The Carnesville tribune. (Carnesville, GA.) 189?-19??, June 27, 1894, Image 2

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The Tribune. OFFICIAL OKOANOF FRANKLIN COUNTY ■----------- TERMS Pkr Anki’m * 1 . 00 . -------' 1 NO.C.C. MILLER, Publisher C’ahn ksvillk. Ga., June 27, 1894 PRIMARY REG IT RATIONS. pin Democratic Executive ll 11 has formulated the fol- wii g. to govern in the primary .) I o held July 14th. 1894.,’for the uri) so of nominating candidates OI •Slate Senator, Representative the lower house, Governor and State house offices \11 candidates will voice! for direct All voters of Kranlin county vill !>e eligible to vote in the pri- inurv regardless of color or pant ,T rty affiliations, who will nbibe the result,and support the 1 ) 01111 - nees. Returns to be made to the Exec* ut iv committee by or on the lfffh, July ISO I LET t'H GO TO WORK \s democrats and lovers of tree g>V rnment, government for the pe ■= 'e and by the people, we > n. to work in ear nest to fattAtHUl defend and perpetuate this mocratic government, and not Mt idly down and the enemy conn in, lalo control >f and disrupt this, tho best government t the world. Led by men of wild nd imaginary ideas, scheeming IT lieads, broken down politicians Hell wlio can nothing for tho tty and good of government w ho ai see king only theii own selfish ends, men wliojtoday pro- fess one thing and to-morrow position iin- ,-ther. anything to get -nd notoriety, men who are striv¬ ing daily to array class against IIS3, who are continually stir- mg up and e mgendcring strife causing divisions in families hurc'ies, schools and communi- Mi*n who an canvassing ml parading the country from ne v*ur to another without ceas- Men who an c ontimialU trying to disturb our able and orderly labor, instilling all inauner uf wild notions iiilo their I say shall we sit idly such men tak>‘ con- trol? God forbid! g 't you uji com ymt sleep and lethargy; mv f 'llow* eiii/mis and enter upon your duty like patriots, meet the nd vanquish it ere it ho too t As you love and prize your li mes, and your country, haste you trt defend them. 1 put you or notice now, unless you g ' 1 to work and do your duty tho time will come and come soon when ou will wish that you had Let US appt al to the reason and good " 111110)11 sense of our country men and not to their prejudices and iMftsions is others do. \y<> should endeavor to honestly show them the inevitable resuli E” s movement, if it * not rr - ■d. Show tliom w hat lias - S- V done, and is doing today How organized armies are parading the country How men an> threatening to apply the torch t iliis much loved land of ours anil lay it in waste. is remember the result uf t, ;> civil war, how we have su tie 1 from its effect*, while our can si was a just one, we failed to nit down and count the cost before ,oing into it. We i just now iff r thirty years a In to IVCuVer r un tli * !• fleets of th er >1 c m- ca of, and take our pr r a in c affairs of g tv 'rnment Let li¬ iot lievoni • impatient, but let It itienly r*tmemlH*ring t’ , w 1 at took *)0 yea rs 11 » do i jot be undone in one year. 'e havu as good and able men t the front in our state as a whole s can be found in any state, .hall we (urn them out for doing heir duty and elect men untried. hallwe forsake the ways that we ' now to be right and try some hing new somthing that our t and best men condemn. Mv fellow count! y me ii stop ink before you leave the old ■al'-ii track to go into untried ays where you are liable to sink ; the quagmire of shame and dis¬ race. The President of France, Carnot was nssasinated at Lyons France at the night of tho 24th, by Santo a Italian Anarchist. While the President was riding in his cur- Gage Santo climbed upon the top and stabed him to death THE I AST RESORT. The Populist are making a ties- perate effort to thoroughly organ- ize the negro inthis county. We do not know how the negro fools to- ward this movement. Wo do not know Vliat they are promising him it may be money or it may be po- sition or it may not be either. Otto thing is certain they are not appealing to their good sense and reason, but rather to their passions and predjndices. This may take with the ignorant an I uitin- formed, but we do not beleivo that the more enlightened part of them can be fooled and drawn away from their best friend <. ilicy remomber well tin men that are now trying to prodjudico them against the democratic par- ty are the very men that a few years ago were loudest in declar- ing that tho democratic party win tiio party, and the only party for him to affiliate with. Has the party changed, <>r these men? If it was right then (which it certainly was) it is right now. We are confident that our colored f liends will be slow to Iea\ e the par¬ ty that they know has Imen their best friend in Georgia to follow alter this wild imaginary party that would have the government own everything with the people included. The people were not made for the government, hut the govern¬ ment was made for the people Tho n<*gro remembers well’liis Into bondage and he will he slow to go into it again. If the government owns you and all you have, what is that but bondage? We do not wish to try to frighten you, but wo want you *,o think before yon act too lias- tilv FORTV DARRELS A DAY. Harris A Buhuo., Erin, Tonn., man- ufneturers of the celcrated Erin Lime, say they have great faith Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism. One of (heir principal coopers was laid up with Rheumatsiii until induced to take Drummond’s Lightning Rcniony. After taking two bottles ho went, work’ and has since been Forty Darrels per day. If you want this remedy’ send if5 to the Drum- niond k Mediciue Co.48 Mudeu New York’ and they will your express nddess two large tles—enough for one month’s treat mont. Agents wanted. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE MIL¬ LION. Deputy Commissioner of Pen¬ sions Murphy says that tho pen¬ sion bureau will bo prepared, Julv 1 , to return to the tronsurory de¬ partment nearly .-f?”), 000,000 as an unexpended balance of the ifltio, 000,000 appropriated a year ago by congress for the piyment of pensions of all kinds. Th¬ s\v = is th‘* ivsull of t Uv rigid i ■ r im = v practiced by com- miss' f V joehren and Secretary link ’s direetioii. Conimis- sioiiei' Ratlin, bis pr-ali ■SOI' at list timated an annual uppr print ion of f ISO, 0(H),(Kkl for the conduct of his bureau, but Presi- dent Harrison was so thoroughly alarmed by the enormous propor¬ tions tlm pension expenditures wi re assuming in (lie consequence of tile service act passed by the fiftieth congress that he sent for Raimi and asked that the estimab lv> cut to if!(>:>,(HlO.O:HI. Riimii eo-.i-entud to tiio reduction up m the understanding that any deti- ci. n *y should be made good bv congri'ss, and Unit tin* president should urge upon o ngr -s the m-. eessity of making the delioieney good Mr, Harrison agreed to this proposition, and the sum $ It.o.OOO 0 (H) was appropriated. In the meantime the democratic administration came into power and the expenditure of the appro¬ priation was left to Mr. Loch re u mid Secretary Smith Instead of spending the (vital amount left u,.-y have saved *25,000,000 and ask tor an appropriation of only uo.(KK),iXH» for the fiscal year lie- ginning Julv 1. If tho department were given credit for the *25,000,000 returned Hie sum at its disposal would be * 115,000,000 as against * 105,000- 000 "PPropriated upon Mr. Raum request, and us against *18Q,tXK)- ()i) 0 , the first estimate. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS cures Dyspepsia, In¬ digestion & Debility. In another column wo publish General Evans’ 1 etter of with- drawc! fr un the ruce for governor. The Ji tter is an honest, manly one, and expresses the sense of du* G "hicli has impelled him to with-draw from the race. It is courageous and honest. It shows hisdevoti m to the democratic par- HIU * * 1 ' 8 unselfishness. We are confident that Gen. Evans’ letter has endeared him to the people of Georgia. His manly bearing in the heated conflict that lie has jn i passed through, shows him to he a gentleman, a states¬ man and a patriot. We hope that his letter will have a good effe ct on some of the weak kneed brethren who claim to be too good and tem¬ perate to vote for Mr. Atkinson some who are so selfish and coii- and their loyalty t their P ar fy 80 shallow that fliey cannot support the nominee of their par¬ because ho does not see just as they hoc, and some who are lotting sectarianism control them. Jf such a Christian gentleman us Gen. Evans, the man that has been so strongly opposed by Mr. Atkinson can afford to work for mid support the nominee, wo think anyother democrat cun and should d>' likewise. THE POISONOUS ACIDS In the blood should be taken up and removed by the liver and kitf- noys’hut these organs get out of or¬ der—fail to do their work and the the result is Rheumatism. There are a (housed remedies for the Liver and Kidneys, hut, there is only one cure for Rheumatism, and tha is Dr Drumond’s Lightning Remedy. 1 1 you have the diseas’ send $5 to the Drumond Medicine Co ,48 Maiden Lane. New York,and they will send to your express address two large bottles—enough for one month’s treatment. Any one who is having an argument with the Rheumatism will fell fully repaid by tho first dose. Agents Wanted. The news of the assassinal’on of President Carnot is causing smne uneasiness at Washington. Extra guards have been put on duty at tho White House lesF som • crank might do some viol lence (.o Mr. Cleveland. The door J keepers are instructed to be veJ careful in Jhlmiting stranai® This is eertaBly an age ofjfM PRESIDENT CLEVELAND’ CANCER. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King’s New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bueklon A- Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King’s Now Life Pills fi 'e as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor fre \ll of which is guaranteed to do good mid cost yon nothing. Dr. J. R. Tucker’s drug tor It i-time now for goo Democrats t hroughout the state to begin organ izing .Demoeratie organization in militia district in the stat" Ayer’s Pills promote (lie natu:. | motion of the bowels, wit In ut which there can be no igulnr, operations, For the cure biliousness, indigestion, sick headache, constipatioh, jaiinqiee, liver complaint, these pills have no equal. Every does ell'ee- live If v>u c« mile nee tin ar into pnvagn'.iiiis, i ne of them ould de¬ scribe the woi perful success of the ui'.v remedy for biliousness km wn us If molds Tonic Liver Pills t i a n markable discovery in the 7 i i'H'o ol Therapeutics I h 'iv is = longer any necessity of sutl'er- ing with sick or bilious headache disordered liver, sour stomach, diz- ziness,etc. The tiny pellets w hicli accompany the pills are tor build¬ ing up the system. Dr. II. G. Frei man your druggist, has a free sam pie for you. Not many business houses in these United States can boa-t ol fifty years’ standing. The business of Dr. J.C. Ayer A Co., L 'well. Mass, whose incomparable Sar¬ saparilla is known and us \1 every¬ where, has passed its lmlf-ocntcn- nial and was never so vigorous as at present. With nearly all the railroads in the state of Georgia in the hands receivers ami losing money how much would the taxrate have to .be i nerensed to pay the di ficieney, in case the Populist platform wos car- rival iutoeffeet and the state owned and operated the rail roads. JUDGE 1. WVSON'S MENT. sioiml To tin- District, pi'o|ili' of tin 8( ii O' in gres re-election I hereby niinoimr my candidacy 'o Congress and again niosl respeel fully solicit your snlVrage for the Democratic nomination. As my plat form I shall insist, (hat I have member faithfully of discharged my duty as a Congress dial I have kept every Iwurtli pledg in uid Us National obligation of parly asset that p'at- form, and an experience of four years in Congress has prepared me to represent the people with more Hli- ciettey and use I'u I ties in the letuce than I could have possibly done, with¬ out such experience, in the past. I am advised that many of tny nu¬ stituenls do not itpjM'ove my vote on the repeal of the so-called Sherman law, lint when they com Io eonsidei t hilt <| nest Ion I rom t lie same stand point I hat I occupied, and in (lie same light on I he subject | hat f had I fool sure t hat wt hallagrtM' on the propriety of my vot 1 £ howsoever that may be I submit my - onduct ns it member of Congress to my eons!jtiiHiiU supreme coutideti •e in their i utel 1 i- geltce and justice uid with a firm con- viol ion i hat they are too fair-minded and generous to condemn me unheard. All I hat 1 a k is fair play und an equal chaine with my compelitors for the i umi nut ion. In; public Imsiuess will certainly ain mo her* lor an indefinite lime, Iff I intend to meet my constituent# as -oDii as all important busine»s he absence House from i> disposed it ha,mot of, and result w hen in 5 = loss to them. " uicofi i v and t ruly, Lam Tuns. <i. ioN “Hu is lh< st general, he Great Duke s: who makes th* fewest alee If. w many p, sons tor d iai!s wher the butt I <jui ( of file'll- III health and streil On- f the Ix-d points of g'J f- la ralship is to know the value 'lamon’s Ton- ic Liver Pills, (U -at cure for given liiihousiiess box, and They a frccjfl aiiiJ saiw Fi. i red atom* nts Free- a you m an, < 1 ( tiny Pellets whielfl hi p:i/y them are to build um ■ftii and store the strejd ANN I'CxL i so i To I In- Ion n I 1)' 2*1 (IM i l dij t 4) (T urn del' pilbl leal! w i pine R DYS .CH m ,iver Qjm / % f HEART affectyo. Almost in Doepair W nut Finally 1 CURED By Taking AYER’S PILLS “ For fittccn years, 1 was a great suf- Oi ferer from Indlgostiou lu Us worst forms, ® I tested the skill of many doctors, but o grew worse anil worse, until I became yards® so weak I could not walk fifty without bavlng to sit down and rest. My o stomach, liver, and heart become affect- JJ oil. ami I thought I would surely die. I tried Ayer's Fills and they helped me © right away. I continued llieir uso anil ©" »m now entirely well. ’ don’t know ot £ anything that will so ipilekly relieve o and cure the terrible suffering of dys- © pel psia Ayer's f’llls."—Jenx I" ° as Si l’u itv n.vnn, Brodle,'Warren Co., N. C, AYER’S PILLS! o Rocelved Highest Awards o AT THE WORLD’S FAIR s OOOO ©00 00 OO OOOO 000 OOO 00 BARGAINS IN Machinery FOR SALE— Oue 50-saw Draft Gin Feeder and Condenser One Dower Dress. One 5-ton IVagon Seales One Corn Mill, complete, includ- ing one I loop Hopper Clean¬ er; Spindle, Dully. Bridge pat amt belt;—all as gov das new One Saw Mill Two Water Wheels One Shingle Mill new The above machinery—almost as good as n<>w—will sell wry low, terms easy. ! Applv to J F, Gilbert, R.D.Ymv, on the ) place, or to Avalon, Ga. All t’aia banished by Dr. Miles' 1‘ain fill*. PROGRAMME, Tl'GAI.O BA1TJST S. S. To convene with Toccoa July 12ami H>, sun time. Til C US DAY. 10:110 a. tn. Devotional H’. IV. Stowe. II Convention Sermon—W. ,1. l’ureell; Alternate, C. T. Burgess. Appoint Committee on Credential*. /.VTKKMIssIoN. I : 10 p. hi. Address of Welcome—IV. L Hayes. Response T. I!. Bonner. Committee Credential J p. in. Report of on Organ i z) 2 ;3U p. in How .Should Wo Studv =■ ■ Sunday School Besson?”—A. K ~ esc. T. A. Stovall. lenediction. K1U I>AY, , a. iii. Devotional Kxemscs —\\. *'• M itrhcll. • KjOa. m. “A V't*w of Our Conven- tio:: Ketrosperlive and McFarland. Prospective.” — S. M. Ayers, T. A. I! a. m. Sermon — Rev. T. C. ttoykin, State Sunday School Evangelist. INTKH MISSION. 1 : »0 p in Devotional Exercises— Bio. Ivson, of Toccoa. Schools Mis- - p = “Sunday and sinus'’—.J K Goode. M E l’orter General Business. Benediction. It ■ medy for Rheumatism lias re ceived theumpialifiedendorsemont of (he medical faculty, as being a safe and remarkably efficient prep¬ aration. Its work is so speedy and miraculous that benefit is felt from the first d’osi A treatment con¬ of two bottles, and lusts a month. Price $5'; sent by express receipt, with full special in¬ One treatment will anp ordinary ease. Drum- mond Medicine Co., 48 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents Wanting. GIT4TION, Franklin County. To all whom it may concern. All persons are hereby notified that, ii no good cause be shown to the contrary, sn order will be gran¬ ted, on the H.'ird day of July 1894 establishing anew road, as marked out by the road commissioners ap¬ pointed for that purpose, commen- ■ at or near the Junction of ■ueoa road with the Carnes- plarmony Grove road, about P aris North Eart Ebo nezer fell on saiy Harmony Grove L'ud running S. E. direction ’3 residence of ^ F, Langs- fi. C. Carson, - A. McKie ►Central academy then enter¬ ing the Tuckers public bridge road towards leading a near Las, at the late residence of K. Shannon. McKekxiE. Onliuuryi 1 "j NOTICE Hp I'm ms indi I >t> J to the J. M. Dean, deceas'd, are ''"titled to come forward settle at once, and all persons I ho have claims against said es- [ateare requested to file them with law. (he uiu!er> igned according to Ill is June 1st, 1894. R. A. P. DEAN, AdmT. J. M. Dean, dec’d. Satlie A Hendrix, vs. dot'll 1!. Hendrix. label for divorce in Georgia, Superior March court of Franklin county, term, 181)1. • To John It Hendrix, defendant in said case : 1 ii compliin wit li an order passed by Hie court al said term, j you are hereby commanded to be and appear at t lie next term of I In said court to answer said suit. Witness (lie lion. \. B. Hutchins, Judge of said court This May 24th, 1SSU. a. w. McConnell, Clerk Superior Court, CITATION Georgia, Frnukli county. To all whom it may concern \Yherons I. I> Vow aitmnustrator =-a W \ 1’ Bead represents to the court hi |it-t i t in ii duly filed and entered I record that lie has fully administered U r P Heed's estate, this is therefore to cite ail persons concerned heirs and creditors, to show hi so il' any they can. why said administrator should not tie discharged from his adminis¬ tration and reeive letters of dismission on the lirst Monday in July 18,G. This March iiB-t 1894. 3m l> axl. McKkx/.ik, Ordinary CITATION Georgia, Franklin County. To all whom it may concern This is to give notice,in conformity with law, that the requisite number jf freehohlei s if said county have tiled their petition with the under¬ signed, calling lor a County election under the provisions of Section, 1449, 1450, 1451, lto2. 1453, and 1454 of the Code of 1S82, and the amendments t hereto. This April tith. 1894 D vxT . McKenzie, Ordinary CITATION i.i igi a. 1 raiikim (iimt.v. to the court in ttieir petition duly tiled and entered oil record that they fully admisto-ed Alexander estate, t his is therefore to cite all per- sons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause il any they can why said executors should not be discharged from their executorship and receive Jet ters of dismission on the lirst Monday in August, 1894. This April lti 1S94. im Daniel. McKexzik Ordinary.^J Not Enough. Liver pills have their good and had aide. They cleanHe the bowels and clean out'tne system, hut they leave the patient weak, exhausted unit unstrung, with no appetite and no strength. If you .were to go to a physician pills he would tell you that your liver were all right but that they did not go far enough. You need something else to restore the appetite, repair the waste, purify the blood and build up the system He would give you a tonic. regular We supply you with the physician's medicine for nil entire treatment of nearly three weeks. There is oue small case of ten of the Liver Pills (the finest in existence) and there is another box containing fifteen of the Tonic l’ellets. You gut them both for 25c. Ask your druggist Liver for Ramon’s Tonic Pills and Ramon’s Tonic Pellets. Together they make a sure treatment for Constipation and Biliousness. At all dealers, or mail, for 25c., 5 boxes $1.00. BBOWN MFG. CO.. New York. 3 Machinery for Sale. One 15-horse power Wood, Tabor & Morse engine on sills in fair con¬ dition. One No. 11 DeLoach .Saw Mil i complete. This is a good second¬ hand mill as good as new. It etui be seen at Garlandville, G a. For further particulars ad¬ dress or call on A. N. KING, Caruesville, Ga., Or Malsby it Avery, G1 .South For- syth street, Atlanta, Ga. Look! Look! Wc Have Opened Up in Our NEW STORE Next to The Shop, d L1AE of GENERAL CROCER1ES, HARDWARE and NOVELTIES. M’e have Prices. Give us a call, ✓ ADAIR & SON FOR DYSPEPSIA, take Indigestion, BROWN’S find Stomach IRON BITTERS. disorders, 411 dealers keeD it, 61 per bottle, Oenuine has trade mark anu crossed red lines on wrapper. L. J. GREENE, / ^ginccessor ' to L- J- 4 L. E- Greene,) A,M%% a of ,leSSaitheOLI> mth General merchandise, • Clothing, Shoes, Hats Dry-Goods, and Notions—Meat, ^ >', T 1 r c 'k°CEKY i V'i'f i7i’ ( LINE , ee ,\i l 7 Ul is - E v Being , erythl n sold S in the CHEAPER DRY-GOODS Than r>ver Before. HE SELLS the best goods for the least money GO 10 HIM with a little money in your breeches pocket and be convinced that what we say are'facts. GI\ E II1M A CALL before buying elsewhere and he wilt save you some money. New goods! Pretty goods. \Y are receiving a new and well selected stock of Dress goods. No¬ tions, .• , Clothing, Shoes, and good stock Groceries a of i Hi! i in mi llcpiuhmt Mrs. Jordan wilt have charge of our Milline¬ ry department and will use her utmost en- (leavor to please every one. JJttss i*oobs Jltparhncnt Mrs. Key will have charge of the Dress Goods department and will take pleasure in telling you how to make and trim your dresses. We bought a large stock of tho Red Elephant Tobacco from their ro ceiver at greatly reduced prices,of which we propose to give our custo¬ mers the benefit of. Come to see us. Wo will not be undersold. T. E. KEY CO. J HARMONY GROVE, gEORgIA, Lavonia High School. *** 0 " Is as good a school as can be fouud iu Georgia. JWe offer advantages Elocution n t BEL.and Music only $2.50. „ want students , who , , business, patrons Jivho want their H e mean sons and daughters educated come and see us or write any of the fol- p ow i n g f or information : j, ^ McMURRY ’ ' B ’ - - Principle. Moj£W. I». GAINES, Assistant. McMURRY, Music and Elocution RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAILROAD. Dnnitii'l Spr F. VV. IltildHcoper and llculwn FuMtar, Receiver*. ATLANTA A CHARLOTTE AIR-I.INI DIVISION. CONDENSE!) SCHEDM.l Or rAS.SENIJEll TMAINi, In F.ffppt May 13th, 18»4. Ives.'F'st Mall Northbound. ! No. Dally SH j | No. Dally 30 No. 19 Dally ~ NilMl Lv Atlanta c time 12.0) S=*“S8 am •* Atlanta e time 1.00 i m 10 Bilk “ Norcross.... 10 am “ Buford....... It. p am “ Gainesville.. 2.15 pm ll. p am " Lula......... 11 . p urn “ Cornelia..... am “ Mt. Airy . pm Ar. 5r.Charlotte. King'sMountn Gaffneys.. Toe Greenville Spartanburg. Gastonia...... We Central...... Seneca....... Blacksburg... Danvii’e stmiister cotv....... ....._ ... .... .. 6.22 4.45 5 7.11 8 . 30 pm om pm pm, II.’ 4 3. 5 5. i. -.SSBiSSsSfeg* um am am am am am am am am 12.40 5.35 5.58 G.4G PM pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm am fc.r. Ttifi.moml am L mu b r .‘26~im kt. Washington .. ii pm; • Baltim’o p.r.h. Philadelphia •m! New York... Ves.Lim r st Mail Southward. No. 37. No 35. No. 11 D ally [ Dally Da lly hv New York r.R.R 6.55 4 30 pm' 12.15 n't ......... “ Philadelphia.! ».20 pm, I 7.20 am......... “ Baltimore...... pm 8.42 am '• Washington...} 10.43 pm fif.40 11.01 am sslIIaBellsllillllS'IIl! 7r ~Rk , nn 12750 •‘ Danville....... 5.4 > am 5.55 pint "7.00 “ Charlotte.. .. 9.35 am 10.50 pm 12.30 “ Gastonia............ J 11.20 pin 1.02 “ KlnK'sMountn 10.48 I2.0;»a.m 1.20 “ Blacksburg.... am 1.10 “ Gaffneys...... ii 2 M " Spartanburg.. -37 am 12 57 am 2.50 " Greenville..... 12.28 pmi 1.52 am 4.10 " Central........ i 15 pm 2 40 am 5.20 “ Seneca......... 3.01 am .1.41 *■ Weeti minster ' 6.05 “ Toccoa..... 3.49 am 0.15 “ Mount Airy 7.35 “ Cornelia.. 7.58 '• I. :1a... pm! 4. .42 am 8.05 “ Gaines vlllc 3.31 .59 am “ Buford *• Norcross. 9..TJ Kr Atlanta Ktimel tim?| 4.35 pmi 0.20 am 10.30 lr Atla nta C 3.55 p mi 5.*20 am 9.30 Pullman Car Service: Nos. 35 and 36, Rioh- nond and Danville Fast Mail, Pullman Sloaplng 3ars between Atlanta and New York. Nos. 37 and 38—Washington and Southwestern /estibuJed Limited, between New York and •Jew Orleans. Through Pullman Sleepers be ween New York and New Orleans, via Atlan- .a and Montgomery, and also between Washing- .on and Memphis, via Atlanta and Birmingham, Nos. 11 and 12. Pullman Sleeping Car between “ichmond, ** Danville and Greensboro. "or detailed information as to local aad hrough time tables, rates and Pullman Sloep- n g car reservations, oonfer with local agents, >r address— K. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, G*sn'l Pass. Ag’t Ass't General Pass Atf't Washington, D. C Atlanta , GA. J. A DODSON, Superintt-n lent, Atlanta, Ga. V. H. OREEX, SOL HAAS. Gen 1 .W gr. Tr ifllo Mu' ffr. Washington D. C. W ; 4 itington D.O.