The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, December 26, 1890, Image 2

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———— e ‘Ofelal Organ of Franklin County. eee e e PUBLISHED i . VERY FRIDAY. ‘WON. J. MoCONNELL axp GEO. 8 PHILLIPS, EDITORS AND PROPEIETORS, T Carnesville, Ga., Docember 26, 1890, e —— DIRECTORY. CRURCHES. : Carnesville—Pastor, Rev. J. J. 3 every second Sunday and Hat- Roads—Tastor, Rev. F. L. Sisk; AR AT L , Rev. G. H. Cartledge; T iethodist -Vastor. Rev. 1 | : Rev. R 0. B. England; preaching fourth Sunday and Ssturday before, ; Sunday school at each church at 9a. 'm. TOWN GOVERNMENT. | Mayor—P. P. Proffitt. ‘ Councilmen—B. F. Aderhold, A. W. McCon nell, James A. Manley, W. H. Rampley. | COUNTY OFFICERS. | { Ordinary-Daniel MceKenzie, Carnesvite, ‘ (Im‘k—?. M. Phillips, Carnesvilie, Sherifl —J. C. MeConnel!, Carnesville Tax Collector—L. J. Greon, Carnesville. Tax Receiver—J. R Lecroy, Lavonia | Treasurer--T. C. Burion, lron Rock. : Corcner—ii. H. iiayes, Miu County Cominissioner i. M. Andrews, Mize: | R. J. Cranup, Mize; W. Y. Hollwook, Boid *pring COURT ¢ALENDAR. i Superior Court eonvenes every fourth Monday | 18 March and September, N, L. Hutohius, judge; | K. B. Russell, solicitor general. f JUSTIORS' COURT. | Carnesville—J. E. Crawford, J. P.; 8. M. Ayers, | X, 1. ; court day every secoud Monday; baiiiffs, 1 W. 0. Randall and J. M. Rauapicy. ’ Money to Leoan. ’ " On improved farm lands, in sums | of S3OO and upwards, Payable in| small amount instalments. Terms easier and rates lower than heretofore offered in the county. Call and sce| we if you wish to borrow. | W. R. LirrLE, Attorney, ‘ % Carnesville, Ga. ,-\ WOman s ¢ 1 button shoe for G : Bat Mclonneil & ( Alar g ( wa has i You can | ¢ bonat 4 : y McConnell. All of the Lizhtnime medicines at i McConnell & Cannon’s. Sold on al positive guarantee. i Suspenders and hose by the thous- | and at B. Curry's, Royston, Ga. i ¥ Y VI Y 1 v V stands for vase, but it would f take a whole column of V’s to stand i for all the vases L. G. Hardman & | - 3 . i Dro., Harmony Grove, have received for their winter trade. For the latest styles of gents’ and ladies” watch chains and necklaces g 0 to Carson at the Nelms old stand. If you want the best brogan shoes at the lowest prices call on B. Curry, Rloyston, Ga. ‘ A written guartanee given on all chains sold by Carson. ff you want pure and good tobacco try Maud Muller—sold by B. Curry, Royston, Ga. Note books, receipt book, copy books, and school supplies at Car son’s. If you want to buy a pistol go to| the Hardware Store, Harmony Grove, Ga. They have a large stock to se tect from. Blood and skin diseases cured by Dr. King’s Royal Germetuer. For sale by A. W. McConnell. ; A good cooking Stove at the | Hardware Store, flarmony Grove,! Ga., for $8 00, Call and examine ." I Do you want the best Axeinthe| world? If so buy the Keen Kutter at the Hardware store, Harmony Grove {ia. Ure Dr Eine Roval Germetuer vl iria, paralysis, Grove, call at th iware Store. T Exterirnise office is fitted u}f with new job press and material. | All kinds of work done promptly and | neatly. ‘ Drugs of all kinds at B. Curry’s, | “Royston, Ga. ’ There is no better place in the| eountry to buy your Christmas pres- Z ents than L. G. Hardman & Bro’s of | Harmony Grove. l Notice to Christmas tree! 1. G.| Hardman & Bro’s of Harmony Grove | will make special rates to those buy-| Jdng presents for Christmar trees ‘ - Santa Claus is going to make head. | guarters at J. M. Carson’s the coming | *Xmas. ; You will find the finest grades (i - tobacca the market aifords st Car- | son’s. '\ Jeans selling at cost at Carson’s A large stock of Guns at the Hard ware Store, Harmony Grove, Ga. Fire! fire! fire!! L. G, HNardman & Bro’s of Harmony Grove Wil handle fire works of all kinds LON. J. it ÜBE —oes ‘ —(SKIN CURA.)— For All Skin Diseases, —FOR— | Heat in All Its Stages, —AND — All Affections of the Scalp. For sale by Dr. S. P. Ramrrxy, e S —| | LOCAL BREVITIES, To Our Correspondents. ’ We hope it will be convenient fori our correspondents to send in lheirl‘ communications on Tuesday and| Wednesday, as we cannot get them | in if they come in as late as Thurs-| {day. We appreciate your lciters,| {and would be glad to hear from you | each week. ‘ Pl e ’ NOTICE! ALLIANCEMEN! i On account of Wednesday, Janu ary Tth, 1891, being county election day, the meeting of the Franklin County Alliance will be postponed from that, their regular day, to iThursday, January Bth, ™ - LOOK OUT FUR BARGAINS! | | Sheriif MeConnell will gell on the ! first Tuesday in January two of Daz il & ( 9 ", ole } res -t OTHER DROVE OF BOGF. T} will be another drove of hogs in town in a few Udays. They were shipped the 24th inst. | ; o | l o ’ : - For stationery go to Carson. | { l J. C. McConnell is fencng his | lands with barb wire. t J. W. Cannon will go to the Gate | City to do business another year. | ’ Miss Lizzie Tucker is home from |, Lazrange College to spend the holi- | days. ‘ Miss Dora Carson, of Carson’s Mill; has been visiting in town for several | days. e - Prof. and Mrs. A. J. Morris, of Bowman, are spending the holidays in this place. Unecle John Dunecan, one of Frank lin’s oldest and wealthiest citizens, died Menday evening. John N. Cobb, manipulator of the metallic messengers of thought cn | the Sunny South, Atlanta, a former typo «f this place, is spending the holidays in Carnesville. « %C] ris'mas comes but once a year” is a saying old enongh to have full }gro:vn whiskers, and is a time when | everyone should enjoy themselves, and as enjoyment is not very numer ous about a printing office, we will embrace the opporturity and give our readers only half-sheet this week. ’ ~ Mr. Marcus Carson, son of Mr.} Geo. L. Carson, Sr.,, and one of " Franklin’s brightest young men, has been elected by his society cne of the spnng debaters at the University at Athens. This speaks well for yenng Camson, and Franklh county shcunll b 2 proud of sons who secre suh brilliant successes at cellege., : Y 3 ¥ Y oth, 1891, and wi Cn inue seven months, to be included between Ja » uary oth, and July 15th,. | RATES OF TUITION: | First Primary: Spelling, Read ing, Writing, and Figures £1.50 Second Primary: The same with ’ Primary Arithmetic, Primary Grammar, Primary Geogra i s A Intermediate: Advaneed Arith. ' metic, Grammar, Geography, Primary Algebra.... ............. 2.60 Second Intermediate: The same ! with Natural Philosophy, | Chemistry, Physiology, and | the usual English c0ur5e........ 3.00 First Class: Latin, Greek, High- j er Mathematics, Logic, Rhet- { one, ete...: 3.50 | Tuition due at the end of the three | months. No pupil received for loss | than a month. No deduction for ab- 2 sence exeept in case of sickness. Dis- | cipline will be rigorous, and severe i[; necessary. Board ean be had at gecod 1 bouses at from $2 to $2.50 per weck. M. H. LOONEY, Principal. Liver, bladder and kidney diseases oured by wsing Dr. King’s Royal Germetuer, Sold by A. W. Mec Connell. Subseribe for Tur EXTERPRISE. ' The force bill is dying very - hard, Tt should have this consolation -that &m will be its companions n th. set -el APt et e Wallace P. Reed of the Constit' « tion says the best things of any man on the Georgia press, that comes this way. | SHERIFF SALES. Will be soid on the first Tuesday in January, 1801, before the court house door in Carpesville, Franklin county, Ga., within the legal hours of sul., Lo the highest bidder for. cash, tho fol !lowing property, to-wit— | ~ One number three Geiser s(-p.'u-n.-l tor on four wheels, and a class “EK"| Peerless Engine on wheels, alg) onc| class “RR” Deerless traction Engine | saw-mill, Geizer made. Said prop- | erty levied on as the property of! P.: G. Clark to satisfy an exeention issued from the Supenor Court of said county in favor of the Geiser| Manufactoring Company against said | P. G. (lark. Said traction Engino| will be delivered where it iz located, | near P. G. Clark’s cotton gin, in the | 216th district, G. M., said (-ouut_\'.! This December Ist, 1890, J. C. McCoxxeLy, Sheriff. hStonishing, Cures! 3 n - One Fact is Werth a Thousand Argu-l T ba Caton Yuaunile mepts, Geience Prevails! ; WHAT ROYAL GLRYMETUED TTAS D3SE. | Rev. 1. C “",\'e in's danghter, of Atlanta, was cured of ¢ protracted case of fever by the use of IRoyal] Germetncer. ] yrs. J. 15. Hawthorne, of At]:mm.! Ga., was enred of a long-standing! case of debility, ete™ A daughter of C. Jordan, of At tanta, was cured by of a scrions case of stomache and hawel troubles. ! N.T. Johnson, of Atlanta, was cured of a long continued severe case of catarrh which was sapping away his life. ; A. V. Jackson, of Sanderville, Ga., after trying various physicians for 15 years, was cured of a violent case of | rheumatism. mrs. M. ffarmer, west end, Atlanta, was completely enred of a ten years case of inflammatory rheumatism af ter all else had failed. * Rev. A. B. Vaughn, Canton, Ga., was cured of facal neuralgia, also of aliver and kidney trouble of many years standing, Rev. ». H. Weils, of Louisville, Ky., has a danghter who was cured! of neuralgia and rheumatism afterall | known medical and climatic reme dies had been used. T. V. seaddor, of Babb’s Bridgo, La., was cured of liver complaint and kidney disease of five years standipg. mrs. Irenia Free, of Soque, Ga, was cured of ¢hronie bronchitis of 30 rears standing and hemorrhage of the | - | iungs. Zier recovery was despair of, | but Germetuer cured her. ; Dr. 0. P. Stark, of Alexandriz, ! La., was cured of asthma, which hc’ Bas had from his birth. Strange, | Hut true, “Germetuer” cured him in dne week. | MAS. oL ashenman, Atianta, ~ wrs. J. G. Edwards Alevandria, La., | was cared of loss of appetite, ner- | vousness, insomnia, melancholy, | Ishmtm\ss of breath, weakness, pains, | “terrible blotches,” mrs. Nicholson, of wmartin, Texas, was prostrated for months—cause, !| female irregularity, expected to die. | Was cured with “Royal Germetuer.” These are only a few extracts from hundreds of certificates in the posses- ! son of the proprictors of “Royal | =G(~rxnotuor,” and every mail briugs% ~others, voluntarily given, for the ben- L efit” of suffering howanity, If you | !arc sick and have despaired of recov- | :vz'_\', hope ou—*“Germetuer will cure I < you. It is pleasant to take as Icm-! ‘onade without sugar; it is a scientifio| discovery, and cures disease by re i moving the cause. It builds wp from the first dose. Price reduced from $2 50 to £1 50 per concentrated bot- | tle, which will make, as per accom panying directions, one gallon of medicine. Send stamp for full par. ticulars. For sale by druggists and |, by King’s Royal Germetur Co, 13 N. | Broad st., Atlanta, Ga. ; For sale by A. W. McConnell, Carnesville, Ga. : New - Goods ! s LOW PRICES! : S i [ We have just received one of the | best selected stock of shoes that has ’cvcr been brought to Carnesville. We Lave a genuine Kangaroo hand made shoe for $4.50 that takes the cake. In ! CLOTHING | | rwe have f 510 liwe and can save you | Irmv:«.\.'. In Notions we intend to gkm-)‘ up the reputation of the hou e, | —to carry the best selected stock in | tewn, and ean prove the assertion | with the goods. We have on the road a dandy line of Hats, and can Sy 14 yeu in & §£2,00 hat. - g . ~GrocerieS- We will gontinue to keep in stock a general line of Groceeries, consisting | of fresh meat, flour, sugars, coffees, | cte. When you come to town call | in and sce us. Respect,ully, ' NECONNELL & CANNOY, [l[: i ' 2: A SPLENDID OFFER. s FP iy = v V.\R VP LD NTERPRISE ~— AND THE — Pl Ol FREFE 2 PRESS Will bo Jant to any Address 12 Months for $1.50. SUSCCILT UOW A GETTWO GODD WEEKLIES CHEAP. I SEED IN YOUR NAME AT ONCE. = | Ty BLACK ~ =-SMITHING! i Tam now prepared to do all kinds ~of blacksmithing. ' HORSE=SHOEING ; —AND— TIRE % SHRINKING e A SPROIALTY. All work promptly attended to. You will fin me at the Bob Brown shop. J. L. HEMPHILL. A: . KING, Agrorxnxy AT Law axp Rear Es- CARNESY k ‘- - ;.ffii?iiiif“‘. [ Uflcoine aguse, e & Somuenoimn Gy : Donass 23 NiGe Gooebs w AND - oW PRICES, I earry a complete stock in my line, including drugs, show case no tions, and all kinds of canned goods. Tohacco and Cigars a Specialty. t=2*Next door to P. H. Bowers. B. CURRY, Reysten, Ga. e THE apiainy r.I I; P Reamiaions of Lew Prices. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, SHOES, BOOTS, . e | HARNESS, | . MABDLES, | GROCEBIES. Lawrence's Liver Stimulator 2 Specialty. Give me a eall. Respectfuily, ; PIERCE & DOWXS, 8.8, * . Royston, Ga. All kinds of buggies and read carts sold by A. W. McConnell. | PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. ) i ' Anyone desiring to Paint will do well to call on us Eo!ore buying. We |are agenta for LONGMAN & MARTINEZ PURE PREPARED PAINTS, |A. P. TRIPOD’S READY-MIXED PAINTS, | ST. LOUIS RED SEAL LEAD, And many others. We cannot fail to please you. Come and see what Alabastine is: One of the cheapest and best coatings for ceiling. L. G: HarpEMAN & Bro,, 12 Main st.,, - Ilarmony Grove, Ga. ‘ e ———— e —— S—— ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. ! FOR TAX COLLECTOR. { I respeetfully anmounce myself as la candidate for Tax Collector of | Franklin county at the ensuing (-'mc-l ‘tion in January next. If elected I| { will serve the people to the best of | {my ability. Respectfully, | B. D. McFarrLaxp, Jr. 1 FOR TAX RECEIVER. | lannounce myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver, and if clected will faithfully discharge the dutics of the office. Respect fully, W. E. Boxb, | FOR SHERIFF. ‘ I hereby announce myself a candi ‘date for Sheriff of Franklin county, !!unl solicit the votes of the eitizens of the county. If elected T will dis charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. lam running on ! my own merits and not on the de- | merits of any man. llf elected I in-| tend to e the people with trath and honesty. G. R, Baryks, | I reape Y 3 ounce 1 canai tacy for the oiiice of Clerk of the | Superior Comrt of Franklin county. | If elocted I promize to diseharce the | duties of the office faithfully. | J. A. McCay. ! | FOR TAX COLLECTOR. ] . I announce myself as a cnndi«]atel for Tax Collector. If [am elected 1 % promise to discharge the duties of the ,offic(- to the best of my ability. Re | spectfully, ArLex Wnirk. Le s s FOR SHERIFF. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Franklin county without any combination or solicitation of any man or set of men. |lf clected my purpose 15 to appoint a jailer, but will make no promises to any one until after the election. 1 further intend to give my entire time to the office, and discharge its duties to the best of my ability. Thanking ithv people for their support in the past, I still solicit their hearty sup } port in the future. lam your humble | servant, Jonx C. McCARTER. e s e | FOR TAX RECEIVER. | T hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Recciver of Franklin county, and promise the vo | ters, if elected, that 1 will faithfully !dischm'ge the duties of the office. ] W. R. Tnouyas. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for re-clection to the office of County Treasurer of i'ranklin county. If elected I will | use every ceffort to fill the office sat tisfactorily to the peopie, thanking | them for past favors. | T. C. Burrox. l —_— | FOR CLERK OF THE COURT. : To the voters of Frankiin county: { hereby anmounce myself as a candi date for re-election to the ofiice of Clerk of the Superior Court at the ensuing election in January next. 1 am very thankful to the people for past favors, hoping to receive their support again. I have but one prom ise to make, if elected that I will per form the daties of the office premptly aund in the best manner possible. toping a favorable response from the voople, I am, respectiuily, ; Jo Al Patirirs. | I am a candidate for the office of fax Collecter of Iranklin county, | aud promise if elected to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. | Lespectinlly, M. C. Rarrrey. FOR SHERIFF. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, hoping that I may have a liberal support of the people, and promise, if elected, to faithfully discharge my duties as an ofticer. Respectfully, J. B. D. McWHORTER. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector. I need the office and am cempetent to fill it. If the peo wie elect me T will endeavor to faith {ully serve them. Repectfully, S. M. McDa~NerL. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I I respectiully announce myself as a caniidate for Tax Collector for the ensning election in January next. I celected I shall endeavor to make the county a prompt and faithful ofticer. Respectfully, R. M. WarLrirs. FOR TAX RECEIVER. | With many thanks to the voters of Franklin county for past favors, I an nounce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklin county at the ensueing election in January next. If elected I will do alt in my power to fill the office to the best interest of the tax payers. Respectfully, Jesse R. Lecroy. A large and seleot stock just received from Europe of all grades. ! PIST'OLS. A large stock of the best makes just received. Also Rifle and Pistol Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, Brass and Paper Shells, e SBRATING ST A full assortment always on hand. The “Royal Keen Kutter Axe”—the best in the world. Rubber and Leather Belting. The Celebrated Oliver chilled Plow and other Plows. Wagon and Buggy Materials. - s FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ditching shovels, spades, ete. Holloware, Tinware, Table and Pocket cutlery, carpenters’ tools. A full assortment always on hand. DBuggy harness, horse collars, blind bridles. In fact, we are headquarters for all kinds of Hardware. Be sure to call end examine our stock. HARDWARE STORE, 38 HARMONY GROVE, GA. ; PIANOS ARND ORCARS! ’ — _THE - . i:z 4 2 2 (il Baliohia [oann 0, Hamiis REEGH BRUSLEgunEREs RuHo mUEAH e HEVEER w§ WEdd HEWDEILENEY EBYeiUUEI Cu HELAEIENEL! 15 THE BEST, and why waste your mon y buying trash? Chickering, Mathushek, and Sterling Pianes. Over two hundred thousand Mason & liamlin Organs now in use. We keep the Baby Calinets for Teachers always on hand. Price £22.00 to music teachers. A splendid Wainut Case, Six feet high, with Couplers and Double Action, for $50.00. Beat it if you can. 125 Special Prices to the Aliliance. Call and see or write me for terms of easy payment before buvine., o HOPE HALE MUSIC HOUSE, 242 BROAD STREET, ATHES, GA. Next to Childs, Nickerson & Co.’s Hardware Store. a 3 Maxrti I i nstitute. FAL TERM, 1890, -BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, 1890. AND CONTINUES SIXTEEN WEEKS, Under the management of the following corps of teachers: 5P ORR - - - - - Principal. 1. G. HUDSON, - - - - Tl'irst Assistant. Miss NETTIE METHVIN, - - Second Assistant. Mis ADA McELHANNON, - - Third Assistant. Mrs. W. P. RIVERS. ~ - - - Music Teacher. - - - - - - - - Art Teacher. RATES OF TUITICN: Resident pupils within public-school age, per m0nth.................. §1.25. Resident pupils over public-school age, per m0nth...................._.. 1.50. Non-resident DEDIE ... il e Tuition due at the end of the term. Pupils will be charged from date of entrance to the end of the term, exeept in cases of special arrangement beforehand or providencial canses for as long a time as two weeks. The discipline will be thorough. No association of the sexes, except so much as is necessary sn class recitation and during school hours. One or more of the teachers’ presence will be required from opening to close ¢i the sehiool each dav. HEADQUARTERS EVERYTHING PURCHASED i Direct From the Factories ! Furniture of All Kinds! Buggies, Carts and Wagons! Organs and Pianos. Heaters and Cooking , SEWING MACHINES. , HARNESS FOR BUGGIES AND WAGONS! CLOCKS INCLUDING ALL GRADES! Remember I buy direct from the factories, snd that you pay 50 middle man’s profits when you purchase from me. : - Anything the trade wants in the above line can save money by - looking at m*~ stock and getting priees. Respectfully, 35 A. W. McOONNELL, Carnesville, Gs.