The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, March 25, 1881, Image 1

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The Democrat. A Live Weekly Paper on Live Issue* Published Every Friday Morning, at Crawfordville, Ga. H. 2. Andrews, Proprietor. RATES OF 8URSVUTPTT0X: Single Single Copy, (one year,) . . 8 1 50 Single Copy, Copy, (six months.) . Ti (three months,) . . . so If Advertising rates liberal. BOOK and JOB PRINTING a specialty. Prices ta suit the times. Hotel Cards. ; QLL5AKD HOUSE, I 1 CLATTOX STESXT, SEAS POST-OFFICE, ATHENS. GEORGIA. Booms all carpeted. Good sample rooms for Commercial Travelers. A. D. CL1NARD, Proprietor. "VTATIONAL HOTEL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, E. T. WHITE. Propririor. This House is now complete with its im¬ provements, viz.: The addition of a third story, giving thirty-three additional rooms, every-1 capacity thing now seventy-five more, all with the fresh and bright and modern imprevements. Being situated the Depot nd j near con venient to the business houses, he Na- , tional, newly renovated Inducements and refurnished, Travel¬ offer, superior to the ing Public. Special Rates. $2.00 per day. rates for longer time GLOBE rjMIK HOTEL, CORKER EIGHTH AND It HOAD STREETS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is centrally located, and within five min¬ utes’ walk of a'l the principal Business Houses, Banks, Post Office, Public Build¬ ings, Oflkes Union and Express Depot, Opera House, Telegraph Sjreel Ofliee. cars pass the door, going foal! parts of the city and vicinity, every five minutes during The Houser the day. veniences of M supplied first-class with Modern all the Hotel, con¬ a a and is all especially convenient well facilities located, and provided with for Commer¬ cial Travelers carrying samples. bells. Each Telephone room connected with the office by attachment with the city and Summerville in the office for the accom¬ modation of guests. G. 8. ATKINSON & SONS, Pron’rs. Foim erl y of Clem ens House. Danville, Ky i mHaMtMdWC- SiA. . Railroad Notices. I Georgia llailroa-d -AND BANKIXG Co SOrEEINT ENIir.KT'S OlTICE. I Avgehta, Ga.. Nov. 3th. ltwo. /COMMENCING SUNDAY, 7th in.tas the following passenger schedule wii fie operated : «o. 1 west—DAILY. SO. 2 EAST— oati.v " Lv. £ Lv. Atlanta 7 :15, a r, “ Macon 2 Athens !i:15 a iu S “ C’wfM’lJ lS;33p U *Ar'v/ i"3v*n ’ll £ LV.WashV’n MHlf'tfgTi 2;10 p ot 12 p £ i A:i5 p ro Athens 3 p 3 v Macon ti:45 p Til Atlanta 5 n 5 r Augusta 3:47 p m KO. 3 WEST—DA11.Y. NO. 4 EAST—DULY. I.v, Augusta 5::ui p ! m mlAr. Lv. Atlanta 8:45 U:0lia fi in Lv. Cr'fv’ll 9:32 p OTdv’ll m Ar. Atlanta 6:00 a in Ar. Augusta 7:00,a in |®” No connection to or from 5V,T.->!iii;„' ton on SUNDAYS. *. K. JOHNSON, K. l’ass’cor K. DOHSEY, Agent. Supeniitcndcnt. M(iv2.!»'!). Gun. nfefkA.AS rxzA K-ra.'T' 'r' w- wryr*T:-j«~*.-?*4rr*-? i«iiryrvVT. q»ayvTi . .Huaicul Uomc.s Arc fiti.pjiy Homes. Make your homos musical, anil happi¬ ness will surely come. Nothing like Music to drive away care and soothe the troubled breast. If yon haven’t a Pi¬ ano or an Organ. f#t one. If you have one already, get some new Music, and tunr up. The best and cheapest way to get the Music is to subscribe to the Southern JWnsicoi Journal and let it visit you monthly through 1881. It will only cost 81.25, and each monthly number gives 81.00 worth of beautiful Music, bAh Vocal and instrumental. Semi your address and a 3 cent postage stamp to the Publishers. Ludden A Bates, Sa¬ vannah, Ga., and they will mail you a •pecimen copy. LANDRETHS’ Ml EEDSKBEST not sold in SSS1001 i get them a Po*tal logne and Price*. Tht Old* ’de*t and mott extcnrtvt Seed Qrorcer* in the 7 ’ State*. DAVID LANI>lt£*TH A 80N8,PffiUDL,rA. oct.27,’80.j-y. A. A K 1 e a *s •:... .... J7, ISAFQ ; ; a w 1 r * Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of Rare Value, and is a POSITIVE Remedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the dower.part Headaches—Jaundice—Dizziness, of the body—for Torpid Gravel, Liver— Malaria, *nd all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary Menstruations, Organs. For and Female dur¬ Diseases, Monthly ing Pregnancy, it has no equal. It restores the organs that make the blood, and hence is the best Blood Purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures Bright’s Disease. For Diabetes, use » arner’s Safe Diabetes Cure. For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers at Si.25 per bottle. Largest bottle in the market. I r? it, II . H. WARNER & sCO ’ Rochester. N. Y. Nov.l0,’80,n-m. At C. Myer», 4-4 Sheeting, 8c. a yard, —-----—- E5f~ Childs Suits, Childs Mens Overcoat-, Suits, Bovs Suits, Boys Overcoats, Mens O' e coats. Everything very cheap. -C. A.Davis &Co. Ladies’Fancy Ties-tijcU C.Mx'Elti’. Vol. 5. ORGANS'” $125 Paper free. SiTWA F. up. Address Daniel Beatty, Washington, X. J. ' ---------- rpACHERS WASTED. W .... all spring and summer. For particulars ad- 1 ! dress J. C. McCurdy & CO., Philadelphia, p». —-------: THE KL'USU OF THE WORLD f , HALFORD ' iji SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. FI.OVTEB FRESH & ItEl.IABLF,. OY?T?T'vC’ VI * True to name, in neat, M I . l t ' packets, with cut, dcs scription and ciiPurc. Catalogue free. 7 For 25c. 5ye., 32 for $ 1 . 00 , Post paid. F. E. McALLlSTER, 31 Fulton St., New York, “HOMES IS TEXAS.” 1« THE TITLE OE A Newly Illustrated Pamphlet Descriptive of the country along and tribu¬ tary to the line of this International Great Northern Railroad, and contains a good county map of the State. It also contains the names and ad¬ dresses of Farmers and Planters in Texas who have Farms for Sale or Rent and those who will want Farm Hands for next year. A copy of this hook will mailed free to those who desire reliable iu formation about Texas, upon application by GEORGE PAGE & CO.l \ Blaunfucturprs of \ Patent Portable Clroular “ ~ SAW MILLS ’ll SUfiSBUy ud PertiUoB m ^ STEAM ENGINES 1 5 5 . SCHBOEDEJt BT., it BALTIMOBE, MD. Bend for Cotalooae PARKER’S GINGER TONIC I Ginger, Rnffin, Mandrake, gtllllngla and Emany bined other skillfully of the in best Parkbr’s medicines Ginger known Tonic arc com¬ so *i as Sgtomakr ihe greatest Blood Purifier and the ’ Best Health and Strength Restorer erer used. 1 It cures Dyspepsia. Rheumatism. Neuralgia,^ Sleeplessness, Bowels, Lungs, and Liver. ail Kidneys, diseases of Urinary the Stomach,* Organs* and all Female Complaints. \ If you are wasting away with Consumption __ or, any disease,use the Tonic to-day. will Nomatter help what* your symptoms may be, it surely drunkenness,] you. | Remember! This Tonic cures different is the Best from Family Bitters, Medicine Ginger ever Preparations made,_ entirely anJ| < other Tonics, and combines the test curative prop-) ertiesofall. Buy a 50C. bottle of your druggist.. None genuine without our signature on outside* wrapper. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Tke bust and m^st «eo Bomb ul Hair Dtesstog rage;. pa y TESTIMONY OF BRUGGISfS. We have been selling “Swift’sSyphilitic Specific anything ” for years, known and regard science, it far supe¬ rior to to for the diseases it is recommended to cure. We have never known Thomasviils,Ga. of a single, failure. S. J. Cassets, Hunt, L, F. Greer Rankin A Co., A Lamak, Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. Ga. Pemberton, Samuels & Reynolds, At¬ lanta, Ga Atlanta, Ga., July 1, 1S74. We have been using “ Swift's Syphilitic Specific” in the treatment of convicts for the last year, and believe it is tin? only cer¬ tain known remedy diseases that will which effect it a perma¬ nent cure of for was recom¬ mended. Grast, Alexander Jt Co. *1.000 REWARD. Will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis of one hundred bottles of S. S. S., one particle of mercury, iodide potassium, or any mineral substance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Pro¬ prietors, Atlanta, Ga. Call for a copy of “Youm; Men's Friend.” Sold here by Dr. II.S. Smith. Hunt Rankin A Lamar Atlanta Ga, Wholesale Agents. April28,1879. j-y. .fftCTFT p s L!JJ Tt ^ 9 m r-: ‘ ■■■Cl. hm tteR s There is no civilized nation in the ern Hemisphere in which the utility tetter's Stomach Bitters as a to:i ! e, ..... tive, and anti-bilious medicine, k:. >v .11 and apprt ciated. While ■ - ic.ine for all . asons and all eKrii:n>-. it csp -ciaily suited to the complaints crated by the weather, being the and best vegetable stimulant In the For saic apply" by Drnggists and Dealers, whom for Ilostettcr’s Almanac iu«l. Many citizens of Crawforvillc Talifeno tr .de with C. A. Ihivis k Co Greeneshorci', Ga. The Democrat CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 25 , 1881 . S 10 0 B SSKSKtSRS'.iSr.S profitable The business business that anyone can learn, engage. in. is so easy to our instructions are so simple and plain. 'jj* “J £”"ilSS U P? “K en to Bo « urk >* am - f““ J S 1 ? 1 en ?. ca »re " *“i‘ as rn successful lar <? e sums as - - Many w have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a single week. in« like it ever known before. All who en Rage are surprised at the ease make and rapidity with which they are able to money, A ou can engage in tins business during ^W5^?afir!!iC%.iSJ8a2 Address Truk A Co., Augusta, Maine. Noy.4,’80.j-y. ‘V WM b« mailed r»n to ail appUaiMJ, and in men without S£WL£ plan ting; iktf ot gSiftfiSEftS varieties Vegetable and Flower Seeds, PlanU, K^aas, etc. Invaluable to all. JtUkifsm erown saadi wilt ba Arand mom reliable for plautiag in the £0*44 than show gr-owa la a warmer climate. We make a special!? of wpplrW 3 “ Planters, Track D. men M. and FJBBY Market liardtun. Addraaa, Mich. a CO., Detrait. Dee..8th,’so.b-t erw. fc’8* ?• fco/J a »'&} «k '/At'i'tj '4» & $ ff i&ljsfll Rv'fl «rT £| ii® Art* - -^i * ! umcomAm, ■1 cmnPAim &nd puss. ■ * -A “ d * , “ J Fairchild, of Bt. AUmnn, Vt„ «iy*, “It Is ■ 1 3 5 ° Twift-l'ids from v luo. rtlbd After n years of great -. and Co-tiv*»ueBs it torn- .. ' ;• qj turoil mo," * r a C. H. of T^crV»h!r© ftays, *‘Ono paok ; 2 ha.4 drtuo wondei-* for wo tu completely enr in.r a f*av«ro IJvtr ftud Kidney Complaint.*' in KiTUEtt i.r«>ni) on put forh ‘ 8 kr ms b i C.f;~sE23S5S i i fiTacvo It gets ca the LIVER, ROWELS u end E1BXLTS itt the fescue tlsne. y Tianaiuic it chanzea tho ?yct*m cf the poison - * crus kune, a tl.stt develop# in li.idnajr and Url ;i itr-ry Kiea«aoe,iJliiou3ccff3, Jaxmdloe, Consti i ^ .Toxvous ;v.tion, Piles, rider• cr , in av.d Ehevunatisa, Female Cotuplainta. Keuralcla •y « 5 j .«ro hi u rHisrutvpin 1>ry V*3«t.mblc Form, In wr a .w,v'.fe.v*Rsi«awa ^<4 . ~ tkica -na. »uo Lthc Hfl^ o^ wjuieU_ »uakwa »U k IZT qpwrt* of raefiluini WAIto la Lifiuiil Fomvrery ruled, i nwarv erv- *si«?*e»zrxaarnx. - .. .--------------- f;|fl VST far tho conronionc# of those that cannot 3 g-rapw«>'Jwa»feC.w>rg*aw i efeia.^’.-M f * equal efficiency [1 m SEesilSli \ M GET IT ATTr*E VRUOOTSTB, rP-ICK.fl.OO 1$ i j Vi’KLIiS, UK'Ilk UDSOX A CO., Prop’s, (WII oertd the dry Hf nf lYLTDV, VT. DiC.15,’80.j-y. GHAY’;? SPECIFIC MEJMSCINE. 'RAD£ rnA-A, The Great TRADE MARK -v.— UngllKli'lleni edv. An un RT-M-WS rSi Seminal faHi »« cure Weak- f ‘>r r.’j ness, Sperma- £.5* . t torrhea, Impo -*®SOT13 , ■* to.ncy, and all diseases that »GQK£ r«(il»>w, as a AFT£3 TAiiGE. sequence of Self-Abuse ■ as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Vain iu the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to in ssauity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. which J*?“ Full particulars in our pamphlet, wc desire to send free by mail to every one. Li?" The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at St per package, or six packages for §5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt THE of the money MEDICINE by addressing. GUAY CO., Mechanics’ Block, Detroit, Mich. MF Sold in Crawfordville ami every where by all druggists. Nov.2L187P.i-v. ‘ l Application for permanent Letters °f Administration. GBORGIA —Taliaferro County. 7T. \ T 11 P.RF.AS Charles E. Knox lias ; applied to for permanent let¬ y me ters of Administration on the Estate of Daniel A. Williams late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they can on or by the first Monday in April next why said letters should not lie granted: Given under my band and offiicial sig nature, tois Maicli 2nd. 3881. LllAULiLo A. ij|iA/i!;J!iX « { Ordinary T. C. j ‘ Thc> k?urv»t »uaBaEagasax5E' ad I»<*t Sietllclno nBSsacssaBJ 31;tdn. ! 13 a evnr Ac9lnifaliiflt*io& of Pope, Cuchiiy Wan- ; Y-raLyO an pMtiic best and t ,At '* 5 iu-vt tiTf <? r.i rJi other Bitters, ire - \Attc feicb.*.' : - : S. ^C -l X urifiQr, Liver u n tor, , •Ltd a i Li I^i o'fUiJ Health KtBtoriu^ l -,.'irin-'.ra»3i»2KL» ---a «utn. I \nC\ tO-V-C ».rj pos*r*>ly lonir exist vhrrr- Hop : a n svod^o v&rt«ed a-ad \jc. its cl *.r? li*oir ' r ,*•: t yS-^f- 2 tis izZr ?, , ■*■■■ -i: \iLow e f ■riLt'Cts ciuus irrr Irrr'"n r ~il*u, * of tbc lx. wf.iffor v. ibssssh; /i, . n» *“h' ') i >. ttopBlttci-aare riir'-i an Appt.’*^' liival^* 11 uaUc, without jtirtor ® Icatlre. sutiiAhoKt'*r\s9Xyor\Tl rympb ' | i f >or -tti . i arc what th<* vr*j* diseass untilyc,.-. or ail'^ nr ro ' nt «ic*f to u *^ but; Hop if you fit- fi f I ter*, I only fc'llxA cr rc.iixn .'*at **»jndrcdA onro* I l5ff kr a areToarJi*.*. jg* a^ed S500 wi’.lbcr'i'i '>j acal^ thpy ^ril\ fl I cure or heltK Do not rtiSTer * yowr fricn-j*? ea.Tcr,*«. t oReand flop nr?-o Bitter** tbeia^k is ^ * Ja ® Hop ^ ^ •> VjmcT.hpT, r*rinfe'-n n-Htmia, but the n L • C* ;ieii-”0'’rcrr*a-!f? 7 the **IX? J b jt asd HOPE'* --nd no r«r*oo 07 family ^'.§j fehoul'i be v. lUrt'acna, EE3HESI y ... j - x . - ■ I. fSCSjl g a :r aJw.i£!JhktiBi -,’ V •>oyj , O' ... - ;j tAa:■ r .trmte. •,,.i me* -A tj%' Farm supplies, Furniture, Garden seed, Onion sets. Plow goods. Axes, Wedges, Iron, Steel offered for 1881 at very low prices by C. A. Davis & Co.. . Greenesboro’, Ga. See their new adver tisementic another column. Poetry. —---tjrr: A LEGES 11 OP COSHES PASS. tit. 'Twas in September’s golden reigo when all the earth was glowing. When every leaflet on tlie tree* i ts brighter side waa I showing— * Xmi mou ntain streams the sunbeams woo'd ln #rery rippling mdtton, F‘‘ w#Bt rumb,iug T>e.ovsiyW And in the ooach a mki.l •n sat— A happy her guileless maiden. And by side a yopth, hi* lips With honeyed speeches laden. He was, alas! a wily youth, And situ a lass too trusting, Thu way the men deceive these days Alas ) is quite disgusting ! For, oh! he swore a mighty swear Of how ha d ne’er forget her, Uatil ilotv lile that had day be«n he’d a drearj her. dream Wjgt He told his tale of ardent love, And scorn tvho may the notion, He lost his head am! she her heart Before they got to Uoshsn, And when at last tlic coach stood still And their adieu* were uttered, I’ll write to you and then 1 11 come, ln thrilling tones lie muttered, TART II. The And golden cold leaves are drooping notv, sad winds are sighing, While all around the Uostleu Pass, The dreamy Fall ia uyTng. But he cometh not, that wily youth, Nor writes, ills suit renewing— Oil, Was hapless maid, unhappy ride! ever such a wooing. Oh ! Cupid, would that Autumn day Your quiver had been dartless— For then the maid of whom I sing Had ne’er bceu called so heartless. Charleston, November. Miscellaneous. Tom Artar’e Troubles. Left > with ... a ...... to Manage for a Few short Miuuteu. I Twi)y believe ?ny wife Lai le.w ran son to the inch than uuy other woman on top-aida ot ibee.'trtb« I have juavi *be of dead owe woiy^Ufifbo ! jhit bad —UCkt was if any li ving female wife exists at the present tims with a more attenuatnd stock on hand, I just want nno good, square look ut her, and then I’d be willing to biro an able-bod ied man to kick me for two days on a stretch. There may b* a good deal of ms of no earthly good; but, thank lisaven, there ain’t much fooljshness about me. I believe in wives staying at home and attending to tlieir own affairs. This way of gallivanting around among neighbors to swap scandal and show off seems a m-glity foolish thing to me, and I have so told Mrs. Arter time and again. Hut what’s tho uso talking to a woman who has no reason in her I Now, the other night some of our smart-aleck neighbors got up one of those high-handed frauds they call aa old time gathering. My wife doesn't claim to lie old folk*, but she saw there was a chance to show off her new bombazine polonaise and hear all the fresh scandul, so she ups and begs me with that coax¬ ing whine some women never forget, to lake care of the baby for her, swear¬ ing by the eternal that she would only stay a short time and be back by nine, o’clock, certain. Well, I thought, the baby kept her pretty close at home, and'as she didn’t gel much chance to go out, I promisod to take care of tb» angel. Hut let it bo recorded in letters of living fire that I’ll never make such promise again asj long as I live. I don’t know what I’ll do when I’m dead, but while I’m in the flesh my resolution is as strong as steel, and don’t you allow the information to forsake your memory. Mrs. Al ter dressed up and primped up, and sprinkled flour on her face and otherwise ,, disguised . . ltersclf .. until , she , really looked like the Mrs. Arter of twenty years ago. I felt a sort of hus bandly pride as she flounced out of the room as giddy as a gaudy butterfly, and actually thought she looked quite starchy. She left full instructions as to the management of the angel who was then snoozing away in the cradle. The drug store waa s«t out on the mau tie—soothing syrup, paregoric, hive sy vup, catnip tea, etc., and I felt equal to any emergency. In ten minutes after Mrs. Arter left the house the angel woke up. She had evidently been the victim of a horrible nightmare, foi she woke up kicking and snorting. I instantly marshalled all my pacifying forces and commenced opera tions to suppress the rcWlion .'..its in fancy. The horror of the nightmare hung onjiike wax to the four-raontiis-oid, ‘for she refused my pacifying measures with the roost vehement ardor. I tried Hinging. First I tried a plaintive litlla | by w iiich I meant to be tender and 77 .. ,. B , t , ip} , f ,, ( i 0V e-tail e<1 ,nto Coma /ehee tv.irhoop. Hut . I might as well have serenaded a Jffo. 12. store Indian. Tba four-raonth-old aim- j ply reared back on its haunches and beat me lu the vocal line. She gave me two in tha deal, and a full hand, and yet 1 had to beg. She opened her mouth so j wide that I oould see her little liyer-pad flopping up and down like a dry rag in a j March wind. She failed to appreciate my vocal talents, so I swayed her iu my j arms as a ship rocks in n storm. The i storm was a success, but the ship didn’t ■ calm worth a cent. I looked for a pin j but that the might have drifted the wrong way, j pins were all right. The storm j ! continued to increase and rage with unabated fury. For one solid half hoar I played that ship business, during which I sung all the tunes I ever .hoard or oer expect to hear. I would have swayed her longer, but my arms gave ! W;ty. They felt as if they had boo a set down on l>y a tired locomotive, and I gave up the sad sea waves business with disgust. Finally I thought of the sooth- j I ing syrup, and while her mouth Wat spread ■ open big enough for a wet dog to j bare crawled in it, I pouted half the j bottle down her and ast wished her lioalthly lungs with a hath. After that , C yanked off the quart bottle of paregur- j ic so as to ba ready to swamp her in it if the exigencies of tho occasion deman ded. Yet she continued to howl, I laid her down in the cradle, thinking to re¬ cuperate my patience, which was com¬ pletely and emphatically exhausted. The cradle had no pacifying charms. I know site was the smartest little thing that ever breathed, but doggone it, sho was too fretful without sufficient cause. I rocked her and l rocked her. When she gave an uararthly yell, I’d give an unearthly rock, but I felt like I’d Iwen stealing sheep every time I done it. And thus we got along. She’d howl and I’d rock. Sometimes I’d rock hard enough to make her think there ware symptoms. of * u earthquake in the vicinity, and 3 ,. ” e • . P**usa in Lor . mail . career for a m;nute. Only a minute, however, and ^ foigetftU about it. Then l felt »» hi-u-wl of iny^elf. and took her up 1 wu]ke(1 * CL ’ the room, strum ,fle<1 01 > th« lofit in? glass, opened the clocktloor go sho oould sea the psndiiluin, s ^ ,0 °k hor tin rattle, and did n thousand °^ lcr little things to quiet her, but tho ,iulna n volcano continueil to btilcb forth '** red-hot howls all the same, It was now half past ten o’clock, JJrs. After being an hour and a half overdue, and just ns I was deliberating whether to throw the angel in the tiro, or to leave it to squall out its life in the cra die while I went down town to drown my sorrows, tho gay and festive Mrs, Al ter cams tripping in Uk# a school girl, I said nothing harsh, nor did I speak of ! he agony that hud crushed my very soui for the past fow hours, but I placed the angel in her arms and eat down to wilt and rest. Mrs. Arter simply gave * flirt to her collar, opened the restau¬ rant, and iu two minutes the angel had a seraphic emtio on her face and was crowing with joy, just as if tho world hadn’t been turned upside down and lynch law in four feet of her a few min¬ utes ago. I have decided that as a one-horse printer 1 might make my grub, but as a nurse I’m the supremeat failure in four languages. Hut you can gamble *11 your spare wealth that toy wife won’t stay long the next time she leaves bio the baby to manage. I’ve got that part of tiie programme down line.- Macon Tele¬ graph and Messenger. Tom Arter. Table of Weights and Measuros. | Wheat, <»h | Shelled corn, 50 Corn in the car, 70 Rye, 56 Teas, 60 I Oates, 32 > Harley, | Irish Potatoes, 1,11 Sweet Potatoes, (j( ’ ] Wheat Brand, 20 White Beans, ’ 1 Castor Beans, 46 Clover Seed, CO Timothy Seed, 56 Fiax Seed, 56 Hemp Seed, 44 Blue Grass Seed, 14 Buckwheat, 52 jy r j fe( | peaches fit Dried Apples, 04 Onions, 57 ^alt, 50 Sitone Coal, Malt. 4 . x urn jp S 53 plastering Hair, fi (Jnslacked lime 86 j c 0 rn meal, 48 y :n( . g a j t Ground Peas, " Cotton Seed, 1 The only vegetable remedy known that i.j <t ).irjertbu><j,i nurijirr- 8. 8. 8. The Democrat. ADVl KTIdNt. KATES i One Square, first Insertion S K> One Square, each subsequent insertion, -•> One Square, three months . . 4 n* One Square, twelve months . . 8 t«t Quarter Column, twelve months . . ZS to Half Column twelvemonths . . 40 oo One Column twelve months . 60 tw J3T One Inch or Less considered as » square. We havb no fractions of a square, all fractions of aqua res will be counted as squares, i.literal deductions wade ou Con¬ tract Advertising. American .Manners. Free of charge—an empty gun. A lawyer’s brief is sometimes very ex tended. Xh#r e’s lots of cold comfort in a hun dred IK)UtKl3 ot lce . Evolutionists may talk, but Adam was the prime evil man. Best two ia three—The surviving couple #ot of triplets The friendship of two women is any thing but a plot Agsints a third, As with a woman, so with a horse. His b.tck hair is"fiis inane trouble, A new play is caUed a Yankee idyl— but who ever saw a Yankee idle ? I*, ia better to giva than to receive. This relates especially to advice and medicine. Women in general know that when a man pleads his passion eloquently he ia only half in lova. Some pfople think it an excess of magnanimity to forgive those whom l 'icy bHV0 injured, A down-Enst girl who is engaged to a lumberman says she has caught a feller, — Boston Bullet in. The luisiiiMs of a telegraph company in “spread from pole to pole.” So ia that of the washerwoman. SlRUik of people's virtues, condone their infirmities, if you can say no good, talk no ill of them. "Outs touch of you, ma, makes the whole world spin," as the boy said when his mother boxed his oars. A man has no remedy for bis bair fall¬ ing off. A woman can always use hair¬ pins and keep on as much hair as she likes. “What do you love best in all the world?” IIo naked as he looked lu her eyas; And she answdrod so soft and caressing, “I love sausage and pumpkin pies.” A garman’ lately, married, says, “I’d vus yoots so easy rs a needle cood valk out init camel’s eye aa to get der behind yord mit a yomans.” Old age i« the night of life, as night ia the old age of tho day. Still, night is full of significance, and for many is more brilliant than day. An old woman confessed that when she wus vouug she had many lovers. ”^h,” she said, “the sweet griefs I knjtw in those days 1” Let woman not for voting, sir, Hut learn the barher’t trade instead, So shall the poll Ixt brought to her. To razor o’er her husband’* head. “Is this our crowd ? “asked a couple of gents, us they joined a party at the lunch counter, “No,” replied one per son, “this is not sauerkraut—it is ham.” A lady remarked in company that she thought there ought to lie a tax on the “single state.” “Yes, madam,” rejoiu ed an obstinate bachelor, “and all other luxuries.” His text was, “What dost thou here, Elijah ?” Ho divided it into two heads. “Fust, my brathern,” he said, “let u» consider what Elijah did here; and, sec¬ ondly, what he didn’t hear.” “Dost love me ? Tell me ones again, My little pootsy toots !” With love-lit eyes sha sweet replies : “Do I ? You bet your bools!” —Modern Anjo. Love in a cottage with corned beef and cabbage, doubly discounts married Infelicity in a palace with quail on toast and champagne. Tills is true. Young people, though it looks hard to believe. What have you been drinking or eat-. ing ?” exclaimed his wife, as ho returned late at night, “Liquor isi I” he rcapovu ded, and then be winked at himself in tho dark, and breathed thin till she got asleep. If a newspaper should contain all the things that all its readers want it ta print, it would have to he bigger than a bed-spread. If it should leave out all that each of its readers docs not wish ta read, it would be a blank paper. Hang her *16 bonnet On that book just ovur there, Ilang a bit of crepe upon it, Sister’s climbed the golden stair. —Jim Dudley. “I wonder, unde,” said a little girl, “if men will ever yet live to be 500 or 1,000 year* old?” “No, rqy child, re spoiled the old man : “that was tried once, and the race get so bad the world had to las drowned.” In olden times, when people Tr ard Some swindler 1 i_ 4 iP had coroe to grief > They used a good old Saxon word, And called that man a “thief” Hut language such as that to-day ! Upon too many feelings grates, So people Broilv and simply say, i . “He—‘re-liyi>othecntes. i >» Health, hope and happiness aro rc-: stored by the use of Lydia E. Pisk ham’s Vedetahle Compound. It is a positive cure for all those disease^ from which women suffer so much. •’’’ltd to Mis. Lydia E Piriknam, 23d, Western Avenue, for tumpblets.