The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, May 10, 1878, Image 1

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THE AJRUyeNfeiikly ^flbyislied. Eve#* Pa^fci) Friday on Morning, Live Issue* T* at Cnrwferdviile, Ga. 7 f«D-wtiLIV AH. Proprietor RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy, (one year ) . . . s 2 00 Single Copy, (six months,) . . .. 1 00 Single Copy, ythree montns,) . . 50 IST Advertising rates liberal. HOOK and JOH PRINTING a specialty. Prices to suit tie times. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ---- —— - ijfev Kfrolvf #2.50. Owr 100 latest Novelties Ag u WAuLed. So.sayyijCo Swdtv apr 12,’78-jy OPIUM and Morphia* h*Mt cored. The Original »*•< onlva-.FoJuU cu*t: *»*»-» lot l>c«lt o» Opium E-ting, t-n V R Squir*, Yt urUangwn. Grtsena Co H lad. aprl2.’7«-j-y PRESCRIPTIOH FREE! yor the stfoedy Cure of .Seminal Weakn /eaKnesa. I>*t j4arih'X>»\ and o\\ disor*\erM ?rs bw or. by indis cretlon or excess. W. JF4k€^l A Any ny Drugei Druggist K% €’0.« has the No. ingTe- 130 dfe.its. I>r. an . n. Mot Slkth street* i loflunatl, O. aprl2,’78-j-y Tba Remedy *f the ltfh Cratary. umoe Barham’s Infallible PILE CURE. f / g Btrham Manuftctured PueOtMCo., huAra, by the K. C. ss JiABit^ sa It Piles, sever when fails to a cure cure Reuorrhoide is possible. or Prlff I,>-t and boaa fide ioilmwltll funuakod on application apr!2,’78-j-y 60 Vi Brokers. No. 12 Wall Street, New York, make desirable investments in stocks, which frequent¬ ly pav from five to twenty times the amount in¬ vested. Stocks bought and carried as- long as de aired on deposit and weekly of three reports per cent. sent free Explanatory Circulars apr-12,’78-j^y DR. RICE, 31 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., physician Cures «l and Ifom# the . or private, chronic and eexoal dUeasea, Spermatiiv SasSb^sw*^' Constitution free and invi' MMlcorrespoodenoo •trictir confix * A PRIVATF Of *» paiea, r-nt to »n. i'30) cent.. Should h Office hours from a A. apri2, 1 ?8-j-’ V Vi fCrl*. is ' . T he Democrat. . V - V [: i: Vol. 2. POETRY. _ Why, Bless Her, Let Her Go. Some time ago I fell in love, With pretty Mary Jane, And I did hope that by and by She’d love me back again, Alas! my hopes a-dawning bright, Were all at once made dim ; She saw a chap, I don’t know where, And she fell in love with him. Xext time 1 went— (now how it was I don’t pretend to say)*— But when my chair moved up to hers, Before Why, hers would move away, Hal ways got a kiss (I own with' some small fuss,) But now, forsooth, for love or fun, ’Tis non-come-at-a-bqss. ► Well, there we sat, and when we • Our conversation dwelt •On everything beneath the sun Enjoying Except what this most we felt. Who then should delightful mood, But he of all the world just whom step in, I Ilad rather see than him. He A . ?.d’,r“,,SA”a?'X ,. pressed her hand ,M ” > An&XwSXfoi within his own— ; So fresh and bright him, and red, A Wafshru m nkr d^andTea^l'^ And she could freely, gladly sing The son" lie did request; The ones I aske 1 were just the ones She always d't' detest. I rose to leave—t he’d be so glad To have me longer stay ! No doubt of it! No doubt they went To see me go awe"' 1 it TV Crawford ville, -10, 18TB. sence still: yet, this day, ’mid its pain a sweetness, since, otherwise, I might not have read the words: “Betore our separation 1 did not rea lize how much I loved you. Oh, I pray it may not be long ” “It shall not be long,” I murmured. “My darling, it shall uot be long.” And I pushed, from that moment, with a quite frenzied determination, the busi¬ ness which had summoned me home. B(t£ fate dallied. Days passed, and weeks; the roses were fading it Gysie’s garden, and "till, perforce, I stayed. At tirst I found comfort in letters ; it was solace to rain kisses on my darling’s ! miniature. But a time came when these : did not suffice. I chafed impatiently, and was on the point, at any risk, of j bursting the shackles which so' piteously i chained me there. j Suddenly, there came a blank. Days passed, and no letters came to my table. : DW*. m M*. I to— ; no answer there. But the blank only | made to my rae passion anxious with oni daily >' luade increasing me cUna trust aUd 1,01Je ’ S °’ «“ thC SeqUel Ca “ K i It was a tempestuous, rainy e\ emng 1 walked homeward, past Gysie’s garden, j to see the wind beating down the roses; I to see the last lilies bent, wilted to the j ground. I walk^ horn-’— -a —' Strange fafetil plays with human hearts. VVithovj that revelation, this had never beenU ^ K™e through life dead-he*. R> the deepest r possessed. But so, emotions «i Gradually hippily, it ordained. fiom the swc* evening, the clouds lifted—liftedold love deml to show the jew love than enthroned—less its young preiio frenried, iDi cessor, but duvo'ed-a love that could never dp. NeverthtA*.. , yM. I blindly ; I h>:d lost a treasure I could not reclaim :.>r to her—though infl nitely purer ■ <eper I k " e * it ~ to her whom » v :irs afiect. m had ^Jight ed, I blushed to liter my second love To remain a mi be silent, the time had past. Thereuntil be no further vacilla tion ; on the mf niw I must go. It was a dreary journey I was forced to take. Throw* ->ver and delirium through mffti weary hours, through long stage*® emercS unconsciousness sweet voice from which I to hear a say: “Oh, ifcigb—dear Hugh, I have loved you so !**• To see tlte blue eyes suddenly averted ; to hear the same voice strive quietly to say: “You hav< been very sick, de tr IT 1 '"'' the de-r T Xo w 19. POETRY* -----------■■ -- [Fur the Democrat.] Musing. ,/ Musing, musing. the whole day trBBgh, On aU than, j n f utu ritv peering, regretting the -gone, J ^^^'^^^j^^rehJlng. ) Musing, musing, and day* glide by— welfare Comes not In the musing tis all here, kere ; le 8 Musing, musing, and months roll on— ffiSd d” moving flowcrs^uVer, hither, thither, strange scenes are Stm refusing. • Musing, musing, and years gone by iv the “^opened the artastto musing the “the “’might now have and he«n,;; then; cost of “Coat ov akms. >l»y 1st, 1878. ____ UISCKLLANVo'-' the democrat. ADVEKTMIMU KAYE*i One Square; first insertion . • • 1 Ok Quartet One One One Halt Square,eeehvubw<n»nVln*e*w*. Square, Square, Column Column Column* three twelve twelve twelvemonth* twelve months month* month* montltf . . • . * . • • • luv }* SSSiSS . t«T One Ineh or Lew considered a* * square. We have no fraction* of a square, all fractions of squares will be counted a* | squares. Liberal deduction* mads^u Con¬ tract Advertising. - — them a more iady-Mke avpeara" 0 ^ in disgusting, and often terminate* in Take some share of the housekeeping £ d make yourself responsible for it. »j have younger brothers or siatens, ou Ciin in their training; help them with their lessons; take, for your special duty, the care of the wardrobe of pertain ones of the family ; and make vourselves useful in uianf ways too numerous to mention. There are ah j (jte p S f or willing feet, and woik for xiHin* tamto. i j^w a lady who a j ^ her daughters were uot only smart, sensible gills, but grew to be V( , r y intelligent, refined, and accomplish¬ ed ladies; and she always required them to take part in every branch of house - keening—from garret to cetlar, from l>a rlor to kitchen, the dairy and poultry ■. included. I know thoee ladiss now, rtnd they are good wives, devoted mothers, sud model housekeepers. j A fleet i<'" --'any kind Is disgusting;