The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, July 20, 1877, Image 4

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le , which may ... oupu'lito Court of the . Mates. The city may Jbe forced to fall back on strictly legal rights, and compelled to a course which will be dis astrous to her creditors and deplored by ‘ her people. “Yes, sir, it makes me awful mad,” a man was sa\ ing on a Michigan avenue car yesterday. “I onleml the meat at S « dock this omruiug, and it never came up at all. My dinner was spoiled, mv ‘ wife vexed, and I'll give that butcher a blessing." “It is a great annoyance,” remarked liis friend. .... ics, it ... is, and . 1 in nunl , enough . to tight. 1 gave the butcher the order lm seir, self so so tint mat he nc has no. no no excuse txuist. Ob, «.1, Hi! 111 go tor him !" "Mavis' *7 vou forgot K to put 1 down 0 the 11 cash, said ; a man with very long legs »U„ M -l to I,,, .Km that way during tlie war, but I can't do it now.” "Maybe you are an impudent seomnL rei roared the firsts growing very mi iw thb face. “Yes-mayG'. sigh, 1 long-legs, and he sunk back and said he merely threw out his remark as a suggestion.—Detivit FYee Prtm. A Minnesota editor says that a man came into his office to advertise for a lost dog, and such was the wonderful power of advertis¬ ing. the dog walked into the ..dice while b* was writing out the advert isement. Men whose business drives them to tjhc wall—a bill-poster. its ... circulation Weekly is and . lliiu ttat of any other ‘ i Everybody Reads it ' Everybody I 0 Bfc rynody admires admires it. it’ , Fr*' """•'••T » variety of enter Lwc'skf.Mi.^^ sod lot.,, Select ,t. H„ w to Cut and Make l>res™s »•'--* Materials, Instruction in Eti iiuMbtll-s atmu^Thirtydi've s-Viai sil.'nVs, j a,!ii7iV U lu ' vk - {l ' tul "" uUl at hast fifty SEND THREE DOLLARS And get the New York Weekly for 1 Year, 1 (Hostage Free to Subscribers.) j Month, postage free, 25c. Three >!ouths 50c. » 75.'. Four Mouths “ 5 1 00 One Year, Tear, 1 copy, copies, postage free 3..HI . One 2 '■ 5.00 One \ car, 4 copies, “ “ io.oo <'»«'Year, s copies. " •• 2 d’oo Those sending 520 for a club of 8 all sent ,,t „ne time, \vilt be entitled to a ninth copy free Getters up of clubs can afterwards add single copie- at each, specimen copies cat. lv soon agency; at , \erv post offire drug store, and news throughout the V S « tllir- ...... v ........ S.1RFE t A SMITH, l’roprietors. - ■ A . 1 lx... .t„ N. Y, K it VXCIS S. STREET, \ H. O. 481*6 KU AN, Is S. SMITH. V — IRAMPTON BROTHERS' (>lol)ni1C(l Imperial SOHIL r xhe celebrated ImpccMSoap for sale at the i>»e-t office. ’ IBS Drug celebrated Imperial S«k| at the Store. 311K celebrated Imperial $oat> at the Virginia Store. r Ml K celebrated lu.perml S,*ap at D. A. Williams A Sou. r M1E celebrated Imperial $eay at Charles Berest rein’s. rinVKKR A STEWART has Crumpton OTFW S T *^ VFT ? BKls’JmvV'" T" ^ilT Pl0B iiias. h the IT ■T -1 >LE, r “•ap : Ije roofs aiich iiglea -IXG. gles is them, .rks or >ted by as it ex nd never with Tar for -tight at a many .A I’. i-mred square iron, felt, irlace, from 'ired to loo Jiough the jy applied •SIT ION, liter, nor the holes 'antial roof r 1 warped keeps ' roofs, ’tier, 'ter ire ur -aE, iiid Finish aL. y to be constant child can run it, mg. frwu the finest miider, item. Cell, Tuck, Braid, .leedles, ell < ie., uses self-ad and Thread. description Makes of .eli the known, will the cloth will tern seam rip, uses the thread from the spool. The machine is .uitimlly finished and highly ornamented, WARRANTED for FIVE YEARS. I CAUTION | Al , p , rsol „ , re cautiom '^ not to milkPi deal in or use. any Sewing Machines which .stitch, our that u have °edle, the and make the Elastic or new latent Vf i'lcense.s, and stamped'under our patent. I" 1 '*' advertisements, Ac., aud buy only the nu l V lln ^ llu ' ,ul, ‘‘''la ri 'd by ns. r -• z Sag"* 1 not'iMs-'U*.n mM i, jn o now TiTTise. Iv'sons 'who have thing that can he sewed by any high-priced machine iu the land. We advise all whoare “t dl interested in useful machines to ex amine it. "From personal inspection we sewing are prepared machine.—Chronicle.” to say it is a most superior Sample machines forwarded to any part of the world on receipt of EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. $ ]W i a || terms and extra inducements to m«lc and female agents, store keepers, Ac. t'mntj rights given to smart agents free, Nlul t , h' s of sewing, dcscti give circulars *c teruis. testimonials, engravings, , scut free. AU money sent in post »mee money orders, drafts, o> bv Express. KS» •*“**«' - »~a rV on T r . s ' f»mmnnications, etc., must be FAME MANUFACTURING CO., jcW T7 j S33 R-tOADTTAT, y New York. 'I , Ti'uxrmsLs. RUNKtj front 7,v. to $3.oo aprlS , CHARLES BERGSTROM. Parasols. hH jADIES PARASOLS from SSe, to$i 50. ai>rl3 CHARLES BERGSTROM Pm NOTICE. S»'”matthe^, HOESP tmv offire.^^ vivbmd 1 ' f > vr ist., ^-AKEXCE STEPHENS. ma 0 BERGSTROM’S COLUMN. 1877 Hats. 1877 NEW Sprin? and Summer Styles. 't Srfendids^f*^ oe ? of •" &•****■ Jri wh *«h T T I C am “ S«s»* Vr’v 7^5 letl traw r : 20'' s tJtrjre MtawSmi Shades 4o<-. E*FEI™~ *£« ssis£Ratas7»»*^ •e» "cSKffis^TBOK. 1877. NEW 1877. Spring Goods. Just Received by C 1 has. liergstrom 5 CRAWFORDVILLE. - GEORGIA, I take this method to inform mv old friends and customers, and the public generally, that J j-V-i i" / ve'OP * f L LL 1.1 i N t. O t and . Beautiful . . . sell at the lowest prices * Cash. -re is no neces or tbe people anywhere to go ugusfa or be d as sold the goods low are they here, as as can y market, if the cash is in sight. I friends and customers, I say ime to buy your goods. GENTS' NEW VG GOODS. 75 cents up . 75 edits up. 75 cents up. ie Shirts Drawers (made to order) St.50 ie (the, best) $1 per pair r Hants, Vests and Coats all id low prices. tidies’ Goods. A beautiful line of Calicoes, from 6’) to Ginghams, to cents per yard. cents 10 per yard. At Opera Flannels, Flannels, 50 cents. bite 20 cents. Georgia Livingston Stripes 12% cents. stripes 10 cents. Crockery, I , I!lWU\Y‘ ■ 9T Ctt 1 IV* mHLty. Arp Tumblers, 50e. per set. Goblets, 75c. per set. Fine Syrup Pitchers 25c. to 50 cents. Fine Glass Pitchers 65c. to $1. Knives aud Forks, cheap. Genuine China Plates, ‘ $2.25 per set. Genu ine China Cups and Saucers, $2 per set. Genu ine China Tea Pots and Sugar Bowls Bowls, $2.00 per set. Wash and pitchers, Si to $2. Boots and Shoes A Small Lot of those Genuine Fine Kid Slippers, A small (.nose lot of like Fine them Boots. in town.) Large stock of Shoes all grades, sizes and prices. All goods and will be my sou the are new lowest beautiful, and at possible prices, but the hard times and the uncertainty of men compel me to require the Cash. ( has. Bergstrom. mar23’77-j y OCB PROSPECTUS FOB 1877. Saturday X iglit, The Best and Brightest of Weeklies! Circulation StiU Rapidly Increasing. lD mMue ?«announcemrtt for the cm - • mg year. wr refer with (treat pleasure to the K^-swats or a" competitors. great *raoklit v!' r »nd^thfA‘p asVBfitssstAsiS!! ife-S.'ts/sae, sirrisi! „. SMrt „ ^fffistari&satasssj Tens of thousands of dollars were paid last year to our exclusive corps Of writers. Si£3£ writers, hut shall add to exclusive we our staff sueh authors as may prove their claim to to popularity write and show 'themselves worthy for a paper which holds a proud pre-eminence over ail competitors. Now is the Time to Subscribe Single Subscription • $3.00 Parties wishing to take 2 Saturday Night” for a shorter period than one year, can have the paper mailed to them six months for, or four months for Sl.oo ST We pay all postage. OCB CLUB RATES : For $10 we will send four copies for one year to address, or each copy to a separate address. For $20 we will send eight copies to one ad dress, or each copy to a separate address. The party who sends us S20 for a club of eight copies (all sent at one time) will tie GeUer^pofau^ofefghtcopies EJ5 S* at can h after 0r ea ; v ?i° J 4 ' w leP rt ' B ’ - ster 5 !1 „ i t " ’ State'nlaiulv.' t0 ""’ C0Unt >’ W” "HI send specimen papers free to any who will send their addres. DAVIS & ELVERSON, p Zi^^ ,b ' 90, SW The Cheapest in the World. PETERSON’S MAGAZINE. liJ" Great Reductions to Clubs. Postage pre-paid to mail Subscribers. Peterson’s Magazine lias the best Original Stories of any of the ladv’s books, the best colored fashion plates, the best receipts, the best Steel Engravings, Ac., Ac. Everv family ought to take it. It gives more money than any in the world. It will con tain, next year, in its twelve numbers— ONE THOUSAND PAGES ! U SPLENDID STEEL PLATES ! 12 COL. BERLIN PATTERNS I 12 MAMMOTH COL. FASHIONS! 900 WOOD CUTS ! 24 PAGES OF MUSIC! It will also give five original copyright Novelettes tiy Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee nett, Benedict, Marietta Mrs. Holly, Frances and Lucy llodgson H. Hooper. Bur¬ Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories, all original, Its superb by the best authors of America. Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates engraved are ahead of steel, all others. twice the TTTTse usual pi ates are on size. TERMS (Always in Advance) S2.00 a Year. 2 Copies “ for $3.00 .3 “ 4.80 With a copy of the premium picture (27 x 30) “Comwatlis’s Surrender,” a five dollar engraving, to the person getting up the club. 4 Copies “ for $0.80 r> “ 8.00 With an extra copy of the magazine for the 1877, Club, as a premium, to the person getting up o Copies for $ 9.60 11.00 9 << 1.3.50 With both an extra copy of the magazine for 1877, and the premium picture, a So en¬ graving, to the person gett ing up the club. AiUlerss, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, ’306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. SSTSpecimens sent gratis, if written for. The Attention of Farmers is called to our American Mammoth Rye; OR, DIAMOND WHEAT, For Fall or Spring Sowing. A new variety, entirely distinet from the common duced. It Rye or any other grain ever intro¬ was first found growing wild on tlie Humboldt River, Nevada ; since which time it lias been successfully cultivated wherever tried. It yields from sixty to eighty bushelstothe aere. Mr. A. J. Dufur, United States’ Centennial Commissioner from eighty-seven Oregon, asserts that he has known it to yield and a half bushels to the acre. It was awarded the highest and only pre¬ mium at the United States’ Centennial Ex¬ position, and pronounced the finest and only It has grain of the kind on exhibition. beer, grown as a Fall and Spring grain with equal success. JSTSinglegrains measuring one-half inch in length, and the average close to that. Price per package 25 cents, Fivo packages, S 1 . 00 ; One dozen packages, Agents $ 2 . 00 . Sent post paid bv mail. wanted everywhere to introduce this wheat. Notice.—W e arc in no way connected with any other seed house in Cleveland or Chattanooga. etc., should Address all orders, letters, be plainly addressed thus :S. Y. HAINES & CO., BRANCH Cleveland, HOUSE, Bradley Water, co., Tenn. Sweet Monroe co.. Tenn. Sample sent free on receipt of a three cent Stamp. —THE NEW SEffiHCMACH^E r * % v 4t 5s \ r * Simplest?, Best.^ -Asmrs Wahtcd— orf'f No.177 W. 4 T .“ St. CINCINNATI,O. aprl?,l?77-!-T^ FOXJTZ’S V CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powder^, broken down and k^rwpnkrd ‘ v " tn^.t Teu.ow’ BBS glanders - t ENERGY, 4c Iu » taproTM ==«fi*s » J*W3£*«S££5 In at! 3!»*k» of Swine, «och u Concha, rioon ia the Longs . Liver, tc., this article acta * n time . ■ eertam prereotira and * aI *foeu»Ho g ctoiera _ DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMOBE, Md. For Sale by H. S. S3IITH, Druggist, je-15-’77-j-y Crawfordville, Ga. r E5 ETAgfi£ Jf/i ihhwer MAURI Trtrs standard article is compound¬ ed with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and m satisfactory It as ever. restores gray or faded hair to ita youthful It color. removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak¬ ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, “The con¬ stituents are pure, and carefully se¬ lected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Best Prepakatiox for ita intended purposes.” Price, One Dollar* Suoklngbam’s Dym FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesir¬ able shade, to brown or black, at dis¬ cretion; It is easily applied, being In one preparation, and quickly and ef¬ fectually produces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. loll ty til Bnggtcti, ul Bubo ta KtfldaM. RICHARDS & LEG WEN, Agents, feblfi-jo-m CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. Ayer's Sarsaparilla For Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysi¬ pelas, ny’s Fire, Rose, or St. Antho¬ Eruptive diseases Eruptions and of the skin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Pustules, Tumors, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Sores, Head, Ringworm, Ulcers, the Bones, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in Side and Head, Female from Weakness, Sterility, Leacorrhcea, arising internal ulceration, and Uterine disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis¬ eases, General Dropsy, Debility, Dyspepsia, and for Purifying Emaciation, the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of drake, vegetable alteratives — Stillingia, Man¬ Yeiiow Dock—with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are so skilfully com¬ bined, that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. Tbe reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent iu physicians all over the coun¬ of try its repose usefulness. it, prove their experience: Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly being received, and as many of these case* are publicly evidence known, of the they furnish of convincing Sar¬ saparilla superiority alterative this over every other medicine. So generally is its superi¬ ority to any do other medicine known, that the We need no more than to assure public possessed that the best qualities it has ever are strictly maintained. PREPARED BY Dr. 1, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mast., Praetteat atut Analytical Chemist*. •OLD BT ALL DBCGGISTS IVKBTWHIft*. RICHARDS & LEGWEN, Agents, CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. feb!6-jo-m A. G. & G. W. HOWARD, Dealers in General MERCHANDISE, Barnett, Ga., HAVE ON SALE THE CELBRATEIF Crampton Brotkrs’ i mperiai > r t It goes furtlier, than twice the same weight- of oomnion Soaj*. Go and buy a bar»