The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, April 06, 1877, Image 4

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y f v fTL L A X EOl S. Important to Sheriffs. AX ACT—To require the sheriffs of this State to keep a record of persons com¬ mitted to jail ami for other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Geor gia, That the sheriff of each county in this State shall keep, in a well bound book provided for that purpose, a record of ail persons committed to the jail of the county of which he is sheriff, which record shall contain the name of the per son committed, age, sex and color, under what process committed, and from what court issued, the crime charged, the date of commitment to jail, and the day of discharge, and under what order dis¬ charged, and the court from which it issued ; and which book shall at all times be subject to examination by any person, and the sheriff shall keep the book on file in his office : Provided, that in the county of Richmond, the Ixwik shall be kept by the jailer, and which shall be kept as provided for sheriffs, except that it be kept in the Jail. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall Ik; the duty of the grand jury, at each term of the court held in the county, to enquire Into the contents of the record kept, and if not kept, or if incorrectly kept, they shall so report to the court, and upon such report being made, the Judge presiding shall cause the Solicitor Gener¬ al to have iht sheriff usved with » rule, requiring bits to show cause why he should not Ik; punished for contempt ; and the Judge shall enquire into the facts, and if he shall find that this law is not complied with, he shall impose a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars for the first of fense ; and he is authorized to line him, not more than one hundred dollars, and not less than fifty dollars, for each sub sequent offense; which fine shall bo eti forced and collected by attachment as in other eases of attachments against sheriffs, as provided in the QStle. Kvr. a Repeals conflicting laws. Approved February 3*1, 1H77. Cracked Hands Cured. None but a laboring man, who lias suffered misery while using an ax or pounding with other tools, can rightly appreciate this article. For years, when young, I ruffered at some seasons untold bitterness, caused by dry cracks on hands ami fingers. I tried every so-called remedy 1 could hear of but in vain ; and 1 >eing obliged then to labor each succes¬ sive day for an honest livelihood, l was hound, as with an iron chain, to such sufferings as almost made life a burden. At last a friend told me to put common copal varnish Into the cracks and it would cure them. Although my faith was very weak, I tried tlm prescription, and, to my great joy, sure enough, in forty-eight hours my hands were as well ns ever. It does not save from fresh hut it never fails to cure the old ones within two days. I keep a small hot Hoof the varnish, with a sliver standing in it- cost ten cents- always handy, and with its help my hands are nearly always well. For knowledge of this simple remedy 1 would not part for many dollars. 1 have given it to many others for many years, and have never known of its failure to effectually cure in all such cases. I don't know that the subject can be considered agricultural (perhaps it is only cutioultural), but there are prolmbly farm readers of your jwiper who will be glad to get the infor¬ mation.—On\ .V. V. IJnlnmc. There is no evidence, according to the London Lancet, to show that re vaccin¬ ation, once efficiently performed at or after putierty, neoil ever be rejieated. On the other hand, the frequent rei>eti tion of revaccination, which has heroine common during alarms of small-pox, is distinctly to Iks deprecated. Such re petitions are as a rule futile, they are wasteful of vaccine lymph when lymph is most precious; they tend to unsettle the minds of jieople regarding some of the best established facts as to the pre¬ servative power of vaccination, and they are unnecessary. The official memoran¬ dum of the local government board on revaccinat ion says : • Revaccination once properly and successfully performed •foes not appear ever to require reiKiti tion.” Tlie nurses and other servants of the London soiall-pox hospital, when they enter the service are invariably snl> mitted to vaccination, which in their ease is generally revaccination, and is never afterward repeated ; and so perfect xs the protection, that, though the nurses live in the cWest and most constant at¬ tendance on small-pox patients, and though also the other servants are on various ways exposed to special chances of infection, the resident surgeon of th* hospital, during his forty-one years of office there, has never known small-pox to affect any of these nurses or servants. The tetM trim,,,,!, of Vnokoo ta*.. ; ty is sour milk jewelry, made at Mans field, Mass. The milk comes in the *»»ape ot curd from the butter and cheese making counties in New York, and looks. jl * ifleavcs f a 1 lit corn, hut before their shop it undergoes a wonderful change, and re Wives the name of American coral. The ***? ed. but * a it is certain U “P^efully that ii has to be guard- heat ed very hot. during which coloring mat ter is introduced, followed bv a verv heavy pressure. Some of it is colored black and called jet, while some appears as celluloid. It makes very handsome jewelry, and is made into all kinds and styles known to the trade. BEHGSTHOM’S COLUMN. 1877. NEW ■+ 18//. n o _ Hpring Goods. Just Received by C liaw. HcTgNtroni y CRAWFORDVJLLE, GEORGIA, 1 take this method to Inform my old friends and customers, and the public generally, that I have just received a FI LL LIN K O F New and Beautiful Goods. which I will veil at the lowest prices m ■ ^-vj „ 1 9 €» ~t"* C j S3L, H n _ There is no neces¬ sity for thO people to go tu Augusta or anywhere else, and as the gmuls are here, and will he sold as low as they eati be had in any market, If the cash is in sight. To tnv Old friends i and rmdmners ' 1 1 sav y now Is ihetime buv Tpurg our ends o*. GENTS’ NEW Lmmv/i M KIMf I /1AAnn .I II II IS * Coats from 75 rents up Pants from 75 cents up. Vasts from 73 rents up. Golds Fine Shirts (made to order) * 1.«0 (tents' Kino Drawers (Bis best) SI per pair Cloths for Pants, Vest, and Coats all grades ami low prices. Ladies’ Goods. A beautiful line of Calicoes, from 6 ); to 10 rents per yard. Ginghams, 10 cents per yard. Ojiera bite Flannels, Flannels, 50 rents. \\ 20 cents. Georgia Stripes 12 't cents. Livingston stripes 10 cents. Crockery, Glassware, dke. Tumblers. 50c. per set. Goblets, 75c. perset. Fine Fine Syrup Glass Pitcher* Pitchers 2.V. to 50 cent*. 65c. to St. Knives and Forks, cheap. Genuine China Plates, S2.25 per set. Genu¬ ine China Cups and Saucers, 82 jvr set. Genu¬ ine China Tea Pots and Sugar Bowls. 82.00 per set. Wash Bowls and pitchers, 81 to 82, llf)OtS ' llIX) NllOf*S • ^i’^allS'-Tof A Small Lot of those Genuine Fine Kid iSSui" ‘° W * Fine Ixrge stock of Shoes all grades, sizes and be sold ^ w w lowest , w sm1 N , sutiful> Rnd will at She possible prices, but the hard times and the uncertainty of men compel me to require the Cash. GlltlS. R<T<YSflTftHl. ft mar25’77-j-v Notice. U. K INTERNAL REVENUE SPECIAL TAXES May 1 , 1 * 77 , to April 30, lsTS. Tire Revised Statutes of the U. &, sections 3232, 3237, xici*, ami 3230, require every per¬ son employment engaged in any remlera^i business, avocation, or which m liable to a Special Tax, to procure an^TpUb ouhly in bb establishment or payiRf^ pWce of biwi a gtsinp denotinjt tb< said continuing business after April 30,1877. A return, as prescribed on Form 11, is also required Special by law of every person liable to Tax as above, in the counties, viz : thorpe, Rockdale, Newton, Morgan, Grgene, Ogle¬ ferro. Elbert, Wilkes, Warren and Talia¬ 1 he Taxes embraced within the provisions of the I-aw above quoted are the : ./lowing, viz; Rectifiers 8200 00 Aealers, Dealers, retail liquor 25 00 wholesale liquor 1-i0 00 Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale 50 00 Dealers in malt liquors, retail 20 00 Dealers iu leaf tobacco 25 00 Detail dealers iu leaf tobacco >iO 00 Rud on sales of over t*l,not), fifty cent, for every dollar in excess of ft, Dealers in manufactured tobac* ■’O s oo Manufacturers of stills 50 00 ! And for each still manufactured 20 00 And for each worm inanfactured 20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco 10 0O Manufacturers of cigars , 10 0*1 Peddlers of tobacco, first class—mole than two horses or other animals 50 00 i Peddlers of tobacco, second class— I t wo horses or other animals 25 00 j Peddlers of tobacco, third class — one horse or other animal 15 00 f Peddlers of tobacco, fwyth class—on foot or public conveyance , f 10 oo Brewers of less than fiOO barrels .'At 00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more ** 100 00 Any person, so liable, who shall fail will to j comply be with the foregoing requirements Persons firms subject liable to severe penalties. J named above to pay any of the Special BOLDEN, J axes j Collector of Internal must apply Revenue to W. r. Cwuvford at Special-Tax ville, (la., and pay for and procure the prior May Stamp or Stamps they need, to 1 , 1 h 77 , and without further notice. Special-tax Stamps wiii be transmitted by mail on receipt, from the person or firm or dering do, the same, of specific directioife so to stamps, together w ith the necessary postage or the amount required to pay the postage. The postage on one stamp is three cents and on two stamps six cents If it is desired that they be transmitted bjpmgfs tered mail ten cents additional should ae company the application. Office of Internal Revenue, , Washington, I) C., .Ian. 23d, 1877. GREEN li. RAUJI, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, mld'.'t n-w "Newsy, Spicy, Reliable. THE ATLANTA 1 nder it, new management, Ttie \, uta Constitution ha won for itself the title of the lending journal of the South. It- inter j prise, Sending (luring correspondents the re. ent election excite-,cent, thins in to different stccial pnr of the country, and its series of P telegrams f*.m Washington while th t lee toral eoiiimission was engaged radicalism/mce in eon qma ting the fraud that placed inore in power in our national council 1 are coTispieiious enough to prove that n ex tioiui ot on 1 y a‘ lead!• r °i n’t h'e !use.U‘b V‘«f 'li^'ii.iimtloo ,l '“ l l e ' s ‘d puhlie conci m, but a leader f the of the latest and most. Ha ble news. There Is better time than n« v to subscribe for , A FKESII and VIGOROUS NEWSPAR "R, Albeit, there lias been a uuati sett;, A ent of one of the most difficult and dangcA’u* problems of modern federal politic.., Ahe dt-c»ssl«niH springing therefrom V f helr ahforhlng likely to interest. ensue have In lost addition m I of Ihu Georgia * ds, to settle people of ore now called v > ,*on THE CONVENTION QUESTION.* i .n'iin ,', ![''! ".p, 1 " 1 *' ' of ,nslltu t . h | s tion int portent will t uh e a lending pail)every ,, Georgian is inter. ..t If a (ohm nt 11 in is called ds proceeding - " id find then- rarlii sl and fullest embodnm id in the columns ot I he ( oiistitution, and ibis teet alone will make the paper Indispeusa y U/e " ° l 10 UlU '' “ J H ‘ brief ’ THE ATLANTA DAILY CONSTITUTION. will endeavor, by all the means flint the progress of modern journalism has made possible and necessary to hold its place as a leader of southern opinion and as u purv cyor of the latest news. Its editorials will be thoughtful, argumentative timely and vigorous—calm methods and and in their thor¬ oughly Southern and Democratic in their sentiments. Its news will be fresh, reliable and carefully digested. It willboallert and enterprising, and no expense will be spared to make it the medium of the latest and most important Intelligence. The Weekly Constitution. Besides embodying everything of interest in the daily, Department The Weekly Constitution will contain in a charge Mr. of Malcolm Agrieult* re, Johnson, which w ill be of the well-know n Secretary ’ of Georgia State Agricultural Society. departmeiitwill be made a specialty, and will be thorough and complete. Tlie fanner will find in it not only all the current information on tin subject tions and of well-digested agriculture, advice. but. timely sugges Subscriptions should be sent in at once, TERMS FOR THE DAILY : 1 month 5\ 00 3 months I 00 6 months 1 00 12 months H 00 TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY. 6 months $t 10 12 ___ months ______ a 20 Money may be sent by po. toffice moecy order at our expense. Address : THE CONSTITUTION. inarSO h-m Atlanta, 77 THE PEOPLE’S PAPER. 77 THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY i V IviiTiAi' \J l L L L V L "d 1 j vi ) L 1 L lnTiJ i 1 ti I V t The Great Family Newspaper, Combines the experience, ability and mate rial resources of three old-time Louisville newspapers of Louisville national repute—the Louis¬ ville Courier, Journal and Louis Domocrnt—and is fortified in the respect The hasty Weekly hotch-potch, Courier-Journal is not a ncrc thrown together fromthe edited family.newspaper in column carefully' anti and paragraph. intelfigentiy every Choice from 225 standaid books, or any Irthmls forT'nicrc ’^pittance 'in'afidUiorVo PiIkNTIi'F's poEVs’ inui 1 ^ 0 W e< k!v Courier-Journal one year for 83.00. ' hung on rollers, retail mice 82 .tXi. will be Courier-Journal presented to every subscriber ot the Weeklv ' who sends us 82.25 Terms, $ 2 .C 0 a year, postage paid. Liberal offers to duK* of five or more Specimen "' 1 , e ' in| ’ me circular free to any sd.ircs Address W. N 11ALDEMAN Pres. Courier-Journal Co., Louisrillc. Ky. Flue Family Groceries and Provisions. TUCKER & STEWART, Dealers in Family PROVISIONS. _ ScC ^ ^ « ScC. 7 *s -:o: Price-List. - Groceries. Bacon C. R. Sides, 101 cts. Com, pur bushel 80 to 85 cts. Scovil Hoes * 75 to 80 cts. Family Groceries. Flour 25 pound sacks 1.25. Flour 50 pound sacks 2.50, Molasses (Museovada) 60 per gal. Molasses (Re-boiled) 45 per gal. Sugar (C) 12 per lb. Coffee 25 per lb. Lard per can (50 pounds) SS.50 Lard tierce 15 Confectioneries, Etc. Tobacco 75c. to §1.00 Cigars 5c. Concentrated Lye 15c. per box. Candy 25c. per lb. Crackers 15c. per lb. Blacking 5 to 10c. Matches 30 perdoz. Oysters 15 to 30c. per box. Powder 40c. per pound. Shot 12 jc per pound. Fine Liquors and Wines. Whiskies 82.00 to 84.00 per gal. Brandies 8.00 Maderin Wine 3.50 Port Wine 3.50 marl6 j-m £toZlzlb2c Xff&'V’&SSSI Guano. ,hfiato. wy N A i tt V A 4 c\c\ HO A 4 CO /~</ r Arrir|3/-'4'\T 1 1 (JJN TVITVirTTllH MLvl l KK -Lx^VV dbi vv/ 1 x a a V 1UJ. Thp a |*ove well known Fertilizers and thoroughly are composed prepared of the and most rendered reliable materials known tn tain Agricultural enough Ammonia Chemistry, and Alkaline are Salts to make them active stimulants soluble, to and growing con ( . r 0 .,s, and enough Bone Phosphate of Lime not only for present use but to give perma ne r.t benefit to any lands to which they may be applied. These celebrated brands of Guanos are reported of high commercial standing by Dr. T. P. JANES, STATE yield AGRICULTURAL of cotton than several COMMISSIONER, others high and by actual test have given a greater hesitate to them trial. V ask only of reputation. Our planters need not give a e one fair test. TERMS:—Soluble Mixture, Guano, 467 lbs. Cotton 430 « Acid Phosphate, ALL FREIGHTS 330 “ PAID. /~s r-T-i r-p. i. xt T N . The attention of planters is called to the above standard brands of Fertilizers, w hich I am now offering for sale at low prices payable first of November next, with option of in in cotton pound. ’ payment at 15c. per B. M. LANNEAU, A««r, OFFICE No. 2 MITCHELL BLOCK, Up Stairs, Crawfordville, Ga. v Ss T v ' Xi l? _L il. A ft Si kA T^, X_i XJ TA i *D * (tt * /% SL i y jr -l « ■ rii J HE UNDERSIGNED is agent for the following Guanos ■ Carolina Fertilizer. Eagle Ammomated Bone Superphosphate. The Palmetto Compound Acid Phosphate, for Compost . mg. w C'llCSflpCftltB 0UtlllO. Chesapeake Alkaline Phosphate. Oyster Shell Line tilfzing These qualities Guanos by arc unsurpassed market, in and fer any in the will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Come and see me before PURCHASING. C.STEPHBNS&M. Z. ANDREWS, Agent feb!6-o-m A t the Post Office. ’77 A SPLENDID OFFER ! ! THE DEMOCRAT s A.\U \xn TlTF 111L LUllMlLLb T OUTSVTt T v Weekly • Courier-Journal LutiiiLi w viti uni m ontLiuthl “hf’coURllB^r^vf ^rtce J'tme* 1 '*" torUttle M ^wF r Jii.sLV 1 nriJm I h °the m Subscription^ he Wcekri- invariably in^tbe iu country. advance, will Georgia ..... Manufacture of „ Wool Hats, nianu faeturedby Mm.Heudricks.mM * Berg * ri ^ n ct *’ t0 ?100 ’ C larles ' •— K —; Ladies’ Hats from $U0 to 53.00. C, MYERS V , !Mi ' -flh I dl -e, B^ac MV ■ HP E&sSf l f -7 -el . fU.*,'? W^S-I iWM VW RgwX, hKI WK i.MtSm'I fu __ M l '■ ? i J Mmf 1 iW \ •' - ’WwO { * v 4i ^ J # A GUANO. HIGH GRADE FERTILIZER, at the | price of Inferior Guanos. ONE TON OF TIIE Patapsco FOR 467 Pounds of Middling COTTON. No FREIGHT TO BE PAID ON THE ■ C. E. SMITH, Agent. ° iebl , 6 -o-m ,\ ATII I ) I 11 'T p 1 1 r Ji 1 jp 0 f f Q y m pp jj, All persons of Taliaferro county In desirous of obtaining a First Class, and fact the the best COTTON PLANTER in use, will do well to purchase from the undersigned * one of the celebrated Burton Cotton Planters.” Call and examine for yourself. I®” No charge made for showing. A number of Certificates could be shown, but deem it unnecessary, as the TIT ___ _ __ IQa Mr MJL Jem JkH wkl ■■■ Jk JCl li» L Al> . „ „ - S. H. RHODES, feblfi b-m. AGENT. N (“7:5 HSl E ECE TABL . HALRsJM ERl@ RENEW This standard article is compound, ed with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to ita youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak¬ ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, “The con¬ stituents are pure, and carefully se¬ lected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes,” Price, One Dollar; Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesir¬ able shade, to brown or black, at dis¬ cretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and ef¬ fectually produces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO, NASHUA, N.H. Bell If tU Braggiiti, »sl Bultti la KtliclMl. RICHARDS&legwen, Agents, CRAWFORD VILLE, GA. feblfi-jo-m Ayer’s Sarsaparilla \ ^ For Scrofula, and all A t 1 Fire, Eruptions and 1 i 3 l VYDavdysvivi I Eruptive diseases of the AYERS skin, Ulcerations of the 1 i Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, J i ^ Rniif Lungs Pimtffes 7n Pustules *' £ K ■ lu 5 10r s ’ E 1 letter, bait Rheum, Scald 1 Head, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head, Female from^ntemMc^^iiTlw"! ^ om internal ulceration, and Uterine disease Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, General Dropsy, Debility, Dyspepsia, and for Purifying Emaciation, the Blood - This Sarsaparilla is a combination of drake, vegetable alteratives — Stillingia, Man Yellow Dock—with the Iodides »i rotoasltuu and trim, and is Bit most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. I Tr. *?, ln g r A dl « nt f, a « „ SO skilfully , ... „ corn v btned, , that the full alterative effect of as to be hwm^ess^ven Godchildren* fvn’m d'ri s ti)l so so ettectual effectual asto asto rmrrrp purge out m.t from the the system which those impurities and corruptions The develop into loathsome disease, from reputation it enjoys is derived its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the coun oZiKef try renose in it wove their experience exnerienr* ot its usefulness. dne« Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly being received, and as many of these cases are publicly evidence known, of the they superiority furnish convincing of this Sar ever y other alterative mR ' ucm e. oo generally is its supen onty to any other medicine known, that we need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. rr.EPAHED BY Dr. i, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BT ALL DKUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. RICHARDS & LEGffEN, Agents, CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. feblG-jo-m TAKE X0TICE. CtEORG I IA—Taliafkhro Coia ty. ■ have this day made, constituted and ap¬ pointed CHARLES BERGSTROM of said State and county my duly authorized agent, for the transaction of all business and set¬ tlement of all affairs wherein my interest is concerned, and this shall be taken deemed and held as due legal notice of the appoint¬ ment of said agent. This, March MOODY. 2, 1S77, NANCY M. mar 2 -n-w Cl Of 1G Can't be made by every agent 7* every month in the business we furnish, but those dollars willing day to work can easily their earn a dozen a right in own localities. Have no room to explain: here. Business pleasant and honorable.. Women, anil boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Out¬ fit free. The business pays better than, any¬ thing ing else. We will bear expense of and start¬ you. Particulars free. Write see.. Farmers and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes write in need and of paying: learn work about at home, work should to us is the all the at once. Now time. Don’t delay. ' Address Trce & Co.,. Augusta, Maine. j-o-b-h-m lurking Ulas,.-^ 2 now pre¬ pared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex and easily earn proportional from 30 cents by to S3 devoting per evening, their a sum whole time to the much business. Bovs Th andgw* all who earu nearly notice as send as men. their address, at and see this may te*t the business we make this well unparalleled satisfied offer : To such as are not we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the iarg est 'and best Illustrated Publications, alt sent free bv mail. Reader, if you want permanent and profitable work, address,. George Stixsos & Co., Portland, Maine, j-o-b-h-m • Fine lot of Boots, from 81 00 to 85.50 calli on Charles Bergstrom.'?.