The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, August 03, 1877, Image 3

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THE DEMOCRAT. FRIDAY. AUGUST 3. 1877. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE, General and Travelling Agent. Mr. M. DeL. Googer is general and travelling agent for this paper, and is authorized to take and receipt lor adver tisements; Job work and subscriptions. Charles E. Knox is our authorized agent for McDuffie County. --- II. AT. Hancock is our authorized agent at Union Point. J. R. Swain is our authorized agent at at AVarreninn warrenton. ------ Mr. J. W. Farmer, Tax Receiver, is authorized to take and receipt for sub senptions for The Democrat, and his receipts will be recognized at this oflice. ►-♦ George W. Howard is our duly authorized agent at Barnett. _ Dr. Durham’s Liver PIS. Pills have im superior as a family If subject to billions spells, take Dr. Durham’s BLOOD PURIFIER. ■--•—— Dr. Durham's Blood Purifier will lively cure Syphillis, Scrofula, and all impurities of the blood. Dr. Durham’s Liver Pills and Blood Purifier for sale by TITUS RICHARDS, dealers Crawfoidville, Ga., and all druggists and in medicines. Henry W. Hilliard, of Georgia was appointed minister to Brazil. Hilliard, previous to the war, represented the Montgomery, Alabama, District, in Con¬ gress. The “Baby’s Best Friend” is Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup, since it maintains the Baby’s health by keeping it free from Colic, Diarrhoea, etc. Price 25 cents per bottle. Court Week* The Superior Court for Taliaferro county, will be convened on the 4th Mon¬ day, the 27th day of this month. Suit¬ ors jurors and attorneys will do well to make a note of this. AVhitc Plains. AVe take pleasure in announcing that we have secured the services of a gentle¬ man who will keep the Avhite Plains de¬ partment well written up, and hereafter men and tilings over there will receive prompt notice. Drowned. A colored child about one year old was drowned in a well, on the plantation of Mr. Welcome Stone, Sr., on Monday. The child was playing about the well and fell in and was drowned before it •could be taken out. Information NV anted* The party who perambulated out of Mr. W. R. Gunn’s peach orchard, on being discovered a few nights since, with such regularly accelerated velocity ‘as to forget his sack, is requested to send in Ins address so the sack can he returned to its proper owner. Till £iioj). Our last tin man having been lost or mislaid, Mr. Charles Bagby has come to open a new shop in our town. We hope lie means business, and will stick. We are informed that lie is a good workman, and feel satisfied that attention and perseverance are all that are necessary to success. Religious Services. Rev. ,T. II. Kilpatrick will preach in the Baptist church at this place on next Sabbath evening at 8 o’clock. The pastor, Rev. L. R. L. Jennings, who expects to lie absent at the District meeting at Baytown, begs to say there will t>e no services in his church next Sunday except as announced above. School Notice* In another column will be found the advertisement of Mrs. A. E. Shields, notifying her old patrons and fiends that she will open her school on the 1st Mon day 7 in September * ’ Mrs Shields 18 is already , well known to our citizens as a teacher, and no word in praise of her capacity is needed from us, we will, therefore only say those who patronize her mil have their children well taught. Heavy Expectations. Wm. Hhckett, who lives five miles from Covington has 35 acres of the best corn in the county. lie has 40 acres planted in cotton and expects to get 30 bales from it. AYho can beat this?— Covington Enterprise. We suppose that the Enterprise has reference to beating the, “expectations,” and must say these expectations are of immense magnitude and huge prepond erosity; Sunday School Celebration. The colored people had a Sunday School celebration and dinner near Sharofl last Saturday, which passed off quietty and agreeably.' The opening ad col., *rr who was , rr!r followed Be ,7 by °, J. T. i- Bailey, cel., and others, among whom was our Harry Overton, who entertained the company after dinner and “ape,ken" thq loudest of anyDody. The dinner was, we understand, a nice one, and there was enough for all, and was conducted with due propriety and decorum. The day passed off agreeably and satisfac torUy to our colored friends, and proved they could behave themselves as well as the white folks The Jfew York W eekly. Street and Smith's Xeir York Weekly has just commenced the publication of one of its great stories, entitled ‘-Clint the Grizzly ; or, The Outlaw's Daugh ter,” which promises a rich treat to lovers of romance. The Weekly is oue of the best literary papers published in the country '__ m . The Sew York Espre^s. We take pleasure In acknowledging the receipt of the above named great New York daily, and shall not hesitate to use it in the advocacy and advance ment of the great principles of the old Jeffersonian Democracy. The Express ; s a jneat ? news news as as well wen as as political political journal, and is each day a complete map of the busy scenes of life throughout the world. Copies of the Express can be if 11 ' t __'__i_ ffiop • The , late ^ Presidential contest . . engeml- . ered.much “badblood,” which coolness ffSmllS.Snt^hiS laws of XaW* great but simple re , the Droner use of Dr Bull’s Blood Mixt- * ' ure to insure its purification. _____ — ■ __ Respectfully Declined. yy e have received ail anonymous J communication dated from ‘‘Cedar Level,” wherever that may be, and beg to decline its publication for the f 0 l lowing reasons, to wit: 1st, The name signed is not genuine; 2d, it is so badly written that it cannot be read ; 3d, it looks like the fellow had carried it in his pocket a couple of weeks ; 4th it is a snake story ; 5th, no one should lie encouraged in wasting lies in that manner, any way ; Oth, it is not worth publishing. Whisper you’ll He Mine, I.ovc. The favorite Southern Song writer, John T. Rutledge, composer < ■» “Save the Sweetest Kiss for Me,” has in “Whisper You’ll be Mine, Love,” given us most decidedly the prettiest Song of of the past ten years. It has a perfect ly bewitching melody that sings itself right into tlie hearts of music lovers tho world over. The piece is published in elegant style, with title page in crimson and gold, and accompaniments adapted for either Piano or Organ, or for small Orchestra. Ask vonr nearest Music Dealer for it, or, send the price (40 cents,) direct to the publishers. * Luddex & Bates, Savannah, Ga. Fruit Acknowledgments. We are under obligations this week to tlie following named friends for favors of fruit and melons, and return thanks for these very nice treats : Miss Hattie Colclough and Miss Bet tio Evans, for basket of apples and peaches** Master Willie Ilammack for basket of Messrs. Thos. ,T. Evans and J. O. Stewart for basket of (teaches. Mr. J. S. Jones for a fine watermelon and a basket of peaches. Mr. Seaborn N. Aeree, fine peaches. Mr. G. Cosby for a basket of bis fine X. Y. Fipin and Foster peaches. All the above fruit was picked, fine and nice, and we feel very grateful to those who have so nmcli good fruit for remembering us, who have none. Personal Mention. Miss Emma and Miss Lizz.e Aeree , left Saturday for a visit to their friends and relatives m upper Georgia, and will probably be absent several weeks. Hon A. II. Stephens will probably visit the watermg places m the upper part of the State before he returns home which will prolong las vis.t for several "' s ‘ Dr. John P. Cheney, of (ov.ngton, was m our town yesterday, and pan us a pleasant visit. 1 lie doctor is looking well, „ as usual, . and appears not to have 1 the least idea that a great , strike , has cost , the ,. country . #28,000,000. _ Tir Well, we for- . give tirtues him on account of liis ” -enial social J5] Miss bss Leila Gena Thornburv xnoinnurj, of <it Albany Albany is . town visit to the family id Mr. in on a D . \ Williams, her relatives. Miss Bettie DuBose, Miss Sallie Du Bose and Miss Irene Simeon, of Wilkes county, are in town visiting he family of j A 7 Stephens ‘ Esq b Col. Robt. A. bimpson, ’ of Washington, . b , ...... the city. is in ■— • A rresteU. A colored woman, named Lucy Red, was arrested on Wednesday, at Union Point, and carried to Sharon to undergo an examination for larceny. In May, 1876, Mr. Edward Croak’s store at Sharon was robbed, the guilty parties managing to elude detection until a week or two ago, when Airs. Croak dis covered a sash ribbon, known to have been a part of the stolen goods, eneir cling the waste of a colored woman who was promptly arrested, but proved that she obtained the ribbon from the dainty Lucy. Lucv in turn declares her ability «*» *• colored Lothario, Tom Crane, and the developments are likely to implicate sev eral colored cracksman. Air. Croak sup poses he lost about §300 at the time his store was robbed. Latest.— Lucy and her beaux were both brought to town by Air. James Maher and Air. George AVright, bailiff, and handed over to the sheriff for safe until Judge Pottle shall have an opportunity to interview them upon the subject. I M u ii tlie Boarding the 2:22 o'clock train on Thursday evening, we were soon on our way down the road sweltering with heat and nearly suffocated with the dust and the smoke from the engine. The crops along the road we consider poor, and do not believe more than a two-thirds vield can be realized. trim Arriving at Thomson we left the to exchange greetings and shake the hands of the many friends we met there. Things around Thomson, have a look of leisure, the chief employment seeming to be the exciting game of drafts many champions players of which reside in that burg. Spending i b the evening h and night b among our friends, we boarded the tiam on Friday and made the balance of the trip to Augusta. Here we found dullness almost tangible ; like the darkness of Egypt f it it could , * > be felt. f ]t How ir<uv the the deni- deni zens of that city can bear the excessive heat, intensefled bv brick walls and pave ments.isa problem we did not take time to try to solve, but suppose there must be a ^ ^^he salamander m their compost lU ' At Augusta we met several of our old , friends and patrons, among whom we must not fail to mention Mr. Peter Keenan, whose generous heart beams in every lineaments of his genial counte nance. W e spent a pleasant hour in the sanctum of the Chronicle A Constitution olist, and found the editors, Messrs, ^right and Randall the same genial gentlemen as ever, but too hot to do nuu ‘ h labor- Spending two days amid the heat, and dust and dullness of the cit > > we were glad to get away, and re turn to our own bright little burg, where the perfumed ludened breeze cools the heated brow, and not envying the people of Augusta their brick walls and clouds of dust. Hail Road Accident. A negro hoy, named Colliding, son of Ilitta Thomson, got on the train at the depot on Friday evening, and when just out of the cut and near the crossing ho¬ low the depot, attempted to jump off, the train then being in full motion, and was struck by the platform of tho cars which threw his head violently against a a cross-tic taking off a quantity of wool and tearing up the scalp, the shock also throwing his feet under the train which ran over and crushed his left foot and aidde so as to render amputation at the middle third of the ^ necessary I ho operation was most skillfully performed at 5 o’clock oil Saturday evening by Dr. Dick. Farmer assisted by Dr. A. G. Beazley, Dr. J. W. Kent and Dr. It. J. Ried. The patient is doing well. This accident is the result of a very common habit the boys here (both white and black) have of jumping on and off the ears while they arc In motion. We have called attention to this habit before, but no heed was paid to it, and now comes this dreadful accident. If parents will take no more control over their boys than wc have noticed they have heretofore done in this (dace, they may expect ter¬ rible accidents to happen to them, and they have no one to blame but themselves when some of their darlings are brought home mangled and bleeding. Control your boys, or take the consequences. Sail Accident* Wednesday evening Willie Beazley, a ° f JU,1 « W Alten l ‘"' ,Zk '- V ’ 0,,r r " H > >,ct * ed Ordinary, was thrown by a vicious ( , )]t and mS!n i njim ,,. llo ha8 a severf . WO ,eft side of head, ()Ver th(J p . lrt of the posterior Im¬ ( , er of t!ie T , m))oral near its ullion „. itfl tJle Par ; eta ,. illjury to the sku] , has (liscoveml bl]t lie 1)ad gt svln , )t oms of concussion, which lial , pily , S0(m ,, asS( , (l o(T . „e also lias a fracture of the left clavical (or collar bone)> We leam that llis iujuri( , S) tll0Ugh sever(; all(11)ainflll aro Mot „ )U . sidered ., , dangerous , so far. .. The physicians ‘ , . . . attendance ** . however, , not fully „ .. m are satisfied ........ that , lie will without ... escape brain , . 4 double, . . for r .sufficient ... . , time .. . has not . yet elapsed to preclude such liability.— Drs ’ Farmer ’ I5e!izley * Shields were in and soon succeeded in dressing th ,,, ?. W ° U " ds , ’ and . rwrt . f r,nR . ,, Um ht ,e ptttl « nt f t ° a qm f an<I ^isiratmily t ^ f 1 1 rt K f?' ° '* "°J y< ' 1 , “« d «f- anger we cauno give our readers any decided opinion of the result; hut, with the physicians, we , hoiie to find linn on safe ground , m a tew days, , though ., . ,. tho state , . of , the ., weather aiid many other circumstances are rather against his case. Fruit Display. r is proposed to hold a fruit display at Thk Dkmoi rat office on Wednesday 15th of August, and everybody is requested to bring a fair sample for exhibition A committccof gentlemen will be requested to examine all specimens sent in, and a fair report given. Let everybody par ticipale. Shriner’s" Twenty-five cents will buy a bottle of Indian Vermifuge, the most Qiablc agent in destroying and satisfaction, Palatable Medicines. Ayer’s Cherry P ectoral a Moneyed diop of relief ; his Cathartic Pills glide sugar-shod over the paJafB; and his Sarsaparilla is a nectar Amt imparts vigor to life, restores the h«sUUi and expels disease.— Waterford (F«.) AdecrUser. .. only . u.c to su -ci >*-. ?2. ’ i Take your county pape r. SH0RT-8T0PS. W. O. Sn-ttVAX, REPORTER. It is needless to say dull. Several accidents this week. Peaches and Apples f are cheap. >o ram oi any consequence yet. ° ur county boarding-house lias had ho inmates for Arne time. The weather has beeu so warm lately that the flies have absconded. The -‘introduction" of old.lerre Bird's -q,, tUn-nce'’ issiill on the wane_ i. c., auo ther land poster. Read (he article headed \r„ * Your Ear,” copied . Sunday , from the Atlanta p, tnd i fut p /n 0 f A . alters lord, nice ram and m nil that part of,the county on Tuesday evening. *> No rain here vet. Mr. E. Goln- kc, of our town, has brought to this office a curiosity in the way of a stalk of corn, which has an ear on the top. Harry Over^n sends the office a nice melon. It came when the day was warm, and was most acceptable to all | ialK j s . We would say for the benefit of our l*li»in. .............. , tat history of Taliaferro county will 1* resumed at an early day. The court house has been nicely paint ed inside, and wc ho,* the yard will be cleared of all rkbbisli, the fence renau ed, and all will be lovelv. YVe weu learn that our out triend friend and and fellow fellow townsman, Mr Q. Uiehards, expects to return to his Inline in Crawfoidville on or alxiut the l(!th of ; Yuimst ® Rev. J. H. Kilpatrick, .... preaches the liitroductory sermon, at the general meetmg at the Raytown apt is t church, which convenes to-day, (Friday.) Mr. Hobbs, ;>.t Jennings’ mill, informs us that lie ground a bushel of new corn on yesterday, the 2d inst. This is tho earliest grind <f new corn we have heard of. \y Q j t ,. u . u that I)r Shields of our town, was called to Warren county to perform a difficult surgical operation a f L . w days since. Of course, tho doctor did it skillfull’, and left liis- patient in good condition T||0 uianta Ounsgitafln,, m.l,fishes ‘ o..r ^ t f , ^ d sj , ' ...... ^ i CoMiim wllihail Uic ilel ^ did mt give Tl „ I)KM<K!K fw it, .. wo think therein ight have been enough , used t< insure eorreetness. T IC.Tunuiuiiicaled.] District Meeting at Powelton. The minintcV’-•nd deacons meeting of the W'asliingl 111 Bapt ist Association assembled at I owe I ton ernirch, <ni July 271 It. t he drodiudory sermon was preached l>v la v. J. B. Roberts, from 1st Peter, 4th and 7th verses. Rev. T. J. \ cazy was elected Moilera tor, and Ivy NV. Duggan, Clerk. The meeting was a harmonious interesting one. There were present quite a number of visiting brethren, es peeially from the Georgia Association. '1 lie following Querrios elicited con siderablo discussion : Query. Is it right tor Baptists to en courage dancing in any shape or form, or those parties that border so closely i dancing { Answer. We believe, that no Baptist should encourage dancing, should not visit these parties, permit them in theii houses, or should suffer their eliil diento visit them. 2d Query. Will a strict adherence to the practices and teachings of the priii ciples of our denomination furnish sttfli cient scope lor laboring for the conver sion of the world > Answer. H lien Baptists practice tlicir principles in the spirit of Christ, they will he sufficient for the conversion of the world. The billowing ministers preached in I he order here named : A. B. Roberts, J. A. Munday, A. I Hartley, X. M. Jones, L. R. L. Jennings and J. A. Shivers. A. T. Gasoil read an excellent Essay on the training of children. Rev. S. L. Fatillo, Rev. A. J. Hard¬ wick, and others delivered lectures to Hie children on Sabbath morning. The time and place of the next ing was referred to a committee wlio will report to the Association. The programme for the next meeting is as follows Essays, S. X. Clmpman, Final Perseverance. J). .1. Hush, .Sabbath School, W. J. Northern, Christian Experience, John <;. Duggan, Faith and Works. A. S. Avant, Family Prayer. G. G. Smith, Why am I a Baptist. P. R. Taliaferro, Tlie OfiiCe and Du ties of Deacons, Ivy W. Duggan, The, Bible. Rev. J. A. Shivers, to preach Intro ,i u < tory Rev. T. J. Adam's, to preach to the ...... C. Henry C. Sykes, an old man 71 years ! of age, is under arrest at Norfolk, Va., charged with the murder of Peter J. Clinton. The affair occurred twenty two years ago. The uew rebellion in Pennsylvania re calls the fact that there was once a whis kjr rebellion in that State, and suggests the comment that the cause of the former trouble may have aggravated the later disturbance. Flo. ton Tea..-: rift U*t of Jurors.' The following are lists or the Ora ml and special Jurors drawn for the Au gust Term of the Superior Court, 1*77, for Taliaferro countv. GRAND JVRORS. lames B M Triplett, Solon Henry V Perkins, Itenj Bowles, W Flynt, Wesley P Jones, Joseph George (» Hixon, Quincev A Johnson, T Sharpe, JotaVffiLy, lUuryDSmhh, George T Rhodes, Samuel Skellv, ihonias A l-yne, Jefferson i. Smith, ft XYm'lMw'"' Joseph T Harrison, AVm T Peek, Thos P Chaffin, tVm If Lunsford, '"‘".i J It Johnson, Held, M 'J'm yatt T A Moody, Hill, John Rhodes (sonof Thos J Evans, John) SPE4 1 AD JURORS. MTm H Emmies, George l-anl»ui, Seaborn X Aeree, Win T O’Neal, Welemn A Stone, jr. James L Sharpe, John A Stewart, John J’oss, 'Ym 11 Harper, Thomas J Stewart, Absalom ^Vne^' Wm o\v, iX" 1 "’ W. Pmkins, George E Downing, j-« *. *9®*} 1 ' liii ‘ ’ 5“’ ‘ u '* sou ' ArthuroSS Arthur ., Ogle tux, Fi ' 11 j ’ John Burke, '* >h » N E'hapman, Wm Lanhain, Ira Sr5,'iSSSS: l T Ellington, John O Hackney, Wm S Jones, I.inton Dorsey. Tl, f iU ' 1,,oHl >’ * h *‘‘ w Kn ' gtaM ‘ , » t ‘ ,c Wate As f > er of M ?T l , u * setts, after a caret u I analysis of t t ' egelable Sicilian Hah Renew m ceili (ied that it is the best preparation for its ' WS(>S t i.. t , lns b ,. en ,. x liibit. ib ted tm ! ,■ examination, unii'citio,,' that tlut its ns con con stituents are pure ami carefully selectiHl for excellent quality, and that it tones an efficient preparation for promoting the growth of the hair ami restoring the original color. Tliis World-renowned preparation is for sale by all druggists. —Record, lied Oak. loica. WHITE PLAINS DEI'AHTMEXT. nv I’ihma faith, reporter. White Pi uns G \ July ofViiK 20th 1877 Mr. Editor and readers Demo chat, we must acknowledge that in owning a communication of this nature, that we are not well enough posted on even tho most unimportant subject to enlarge upon them as adequately as we should iike to do. However in the first place if you will allow us we will say something iu respect to our village. white ii.ains. ... ..... I Ins is a place of more than ordinary beauty, situated In the Eastern part of Gieehe county, near the lines of Han cock and Taliaferro, it is equally dis taut from Crawfoidville, Unifiti Point anil G reenesboro stations on the Ga. R. U. This place Is a first class eetton market, several thousand haled of which, are imrchased here mutually, by the on terpri.sing merchants, and by them trans ported to Union Point, a distance of twelve miles. The town was incorpora by legislative enactment of 1857, since which time the sale of ardent spirits has been prohibited within tlie uicorporut ion. The soil of the place and surrounding country is while, but not sterile, and easy of Cull n at ion. There are here three 1 hurehes, two of which are Baptist, the other Methodist. Of the two Baptist churches, one is white, the other colore,d—the latter living the only colored church within the incorpo rate limits. The edifices of (lie two white churches arc perhaps the haud somesl in the country outside of the cities. It is also the seat of Dawson Institute, named for lion. Win. G. Dawson, and as an institution of learn ing, has been long and favorably known. In addition to the High School just tho colored people have, within the last few years, organized and sustained witli full ranks, a school for the education of their children. Iu tlie vicinity of is the hundred “Flat llock.” from covering the j an area two acres, clefts of which spring the yellow I’ABASOKS AM)SUN UMBRELLAS? j\ I.A much IlG K ASSOIIT.M KNT have just bye,n received in Silk, fierelofofe, Giuilbric and Gingham, and are haver than the r<me goods have tteen offered PIQUES. low< '" t u > t,M! and in the choicest patterns, CHECKED LAWNS. 'I lie b. I value ever offered for 2 . cents, and also a full as urtmeiU at other prices. I lam burn ialniniis an<! IiM;rtions y iu large quanlitii’s, and in the newest aix! prettiest design I Julies’ ai id M iss( i s’ I I os( -'T Ail '-i/.e-,, Make • and Qualities, Gents’ Liglit and lie: aw, ItRGHLARLY made gwals ; very cle an fH l, NAPKIN’S ar. i DLDIIED and I BLEACHED DA MASK, which, for use, ehcapnew, not i>e M \ «'<iunlled USEILLES in the ami city. BOX'EY-f OMR SPREADS Ver\ ? BLEACHED HOMESI’I'N -(yard wide) cents up <X )TT< ) \ A I) IvS. VV<- are offering cheaper tliau they caw he had in New York. i n all the i< ^imT _ fir” id” _ in’ _ all _ mT?"imi _ ^^uSTaSST^EUGENriA. _ KID8, all size-, at 3l.z.< '-.rail , per pair. ail who^wi'-h^oSmy'g^s’to the!r : ad^ntagtr'''^' ’’ tf> " 10 1 " f; fc * the attentioB °S C. MYERS, mhSo-k m f B.VWFORDVII I.F., GA. mine. This is a favorable resort for pic nie parties. Tlieie are few healthier localities than White Plains, and non* perhaps with purer, sweeter, freestone Water, thinking this enough in respect to our Village, wc will say something in respect to the Improvement of the same. ISIPKOV EXTENTS. There are several first class stores here, with energetic thorough-going proprie¬ tors. and by the way, Messrs. Tappan Brother Sc Co., are erecting a new store room 33 x 100 feet and two stories high. This is a large and commodious structure and will when finished add greatly to the appearance of our thriving little village. The cemetery is being enclosed with a beautiful and durable fence, .lust the thing wfe have for a long time needed. It is rapidly approaching com¬ pletion. and we hope this trill not be the last improvements, as we are sadly in netd of a new Academy: A PLEASANT SUMMER. Thus far we have been favored with a most delightful summer, the beat being frequently interspersed by comfortable days and cool nights, which afford an opportunity for the system to recuper¬ ate; It is the continuous, steady heat which proves exhaustive to the constitu¬ tion, and we are gratified to say thai our community is blessed with a temperature which is never excessively cold or hot. Let us all Ik- greatful for a comfortable sulllllu ' r , w ill: a part of July and all of Au « llst ** to come, however, the fourth of JULY, j u our town, as well as in mahy other ........ lac * . 8 *‘ lSth ‘ aH stillest, iW *i„ tlie quietest, tho ’ "Cresting wc hove ever witnessed, Asl'ar as we areeoneerned, we like the oUl . fa8lliomd way of ce , el)mting ouf Xati6na , Alihircrsaiy-such as gun , ((nV dcr, noise and bonfire as tl, hold patri ()U cxiw)ricnced patriotic orations do no harm. Next year we hope to see the rockets Ilf, powder blaze, and cannons roar frotd the Gulf to the Chesapeake. AMUSEMENTS. The Gruber Family, gate us a ca(l on Tuesday last, and to a large and iutelli « ent audiencu > U " >’ ‘''Mdayeil all tho '••aturcs of music, interspersed with very appropriate lectures on the tome, ^'cif entertainments are a complete suc ct * ss ’ iiml U "' y l,,si ‘ lve 11 « ,eat ,k “al of credit as they come highly recommended '“W*’ «*."<* ^ ^ t,W ^ 1 hofeoplo of f # town .-. lnghly ., our were pleased with their entertainment, and we hope they will call again: cuorS in this community aro very fine triucli more so than we expected when General Greert Wa« in coiriniand. Corn and cot ton are looking remarkably well, and with a few more good Reasons there wili doubtless lie a large yield of ult kinds of crops. THE HtSTOtn OF TALIAFERRO COUNTY. About (lie time The Democrat be¬ gan to accumulate notoriety, some gen tleiiien attempted to write a history of said county, but after he limt contribu¬ ted three or four publications, he' slopped, mid the last accounts We saw of him lie was sick. We wish to know whether lie, is sick yet or whether life in his mortal frame is extinct. If ho is convalescent, wo would like to see some¬ thing more from him. The favor of ai» answer is requested whether dead or alive. VISITORS in oil)- town are mlmemits and from Vari¬ ous places. W« Wish them apleasantso journ to our little village. INDISPOSITION. As we are very unwell and thinking this enough we will bring Ibis writing to a dose, hoping to write more ne<<! time, Amesbury, Mass., though overrun with burglars, is now without police, all the men having resigned because the town' appropriation is exhausted.