The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, July 13, 1877, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. <■ i are am* ; but tli* rc an* many ; r*at graixftchiMnji. w.*is a literary »«r k mote When it r;>*•* in volume A M i- a. liu -• 11 - man namn! < urksrrcw li i- very certain (hat a man will not walk straight if he follows his mind's bent. .JsSEi'SST.r^E.'s: “Nollost, l.ut R one before , , •’’ ... exclaimed . the man when his hat blew off and ahead of him. The commentary of a severe friend n led ter than the embellishment of a sweet-lip ped flatterer. llovcrnment agents have placed a large number of white shad in the Yellow and Aleova rivers. Applieants for loatis gencially adfipt * a ■ Unrow tone, ftp* daily when they ask for tenor twelve dollars. A , . who , , bought half „ dozen , of , part}' a “the celthraied seamless shirts” says they seem h -s after ls-ilig washed The Jiapti.sts in North Carolina get together . ,, large , crowds , at , their . meetings ,. ; thm- thousand the other day at Plat Shoals. A secret , is . a little silence „ yon cannot . talk about it and keep it; it I* like when once you know there is any concealed, It Is half discovered. Near Fioleii. kshall, Virginia, the Alley-Cooper gold mine tract m still . .., worked. They have returned to nspecie l. d.issis issis men there in in a a small small way. wav The crash of an insurance company in Nt. Louis;of which his son was m:tn has . financially . „ ruined Senator ag< r, Buirhv wagii). He.kino n *iuu,uuu 000 in in cash tasn. The wool clip of Judge Tarver, of Jefferson T re county, , amounted . , to . eleven , thousand five hundred pounds the itreaent «—• a- -« * a* m «t». A Randolph comity farmer writes the Cominiasioner _ . . of , Agriculture . . .. x* that * the . wheat crop of that county will average fifteen bushels to the acre A party of Hvcnty-eight Chinese ..aval * 111,0W 0,1 lheir " :, y to ,,<u " is and London, where they will past a ■......................... >i ....... .... ITtere nre twenty thousand vogalxuul H,iM,.... i.. ■■ t .il n .,.-l 1*1. V,,. I'd a school door. 1 lie South latter aen.1 *'.*• missionaries to the Quaker City. H-. ton /’".d. One hundred thousand more shad have Ihsjj, de|nisited in the Ocniulgoe river (leorgia. It rniuire* about four yenrff to develop the full result* of such an perhnent. Six colored men nre among the jurors that have lecn drawn for the October farm of Richmond Nuiierlor Court. This ---------------------- 1 Tin. .... .................... „, K , TopD lias be**n mailt*, according to a Hal ti.mirc paper. Fh% tons have been sent from Pittsburg to Antwerp. Is this the beginning of a m w revolution ? ,,,, I a. , I guess , your man ,, Ralph , , is . good a Christian.” “Mow so. mv iinv V” >'Is), pa, 1 loud in i, tin* Hiblo that tho wicked shall not live out half his davs • and Ralph says ho luis lived out ever since ho was a liltlo Imy.” Chickens , n .u nre cnrrioil .... to New York . from dlstances little thought of hv consumers. Two car loads were shipped last at Norfolk, Y’a , for the New Y ork market. 7 ti<*y had ts'en collect,fn Eust Tennessee, ami sent by way of Y’irginla. A man is cm ployed to furnish them food and water. The Shermans and Brownlows pull £ 5S nomely provided for, and an expert ci' famil tor iai with With (I,A the blue i„„,v book, says „„„ the Shermans have (heir names inscribed therein before they are even put on to the baptismal record. Cooked snails are sakl to pe.--,-, the power of restoring tone to the coating of tnu stomac h when DaiUy iujutvil by strung drink. 'J'Jjo salo of ,snails is n source **f much V profit to the no isai 1 ts of Tiv.iii n. tr lionm, i* Italy. . nml , the flavor is said to bo moro deUclous than that of ovstors. Hioekhn tLiviv wo.nen seek 1 a divivrce 1 - on :i vei>' slight pretext. Mrs. Pratt, of that .....(„«, 1 ,.., hushar.d lHs-ause ho flung a pitcher at her, hit her with a lighted kerosene lhmp, drew a knife across her neck, and threatened to cut her throat, threw a glass to>ttie at her, stuck a fork in her leg. poured hot tea over her. hit her in tin* Kick w ith a l«Hdjack, and refused to give her money to go to a circus.” twelve , States . will hold elections during the present year, to-wlt: Kentucky, August 0 ; Vermont, September 4; Cali four of these Statos Legislatures are to be oho*ei>, which will furnish successors to » liko number of VuiUM States Senators whose terms expire on March 4. 1879. viz Kentucky, New Y'ork. Ohio and Califonia, luall of which it is probable the Demoreats will lx* successful. Miss lVuk»T Perkins, who was ginia. on the 19th instant, to Major W W. ltenth x i u-r,-mm,lent 1 . . -ti ‘ , . wide wa-a picture of K>veUu*s.s which,jwmc 'til! soon forget in her splendid dress of white satin, elegantly trammed with lace, and the crown so justly won at the ceuteu nial exhibition, ksjking every Inch a queen —a queen of hearts.” The bridegroom is a gentleman of wealth and higli -,X'i«l V-m in VV.’aski eonutv, Y*a WIIAT PATS? | l T PAys. Inventor, ,-y Manofartorer, M. rebant, M* ■ i ,u»i*\ Farm* r. cr I*r*.!»— i*.» a! man. t** keep »nt*.nii**4 on ail tin* «!»»«••• ij*t<» hi- hou-« hold a it* wspj»|«f*r that is n-m, m* . m..- that h-t**.- a ta-f. for in which bus been paHUicd weekly for the Mechanics in and Invention*, ami new discoveries the arts scienres its Every contents number embrace is profusely latest illustrated and and the most interesting information pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, ami Jscientifie Progress Beautiful of the World; Descriptions, with Rewutiful Engravings of New Inventions, ”— New ’“iplemcnts, lmideuicnts New 1‘roeoBses, and Im- 5 •roved Industries of all kinds - ■ Useful Practical I’rad otc *s. Recipes Writers, Suggestions for for Workmen Workmen and A ?- vice by ieal rs, v nd Em ployers, in all the various art*, forming a • • 1 .. 1 . .», »*;•»!<,»■. ot New Invention-and liis.-liveries . containing a weekly Industrial record ,, n iv the pn-gre-s of the Arts In our own country, hut also of all new d,s. ovene-and lnvci,turns in every l,ranel, „t abroad. Engineering, Mechanics, and .Science foi**!iHftt , S 'jfu- of .ill ind Amcri.-an 11 -trial miMicfttion.-* has been the for the past tliirty-one year-. It is the oldest, largest, chenjiest, and the l»e*t weekly illus chanies, trau-dpaper chemistry, devoted to Engineering, Me <<W ,ria new inventions, ub,l wdenee " * I’ * ,lert *» u, e world The practical Rceeipes are well worth ten |j,m»s the subscription price, and for the shop of and subscription. house will save many times the cost Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics, Engin eel-. Inventor-, Manufacturers, ihemisl levers «f .science, and people ol all Profe sions, w ill find the Scientific American use f U | to them. It should have a place in every Family, >“« J.ihrary, in .Study, Office and fount hclioul. ; every Reading Koom, I 'allege and A new volume eommem ed January lain 1 st, 1H77, A year's numbers eon s.o pages and several hundred engrav Ihousands of volumes are preserved for binding and refetenee. lerms a year by mail, including postage. Discount to < luhs. Special circulars, giving flub rat, ‘ s - K< ' ,st f| ee. Single copies mailed on dealers. siK'elpt of PI cents. May 3 lie had <d all News Ul 1) V r PT7 1 V r P^ In connect ion with Su itors of American and Foreign Patents, tttiil nave tiHj lar^nt ('htabliM)im<*nt in the win 1*1. 'I' 1 Mn ,'1*1 thousHiiil apptlca , '") s haV1 i ' »';« b ; '**r Mtcnt* through their agency. I ntents arc *ditnlned on the In- h. -Mi'ii" . MimIi Is Of II. W InvcutUuis American of ill liiv. iithms i'ttteiitcd 'luough thi- Agency with the name am) lain Patcnls sent free. TheNcientifie Ameri < e.,s,,s of the P. s„ i,„a M2 Engravings of I’atcntsISlliNN mr'ihe'^ a'c^i"! . ;'if *'V Row'^Ncw Vm,h ', Park w^miiiXi') r ° r - *' * m Sls - NOW T,,K 11MK TO RITHWUIBK i on [thk NEW Y0R K WEEKLY. T‘> Best StOTY and Skt'llll Paper Published. " - /tSSSr'S.N, r., 3sci--;s;Hr Slmy .1. Holmes, Mrs Mav \piiph KUmiimr Mrs! Aps Doui-e ' 1 Vay.' r. li.,, Mrs.* noid-, iorice' K,u.. s!i' 1 horn, 1 "mT»V I hut ha M F t'-m , B« r et Blount, Mrs. Schuyh r m< scroll-, Ix)ulse Chandler Moulton, Virginia F. Townsend, Clara Augusta, Martha Ijnniuut, Finly, •" rs - A. Kidder, Mrs. Mnrv E. Churls T. Manners, Prof. Win. Henry Peck, .l*»sh Uillin^s, N**d Ibintlluo, Horatio Al^or, Jr., Nathan I*, l iner, Franeis 8. Smith, Francis A Durivage, .1. T. Trowbridge, Rev. John S. <!. Abbott, Harry t'astlemon, P. Ilainllton Myers, Wm. ltoa* Wallace, Slling-hv, linger Stai Edaurd buck, John Willett, E. Cowan, Rev. Maurice Wylie, A. MrEl ">V Frank 11. Stauffer, Arthur L. ‘' l "scrve. SIX FIRST-CLASS STORIES Are constantly running fu The New York Weekly AM). A N ™ S,0,v is «w» Kms F«nw. No 1 " ivtt, ’ r " lu l > J " 11 subscribe, you are eer tain In emuineiiee with a eontHiii , h( . beginning of a new story. The of the New York Weekly Is universally admitted, and its eireuiatiou is greater than that of any other paper. Everybody Reads it .’ Everybody admires it: —--- Liu h nuuibor ^ coiitnins a variety of outer * l a,,l,n ov '‘ §.. etches. A J I *J JDsjinotivo Narratives* romliiij; of Adventure, nmttor. t harmmu Ptx try, Answers to t onosnoml 'ids, 11 ohm' hold and Medical Kooipes, Items of Interest, How to ( ut uml Make Dresses and 8el«-i t Materials, Instruction in Kti Historical Items, I’leusaut Tara B 'K!£,; , S r sre, v,,u UreO, publish,- ahmu thirty-five Nuat Stories, widt h in liook-form would cost at least fifty dolla is. SEND THREE DOI.l.AKL, Ynd get the New York Weekly fort Y’oar. (Postage Kroe to Subscribers.) V’U'o > m’»i\Vi i '-s ,h ** rs '’ f,v '' 250. 5oe. Three Mouths ” * i 7.V. Four Months It It 8 1.00 Ono Year, t copy, postage free 8.00 One Year, Ytar, 2 copies. •• •* 5.00 One 4 copies, “ 10.00 Ono Year, 8 copies, “ ** 20.00 pisfiii Tumii *" U ,u " ' a 8 llK >, throughout the Ail letters should In- addressed to STKKET&- SMITH. Proprietors. 25. 27.29 3t Rose St.. N. Y. kk vxera a ' M ' i ' 1‘. 0.4896. ('HAMPTON MiOTlIKKs' f "'lfrue' st'.vl'' '' at tt '° I I (JL \ irginia 'vU'bratod Store. Imponal . Soap at tho r 1 I ^HE i t lebrated Imiwial Soap 1 at D. A W ; mm-.v s.,., f IM1K eelebialed Iminria! Soap at Charles I Bergstrom's. r in t KEK a STEWART has Crampton 1 Brotlietv' n iebrated Soap on sale ^ ri'U VK r A BRlvpOW has Cran j ton A Brothers' -,-h l-rat*sl ^e.-.p on -ale. Protect Your Buildings. Wblch ™, a > done w " ith OD ‘'- fiwrth ,he U'lial expense, i»y our PATENT KJ X.J^i\. A TP X. IJ A T> XA UTT A xi A ' (*itte*n Years Established.) Ite -£SES VBlE - _ U tter amt lasting longer than iorrkm^BBWjrh new shingle* " ltb " ut »bc*iatc, for ONE-THIRD the cost of RE4jIIINULING. The expense of slating new shingles is only about tlx- co«t of simply laying them. The Hying paint embers, i* fire-proof he against" sparks by or as may easily tested anyone. IT stops TfVFt>v tvavr ’ 1 »»<Hor . , «m or iron ha. no erpjal, as it J*" d * b > heat, contract* by twid, and never sheathing 1, h 1 lelt 1 'V can ' be f..... made water-tight . f* at . a and P^nred for 1 hto Mate ,, . Paint ..... la ! f EXTREMELY CHEAP. Two gallons will cover a hundred square matched feet ot shingle roof, while smooth on tin, iron, felt, Ixmrd.n, <»r any surface, from two ijiiart* feet to of one surface, gallon are and required although tolls, the miimre paint has a heavy IhmIv- it i* easily applied withabrush. No TAIt IS USED IX this C OMPOSITION, therefore, in it neither cracks In Winter, nor units .Summer, and On decayed and shingles, it fill* substantial up the that pores, will last for gives a new Curled roof sliingles It brings years. their or and warped them there. It fills to all places, holes in felt keeps up roofs, stops the leaks—and although a slow drier • rain rt oe * not * aff ect it a few hours after ®Pl blBnk , b> . l| L r As nearly all jAint* that grannie . ««“*•!'» article, tar, which bo sure (for shingle you obtain roofs) our is CHOCOLATE COLOR, when first applied, changing in aliont a month to a uniform slate color, and is, to all intents and purposes slate Ou T1N ROOFS, our red color is usually preferred, as one coat is equal to five ot aut ordinary paint. For Painter iiUKKluced'tha^wTu 1 ‘iiffi^tultny These paints are also largely used on out houses ami fences, or as a priming emit on fine buildings. colors Hri Uuri.nly ht ,{wf n,,d nre Chocolate, Red « NEW YORK CASH PRICE-LIST t 'T alll : : i i„,v -"••• « , | : half barrel - - lb 00 SlWj-sJaSnan™*; „ ■ IS mi<v£ ’ ’ ‘ low L«hw rolls, extra llubbei Rmiflng, at three Paint tor r '‘iilKdm^Nads. entire li'aps^and'hdlte ’a.iaHl'roll''Fr^.v an now ryof, at 4 jy cents VW.' ' nt 1J, ^T„fe cents jier Hquaie ;! aJ? loot , flng 3 , 1 y < Tf r°° Fe,t * #t f!^ Tam ' d SheatWng - « ccnt s™ ready fur gallons fine inside Enamel outside paint, mixed use, on ot work, at - e,m. “ ^ 0,( ^ rs imint bt*. ncc-mnpRiiied with tho ,llirtJ <l8 >' 8 draft N. Y. SLATE PAINT COMPANY*, lo.‘A -101 Malden I.nnc, New Y'ork ' Iunc22-h-m $18 Sewing Machine. $]$ ITU. Si**-™,ST CLASS THE MODE), SEWIM1 MACHINE, ... SimjiU , Durable, Compact, ^ and , 1 , For Elegance of Finish IT HAS NO RIVAL. No complicated machinery to be constant ly will getting all out ot order, a cliild can run it, do kind* of Sewing, from t lie to tiic coarsest, will Horn, Fell, Tuck, Braid, Cord, Giitiur, Embroider, etc., uses self-ad justing straight needles, nil description of Cotton. Silk and Thread. Makes the strongest stitch known, the cloth will tera before the seam will rip, uses the thread direct beautifully from finished the spoof, The machine is and highly ornamented, WARRANTED for FIVE YEARS. CAUTION. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in or use. any Sewing Machines which Stitch, or that have t i'e'' in' Va tent" ‘ So 11 - 1't‘t‘il HiU'Inneiit, unloss tho saim* nro i>ur oliusod from this C ompany, or their Agents or iWwarc Licenses, urn! stamped under our patent, of worthless imitations and nnsoiu jmlous parties, who have copied our cireu lars, advertisements, , and buy only the nmchine manufactured by us. This Sowing Machine for beauty and du rahility cannot lm excelled, it is imjiossi vantages not imssessed bv any other sewing machine now in use. "Persons who have tested it pronounce it excellent, and say they thing never used a better, it "ill sew any¬ that van be sewed by any high-priced nine bine iu the land. We adviseall vvl loare at all interested in useful machines to ex amine it. • From personal inspection we are prepared machine.—'Chronicle.” to sav it is a most superior sewing Sample the machines forwarded to any part ot world on receipt of EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. Special terras amt extra inddeements to llliiim arc perfectly secure, sate delivery of good* ^ a'u onlers coranni ** n i-.f Ions ’’ ** mustbe a*Ulresso*l u» thv FAME MANUFACTURING CO„ Jc!3 , j-y .838 Bkoadway, . 77 , New York, IXTotice. that 1 shall cxjH'et payment at the time the service is rendered; bat I will make a rea sonabL' allowaxuv in favor of the putient, in the timil settlement for the plate, when the "**rk is completed. Mv terms are 1NVA KlABl.Y CASH. ' malS-t-o-o A G BE A Z LEY, Dentist. cheap Ltrge lot ot Glasswarv and Crockery, at Charie- Bergstrom's Now is the time to suWriU\ only ?’2. BERGSTROM’S COLUMN. JIW# II MMUlS. a. M&0 I # # xew Spring _ SUlllllier St} and ICS. siip£§g£:‘ Hoys’ t*p*ekW straw She. eSHkHSL Men's Common M ooi • «>e. Men's Ijirge Brim YVool 1.75 Men’s Fine Fancy Felt *2.00, »2 .»& $3.00 Boys Hats all sizes and kinds. apr 23 CHARLES BERGSTROM. 1 W / / VT jV „ \V TT 10 / / AtJ/ # i’L »T AUJ / /. OHKHlN, fJ-gwulct Just Received by I ^ ha« I k ^ kPPH’ttll'illl) ) CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA, I take this method to inform my old friends and customers, and the public generally, that I have just received a FELL LINE OF XT Hwr aai a *n Beautlful A-z> 1 Goods « a ' which I will sell at the lowest prices * W °T __. C aSXl- __ -w_ There is no neces sity for the pcoj.le to go h^fniinv el»e° and a8*the goodsVXhere ^’"1 aS U t l S s^i^ ^ m ; a ukc ct, t lf if the ri c cash is In sight. H - To mv old friend* and customers, I say now Is the time to buy your goods. CENTS' NEW SPRIXf L r HOOTK \J\f\r±JkJ. Coats from 75cents up ftKS2SS»« Rrades lisKS'i&Tr'atffi":!; and prices, low Ladies’ Goods. A beautiful line of Calicoes, from G’ j In 10 cents per vard. Georgia Livingston Stri|H*s stripes 12)4 cents. 10 cents. (rockery, Glassware, Ac. Tumblers. 50c. per set. Goblets, 75e. perset. Fine Syrup Pitchers 25c. to 50 cents. Fine"Glass Pitchers 65c. to §1. Knives and Forks, cheap. Genuine China Plates, 82.25 per set. Genu¬ ine China Cups and Saucers, 82 per set. Genu¬ ine China Tea Pots and Sugar Bowls, S 2.00 per set. Wash Bowls and pitchers, St to 82. Hoots ami £hoes. A Small Lot of those Genuine Fine Kid Slipivers. (none like them in town.) A small lot of Fine Boots. Large stock of Shoes all grades, sizes ami l’ rl <’*’ s - „Tn will \^" Ih> sohi st the lowest a ^ a inssstble ^ prices. but the hard rimes and the uncertainty of men eouij>e! me to require the Cash. t "has. Rer^strom. Uiar2877-jv OC f> PBOSPECTCS FOK 1877. Saturday •j Xi°;lit, o 7 The Best and Brightest of Weeklies! - Circulation Mill Rapidly Increasing. nnce of .11 eospetiton. time, or attention to make ‘-Saturda'v Night” ft* the best family paper. Serials will be thrilling : Its Sketches will be entertaining! Its Miscellany lie interesting ! Its Poetry will be eharm > n -Nothing K'.. will in its that offend the religious appear pages can or political belief of any Tens of thousand* of dollars were paid hist year to our exclusive con* of writers. the coming year, which already shows a very shad large not only increase retain in all our subscription*, old and we writers, hut shall add our to popular staff such we our exclusive authors as may prove their elaim to to popularity write for and show which themselves holds worthy proud a paper a pre-eminence over ull competitors. Ucw is the Time to Subscribe Single Subscription §3.00 Parties wishing to take “Saturday Night” the for a shorter mailed period than one year, can have paper to them six months for $1.50, or four months for §1.00 Z-tf~ We pay all postage. our cunt rates : For $10 we will send four copies for one year to address, or each copy to a separate fotkw we win .endcopies to owe,,. ,'±StlSpy“5i.“ if. WS?*. 0,,e ““ e, * IU4 ' Detters-un of Clubs of eight copies can after ward and single copies at §2.50 each. Scud Post Office Orders, or register all money letters. Write name, town, county, state, plainly. We will send specimen papers free to any wh0 »•»! «-‘i*«l tlmlr addres. DAVIS & ELVERSON, . , The Cheapest in the World. petersoits magazihe. Oreat Reductions to Clubs. —— Postage pre-paiil to mail Subscribers. - colored fashion plates, the best receipts, the best s:ss!i^JU‘ Steel Engravings, &e„ $"srJ Ac. Every ONE THOUSAND PAGES! imi\mm 1. MAMMOIII ( vm COL. u F vum ANUIONb. ^ 24 V VUES OF MUSIC' Itwiu R‘vc five original copyright Novelettos - by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Prank 1 HoTlyf H^Hooper! nett, Marietta and Lucy SSftfc*'““ Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories, all ^ aUth0W ° f Aweric,a " Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates are ahead of all others. These plates are engraved on steel, twice the usual size. TERMS (Always in Advance) §2.00 a Year. 2 Copies “ for §3.00 3 “ 4.80 With a copy of tiic premium picture (27 x ) "Cornwallis’s Surrender," a five engraving, to the person getting up the club. 4 Copies “ for §0.80 5 “ 8.00 With an extra copy of the magazine for the 1877, as a premium, to the person getting up Club. Eopi, s tor S 9.00 j 11.00 9 << (I 13.50 With both an extra copy of the magazine for ls77, and the premium picture, a §5 en¬ graving, Adderss, to the post-paid, person getting up the club. CHARLES J. PETERSON, '306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. •3F Specimens sent gratis, if written for. The Attention of Farmers is called to our American Mammoth Rye; OR, DIAMOND AYHEAT, For Fall or Spring Sowing. A new variety, entirely distinct from the common duced. it Rye or any other grain ever intro¬ was first found growing wild on the Humboldt River, Nevada ; since which time it has been successfully cultivated wherever tried, lt yields from sixty to eighty bushels to the acre. Mr. A. J. Dufur, United States' Centennial Commissioner from Oregon, eighty-seven asserts that he has known it to yield and a half bushels to the acre. It was awarded the highest and only pre¬ mium at the United State- 1 ’ Centennial Ex¬ position, only and pronounced the finest and grain of the kind on exhibition, lt lias been grown as a Fall and Spring grain with equal success. EatTSinglegrains measuring one-half inch in length, and the centsf packages, Five' packages On^Xze^ §2.00. Sent post paid by mail. this Agents wanted everywhere to introduce wheat. Notice. —We are in no wav connected with any other seed house in Cleveland or Chattanooga. Address all orders, letters, etc., should be plainly Y.' addressed thus 8. HAINES A CO., Cleveland, Bradley eo., Twin. BRANCH HOUSE, Sweet Water, Monroe eo,, Teun. Sample sent free on receipt of a three cent stamp. <4 35 71 to--’ ^ 3^ ± *» a apns.lS77-t-y FOUTZ’S celebrated Horse and Cattle Powders^ j iVF*yI MjZS f brokoi down and iov-cptriud torw% fllllpr f fOl V i^3?£dta2t££ ** < energy, to. it» me improTei J rz A essmSSS^ m % To keeper* of Cow* this nreporv 5*3 — bon Tenure J* tora!cable. agamst Rinderpert, Iti.a»nre Hollow pre- 2 -ini,ac. It has been proren by ,v HI *1 I aoturd experiment to iccreue th« gfe re quantity of milk and cream t% esty Sri per cent, and make the batter and sweet. In fattenior cattle, ft yie«* them an appetite, loosens their hide, and mtla them thrive much faster. In all ___ of s»me, «uch n C«art«, ricen la the Lungs Liver, 4e., this article *«> «ted kuitheKSSs or entirely prevented. wmS^ldL^-- If give* - Bi I to nme, » certain preventive an 4 m ijL * ^^^H ogChotera. - _ DAVID E. FOUTZ.Pronrtetor x*-, rropnetor, BALTIMOBE, Md. For Sale by li. S. SMITH, Druggist, je-15-’77-j-y Cfawfordvillo, Ha, Ayer’s Hair Vigor, r ° r resloring Gray Hair to ils nalural Vltolily and Color. £‘ , 1 Nvnichisatonce A dr.s.i.g IBM ; JM M * beqlthv agreeable, Mffll ST-- ‘ V sml eI »f " ||h| Bek fectual serving for pro- tbo hair. Faded or W&m gray hair xe too* . ha^ThickTn! 5 SJ *-£ Thto not alwavs i' 7 \ cured bv its use Noth* T J. 11 /?’. < ;ln rest ® . re ot. the hair where u the follicles : destroyed, the glands are or fttro i lhied decayei But such M r em a> n can be saved for usetulnesa by this application. Instead of foul from turnimv tvrav or fallinff off and consequently prerent baldness. Feet, from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dan porous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor If can only benefit but not harm ft wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing able. Containing else can be found so desir neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, an d yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ayer & Co., I’rnctlcal rih! Analytical Chemlsta* loyvkll, mass. RICHARDS & LEG WEN, Agents, feblO-jo-m CRAYVFORDYTLLE, GA. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral For Diseases of th* Throat and Lungs, IT such as Coughs, Colds, (SiMs; 'fcst.A Whooping Gough, xl Bronchitis, Asthma^ and Consumption. The reputation it has attained, in consequence of the marvellous cures it has produced dnring the last halt century, is a sufficient assurance to the public that it will continue to realize the happiest results that can be desired. In almost every section of country there are persons, publicly known ,who have been restored from alarming and eTen de8perWe dUease » of the lungs ' by it8 u * 8 ' All who have tried itactnon-ledge its superiority ^ and where its virtues are known, no one hesitate* as to what medicine to employ to relieve the dia * ress “ d suffermg ^ peculiar 10 pulmon!,ry , _ ti0D8, Cherry Pectoral always affords in scant relief, and performs rapid cures of Iho' milder varieties of bronchial disorder, as vreil aa the more formidable diseases of the lungs. As a safeguard to children, amid the distress¬ ing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. This medicine gains friends at every trial, a* - the cures it is constantly producing are too re-’ markable to be forgotten. Xo family should b«' without it, and those who have once used it! never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clergymen often recoaunend it from their knowledge of its effects. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.* Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE* RICHARDS & LEGWEN, Agents, febl0-jo-m CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. A. G. & G. IV. HOWARD,, Dealers in Genera! MERCHANDISE, Barnett, Gv, IIAYE ON SALE THE CELBRATED-’ Crampton Brothers’ .. i P. r y MPERIAL sot It goes further, than twice the same weight of common Soap. Go and buy a bar.