The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, December 21, 1877, Image 4

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C1IA1CLES BERGSTROM'S COM M X. Dry Goods A Domestic DEPARTA1 HNT ton rt of Vro; 1 Prints of S' Sheet* 4 figs, Pocket i>niim#s, Oi JflAs, (’ Cff . m* r Satins or Italian C loth, Blw*clic4 Shir A pron eck II grides, Mr-'". ', ail qnnlitie*, Blanket*, Shawl*, Balmoral*, Honey-Comb Onilt*, very pretty, Fiitntiri* Jeans, of all kind*, grades. collars all qualities, Kersey*, differ¬ ent This department is well selected, as possi V>le with great care to suit the want* < f my customers, r ARE DEALING in qiifibtv and GUARANTEED price, F A II! and and MORE. CD A RI.ES BERGSTROM. m p!4 NOTION AND FANCY’ GOODS Department. Shirt Paper Bosom*, Collars. all NWfc-Tio«. kinds; Hamlkorfhiof*, and Scarfs, I*aj»^r, P*n#, Ink, Hair Ftiia, X<*<*dles f Knitting NYrHh’N ThhnMf s Ladies' Kid l*adi^»* Silk filovr**, Velvet and 1V< r%t*t1 1*1 o?***, JjBulif s' Ilf mi*, Corwin, ( i LACE frw f < lia Fancy Belt*, all p i lee* and mtaHfms ; lienta* f»Jmf*R, all ttnd*. Siupi iun r.H, Hutti.ns, Thread of all kind*. (Junta* from fotmnon to fin« -t, I*c*rkut Hooka, and pqrsi^, (***utV hoim*. madt* Shim double-lwK'om, Ijead p<*nc*iis, hupn^f’* TWrfgrt of !" my iiu!-. dork \! \* n ■ It • .* i!«an e 1 fffroffriWt) th#n» hfforo. 1 >> in*- and ut*. ✓ UAfa.KS HKK< X TKOM. Sept.21 HATS, CAPS andV'MRRELLA Dc jki r I in mi f. Men'* and Itov'a common wool hat*, >Ien'» and Hoy’* caps, mcdhiin wool hat.*, ►tiff brim wool hats, men’s home made wool 1 at*. Mm'* and Ren s’ Cn**imere hat*, Mot* 1 * and ltova’ common Ca*»lmere hat*, ■* medium “ “ «« “ fine large hrlnt hats “ Ii* aver hat , latest style, “ Mol* *li)n. hat fine nud prelly, “ Fine Fur mils, Mi n’ ■ Blue lubban hat. Fine ami eoitnnoh btiggv tnrihrellaa, line and common hand umbrwUt*. This depart. meat i« complete, nn<i cbe«p. ( UARLR.H BICRGSTROM. Hardware and Cutlery Thl* department Fork*, consist*, In part, of tRble Knives mid line, medium and com (able and tea spoons, pocket knive*. com¬ mon and medium barlow*, finest and beat make*, pocket knives, not barlow-., pocket knive*, medium, the finest of Rodger'*, nml other celebrated innki J, l.’a/oi . and Razor Straps, best, M'i-.or*, small hut good, medl nm those *lre, giMnl, the large best trimtnef laiy fln<* iukI good, lire of makes, aside your rusty old ptiit ami try m% new one*. Rail locks, all kind*. Those goods 1 wili sell on very reasonable form iiug.ll-t-o t IIARi.J BEKd.vniDM, Ulasswiiro, I'nrkriv ;mtl Tinware DEI’ARTMENT. ComrooD cupn n\u\ plain and i nii*t priniutf, |rc*n Ktam*, prntty nml ( hunp KnRu$h Unost, (.'liiitti pi*'ity ilislius a ml uliogp, IMuIhhcoju tnon to nit s^lzoii aiul pliant, Dlteh^r* niul btkwlM cumiiBm mul (UiuHt, oakem ilUTerunt ni/on ami pt'lcon, piukic Ktugnr GIhIh'h, uruatii pih hui «. pr« t rvu aiul GIkIius, Rhus nml fliSim bn*tur<li4iU’, ijiummim whii', t**Mil»Jf*ra, from common U* Gohluts, common bm<,4 jau” h to tlnust Hohi'inlnn rIusn, lantoiDv v< t v l ah!, 'Pur cofroo kov pit Ino ^, molaiHt .w pltcliursi, pot«, milk puns, { ‘bi*m an I strain W*. wash j»an«, slltuM mn v niinlw, liorsu I nml blin king lnu'hus, bore nml uuilo shous, j all rbunp. (’om«* nml * *\ l BAULKS BERGSTROM. Grocery Department. coffee, ftaRRinff, lea, salt. ties, bacon, spice, flour, ginger, meal, cloves, sugar, j nutmeg*, mustard, pepper, ti p, in and barrels, j | common and toilet soaps, candles, chewing and smoking tobacco, Mgar*, all kinds, I pipes, kero im> oil, nle ami up; , i leather, !‘u» mem!?m"’ ' M ,nun ‘' to Dm«: Departmont. Cuinlim, Really Morphine, 1 mulamun, I’aragoriu, Kadwav's Mi'l k Soothing Syrttp, IPorm caiidv, Simmon's T.lvcr Kegitmlor, Bradflehl’s Female UbHulutm*. Bliiu-Stom* ilors Sulphur, and other Cniliphor, 1 [one I’oiv many goods too tedious to mention. Boot iSL Shoe Department ! Men's hrog in ami plow shim*, men’s calf huff, sewed and pegged, men's calf, easy wearing sewed , melt’s nit emigres*. Uev I* and English lies, men’s common, ditchers, hunting, ilov.s' nuslnes Boots . calf and best makes ot wants, and *-]«,. . in gie*! va¬ riety. latdies' fancy kid, pretty and tine. Indies' fancy calf, ►owed - el pegged, ladies' I fancy lire moroeeo-*«*wi>«i .. : I pegged, old ladies' low I Rinl cut. Ml es‘ of ait grades 1 from t<4 taicsl uiorocco uiul ^op^cr UplKHI. DEADQr INTERS UKlUiSTKOM’S CLOTHING nV.rARTMENT. Baek Coats Fancy Cut Jl'iUlS, Doeskin*, Kntlmb *, t'ussiuieivs, *1 z Finest French Casslmers Eng. American " English" “ make and Gcrniau 11 It S.aimtts. S’-fT F’liicy doth Frock ( orIs dijuIc parties. of lliuck ortMot for wtHfilintL's ami Fan cy Frock Uoats. for parties and weddings, tkiutio of blue uio.ia clot n. l>lack Uotukin l nnt>. for ties Hliu-tx ILusktn 1 ants luedium lot weddings I .im I .a '.mere 1 ants, hreneb, L.nghsh, t*uman auvi 1U*1 FyNTK VESTS VND COATS, of all kinds n nd In the (iREATKST V UUKTY. Inlso hav* in s ■ hi* d ’•• •" ’ ' W lo, g f 'It , n 1 ... l — i rj $uif(!m<r i • dil rope CR A'VFORDY IEEE, GA., wlieix, i manufacture all kinds of ’Clothing, at tho .lowest possible price Fine over coats will be made to order, if your over¬ coats need work on it J can -avc you the trouble of buying a new one, by fixing work the old coat. Remember we can do as cheap#* can be done North or South, My prices for cutting ( oats, - $1.00 I'ants .50 cts. Vests. - • .50 ** t-iT Trim . flW7 \* Lmtool kW lV> Ii of \Aj W i . hens. ty ti .15 r A f y‘ n iUe low 1‘i.dO I IJ A J M ESS —A5D— Se-d dl os. 1 tak<‘ thi# loot hod of inffirminfi iny old 1 *tp and those «< «t»K -li'-patPe•nfie’iT lino, that 1 lif dn ('.a.. aiid am now j*r» pared to < '<• with all kinds of work in tho latest at vies. and Neatness 2 nd Dispatch, Parties v-ho have < id “.-addle-trees'* that they have* ber<»ftie atta ■d t can hare them filled out new, and as cheap as they can buy the saddle at whoiesale price*, 1 AH -oi k warranted for 12 months, Address me at Fenfield. Ga. .). S. BARNWELL. aug3l-t-o-o l-.r-KE ttCU’ir. Hf.Pr’Y. I A I*.. « TUB CI3 13 NAT I w UJ ;;ly stab, • p< r TCI. \ \ ‘ - '• r. *i lilt; I* a t • V S’ i* t**m (Li' ? ASAKT' 325.: gjfroteB l ■ ‘r tr 4 ''MI! UfiaSia . % j I a J 4--:4 y> : -m |u n ( i{ L’ii ■' ! r r \ vs.T-r I h:M rr %« f-isaHH . ! ' -v-S " ., . s'ViariJie4B s.... .. .i—■ if&A iirdm&W m 1 aj*riH,i877-1^Y FOUTZ 3 S CKLKIUIATU) HoiSO __ GDI 1 UattlG ... , ,. — rOWuCTS. v *i uia i>rv;tu(Hiioa t lor,x Rud ro4nviiJor*^P faroraWy k no ou, will thoroughly jpi * broken down Kiul low-splrit« cluwilil <1 borne*, n by utrengDttssiiu# oud tho l a •Umi tch and iuu»tin«t* V.av—.• > A . v H Is a tfuro preventive of 4i ULANULUH, a IncDJcnt In.ddctf. to til tbs.i this animal.tin mi I rival Bn. i , oj o * LIAi> 111 V 1 1 K V K B. Y 1UA>W vti'k, h::avfa cotunr.'i. i»r.s. 1. I.OSSOV Ml'KB, All b i VI WITH luL roll M DKB, ASU V1TA1* I S FKUY, ka. It* us* improve# the wind, iho /JT'PWiU— Jl give* nsmooth a*.d glassy skin—and t forms the miserable skeKtoa ^ />1 Laui a hue-looking and iritoi horse. ij' ‘ niiYL''r , Mik '^ > *L keeper# cf Cow* Oils prrpam* tifm is iavaluable. Jt is a gura pte* vohtive apainst Rinderpest, Hallow <w Horn. Ote. It bus been proven h/ dctuid experiment to incrotss tho quantity »*f milk ami cream twenty h pcrc«‘nt. and malo the butter firm nml sweet. In fttiuninf? cattle, it P’tra them an #pprOt«, luust iii tAvii" Euic, a«ii Bakes tliciutUuvc much i.u-uir. In #D »>f t>wi . tr-ich rs Coughs, TU^en la the Luftffff,l.ivtw,&o,iUi.d ffpeelfle. artiK? sots ...___ a D.v pu ulnar f:t»m emo- V0 half » uajM'r to n ^>aper In a bam l of dr ' \ . •will U\e Rbovedtsea ftffe* wlUtw*fnuU- N OAtctl or onUrdy vrevoulctj. If given ylh m In t'tuo, 111# • certain Ucg tm>veutiv<) aui ftttrv lor x nolem DAVID £7vODTZJpEopriotor, BALTIMORE, Md. f?,1 Vv UuitevlSUUvs, Urnswlftt s situl OftnadftandHAmvrtea StorekeuptMs t h rough out uv Ur Sale bj II. s. sMlTIl,Di. jc-is-TT-J-y Crawfottli die, Ga. Dr. Wm. It. Durham, >tu\t y , s, OuL'thovpe county, Georgia, , Treats with gr- it suwess all chronic dl S ,*nst‘s. In connection with Um roffulnr pruc tioe lie combines that of the hue disttn guished Dr. I„ Durham,diseased, of Clarke tin. Hr, Durham's ^utetiee is not con* W * W 1 ........... .... t ■ ' e.u p.itt- ’ : .* ami mi’ ’ : ; zlmAmrm ■“ r..; ; i>i a\ »*! > i \. ’ i ,\ • ' ’ a i v tit a wt 1,1,-.. • ..... ,\ . - ■ ,t C mu . i: . \. a. Dtv -1. Viiis, in, ip.out < Kvil, or nmption. Sick and Dyspepsia, .Nervous Serofnln HoadaeNe, or Kings Fits, Disease* of the Eye and Ear, Diseas ul ! v. K S. IF >: 1 >;S, a —. , Dis,rises peculiar to fe males family a specialty. When you have give)} arc your not cured, physician writ® to a fair Dr. trial, Durham and your you symptoms iu full, your age, ,v,\, with stamp. commutiicaiions strictly confidential. All . auglT-b-m If subject to billions sih-Rs. take Dr. Durham’s BLOOD lTRUTEH. Large and fine lot of L illies' Cloaks, cheat', at 0. MYERS’. Blsaehir ' MYEKU per van! M. Grange' Warehouse Removed to So. 1 Warreif Block, Augusta, Ga. THE PLANTERS UNION AGENCY Continues the COTTON COMMISSION’ BUSIN ESS as heretofore. Commission for Selling Cotton 50c. Per Bale. ^agojtcr day or month 2’ic. Per Bale. 15c. Per Bale. CASH OPDEBS FOB GOODS PROMPTLY FILLED. We *4 IW have secured the servi *» of Mr. A. G. LaTaste as Bookkeeper, and Geo. C. Robinson as Scaleauian. sep.2S,18T7-h-m F.Y.BURDELL.S up't. t AI V F Mt & MARCUS ^ JOBBERS IN !> I? X !aOODS, IVotxo * s, Hosiery, BOOTS, SIIOl ^IIATS, & CLOTTING The undersigned respr ctfully Gform the merchants of Taliaferro and surrounding eountie* that their hall NtiK’k is novicomplete, and in price and assortment is uneouailed Vy any that has ever been brought i this marke t. A special feature of our business i* the establishment of a » f WH;,! LEfilA T .T?t SHOE -VVi) HAT IIOUSI A W store Entirely will distinct be found from the our largest Dry uml,be Gnodd t -elected Notions stock and of other SHOES department*. and IIATS In our new lmd, and feel satisfied that the we have ever we it wtUoe to interest of purchasers to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. \ MYERS & MARCUS, sept.28,1877-j-y : 280 and 288 llroad Street, Augusta, Ga. F RANKHN BROTHERS, Uotfoii Uoinniigsion Merchants, 159 -Reynolds Street, Augusta, - - Georgia. Special attention given to the weight* and sales of cotton. Libera! advances made ou consignments of cotton. j sep28,l877-h-m \ quarters or First Class and FASl IJ ON ABLE DRY GOODS In opcnittR the Fall Season,^ wo take pleasure in placing before our friends ami the State*eoli*i»tlnjj public geiierally the in part most of complete stock Of Dry Goods ever displayed in the Southern a .Magnitu'etit line of Black Silk*. \!1 the new shades in Colored Silks—various grades. T lie most decided novelties in Colored Dress Goods. Black Goods of every description. Hosiery, Notions, Corsets, Ties, Gloves, Linens. Damasks, ('ns ;imeres, flannel ^ Our Cloaks—to arrive—will be equal to any ever exhibited in New York, London or Paris. To summarize : We offer a stock of Full DRY GOODS which in every dc partment for variety, elegance itud chenpnes*. stand* GRAY unrivalled. C0„ octr.-1877-h-m .IAS, A. & Augusta, t*a. CELEBRATED ! The Old Firm of CHRISTOPHER GRAY & CO •1 AUGUSTA, SAVANNAH and NEW YORK. famous for Honest Goods. l famous tor IOw prices. anions lor courtesy to customers. Dry Goods offered _ VV, have now completed the large ; a".d best assorted Stock of ever We are prepared to offer Extra Indue, .nents to CUSTOMERS, and are able to do so for the FOLLOWING REASONS: ■ ini Q/\vy o' * *\ i\U, x - / i -« I. tfi'E > buy for C ASH and save the charges for credit HlvVSON l\ ij. V NO *2* 'Vhiel. is fully, ,mlv in per aeelnrm.UolarmTbuve, cent. ,, Ute'discoimt "sayat the least five percent,. S 1 ^ 4 \ O Or lv laiye sales enable us to conduct our % si ness 1 Pi AM L\ A 1 ) 6. wlth^^roportrmmte expenses, at least o per cent GRAND REASON WHI TOF SHOP LD ■RTTV TI’ROiM! _ "0’S l . Wc give our customers the benefit of the entire 20per ct„ or 20c. on every dollar. We will seU ali ! n] DomesHo, SiiU at ib'-ieri. thfi s*®e price as the Factories or ttmir Agents, Dwss u Notions, etc., at «,r own importation at New York prices. W, will give special attention to Dealers wishing to buy their Fall Stock*. > i d f<>: samples. Freight prepaid on orders amounting to S10. oct26-1877-b-m C. GRAY & CO., Augusta, Ga. T. MARK WALTE1 e's- . M A R BLE WORKS % Broad Street, near Lo'flrer Market, Augusta, ■ - Georgia. 7 ‘ Mm nents. Tombstones and Marble Work generally made to order. A larg . ,ilw:iy* P.-ml r»’.’{di f< r ictti ring .iit,l delii orin-s -ep - • t-" CONSUMPTION M OSllt^ ( I\ C II rt 41. A!!-uff.r,rs fr,m this disease that are anxious to In* cured should try Dr. Kisiner’a Celebrated Powder-, Consumption Powders. These are the only preparation known that will ■ ire Con -umpCtm and all diseases of tie- Tnroat and Lungs—indeed, so strong is our faith tn them, and also to convince yoo that they are no humbug, we will for ward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free Trial Box. We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative "powers, IrJ.ifcurfxor^' If your life is worth saving, don't delay in tria,>as !bey ' 3 * wU! Price, for "large box. @3.00, sent to anv part of the United states or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, ASH dr BOBBIN'S, 3«'>o Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. V. nov30,1877-j-y UIN GEARING Shafting —AND— Bolts CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE AT THE FOREST CITY FOUNDRY —AND MachineVUorks, AUGUSTA, : GEORGIA, Engines, Cotton Screws, Mill Gearing and Machinery of all kinds made and Re paired. Geo. R. Lombard & Co., may25,1877-j-v. Proprietors. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Por Diseases of Ihe Throat and Lung*, / - such as Coughs, Colds, \ Whoopi me -aa. Jm P Bronchitis, Asthxx^ ' and Consumption. The reputation it has attained, in consequence of the marvellous cures it lias prodneed during the last half century, is a sufficient assurance to the public that it will continue to realize the happiest results that can be desired. In almost every section or country thero aro persons, publicly known,who have been restored from alarming and ! even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. All who have tried it,acknowledge its superiority; and where its virtues are known, no one hesitates as to what medicine to employ to relieve the dia tress sad suffering peculiar to pulmonary affeo Uons. CiiERitr Pectoral always affords to stant relief, and performs rajjid cures of the milder varieties of bronchial disorder, as well ae the mol? formidable diseases of the lungs. A; a safeguard to cul. , ‘h' cl h amid the distress¬ ing diseases whlc2 beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable; tv. r . by its timely use, multitudes aro rescued and restored to health. This medicino gains friends at every trial, a» the cures it is constantly producing aro too re markable to be forgotten. No family should be without it, and those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend it from their knowledge of its effects. PREPARED BY Dr J. C. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD DY ALL DEUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. IllIIARDS & LE(Al EN, Agents, foblO-jo-m CBAIVFOBDVJLLE, GA. Ayer’s Hair Vigor 9 For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and ef¬ ft'*- fectual for pre , serving hair. Faded the JMML - -I, hair ot gray is soon mWEUg+MMtFfr *8»nl!SKN liW’ original restored to color, Ut with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Noth mg? can restore the hair where the fol!i c les are destroyed, ^ or the glands atrophied and dec ye d. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or baldness. falling off, Free and consequently prevent tiom deleterious substances which make some preparations dan gerous, and nyunous to the hair the \ igor can only benefit but not harm jt. If wanted merely’for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir¬ able. Containing does neither cambric, oil nor dye, it not soil white and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. i Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. RICHARDS N LEG WEN, Agents, feblfi-jo-m CRAWFOBDYILLE, GA. Just received a fine Stock of gentlemen’s Hats C. MYERS. MAKE HOME HAPPY! 'I'HE undersigned begs leuve to inform hi* has lust receive a “fine foto^AUTOT 01 "ALNLT MOULDINGS for PlCtllTS —. . A r T5TT ItUiaCd. 05 _ *J . and C cheaply « n ®w prepared to frame as neatlr as it can he ,j«„e aurwherw Don’t forgot when you need frames' of any SIZe or kind > to call on, or address, A. H. GORHAM, *ep.28,1877-t-o-o Ccawfordyilla, Ga, Tax Collef tor’s Notice. T an ALL . 1 t hooks, -*■ 0 T*' n my and be ready to receive . Taxes from thelst the 1st of October to Cement o of fJ>coaber. laws and ask aw early Wb make as it will i W save troabi* AWT ui us friends. S. SMITH. M.D 'f AUEA T, iRAWFOKDVILLEGA. Keeps constant ly on IiandafuJI assortment •£ Paints, DRUGS, Oils, Segars, Liquors Glass, Tobacco, Etc., Etc., Etc, Has also on hand the celebrated rhenmati* medicine the “ Wine of Seven Barks.” 1 Toilet * Fancy Articles, Garden Seeds, &«. Octl2to-o WHO IS IT That docs Not Admire ir Ireial mm •"lU ■e*m. SI \ TEE T I M E S UI w a* o iffhP, ST W ! ? s4igpAg — n - Cheapest and Best —IN— AMERICA, A.K. CHILDS & CO. Athens, Ga. PS f.vj _ , j f|U RICHARDS & LEGWEU, Agents. Crawfordville, Ga. arg ?4 b-m