The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, August 03, 1877, Image 2

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TIIH DEMOCRAT. W. D. SULLIVAN. 1 Editors. » I.ARKNUESTEPHENS, j KHIDAV. AU(.UsT:{. 1ST7 THIS rOMFATIOX. The foatt "firm is still at work, but the end ri^, not yet *p»V*r. and while we hope it will give U. a g'-e! t bnditu ** ....... 7 * - * **<? and Wk*\t* if the Atlanta ( eon Id hr any nwana be leaded to Mop lulling tlio s|»«*f*rlies maiU* by c*ery little delegate for aiwnidly no other ■ wn ild he very g.vatly shortened. \\. «' "T ~ ........... rftin tiffir. and if it could not be scon in print in xt motn lit; in full ' we an* of 11,. epnton there ,i would be much less of it. DIM IIAKCI I). The N. Y. Il.orWanu; “An estima'r mmlt upon the author! tv of an rdheer liigli in rank in the Xa (mnui f.umd im that nome fifty of the militiamen <>f this city called into «cr SE5 and tlirfitcnnl with ilisMiisi) by tueir employers for nbsunre from wo yet it is iiii|d**ible to give a IK, of these employees, for the tliait nearly 111 '*"• “g 'n'ids dix.lmrge.1 frmn active duly wc-tti net dismissed until verv late Kriilaj night, and that tlm nu n will not go to their places of business mi< il Monday morning. Many of the »n> ndx-rs of the Ninth Regiment, wliich returned to New York from Albany last evening, are whetiier in a painful state of uncer taiutyasto or not they have lost their situations.” The Yankee can never change his ; habits auy morn than the leopard can change his spots or the Ethiopian \ his skin. This is the grat itude these ! men meet for defending their employers’ properly. Yankee still. tii r: (■it i hr i it A11. HOAD STltlki:. 1 he t.i 1 Hail lload Strike is about <n,i. and , la,.-, ended as might have been !>i« «1 i< 1« .1. LalKir has 1 k»h» forciul to i i either ' '”',‘1" the last nor 1 h , greulest '" ,s J " strike ,,,,r which we mav v,,.;. reie-onablv antieii-ile ,1 “'"driers more frequent and more tmible. ! I’hilosopliize about it as (lie ,1m r ml <>f fou/,may,the matter can present itself to the la,sue, in hut one light. and Iran At., '' (hli"' <1 ' . i. 1 ""’ . l ' 1 '! , ,im ‘I’liess K l? iam. 11 t '" ^ m 1 " • wl^ - The once ravel so loudly ngnlnat n,:n now me, and tnaj eie long admit that it adjusted the (pi, si ion of capital and lahm as no other system lias ever done J that under its (way the laborer had more profit of his iuiM V vtui tlif capilalist incurnd inon* risk than under any oilier scheme of poll,-) which men nave devised. !Slavery as it existed hero in the Mouth was 111 fiiet a safe protect ion of the poor against the exactions of the rich. That moral philosophy which deemed it U-yond its province to eomider facta, could excite and inlhinie the fanaticism which ruined Southern Institutions. Can it now sug¬ gest any plan for saving the starving millions of the North from a fate ten¬ fold worse than African Slavery. llOIMl’ATI MIAT \T 1*1.M U I II. Sev.,-,1 neison, fiom our vilhnre 1 went ■ wp to 1 onfield last week to attend the miblie exeroiMs nl’Mc-eer llnd, ' Mehm.l ‘ ' •’ iainatJon . and hratlimj t»\ tlu* voun>r Gentlemen nml vtuiwjj 1 atiits of the '’ , . N ’ . a ‘“ ... ! Sl, “ , ^ n y "\. iUK '!,' i* , "c ". ' wu, received i with marked nvor. u- ® arc gratified to learn that Miss Alice George,'. Uixon carried off tlm tin* pvi.-e the reading contest. Enter hZVSw ” cniUain '"*■ Bu , ‘ l " , , - t tin f, , a " " ;,s \N «<dnrsdax , aglit, when thevoung im-o ple met iiifuni.:u i on tti# Campus and ei.ioY.M themselves generally. 1, 4 ' ■' ’ ' sons and daughters educated eheaplx , and ami well w. n tint that Mercer Alum High Uign Shool ., Boons is jwt m«t sueh a place. i Atlanta Conditution ,>f last Sunday.] Give Mo Your Ear. Tim Uio Con t i'imilUon v. „t ion contains contiins m-iiiv man> aide at n men. Its drift is best seen from with ,„i, “ Ut - T1 ia rock ...... on which it ' is most like to split is over wtion. lhe , danger of r ihR.-c ■ u ' in>nii, ’ i„w»r.o>t -md extreme ' The signs are that it will attempt too much overload and not swiw. Itshusi n, ss is not ideal Constitution making ... , , ,iut- that 'wiil i'w's. "Ratification or to *VS*\i6 U - ^?ScS2f«T ££?£■ I.,-.,.,, ■' :i ?°V i < •' 1 h ’iivt ; ? • }»* 1 - ' bngU .it e oui,in . t hint. A < otisUUU. >u ’ ...... V ‘ , ‘ ,|, U ( .,,vu».il«tis ‘ Many detmte make many nsks. M, 4 U lu ,l *' u,n ' ., uin-abtaOe - -Mtara H or cm; will reject the whole—iwt closely wi^h aig and Iwlaneing point after vxi'mt. TlieCoastitntion of isci was seriously ha.-.KlPd to one small clauv. uns»ist> <vl When it was passed, hut raked afterwards in the discussion. It was >rne ov et-lookfs| )->int bearing on the three-fifths basis of voting. In the pi t-s rut case, the fact that ; .. ?r‘n icstln • „ mea-location . f of U.. .a,;'tal should fully illustrates the prb^iple. Itwoilld ‘ ...» ......' 1 . 7,z . . S ‘ P *^ , r ^ . Wl,tta,0fTOtt , .... f * 8S - , , »»" M ' ^t-v ' cn , |,,n KP *»t)y divide tlir people, Anti tfich wiii-ii it cuiiK to 1 v < l< ' 1 " .Til .... . , '• ' 111 1 11 > b'U niiiiiii f I US ID n I Ilf i D it i H*H W ill f. v ist (.lit. fill f I -1 c — in.ini -ini.Hier »n'i.. 11 iin.l these- when , combined, m:‘V make )>erhaps a ; »*d , n>u«eg . nuvjority. The Convention la but r n e house, it is true, hut after all 1 the-.e is another house to i.ass on the .....*• •*»-• r.....» * lf5 Convention. 1 hat house is the people—a huge hous#?, mightily scattered not composed of Statesmen—not nicely balancing pro.'s and con.’a, but touchy -'’'d . skittish. , ,, This big veto power out side, is the thing to lie kept in view. It does not hear all the arguments day by day. Its prt'jmliirs arc easily excited. It is of no use to complain of it, if the. Constitution has to be submitted to it. The only plan ia to make one not brist )iii)f over with small points of attack. Who is to stump the State, and make that big audience hear long arguments nnd unify and eoneiliate it V Our view ia that there is no small danger of total and absolute failure. This would 1 m: a great disaster to the State a real ra¬ lan, it y. Let the vote count out “N'o Hal ifiratiou,” and the convention will have been more than a costly farce. It will have , a tragic . . element , , liesiiles. , The Constitution of 1808 will then ratified ‘ "j()i 41 a vt-ngi anee. ... e . have no fear , but , that the Constitution proposed will be a n-,1 iinnrov, im-,,1 on II,.- old one imt x:;;r;:«r ,r was to limit the , novel of the legislature m Hpending money. Hut for this, it is very doubtful whether it would have been called. Ml ' Convention, expressed it tersely “Their -................ ul»« people's own ,mcket.” Under the late Const it nt ion the legislature kept it. The const ant cry of the lohhy was: “Open ami,listrilmte.” Far worse tlinn even the power of the keys. They had a general is.wer of attorney to sign our imim*. Ht rt* lit .s the pinch : Tlio strong D,x could only ............... ns it, was filled, and could only he filledby taxation. Rut this power to sign our liaiui ^was limitless, ll.-re were endless millions, In two years, millions did go with Bui lock’s name at the bottom, binding us and our properly. The taxation under which we now groan had this origin no other. We were plundered on credit i fobbed on t irk. What has been done under it can bo done again. Any one legislature can ruin us. " .. . , , " h,x<!S . v for . ,u)w .. • v Not , r for gi ViTDim nt exis-nsi s, hut to pay debts ; "" 1 . .. Hus is the . lug .. leak, . lor .. this we are in dock for repairs. To ... ........... to n*voki' that biff jwmor of attorney. ... f . r » i} # ‘i , ' ' K ' \ jonnied, it would ha Vt done enough. It should not peril that for a thousand del ails. It is a tos.-t our bn,ken joints not n lwtrlier to trim our ualla One great matter of sentiment, then, w^md “heW't’mm s|Um , itw »*asort of emm/er a,, ‘ , u "' y wish,,d ,0 n ' h °"‘ itsslai,,s right the false relations to the union, amllmve one of their own making. ” These were ttie two -q-eat ” ‘ V salient U" ,nts the one of , business, . the other of . ST-il **'•-''H< tm t.uttir, f-Phire ilutinH. it uilHn* The I he L Philis lulls Uu " s will rejoice, ’ aud the daughters of ' u gl ‘ uL Th 1 ,u ., 1 - will be decked with flowers, and the old nits hive ■ n i ,i ” y trout ' ’ -in,! a Jl inhiW H is policy now to pass hv and omit minor matters as are not nrv • U ' 1 R* 1 ' -‘"d genet ally apprexed. One *>'her guiding principle, subject to the other » h.owt ver ' is to u, make iojm mk s„cl, n ch cn.inges nmes as would not he made by the ordinary method to two successive .uie,ssn, letriskunres i,grsiaiur,.s . for example, to the legislature, if ,uri1 bo ’ Dut > f the pro^wed reduction ioih*U with lafgeopposition, better to let !l alone than to , isk too much upon it. n..- writer would prefer the reduction, Hildnot vouth OICCVRU RC it into the coiistitutu*n unless t<> In a heavy maioritv of the Convention - jH-rtiaj s three fourths of the body. One lv.isan fci this, theie isal-ui- * niirnh.: of n5 , n who , ish to wpiWe C0UMt ies wUo wonM electioneer asjsiViyst 4 ‘rutiflea a^i und help to defeat it. We mav _ _ r ., ‘ t her small men '' * vet nnm of t ejfl have voosidorab.e »val mfl« en - < m.udf-sted by their , ’,xti -n from year to year. The lity, {Lilliputians) will better stand biennial necHkma than no chance at all. feduee „* * .„. r ' ,y wm nr ? ... wtb, . htii give them a chance The honor of th^hing tby are after, though they ha, no ^oH^Ii^trol'im^rtT^e whioh than aiR-red, '■•v> ■>} a .urge and overwhelming tnaj >ntv. is tins mode of cpr-. • ; ug 1 wo considerations should f ont ol in ^ ^ - Awdviii*. th«e ......iSSEti.'S th. » , , of T"""''”" *nformation 1 '”......... and interest in t)«ulf, ‘"“-vr T **«*“« Mr - »* 1 many non-jurors Is- consider^! ‘ ‘ in v *'h . >u«. .... ihey are the best tlL , and most interested liody. ti^savS If are lllJ8afetben; i3 no country ... Phe jieople of each district v is tiA h«N next ' j K )( i v nrohahl r v under t t, ts> « each , district electing , ,. its own judde. The legislature is a very poor *-ja>si tory of the power, for it lacks lioili ele¬ ments. The members from other and remote judicial districts do not kmw of their own knowledge who is best Jijuali lied, and they have also little inte •est in results. Wretched log-rolling aiil liar gaining 1 incomes practicable, beta use of lack of information and interesti “My doorkeeper and your judge” tyiav ire swapia-d oft mutually. h\i i non by a general ticket hystem lias been pioposcd everybody voting fur everylmdy—but this is perhaps suggelted astpoor a Iiietliud as could well Is- in either view. It would all depend on caucusses. It is specifically the poorest plan, as to iuforuiation, interestfor re¬ sponsibility. Why should the people of middle Georgia desire to vote for judges jn < ’lierokee or southwest G#irgia ? ' ‘"'J Vhttt do 01 the '' ,*o,de mt dirert know ‘"terr^ irfjlhrtant have ’ «« I hey only , *, know ' of j",. the ' politicians ‘V* ,f ^ ,<lUS and - so t| , t (iu . f( . : ' an? often wholly . ,, unknown , to . th(i,i. . T{ , ( . ,. n| „ r llll( , er .vMKjnsi ’ 1 , h,1,ty w,,n,n ® tll,ect, , ,, y 1,ome , to %». -k >s a ;r,r"\ m^ ar r mt rrrr...................... ' ‘ ‘ ! fil * ! ln . !' jV ’ ", ,) f * “ . 1 l,, ^ h al "“ U, ° ,UUW f ' ' !l ^ m *""* fvernment-m arty all of winch comes to them thrcnlrh m,pi judiciary. This is the main go^nnem pi.s for all the blessings of good ^ ofpeTso,, ,*«, its remedies, protection and property. Do not choke th.s. and provide clieio muddy water Have judges worth paying for, and picked men forjurors twice picked. The rest of the government is expense ; this is its tVnit ill vou can get out of it ' For 1Jlta all the rest exists. These views have been given in ill us tralion of the general principle. We might go on, with the homestead for ..v,-n„. example. The same c,mw> min rule will « i,i apply • i Make no changes not generally accept able. Leave it to the ordinarv process of amendment , ... by two successive . ,• legssla- . , tines, unless you can agree on terms. Is there any guide to the homestead, j or is it all guess work? There are in Georgia almut. 1,-400,000 people, all told. The property of the State is about <.,00 Hf.sO.tKW, 0,1,1 non 000. This llnsis i« ..limit about s-vs, -—00 iwi head, large and small, and, as a family averages .. lH-tvm>n eight and 8« persons, d is about $l,tKit) to f 12,000 }*r familv. *.............................. tiinfthoavriage property of a family in (!».» St lit* 9 Tint looks hif»h T dms it not, . when i otheis n an* t to lose i by it > *j * lhit do not change even this danger ously. Your work has one chance only —hit or miss. There is no motion for a reconsideration next morning after a vote of no ratification. Reform is dead '"In HmSws'above given of the cau tion neeessaty to la- exercise,1 by the ^“VKti-'n. lhe hazard is we not have small, not and been the extreme need of ratification is urgent. All mitters of detail , , , proper tat her fora legislature than ,, a . ^ Convention onxumon-iiouia, should of ot course course, In-avoid- ire axoui ,b * outweigh. A safe rule should be, to hum unalteud whattxci will onl> Pas the Convention with a rub. If it rubs 1 a tt, ■. it \m11 ,.. m stick with v , ;,i. tlm the people „a„ an , ni i l not at all. 1 How " different 1 th--altitude nftlie ‘‘Git Con- t n veld ion from that of a body whose work m f, na “ l ’ This should ‘ lie lwoimiuxl ” as 7 a gt^'t land mark all the while. \ our work has to go before a monater-the "'any-headed ...... has to pass upon it—many .. . men of many - tninds. Their standard wdlbe that of the apum« .. Tunos. , Ue .. hat »s guilty of one is guilty of all. One " l “ suffice many voteis* lhe) w»U ;’daintt it with a spot.” To change the figure : io get to sea your ship must -.k, B. of your .mndings. uo not overload. Breakers aht au shallow water. Look out! All ,,, this . is written by , a sincere well wisher to the cause of reform. Some mediator is needed betwixt the referi» eit Coriolabus (the Convention) an4 self-will,d mob. the people. These are the views of one who claims to have the spirit, while he lays no claim to the . igneity of Mkxexits Aokitta Washington. Ga.. July *2t». 1>T7, Another Sad Bereavements It is our painful duty to record tha dealhof our f:itii, ' r ’ Tho “ a8 ending Gantt, which , sad event occurred at the home of his eldest son, near Kosciusko, Miss., on the 10th inst. He had for rfTht ^ X, fit,’whteh "derfh with an hastened his end. A kind and tender father he has ever been, aud we hope lie en which is denied to mankind on earth, *« -,«et - hi* -mory our paper to day appears draped ia mourning.— Oyle - th»n*ErM J - — - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ~ •Ills. . 1 . E. Shields Boys w..,.,...................... the first Monday in September, in on the building next door east of Mrs. Askin’s Millinery three months Store. during She the iirojemes to teach for Autumn and will a„. ,efit of the -School * UIHl. She will also continue her MUSIC SCIKXtL and has reduced her rates to $3 day per month—giving five one lesson pier school or p«;r week. a ugust3-t-o-o t: J FANCY CARDHall new styles with iiHiue, m<-. postpaid. J. B.’ Rusted, ssaii, Bens Co., New York. Revolver and Cartridges for $3. A fine nicklc-plated, seven-shot, pocket revolver;a a first-class article. -ScntC. O. D., o/illix/J.Tm.^Vew^Vork. d. W. WILLIS, p. N. F. BURNH AM S “1«71” Water- Wheel , ( i,,,. |ar ,.,| ti „. “STANDARD TURBINE,” i.y overpersons who use it. Prices re ditceil. New pamphlet, free. N. F. BURN N., A otk, a. LAIIIS r.efac: .. Is- 1 i lUtioLliose SHHC.S Coral l il ^nof %r enta. thia Ttrea Paper for Set* 25 for F- TRIFLING With a Cold is always DANGEROUS. TT U b c- ® m vv cu ^ C^rbollC waiUUiiU „ . Ts.*hlpt^ XdUiUUb. of a »\ tin- n '™ Iliront, n "'! " Lungs, r ’ r ‘ Chest and diseases Mucous Membrane. <*<*<*«>*»■ B,-an»ifi; U s' ! tt <"Sf ftlvlVnmi remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores - ^ ^ " f ll1 '' ,;utWc and Counter V LI. DRUGGISTS. Phicfs— 2 t rcnt<n<»r P. i c t.,k, -UnY .Box (.. Caki s) rMV,,,. '• u -Sent by Mail, prepaW, on receipt <■ P js'. (JdTTENTCJMui&op'r v '" n " < f l '_ P " 7 Sixth J | TREAT DVVVV I EH t We w,li these -hard times dispose of of fiKt-etos*''m Wato«“at lower prices for cash or installments or to 'Vat'-rs'<J?m,d," SUpright°Pian«» tiicir a11 ^ ° r P l i* s (liiflmling new Souvenir mlto ifm moused a °yeor |?,w ’ »top Orgaiis^ao. 4Stops$58. 7 stops and warranted. Local aV^ln^rfert and traveling wanted, lllustraied Catalogues Mailed. agents liberal discount Teachers, A to 1 Ministers Churches,m-tr. Sheet music, at half price. and Dealers, 40 East 14th St., Union Square, N. \. «« * 1\iTP , T l m\T , Q wibiiAViA 1U1N O ] ^\ J J ^ J \lj SO ^ ' tllG B6St^ Lrainpton . , s Imperial , Imperial . , Soap ( is the Best. Crampton s tkiap is the Best. Crain)iton s Imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton s Imperial Soap Srfap is the Best. Crumpton’s Imperial is the Best. Giampton’s 1m peri id Soap is the Best ^T» (’rampton’s Imperial Soap is the Best. n *Pton*s Imperial Soap is the Best. - :0: - T .. terials! . , per-*’ and -as it contains a large iA-aV ^ntap of Vegetable Oik 'import<'d at the Castile time Soap,"ail'd^ same possess ^*1 d * rteSlig R S^E man and Fm,eh is^’tuwefore^eommmi ded for use in the Laundry, Kitchen and Rath-mom and" for gen, ral household purposes; also Printers, Painters, Engineers and Ma¬ chinists. as it will remove spots of Ink, iUr , oilj paint from the hands. April r.tli. ts77. pronounces this Soap the best in the market as follows: Reader, "c don’t want you to suppose that this is an advertisement, and pass it over unheeded. Read it. We want to direct ^ our R (tc-rrtioiv to the advertisement of “Crampton’s Imperial Soap.” Having used it in our office for the past year, we can re ,. 0lunu .u,l it as tin- ticst quality of soap in use It is a rare thing to get a Soau that will thoroughly cleanse printing ink from the hands, as also from linen : but Uramp ton's laundry soap will doit and we know whereof we speak. It ,s especially adapted for printers, painters engineers and ma c hinists. as it will remove grease of all de seriptions from the hands as well as clothes. with little labor. For general household pur{10 ses it cannot be excelled, Manufactured only In¬ CRAMPTON BROTHERS, “ For sale in Milledgeville only by C. Wr && Tu‘’Vt r £ Stewart, Btis tow. Charles Bergstrom and Clarence ste.plieiis. and D. A. Williams at Son. For sale also by J. M. Laev \N * Co., of Talhrterro county . A. G. & G. How FOR SALE. IcE end LEMONM for sale for the cash. D \ WILLIAM** SOX NEW There is Money in it. -- * Qo V P YnnTPvm'f 1 OUI 1 1 Hit T ^WbWuhe* ,Dform * the •kiiuciy WiepT.Tr XiriCU TTripd ± Ppalnt? caiwUrrulL Fmi+ -es-s £%.%£& and toleave it to rot upon tins ground or to K&g; fruit—and every orchard is loaded:* Go to gSfflaa&j&Sff work, save it, a’nd bring it to me, and I •"*« CHARLES BEIEGSTROX. NOTICE. allied j] ££ for m small n a. children Wf at her house, .^ on J '1° 1S ,n a,1< -August, l give the ishe patrons will h’acli the benefit of the ) free school fund. mhi.t-n-w Due Legal Notice. W ^ E, the undersigned, forewarn and for bid any and all persons whomsoever, from lands hunting, in fishing, or trespassing upon onr lands any control, manner and whatsoever, will or any we prosecute and all trespassers to the extent of the law". L. AGREE, R. T. EDGE, JESSE PORTWOOD, R. H. PORTWOOD, TITUS RICHARDS, MRS. MILDRED BIRD, Dr. S. H. PERKINS, THOS. J. STEWART, ROBERT GUNN, Dr. R. J. REID, Win. REID, ALLEN JANES. II. T. RHODES, Mrs. MARY EDWARDS* Mai. tV. H. CHAPMAN BEN. R. REID. J. It. REYNOLDS. I mav25-h-ni 1 ___________ " SO UTEtERIsr Calendar Clock Company, soilTllFfiV hOUl 11ERN r t.AI.EN 5T vvn DAK in crneeco CLOCK CO., - 714 \\ aslmigton .. IlAw*KiNsvn,i,E, Avenue, Ga., April 1877. GENTLEMEN-Each of having St. Louis. Mo. : wl e (l sirous tl1 ^ one friemls m and tin; purchased piiblic one of your valuable “Fashion >amo. We say ^ as all others, our that it is the most perfect should piece know of mechanism how we appreciate have the and «*».. the The finish Calendar the finest is perfect have in its work ; the time department cannot we be surpassed! ever m-ommemling is worthv we aricle, ever and seen put to a clock. It gives us lair pleasure in so an also to do business with as energetic, dealing .......... .. ■* ^ RusselTowrv sf uW T’- VC Napier, Susan Snilth" E I)u,'a^y, 1 Wm SRStovaH^Ulster; Faulk?’. .1 DM Teavy, j HSiimmerford MbS ^ Wu3 lsi'uh I. 1 ' ’ KHPeUy''’ C s'n LewiWm "VT**’ A 1 J ‘i Lockcrman, II W Brown f )u ^» Ealhen ’ JVmvjjy J^Vnidf"’ -^n Vincent? Hanieb 1 r .1IW Allen, H daemon V llaieom,’ Glocler, FM Means, N ’ HC»i f.ViS-fe, JW-Imi.s 8 H Barton, V) . _ u ^®R* on . .Vinies Voimn’T-'t''."*’ ("locier EKJIudson, m^sT’ Eligh 'J } ^'1*1 Buttler, \v II Murray m. i- Williams,’ i 0101 ^ i ’’ 11* f‘stor^ c 010 d^Tlkrne'f*^’ J , ,'|! if 1 i naius, VI ' l . l ' r ' Alex R T Reagan, Miles 1 I^iieastur. ”* 0 ”' Frank Balcom STATE OF GEORGIA—Pi’T.ASKt Coukty. ” f citizens they are seiliug to in this county arc first-class, and I am ...Vti / lre h i reJ?alde ff t f f® d t tn . as 1Uthe . we x n a* c,,ul,ties h W!g personally of Twi acquainted Houston, Dooly, with a Dodge great many Wilcox, of the that Rmy S8 s . aiul I further certify that since the Company ha\e been doing business in this section making Company, Hawkiiisvilledheir headquarters, I have become acquainted with several of the and men of reliability and worthy of confidence. Witness my hand and seal of office this April 12, 1877. P. T. MeGRIFF, . Ordinary.' What the People say of the Calendar Clocks. vvt, the undersigned citizens of Stewart „ County, LUMPKIN, hsving GA., April 27th, 1877. on e of > agents of Southern some time ago bought of lp Calendar Clock Co., one of their handsome Clocks, Fashion take . . pleasure in saying to our neighbors and friends, that our utmost conceptions of a perfect time keeper and perpetual Calendar are fully realized in this wonderful piece of mechanism. Too much cannot be said in their favor, and we advise all who are able to -IBMayille, "Jose, to avail the opportunity Cpt J N now McMichael, afforded to John purchase ' Johnston, one. ^ II House, G W Mrs N A Holder, ssaibs,, jisss^ Kenyon, Dr J K Barnum, Cpt E W Sjiooner, John Brown. Swift Crumbly, G W Ard, T C, John Yarbrough. - STATE OF GEORGIA—Stewart County. B. Latimer, Ordinary of said county, do certify that the foregoing list contains fV the respectable citizens of Stewart county. They are men of varacitv and their state Apr ]'ui^ ‘^entitled to full credit. Witness iny official signature J B LaHMER, and seal; this Ordinary. 25th day of ’ * n . w 500 PAIRS GENTLEMEN’S SUMMER ^ MJLJMJKMMSb 1^5 SHOES MM >3 # \ \ ct-LLLvI/ nli lp (N— Q«) AAA FROM $1.75 TO $5.50 T>TT' .[ JlL r PT?'D 1 lli_L\ ~T7 IX ~' IjNXP'XT Pi H, \ A \ XT , , AND OF AUGUSTA, GA., GENTS’ MIIOES, that be excelled by - has now on hand, and for sale, a supply of cannot anv house in the SOUTHERN STATES. He invites the people of| TALIAFERRO COUNTY, ALL WIIO KEA1) THE DEMOCRAT, to call, or send repudiates“SHODDY” their orders, to his house, with which where the they market will be is honestly filled, and and fairly "nothing dealt with. lie and keeps but work made up to his own order directions. Every artiole sold will be faithfully represented and taken hack or exchanged inside of 8 months after purchase. The Stock of Ladies’, blisses’ and Children’s Shoes, is full to overflowing, of the latest styles and colors. Come and buy your MHO EM where yoo-vill be' HONORABLY and FAIRLY dealt , with. 03VE3 PRICE, and MTICTLY FAIR DEALING is still the rule of the ROUSE, PETER KEENAN, Central Hotel Block, Augusta, 6L june-l-b-m - Sheriffs’ Sale. GEOHGIA—Tjtii iferro County. \\R <loor, ,L '*■ in *°.¥ the tK-for, town ‘ of th <* Crawfordville, court nouse !^ £? in T tbe in 'outiinLg mi^hcmdwl and^ort'y (HO) M-Pitts and others, Whiefi had I-e^ am? Hi apart as a Homestead for said FT^rirf fator of hdvvard Croake vs (f. S. Hvfrt. "***• This J«ae Kth, lt!7. !»-»» M. D. L. GOOGEK. Sheriff. Fruit Jars, t QPLENDID ij Price SI.7.7 JARS dozen. for preserving fruit, july27-j-t per C. E. SMITH. . , NOTICE. Jj L'KE HORSE-APPLE || VIXEG \R for . H . r g a onj CL.UiihVCE a p r^e post office I STEPHENS. ma Ift-t-o-o Large lot of Glassware and Crockery cheap at Charles Bergstrom’s. .■ ^ __ __ | jCt< _ __ ^ jCSt _ TjADIES PARASOLS from 35c. to 82.50 aMW CHARLES BERGSTROM. NOTICE. OEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Ordinary’s Office, in Crawfordville, for the letting of a bridge, to the lowest bidder, to be built across Gray-bill Creek on the road from Crawfordville to Powelton. Plans and specifications on file in the Ordi¬ nary’s By Order Office. of the Board of County Com¬ missioners, this July 3, 1877. Attest, C. A. BEAZLEY, )ulyl3-t-d A large stock of Shoes, from 75c., to $2.25, at Charles Bergstrom’s.