The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, November 21, 1890, Image 2

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THfi ENTERPRISE. Official Organ of FranKlin County, 'ICSS'HCVifflW. 1 ^ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ,^-umoc M Sac»Hd> Frio* of ^ttlM^rl' i our )’<■»«. il In : MX «w,nl»)«, Mmiwi ti*jvc ir..o:iUi->, Xi cent-: club* «rf JO or nujD, Ti t>m (*/ u»nnui t'Wi id ii<b.giw T*r»«uX AilrrruaidK Ou'W-ix-c ,» » j,j(ld. »w>«' CurrvspoiLilriii* )» KultcUrU, l»(« nu will l* clrm 10 Cominunlcstion* » 4CC“Uijxi- Aj «4 tty tdr r<uJ name of tfte sritfr, LON. J, MoC'oNAJiLp *«. Oft) S. I'llJLI.II’S. kmtohs J'w>r»|Rt>)iis. title, (•»., November21,1MM, ttDITOJtlAI.l.V PARAGRAPHED. |Jpw the vote stood on firs? builrw lor |f. d. Senator: Gordon, - • 120 . Norwood, - Calhoun, r t | lines, - • - r.b Hammond y " 9. Hawkins, • 1. --------« ♦ T- The only traces of MoCnnc that i> )«ft is the hole lie went in at. The Atlanta Constitution prmn.. I*ed fo pay, but the assets were not forthcoming. The Alliance bosses and the At¬ lanta Constitution are yet smaller than tV people, Ingalls auys that ho will not be de¬ feated for Senator—that he expects |o succeed himself. McCune will have to go. The con¬ servative Alli.iuceuieri do not want a Icudsf who works tor revenue only. The Alliance members in the leg- hduture swapped work with Clark Jfowell, but Clark could not get up enough hands to pay back when llllie w:w tip, Charley Jones, a brother of Sam r. Jones, shot and killed a negro named Jim Young in Cartersvillo on the 15th inst, The affair is said to have been deliberate murder. It was A gratification of an old grudge. Jn Bro. Gantt’s revelation he says #very vote for Gordon is a nail in the AlHanee eoffln. If Larry will size himself up lie will find that ho has been a wry small man in Georgia jadltica tu the year of our Rul'd, 1890. Norwood ami Hines wrote letters endorsing tho sub-treasury bill and Immediately announced themselves candidates for the senate. Both were plain bids for the Alliance support, but they were not accepted. The snspii-iun is that Calhoun hid in adit fereut way, and that the bosses ac¬ cepted his bjd, A few days after Dr. Felton was defeated by Kveretr, some one asked Ham Jones; “How do you feel about FeltupH” “Ju#V like the man felt about his wheat,” replied Mr. Jones, elfow’s that?” “Well, when he put his wheat in the water tlie good grains went to the bottom and the trash Roaiml ou top,” Larry Gantt is “Saul of Tarsus” the xeeoud, La.-t week while going from place to place preaching Alli- *noe doctrine as against corporations he was suddenly stricken do.un, and on coming to himself he seemed to hew a voice in the distance, saying: oO Gantt of Athens! Why perse- cutest thou me, Patrick Calhoun ol Richmond Terminal fame?” Larry fell asleep and had pleasant dreams, and on being awakened felt very (UUPh refreshed, and repared at once to Atlanta and wrote a revelation that all Alliance representatives should support Pat Calhoun, a grand¬ son of his grand-father, If reports are true Senator J. J. Ingalls, of Kansas, will be succeeded tu the United States Seuaty by 4 bit¬ ter partisan republican. A\V fear that Livingston’s and Polk’s visit to that WlalO vi!l luff bear much demo- cratjo fruit, although much has been promisod. Thu men elected to con- gross front Kansas by “the people’s league” will very |lk.i|y abide by re- publican caucusse* when they get to congress, just like tip: Alliance mom- bew In Georgia have promised to »V4ffu by the democratic The advocacy of certain platforms by candidoto* outside of tho regular party platforms of the two great par- ties was iu most instances for the pur- pose of getting elected to office, and not from principle and conviction. The masses will yet sec the deception Of r.;unc of their pretended friends and leaders, and then there will be a reckon log that will retire them into pbljvion. IT 10 senator cordon TV people a,pl dep)Qrr^cy fosyp triumphed j And afitiis and Ingnas fray p j;ppp defeated! Hom.r ft fieo?gi:» toy her pu;i- hood j Las* Tuesday witnessed thy gruat- est excitement at Georgia’s capita) that |;as bpen seen there for inauv years. It was a day wht.u the most illustrious surviving hero of the lost cause, clothed with all the honorable traditiotis of this great State since 1801, was to be upheld by his oyyp people and democracy, or to be cut down by them at the dictation of as- piring demagogues, self-constituted bosses and ajjc.'pg, Thunk God that Georgia’s tradi¬ tions and her old-time democracy have beep vindieatpd, and that her demagogic assailants have been sup¬ planted, The fight for the United States Senatorshij) that has pist closed was in many instances the most notable ever made in the State. The figlit wa; made against General Gordon by the Farmers’ Alliauee, because he would not endorse in detail t)ye spb- troasury bill. The injurs in the Al¬ liance apd the Jr state and national organs said that Gen. Gordon must accejit the sub-treasury l*iil in detail, or b l ‘ must walk the Wards, and they proceeded at onoc through the South¬ ern Alliance Farmer and the National Economist, and many other ways, to make war on Gen. Gordon, and the s consequence was that it looked at one time very much like they had i very nearly succeeded in prejudicing the minds of the people sufficiently to secure h|s defeat. But General Gordon know thp people of Georgia, and also know that they knew him, and believing that the sub-treasury bill in detail would not give the re¬ lief desired hv the farmers, he fear¬ lessly and manfully went before tire people and attacked the detailed plan and championed a broader one, and notwithstanding the State was thor¬ oughly canvassed for a man of any profession, regardless of platforms and monopolists, the opposition could find no man who could stand before him, and he was overwhelmingly elected op first ballot. Gordoa and tha A'diaitce, There was nothing left undone in the Senatorial race by the organs and bosses of the Alliance to prejudice tlie farmcjs of Georgia against Gen. Gordon, lint foilniutply for Geor¬ gia she had elected men to the legis¬ lature who had the manhood to turn their backs on McCune, Sledge, Liv- mgston, and Harry Brow n, wl.en they saw that these four bosses were try- mg to lead them “by the nose,” not earing whom was selected, even the chief among mopopoli-ts, just so they found a man to beat Gordon. There being 163 -Alliance representatives in the General -Assembly, tlie interlo¬ pers and aliens felt bold to dictate to t ho order’s representatives w hum they should elfii't. Tilt: pppse<juoncc was that true Alliancemen, and at tlm same time democrats, feeling that they were representatives of all classes, became disgusted with the undemocratic methods *.hsi weep be¬ ing used by the bosses, and gave tllum to understand they would vote from conviction apd pot from dicta¬ tion. Notwithstanding the Alliance members were 53 in number more than it took to elect a senator, Gen. Gordon was elected by 27 majority on first ballot. So much for the dic¬ tation of self-constituted bosses, in, terlopcrs and aliens. Larry Gantt broke down when he heard the Alliance had centered on Calhoun for Senator—ip fact it is stated that Larry got sick, but the Richmond Terminal, tho great healer, proceeded at otiee to treat his case and there was prompt relief, and Mr. | Gantt in turn wrote a Jong article ad- voeating the election of the great physician’s candidate for the Senate, j notwithstanding he had written in '. his paper a few days before that the election of -Mr. Calhoun meant the downfall of the Alliance order, A conference with thp bosses seems to luvo left its impress on Col. Gantt, ------—- Everybody of* admires the energy ^ and scope the news force on Atlanta Constitution, but its editorial page of late ranks way down the list of the daily journals of the South. About tlit Clamors. R. T. Nesbitt, fejjpmissioner of ag- rjculjnrp, writes the following Jetler warning the farmers of against the spread of that most ma- hgoapt (lipase, “glanders.” 1 ft says: “To enforce this warning, I wiil repeat what lias Wen recently pub¬ lished hv Hr. Porter, state health of- tioer of Florida, lit* says* :T|>e press of the country announces an epidemic of glanders prevailing in the sf al.o of Texas with great fatality, and T would suggest the immediate ne¬ cessity of exercising great care in this (natter, and watching carefully all UVtiuucs by which droves of horses or cattle may enter your section. All horses or cattle coming into your vi- cini, v from T « a » should ,K “ i,umcJi - . ,»ttdy and carefully inspected before allowing them to be sold, * * * Any animal which presents a discharge from the nostrils should be looked upon with suspicion, and carefully guarded from all intercouse with oth¬ er animals until syeh t hue has elapsed as to preclude the possibility of the discharge being caused by this dis¬ ease.’ “I have recently had letters men¬ tioning the presence of a similar dis¬ ease in Georgia, at present confined to the southwestern and middle por¬ tion of the state. I have on foot a nu.umv which 1 trust will stamp out this dread disease in its incipieney, but until they can be carried into ef¬ fect I would earnestly urge that the farmers exercise the utmost care In keeping m! 1 diseased stock separated from the others, and that all pro¬ nounced eases be unhesitatingly sac¬ rificed for the good of the remain¬ der.” 11. T, Xgsni tT, President Polk, of the National Alk;U'e>\ sa\s while lie would under no circumstances dictate »o tlie peo- pie of Georgia whom they should elect to office, but to be candid he must say that lie thinks the Alliauee of Georgia made a serious mistake in advocating the election of Pat Cal¬ houn to the United States Senate. Col. Polk shows himself far superior to McCune in this line, and is freer from suspicion. Suspicion Is fixed on tho minda of the people—both Alli¬ ance ami non-Allianee—(list McCune is corrupt, and it will he a long time before he can convince them other¬ wise. Representative Boifenillet, of Bibli. introduced a bill a few days ago v. hicl, provides that the State school com¬ missioner shall be elected by the peo¬ ple as other State house officers are elected. This is right. If is the way the people of Georgia got rid of Henderson qnd put a better man in his stead as commissioner of agricul¬ ture. Let those who want the State school eommUsioncrship go before the people, and the people will make no mistake in choosing. Commissioner of Agriculture Nes¬ bitt has appointed Mr. J. B. Hunni- outt ohk>f ( . K ,, U in tho department, yy a av ,. ^ to kno „. it< Col . Nes . Wtt would well to makeMr.IIuu- „ icutt hh c hief adviser, --------------- - ■» t ♦ ---------------- Honor to Col. Polk! He was the only prominent -Alliauee officer that denounced the candidacy of I’at Cal- Ip,)ViU for the Senate, vdl I.UD Villv liiclll DTItTf ^[cldAA! Jl)GII 001« _ _ AVe opened our School on Mon- day October Cth. The Fall session Viil WWtWW three months, or ,; 0 days, to be included between October iffh and December 24th. RATES OF TUITION: Fir--;t Primary: Spelling, Read¬ Second ing, AYritiug, Primary: and The Figures with #1.50 same Primary Arithmetic, Primary Grammar, Primary Geogra¬ phy........ ......... 2.00 Intermediate: -Advanced Arith¬ metic, Grammar, Geography, Primary Algebra..................2.50 Second Intermediate: The same with Natural Philosophy, t’ln'inixtry, Physiology, 'aiid First the usual English course........ 3.00 Class: Latin, Greek, High¬ er Mathematics, Logie, Rhet¬ oric, etc...: ..... 3.50 Tuition due af the end of the three ipoiqha, Nuptial received for less than a month. No deduction far plw senee except in case of sickness. I)is- cipline will he rigorous, and severe if necessary. Board can be hr.d at good houses at from #2 to #2.50 per week. M. II.LOONEY, Principal. -—----------- Money tO Loa.ll, On improved farm lands, in sums of #390 and upwards, Payable in «nall amount instalments. Terms Xld^b ,/ ^ 1 ,Zh 0 t" ^ "(Kdt I “ u , ; f borrow ’ ' \y_ R. Lrrn.t:. Attorney, 35 Carnesv:l’e, Ga. j Take Warning 1 . All persons indebted to tig.' flpjt* of \\-. C. mid J. U. McKntire must tle j, v Xovembar l;'»t|), ,»r their notes and accounts will be placed in the hands ot an officer for collection, AV, {J, A .J. fl. Mc'Rxhki:. JfotiCQ. All persons indebted to the firm of B, Welhorn A Bro. are request¬ ed to come forward and make imme¬ diate setlement, or notes and ae- »;ounfs will be placed in the hands of an officer for collect!..ns, Dijr re¬ cent heavy loss by fire compels us to pursue this course. Respectfully, C. lb Wklborx a Bho. T.*-.—--- -r~!~ .T ♦ All kinds of can goods kejti at J. M. Carson. Do pot fail to call on L. G. man A Rro., of Harmony Grove, dolls, toys, vases, fancy goods, etc. Sugar, coffee and flour cheap us the cheapest at Carson's. I noil tl»e best sawing machine on the market. Call and examine be- forevoubuy. A. W. McC’onxkm.. You will find the finest grades tobacco the market affords at Car- son’s. Get our prices on clot liing and hats before buying, M< CoXNHI.I. & C.V.NXOX. Santa Claus is going to make head- quartersat J. M. Carson’s the coining ’Xivms, L.G. Hardman A I>ro„ of Harmony Grove, will open up one of the most complete lines of Christmas goods in December ever brought to this sec¬ tion of tho conn try. Jeans selling at cost at Carson’s Liver, bladder and kidney diseases cured by using Dr. King’s Royal Germetuer. Sold by A. W. Me Connell. If von cannot SCO to vend this local vt-ur eves mo falling and vou need a pair rf glasses. The best*and cheap- est spectacles on the market at L. G. 1 lardman Jfc Rro., Harmony Grove. J’erf Hines and toilet soaps at I„ (i. Hardman Rro,, HaV-mcmy Grove, Sheriff Sales B in be *o|d m. the iiWfc Tw^y in December, hyfore the court house door in Carnesvilie, UinnklUl (i:i .. within the legal hours ot b«U\ to ;he highest bidder for easfc, ti;e. fol- lowing proper tv, one* tract of land lying- in the 1420th district, G, M„ of l'rauklin containing two liundred and twenty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of George James, A. X- Poole, and others. This is a line farm and in a Ijigi* stute of cultivation, aiul good dwelling, tenant houses, a*,) necessary out buildings, and is con- venient to churches, schools, etc. LfV'pd op us the property of J. L Cary by virtue of an execution issued from Franklin superior court in favor of B. ,T. Meadow, against J. S. D«d- ley, M: J-Dency, principal, and J. L. Carv security. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney; \vrith>n nutife given defendant as required by law. This Oct. 30, 1890. Also at the same time awd one certain tract or parcel of land ly- ing and being in the county of Frank- Jip apd state of Georgia on the prong of Hunter’s creek, adjoining j kinds ol A- ^L Payne, Larkin Mil- liains, James Crawford, A\ ] and othei's, containing one dred and twenty-two acres, mm* or and known as part of the 'Mize ! ,1 ' 1 ’ »*ie traet of kind deeded hv C. L. Mize to Thomas Keller, and from I honias Keller to 1‘arthe 11 a Wells, and from Parthena AA ells tp S. M. AA ell.'; 21st June, 1836. There is a very good dwelling and Ueeossnry outbuildings on the place, and a good two-horse farm of good land in cultivation. Levied on the property of S. M. AA'ellsto satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued by J. M. Phillips, clerk superior court of Franklin county in fayor of II. -V. Payne and against S. M. Wells. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s at¬ torney. Written notice given tenant residing this op >ajd land as required by raw. Oct. 3(1, 1S90. J. C. -1/eCoxxKi.j-, Sheriff. finis, OILS, VlilSBB Anyone desiring to Paint will do well to call on us before buying. AVe »»' o agents for LONGMAN«t MARTINEZ PREPARED PAINTS, A, P, TRIPOD’S READY-MIXED sT bl.LOv TOFNnSSu b. KLD . EAL LEAD, inn And man\ otlieis. >\ e cannot fail S and best coatings for ceiling. L. G. HaRDE.mam & Bro., 2 Main st., - Ilanuony Grove, Ga. Facts for tie ki A Letter from an Eminent Diylae ia Re¬ gard to {lie Best Medicine in the World. Head. W0NPKRFUL CURES. Atlanta, Ga,, Jan. 11, *90, Six months ago, at the request oi a friend who was interested in the sale of King’s Royal Gornietijer, I made a written statement of the ben- efits I had received from the use of that jmtdjujna, In that statement I expressed the belief that it would cure me entirely of Catarrh. Within the last two months f have received letters from every quarter of the na¬ tion calling on me for further infor¬ mation ip regard to my health. It has Wen Impossible for mg to wrjto privately to each person who has made this request, and I am there* fore under tlje necessity of making another statement. f am free from Catarrh. I WJeivo that I could get a certificate to this effect from any competent phvsi- eian. I have used no medicine with- in the Just six months except King’s Royal Germetuer. My health is I>et- ter than it has been in thirty years. f am in posession of information which warrants me in saying that the , t .jj e £ w -j,; u ], j ] iave experienced from the- use of the medicine is not more certain and radical than that which it has brought to hundreds of per- sons iii Georgia ajid other States, I foci it to bo my doty to snv, al¬ so, that the effects of this remedy upon niv wife have been even more signal and wonderful. She has been almost a life-long invalid from Ner¬ vous; Headache, Neuralgia and rheu¬ matism. In a period of thirty years she lias scarcely had a day’s exemption from pain. She has been using Ger- metlier about two months. A more complete transformation I have nev¬ er witnessed. Every symptom of I ‘ U ^‘ ,ms ^appeared. «he »I>- ! !»»»* tQ b(? twt ‘ nt - v - v( ‘ ;l!S - V0,in K* !r ’ 11,1,1 is ^ »"•! P^vlul as a !,t ‘ al,h v chM - AVe have F ,crsua,le<1 - mlm v of our fm ‘ n,ls to ,i,kt ' tl,c mL ‘ <1 ' - ieine, and rho testimony . ' of all of tI|Wn Ultti it i# # gr( , nt remedy. j. Rawtiiouxk, Pastor First Baptist Church. Royal Germetuer builds up from i ! feeling the 1Irst its dosts invigorating ,1,p P atient and health- giving Influence. R Increases the appetite, aids digestion, clears the f , omi , k . xio! re o U lates the liver, kid- ; ne vs > a « cl , Wings , . bloom lt . 0 ,he chei ‘ k ’ st ’ v ^ rth t0 tI,<? w v . '‘"‘i j°- v to tb « heart, For weak and debilitated females it is without : :l 1 lv ;i1 or l’ 01 ' 1 - lf V,JU ar * ^^nng with dBase ; ^ st:un[> a ouro ’ S0,K far- | P’h'tod matter, eirtiilcates, etc. k01 8a *° r, v ilu “ Kings Ihnal (<er- - metuer Company, 14 N. Broad st,, Atlanta, Ga., and by druggists. l>rk ’ e P tr concentrated bottle, " k ’ , k makes one gallon of medicine “ directions accompanying each ] Dottle. For sale by A. \\ . McCon- n( ‘ii> ^ arnesvilie, (<a. 34 r V-=- : New - Goods! 1 J |QV\^ ^ _, j We have just received one of the best selected stock of shoes that been brought to (.'arnesville. tVe have a genuine Kangaroo hand. I made shoe for #4.50 that takes the oake . In CLOTHING have ;» nice line and can save you nU) „o V| Notions we intend to keep up the reputation of the house _ to carrv t i,e best selected stock in town, and can prove the assertion | ^ tko g()0l ^. AVe have on the road a dandy line of Hats, and can surprise you in a #2.00 hat. -Groceries- AA’e will continue to keep in stock a general line of Groceries, consisting of fresh meat, flour, sugars, etc, AV hen you come to town eall in and see us. Respect,ally, Blacksmitiiing, -AXP WOOD-WORK. All „ Kinds . # lf Up.uriuft n Done v Aeij -ouiptly and n <uo Oid-t. »-•!„, me your Work and I will Guarantee Satisfaction, Q. F. ISBELL, g-8. Royston, Ga. A, N, KINO, AttorsiRV at Law ash Kkaj, Ks- fxfg Auknt, CARNKSYU.LE, - GEORGIA. t^SUOfficp in pewrt house. I 'tt Fine colored over shirts at IlfcCua* nejl A UaPDon’s, BL A C K I . s m ,th.n GI I am now prepared to do all kinds of bjaeksmithing, HORSE-SHOEING —A*0-— TIRE * SHRINKING -A SPECIALTY. All work promptly attended to. You will fin me at the Rob Rrown shop. J. L. HEMPHILL. »"j____ A SPLENDID OFFER. SUBSCRIBE NOW A any Sent be to Will DETROIT -AND Enterprise the GET Address FREE TWO THE-- GOOD 12 WEEKLIES Months a for PRESS CHEAP $1.50 * SEND a YOUR NAME AT CSSSL * THE« ENTERPRISE Lives Prosperous, Carrie? the News, is Read, Appreciated and Patronized. WE * ARE * NO * STRIPLING, But a full-fled$e<l, troll-developed Xctes-Paper, carrying all the Local Xeics, and in a condensed form the urrent Events of the ouniry. Xot the mouth piece of any person or combittafiin, hut free, fearless, and doing our duty as we see it, Do - TT - THE XKAVS? A RAILROAD? GOOD SCHOOLS? TO KNOW OUR POSSIBLE FUTURE? TO BUILD UP OUR WASTE PLACES? A ROCK-RIBBED, MARBLE-BOTTOMED DEMOCR ATIC WEEKLY NEWS PAPER? All of these Things can be had by Supporting THE ENTERPRISE. Carnesyille, Ga. $1 A YEARI** — TIIE Beplators ol Low Prices. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS harness, BOOTS ’ SADDLES, groceiIies, , n Give me a call. Respectfully, PIERCE & DOWNS, 8 - 8 . Royston, « a- Fancy Grocery 1 -AND-- ^^JonfectionerieGJ Nige Goods — AND — I complete ow Prices. carry a stock in iuy line, including drugs, show case no- tions, and all kinds of canned goods. Tobacco and Cigar* a Specialty, rjgf'Xext door to P. H. Rowers. B. CURRY, Royston, Ga. All kinds of buggies and road farts sold by A. W. McConnell. THF N. Y. FAMILY STORY PAPER. As in the past year, so in tkc com¬ ing one, the New York Family Story paper will strive to maintain its lead over all its competitors in circulation, excellence of its stories, sketches, pu, eras, etc., artistic effect of its illustra- tions, and exquisite typographicalap- pearaneo. Staff of Contributors. Its well-known and most popular authors, such as Nelly Bly, Emma Garrison Jones, Charlotte M, Kings, Collins, ley, Mary Charlotte Kyle Dallas, E. Burke M. Stanley, Wen- ona Gilman, Martha Eileen llolobau, Marie Walsh, Horatio Alger, Jr.. T. W. Hanshew, John ikr Morgan, Dennis O’Sullivan, etc., will be still further augmented by a number oi other distinguished writers. Terms to Subscribers; One copy, for one year.......... >8 00, Uro copy, six numthi. 1 50. One copy, four months 1 1)0 Four copies, one year.. 10 00, Address, Munro’s Publishing House, Y. 24 tmd go Vainly water st„ X.