The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, July 13, 1877, Image 3

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THE DEMOCRAT. FRIDA Y.'JULY 1A 1877. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. General and ____ Travelling Agent. Mr. M. DeL. Googer is general and travelling agent for this paper, and is tiseniei '' ’ roh*^ or au “ subscriptions. a 4 ver ' Mr. Robt. R. Norman is our author¬ ized agent, at Sharon. 'i U rh^Zll f F™-. Tot Tax receipt Kvceiver, forsub- is receipts will bJrec^dzeTat'this'offiee 1^1 1 5 ---- _ George W. Howard is our duly authorized agent at Barnett. Ladies' Ruffs, 3c. at C. MYERS. Corsets at 30 cts., at C. MYERS’. Percales, 10c. per yard. C. MYERS. Calicoes, 8Rc. try at C. MYERS. Silk Parasols *1.25 at C. MYERS’. - • Trunks from 75c. to $0.50 C. MYERS. Suitings, from 10 to :tOc. C.. MYERS. — • Indies' Dress Goods,. I'JGc. at C. MYERS. • —« Cretonne, from loc, to 12>jc, go,to. C. MYERS. Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs, 4i)c. C. MYERS. Ladies’ Hats fulfil $1.50 to $3.00. (’. MYERS. A fine assortment of Gents’ Hats at C. MYERS. Just received a line lot of Ladies’ Button Shoes at C. .MYERS'. Oranges and Lemons at d cts., at RICHARDS A LEGAVEX’S. I)r. Durham's Liver Bills, have no superior as a family pill. id ^ | ^ If subject to I linn .h ■ ,. *" Durham's BLOOJ) PURIFIER Dr. Durham’s Blood Purifier wj)} posi lively impurities cure Svpliillis, Scrofula, and :dl of the blood. Dr. Durham’s Liver Fills and Blood Purifier for sale by TITUS RICH ARDS, dealers t’rawfordville, Ga., and all druggists ami in medicines. — On I>it. .Madam Rumor is whispering it around, that a wedding tour is imminent. Died. Xear Sharon, on yesterday morning, Ijittle Musa, daughter of Mr. and JMrs. J. J,,. 1/iunnpson, aged- about/ one. year.. --- Sick. AA'e regret to learn that Miss MoIJie Finkston is very sick at the residence of her mother a few miles in the eountry County Fiuauclcg. AA'e are informed hy the authorities that Taliaferro county is entirely out of debt. This spealmM.eT tor the management of wur county affairs. Sickness. Considerable sickness is prevailing in this vicinity, AVe lieqr of several cases of sickness in town, and some in the country, Tbe Little Lamp. The lamp man has been in town and left a lot of these pretty little bed-room lamps for sale with our Clarence,, at the post office. They are just the tiling for U sick room—go and-see them, -------- Vtxircssiii^. Tin harps arp becoming distressingly frequent in our town of late, and is de¬ veloping much excruciating music. Old free Louis has ‘(joined the band,” and there are signs of the nuisance growing. Give us a rest. Apologetic. AA’e have been too sick the present week to. bring The Democrat up to its usual standard, and hope our friends will on this plea forgive any sliort-com ings. AVe have done the best we could. but weak and sick, we were compelled to leave many things undone. AVe hope for returning health soon, and will trv make amends for what the state of our health forces now to leave undone. The Weather, Xo rains since our last report,, two weeks ago. Another drouth is upon us.. Gardens are suffering greatly. Early corn will be cut off unless it rains soon. Cotton stands it better. The highest point the thermometer has reached at Liberty Hall this season has been a lit¬ tle above Wf, not quite 05 . -♦— Attention. " e woula call the attention of our readers to thp advertisement, tobe found in another column, of the Southern Cal endar Clock Co. We had the polite agent, Mr, B, F, Boon, to put up one for us, which has now been running ten days, aed has given entire satisfaction, Aside from being a splendid time piece, giving the month, day of the month, and the hour and minute accurately, it is an ornament that will set off a room nicely. Evetj' one who works with regularity should haye gne of these splendid, docks. In a Nursery wherein all Ls life and laugh instead of crying and fretting. there is sure to be found Dr. Baby Syrup. Price-25 cents per bottle. Nice Treat. Mr. William X. Gunn, Sr., has placed us under obligations for a fine treat of the nicest honey-comb we ever saw. Judging from this as a sample, we would say the “little busy bee" has done his wor fc we p tliis season, and lias laid up an ample supply of his rich store. House Flies We do not remember ever seeing a summer in which these pests were so numerous ’ Everywhere they buzz and crawl, and aggravate until one is glad when darkness drives them to sleep. Anyone who could invent or discover some wholesale exterminator of tins ills. turber of human peace and tranquility would be a public benefactor, and would deserve aeserie the inegiauAuaeorii-sceuou watitude offliis fellow man man. „ Mother save vour children . from . tor- , ture and death by using bhrmers Indian Vermifuge. It will destroy and expel worms of every variety. It is a reliable agent. Use it according to the directions on the laittle and watch the result, and you will he convinced that it does its work well. Cotton llloom*. Capt. Roto't Rhodes laid his promised cotton bloom on our table last week, and reported- that he had- many both of blooms and bolls on his cotton. AA'e ate-sorry that the Captain’s i>eacli crop is a failure—so \vo judge from the fact that we have not received that basket of line poaches promised in the spring. New Floor. Mr. J. A\\ Darraeott has had a new floor laid in one of the front rooms of hi, dwelling. Our young friend, Mr. James AV r . Golucke, did the work, and we pronounce it to ue a nice job. Jim my is a finished carpenter and cabinet maker, and has put , up some as nice wcwk as can. be bn/1 anywhere, AA e never could see any reason for sending away for what we can get at our doors. Union Point High ScbQolv AVe take pleasue in acknowledging an invitation to attend the closing exercises of the above liamednistitutiwi, from-the principal, Mr. AV. Ey Reynolds and; ragpet that the state of our health renders it impossible for us to attend, t’lie reputation of the Union Point itigh School,.under the direction cf Mr. Reynolds is . already . . well ........ establislied; and we freely add our- commendation to that of its patrons and frinds. Southern Farmer and (Stock Journal. AVe have received the July number of the Southern Farmer and Stock- Journal, and are pleased to see the marked ini provement in the arrangements of its topics, and information given; making it one of the most reliable means of knowledge to- the Northern farmer of the vast resources of the South : while the Southern farmer will find it the best periodical on. the varied agricultural subjects^ published in the Southern States. Monthly at tlie extreme low price 75 cts. per annum. Address II. C. Billings & Sons’ Madison, Ga. AA'e were exposed last week to a pitiless storm, that wet our feet and stockings,, and indeed our person all over. In face we took a cracking cold, which brought sore throat and severe symploup of fever. The good wife asserted her authority, plunged our feet ip hot water, wrapped us in hot blankets, and sent our faithful son for a bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It is a splendid med¬ icine—pleasant to take, and; did: the job. We slept soundly through too night and awaked w,e!{;tlm next morning. AA’e know we owe our- quick recovery to the Pectoral, and; shall- not hesitate to recommend! it to aH who need such a medicim—Tehuaeana (Texas) Fresbytf rian,. The Little HJrds. Cannot ,, , something ,, . , he done . to protect , . the little birds from the cruelty to which they are now sul^ected ? Tho mocking bird, the sweet singer of the South, is fast disappearing from our woods and £ roves in consequence of every nest that can tound being- robbed, and the y Qall & birds ^^carried- away to die qf neg ] ect and starvation. Only a few days a S° a P ;ll 'ty of little negroes who had' C0lne some five or six miles, we are told, ^ ia< ^ several little mockiug-biids which they were offering for sale at 10 cents each ' 1Io ' v wrol, S> how ver >' cruel this is. These and other birds, in which there are no harm, are thus being want only destroyed by little negroes, and not only by little negroes, but white boys too, and some steps should be iitkeir to stop it. ----* *■- Our personal appearance ig a matter in which our friends and acquaintances have a right to a choice whether we shall inflict upon them an exterior uncareil for and unattractive, a countenance marred by a neglected grizzled heard, or a white hairs, or whether we shall in deference to our fellows, pay due regard to our own persons, and make them- pre sentable and acceptable in society, There are many helps for those who desire to do this, and there are none among them more acceptable than Hall’s Hair Renewer and- Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers. Both these prep aration.s are kept for sale at all our drug stores, and if any of our friends are looking a little the worse for wear, we advise them to make a note of it.— North Star. Danville, Vt. A Vice Present,. By request of the colored people, we called . at . the .. store of ... Mr. C. . Myers and examined the chandelier presented bv him to the colored Baptist church at this place. The chandelier has six burners ail fitted with fine glass globe shades, combining the useful and the beautiful. The present is a neat one. and we think our colored friends should, and believe they do appreciate highly this generosity of Air. Myers. Mem. from Society Journal. “Miss ami-must we write it V-PimpUw spoil ing an otherwise beautiful countenance.” b > a: ,'57 procure and M '__u'o, , ix ure. Rep.] * ^ba^k ok the closingKxercise.,CrawlbrdvllleAcademy. - day , Tuesday. liight-Elooutionary July ITtli-Examination. Tues and Musical Exhi bition, by the School. o'clock, Wednesday. 180,-Prizes M. delivered at 10 with a addresshy m., by Hox. Z. Andrews, followed an A. II. STEPHENS, others —Wednesday night— D^at.ctxereises and Tableaux J ,n )' L 0alU U ' LT. CHAPMAN ([Principals. . Mrs. M. A. SHIELDS. July 13,1377—j-t Invitation. AA e acknowledge the reception of a cordial invitation from the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Bie Monroe 1-einale College to be pres ent at the annual Commencement exer sises (tl ' e thirty-second) of the above named Institution, which closed;<» last AA ednesday. AVIiile it was impossible for us to attend,, we have no doubt the young ladies of the College have reflected credit u P°n themselves and; honor upon »«ir tr„ctau, cl« thr, h.nU. low the standard of the classes graduating there. ^ T Answer . to Correspondents. ( A writer at Thomson asks us how , 1ns , - b “ smeas (mechanical) would pay here. t; vkethi3 'vw o£ answering, him, as it at the same time answers several inquiries ol the same kiiql. Business here «o«? is dull, as it ir everywhere else U-t Litis season, but any one who will come to Uiavfoidville to work, and will work, "'e believe cau make a good living ; but t° come here and expect to make a fortune by, doing-nothing will'not pay. i he people here we quick, to patronize bohie industries,but cannot geit'iiitoiSupiMiiting.geutleiuftnly laziness ; we are a working i>eopite and our motto is, “live and let live.” • -4ft “Skidmore.” ^ , liavc reoeu , , l communication ... e e, :l which from the post mark, we determine to lie from ( entreville, AA likes county, “"'I " ,llcil " e shoH, d hke to publish if we had the name of the writer. The communication is newsy, and just such correspondence as we want, and we re¬ gret that “Skidmore” did not send us liis name. It is a rule from which wo cannot deviate, to publish anylhiim ,vi»h out the accompaniment of a responsible name. The name, of course, need not be given to thq public—but, w.e must know it. Give ns your true name, Mi-, “Skidniore,” and mure comnnmicatipns of the same sort Gomptiiiaeutary. A correspondent of the Augusta Chronicle <fc Constitutionalist, writing from this place, pays Tun Dkmockat the following nice compliment, for which we make our best bow ; The- Democrat, published here weekly,, is a very creditable country oacf’stepSns^' SulHvan ami his boys are in a majority in the com posing room. One of these hoys, nine years of age, is the champion infant typographer in America. Mr Sullivan is an excellent writer, as well as positor, and it is with pleasure I heard that he and bis hravq and industrious famity were doing remarkable well, in spite of hard times, flow could it be otherwise when there are no drones in the hive?- He is setting a good example (o many Georgia parents. R. The Havannalt News. AA'e take pleasure in calling the alien tiou of our readers to the Savannah News, which we pronounce to la; one of the best edited and newsiest papers in the South. The AA'eekly News combines the elements to,make it a good family news paper; the literary department, is well filled, and the agricultural department is carefully edited by Capt. T. C. Bryan, of Thomas county, who keeps his col umns well filled with matter that should interest our planters. Those who want a paper to meet all the necessities of a borne journal can not do better than subscribe for the Nora. Dying Out. 1 he sipiash vines are all living out ip Crawford ville, anil disappointing the lovers of that vegetable. AVhatever may be the remote cause of this, the imme diate cause of death to the vines is a kind of soft, white worm—a regular borer-that begins at the root, and bores ou t all the inside of the root first and then the vine in his way upward. This worm seems to belong to the order “dom cimmrn rim mus,” and appears to enjoy himself hugely while there irs plenty of f juice - 0 in the vine, but seems to shrink away as the supply grows less, and is usually found dried,up and dead in t.hfe vln( -. Mr. T L. Gaunt, editor of the Ogle-. tnorpe Lcho, lost a sweet little infant eleven months old by death last week. AA’e tender our sympathy. A Manual on Uie Hog. This is the title of a pamphlet of about a hundred pages recently written and published by Dr. Thomas P. Janes, the head of the Agricultural Bureau of this State. This little work' contains a vast deal of useful information, and should be in the hands of every farmer in the United States. Dr. Janes is winning for liim self golden opinions everywhere, us one of tin? ablest advocates of the true inter ests of the tillers of the soil in the whole and takes pleasure iu working^'foT Cl.c benefit of h.s fellows. We think if Mr. Hayes is desirous of putting the right ina n in the tight place ho will put Dr. Janes at the head of the Agricultural Bureau at Washington. ~“ . A Difficulty. AA'e are he-twln iidunned that a difficulty oc clme clulea d iHtuwii Mr All. John John Mann, Mam, of or this tins county, and a negro named. Jim Wright, one day last week, that came near re suiting in the death , ... of .. Mr. . r Maim. „„ The circumstances, as far as we have been able to learn them are abouf as follows: Mr - Maim went to fhe field where Jim was af. pork, and found .him absent, Air. M. waited for some leugtli of time till •Jim returned, and. asked him. where lie Jiad been. Jim replied that he had been after tobacco, and. used some insolence. Mr. Ma m thereupon struck Jim with a small ,, walking ... cane, when , Jim _ picked . , , up a rock and struck liim over the eye, knocking him insensible for some four hours, Jim, probably supposing he had killed Mr., Mann, fled, and has not been heard, from, since. Mr. Mann, we are glad to learn, lias entirely recovered from the effect* Sf the blow, and was in town on Tuesday. ----- H.-povt. lion. 11: t. Moore, one of the most extensive, enei^eticand.intelligent fanu u -s ot mu comity, informs ... us that ... the .. corn crop of our county, generally, whore it has been worked, is looking well, and with fair seasons will yield a good mop. Some of our farmers have laid-by theii older corn, some however burrying through to get to their cotton have not left their corn as deaf of grass ;l ^ ji, yiioald be. .The cotton crop is ex cyodiugly irregular, and is fully 20 days behind the usual* dandard. Some of the cotton is from knee to waist high, while some of it 1ms not been chopped. out,.consequent which prevmiteij jipon. the late drouth jhe cotton from coming ny. F:q'iuitfs—-os dofigefttl^ and utilizing all^ne labor to be had, yet tUere is c^si^erablc grass ahead of them, and a wet-season of any length woul a embarrass the crop. AVithout a lnost favoniWe m mm, an average cotton (!rop canIlot i, 0ma de. Rain is beginning tf) lx , lleC(le(1 f onV ard corn de j„. IK v mg much upon the weather of the next 10 or 15 days, The Glorious Fourth. Th<; Fourth was a very quiet day with us. The only show of cclobra. tion, we believe, wttsjjail at tho spring and;gypiie on,tjia fatiiu of Messrs. Trope & Bergstrom.where q, few friends, both ladies aiid.geiillcmcu, met to enjoy them selves for a few hours. The move js cool and inviting <m a summer’s . day, a spring of clear cool, pure water bubbles up at the foot of tint hill, and the draw ing of a few corks from several bottles of that most excellent wine made by Mr. Trope just sufficiently exhilarated the guests of Messrs. Trope & Bergstrom to lmtM, m ike pverv every bndv nouy joyous iovnns and and fcion/llv tiiernily. Our Brass Hand war out ru force, and discoursed sweet music; hi fact they excelled thcmrelves, and filled tho grove ulie mellow notes of the horn, Taken altogether, the evening was spent in enjoyment and each one returned home 1)leaS ed with himself anil with cvei 'y body . , else. , ... He regret , that . , we could nut 1-there : but sick, we verocom pelled to forego tiic pleasure of tasting the wine and the cool water, and tho association of friends, and find a solace in the thought that others more for¬ tunate in healLli were enjoying them¬ selves. Ate hope for belter luck next time, Personal Mention. Mr. Solomon Marcus, of the firm of Myers & Marcus, of Augusta, is spell¬ ding a few days in town, Mr. Henry Franklin of the firm, of II. Franklin & Brother, was in town AYcd nesday. He represents business as very dull in his city, Mr. T. K. Oglesby made our sanctum a pleasant call on Tuesday, Mr. Oglesby is looking well, the hot weather to the contrary notwithstanding. Dr. H. It. Casey, delegate to the Con stitutional Convention from Columbia county, on his way to Atlanta stopped to pay Mr ' SU T her ^ a v ^it at Liberty on Mpnday, and left for Atlanta on TuegfIay ' Mrs. C. E. Knox and sou, oui little friend Peter, is in town on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A AVillia.ns. - -Wttie l^ter was in our sanctum a rfciy or two ago, and reports every thing all right dpwn in Thomson, but says there is no money down there, Ex-Governor Johnson arrived in town on AVednesday, and k» the guest of Mr. Stephens at Liberty Hall, lie will re main till to-morrow. AVe are glad to see this illuHtrioiLs son of Georgia look ing well, and to all appearance proryis. r „g many more yeais of u^ufpess to his fellow citizens. The Democrat is only ?2 a year. Cone. Judge George F. Bristow, member of the Con. ton. from this county, left on Monday for Atlanta, to fix comfortably for his stay while in attendance on the Convention. The Judge lias everybody’s good wishes for his welfare while at the capital, and for his safe return home, Meeting ot County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met agreeably to appointment, on the 3j i ns t. Present S. J. Flynt, John W. y"m-y° U ’ '' '' A!, ' U ' 1SOI ‘ a " d *' °’ Ordered that the County Slid*) Treasure, pay to W.n. A Sinclare f.u- sup port of himself ami; Wife till Oct. 1, 187,7. • SSff&L" treasurer |>a.v JUg ** *""">« Ordered that the County Treasure, pay to M. D. L, Googer fit for boarding obfidof Jane Brooks and child of Mitt **** from, March 1, 1877, to May 1. ’ 1877 Ordered that the Comity Treasurer pay m, to i-i James iy-,1 S. Cosby ,„T $5foI-support 1 of Mrs- s !. th ii Bioome iti-, u u fiom dalju , U, , — Vi,. av to jacksm. Moore'”Sc ’ 5 ’« supjiort of himself and wife from date till Oct. 1,1877. „„VV l , n 'r d xr^i .n® TreiWurer to'od of'iuniself an'd family Loin date 1, 1877.. Ordered tliub the County Treasurer E ay to S ; 'J,' Fiy»t *8 for the siipjmrt of hwkv , , llollady, col., from date to Oct j ^77 ’ • Ordered that the County Treasurer pay to Ike ltlimlwk col., $3.75, to Harry f ~.T ;«®|,T i877^ £ 11 e,,lseIves Jl ; from me dilto Ordered that notice be given as usual for the letting- of a bridge to he built -P'ross Gray Bill creek, on the road U> wlliS'S, 'rouutv*'Trmmnir ......m 1 . 1 1 ‘ Ordered that the County Treasurer l^*y io AV. 11 ( hapmau. t’hairmaii <d f °r hold mg elections m- labalerro eounty for delegates to the Constitutional Conveu tion. Meeting adjourned; <i, ‘ 0 - * • Hristow, Nineteenth nutma, The Atlanta Conrtilulwn is publishing sketches of the members of the tion, which it proposes to put upon book form, it lias the following to.$gy almuf our delegate-from this county, .fudge Geo. Franklin Bristow,, dm! member, of the Convention froin jjf'alia Cairo, county,, was born in Taliaferro ferro county on March Utli, 1825, llis father, t.'liesly Bristow, a sturdy and re sjiefTwfgeiiuetuan of Xorili Carolina ex traction, >ya.s j^r#nliny..yosirs, and until 500 PAIRS GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER SHOES, Value $2,000. PR ICES FROM $1.75 TO $5.50. PETER KREN AN, AND OF AUGUSTA, GA. has now on hand, and for side, a supply of GENTS’ SHOES, that cannot lie excelled by any house in the SOUTHERN STATES, lie invites the people of TALIAFERRO COUNTY, ALL WHO REA I) I’ll E DEMOCRAT, tocull, m-scud their orders, lo his house, where they will be honestly and fairly dealt will >- lie repudiates “.SHODDY” with wlilch the miirktot. is Idled, ; 'u t .| keeps nothing lmt WO rk nmdc up to his ....... and directions. Every'article sold will be bfitjd'ullv represented, anil-taken Imek or exchanged insido «*f»months after purchase. The stock of LiltllCS , iWlS^ON JUKI C lilhlrdl S SllOf S, is full In overflowing, of the liitcsl styles anil will colors. HONORABLY Conic and buy y.uui SHOES where yon bu and FAIRLY dealt w 111 . ONE PRICE, a/wi.bTiCTJ.Y I Ain DEALING is «Uii U» tub- of the HDU31S. PETER KEENAN, Central Hotal Block, Augusta, Ga. june-l-h-m PA K A SOLS AN I) S l IN UM BUELL A S! ^ LARGE ASSORTMENT have just been reeelveil in Silk, Cambric and Gingham, and arc much lower than the -ame goods have been offered heretofore, PIQUES, From.Mn; lowest to the fincsl. and in the choicest patterns, CHECKED LAWNS, t lie l» -t value ever offered foi 25 cents, and also a full assortment at other prices. Hamburg J]<Iirin^s and Insertions, in large quantiti- and in tin: and prettiest designs, [ ^( | j c\ I K 1 JV1 j SSCS I I (_)SC, yi $izes, Make* ««d Quality Gents’ xacetlf Hose, ^,^.^,1 Jil'd itLE.A* *HED llAMASK, v , , * < wl!ie’h' , , 'fi>r : , aittiiitiiwnt w e^n n <,t «-qualled in the ritv. I'/V'^Hni'llOME^TN ~1 l '‘' W o --- - - cotton a des. aa> are offmng chea per th an they can to bad m New York fC l-i-.iXTln T Tl arfiiiiEaTl i-idl^s In all the leading all sizes • and Kl-t-KMA,’ K1I f J^A^ment'Sf Article,, to wifi, i. we invim thg action „t all who wish to buy good, to their advantag*. G. MYERS, < ItAAVKORDVILLE, GA his death, Clerk of the Court of hi* county. Early in his youth, young Bristow was afflicted with white swell-! ing, through which h» lost several of the hones of his foot, and from the effects of which he still walks on crutches. lie. had a thorough academic education at the hands of Hey. John \V. lh-id, who for years taught a famous school at \\ oof-stock, in Oglethoijie county. Mr. Bristow is a lawyer, and lias practiced his profession at Crawfordville since 1S50, and 1ms been uniformly success fu!. lie became a lawyer from a school teacher, mastering the latter profession in the leisure of the first. lie lias never had any jiolit ieal office, but was Judge of the Comity Court in the troublous time SUt . e oedi-,<'the close of the Helms ff^ been J sonia,i Democrat, and though clnuLterinml a devoted party ' man ’ lia> been flR = , "deuce ,, of thought, self-reliance . ui action, and a spotless integrity ° in both public and private 1 life J \ * EH AD VLRTI8EH ENTS, — ......... : FOREST CITY F0U2TDRY —AND — \ 1 .w.hi ^ ^ ,wvA\r^,.E ^ ^ , ’’ Geo. R. Lombard & Co., AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Manufacturers of ami Dealers in Ste-au* Engines ami boilers, Grist and! Saw Mills, Mill Rocks, Gear¬ ing anil Belting, Ac. Repairing promptly urn* well Umie, »A Reasonable Terms. Send for list of Mill Gearing Patterns. Agents for E.cUpse Double Turbine AVatet W heels, and the cheapest and best Plants tjan Mills out. It’;" Send for Circular and t‘‘lives, mi»y'25.1877-j-y. W Due Legal Notice. E, the undvrsigiM-d, forewarn awl for¬ bid any and all persons whomsoever, from hunting, fishing, or trespassing upon our lands in any manner whatsoever, or any lands we eontrol, and will prosecute any and all trespassers to the extent of the law E. It. ACKER, T. EDGE JESSE It. 11. PORTIA’WD POR I'\YDOD, TITUS RICHARDS, MRS. MII.DR1CD BIRD, Dr. S. II. PERKINS, Til OS. .1. STRAY ART, ROBERT GUNN. Dr. R. ,1. REID, AVm. REID, ALLEN llllODJiS, JAKES. II. T Mrs. MARY film ARDS* Maj. AV. II. CHAPMAN may25 U-m . #<> I -a.lie. Favorite < lard .i 1 tv lea. with name loc. Post Paid. J. II. IIUSTKU, Nas sail, Heim, Co., N, A',