The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, July 20, 1877, Image 2

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Till-: _ W I>.SULLIVAN. Editors. CLARENCE STEPHENS. j FRIDAY. JULY 20, 1*77. _ OBITUARY. The painful news of the death of Abner Darden reached this plane yesterday, He died at Talladega, Alabama, lie resided, on the 17th Inat., of conges¬ tion of the brain. Mr. Darden was for many years a citizen of this county, and represented it in the le gislature with great ability. He was a man of intelll gence, anil many excellences of charae ter. lie was aliout sixty-five years of age, and his death will give pangs to the hearts of many of his surviving friends in both Georgia and Alabama. Till'- IONSTITCtionai. CONVEX. TION. It is impossible, at the present stage of the game, to say what will tie the of the mw Constitution, to be made and offered to the iieople of Georgia for their acceptance and ratification. We how ever, notice several resolutions offered embodying principles which if Sncor porated into tin new Uonstitution win kill it iffertunJIy and forever-for the iwople Will never ratify It. The idea of imprisonment for debt or discovery, in any .-hap . , v. -pt where there is a fraud till nt concealment of property, the peo pie look upon as a relic of barliarism, nnd to put a provision Ir. the Constitu¬ tion admitting or Kanrf'oning any such principle would cause its rejection liy jut overwhelming majtiinty. The homesteail law has Itetin presented to the Convention in resolutions for various amounts, from the exemption allowed before the war to the full amount of the present exemptions, all we believe, however, making the home¬ stead and exemption permanent and un alienable. AVe feel satisfied the Conven tion will make a liberal homestead ex¬ emption, and feci authorized to say our people need have no fears upon this ixiiiit. The cry of “retrenchment and reform” ls fast becoming a ridiculous hobby by which a few hope to become popular with the people, and ujam it ride into office. Tho proposed decrease of the number of Representatives and State Senators, and tho decrease of the salaries of tho Governor and Judges of the cir¬ cuit courts, will, if it is consummated lie a very poor piece of economy. The Senate and House had lietter both bo in¬ creased than reduced in numbers. Wo ure inclined to think Unit it would be wise as a question of economy as well ps |iolioy ton-estore the old law of allow¬ ing every county a senator. The House Should consist of at luast two hundred members. If the General Assembly consisted of five honored luenibew tlm, “'•f fiv- g . •..VI be only imp hundml thousand .dollars.— This wcAild lx> a small amount compared with tho millions of debt created by some of our late reduced legislatures. The |ieople of Georgia were never bur¬ dened with debts and taxes when the General Assembly consisted of three hundml mid odd members. Those were the days of her glory. Debts and high taxes have lveil reserved for a Senate of forty-four and a reduced House, where lob¬ byists and jobbers have lieen enabled to carry their measures. We do not say that the Legislature shall consist of live hundred, but wo do say that on the score of economy, in our opinion, the number should rather be increased than 1 reduced. Tho penny wise often becomes the pound foolish policy. Tho Governor's salary is already too small. A Governor of tho great State of Georgia cannot now maintain the office of the chief Executive of the State without detriment to bis private purse, and the office cannot attract to it our first class men or first class talent. In¬ stead of any dimunition tho Governor’s salary should be doubled. The cutting down of the pay of the Judges of the Sufieriof Courts is simply suicidal. Tho Superior Court Judges six’ tlie conservators of the rights and liberties of the people, ami to reduce the salary to the ebb it is proposed to do, is to degrade the office uud »Uivs from it all who would do honor to the ermine and add to the honor, dignity audsecuri¬ ty of our free institutions. [Communicated. | Examination of the Union Point High School. Mu. Editor :—Tuesday nnd Wednes¬ day, the 11th and 12th lusts., were gala days for the people of Union Point and surrounding country. Early in the a. m., Tuesday, a large crowd assembled at one of the churches in the quiet village of Union Point, to witness theexamina tion exercises of its high school under the management of Prof. Wm. E. Reynolds, A M,, and ;is class after class appeared upon the rostrum, and under¬ went the most scathing, aud searching examination, of nil they had gone over during the term, the beholder conVI but Ih> impressed with the thoroughness aud efficiency of the teaching they had dergonc. It was manifest they hud not Ut n drilled for the occasion, as is too often the csss ou auch occasions. ■Wednesday, at au early hour, the huge crowd of tho day tie fore had received considerable roinforoemeuta, ar.d had swelled to such I'rojHirt ions as to bo unable to get seats, tvit&in the ohuroh, to witness the efforts A tbe young Ora- *‘ Misses at composition reading. Upon the rostrum could be seen the kind and benevolent face of the Rev. Dr. Lovick who with that calm dignity, for which this aged minister of the Gosi-cl i* so re markable, opened the exercl«es with prayer, in a clear, sonorous voice, hie throughout the entire house. expected from boys who had been most tlK.rnughlv taiiglit, ri-K-ution », „,l ant, self-poised, showing they had been taught self-reliance in an eminent de Stans were mainly choice extracts from racy writers Some were humorous, v>mc touchingly pathetic, and others of a more weighty character. There were but two original compositions read. The T 1 ''' wading of choice extracts is a great improvement upon the old regime. The P- «»■. was consumed by two speeches a nd music. Henry T. Lewis, EfH|., de >' v “red the prizes to the successful cou testants, in a neat, chaste and schollarly sjieech, abounding in elegant English * 5 ^ C Ho " Wm ' D - Tutt delivered . the annual address, in a atrong, cogent and schollarly speech, pe culiarly appropriate to the occasion, upon the unique subject, education and agriculture, twin sisters. His sjiecch was eminently practical, yet schollarly and appropriate. It should be stated Gaston, Haines, Moore and Hart con trihuted in no small degree to the interest and enjoyment of the au dience during the interlude of the two day's exercises with sweet music, vocal and instrumental upon the piano. The only sadness cxjterienccd by your correspondent, on this examination oc oasion, was in missing the manly form, kind, genial and benevolent face of one of Union Point’s largest hearted an<1 most public spirited citizens James H. Hart, who has passed from the stago of action, and gone to his long homo. J'ence to his ashes. Union Point is re markable for its accessibility by rail, I ,ur « water, and salubrious air, as well as for the elevated tone and high character of its inhabitants. It can boast of its talented and lovely females, —married and unmarried—both classes, Among the latter is the gifted and ac¬ complished Misses Hart, McLaughlin, Newton and others. Miss H,, is evi dently a young lady of very superior musical attainments and culture, and may bo properly called a I’rima Dona. Uixni the whole, parents and guardians can find no better scliool for their chil dren and wards than the one at Union Foint. May its success be commensurate with its high merits. 1!. I For the Democrat.] Wliniltr. As sharp ns a razor, As dull as a frow ; . As white as a swan, As black ns a crow ; As light as n feather, As heavy as lead ; As tall as a steeple, As low as a shed. As sober as a judge, As drunk as a sailor ; As rich as a Jew, As poor as a tailor ; As cold ns an iceberg, As hot as below ; As slow ns a snail, As fresh as a rose. As green ns the emerald, As blue ns the sky ; As homely as yon, As handsome as I; As patient as Job, As meek as Moses j As scentless as salt, As fragrant as roses. As sour ns an old maid, As sweet ns a lass ; As tenacious ns gold. As brittle ns glass ; As flush as a lawyer, As blank as a client; As weak a* a babe, As strong as a giant. . As still as a mouse, As noisy ns geese ; As dreadful as war. As welcome as peace; As plenty ns doctors, As certain as death ; As fatal as poison, As vital ns breath. As coarse as baggin', As gossamer fine; As silent as dead men, As hiahbing as wine ; As shrill as a cornet. As soft as the lute ; As loud as tlie tempest, As dumb as a brute. As lazy ns tramps, As busy as bees ; As pleasing as music, As ‘noying as fleas ; As tame as a pigeon. As wild as a deer ; As bad as mean whiskey. As good as lager-beer. As solemn as a parson, As jolly as a tar; As cumbrous as a cloud, As brilliant as a star ; As free as the air, As close as your fist; I guess you are married; S' now I’ll desist. Juue 22d, 1877. J-ITEA. waiter to hlS° and renTarkedf'Vhii goose with iviuo sauce would be most palatable but for a slight mistwko—the age is in the goose, and not in the wine. *> Lee a * t “Srinew# en««faJs m tboWmemtsi ” Grave. a „ 1 ; f . ndi ,i st«mtn^2?? itStJJSTYn Gen. K. E. Lee, e Jj™J?iP*** The noble picture a gem of art ’tlj? Affi^taiutiful SETT : ' Hue magnifi engrei ffig tetore j????" °? neavypjate figd to anv address ** * “***,*? *? !1 ‘!i a easily made, ^33.^. A^V..V. “»S Sre^Mdr^w*^ Main ^>URKOW, 200 st., Bristol Tenn. _______ NEW Am5™ns. ~ ^=3 1 FOREST CITY eOUNERl _ Machine , ^AND- y 7* orks, I n Geo H LomiM rd&c °M • • *t GEORGIA AUGUSTA J : : 1 in steam ’ Manufacturers Engines anil of and ]f“ *' rs * Rep» ! ring promptly ' w ‘i* d° ne > at TWflnaHl* th felUlS. Semi tor for M Eclip^ of Anil D^ '■ , %™* rgnSfi? en '£ , Agente and cheap. Wheels, the -- 11 slndfor *' riws * ^ Circular C ‘ rcu! ‘ r -. . -—-—- -- , .■ DllS undersLl TtPCTfll IOtlC6. ^ ~ ^for hunting, &s fishing, or treeL.'i * , r anv and all we^ntrTSnd trespassers to the w^P^tho iyr c !aw T .licssE Purr\voi![)' TITOS m HAKI)S ’ MRS. Hr. 8. mSSSEjU* ID - 1 **®’ 11108. .1 ‘T EWART, robek (EID, '.UNN, Dr. R. J.i , Wm. REWh Ho KS. ALLEN fs m kdwards* may25-h-m ”5k-'k s “ ___r—-- NOTH]'- AT , .. ^i.EY, will open !*i„>'oi for small chilTfd at fi l£ r “J 1 ttfltof the 1st Monday t!m in Augus tlll , ii 1( ! freewhwl‘- i? ‘ d ' julyl3-n-w . _ CRAMPT* hOAP, TMIH/]} ^ A J I V j , .. IS th.G Bv'j’,,, sE Crumpton's Imperial Son t e Crampton's Imperial ‘' the Best, | Crampton's Imperial .4 *' the Uest Cramptou’s IuiperJtfk J> is the Craui"‘'«» " IiiipdW 11 tlu ‘ B<!8 ^ Ursmpkm’t Imperial “~ is the Bi st. Crampton’s lmpedsl ffcai i) die Best. Crampton's ImperiaHseafi ishhe Best. Crampton’s Im|H'rlal ht*<p ’i rJs Best. Crampton’s Imperial Son" it tho Best. Tliis Soap is manufacture! from pure ina terials, nml as it contains n large per¬ centage of Vegetable Oil, is war¬ ranted fully equal to' the best imported tlie Castile Soap, and at same time possess¬ es nil the washing a n properties d cleansing. ol tho cele¬ brated Ger¬ man amt French Laundry Soaps. Tt is therefore recoin uen ded for use In the LVindry, Kitchen and Rath-room and for Printers, general l’ftlnters, household purposes; al»0 chlnists, it will Engineers and Ma- Ink, tar, as oil, paint remove from .-.pots the of hands. grease, -:o: Tho Huntingdon Pennsylvania Monitor of April 5th, 187 1 , pronounces ;lils Soap the best in the market as follows: ReadPty advertisement,'and* we don’t want you to suppose that this is an pass it over unheeded. Read it. We nt to direct your attention to the inlvt rtisement of it ‘‘Crampton’s in office Imperial Soap.” Having used our for the past year, we can rc commend it as the best quality of soap > in use. It is a rare thing to get '» Soap t hat will thoroughly cleanse printing ink from the hands, as also from linen : but Cramp¬ ton’s whereof laundry speak. soap will do it and we know we It is especially adapted chiliists, for printers, it will painters engineers and urn as remove grease of all de¬ scriptions with from the hands as well as clothes, little labor. For general household purposes it cannot lx* excelled. -—:o:— Manufactured only by CRAMFTON BROTHERS, IW For sale in Milledgeville only by C. by Wright Dr. II. * Son. S. Smith, For sale in Crawfordville Druggist; Richards A Log wen. Tucker A Stewart, Stewart A Bris tow, Charles Bergstrom and Clarence Stephens, For and D. A. Williams A Son. i-*f" Sale also by J. M. Liev A Co-, of Taliaferro county ; ‘A. G. A ti. W. How¬ ard, at Barnett, Ga. junel-j-y *" Sheriffs’ Sale. GEORG 1 A— Taliafkrro County. WILL door, be in sold tho before town the of Crawfordville, Court House Taliaferro county, Georgia, within the lawful hours of Mile on the first Tues da> in August, ts77, the reversionary terestofO. S. Flint in a tract of laud containing one hundred and forty (.140) acres more or loss, lying in thetRM District 'v ln aforesaid county, adjoining lands of Edward Croake, E. A. Harty, Mrs. W. M. I u'.s and others, which had been set apart as a Homestead for said Fli nt and the family. Justice's Levied Court, on to satisfy a Fi.F'a. from favor 173d District, G. M.. in of Edward Croake vs O. s Flint. and Levy made by George N. Wright, Constable returned to me. This June 27th, 1*77. j2U-nw M. D. L. GOOUEK, Sheriff. I'.^r'giuoS' NOTICE. LARENCE Uu‘)y*! o'ffi^ STEPHENS EUAR for ma t8-t-o-o — is.;;;, feissir' Nassau, Ken* Co.. Xew lork. Revolver aifll Cartridges for $3. O. Box, 2,718, New York. VfTbLTOCIIAMS ‘lST*’ WtitCT- «r Wiled »*- i , Is declared the ‘STtVDARD Tl'RBINE ham York l*a ’ *' * EV.»gj! i*5ISSW*W5%_T ! 3* i TtrsVfcuto ii : “I”*5? • s«*rK - so rency THBRJOk. or Stamp*. eilstss L. ki PlKt.»** Tart. — TRIFLING With a Cold is always DANGEROUS. u s e Cells’ Carbolic Tablets. a of sure the Throat, remedy fur Lungs, Coughs, and and ail diseases Chest Mucous Membrane. PUT UF ONLY alforuggi IN BLUE BONES Sold by sts. H. CRITENlON, 1 Sixth. Avenue, New Olenil’S SulphUF Soap. Bi«utifies Thoroughly the Cures Complexion, Diseases Prevents of the Skin, and Md^bresions'of^th^Cnticle"^^^!^ the LuUde and Counter 8 - To'/vntZ N-f-^ent - J Lentsper Cake ,Box (.i Cakes) i n g 3“'CRrrTESTON, by Mail, prepaid, on receipt P Avenue, N. Y. Prop'r., , Si,,h a 100 great pianos and nrmffiffiMgE’s organs, new and second-hand of first-class makers including Waters’ at lower prices for cash or installments or to let until paid for than ever before offered Waters’ Grand Square and Upright Pianos and Organs (including their new Souvenir and Boudoir) are the best made. 7 Octave Pianos ¥150. 7 1-3 do &160 not used a year. “2" stop Organs *50. 4 Stops *58. 7 Stops 808. »stops *75. 10 Stops 8ss. 12 Stops *100 cash, not used a year, in perfect order and warranted. Local anil traveling agents wanted. Illustrated Catalogues Mailed. A liberal discount to Teachers,; Ministers, Churches, HORACE etc. Sheet music, at Half price nndyDcalers, WATERS&SONS, 4 East Manufacture u 14th St., Union Square, Bargains. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OFjjquonS. CASH ONLY. t„Y 'Vinskies, i "/ a n that *’ a l , Corn have srui heretofore Virginia Rve we sold at 82.00 per gallon, reduecil to SI.75. Fine Lincoln County Bourbon and White VV heat Whiskies, formerly at 81.00 reduced to 83.00, N.*E. Rum, Holland Gin, Catawba Wine, 1 ort Wine, Sherry Wine, Claret, from *4.00 per Pure gallon to *3.00. Also have Apple Vinegar at 35 cents per gal. a full line of case goods. All goods warranted standard and proof, and will date, be -'MVui', GASH (A LT fro,/ This D. A. WILLIAMS & SON. Je-15-h-m Parasols. Ladies parasols from sse. to *2.50. apr!3 CHARLES BERGSTROM. Sealed NOTICE. PROPOSALS will he received at the Ordinary's Office, in Crawfordville, for the letting of a bridge, to the lowest bidder, to be built across Gray-bill Creek on tlie road from Crawfordville to Powelton. Plans and specifications on file in the Ordi¬ nary’s By Office. Order of the Board of County Com¬ missioners, this July 3, 1877. julyl3-t-d Attest, C. A. BEAZLEY, ’ Fine lot of Boots, from *1.00 to 85.50 call on Charles Bergstrom's. A large stock of shoes, from 75c. to 82.25, at Charles Bergstrom's. , TIMES in L, nI 'JT "1 n m 9 Sold l } 3 A. Iv. CHILDS & Co., Athens,- Georgia. & LEGWI2T, Agents, Crawfordville, Gfa. SOUTHERN' -‘ Calendar Clock Co m p an y Washington n Ave^uefst.^uit^o 1 ^’ SOUTHERN CALENDAR CLOCK CO.. 714 purchased GraTLEMS-Eaeh one of us having one of your valuable "F Fash.' a SSS* seen The Calendar is perfect in its work , the time department cannot be gentlemen as your agents, lour One Price System we appreciate, ’“ ass^s and^we si wish vou John Rutherford, J L Downs, BW Judge, J T Bnram, ' W J Johnson " h H ^ Summerford. cCarth /. E X Glocier, W B Tarver, Mrs Fannie Jones, Wm Chance. L A Stubbs, Mrs V C Napier, Susan E Dunaway, Win Faulk, R R Slappley, G M Newby, Duncan Daniel, * David McAllister. Russel Lowrv, J H Summerford, Isiah Nobliri, Smith S B Stovall J D M Peavy, C M Lester, W n RB Petty, II Marshall, J A Hammock, J T Moreland, J K Barnes. S II Lewis, Wrn Short, A J Loekerman, B W Brown. E S Griffin W D Coley, Robt Reagan, John Daniel, J C Shannon, T Z Ennis, Wesley Ivey, II V Balcom. F M Means, N Vincent, iVcwai^, Jefferson Glocier, J W Jones, S H Bovton, S W Thompson, J II Daniel, J C Fuilington. T J Renfrew, L L Richardson, Lafavette Reagan. S B Coodyf Joshua J S Wilks, Coffee, LW John Moreland, Hatcher, E W K H Hudson, Lane, Eligh Buttler, W H Murray, James Glocier, Steplien Joiies, H B Felder, J C Barnes, J R Sauls, Alex Reagan, Miles Lancaster. Frank Balcom. STATE OF GEORGIA Pulaski County I T. P. McGriff Ordinary of said county, do certify that I am personally tLt acquainted a number of the foregoing named persons, and am fully satisfied they ,ro ' The character of citizens they are selling to in this acquainted county are <a rst-ciass ulany'of and T th™ » tis fi « d -from that fact as well as being persmiaUy with <4 Bodge great and' Wilcox! f^.es . U.eyjmv^old to in the counties of Twiggs, Houston, Dooly, I further certify that since the Company hate been doing business in this .action making C TSaSSKiSS llawkinsville their headquarters, I have become acquainted with several of th* V. T. McGRIFF, Ordinary. What the People say of the Calendar Clocks. V\ E, the undersigned . , citizens ... of Stewart County, _ LUMPKIN, G A., April 27th, 1877. 0Ile °f ellts °f Southern Calendar Clock Co., of having their some time ago bought of take ltasllre a - saying neighbors and friends, one handsome Clocks, Fashion P 111 to our that our utmost conceptions of a perfect time keeper and perpetual Calendar are fully realized in this wonderful piece of mechanism. Too much cannot be said in their favor, and we advise all who are able to "° so ' to ava “ the opportunity now afforded to purchase one. ; r B Sa Y ille ’ CptJNMeMichael, John Johnston, Mrs N A Holder 2J, *Y „ rs n „ .“? M 1 U8e Bal >„ '* G J J W Stanford, Kenyon, John Dr J K Brown. Barnum, Opt E W Spooner. ^ L ,’ House, J L Joiner, G Swift Crumbly, 103 Ard, T C, John Yarbrough, STATE OF GEORGIA —Stewart County. ■ “ I, J. B. Latimer, Ordinary of said county, do certify that the foregoing list contains the respectable citizens of Stewart county. They are men of varacity and their state¬ ments are entitled to full credit. Witness my official signature and seal; this 25th dav of 1>r juiyll 7 n-m J ' U ' LATIME,i - Ordinary/ 500 PAINS GENTLEMEN’S _____ ^ _ Sj y n :ois Value $2,000. PRICES FROM $1.75 TO $5.50. PETER KEENAN, I AND OF AUGUSTjlf, GA., has now on hand, anil for sale, STATUS. a supply of GENTS’ SHOES, that cannot ba excelled by any house in the SOUTHERN He invites the people of TALIAFERRO COUNTY, ALL WHO READ THE DEMOCRAT, to call, or send their orders, to his house, where they will be honestly and fairly dealt with, lie repudiates “SHODDY” with which the market is filled, and keeps nothing but work made up to his own order and directions. of 3 Every months article after sold purchase. will be The faithfully Stock of represented, and taken back or exchanged inside Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, is full to overflowing, of SHOES tlie latest where styles and will colors. be HONORABLY Come and buy your you and FAIRLY dealt with. 03 NTES PRICE 9 and STICTLY FAIR DEALING is still the rule of the HOUSE. PETER KEENAN, junc-l-h-m Central Hotel Block, Augusta, Ga. -j&m r? «T m »] l; (•/ 1 './I n a ■ i i ms! > : : fSgijSS 1 , '.Vi* m Sc I A j - YI.SVBM& "V. -=. Miss ■ M GE