The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, December 21, 1877, Image 2

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niE DEMOCRAT. W. D. SULLIVAN, I t<!lton CLARENCE STEPHENS. | * - • L BIOAT. DECEMBER 21. 1877 __ T.U-. ::■/ rr ° *? r « m " r -.^r °* ,n ^ i a «.r » or us •> cons,. ., ( i unrig or money wages. This is the most legiti- V mate method, the one which .... liest i-stab- , liahes , . and . the relation , ,, of preserves * mi plover , and employed , . But in the anotno , ous state , , of things . that .. . , has exist- . . ed in the South since emancipation we cannot aver that this mode has been much more satisfactory than others.— One of the Ideas to which tl.e African brain most stublornly refuses assent W .... that good jiay should . .. command . good . ..... labor, and it seems that ,, , the ,, whit* . .. man . . ....... , ,, ,, ., _ D ° tani _ W **"* t ' u <n ' c r n .,r h * 1,0 tunp b j er can «ng 01 wages or sorry a >r. Those who have penhded in the exja-n ment of hiring for wages in money are about as much like men who attempt to daw water m bottomless buckets, as those who have tries! some other plan. Still this mode of employing labor has some very decid,si and obvious iidvant amw * .** over anv ‘ other ' In the first nla. e the hireling , , does hot insist . that , lie may work if he feels disposed and leave off wltPII he feels like it, nor does lie urge that liia employer's orders must take tlie form of odWcr. In the second place, tlie. farmer may have the control of his grain crop, and may raise ins meat, if those who do not fear the chain gang nor dis franchiflement will allow him to do so.— In the tliird place, he can, with lalror engaged in tins way, do more towards keeping his premise*, in repairs. We sus|>ect that one in going through the country, could siiot every place where a large pro,ant,on of the hands have ^ hinsl for wages by the improved sr-rir.-. SCSI's*s liilwi.-r in In.uriiiK III,*! ,>,y ta l,.« „ r . Vice- ; but alas ! the and renter who are liuuislied, ate ahead of him in tins I. i. tieulm ’ Thev t ike e in. i„ K - plan be so Mlndi the best, are its results not ,n mo satisfa. lory? Not we con tend, liecnuse of extravagant rates paid ° u"’ ' n i ,i i idling , IntsViT^iiglim made money by Z bHnm ‘on k wMwm t... ■ m w tb»! the gn at it.isoh why faniH is make nothing by hiring labor, is I.....a-.- th- labor whi<-l, they get f..r their money is too pm.riK>lh In .nmu.ty and quality. It is rare to find a hand who will do two Uilrtlw of what a tlrst class hand ought to do. Many nay the majority, per form about half that amount, while not a few come as low us a third or a fourth. to elections, burials amt other pretexts for iKing called away, tbe time left for ««““......... “7 '■» wages ami rations, even if they worked diligently while at it. It In no matter for wonder, then, that those who pay them living prices lose in the bargain. We are iiersuaded however that this is (lie only way in which labor ought to lie or eau lie protitably employed. The fSoutliern people must come to this if they hoi>e to resuseiate their fortunes.— All rent ing save that of a bonafdt eliar ■acter must be aliandomxl. The share system must be discontinued. cropj.'j* ami furnisbed renters girotlUUe—a* they are not—it ^lll to uii.lw U> Ian ttom ,>ilx«-,l "!> - "I,,.,,,™ .. .....; joui rentei everything lie wants and release him from your control, you place him in a condition too boatiftc not to be •iHuring. When vou insure your cropper a living whether he makes it or not, and tie only . follows - „ vvuir advice, , , it . is not , at , all surprising that ho elects to work for paitof tin* crap. .... In contrast with ... such happy beings, tlie hireling who ■engages to work under the orders of a nnaster for his whole time feels himself vvt a great disadvantage. Wages grad¬ uated to the quantity and quality of his work will not entice him into such a contract. You must hi,v him to con .sent to he Idled. You must pay him a tfauey price, and still allow him to do very much as his cropping and renting 'friends do who have not bartered away ,their “privilege.’’ It would l>e a marvel af jieqpledJd not lose their money, their land and ail that they have when they •employ labor under such disadvantage. For IwidowtMrs who want to make snore on their hands than they can do by their own Isl-ir. wo can see only two ways ojieiu One is to rent to parties who are in a oouditGu to n nt—who are iible to furnish Ihejirselvna. The other is to hire for reasonable wage* as many— and no more- ris they bare the pro¬ visions to feed, ;unl the cash to pay. As long as farmer* have to buy com and meat at credit p:ie«* to fetxl their hands, and draw upon their mwehanta at high rates of interest for money to jwy t lieir wages, tlu-y cannot exjUt to make money, in whatever way they employ labor. , Thereto* erus.G,- datwitic in llmm^lmrehn'rdH-rs rXte Of' .reYr^lm Yam 5 n« 8 pSe tv ’h r-’ n ent< Till: co«Dos-co»Kl.fK<. afuih. Tli*- report that unfriendly words had passed between Senators Conklin? and Gordon, and that a hostile meeting was probable, created considerable excite merit. The latest accounts, however, zSJttJSSSSS : The forbearance of the Southern sen a tors m ,ets general commendation, and Senator ,. , Gordon's .. . , conduct , , in . the matter . has universal . approval. . . Any . account . of . the seme m executive session on Friday, proper for - the .. associated ... press , to pro ni(1 „ ate , ^beyond rcach . Tliere is un . quMtioliable BUtWority for Htati C lUat d a „ pllb ’ „ catjon9 lmm * tng * to f. ,Ve . „„„ of .____ conversations with Gordon in reference to the recent ditliculty m the senate, are untrue, and that .. . , ho . has absolutely , , . , refused , , . to con verse with ... reporters . on .. the subject ... even since the occurrence ; nor is he willing to correct any misrepresentations on the su t,j w: t tlint have found their way into (h(J papen( . ----------------- ^ I>I A>n ISFAMOt , Sf The SPatiu « ,,f riUAuro Kellogg, who the drunken Judge Dure!! and Grant's bayonets declared Governor of I-«uusiai a, as U. 8 . Senator on the certificate of the Refugee Governor Pack -ird, by an election (If ction of of a a 1 Legislature i-'i-d , tare who who Voluntarily dispersed, thereby confessing their own fraudulency, it would seem is making infamy most infamous. Can it be ttiat this is a part and parcleof the fraud by which the people were deprived on their own elected President? wJB ».» Will „„r Mk lr».t ««h Rijiresentativea with place and power? And, And Oh oil, 1 liow ,„W 1 long; ,,„„, With VVitli Kellogg, 1’aekard, Warmoutli and the vampires of down-trodden Louisiana sustained by the great Southern policy of an an nounced Radical President, and South ‘ !r '' 8 tH t f sm f favv,,i,, « “P»«> “ nd cring , 1 I>..n.«r,,|r»U,..I .„.h».d »l, «W.rte,H * W® trust that the fraudu ^ »'?'** <* th « Senator ,s the end of tins catalogue of infamy with the trading of tlie rights in the people , , "’ ,r f 1 mraainii-a tr V a -J with the unclean lU-tHocmts Uiware, and in time lie warned as the fate of Louisiana may ‘"turn be °m«, even if a “tub” is <>c ^ ^ «,e ......... to govern *.................. , .I—*! "i ,„,!r. ,1 . “.' . . irkm .'. v i. m. South,'wc wm, caimot’af. to Urn f|)1 . (ltoU 0J1 t<MJ , lemis w , th jta „|, ()8eil leaders. Let Democrats be warn ^ jn tilnCt and at ,,, lsl 8im , Uielr hmw . ,vn nivkiiw ' Ml. (ti,« on. ivitoc^i in I bo secret ‘ imNI " n of U "‘ Sr,,at0 - ■'iterest n‘ c '"" 1 "“V »" s u,al 1al€ " ^ eco1 evp|h ij%\ itn n » uois o \ He,mte Hre '' ,oswl ,u " 1 biUrt ' a aga,nst th « l" ll, ' ie - Hie proceedings to-day were 1,M,re siting and threatening than any that have occurred for years. The parties to the quarrel were Senators Conkling and Gordon, but the whole Senate was wrought up to a high pitch .. . „„ uscii ,. .... on ... , .... 0 *' xu ' 11,1 "• w * 1,0 nomination of Wade to be a Col lector of ,uU,nal lUfVenue ln Georgia. Se, ’“ tor Gonl °' 1 1,11,1 n «»dO Ji Speech against tho continuation of \\ ade, ami . „ to JZ! 1 Kla ,a 1 11 ls, ,ls slon 0 , , 01 1 ‘ l lIW " 1l ls iu , teu « tl ‘ vvas t0 *' ai1 ot * llu ' ' ,nlUu ' al nlations of the North and S,mth ’ 11,0 lwo l’ artu *’ t,w P ‘^ ,dt * nt and everything ’ else liaving any bearing ”» G<e subject, there was little hope of accomplishing anything in the last hours . , ' ,, 1 senator Gordon , , tospeak . . and , rose again, there came from the Republican .side rrk-aof “lioon. goon wltli lb. « 1 ™ ilar! List's have the vote!’* \ The words “Go on” . several Q Sena Caine mun ‘“ rs them ... llainlm, .... Mitchell , „ and 1 °'I, lu ''’ Hus greatly mcreased the qmck tern Georgia Senator, and he cried out m an impatient tone: “The Senator from New York is issuing his orders. He is ordering the ( hair. ” Mr. Conk th;d the '^mator^frem Georgia should* re peat tiis words Mr Gordon then re peatetl , a ,.I,, ,1 that ttvi, the ti,« Senator 8 from New V Yotk V ,.1 was issuing bis orders, Conkling then, in a fever of excitement, said, in a loud voice: “If the Senator from Georgia says that 1 issue orders to the Chair he says what is not trueand, with in creased anger, he continued, “and lest the Senator may misunderstand me I will repeat that if he says l issue orders to tlie Chair he says what is not true.” Gordon at once sprang to his feet, and. trembling . with ... rage, said : “lhisques tion, sir, can lie settled outside this Chamber.” At this poiutConkling was quite as excited as his antagonist, and taking a step toward, who was Slde of t!i0 lhambe r, he “I’Usx! in a fierce voice : “I am willing - ■ -cttlelt here • ad now i ml once more z will sa V to the Senat<M-X m ^ that if he sa\s I gave the Chair, words he so seemed vs what to blistejj^ is nf\, „ , nd Both Senators tberewf tfl jj ^ seats, and tbe basinet '2SL^ ■ t jr *S*“ . d j ““ journrneut, however, a Mr. 7 ** ferred to the controversy ‘ Vfsaid a it unfortunate and should - „ was ” be! :e subject ,. . of - regret. He said , he did ad " thin . k , ., the Senator * from New .. York inf Tided , , , be discourteous to either the to Georgiafri c Senator from ^°° gbt Co,.kling merely t& dcs mZm* red to f£ “ T tbe business, ’ reMU *ea» » fre quently „ call for vote. tia tors a U ^ygry often done^ called out and to he “Go said on other ” n*4 mators had with ... the ., calendar. , . ’ Mr "*3 U 1^ to go on that . .. trie “** ^ Kan hotK-d occurrence WOi trot be re ferred to outside of tbe Ch mber. Mr. Hamlin also spoke in the ial fcst of for giveiiess between the two S ettors. He said the trouble arose from j W isuuder standing the n* 11 on part i.j Georgia Senator, Mr. Hamlin said a lim „..<r a 1 e Z ___ J,^t „ ,, ^ r Is quot d "®“ id. and '‘ * rv >7 °r than lie had a ri“hi^g^p» , \,.j. tlier " f Gie belligerent % , any remark, and both kept * utr seats. , . eii.uors wire urged , disagreeable jte,,,, the b’H there is, nevertheless, A fe;' mein senes, * ,alk about it to-night. It believed among Senators tlv Too further notice will . , he taken of the o*%, 1 rrpllfe . «•« 1»" *>f s.nat»r Gordon. Newest _ Newest _ . Fashion Fashion _ „ Pa Fa w -^JP «; ,e8- e8 08 . „ i’oint-lace t oint-lace mittens mittens ... are are worijby wo brides, Jock ‘*y of vclvet N. worn by s,na ^ ^ . ^ ^ a,m0 * t ^ntirely of n ^ *« ^ J f mvcu '''£*>'"*{ ' ,,,n, 1 |«lor» i the ; ■ ’ ^ ‘ h UionMe oomo ii.umns 01 .or. Ija<i,es torto, ' s ® sbe11 ^ikfcianonaies bill are popular for deini-toilet tiilded porcupine qtiilk A , mol| tmnmings for round lA ' ' 11, « Pensbabto hlact cr ^ j, ui^ Urn inost styhsh eveinng wi a , i»t v«or, )> ijjj(ffto 5 ? ir , iir .....’■ r r season man they have bik Tor /cars or Matteau «<>«F‘jes pleat, are on made stylish of otstumes. box, So,neof * lle bamlsomcst imported tom.ets are composed entirely of large damask roses. Anew material for trimming is the “tissue plume,” and may bo used in a rrank Lest le . «uud.y S' Msgazlue. - , Edited by the l.«v. I)r. Deems, lastmr of S^snr. number, containing tgs pages, profusely iiiu^trated, and teeming with articles o/rare merit amt brilliancy. This magazine has become so general a favorite, amt is receiv ing such wide-spread support that it will doubtless soon be found in almost every household, in the land. It numbers amongst its contributors such men as William Cullen Bryant, Rev. Bishop Wright man, Rev. Dr. Potter, Rev. William M. Ba ker, Rev. Dr. Rankin, Colonel Thomas W. Knox, lion. A. J. lloquier, Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs . 1Jarr) Miss u rock , Colonel William Proton Johnson, Rev. Lyman Abbott, Sidney Lanier, Kev. Dr. Brantly and others Kacli number is illustrated »m. 1» «n»»*l»«>. ma li»* »mit »"•! » which will be an excellent holiday Jr ,„' number, « we are promised a finely engraved portrait of Dr. Deems, its distinguished editor. Beautiful and substantial Binding Cases 1U> ' r0iu, V fl,r sal ‘' ftt the cIos « of e#ch volume, price 75 cents. Now is tbe time to subscribe lw ,. ri ,„ to ,,, tins thi< v vaimiWo .,„. hla Magaxme. terms, single copies, -a cents, annual subscription, ®3, by mail, postpaid. Ad dress, Frank Leslie’s rublishing llouso, 537 , s( . .. .. . ’ A . man near 'V.TV,. I ittsburgh, la., tecentl} „ advertised for a bookkeeper, ’ and within twenty n vu hours he hail one nunarect and thirteen applicants for tlie position. Subsequently he sought a man for his farm by the same means, and iiad eight responses. The figures represent very fairlv tho disproportion of laborers in «<® ,, ™3 md..stnal , , . , pursuit*. There ' v * ,en a > vum 0lln K IT fellow Tlf is able to ^ write tT a fair hand and balance the dav’s ^ trans ^ in a ^ he above the farm, the anvil or the bench. This is all wrong, and is of a piece with the tZXZtSTrT tate Lebanon (Tenn.) Jlerakl : During the month of November one hundred ami thirty-eight car-loads of nogs were shipped from tliis point. Taking of'a fiftv the as the average capacity car, we have a total of 7,590 hogs. A lady in Maine boasts hair eight feet and one inch iu length, and that "she has refu ^ t an offer ot jo.ooO for it. ___________ Now is the time to subscribe, o»ly ?2. Old Jokes Remodeled. “What do the Arabs of the desert live on, ask «i a roguish little girl of her father “Fudge, Nelly, that is an old conundrum. Tliey live on the sand which is ( sandwiches) «. ~ >«.«.•» a.«- - “Well, really, Nelly, I give it up. W by, pardon t jon know t e s0 "' ° Ham were bred and mustered in the wilder ness’.’ “Come, Come, my daughter, that is too killing. Don’t say another word.” “Oli, yes ; do tell me what they eat on their sandwiches.” “Eat on them 1 Why, what do they on them ?” “Butter, to be sure.” “Butter! How do they get butter ?" “Why, you know, pa, that when Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt, all the family hut her ran into the wildernees!” Large and tine lot of Ladies’ Cloaks, cheap, at C. MYERS’. - Bleachings from 5 ct» to 13 cts. MYERS’. Tier yard C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheriff Sale. •»EOROIA—Tam averro county. NI ^IbL be sold before Court House door, in the town of Crawfordville, within tlx-legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday said .January next, adjoining a tract of land lying in SafflteSul county, lands of the estate of two hundred acres (200), more or less. levied on as the property of Silas M. Mead » favor of James W, Asbury, “ilViS"!? executor of George W. Mitchell, deceased, vs.Silas M. tiff’s attorney. Property Notice pointed out by of levy given to «*J* “* P^^ssion. This December Oth, M. D. L. GOOGER, Sheriff ' T 'g - .... Kotice of r Dissolut . “ n - r Tr^Knr^ pmM lhe intcrest tlie late firm arc in 0lir hands for collection, and parties who are in debted to us are requested to call and settle A li \\ 1 llvM. rp i-jS^S^nbr the S,'T Cd " STEWART & SMITH, for the transaction of a general mercantile w SMITH. V. T * tJrswfordvllle. Ok. Not. 90th 1 WT. too 1 Still & fcCOtU(*\, , * , OESERAI , , . AfJ nnr /A-\ T V U M 1\1 I U IN jllCPClUHltS. . Ho. 346 Ifortk Water Street, PHILADELPHIA, l’A„ and wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, fuffTl? O U 1 1 PjIV.qrsin, u FI on r, Fur, Wool, Cotton, Dried Rico, Fruit, Toliacco, Hay, Hops, Peanuts, For¬ Broom Corn, eign anil Domestic Fruits, and in fact we can sell any PRICE and everything and at the highest MARKET ; make prompt re¬ turns, ,V lib-/' svcl 1 1 I I UUCU 11^iil]j.made eral Cash Adva nee on all To show shipments that except do jicrislialile extensive business, articles. we an any game dealer in Philadelphia will tell you we bandied more game last season ttian all other HousesTW'ATTT L I Mj 1JI rU J\ I ) XT' m together. Philadelphia for Price 1 . put .Semi List, Stencil, Arc. Reference CASH, or we refer you to any EGGS. responsible House in our City. oct-r»-1877-j-V GAME. msEnupsY, -OK FALLING SICKNESS monHFs usage of I)r.^ Goulanl's'celebrated lnfallahle Fit Powders. To convince suffer ers thatthese powders will do all we claim (m U|Wn> w<? w| „ ^ them b) . mail> t tbe paid, a free trial box. As l)r. Goulard is disease only physician spcciat study, that nndnsto has ever made this a our knowl edge thousands have been permanently cured In the use of tlrese Powders, we will guar ers should give these Powders an early trial, and be convinced of their curative powers, gjo.oo, Price, for large bv box, $ 3 . 00 , or 4 boxes for sent mail to any part of the Uni ted States or C'anada on receipt of price, or express, G. O. 1 ’ i' a' \si koBB! .160 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, X. Y, nov.30,t87T-j-y - A G> & q yy HOWARD, that ^outd they info™“XV have just opened this their vicinity at New store House, near Barnett Depot, a complete ° -^-‘ected ’°' H stock of fresh Kotioni) Ready-made Clothing, w 'T3!SSSSw»^ Boots and Shoes, Ac. Also, a well selected stock of Family Groceries and Provisions, adapted Hitherto to the wants unknown of the people, and at prices in these parts. W ° Wi “ C ° nvinfe vou - we mean “QVIK SALES & SMALL PROFITS ” 0ur sUvk has been purchase,! since the »^-dVo *gi!-e highest u.r'tire fulTratue’ o? 6 your Ca “ ‘ nd aU 1 kmds Jhe of country^roduc^ price mid for Cotton nov-2-l»7T-n-w Barnett, G*. ■*A Br I , r > If % v ■ 3 5 ; - * . •1 mu IV V S fv -s mk 7.* I* - a A , ^5“ a.’ . 9,^ •a WE OFFER THE ABOVE MAGNIFICENT — AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATE to the planters of Georgia, and have no hesitation in recommending it to the fullest extent. AVc shall endeavor will be highly to meet pleased alllegitimate, comjietition and feel assured that all'. who use our articles with the results. We also offer our EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE. w e believe is equal to any ^ m the market. COTTON OPTION given if desired. Call <*»■ ^ GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Proprietors, C. E. SMITH, Agent at Crawfordvillc, Ga. CHARLESTON, dec2l77-n-w. S. C. important to all. V OOfl ^ 1 000 ) Will'til VV ( ' Ul <.,* TJVV J brOOdS ^ UUUb> ClOthilllT, VlUUIlUg, BoOtS, 81lOCS wuwvi5 tllUl Ulm HatS, • lmuw5 » be sold cheap for cash n The new store of c. myers, » SUl)I)lied 1 • ■ Wltll «,i lai’^C ■ 1 IlOW a aUtl COlll piClCSlOCK . l« fp OI «t DrV III y CirOOds tjfOOilvS, lOUllIl^, BoOtS, NllOCS lllld HfltS lOP tllC lull aiill Wintd* trailc. TllC ClitirC Stock having been selected with much care •nrall Will IH |m re “*^w^®»» SUI1I Of tfsg» ItlDlW MIMtSSt “* «**»** pilCCS, ni*U*Ofi %■-•«•» aiiU nhil «HC CVCl’Y ^ article WaiTailtcd Strictly * OS . v I'CarPS?lltC(I. IflllCS WL,-, 4 -%k- ^Oli^ ^iCl^ ( • Bros., Dur¬ ban’s and a large stock of all grades Shoes will be kept constantly on H«IWi. llfllld Pni>tip« PtHlltS WniltilKr \> 4(111111^ ^OCMlS 0*00(1 S Vf*PV Vt^Pj low tor Cash will do well to call. Durable Boots and Shoes a spe¬ cialty. C. MYERS, sept-31-t-o-o CRAWFORDVILLE, OA GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICE On All Kinds of Goods at the Store of JOHN W. DARRACOTT, (Mercier Building. West Comer of the Public Square,) V 17 ------— GEORGIA. I HAVE just returned from purchasing one of the largest and finest STOCKS of GOO DS that I have ever brought to this market. HANDSOME and VARY OUS ’ 'U' Stock embraces Dress Goods. Ladies’ Ware, of all kinds; ClothiM, Gents and Furnishing llouse-Furnisiiiag Goods, Shoes Goods, for Ladies’and Misses’, Gents and Boys ; Glass, OihMI ery and in a word, anything you can oall for. STYLE AND QUALITY. I have everything for a complete outfit and that of *«■*«-sS* the boot. I do not keen utiaddr ’ •**«"!«»■ 1 *“'»*““• «— <■ My Prices tliis Season are loW t -r than they have ever been : in fact they cannot put any lower, and if rwm ebeaperTi^any'hmise ou**the 3 R°r’ ' i! ® P ro ^" e y° H that goods cannot ba bM|M tret Ga a. . R. Your y patronage is . oct-19-U-in DABBAC0Tr< W. M. JACOBS GrOCCriCS UGC1 IvSj PllUlHtioil * lilHuHlUIl Slini>IiOS . Bagging aild rwy. TlCS^ -LjAV^J f f / \TT/ L V T )U lvT^VlVO, \ I >U (NjC. V/IVO, V ALL GOODS SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST PRIES. 170 Broad Street, (Bothwell’s Old Stand.) Augusta, octA-t-o-o ■ Georgia. ~ Benson iV Mereier, Cotton Commission Merchants, 1 ™ nanKful wi, tor ^°* tue liberal * Wwren patronage of Block. the people Augusta, of Taliaferro and Ga. adjoining countios A continuance of their favors. Will make liberal cask advances on 0n low rates of interest,.