The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, May 25, 1877, Image 4

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IIISCELLAAEOIS. Frightful Distress in Cbina. A very dark picture t* drawn by a cor respofidrnt of the Jimy* of tlie distress whkii ims l» i n prevalent in China for the hurt few months. lie say* that in tlie Chilili and Shantung districts the distress hm reached *uch a lieight that a part of the inhabitants of these pro¬ vince* are literally dying of hunger Two Europeans who had the courage to carry *>ute provisions to a small vdlage in Shantung returned horror-©truck with what Uiey had seen. The inhabitants were putting an end to their suffering* by Mickle, and in one family the father and mother, t* avoid witnessing tlie death agony of their starving children, had buried them alive. The famine has been caused Ijy the failure of the harvest for two years run¬ ning in districts which are generally fer¬ tile. Neither grain nor fruits are to lie had at any price, and the land seems to have beeu scorched by a burning w ind. The grass hy the roadside has been de¬ voured to its very roots hy tlie famish tug l>euple, who have stripped all tlie to*© ut their hark and foliage. As the winter 1ms been exceptionally severe, many of tlie sufferers have died from cold as well as hunger, and the appear¬ ance of the aurvivors is mostly ghastly. When fine weather returns, these pro vinces, formerly so populous and flour lshiug, will have been converted into deserts, and there w ill U* a lack of hands tie tit) the ground for next year’s crop. Tl»« functionaries, the bonzes and the missionaries, without distinction aationality or cretsl, have joined their effort* to those of the government to neat the famine ; hut charity, on however large a scale praetlnxl, is insufficient to meet all the wants. It is worthy of note, however, that an anonymous donation, SESI SSZ-JTiZ z: been ascertained that the donor is h Japanese who for many years was a domestic servant In China, hut who hy a lucky marriage had become possessed of ft large, fortune, part of which he has generously used in promoting the entente mrtlialt between the two countries.— Pall Mall (hurtle. A M, d«ly «W, Wred, not lo» B ®I w i •tiuuuri« of Duiiei, a olty on the river Diuuiberjf, a carriage, anil , dumping , . a . Isrx securely . corded . . iuto - . tlie vehicle, ordered the driver to stop at ft shop where, as she said, she had lo make some purchases. The driver stop¬ ped and waited, but the lady did not return. Then lie asked the shopkeeper so allow him to leave tlie box. Permis¬ sion was denied, but, on consultation, thebiix »«. h, the ,w„ when the body of a dead infant was ex nosed pose*r The menriverma driver did lint nor know Know what wnsi to do, tearing that ho would be arrested for murder. The shopkeeper advised him to put the box hark In the carriage, drive to the market place, and leave it unattended while 1m ate dinner, in the a|wctaUooth,t *me ™<. would «™i tlm l>ox. The driver took the hint, and the liox <1i*ft|>pr:ire<1. Neither Indy nor dead body has since been heard of. New York ls going iu for a Murdi Graa. A sort of club bus been formed, -«»«*«• -in •» t-« processions, the first comprising one N,«„»„„l „ W ,n, «v, ta, tho'innd workingmen. The noctural effort will present a living history of noteworthy Ainerican events, with a display of alio gorlcal and historical tableaux on “Boat,” to be drawn by elephants, camels and horses. Tlie animals are to he illuminated by gas jets, supplied with gutta-percha tubes running along their harness. Oil those Moats will lie repre¬ sented America as it was, landing of Columbus, landing of the Norsemen, l’eun's treaty, tea ship, tail of I’ntnam, declaration of Independence, Mexico, New York as it was, Washington cross¬ ing the Dele ware, Jackson at New Or¬ leans, and other event* in American history. Four boys from the neighborhood of \V e#t llroad st reef nunle a descent on one little boy in Pulaski square, and, being in superior force, held him and rifled his iSH-keta of sav some twenty marbles. Tho aid of police was sought, but, after a tour of six or seven streets, pone could be found. Not reflecting on the force, l would only remark they are scarce in this neighborhood, and I am satisfied an occasional appearance in this vicinity would do gvxnl.- (Ylixrn -tor.—Sutan noA Fries. Tlmnsday morning, ult. about 5 o'clock, the jiassenger depot ot the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta load, at Charlotte, caught fire accident aflly and was buruetl to the ground. Tho North Carolina Road sustained no material loss, but the Charlotte, Colum Wa and Augusta Road suffered' rather heavily in the way of having money burned, together with tickets, etc. — _ _ The ahuiinistration showing is signs of interest iu the Ohio gubernatorial , test short 1) to be opened. If the _ Demo ^££1ui” poiu-iiL would bitterly th.t bouthem policy did it. iTie -.a:ui on the xent for bargains is inforuKHi mat two Utousaud acre of land were sold recently .3 Alabama for one cent an acre. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS, -THE NEW SewiMOMAchinE Pn ><v 2 fl| % \r % h f Simplest & Best. ' —AGfA/rs Wanted— "Tl fi? No. 177 W 4 T rSt CINCINNATI,0. apilS 1877-J-y ** AN UNPARAELLED OFFER! ’T7 rhe Democrat, A5J> THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY J10IINIXG NEWS y ,. nr fo , „ n) Two f a little more than the price of one. ^'V 1 us »nd receive your home paper and fills , excellent f,eorgia weekly, one of flic best weeklies id the State. Subserip tton invariably iu advance. “ Money! Money!! - AT THE— Virginia To g.-t r j«l of your surplus Money. Wc are not particular whether it is 0°lil, Silver or flrccnliarks ! We are after it all the same, for we have effected arrangements whereby we can use an immense amount of good legal money, and will offer great inducement* to all, in the *hai>e of good reliable, first-class goods, for less CASH I ban any house in these parts. Wo have made preparations for a large Spring disappointed. trade, and wo don't propose to We have studied your wants carefully, such goods and made know it a point need, to select just us we you ami at aS;®i'S All an* Invlt4*n, for wo have ccmhIj} uiou^Ii to go around two or three times, and excellent place t<» get more from, of the H *me kind, and at the same uniform low prices. Kf Be to sure 1,00 and y,,u see at us thu early. V,U,;1NIA We will RICHARDS A LEGYYEN, Proprietor*. Crawfordville. Ga. ma>4 j-t Legal Notice. fpilIH^A^A^ Is to warn all and singular not to Ainanda being under contract with Mrs. Kliznlietli pn.ylng J. Aeree, and 1 will prosecute anv „ m , ,. m the aforesaid ftmamt* t<> the u a tent of (ho law SEABORN N. ACKEE, ml 187"-nw* Agt. for Mrs. E. J. Acree. Vl I>,. NOTICE. Br lloKfE . APPLE VISRGAK t„r to,*, per gallon, ut the post office, CLARENCE STEl’IlKNS. , IVotice. 1 ■ j ARTIES wishing teeth extracted, that 1 shall expect payment at the time the SX'lKl^ln V™'S"llSV 5 »uS the final settlement for the plate, when the KIABI*YC^tsH***' ‘ ’ ' a*g. tcrl “' are 1NVA malS-t-0-0 BKAZLUY, Dentist, THE Georgia A FIRST CLASS Grange! ETGTIT-PAGK Agricultural, Commercial and Family Journal, Devoted to the interests of'the PATRONSol*HU BANBKY. Edition, 10,000!! The Georgia Grange, representing and advocating tlm Interests of the Patrons of Husbandry. Is published by the GEORGIA GRANGE 1* II Ij H 9 b 1 U % C O IU JI A11 y , ATLANTA, GEORGIA. AdvertlsmenU Inserted on reasonable Olreidating in every county of the tJntmgi'ofrers ’eSeefienWaeitithV'to^rdler* risers. To Patrons of Husbandry, and others, Its merits will be its best reoomuien da Mon. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year * 7 5J To clubs of ten and upwards . . im Address. GMOKGlt UH A Mil'. nui.lsHIG (()., nltf P. O. Drawer 24. Atlanta, Ga. Sheriffs’ Sale. GEORGIA.—Tali a VERRO County. yy r lLL be sold tiefore the Court iIt'U?e door, in tne town of Crawfordville, Tali Taliaferro county, Georgia, on the first hours Tuesday In June next, with thin the lawful of sale, a tract of laud in said COUntV •tiliniliititv adjoining Ih.i the laiwle land* .«# of Alfred % lfe.\.l Boone, Johu i'hu B E vans, the Homestead of H. D. Smith and others, routatmug Five Hundred and Eighty (580) ..... acres, more or less, less, and and known known as as the tl “Home or Bermuda Tract .' 1 Levied o» as the ‘ property of H. d Smith to satisfy Three (3) IT Fa's, John Evans, vs. H. D. Smith, Cosby Coanel, H 17 D .¥ Smith, the audSidnoy first named C_ Ft. Shivers Fa., issued vs. from the Superior Court of Hancock county, Jans'a’sssft.ssi,^ts r ”r 1 chaser Property pointed out by Plaintm's a28nw ThU April 2btb M i» 1827 L GCOGER. Sheriff. at t harles BcrgsttoiaV BERG STROK'S COLUMN. — 14o _ __ __ |_ * # l(lln> 4 .. A ■ C3 - • a m • ‘ >E " , - Sprin? and Summer Styles. I have in Htore and a:n now receiving a Splendid offering .stock of alt grades, wiiieh I am for sale at the verv bottom prices. Below I give a few Styles and prices : Bovs .Speckled Sir** Wr. line sSUIr Sun Si;.’,ms ntfh* T.,; Mente Fanrv Bull « Men> Fancy Black Hi aw L75 M«*n s Common fiuc. uSsKffvKSJs'.,. apr2.J CHAISES BERGSTROM. J HA CHARIacs SOI# from AV. to #2.50. p BERGSTROM. 1877. NEW \W7 1 '' r * 7 • Spring floods. Just Received by C'has. Bergstrom J CRAWFORDV1LLE, - GEORGIA, I take this method to inform my old friends and customers, and the public generally, that I have just received a FUL L MAE OK New an! Beautiful Goods. which I will sell at the lowest prices There Is no neces¬ sity for the people to go else, to Augusta oif Isis’are any where and as the gt he and will is* sold as low as they he had iu any- linuki t , l f ^>k^a^li is To my old friends am**, ./or customers, I say now is the time to buy y gotsls. GENTS’ SPRING GOODS. Coats from 75 cents up up! l’uiits from 75 cents Vests from 75 cent* up. Gents'Fine Shirts (made to order) 81.50 Gents' Fine Drawers (the best) 81 per pair Cloths for I‘ants, Vests and Coats all grades and low prices. Ladies’ Goods. A beautiful line of Calicoes, from to Ginghams, 10 cents per yard. yard. lo cents per Opera Flannels, M cents. W hite Flannels, 20 cents. Georgia Livingston Stripes stripes I8J4 cents. 10 cents. Crockery, Glasstfm, «&c. Tumblers, 80c. Per sot. Goblets, 75c. per set. Flue SyTep Pitchers ^*>c. to 50 cents. Fine Glass Pitchers t»5c. to 81. Knives *ud Forks, cheap. Genuine China Plates, 82 25 per scl.-Genu¬ ine Chin* Cups and Saucers, §2 ]»or set. Genu¬ ine China Tea Pots and Sugar Bowls. S2.00 per set. Wash Bowls and pitchers. 81 to 82, Boots and Shoes • a Small Ixd of those Genuine Fine Kid “XWSfSSL'Sa?”**-' .jsr “« i -««• ■» — • SSTlitS but the hard times and the uncertainty of men compel me to require the Cash. €has - Bergstrom. iB*r23'7T-i-y '77 the people’s paper. >»• THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY Courier-Jomrml The Great Familv New-inner e • t'omMm--, the experienre, ability and mate rial resources of three old-time Louisville ii> vv -papers of national repute — the Louis ville Courier, louisville Journal and I»uis Dvmoerat—and i* fortified in tile respect end confidence resulting from nearly half a awitury of their individual and combined, The Weekly Coorh-r-Joaroal Ls not a mere SBiSf'JSSSrS* family carefully f^K'Srj!: and intelligently edited newspaper ' iu every column and paragraph. Choice from’225 standa id books, or any of the leading magazine.- or illustrated pen odical* for a mere pittance in addition to ‘‘pi^FVTUK^ w’JvUu ?"**•■*}*> °"T a in U ‘w Weekly i, inches, A splendid handsomely Mapof thraouth/size- varnished 28^x32 and colored, ESr s-s Terms, $2.00 a year, postage paid. Liberal offers to clubs of five or more. Specimen Address W. S. liALDEMAX, Pres. Courier-Journal Co., Louisville, Ky. - ’IT A SPLENDID OFFER ! ! ‘ ‘ THE DEMOCRAT ,, S AND THE LOUISVILLE Weekly Courier - Journal One vear for S3 00 Two Paners lor little Weekh in thV eountrv Suliserintions 1 wffl be invariably in advance. Georgia Manufacture of Wool Ilats, manu faetured bv Wm. Hendricks, ii.ou, in Warren county, at mo ets. to Charles strom. Agent. . v/upir rp T lo farmer s!! All persons of Taliaferro county desirous b^t lning * First cla8S ’ and ‘ ,uact the the OTTON PLANTER in use, will do well to purchase from the undersigned one of the eelebrated “Burton Cotton Planters.” tSf Call and examine for yourself. L£?“ No charge made for showing. A number of Certificates could be shown, hut deem it unnecessary, as the PLANTER speaks for itself. S. H. KIIODES, febl6 h-m AGENT. ISTotioo. From and after the 1st of April, the fees and coats iu all matters of business in the Ordinary's ered Office will be CASH, and conaid due upon application of the same. CHARLES A. UEAZLEY, mh.tO-t-o-o Ordinary, T. C. NEW STOCK OF Just Received at Richards & Lcgwcn’s. We have just received a large stock of IIAT.S of all styles and quantities, at prices ranging from 20 ets. to $4.00 and invite everybody to come RICHARDS and see them. & LEG WEN. nprl3-o-w lie Kennessaw Gazette, A Monthly Paper, Published at ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Devoted to Railroad interests, Literature, Wit and Humor. Fiftv Cents per year. CIIROMO to every subscriber. Address, _Kennesatv Gazette, Atlanta.Ga. Ladies' Dress Goods, 12,’^c. at C. MYERS. Soluble Navassa Guano. MB. NAVASSA COTTON MIXTURE. The almve well known Fertilizers are composed of the most reliable materials known to Agricultural enough Ammonia Chemistry, and Alkaline and are thoroughly Salts prepared and rendered soluble, and eon tain to make them active stimulants to growing crops, and enough Bom Phosphate of Lime not only for present use but to give perma¬ nent These benefit celebrated to any brands lauds io of which Guanos they tuay reported he applied. of high are commercial standing by Dr. T. P. JANES. STATE AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER, and by actual test have given a greater yield of cotton than several others of high reputation. planters need not hesitate to give them a trial. We ask only one fair test. “““■■asaa Acid ’ s* Phosphate, ALL FREIGHTS FAID. 330 “ COTTON. The attention of planters is called to the above standard brands of Fertilizers, which 1 mm bow offering for sale at low price.-, payable first of November next, option of payment in in’ cotton at 15c. per LANNEAU, pound.' B. M. A GENT, OFFICE No. 2 MITCHELL BLOCK, l j Stairs, Cr-wfordvifite, Ga "N©WBy, Spicy, Reliable.” THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. L ndt-r jts new management. Tb*^ Atlanta Constitution has won for itself the title of the leading journal of the South. Iu euter prise, sending during the recent eleetion excitement, !,i correspondents to different por tions of tne country, and its series of special telegrams from Washington while the elec toral commission was engaged in consuma Hng the fraud that placed radicalism once niore in power in oar national councils, are conspicuous enough to prove that no ex matters dissemination of public of the concern, latest but and a leader most in relia- the news. There is better time than now to subscribe for A FRESH and VIGOROUS NEWSPAPER. of Albeit, there has been a gurm settlement one of the most difficult and dangerous results lSStSS^SSSlTtaSUS!Ut likH\Mto upringing^bSeff^^aSi enlu^have the lost nothimr of THE CONVENTION cfmTcrmv QUESTION, cvr-vc-ro.v leading If Convention part ) every Georgian is interested. a is called its proceedings will find their earliest and fullest embodiment in the columns of The Constitution, and this fact alone will make the paper indispensa hie to every citizen of the State. To be brief ’ THE ATLANTA DAILY CONSTITUTION. will endeavor, by ail the means that the P ro ff™* 8s of modern journalism has made •**M‘entetlve in their methods and thor d carefully digested. nlw^lTfr^h, It relia^k an willbeallert and enterprising, to . .* 14 * and medium no expense wiB be spared m a te 4 ie of the latest' and ™ st , Hn l >ortant intelligence. The Weekly Constitution. «»«»,. m«,rWifa;? fe»°' r gSS. 5 ,i: ,e 5 SlsrS:hTJ 2 the well-known Secretary of Georgia tede a^SS'and will subject ^only of P alUhe agriculture, cu^tTn/omation but tions and well-digested advice. timely sugges Subscriptions should be sent in at once. TERMS FOR THE DAILY : 1 month SI 00 3 months 3 00 K months 5 00 12 months 10 00 TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY. G months SI 10 12 months 2 20 order Money may be sent by postoffice money at our expense. Address: TOE CONSTITUTION, mar;«j h-m Atlanta, Ga. $$$$$$ Only One Dollar! wUl’U'lent'Sage six months. It is pam,'"o tlie cheapest auTaddreS one of papers published, counting-room, and is fireside a welcome visitor to or farm, it is a eurrent news cr the week ; a comprehensive summary of telegraphic didpatche* and K>cal Thus, daily those who have not the advantage of a niail can get the news for six months hy sending everybody one dollar. It is just the paper tor interested in Georg a and Florida. It will be well investee, and will educatc your children and make home happy. Money for either paper can be seut by I’ost office order, registered letter or express, at publisher’* risk. Address J. II. EST1LL, apr3-t-o-o Savannah Ga. Price Keduced. From and after this date we have reduced the prices of XX RYE AND CORN WHISKIES from 82.50 to 82.00 per gallon. Thankful for the past patronage we solicit a continu fo the same. D. A. WILLIAMS & SON. ap!3,1877, j-m £ / 35 s.,. - (m m ►:! so ggWFTi'K - •fid?: .rit \ •i? L Mm ■m Wi N a‘ Ayer’s Ilair Vigor, if ' For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. j&tSBta*. A dressing ® w men is atone© Bntt Jr agreeable, and healthy, ef <**«! «* m- the ffiKyf Mf &fE tS K serving Faded • p hair. or gray nair i„,v • u • *xm wm restored to Ui frith T (he qiou and fmknete original of youth. color thickened, falling hair checked, and a baldness i,,«»,&. often, though »»t »mi follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such w by this application. instead ~e%m of .CjjU ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it W,U _:n * u„„_ ee P, lt clean and vigorous. It* t,_ occasional use Will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off; and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substance? which wake some preparations dan gerous, and injurious to the hair, the it Vigor If can only merely benefit for but not harm 1 wanted a HAIR DRESSING^ nothing ,, ble - p Contammg else . can . be found so desire » - neither oil nor dye, and it does not soil white cambric, yet lasts long lustre on the hair, grateful giving it a rich, glossy and a perfume. Prepared b, Dr.l.C. A,er&Co., •»- *“«■ LOWELL, MASS. RICHARDS & LEG WEN, Agents, feM6 jo GRAtVFORDVILLE, GA. . J . m _ Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Tot DiMMM of th« Throat and Lunga, ■uoh as Cough*, Cold*, Sv Whooping Gough, :. Bronchitis, A*thra«r and Consumption. ^tpuUtion ithasMtainedrin eon*uqw»**et ““ msrveUous cures it has produced during the lait half century, i. a sufficient aunrance to that public that It wfil continue to realize the happteet ••ctfon of country there are persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and All who hare tried it,acknowledge it. .uperiority; and where its virtues are known, no one heiitaM* *s to what medicine to employ to relieve the dis .... treM “ J . Buffcrmg . - ■ pecuUar , . 10 P«hnonary affee tions. Cherry Pectoral always affords its stent relief, and performs rapid cures ef th* milder varieties of bronchial disorder, aswell ss the more formidable diseases of the lungs. As asafeguard to children, amid the distress¬ ing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest ot Childhood, it ls invaluable; for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. Thi« medicine gains friends at every trial, as the cares it is constantly producing are too re markable to he forgotten. No family should b* without it, and those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend It from their knowledge of its effects. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical OhamliU. SOLD BY ALL DBLGOIST 3 EVZBYWHZB 1 . RICHARDS & LEGWEN, Agents, feb!6-jo-m CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. TAKE NOTICE. Gteorgia 1 have —Taliaferro County. this day made, constituted and ap pointed CHARLES BERGSTROM of said State and county my duly authorized agent, for the transaction of all”business and set tlement of all affairs wherein my interest is concerned, and this shall be taken deemed and held as due legal notiee of the appoint¬ ment of said agent. This, March 2, 1877, NANCY M. MOODY. mar2-n-w To the Working Class.—We are now pre¬ pared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time, • or for their spare moments. Business new, light easily and profitable. Persons of either sex earn from 50 cents to 85 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Bovs and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled^ offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. dollars Full particulars, work samples worth several to commence on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the larg¬ est and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent ‘and profitable work, address, George Stir son & t’o., Portland, Maine, j-o-b-h-m Eeal Estate A gency. LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD. MINERAL LANDS A a SPECIALTY.. C'* T—» T -- 'T A T TIT Those having lands, etc., for sale and tliose wishing to purchase will find it to their advantage to afldress the under¬ signed, giving a description and terms of lands for sale or wanted. BERGSTROM k SULLIVAN, Crawfordville. Ga. apr20