The Carnesville tribune. (Carnesville, GA.) 189?-19??, September 17, 1890, Image 4

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"'Urn*****, aatcWtoo* oroMararta, wlito kVfldhig exteetwr which prenmlft Lrud taaM or oraamanta' fatom* Mta«t cfotada ft paten* on W* d*^»n tot rigwoliPMa^Mi Many otto* b- •MfcsfoaA. sat ttsmocmtm town* to tb#r ____government oontroi o< raB- gtodtoflwtntoagBod stmr aadfttaanl toy into wa saa a c*^ la these wMi> Jianka tboFtoto- the Daanoeaa^y h#to AMaooe psHtr.emA both bo*» «CM*w! from the Nww England Notton^- |abtbo«4wn*»toWB*dngff>v«rmne*iAce*w tooinltoCronAa CbeaedSed tatmMy to. London, at the egwoft CO. • goatlemaa who baa been the ^toatootcrol Chadartok. fiekuannos ftathrw oft Heww mod- 9b Edmund the Jtc pufitary ecienoa Pure wetoc and mottlaftoo tu oKiee and the modem ayw- 4au aI nnwarato end Arelaepe nnder atreeSeeau toegwy duels theft goneeal toUodnrtU* totbe Undoes eaertlou <d ffj GiIibdiA tho perfect tunneling ua- tor tho stroetw of Paris oeme from a «ng- ptmtknoC Mu to tho itmpww Loot* Na* gelaoo. TW Ohio VaDay raCwap to a uow roed astnultng aVmg she wohS bimk of tho Ohki river from Bellalra to Marietta. Ror twenty mile* the road bed must bo blasted out of solkl rock In the aide of the blnffli along the river. Skirting the bank beiroeth tho rocks ta a vein of coal. In. verier to make the road bed tho rock must be blasted out. to some places twen¬ ty feet perpendicularly, the ooal removed end the hollow filled in with earth. When finished tbi work will rank as a splendid engineering feat. mono chapter of a book Is written la tots uoantry, Its foreign author can get y tbL eypyright provhitoo, on It, Taking advantage of Sir Edwin Arnold will hewonoof our American poets write a stanza or two of Ms new work which too In with fee Ilfo of Christ. The Aifter- inan poet will ah» make some verbal changer here and there, fast where ony of this American work comes in nobody will know, of course, aod no pubUsha* will dare to copy tho hook for foar of tmiug these American hues which ana copyrightable here. 8o the wholo poem arttl be practicably copyrightable, Ia- toedftfarHdwin himself may have writ¬ ten some Mncs of the work when be was to America. nae tto aaa ya^er HooUL Thuooeru ocriafn newspapers to ttrf* country and in Eagland whose editorial writers moko ft their business to con atantly find faaK vrith and lectors the ravt uf tho world. Two ways of bettor- tog mankind present themselves to him who would rrtkarm his fellow men. One Is to praiso tho good to them, tho other le to scold the bod like fury, acoU pee- aistoiitly and enrtr and often. The pro- fwsud rcfonwir ch-xwcs one or the other of tlicvie methods, according te tlie stats of bin stomach. U ho is a dyspeptic be slojw htmsi-lf over apon the rest of the world, fciid trice to rato their digeetton tor l>f preaching peeehntem and deiani- tton b<jw-vrt«v8 to them. lie continues to do tills thrunghuut a gloomy, Beared wrifitmir-e, anil dies e miserable death, fba tsnats-ly ftw mankind at an curly ugs gueunnily. It is a t teb that the man who spends Us Hf» writing sarcastic thing*and find¬ ing f»nk with his follow man generally die* yixmg. He ought to. He usually dice of some Itogertog disease---canoe*, Oftnmio hrer tronblo, or progresrive hn- laxiltlty—and this t» nothing more or teas than ODurntes struck to. Man’S ghroolo stole of uUud expresses ttaelf In the body finally, the doctors say. It is no* a fftc* that the world is grow¬ ing wore*. Stettsttos of crime are now eerefully kept, and In proportion to the Irnukcvinees, population there is uot ne much, orten of sm there was twenty years tfiio. Therefore t» Jolly and hopeful. An Ignorant Queen. If what la said of her U true. Queen Victoria la actually on* of the moat ignorant persona In hr* realm today on irabjootu of vital Intercut to tb« Euglteh nation. Ifoutoa why: She ta not per¬ mitted to read newspapers. Tho ple- bv^an tonch of ocrmnrm newspaper paper muxt ru.t come In contact with tho hand of royalty. A member of the qtv*u'a household goes through the journals daily, cute out what Is mipj)o»ed to In¬ terest hor majesty, jrfn* It Upon rilk and plocce it before the royal eye. If any contain a criticbim of tho royal actions er anything that would be unpleauent for tho queen to see tt to carefully cot out No wonder kings and queens never learn anything! The stupidest kind of a literary diet would become after a time that which only contained prnlne* of one. We learn far more from our enemies than from our friends. If we Aogot on a Httle to the world. If wo do h&prove our characters by cultivation ae the years roll cat, H la becauea other people.-those who don't like qa mostly •—have pointed out otur mistakes. We ere apt to remember mistake* pointed «rt in that way. Bat Qaean Victoria ks* not even the pleasure of getting a whack back at those who abuse her. She did not know of may dissutUfoc- fkm In her favorite Second battalias of Grenadier Guards till the time cf (hair Vani s hme nt te Bermuda, though «h t h ft and #1 wa* WiMoMi F.A. 3CABEY‘ D1AL1ILH IX DRY GOODS AliD NOTIONS SUPPLIES AND HUOSUI, If tor Room Favori I* and hem HIWISO MACH IN R, Sowing Machine Feodloa wf all kinds, rine Sewing Machine Oil, and all pen o* tmchfnot furniahod on application. F. A- Mabry. TOOOOA, QEVUQ1A. B E 3RYANT, ROYSTOln • GEORGIA Dishing Goods- I* botWng to look—whea yon tom* to Rnyaton ♦Call and Examine His Stock* And Uarn Hi* Price t before Buying. J STRICKLAND, HARMONT GROVE. GEORGIA -DEALXB IN-- DXY GOODS GERMAL BfERCHAXDISE, FURRmrRF, cbmifs, piaitos and oegans, The Cheapest, Handsomest TO DU FOVXD J* YOUTH GKOliGIA Lavonia- Grocery - Store I keej* constantly on and a »vci, s(<-»ck >1 Staple (vriHwriea. Flou unr, C/offev, Tobace*, Ci^ar*. Alro a splenid Toi<t; onsortroen of Fancy e *t Grooerieti. Gandies of all .tor*. ck I’crfumcry, F.A. Goods. The larg and nioet iwrofully aplcctivl *?• •«>> r b. Hailroaib Wlten yon want a •■'■inp in die Staple and Fancy Gr- c<tj lin« jpve me a wril—no trim’ le .dn-nt -b« price*. W. T r HAYNIK L.'tronitv 0,-> -T11H OLD UK!.IA ill K MUM OF MANLEY - & - BRO.: aaa-aivaa, and ia offering bargouax that have Iter us kef or* bee* «uer«i of i* Carte* DHT GOODS CLOTHING SUPPLUM, KTKRTTlIl3fG T1IA IS FOUXJ0 151 A YTlILk STOCKED URT UUOIX U» UltnWAL KBRCIURDISli STORH U, G-olxxar for a Songf. 6BNTLEKEMS': SLOTBINS : A: SPECIALTY The dainkst Cattimers and lovliti \Y<ira\ l* la as Many Oiors as Josephs CoaL LADIES DRESS GOODS Till B«5T AND FISKHT QUALITY OF GOODS FOR 8ATI8FYI1YG THR INfffER MAN. DO NOT rUEZLB YOUR BliAIN ABOUT WILISRB TO FIND TUB UhRAP- 1ST GOODS BUT SOLVE TflE BNIGMA BY GOING AO -THE OIJT> RELIABLE FIRM OF — MANLEY & BRO, Subscribe For The TRIBUNE Onlv One Dollar Per Year Groto the Cheap Store HARMOXT #ROYB, GXORQIA. For Dry Goods, Kuions,Fane/ Roods, Oonfeoioaartes, Supplies,and iRakecpsconnnly oa haad aco»ploo liao of evarykimj naaaly foa ad n» Bra dry gooda tore. ^ Royston Furniture Store AT V CUNNINGHAM lias a splendid *a«ort»ie« c»f Fnraiturs, from Red the eommoa, ahm grade* to the mo:H Unshed Wan trt. room sot, IImean Table*, Ohaira, Loangce, Vr ashatanda, W ardrobes—Faraitnros ofellki p A large stoek erdere<i froui Uie factory te amvo aoou. , Tou will bo AffloniRhcd at tho Low Pri«o Of bisslegaa Tied ft oo m Suie. If yoa wan Parainreenll aad examiee Hia aiwk-yonwill he sure oraafoe a purchase. ColBas a apooialy. WJ W. JORDAN |!r(pri(tor of !b /ntralurt ^fwt of "Jsrraoiij ©robe •Mny finay lAlway* ine Furniture as on and a good, assortment .( Furniture and Cofllss of range* from plain, oeap good* to the most fiaely ielied «ad’elegant to be found in the markets of Nort Georgia. He suit anybodv in quality and price. No better bargains caa be had yfficre than he will give you. Call tit .his store, examine his stoek. and You Will be Convinced LIVERY' A*® SH® FEED S A FIRST-CLASS TURN-OUTS IlOHSHS GAHJIFr. l. 1>IMTBits 1*KIGX« IkBASOMABL8 >TERMS CASH mo your pryronage and I will tto jduatoyou. ItiMp’j, JOE IMC JF'JE&^JEJTMCJSrJSi. HARBER & BROTHER ARMONY GROVE, - GEOBOIA iSJffCarry tqu largest found aud bo* Boloctod stock ef Dry Faney Goad* looda Tng and 8upplios, ever in Northe** GooXigse. Harness - and - Grocerie A Spoeialty. They solicit he jwatnHmgo of Frank/i« Coaatjr farmer and offer them the ___ OHAPK8T GODOSI THAT CAN UK FOUJYD IN HAllMOU GUO Yd. -tsl £ KEY AND C0.-<- Haveonhand tho largest etocks of good* in IIakkowt G*ov T hey deal inererthing that their,oosomer* need, and will give a good bargains as cheap as is possibe for merchants te give and oonti n uc todo so. We do net fiv- our goods away, but put them at the L owest Possible Figues They are determined def nt to T be uaia indereoldng TEran.vK.tbeirstock byy one. befre They bny.iag solid* jti(ee patronage f th« renders r jS l? ? •l ^T»t«f»» , rr’ WtefWtfwa I. W.RANDALL & CO Dealers - In GENERAL MERCMNAD1SE Marti. Ga ZZ’Z *4^1 Durable Economical AiaDiaiaeaJ Dya*. TI*f«n*laB Am A flbttftlif ftutip ooA Tsstem. Hate actjMt m food* IwwdlaM lW ft af mwede ef sks*p m<S lafcriar tmfsAkmi #n foar, vresk, craky •flon^V »- • '* s« color* j I tat r»*lfc» Oj« tat, *usri« Ca»t, AttAm toaotortiif Flwwk, w);kAi *atd»*nr4*»«!9... ftMt i*kw MM* to«w.»a»ert),wa wplu timmoM * Co* twrn/ tm, ft Mr «MH*g *r ftreactag Faeey grMs*. 0 *M DIAMOND •PAINTSr* taA Kt*w, Bittab Coppaft Pa* a* 0»aw» (My;Eo61|B3ck! TWatbe common exdasMtioa ef those suffering wkh zhenmatism or kidney trcmbfeaT* ]*j *#ber disease Paine’* Celery Compound will sorely effect a cure, tod then will so long* he any caosa to cmnpbda of "poor becka." I Hundred! of testhnonlals like the follow*, kg confirm oar claims for that grand eid r rrmedy, Paine*’, Gaiety Coopotmdl -r. *Two weeks ago I cotM not deep . ^rv more than an hour at a time any nlglfU th*j teas constipated and kidney* fid net act, / and had a geod deal of pda to lack, Since I took Faina's CtlaryU \ Myr Compound the pain has left my haefe 1 and I can aleep like a child.”, Zensa Banian, West Wipdjpr, Vetwca*. a Having been trembled with rbamnattan I m for fire years, I wa* almost unable le gat around, and was tery often con | p f besides fined to my bed for weeks at a Him. S have osed nearly all medlciaes hnagfoabla, outside advices, but to no advaaw tag*. Having seen Paine’s Celery Com pound advertised, I gave k a triaL I hay* ned only ona brttla and am perfectly * > cored. I can now jump around and f*4 Italy as a boy. n JVank Carol), Ewreka, Naveda. Met, $ 1 . 00 . Six fir fj.oo^ . > **■• Sold mr Dauoaists. 8 ekd roa 8 -pag* Trbtimoktal Pm I : . WELLS, RICHARDSON 8c CO., Proprietors* BURLING! N, VERMONT. - — fire! Burglars! ThiSveS SAFES! OUR VICTOR V Are expressly meant to supply tfomand aa urgent Doctors, Small Stortkeepen, from f'armcn, Po*tmaikr% Lawpa% and Express (Jaunty and Railroad Officials, Agents, Township Retired Business Men n,vl Fan, Trustees, for first* class fire-proof, burglar-proof ties, combin' ft ation *ntl price lock, safe, •adapted reqalremeai*. In cupncBy to suit their ‘ <, *"t-claws in 0 JS, v „ every ks warwn i ted“fireri.roo^ ad ^ '''’I lock, our nets and Inside fton-plcksbte bolt-work. conn*....,,, It has in! round comers, exterior boantiluHy finished all burnished and ornamented portions nickel-platt«Q. by hand wfim Interior booi-apaeaaL nicely fitted np with pigeon-bo! sub-tn Uriee, and No. 2. 1. Farmer*' Household Sire, Size, 19x12x13, 22x15x18, . • • Wfijht, * 250 135 »*, lbs. No. 28x18x18, • » • ■ 600 lbs. No. 3. Small Dealers’ Size, 32x22x22, - • lb*. |o. 4. Postmasters’ and Office Size, • M 600 |0& No, 4 has Inside door, with flat key lock, duplicate keys. 8ub-tr«asu*fc» have flat key locks, with duplicate keys, TVe 'are sole owners of patents and, A manufacturers of the Vidor Safa. We caution persons against making, buying, sm tag arousing Vie safes infringing have at on our In patents. county good smart who well must once every men ere and acq in their districts to take charge of cur agencies and distributing denote, Bee ®ux safes arc thoronghly introduced. Wo will mako a five years’engagement the right kind of men. The business is worth from 31,000 to $10,000 per year in district. commissions. We enjoy a General monopoly merchants in our line and andean hardware afford dealers to pay the highest harro sal and and tho exclusive can reap county a right adding a line ofonr’eafes to their stocks, outfits securing full particulars sent applies Photo cards, testimonials, canvassing and ct on 1 This la a rare opportunity. It will profit you to write ua onoe. THE'VICTOR SAFE& LOCK CO., Cincinnati, tti -' - ,+*- si Itasm W^rAKHERV V * w\ ^ . , a *. fm H #ftH£UMATI8M fiSttrn ■ " I -IV ,T| 7, KBNBi tlbHSY COMPLAINT* &YftPEP«fA ---— #* >^ m r i CONSTIPATION wTiifSen ^ Se TfW^*i D? *" VJtLlXStU I ' W ' 9 * M ^ I,r088 *Prt|C^ bitioji ih'i matter? gone! Lite The a Liver burden!! What is vork. has ceased t® J» -to proper Tho life channel* wo clogged. Into Poisonous fluids ar§ Thnb"rtiy,mppftfwboo!!n*heBtotC;»c<*>mmo<Utlon»'l:row«! 0>’CiC tho Dlood, whit* exj:*'ri'*'«<v lafo^mbcr^orpyjcqly. > «l tvfu’hf'm. Roeglon orC begins ntPlo^,ad fn<i Monday dwi. ’> C A.iS h. \S' .Vork at S. Well, JfCJlY ytinilliatO tho llY6f x. vaiTjUUhoKj **n>a.,i-es*4»jSo»,fcj(», „ ,ltf it: Slid headache, b* ,, VI1 ,«, 9 and bad breath will fltjo awajt 'iiictJ, 5J5 cct ta pex bottle. All Uxuggiatfit , cures ] proow N®rvou«W^'" ntjJxsr * Prostration to <t MnV I CM Onpcaod, ■r ft iihAm. «■ ** «g in Rheumatism "ggfr&ST sisag iitfSWtea fifcPfrortXra^