saturday “ 15th 212 Bvrams, Monday, “ 17th 215 Big Smiths, Tuesday, “ 18th 027 Wolf Pit, Wednesday, “ 19th 211 Flintsville, Thursday, “ 20th 812 Stranges, Friday, “ 21st 204 Carnesville, Saturday, “ 22d will On the 2d day of December T dose my books at Carnesville for the year 1890. 1 feel very grateful to the people of Franklin for what they have done for me. Feeling that I have discharged the duties involved on me to the best of my ability. I remain yours very truly, F. C. L. J. GREENE, T. C. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. .HI persons having demands against lie estate of II. II. I laves, late of Franklin county, deceased, are here¬ by notified to render in their de¬ mands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im¬ mediate payment. Oct. 8, 1890. J. M. Phillips, Admins’r of II. II. Hayes, dcc’d. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Franklin county, will he sold at public outcry at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One tract of land situate, lying and being in said county on Hunter’s creek, adjoining lands of IFillinm Hembree, Dink Harbin, col., R. D. Vow, the dower of J/rs. I’erry Toils. and others, containing one hundred and forty-eight acres, more or less, and being the tract of land whereon Berry Toils lived at the time of his death, except that part of said tract sot apart to JAs. Nancy Toils as a dower. Sold as the property of Perry Toils, late of said connt;>, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms, one-half cash the other halt ,. due Nov. 1st, 1891, with interest from date at the rate of 8 per ecu! per annum. Notes under Justices jurisdiction will he taken and bond given conditioner to make titles on payment of the purchase money. This Get. 28, 1890. J. J/. Bhim.irs, Adm’r of Perry Toils, doc'd. 7 A woman’s 7 good , 77 button shoe i o fo, f,,. $1 at McConnell A Gannon’s. use CRAWFORD’S ECZEMA —(SKIN CURA.)— For All Skin Diseases, —FOR— Heat in All Its Stages, — A x I) — All Affections of the Scalp. For sale hy Du. S. P. Kami', LOCAL BREVITIES. To Our Correspondents, We hope it will he convenient for our correspondents to hoik] in their communications on Tuesday and Wednesday, as we cannot get them in if they come in as late as Thurs¬ day. We appreciate your letters, and would he glad to hear from you each week. Subscribe for Tun Enterprise. The Hartwell jail is now without an occupant. The Carnesville High School grows larger each week. A. W. McConnell’s new dwelling is in course of erection. The bailiffs are busy these days, also justices and notaries. Neal Little, one of Royston’s mer¬ chants, was in town Monday. B. F. Aderhold went to Avalon on business Wednesday evening. J. C. Blackwell visited the Gate City last Monday on business. James A. J/anley went to Hart county on business Wednesday. S. J. Tribble was up from Athens Saturday and Sunday on a visit. A. X. King and J. W. Cannon made a business trip to Flintsville Wednesday. Dr. S. P. Rampley visited Royston and Bowersville Tuesday on profess¬ ional business. Rev. J. J. Reck preached a very interesting sermon at the Baptist church Sunday. Mr. L. F. Lcnhardt has been suf¬ fering with a carbuncle on the neck for several days. The price of cotton has been at a low ebb for the last few days, ranging from 5 to 9 cents. Several from this section attended the quarterly meeting at Bold Springs last Saturday and Sunday. Elder J. If. Baxter, of Elherton, preached at the Methodist church in Carnesville Sunday night. The Danielsville Monitor is now a semi-weekly. The Monitor seems to be energetic and prosperous. W. F. McConnell is having his new residence painted and chimneys built, and expects to move into it soon. J. B. Parks, A. N. Payne, T, J. McConnell and C. D. MeEntire left Carnesville Tuesday evening for the Gainesville fair. The Hartwell Sun says the cot¬ ton receipts at that market His season are largely in excess of the same time last season. Mr. Glenn Shelton and Miss Olie Vaughn were married last Sunday evening at the residence of Mr. Ben Vaughn, all of this county. G. L. Carson Jr. has 850 pounds of lint cotton from one acre of ground and will get 50 pounds more, The seed were of the Hawkins improved,. Young men and young women arc attending Prof. Looney’s say they are advancing faster in any school they have ever The W. C. T. V. meets in conven¬ tion in Atlanta to-day. Delegates will be there from every State, and it promises to be one the greatest occasions of the year. Prof. A. J. Morris has moved from Carnesville to near Bowman, Ga. He will teach at the Butler school house. Prof, Morris is one the deepest and most thorough scholars in this section ot the State. Mr. William Sorrows happened to a very serious accident a few days ago, ^ getting one bone of hislegbrok- an(] his an w e dislocated, from the kick of a mule. lie is doing well thinks he will soon recover from the injury. Walton Ginn has bought the west , lot where , *i Masonic sr m.jLHnrr bunding sto trfrwM-t j i, winch was m-en y J (ample v at public sale, (linn savs he is ready to re-build v - !ien the other parses interested in the he hlo-k b, , k get oet ready v . We hope 1 it be re built. To Our Subscribers. Owing to sickness the three *"■ *t»» &•«*«»*. (k'lnyod m reaching our tmusenbers, and the reading matter hasn't come up to the standard that we have kept if to heretofore. Hereafter we shall use every effort to he on time, and to furnish our readers with a first class newspaper. ♦ * Notice. The stock holders, and those who decided to take stock, of the Franklin county Publishing Co. are requested to meet in Carnesville at 10 o’clock a. m, Saturday the 22nd instant for the purpose of organizing, and any other business that may come up. Let every one that is interested be sure to come. Hy request of the stock holders. W. IK Ramim.kv. -v— AVALON. T. B. Sumpter is seriously ill. Fine weather for gathering crops. Farmers are about through making syrup. J. L. Ertzlierger is erecting a new dwelling. W. J. Bryan was in Carnesville on business last week. Some uf the farmers are beginning to sow- small grain. W. J. Bryan lias sold his syrup fac¬ tory to .Mr. Mosely. John Underwood, of Carnesville, was in town last week. There was quite a large gathering at Confidence Sunday. Some of the farmers are about up with their cotton picking. Martin sub-Alliance will have a co¬ operative store at Martin. Ed. McMurry, of this place, is go¬ ing to school at Bowersville. *** Dr. McBath, Martin, visited Ids friends of this place Sunday. Mrs. Holbrook, of this place, is vis¬ iting relatives in Madison county. N. Ertzberger died the (Jtli inst. His relatives have our sympathy. The singing society at Eastanallee has put off their meeting till next spring. Rev. A. C. Echols preached his farewell sermon at Confidence last Sunday. The young people had an enjoya¬ ble time near this place on last Sat¬ urday night. Robert Veils, of this place, will move Hi:; photographing outfit to Martin soon. Messrs. Davis and Bailenger, of Oconee county, S. C., were at Confi¬ dence Sunday. There was more cotton made in this section than the people expected some time since. C. Smith and family, of Martin, visited relatives in this place Satur¬ day and Sunday. R. Smith, of Dallas, Texas, who has been visiting relatives near this place, has returned. R. D. Vow & Co. have their new brick warehouse completed, and will soon have their new store house erected. Ye scribe, accompanied by several others, went to the Shoal Creek sing¬ ing convention. The singing was very flue, and the day passed away pleasantly. Much success to The Enterprise. It is a very good paper and is appre¬ ciated iu this section. Young Fellow. For stationery go to Carson. If you want pure and good tobacco try Maud Muller—sold by B. Curry, Royston, Ga. Jeans selling at cost at Carson’s A good cooking Stove at the Hardware Store, Harmony (drove, Ga., for $8 00. Call and examine it. A large lot of vases and Christmas toys have been shipped from head¬ quarters to John M. Carson. Suspenders and hose hy the th ous- and at B. Curry’s, Royston, Ga. A large stock of Guns at (he Hard- ware Store, Harmony Grove, Ga. A written guartancc given on all chains sold by Carson. If you want to buy a pistol go to the Hardware Store, I lannony Grove, Ga. They have a large stock to se¬ lect from. For the latest styles of gents’ and ladies’ watch chains and necklaces go to Carson at the Nelms old stand. Do you want the best Axe in the world? If so buy the Keen Kuttor at the Hardware store, Harmony Grove <, " ^ reec , ;|lt bookj copy an< i school supplies at _ Use Dr. King’s Royal Genuetuer for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, Bold bv A. W. McConnell. ftps H. Loisf s Go!*, THE DEVIL'S HIDE. The black horse of sectional hate and political frenzy has plunged madly on. For two years the ling of his hoofs lias startled the echoes along down the plain that reaches to the region of woe. His rider, like the merciless Attila, has boasted that in the track of those hoofs no Southern grass should ever grow. And his rider has danced and yelled in the ruin that lie thought was never to he reclaimed from the abomination of desolation that ho made as he went. And the crown of his glory glanced and gleamed as he snuffed the border vavors of his native air. Hut his ride is over, and ho wails as a demon now that his dark steed lias stumbled and fallen, to rise no more. It. has been a terrible time, and the faith of men in the permanence of human justice has been awfully shaken. 1 >ark night has rested on the land we love, and a starless gloom has hovered over the deep of our sorrows. Hut the dawn has come again, and soon the sun will lie once more shining upon us in the full crown-royal of his splendid beams. And now at this stage of our pro¬ ceedings comes the voice of a herald which says aloud to all and sundry, “The foul-mouthed and smoke- breached Cannon will belch forth his anathemas upon Southern people no more.” ♦ Why don’t little Benny Harrison and bully Tom Reed at once proceed to call an extra session of the radical congress, and unseat the hosts of democraeie gentlemen that the people last week elected to seats in the na¬ tional council? It will be delightful to all gentle¬ men present, when the next speaker of the house says to Reed, “Sit down, Sir!” Then the tyrant will feel in¬ deed that the weapon he forged for others has become indeed a boome¬ rang for himself. Won’t some of the pious South- hating preachers at the North lead the “grand old party” in prayer? It is a good time for some of them with true nasal twang to drawl out, “Let us take off our hats and kneel in the dirt, my friends 'and companions in distress.” And what is to become of the beau¬ tiful “force bill” that was so compla¬ cently laid away by the radical con¬ gress to be passed at the next session? And where away is all at once hidden fhe delightful picture they drew of uegre soldiers presiding with bayo- over the polls of Southern elections? ♦ * ♦ When his term expires, the great national buffoon Ingalls will expire also. Can any retribution be more deserved or more welcome to right- thinking people? Henceforth the blatant partisan and bitter sectional- ist will be in“galls of bitterness” as he, has long been in the “bonds of iniquity.” It has been often said that opposi¬ tion is sometimes a friend in disguise. So we can see now that Lodge with his devilish force-bill, and McKinley with his infamous tariff, and Reed with his insulting and outrageous tyranny have been the very best friends to the nation hy disposing an aggrieved people to put a party, that can father such iniquitous measures, at once and forever out of power. Foraker is being talked of for sec¬ ond place with Blaine. But it will be worse than second place with Blaine himself if he runs. He will find himself worse beaten than in ’84 if ho Aries it again. And where will the warrior Foraker be? He will be, as usual, firing off his old rusty mus¬ ket at the South, loading with bird- shot and wadding with pieces from some nigger’s shirt dyed with poke- berries! “So mote it he,” In all seriousness the late over¬ throw of the republican party can be looked upon as nothing less than an overwhelming wave of retributive justice. It is a party that has been in power, with only a slight interval, for a quarter of a century. During rJl that time who can say that this party .* has ever legislated'for the gen- era! good? Have they ever passe, t laws for the benefit of the working men, the farmers, the mechanics, the toiling millions? Never! They have legislated for monopolists and public plunderers. Their measures have heen inte „ded to make the poorer, and the rich richer. They * ‘ have si,added swindlers ... and ,, and oppressed hone A people. Uni their reign is over. And once more the country may ho at peace. A DM J\ ISTRATOR's BAl.K. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Franklin county will be Hold at public outcry, at the court house door of said comity, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal bourn of sale, the following property, to-wit: The undivided one- half intercut in one certain tract of land situate, lying and being in said comity on waters of Kastanallco creek, adjoining lands of A. I’. Davis, R. D. and T. K. Vow and others, contain¬ ing one hundred acres, more or less, and being the tract of land whereon T. J. Keeso lived, at the time of his death, the other half interest belong¬ ing to Airs. L, .1. Msuvtf. Sold as the property of T. J. Kcese, late of said (‘(Unity, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms of sale, cash. This Oct. 28th, 1890. .1. M. FiiM.i.ies, Adm'r of T. J. Kcese, doc'd. ANNOUNCEMENTS. KOI! TAX RECEIVER. 1 announce myself as a for the office of Tax Receiver, if elected will faithfully di the duties of the office. 1 {expect- fully, W. li. Box n, KOI! SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for Sheriff of Eraiikjin county, and solicit the votes of the citizens of the county. If elected I will dis¬ charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. 1 a in running on my own merits and not on the de¬ merits of any man. If elected I in¬ tend to serve the people with truth and honesty. G. R. Baxes. Fol! Cl.KKK OF 1 Ill; cor ltT. I respectfully announce my candi¬ dacy for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin county. If elected 1 promise to dire-large the duties of the office faithfully. J. A. Mi Cay. von tax collector. 1 announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector. If I am elected 1 promise to discharge the duties of the office to the Lest of my ability. Re¬ spectfully, Alex White. FOR SHERIFF. T announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Franklin county without any combination or so Imitation of any man or set of men. If elected my purpose, is to appoint a jailer, but will make no election, promises to any one until after the further intend to give my entire time to the office, and discharge its duties to the best of my ability. Thanking the people for their support in tl e past, ! still solicit their hearty Re¬ port in the future. I am vour humble servant Jons C. McCarter. FOR TAX RECEIVER. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Franklin comity, and promise the vo¬ ters, if elected, that 1 will faithfully discharge the duties of the office. W. R. Thomas. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer 1 of Franklin county. If elected will use every effort to fill the office sat¬ isfactorily to the people, thanking them for past favors. T. C. Burton. FOR CLERK OF THE COURT. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereby announce myself as office a candi¬ date for re-election to the of Clerk of the Superior Court at the ensuing election iu January next. 1 am very thankful to the people for past favors, hoping to receive their support again. 1 have but one prom¬ ise to make, if elected that ! will per¬ form the duties of the office prompt ly and in the best manner possible. Hoping a favorable response from the people, 1 am, respectfully, J. M. Phillips. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Franklin county, and promise if elected to discharge tlie duties of the office faithfully, i tespectfuily, M. ('. Rampley. FOR SHERIFF. T respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, hoping that I may have a liberal support of the people, and promise, if elected, to faithfully discharge my duties tin an officer. Respectfully, McWuoitTKii. J. IS. D. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector. I need the office and am competent to fill it. If (he peo¬ ple elect me I will endeavor to faith¬ fully serve them. Repeetfully, S. JL McDaniel. foh tax coujzrron. f respectfully announce myself as candidate for Tax Collector for the ensuing election in January next. If elected 1 shall endeavor to make the wmiltv . ,, mlltt an<l faithful officer. j* u> |, tH .tfu!ly, R. M. Walters. — ^ ^thaZto ^oters of Fratlk i in county for past favors, 1 a it- nounce mv name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver Retnriw of Fiteikiui county at (he eUKucing fV,,, election m January next, „• ( . !w{ ,.d do ali in mv'power , to fi)i lhe otiic<} l0 th „ ) M ,, t interest „f the tax payers. Respectfully, I Jesse II. Lk< rov. <GrUJn.s2 A large and select stock just received from Europe of all grades. PISTOLS. A large stick of the best makes just received. Also Rifle and Pistol Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, brass and Paper Shells. COOK STOVES.®* CHEATING STOVES. A full assortment always on hand. The “Royal Keen Kutter Axe” the la st in the world. Ruhherand Leather Belting. The Celebrated Oliver elulled Plow and other Plows. Wagon ami Buggy Materials. FARIHIING IMPLEMENTS. Ditching shovels, spades, etc. Holloware, Tinware, Table and Rocket cutlery, carpenters’ tools. A full assortment always on hand. Buggy harness, horse collars, blind bridles. In fact, we are headquarters for all kinds of Hardware. Be sure to call end examine our stock. HARDWARE STORE j :58 HARMONY GROVE, «A. PIANOS AND ORGANS! -THE 0|H U3U Is&ilClyEu Opfjahlp & Hamlin IS THE BES T, and why waste your money buying trash? ('bickering, Mathnsliek, and Sterling Pianos. Over two hundred thousand Mason <fc Hamlin Organs now in use. We keep the Baby Cabinets for Teachers always on hand. Price £22.00 to music teachers. A splendid Walnut Case, Six feet high, with Couplers and Double Action, for £50.00. Beat it if you can. 8 ’tSjieciitl /v/iv.v to the Allliance. Call and see or write me for terms of easy payment before buying. HOPE HALE IVIUSIC HOUSE, 242 BROAD STREET, ATT IKS, GA. Next to Childs, Nickerson & Co.’s Hardware Store. 38 UMCsixrtixi. Institute. FA L TERM. j 1890 -BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1890.- AND CONTINUES SIXTEEN WEEKS, Under 1 he management of the following corps of teachers: S. P. OKR, - Principal. 1. G. HUDSON, First Assistant. Miss NETTIE MKTIIVIN, Second Assistant. Mis ADA M. ELIIANNON, Third Assistant. Mrs. W. P. RIVERS, - M usic Teacher. Art Teacher. RATES OF TUITION: Resident.pupils within public-school age, per month...........................£1.25. Resident pupils over public-school age, per month............................ 1.50. Non-resident pupils 2 . 00 . Tuition due at the end of the term. Pupils will be charged from date of entrance to the end of the term, except in cases of special arrangement or provideneial causes for as long a time as two weeks. The discipline will he thorough. No association of the sexes, except so much as is necessary sn class recitation and during school hours. One or more of the teachers’ presence will he required from opening to close cf the school each day. HEADQUARTERS -AT I oooo (> c:ooooo:cooocooooo * k If. ioOOKLL’S, * i i O O () /"v i—- /■**- o o —■ ooooo W W w w W W -V W E VEn YT111 NO PURCHASED Direct From the Factories! l) c-ioocoocoo Furniture of All Kinds! Biggies, Carts and Wagons! Organs and Psanos. Heaters and Cooking STOVE - SEWSftiC MACHINES. HARNESS FOR BUGGIES AND WAGONS! CLOCKS INCLUDING ALL GRADES! Remember I buy direct from the factories, and that you pay no middle man’s profits when yon purchase from me. Anvdiiim the trade wants in the above line can save money by looking at i u .took and getting prices. Respectfully, 35 A. W. MoCONNELL, CarnesTille, Ga,