Newspaper Page Text
official Organ of Franklin
PuiiMSiixn Evert Wednesday
WEDNESDAY,Sept. 17 .
Gus N. King Local Editor
iCourt convenes here next week 1
Mrs. Flctch Tabor, of Lavonia,
was in Carnosvillo Tuesday.
Read tlio advertisement of the
Carnesville High School.
Alliance columns are very popular
with Georgia weeklies just now.
iilorseswappers will be out Jin fail
fat^e next week.
Mrs. Dr. Ficeman who has been
v&itiug relatives in Lawremx-villu is
expected home lriiday.
J^GQvevpor tcjriaddrcss GordocJias been invited
tlm people of JFrankTTn
c<»nty in Caancsville during court
W e have never befpre felt such hot
weather iu Sept as we have boon
having for the past two weeks.
Our announcement column may
sunrise some; of the good people
next woek.
rptronize-thc inch' who advertise
with us' They will give you' bar¬
How will the Alliance punish fear¬
less Ben Terrell for his treason in
opposing the sub-treasury bill?
Cols. W. R. Little, J. B.-Parks and
A. N. King are in attendance on
Banks Superior Court this week.
It is probable that a large number
of tho teachers of this county will
attend Prof. Loony’s Bchool during
the fall term.
Mms Lois Turner, of Hartwell,
who has been visiting in Carnesville
tor several weeks returned home last
It is to Iki Senator Gordon. There
is hope for tho Alliance when it fol¬
lows the leadership of knightly John
B. Gordon.
We would rather support an inde¬
pendent Democrat than an organized
donkey. That is, we would rather
support l’icket than Winn.
We will have a chat with our
boycotting Alliancemen next week.
They may begin looking around to
sge where a Tribune can be borrowed,
i What a blessed world this would
be if every man in it followed the di¬
vine injunction ol doing unto others
as ho would have them do unto him.
If there is any man that deserves
tho commiseration of mankind, it is
the little editor of the little weekly
newspaper who is afraid to come off
tho fence.
John B. Gordon, Pat Walsh and
William II. Felton—nameB dear to
every honest man inGcoigia to-day.
They will be remembered as the
great triurovirato of 1890.J
Miss Maggie Grubs will assise
Prof. Loony during the falltorm of
his seliool. Miss Grubs is ono of
the finest teachers in Franklin
Our foreman lias been sick for two
weeks. It is fortunate that we are
able to do both the mechanical and
editorial work, and aro therefore in¬
dependent of foreman, devils, etc.
Pratt Brown, of Macon, whoj has
been studying.Greek andlatin under
Pro!. Loony during the summer will
return-to Macon aud enter Mercer
University next week.
Miss Lizzie Tucker left Tuesday
for the Southern Fomale College at
Lagrango. Miss Lizzio will be one
of the “sweet girl graduates” at that
institnlion next year,
Tho modest aspirant tor office
grows more and more obliging as the
election day approaches Verily it
the candidates continue to increase
we w ill scon bo a community of broth-
only love 1
Owmg to the illness of tho foro-
and our unavoidable absence
man of
from borne just on the eve
lication, our most interesting d
partiuenl, Prof. Loony’s column
crowded out.
Tho newspaper man that docs not
oondemn a luove lie believes is wrong
because ho is afraid to do it, is un¬
worthy ot a place among the mem-
bers of the Fourth Estate. Tlie ed¬
itor that is not strong enough in
honesty to advocate the cause that
is right, even if it iB unpopular is a
disgrace to tlie profession which has
always been characterized by high
and fearless honesty.
Carnesville graveyard is a dis¬
grace to a civilised to say nothing of
a Chnstiim community, For more
than a year Tni Tribukk has been
urging tho people to put it in a res-’
pectable condition.
Col. Spencer Smith moved his
dy to Toccoa Monday. Col.
has a very charming family.
Helen Smith was said to bo tho
tiest baby at Allens camp ground
Sunday of campmeeting there It
piobable that Col Smith will
Cal. his inture home. He speaks
glowiug terms of tho great west.
VVe hope before the next issue
tho paper to bavo a new foreman,
and we will bo able to give our read,
ers a better paper than they have
had for the past six months.
For the benefitof tlie individuals
who have been waging tuch a ouw-
ardl) war on Tine TaynUNi:, we will
.state,that if the Lord Lit-ose.- us
with a Lug life, we will publish the
paper for soventy-five P r eighty years
yet. Wo bid defiances to all the
blatant donkeys in Georgia. We
are independent of them, You oan’t
kill truth, the “Eternal years of Got}
are hers.”
The other day, when when the
merchants had their gala day in At¬
lanta, an amusing incident took place.
Livingston was riding in a carnage
and was moving along with the pro¬
cession. Directly a donkey came
out of an alley and joined the pro¬
cession just behiud Livingston’s car-
riage. The crowd cheered the donk¬
ey and Leon thinking the cheers were
meant for him, began to bow and
smtle. T^ie crowd noticed him, and
gate a tremendous yell, whereupon
the old man redoubled his efforts to
ucknowledg^ the compliment. Tho
procession took ml lie town with Liv¬
ingston bowing and smiling, the
crowd yelling, and the donkey bray¬
ing. It was a double asinine per¬
formance.—Alpharetta Free Press.
Money to Loan.
On Improved Farm Lands, in sums
ot $300 and"upwards — payable in
smatHtonnuil installments, Terms
easier and rates lower than hercto-
ioro offered m tho county. Call
and see me it you want to borrow
IF. li. Little, Attorney. Ga.
State ot Georgia Franklin County
Court of Ordinary Sitting for county
purposos, September 5th, 1890.
It is hereby rrdoied by this Court
that sixty-nine aud six-tenths cents
be, and the same is;now levied upon
each one hundred dollars that is
found upon the tax book for State
aad, county purposes, for the yoar
For county purposes, thirty conts
per, $100.
For State purposos, thirty-nine and
six tenths cents per, $100.
The conntys part to l>o divided as
iollows: To build or repair Court
house, jail or bridges, according to
contract. $1200,00.
To pay sheriff jailor or other officers
fees that may be legally* entitled to
pay out of the count y, $ 1200,00
To pay bailiffs, jt»on-residence
witnesses in criminal cases, fuel,
servant hire, stationary and tbo like
To pay tho expenses incurred in
supporting the poor ot t ne county
aud as otherwise pibsoribed by the
Code. $800,00.
To pay tho expo uses of Courts and
juror* that ft re entitled to pay under
the laws of ibis State, $ 1400,00.
To pay other lawful cliaiges
Aggregate for county $5413,2b, purposes,
And the balance, if any, to be
applied to paying the legal indebted¬
ness of the county due or to beciHR
due during the year- Ordinary.
Daniel McKenzie, $10,05.
5 times.—I’rs, lee
I am a candidate for Clerk of the
Superior Court of Franklin county
and promise, if elected, to discharge
the duties ot tho office-to tlie best of
my ability. McCay.
John A.
I hereby announce myself as
aanndidate for tho ‘Legislature. If
elected l wi'l earnestly strive to fits
charge the duties of the office with
credit to myself, with satisfaction to
my constituents andj to the weltaie
ot Georgia'and Franklin county. So¬
liciting your votes, 1 remain your
humble servant. II. G. Freeman.
I announce my sell as a candidate
for tax collector, if I am elected 1
P romiw to'dtscharge the duties of tbo
office to the best of my ability.
Respectfully, White.
1 hereby announce myself as
candidate for the office of Sheriff of
Franklin county without auy combina¬
tion or solicitation of any man or set
of men. It elected my purposo is to
appoint a Jailor but will make no
premise* ft> t ^ 10
Election. I further intend to give my
entire time to the office and discharge
its duties* to tiic best of my ability.
tliirik the poopfie for their supjiort in
the past, and I still solicit their hearty
support in the futurc.II am your humble
John C. McCarter.,
To the voters ot tbo thirty first
sen aterial district, composed q! Hart,
Habersham and Ffankjin counties:
Having received the nomination for
Senator for ihc’thiTty-first Senatorial
district in Hart county's Democratic
primary election, held on the 23rd
met, (it being that county’* tifne to
name the Senator for said district,
under the rotation' system, I hereby
announce myself a candidate to rep¬
resent said district in the (next Gen-
era| Assembly. F. B. llodges.
At the solicitation of many friends
I anno,unco inyself |as a candidate
for coroner of F ranklin county. I
have heeu a citizen of this county for
twenty years, and have never before
offered myself tor office. It I am
favored with the support my fellow
citizens, I promise to discliage the
duties of the'office to the best of my
ability. M. li. Davis.
1 announce myself a candidate for
Receiver of Franklin county and
tlie vote of the people.
Ii. Y. H. O’Shesl.
I a candidate for the office of
am and
Tax Collector of Franklin county
solicit the patronage of the people.
G t W. Carroll.
At the solicatation of many friends
1 announce myself as a candidate for
the office of Tax Collector of Frank¬
lin county.
R. M. Walters.
I am a candidate for the office of
Tax Receive! of Franklin county and
promise, if elected, to discharge the
clinics of the 0 ^« f ^^; lll T ul the
lector of Franklin county and
thc votes of' my fellow citizens.
W. E. Bowers.
" i hercby>n 00 unee Franklin myself a
date for sheriff of the
and solicit the votes of citizens
the county. j. McWhorter.
B. D.
1 hereby announce myseif a candi¬
date for the office of Tax Receiver of
Franklin county, and solicit the sup¬
port of my follow citizens promising ol
if elected to discharge tho duties
the office to the Lest of my ability.
W. It. Thomas.
11 -
___ Franklin county.
To the voters of candi¬
L hereby announce myself as othce a ot
date for re-election to tne the
ClerK ot U'G {Superior Court at
ensuing election in January hc*t. I
very thankful to the people for
am thru
ijvst favors, hoping I have to but receive P' om
support again, one -
sji to make, (be duties if elected of tbo that office 1 wih prompi' «.•«-
charge in the best manner poHssible.
ly and from tin*
Uoping a favorable response
pbplc, I am, respectfully Fbillips
J. M.
' id Pick Annum.
Admi^iistrajofs Sale
Agreenblo to an order of the
Court of Ordinary ot Franklin coun-
ty, will be sold at public outary at the
Court House door of said: comity, on
the first Tuesday in Oetoboi;, uext, ‘the
within tht>;iegal hours of sale,
following property to-wit:
One tract or land, sitWed, Tyiug
and being in «aid- county on Little
Loatherwood Crock, adj-iiling the
lands of I). A. Martin, II. B. Adison,.
D. M. Iveasier, li. P. Cu.ness: other
lands of the tract set apart to Mary
A. Watkins as a dower, and others,
seventy-five a*res, more *
containing tlie dow¬
or less, and being a part ol
er lands of Mary A. Waikins.
A Iso at tlie same tune and place,
one other tract ot land, situ-
ated, lying and being in said county,
on the waters of Little Loatherwood
Creek, adjoining tlie lanas of James
W. Purcell and James Watkins on
the east, and E. P. Crump on the
aud west aud other lands ol
tho (lower of Mary A. Watkins on
the south, containing two hundred
acres, mpre or loss,jboinsjlliy plaoe
whereon W. B. CaalPnow; lives and
a part of .the tract ot” land set apart
to Mary A. Watkins out of tho lands
of I). G. Watkins, deceased, as a*
A llso at thc'sainc limo and place,
one tract of l and s ituated, ly
iiig'and'lleingm said county in said
county, on Little Leatlerwood Creek
adjoining the landB ot James Wat¬
kins on the east, W*'. B. Cash on tho
southeast, Robert Williams on the
southwest, other lands ol the dower
of Mary A. Watkins and others, '*> 71 -
toining one hundred and eighty hcre«,
more or legs,being a part ot;tJie tract
of laud set apart to Mary A. Wat¬
kins, as a dower, out of the lands of
1). G. Watkins, deceased, and where¬
on John Murphey now lives, /til
sold as the propertyjof D. G. Wat¬
kins, deceased- Terms; one half cash.
The other half to become duo twelve
months from date of sale, with in¬
terest at the rate of eight per cent
tier annum. Bond conditioned to
make title on payment of time pay¬
ment will be given to purchasers and
notes under magistrates’ jurisdiction
will be required, for time payment.
This August 25,1890.
II. W. Hemphill Administrators.
John Watkins,
All persons having demands
against the estate of lienry Wood,
late of Franklin county,deceased, are
hereby notified to render in their de¬
mands to tlie undersigned according
to law, and all persons indebted to
said estate are required to make
immediate payment.
This September 1, Administrator 1890.
| J. S. Irvine,
GEORGIA, y Franklin Comely.
1V all whom U.^yeotu
corn: Jno.M. Phillip*, *t»nislra-
m duo form applied to f>i unnur-
signod for loavo to soil tha lands bo-
longing to tho estato of said deceased
am i sau l application 'will be hunt’d ®n
^ (} jj r8 ^ ]y[ on day in October, next,
Daniel MoKonzio, Ordinary,
5 times, prs lee $3.35,
/n EORGIA, Franklin County,
lit To all whom it may coil-
Whereas, J. S. Irvine, admin-
istrator of the estate of Ilemy
Wood, deceased, represents to the
Court in his petition duly filed and
entered on record, that he has fully
a jl mi ni stored on saul estate,and now
ask's tor letters of disniisriw, f ' n,m
fS trust; this is thoreiore \> cite
nil persons concerned to bo and _ op
at my office, on tbo first -.d<>n-
pear to show (,'»
dstj in December next,
why qrud petition should^ V.-t be
gran ted or else letters wRbbe nyu.od.-
Tbi* Sept. 2 .1890.
Daniel McKenzie, Ordinary.
3 mos. prs fee $6.15 I . <
Trie Tribune
I r.
____________ i
1 GEORGIA, Franklin County.
Whereas B. 1*. of Vandiver
Executor of the estate Larkin
Harrison, late of said o untv de; eased
has applied, tojwidiamisseu from his
tm*ti as fully £%'eiit#r,|-i|iivA'ntifti» ifiseharjrt’d hi* duties that
lie has as
executor. This i*,dthcrefore l to cite
all persons concerned 10 appear at die
court of Ordinary on the first Mon-
klay in October next to show cause
whvletterfl of dismission should not
he This granted 3line to tilth, him as prayed for.
months.-—Prs, Daniel McKenzie, pd. Ordinary.
8 fee
cs HORGIA^FraukUa County,
Whereas, T. M.'Coffee, administra¬
tor of tho estate of JohnM. Coffee,
late of said county, deceased, repre¬
filed(and sents to the court in his record, petition, that duly he
entered on
has full v’.'idministercd on said estate
and non’asks for letters of dismiss,,
ion from said trt£l. This is to there¬
fore file aippersons concerned to he
and appear at my office an the first
Monday in Ndvctnlier rtext, to show
cause why said petition should not
be granted, orj elrej letters will be
issued. This July 28,1890.
Da 8 ’ibl McJusnbiu, Ordinary,
g ms, prs fee^O.TO pel..
G EORGIA, Franklin county.
To alljwhom it nuiy concept:
0. W. Vickery,, ami It IX Yow, njjl|
ministrators of^Joseph II. Vickery,
deceased, lias in duo form applied to
the undersigned for leave t> sell the
lands Ixffongmg to the estate of said
deceased, and saidayjilicatiou.will ht
heard on the, first Mtmjlny.iir Nov.
next, this Sep’t. 10. 1890.
Dauitl McKenzie, Ordinary,
5 ttus j rs ice 5 . 1 b.
-n- ^ --F +
G EORGIA Franklin county,
To all wjiom it may con¬
cern: It. D. Vow ^having in due
applied to the undersigned tor
guardianship oi> the .persons and
pjMperty oi B. IT. Block, Henry M,
Louisaua Brock, Mary iA.
Brock, James U. Brock, Albeit
Brock, Hainan Brock and Margaret
Brock,minor children of F. J. Brock,
late of said county, deceased, notice
is hereby given that his application
will bo heard at my ofiioo on the first
Moiulay. ip PeloJjkr next. Given.un¬
der my hand atwf official slgifatt»r p
tliis^25th day of Aug. 1890.
1 ):miel McKenzie, Ordinary.
5 t'-as prs. fee $3.50.
EORGIA, Franklin county Taylor,ad¬
’{Whereas A W.
ministrator ol the estate of Will.
|iay, represents to.the eonrtiin las
petition duly filed and entered on
record, that ho has fully administered
on said estate and now asks for let¬
ters of dismission from said trust,
this is therefore to cite all persons
.concerned to be and appear at my
office ot) the first Monday in Decem¬
ber next, to show cause why said pe¬
tition Aben d not be granted, or else
letters will b-c issued. This Aug.
•25 th, 1890.
'Darnel' M ’Konzio, Ord inary,
3mos— prs too $6.15. t
McEjrsft'a Wif»« of C*rd»!
for es!o by tlie following merchants in
Dr. J. Ii. Tucker, ILAderho d
find S. V- iJaTriyile^, in Lavonia. nt GVncsvi ,
A. R. Jones
T. II. Lyon iu jMai.iio. IroniRobk.
B. II. Burton at *
J. Ti. Legrand at Grom
! I*. LI..Bowera, Rgyston ,
A : . ;N- Mize, Belamy, Royso Gn
H. L. Henry,
. llatUcoAsk & C]q., anda W. h.
in<r t tBoii, Bowersvillc. '
Brooks Cotton Planter,
Dow Cotton Planter.
Harmony Crove, Georgia
i I Keeps (Jonstnutly on Hind a it‘‘j,nrgc Sipck of
3, trnrif '3^ *■/'
He lias the Cheapest Stock of Goods ' \in Toe o
Nearest down to Actual Cost,
I Aff it ffr’Y b y rj /v l jhi * v i & * 3 * i» w
■' •
IIo Solicits the Patronage of the Citizens of [Franliwk udn
i rounding oou i tie j,, Fair and Honest Dealing Guar an teed.
Always have one of the Suite. largest and most complete stock ot goods to I
round in tills part of tho Provisions of ah kinds ! Fertilizers o1 B
iieijt grades ! lheir stock in Fertilizers exceeds that of any houso in Gci a
therefore they can beat dll competition in that line.
There trade in Staple Goods and Groceries is itnmonoe and they e no
afford to sell cheaper titan if. tehy wore doing a small business.
They give their customers the benefit of the advantages tlerivod
heir ** large business. Never}i:ifi| .% |Vf| n#JA- trophic about prices!
| t I V J},, , . ..; i-
♦ .Fo d* GOOIi^
? 7-lCj
NI). -'im
IXL»J ;• The Material ; .lOllITMd is First-class^and I - will cell on as
Ifi'lHlHhO Up ter
As tho Same Quality, of Mar Ido can bo bought in tho markets of.
x*. p. coops;,
i ■> i
si vj m.
irt, m l
Ck a*T04 mr GtoiA'e bled
e 1 »Wh«i mr cWia use born.
the doctor order-J one ot fiso
Other foe*, gbe nt* that nn-
<n ehe noorlr died. Iteltoe
locton. who Bold tho trouble
m fadtreetlon, and ordered
gjg gjg&
Three SUcn. «Ce aOc
{be pm* ten rone tbet 11®»»
bwn ylettto* pbnsWen. »*
{Oetew of Cberitr. ****
«u»o» i? «*> tuuctirtiw*. t*T
X, W-K-MOm? -cjlAtIfc. 'I
St JOMSti’e Trmn&mf. Asylmft
X .. Chwtaiwn. otaa