The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, December 12, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. Official Organ of Franklin County. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. LON. /. MeCUN NULL JKP UKO. S. I'llILUI-S, Knrroui ami l-uoruiirruM. a _____ . — ('inetrlllr, (3a., December 12,1890. DIRECTORY. OH l!HO HIM. New CaruMTlIlv—Pastor. Kcv. .1. J. Ikit; Crfvn. plwUn; envy wound SuiiiUy wul Sut- •uuLty Haptlrt—CroM Rmdi-I-vtor. Rev. K. R. Si-k; prcncliln*. Ant Sunday and Saturday lioforo. Fro-ltytrrian—1’a.itor. third Sunday. lie. U. 11. (.'arttalge; fimaoliinr MotbodJ.t—Cantor, errnr Roy. ft. O. IR Engined; |imtchlBg taartb Sunday and Sutnrday before. Sunday wkool at each oliuroh at a a. in. row a flovKnxMKWT. (wutcllmwi-IL Mayor—P. I\ Proffitt P. Aderhold, W. McCun- A. ftttl, JMAM a, Man ley, YV. H. Itaiu|)lt‘). COUNTY OFFICER*. t Ordinary—iMuiel M. MeKenxie, Camrcville. Ckrk—J. Phillip', Carnesville. Sheriff—J. C. McConnell, l'arm* vi lie. Tax Collector—1-. J. (ireen, Cnrne.'Ville. Ta* Ruwivur—J. It I.eeroy, Treasurer—T. c. Hiirton, Iron Uock. Coroner—II. H. liayee, Min*. County OnumiD.*ioner«—J. M. Andrew*. Msec: It. J. Crump, Mixe; W. Y. Holbrook, Hold spring. COUNT UAL EMU ft. In Superior and Court convene# iuImt. N. every I.. Mutvhiu*, fourth Monday judge; March Sepw JL 11. ItuMRfll, solicitor ge neral. jnmcufl* court. CarnetK. Crawford. 4. F.; A. M. Arer*, JC. P.; aaw* day every second Monday ; bailiff*, W. O. Randall and J. M. Kamplet. Money to Loan. On improved farm lands, in sums of ♦300 and upwards. Payable in small amount instalments, Terms easier and rates lower than heretofore offered in the county. Call and see me if you wish to borrow. W. R. Little, Attorney, 35 Carnesville, Ga. A woman’s good button shoe for ♦1 at McConnell & Cannon’s. A large lot of vases and Christinas toys have been shipped from head¬ quarters to John M. Carson. You can buy the best sewing ma- chine on the market from A. W. McConnell. AU of the lightning medicines at McConnell & Cannon's. Sold on a positive guarantee. Suspenders and hose by the thous¬ and at B. Curry's, Royston, Ga. V! V! V! V! V! V stands for vase, but it would take a whole column of Y*s to stand for all the rases L. G. Hardman A Bro., Harmony Grove, have received for their winter trade. For the latest styles of gents’ and ladies’ watch chains anil necklaces go to Carson at the Nelms old stand. If you want the best brogan shoes at the lowest prices call on 1L Curry, Royston, Ga. A written guartanee given on all chains sold by Carson. If you want pure and good tobacco tfy Maud Muller—sold by B. Curry, Royston, Ga. Note books, receipt book, copy books, and school supplies at Car- son's. If you want to buy a pistol go to the Hardware Store, Harmony Grove, Ga. They have a large stock to se¬ lect from. Blood and skin diseases cured by Dr. King’s Royal Germetuer. For sale by A. \V. McConnell. A good cooking Stove at the Hardware Store, Harmony Grove, Ga., for $8 00. Call and examine it. Do you want the best Axe in the world? If so buy the Kepn Kutter at the Hardware sfore, Harmony Grove Ga. Use Dr* King’s Royal Germetuer for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, etc. Sold by A. W. McConnell. Go to A. W. McConnell for a good Stove. If you want to see the finest stock of pistols ever brought to Harmony Grove, call at the Hardware Store. Thk Kntk*pkise office is fitted up with new job press and material. All kinds of work done promptly and neatly. Drugs of all kinds at B. Curry’s, Royston, Ga. There it no better place in the country to buy your Christmas pres¬ ents than L. G. Hardman <fc Lire's of Harmony Grove. Notice to Christmas tree! L. G. Hardman & Bro's of Harmony Grove will make special rates to those buy¬ ing presents for Christmas trees. Santa Clans is going to make head¬ quarters at J. M. Carson’s the coming ’Xmas. You will find the finest grades of tobacco the market affords at Car- eon’s. Jeans selling at cost at Carson’s A large stock of Guns at the Hard¬ ware Store, Harmony Grove, Ga. Fire! fire! fire! fire-works! L. G. Hardman & Bro’s of Harmony Grove Will handle fire works of all kinds Christmas. USE CRAWFORD’S ECZEMA WASH —(SKIN CURA.)— For All Skin Diseases, —FOR— Heat in All Its Stages, — AND — All Affections of the Scalp. For sale by Dr. S. P. Ramfrkv. LOCAL BREVITIES. To Our Correspondents. We hope it will be convenient for our correspondents to send in their communications on Tuesday and Wednesday, as we cannot get them in if they come in as late as Thurs¬ day. We appreciate your letters, and would be glad to hear from you each week. For stationery go to Carson. C. D. McEntire visited Toccoa Sunday. Headquarters for Santa Claus at McConnell’s. The merchants arc raceiving their Christmas goods. Rabbits have a ready sale in town at 10 cents each. Local politics are lieginning to take hold of the people. The next wheat crop will be small, compared with the last. Mr. J. W. Holbrook, of Bowers- ville, was in town Tuesday. Miss Lula Burruss returned from Toccoa Tuesday after a several days’ visit. A. W. McConnell's new dwelling will he ready for occupancy in a short time. L. J. McConnell has hail another chimney built to his dwelling this week. If you intend to buy anything for the little ones go to McConnell’s, and lie wise. Thomas II. Morris is now posting books and collecting for Dr. II. M. Freeman. The Carnesville Literary Circle has purchased an organ for the benefit of the society. Giving precedents to justify intem¬ perance is a long way to bring about reformation. A large Christmas tree at the court house is on t he program for the com¬ ing holidays. “Remedies” arc very important if procured in time, but after the patient is hopelessly gone, are of very little use. Mr. James Ramplev lias moved in¬ to the brick house north of the court house, recently vacated by Prof. M. H. Looney. There was a case in justice’s court in Carnesville Monday in which one of the parties obtained judgment for twenty cents. Mrs. J. E. Herndon, of Elberton, is visiting relatives in town. She is accompanied by her grandson, Mas¬ ter Eddie Tabor. The coroner’s race in this county promises to be very lively and inter¬ esting. The aspirants for that office are quite numerous. Mr. Carmichael, the Tennessee hog drover, sent in a nice lot of porkers last Saturday. They are selling at 5.V cents per pound, gross. The cotton is about all picked out and the ginners are nearly ready to take a rest. The cotton buyers would like to get in their work now. Carnesville had a big fire, but you will not know the difference if you will go to McConnell’s and look at their immense stock of ’Xmas goods. Willis Allen, who accidentally shot himself just above the knee with a re¬ volver a short time ago, inflicting a verv severe wound, is able to be out again. Mr. Joe Scott, of Hartwell, has been In Carnesville some time build¬ ing some elegant chimneys to the new residences that are being erected. Mr. Scott is a first-class mason. John J, Rampley has resigned his position as fireman at Cannon s gin Garlandville, and is again at his old business of engineering a wagon between this place and the railroad. John Davidson, who lives about two miles from town on Judge hle’s farm, this year made with one mule and an ox eleven bales of cot¬ ton and 150 bushels of corn, besides other smaller crops, such as potatoes, etc. This beats a good many who have better land and more stock. Sheriff’ McConnell visited Atlanta the latter part of last week. Cock fighting is tho principle amusement in town just now. See announcement of B. D. Mc¬ Farland, Jr., for tax colleetor. A hop was given at tho Franklin Springs Saturday evening last. Some brilliant speeches made last Wednesday night at the debate. John M. Carson ami Miss Minnie Mi-Entire visited Athens this week. Carnesville jail now has five occu¬ pants—four males and one female. Seven new students entered the Carnesville High School this week. Nine apple wagons adorned our public square at one time last week. Little folks, tell your pa to tell Santa Claus to buy ’Xmas tricks from McConnell. Rabbit hunters are putting in good time, and all report fine success kill¬ ing the lively jumpers. On account of the heavy rains there was no preaching at Cross Hoads church last Sunday. Messrs. James Alexander and Paul Jenkins, of Oconee county, S. C., vis¬ ited Carnesville last Saturday and Sunday. There will he a fantastic ride in town on ’Xmas day. All who will take a part in it will please notify John Carson at once. John R. Dortch, who had almost recovered from a very severe spell of fever, has relapsed and is in a very critical condition. Rev. E. L. Sisk and family, of Flowery Branch, Ga., are spending some time with relatives and friends in and around Carnesville. J. R. Avers has been making things hum for several days with his planing machine, dressing lumber for his new residence on Adair street. Did You Know that we will put out all accounts for collection that are unpaid the 20th of December? McConnell A Cannon. Rev. G. W. Carroll will deliver a sermon to the Confederate Veterans at the court house on Christmas day. Everybody is invited to he present. Marriage is not a lottery, because man always draws a lecture. The “blanks” always come after the lect¬ ure while he is oil his way down town. Mr. Allen S. Turner, ono’of Roys* ton’s and Franklin county’s best cit¬ izens, died last Tuesday. He had been sick for some time and his death was not unexpected. A. W. Westbrook and family have moved into house recently vacated by W. F. McConnell, and B. F. Dun¬ can and family have moved into the house that was occupied by Mr. Westbrook. Mr. W. I. P. Vandiver, of Red Hill, has purchased the lot recently vacated by James Ranipley, and will move thereto in a short time. Ilis children w-ill attend the Carnesville High (School. “Charley the Poet Editor” pro¬ pounds the following question: If a man will bring one bucket of water for a smile, how many laughs will it take to get that man to keep the streets sprinkled in summer? Winter showed up in elegant and variegated style last Sunday night. The wind blew a gale, the rain came down in tor rents, anil about mid¬ night a light snow fell, followed by a driving sleet. If any travelers were abroad they were indeed unfortunate. Benny Aderhold says there is one district in this county that he will give the “go-by” in the future. He sold a farm to a man for several hun¬ dred dollars, and when he went to collect one of the payments a few days ago the man said he could not possibly pay bim anything, as he did not make but one bale of cotton and very little corn. This looked kinder strange to Benny, as the man had worked two mules to make the crop. The man is holding that lone bale, waiting for a rise in the price of the fleecy staple. There is a man in our town— A swell society man, sorter— Who always happens to be around When they want a bucket of water. qq ic above poetic lines came troop- j n „ an( j clow ding themselves upon t jj 0 m ( n( j 0 f «Cltarley the I’oct Ed- ; tor ” a f ew days since as he was slowly and meditatively wending his way down Main street, and lie says if laughing would make a man grow fat that he would be a very corpulent man, or anybody else would, if they could have seen the “swell society man, sorter” as he lugged the pail of water up the hill, to receive there¬ for—a smile. Hymeneal. Married, at the rtsid nee of the bride’s father, lion. B. 11. Parker, oi Hart county, on Wednesday, Decem¬ ber 10th, S. M. Ayers Esq., of this place, to Miss Mollie Parker, Rev. P. F. Crawford officiating clergy¬ man. Mr. Avers is one of Carnesville’s most energetic business men, and his fair bride is one of Hart’s most ular and charming young ladies. They left immediately for Annin- ton, Ala., and will visit relatives in different parts of the state before their return. We hope they may always he found j on the negative when it is affirmed that marriage is failure. Examination of Teachers. By order of the State Commissioner 1 will examine teachers of public schools on Saturday, the 20th of Do comber, 1800. The examination will he held in the court room at Carnes- ville, and will begin at 8 o’clock, a. in., and close at sunset. There will be hut one day’s examination. Teach- ers who do do not come on that day need not apply at all. This Dee.!!. 1800. J. S. Doutch, C. S. (’. Rev. R. B. 0. England Returned. The people of this place and throughout this section will he glad to learn that Rev. R. 15. O. England has been returned to the Carnesville circuit for the ensuing year. Mr. England is an able and energetic preacher, and otherw ise a social high- toned gentleman, and we congratu¬ late t his circuit on their good luck. Masonic Officers. Officers of Carnesville Lodge, No. 180, A. F. M., were elected at their last meeting for the ensuing year as follows: J. S. Dortch, Worshipful Master. J. B. Parks, Senior Warden. Jos. A. Manley, Junior Warden. W. II. Ramp ley, Secretary. J. R. Tucker, Treasurer. J. E. Crawford, Tyler. Notice to Subscribers. All who are indebted to Tin: En¬ terprise for subscription are earn¬ estly- urged to settle during this month. Every one can pay these small amounts without ’injury to him¬ self, and all put together will make a sum that will bo of much benefit to the proprietors. Notice. I will preach iny annual sermon to the confederate veterans in the court house in Carnesville on the 20th inst. at 11 o’clock, a. in. All are invited. Geo. W. Cakuorr, Chaplain. Carnesville High School We opened our School on Mon¬ day October 0th. The Fall session will continue three months, or 00 days, to be included between October 6th and December 24th. RATES OF TUITION: First Primary: Spelling, Read¬ ing, Writing, and Figures $1.50 Second Primary: The same with Primary Arithmetic, Primary Grammar, Primary Geogra¬ phy................................................ 2.00 Intermediate: Advanced Arith¬ metic, Grammar, Geography, Primary Algebra....................... 2.50 Second Intermediate: The same with Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Physiology, and the usual English course........ 35.00 First Class: Latin, Greek, High¬ er Mathematics, Logie, Rhet¬ 3.50 oric, etc...:... Tuition due at the end of the three months. No pupil received for less than a month. No deduction for ab- sencc except in case of sickness. Dis¬ cipline will be rigorous, and severe if necessary, Board can be had at good houses at from $2 to $2.50 per week. M. II. LOONEY, Principal. Sheriff Sales. Will be sold on the first Tuesday house in January, 1801, before the court door in Carnesville, Franklin county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol¬ lowing property, to-wit— One number three Geiscr separa¬ tor four wheels, and a class “E v on Peerless Engine on wheels, also one class “It” Peerless traction Engine saw-mill, Geiscr made. .Said prop¬ erty levied on as the property of P. G. Clark to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of the Geiscr Manufacturing Clark. Said Company traction against Engine said P. G. will he delivered where it is located near P. G. Clark’s cotton gin, in the 215th district, G. M., said county. This December 1st, 1800. J. C. A/cCo.vnkli., Sheriff. Liver, bladder and kidney diseases cured by using Dr. Iving’B Royal Germetuer. Bold by A. W. Me Connell. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. Anyone desiring to Puiut will do well to call on us before buying. We are agents for LONGMAN Jk MARTINEZ PURE PREPARED PAINTS, A. P. TRIPOD’S READY-MIXED PAINTS, ST. LOUIS RED SEAL LEAD, And many others. We cannot fail to please you. Come and see what Alahastine is: One of the cheapest aml ^ut waring* for L. G. Hardeman & Bro. i ~ ^ a * n - Harmony Grove, (Ja. ANNOUNCEMENTS. KOlt TAX CORRECTOR. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector of Franklin county at the ensuing elec¬ tion in January next. If elected I will serve the people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, Ju. B. 1). McFarland, FOR TAX RKCKIVKR. I announce myself as a candidate for the ofliee of Tax Receiver, and if elected will faithfully office.’ discharge the duties of the Respeet- fully, W. E. Bom., FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for Sheriff of Franklin county, and solicit the votes of the citizens of the county. If elected I will dis¬ charge the duties of the ofliee to the best of my ability. I am running on my own merits and not oil the de¬ merits of any mail. If elected I in¬ tend to serve the people with truth and honesty. G. R. Banks. KoK CLERK OK THE COURT. I respectfully announce my candi¬ for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin county. If elected I promise to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. J. A. M» Cay. FOR TAX CORRECTOR. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector. If I am elected 1 promise to discharge the duties of the to the best of my ability. Re¬ spectfully, Ai.ux White. FOR SHERIFF. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Franklin county without any combination or solicitation of any man or set of men. If elected my purpose is to appoint a jailer, but will make no promises to any one until after the election. 1 further intend to give my entire time to the office, and discharge its duties to the best of my ability. Thanking llie people for their support in the past, 1 still solicit their hearty sup¬ port in I he future. I am your humble servant, John C. .Mi Carter. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Franklin county, and promise faithfully the vo¬ ters, if elected, that I will discharge the duties of the office. W. K. Thomas. FOR TREASURER. I ain a candidate for re-election to (lie office of County Treasurer of Franklin county. If elected I will use every effort to fill the ofliee nut - isfaetorily to the people, thanking them for past favors. T. C. Burton. FOR CLERK OK THE COURT. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereby announce myself as a candi¬ date for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court at the ensuing election in January next. I am very thankful to the people for past favors, hoping to receive their support make, again. if elected 1 have that hut one I will prom¬ ise to per¬ form the duties of the office promptly and in the best manner possible. the people, Hoping a favorable respectfully, response from I am, J. M. Phirrii's. FOR TAX CORRECTOR. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Franklin county, and promise if elected to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. Respectfully, M. Kamim.ev. for sheriff. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, hoping that I may have a liberal support of the people, and promise, if elected, to faithfully discharge my duties as an officer. Respectfully, McWhorter. J. B. D. FOR TAX CORRECTOR. I ain a candidate for (he office of Tax Collector. I need the office and mi competent to fill it. If the peo¬ ple elect me I will endeavor to faith¬ fully serve them. Rcpeetfully, S. M. McDanier. FOR TAX CORRECTOR. I res pectfully announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector for the enr.uin t election in January next. If eleete 1 I shall endeavor to make the county a prompt and faithful officer. Respectfully, R. M. Walters. FOR TAX RECEIVER. With many thanks to the voters of Franklin county for past favors, I an¬ nounce inv name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklin county at the ensueing election in January next. If elected I will do all in my power to fill the office to the best interest of the tax payers. Respectfully, Jesse R. Lecrov. G-xlzisZ GrTLXisX A large and select stock just received from Europe of all grades. u A large stock of the best makes just received. Also Rifle and ' Pistol Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, Brass and Paper Shells. COOK ST0YKS.®*- CHEATING STOVES. A full assortment always on hand. The “Royal Keen Kutter Axe"—the best in the world. Rubber and Leather Belting. The Celebrated Oliver chilled Plow and other Plows. Wagon and Buggy Materials. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ditching shovels, spades, etc. Ilolloware, Tinware, Table and Pocket cutlery, carpenters’ tools. A full assortment always on hand. Buggy harness, horse collars, blind brhlles. In fact, we arc headquarters for all kinds of Hardware. Be sure to call end examine our stock. HARDWARE STORE I 38 HARMONY DROVE, (3A. PIANOS AND ORGANS! — the Giti Reliable Mason & Hamlin IS THE REST, and why waste your money buying trash? ('bickering, Mathushek, and Sterling Pianos. Over two hundred thousand Mason «fc Hamlin Organs now in use. We keep the Rahy Cabinets for Teachers always on hand. Price $22.00 to music teachers. A splendid Walnut Case, Six feet high, with Couplers and Double Action, for $50.00. Beat it if you can. ‘ Special Prices to the Al/fietnee. Call and sec or write me for terms of easy payment before buying. HOPE HALE MUSIC HOUSE, 242 BROAD STREET, ATIIKS, GA. Next to Childs, Nickerson A Co.’s Hardware Store. 38 Martin Institute. ♦ • ■» FAL TERM. 1890 j -BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1890, AM) CONTINUES SIXTEEN WEEKS, Under the management of the following corps of teachers: s. p. oim, - Principal. 1. O. HUDSON, First Assistant. Miss NETTIE METIIVIN, Second Assistant. Mis ADA M« ELHAXNON, Third Assistant. Mrs. W. I’. RIVERS, - Music Teacher. Art Teacher. RATES OF TUITION: Resident pupils within public-school age, per month ♦1.25. Resident pupils over public-school age, per month............................ 1.50. Non-resident pupils 2 . 00 . Tuition due at the end of the term. Pupils will be charged from date of entrance to the end of the term, except in cases of sjmcial arrangement beforehand or providcncial causes for as long a time as two weeks. The discipline will he thorough. No association of the sexes, except so much as is necessary sn class recitation and during school hours. One or more of the teachers’ presence will be required from opening to close cf the school each day. -1—:—- -- HEADQUARTERS AT- o <) ococcoooococoooooocooooooooco * A. W. MCCONNELL’S. * oococoooooocooooooooooooooooooo EVERYTHING PURCHASED Direct From the Factories! ocoooooocooo Furniture of All Kinds! Buggies, Carts and Wagons! Organs and Pianos. Heaters and Cooking -L V .lfi 1 m - SEWING MACHINES. HARNESS FOR BUGGIES AND WAGONS! CLOCKS INCLUDING ALL GRADES! Remember I buy direct from the factories, and that you pay no middle man’s profits when you purchase from me. Anything the trade wants in the above line can save money by looking at m stock and getting prices. Respectfully, :;r» A. W. MoCONNELI,, CarnesriUe, 6a.