The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, April 08, 1881, Image 1

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Tlie Democrat. A Live Weekly Paper on Lave Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at C'ravrfordville, Ga. 31. Z. Andrews, Proprietor. SATSS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy, (one year,) ... 8130 •Single Copy, (three (six months.) . T5 Single Copy, months,) . . 50 yg~ Advertising PiUNTIX rates liberal. BOOK and JOB G a specialty. Prices to suit th« times. Hotel Cards. _ LIN AKL> HOUSE, CI.AVTOS STBEET, SEAR POST-OFFICE, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Rooms all carpeted. Travelers. Good sample rooms Tor Commercial A. L). C’LJNAIID, Proprietor. RATIONAL ATLANTA, HOTEL, GEORGIA, E. T. WHITE. Proprietor. This House is now complete with its im¬ SEStefeH improvements. Being .Situated near tlie Depot and con offers 5S!f.2.*SrJKSss superior inducements to tlie ing Public. Rates, $‘2.00 per day. Special rate* for longer time, rjMIE GLOBE IIOTF.L, CORKER EIGHTH AND BROAD STREETS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is centrally located, and within five min Houses!** ]tanks, a Post'Office^PubIit‘' Build ^JrM^ n ' ,USe ’ T ^ raPh afreet ears pass tlie door, going five to ail parts *>f the city and vicinity, every minutes during the day. with aii The House is supplied the con¬ veniences of a a first-ciass Modern Hotel, and i* especially well located, and provided with all convenient facilities for Commer¬ cial Travelers carrying samples. Each room connected with the office by bells. Telephone attachment with the city and Summerville in the office for the accom¬ modation of guests. Fmmerly G, S. ATKINSON & SONS, Prop’rs. Ky. of Clemens House. Danville, sea»Y--fsai an mrwtmm' v mmmsmmmmrammm Railroad Notices. Oeonria liailroiul --ASD BANKING Sitpi'uintrndf.nt's Office, J A ,'0Cs'v \,Ga., Nov. otli. 1SS0. ) /'fOMMENCt:,.} SUNDAY, 7th in-tant, the followin'.' passenger scliedulc _ *0. I WSST-l).lll,V. SO. 2 HAST—DAII.V. Lv, Augusta inarm m Lv. Atlanta 7:15,a in I! MinX'll mwainl! « rwivi’il rmi] m ^3 y - Athens .ti-au. IU “ M:woii p m '^Atlanta r.:43pni; .Y." “ Augusta :!:47 p m *°-. 3 WKST-DAI 1 so. 4 Eva T- p vi i v. 4r. Aujjusta 5::w p]in Lv. Atlanta 8:4 1 |t in Lv.cvrvit 3:52 pinlAr. C’f’dv'll 3 : 0 tla n. Ar. Atlanta 5:00 am Ar. Augusta 7:0« a.,, \s£ No connection ... to or from ... Wnshnip ton on SUNDAYS. $. K. JOliXSON’, eTr. DoiiSF.V, d ' ( 1 k A Rtnt. LANDRETHS 5 17Q4 I I l/i SEEDStnBEST ^ X I f UTT not 8< ti^ ' a ParT \ our C*t£ AUUJ. for fcone and PricfVk. The Oldest and tHost extern sirs Sssit fh-omnr* in the United States. DAVID LAMUUETH 6 c SONS,Pmh-lda..Fa. oct.27,’80.;-y. The SPurcst anil Best Medicine erer Made. drakle Ac combination of Hops* Buchu, M?.rr and and Dandelion, with ail tne best 4nake9\thogwatest most c%hra tire properties of Purifier, all other Hitters, Liver Blood ITjuilh jsar u a tor, ami Jjfc and Rostering 'Zgeut earth. y 0 disease e YKan posfdbly lou? cxiFt Hop 1 Bitters ar© us%e d^ovariod aud perfect exu their ope r3 -* on8.FaK» wA^-gorto Iaflr% Tbt' -r-qvs aT Yu'w® o%cv**S.JTi.i'ii«causo agod ’lyBStMdM $ L ToehwLow or^K. <i #7 or ^ au f’^ lrr*T'ilar.- r 3 r of the bo AppeUzerV w via uf ‘% and iJd s ^ uIa0 Hop iuire an Without ,® ‘ intQLr* » I Bitters are Icating. »ga^ fe^Kcl’ntrs No matter vrb&tyour or sympb Hop -ca ajre what the? disease or ailw n e Qt tiae ters. Don’t vhit until 1<e sic ' : hut if y° a 4 only feci bad or K-vscrnJWe.B you va use them hnndredfl. at once M It may save your lifa .1 a v e d | $BOG help. will be Do p-id'jr not suffer a caSse 'a°‘ they let y° ur isi)j frier jot la cure or > suffer,but use and urce them%*^'* 8e Hop Remember, Hop Bitters is no\vi^ •vst'^j^a crcf,?,,,/ drunken nostrum, but the Pu n c Per' Medicine ever made; tho “{NYALIENSI3ESI/ and HOrE’* cad no person or family should be without them. C5E23E2H narcotic«. Ali sold by drugrstfsta. Send J for Rocbestor.N.Y Circular. Hop and Wttm Torontn. Ift. o^t. Co., .y Af v GBAV’S SPECIFIC Mkllrt IM’.. VRADS W.ARi The G r e a tTRADE MARK Engiisli item e<ly. An nn I __. S' failing Seminal cure Weak- for d 5 r’j Spcrrna- 4 7 torrhea, ness, Impo ^ fef tency, and that all^ diseases i- Sf FBB£ TSIlllS.follow, as Dpsof a Memory, 1 TA8IS8. sequence of Self-Abuse : as the Back, Universal Lassitude, Pain in Dimness of Vision, Premature Ola A^e, and many other Diseases that lead to In¬ sanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. pamphlet, ., , i V*r Full particulars in onr which we desire to send free by man to .six packages for oi wi.i be s< eS»g i*‘ " 5 mail on of the money bv THE GRAY MEDICINE CO, Mechanics’Block, Detroit, and mi . • } IS” Sold in Crawfordville lv where lw all druggists. Nov .21,1879. j-v. --- -r-» - T v-v».qq. ’.SSI Ja» “ 2 . rj-''• w f-rf Vt>- l-C, . ■,. 7^7 ----■-« ■ -- o . .1 W.’lliTTj r ^ 8ISi>tk;> »f, ’-'•• • 1 - tA!■• .April 8, ’81. j-y. Tol. 5. ! 1) -p i rprr\^>C: ORGANS 1 Golden I > Ti A I leads I I only O Ssr>. Stops Address 5 Set Baniel F. Tongue Beatty. Washington, X. J. GEORGE PACE & CO. Manufacturer, of Patent Portabl e Cir cular SAW dOM MILLS Pcstibo jf a>: Eta ry ENGINES ira STEAM eH.SCHBOEDEK ST., BkLTWOBE, Ml). \ T V. ' I SMWIFSS Send for Catalogue. ‘ ——-----—— ---- madame Griswolds PATRW SK2R3VeiJPPORTING CORSETS .J have iwonis the favor¬ & — 'll m| rfm itc of the combin ■ jjf ingcomfort he’ and rf form health to 0 Vfcs %*$ ;,■ i 1;=.;; -?aace desrree, and j 7 /OL ni eirarkable hioht<yjpuiarrca by K/aQjj ■ | ,.l 4 am m j Lady Canrasseni V\ anted J.B. fSBESMBSKSSSSSi Putnam, iss state sir«*, Chicaso, lii. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC, ; Ginger, It at ho, best Mandrake, medicines StiUingia known com-] and .many other of the are •bined make so it skillfully in Parker’s Blood Purifier Ginger and Tonic as ;to the greatest the Best Health and Strength Restorer ever used. ] It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, Bowels, Lunas, and Liver, ail Kidneys, diseases of Urinary tne Stomach, Organs ]aud all Female Complaints. with Consumption If you are wasting away or anydisease,usethe Tonic be, it to-day. will surely Nomntterwhat help your symptoms may This Tonic drunkenness,] you. , Remember! cures different is the Best Family Bitters, Medicine Ginger ever Preparations made, entirely, ]o(her from and Tonics, and combines the best curativeprop-] 'ertiesofall. Buy a 50 c. bottle of year druggist., ]wrapi^r^ilisco7^^o^^henmts^IewYork/ None genuine without our signature on outside* . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ( I ‘ .. . »—A I Krill , %: « I l( ,, 1% a .c- '*•/ .' ■ « ; < ! ' .»v ;> V C 'Yj% . I V., hj# 2. . , Ic h Xr A a ■ f z JX Sr . s STJO. A« ^ W >. j TUKTIStONY OP DROGGIS tv. : v, ’“ b«ve been selling “ Swift’s Syphilitic j ('»" rgmanvthin^Tn owu t^ i'm^f.wlhc m nw. W< i„ V. (i i«KKR* ( ul UosyUi. V hi. Hint, 1*an kin & 4,amak, AMauta, (la. I’khrerwn, Samcem A Kev.’.oeds, At ianta. U* ... \\chavc 1 Atlanta, Gn., July1, »s74 _ . mm*u unhut Swift- hvpliilif s jc Specific’’ in tli“ treatment of convicts f«i ll ,st >' <,ar . :ul, ! is ‘>"<U . . ueHt n(re> of ({{si .. ist . s for it wus ivcum incnded. Grant, ai.kxa.ndku A Co. f MMO HS-U one particle of niorcurv, iodide [lotassiuin, or any mineral substance. * TIIESWiKT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Pro prietors, Atlanta, (hi. Call for a copy of “Young Men's Friend.” Soid hereby Dr. If. S. Smith. Hunt Rankin & Lamar Atlanta Ga, Wholesale Agents. Apnl28,187«.j-y. # 4 . ■ : -.i SWwM5i inritlh’r LiqnidorDry Form act8 at ■i (besame time ontUcdisoaHCH of tho i m ♦ Liver, Bowels ai Kitejs, ♦ s This ccmJnned action Gives it wonderful M l l power to cure all diseases. WHY ARE WE SICK?M i Because we allow these great organs to be- iim £1 come dogged or torpid, and the poisonous blood that humors should V ore expelled therefore forced into U c be naturally. ♦ T m m L BfLIOrsVESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, ♦ AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their poicer to throw off disease. Why Suffer Bilious pains and auhes! Why tormented xrith Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! W hy endure nervous or sick headaches! Why have sleepless nights! Use KIDNEY-WORT and rejoice in health ^^ngorwpack^^of tWTtw pot up -n DryTcgetoble Form, in tin ! w bjchimik^ ^ six quarts ^ j j k Ortor^tho^cuDvenicn<fuiso jarAteoinIJgwW Form,Tery Cimoentrafed, that cannot t^r^Silyprcpaf^it^j'^tf ctsiottKequalejjfcirn e (/ ♦ : GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. ♦ r WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Prop’s, gj fWQl i—irmr~ send ■■ the ■■ dry ■ post-naid.) i—nn' BI H. l.XGTOK, VT. T xjm. i Dec.lo.’BOij-y. - $10 profitable business that anvene can engage. Tlw im , inPSS is i0 ea sv to learn, and ! 0U r instrncti* ns are so simple and plain. that any one can make great profit- from the very start. No one can fail who is wil ling to work. Women an-as-m e- -fill as . , Many ba?e S n*iHde"at th<- *nn4™-.*'% i-'S hundred dollar- in a single week. Noth gagi aresu^d aTlim eS and‘‘ re.’idltv you ca*n C enea«e*this ^u-inc '< • ErSSHSHS "rfte to h r ^ AJi 'V^‘ M (jo., A*i'lre«s Trce & Augusta, Maine. Nov.4,’80.j-y. fgp Many citizens of C'rawfori'ille and Tuliferro trade with C. A. Davis i Co , 1 Greeuesboro’, Ga. The Democrat S 9 CRAWFORD YILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1881. -f TUTT*S PILLS INDORSED BY PHYS1GWKS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVE RYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TfflUH PH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. the pSBSPe^SpfS bnck pint, rentier the shoulder feiario. luih:ess after entinf, vit&adiRin cBnution io~ eger tienof body or nu nd, Irritabuitvjpf of temper, h feelin Tiovu of eptritg hfcv i nyatflP .lL.o8 g niemory, wit a g Plalaa fe f iected flUtterin* pomiqat f.y earinea^ ci the Heart, DotiTb ef ora th e eyes \ * -iir-.v ;-kin,'llj»Hdaohe, highly colored Urine. Kestlefs neeaat night, IF THE8L’ WARNING! AE2 tTHTIEKDK), s EBfCGs Diseases mu soon ee oemopeo. TTJTT'S PILLS Miwolanymlapted to such uises.iun To effects sttchat hauge of feeling as ««ion!kh Hi« miffprer. th« T Itvj fnrf'MHP fir** AfiprlHf, and cause body to T.iUm (vii Elest*. theirTonic thna Action tlie system the is nnrrivhpd.p.ihi by on lUsetli; r Bejrular Murray ML, are W.Y. pro¬ duced. Trier ’./> enits^ S3 toits hair dye, Ora v Hair or single w jtiskv'rs application changed of this to a I>yr. Oi.<»sy It Brack by a imparts a natural color, hj acts Instantaneously, fculd byIirtip”ist«,or nent vxpress on receipt of fl. Office, 33 Murray St., New York. ^ Dr. Tt'TT'8 ot Valuable Information and k Ueeelj.H (fill be mulled VKKK «* application.M April 8, *81. j-y. ®S 2 Sf«t Eilo rrmriMrs s nUiiaa'actarH sOadtf Contract af tte m o , Wj \ V { W. V -V ■ Bgr ; M X. ' \ ** j j K! ; R m V b. T!„. ; s (t »of . „ t nnti„.ti.« j , h \ sa ^ n Pi •• w«*.«* m iTTh i 'SZZ*?.; : i*,/;•*“’T* I* j BEil^NC onA.x<i> ,so~ 4 n*:, j f/>boD.! l . ll, 8 1 , ,1 «nJ^.me'fbird ^, d i esssSSKs&sasa r r vk?f f,t,;r, ! I '^v'liicdK',* 011,1 rosewoodmonid« j r r oUin ] in i:..,in...y».y tend. i..u..,^r (!.si«.«»uiiiirtonof»irisi!:a«ij«if»b»t -.m.i. „ii u wiiMtHy >„i,m t>j .7‘?i;.. «/!>«(«». ^ tFISHi ‘TV,*? “ 5 ’il “Y-, tu« Shipped Directfor-S235. We €akra«t»o till* Plano to as Rood f« •very r-«p#ct atv) to present nt tmn>ifotne nn nf,pi ar»n^ r% f!>o»e f ,) J for t! c times tliis amount, and we IVAlHUrNTit In writing for Lv*- Y -r*. and reft to the First Notional or Him-! Hank oitirucity as to >ur rssponsfUJMy. Send for I fri/sJog;}-., Ai’huMM* The Meriden Purchasing Co., iiaiidcii.Conn. oct.27,’ If P STETTE CELEB7.ATE0 ^ m 'PdL A. A A ' , ■ i.hX ^0 -X-■ WTOSI.SCH i U ij “ Shooting Chills down the Back. is and ague. Use without delay Ilostet ers Stomach J tiers, which wt" wairnui, k ] nidi s i u stoma n, and'i'm anil irn parts tone to the live.. Die bowels, the stomach and the bill nil a gland being | restored to a healthly condition, the \X£SSIXL«J2»2£- V £. j 1 1 > WWV {1(10 MILE TICKETS 1 . > r ' V.tli,'l« Aicista. April 7 !i. ) OOMMKN^ ING_ { N! 'fs. 71 ^ j"' 1 .* 1 '(G i'|. il, 'nV V'pii „ . i-,. i n l\'k ::<1 f’Tl 1 ^ n<l'i!. Tau, \ iI: l ‘'\ , ilt ;']■-n i- -1 to ■■ ! families, but .......... - - t . Farm supplies, b urniture, Garden seed. Onion sets. Flow goods. Axes, Wedges, Iron, Steel offered for 1881 at I very low j-rices by C. A. Davis .v Co., flreenesboro’. Gu. S-o their new adver¬ tisement in another column. Poetry. — The Bachelor. In a cottage still and dreary. On a bleak and barreu hill, Sat a bachelor lone and weary. Cooking beefsteak with a will. Often thus he sat so lonely, Stirring coffee with his knife; Saying with a sigh, “If only— If I only had a wife!” Many hours he sits thus dreaming. Dreaming of what might have l>ocn, ’Till the setting sun now gleaming Through his cottage door is seen. I Then lie rises,-tjears the dishes, Ann ^Spilling with itiarijTevil wa^ all around, wishes i Scatters broken cups around. ■ Soon lie in the lamplight lingers, : Sewing buttons on to-night; Cruel luck—Ire pricks his lingers. Breaks the acedia out of spite ! ! So the bachelor sits ami grumbles Mt the things lie has to do; He to thread’the needle fumbles, j And the while makes much ado. And at last, In great (lustration, Casts his unsewed garments by, Murmurs in hia desperation, “Soon to win a wife I'll try Miscellaneous. * Human Trees in India. There are various tribvs of savages who successfully imitate stumps and stones by remaining immoveable in crouching petitions so as to baffle their pursuers. Tliis mimicry is carried to a wonderful degree of perfect ion in India. That strange coin try, as Dr. I^vntham says, “of a teeming, ingenious and iiulustri mis but rarely independent , population. It is a country <*f an ancient and ancient architect ure,” and lie migtit have added, of a modern degradation. A country where such a society as the murderous thugs is possible; n country where robbers arc educated from chil '"»«! for tl^ profession in which they take skill. gr-at^d*, OneVour most oueuljrlio/.stmg shitlfn! and of adroit- tlmi^ "'biifis would lw considered j ) tljeseIndhi ntstlticiu Vxi>FrU experts Lilt but u n buBL^ini? bungling *irn*i .mu e "' The scientific manner in which these ___. lolihers . prepare for „ their raids shows a I thorough knowledge of the dangers of t,,01! calIm ff ;ind l,je lR * st tfuanlsHgiimst ,hc same * choosing darkness for their their dusky bodies an*, ' ,bs ™“: ih r -rr.‘ dotlios, iiuoiui thoinsclvcs with oil, aud with a single weapon, a keen-edged knife j suspended from their neck, creep and steal like shadows noiselessly through! llie darkness. If detected, their greasy ! and slippery bodies assist them in ;dud-; ing capture, while their razor-Waded knife dexterously severs tho wrist of any detaining hand. But the most in¬ genious device to escape capture is that shown by the Blieel robbers. It often happens that a band of these robbers j aro pursued by mounted Eglinsliineii, j and, unable to reach the jungle, find themselves about to be over¬ taken upon one »f those open plains which have been cleared by fire, tlie only shelter in sight being the blackened trunks or leafless branches of small trees that perished in the fiames. For „ men so skilled in posturing , . this ., is . slid- , , ter enough. (Quickly divesting them selves of their scanty clothing; they scatter it with their plunder in small piles ovei (f the plain, . covering ... them with . D»«r round shields so that they have the appearance of lumps of earth and attnmt no attention This aceomphsh Ml, they snatch up a lew sticks, throw their body into a contorted nositiou, 1 and stand or crouch immovable until \ their unsuspicious enemies liave gallop ed by. When all is safe they quickly pick up their spoil and proceed upon ; “;;^v. , esting account of these marvelous mini j I quote the iollawing : ”««fore the Eugiish b had become used to these maneuvers, a very , ludicrous .. . in cident occurred. An officer, with a par t horse, was chasing a small body of -»** ^ them. Suddenly the robbers ran behind a rock or some such obstacle, Wuich hid them for a momest, and when the sol diers came up the men hvl mysteriously disappeared. After an unavailing search the officer ordered his men to dismount beside a clump of scorched and withered trees: and, tlie day being very hot, lie off bis helmet and bung it on a branch by which he was standing. The ........ Of lnujshter. and flung the astonished officer to the ground, i lie clump of ' scorched trees suddenly liecxtne meta morphosed into men, and the whole party dispersed in diffenit directions , before tbe Englishmen could recover , No. 14 frota their surprise, carrying with them the officer's helmet by way of trophy.”— D.C.Heard, j>i Scientfic American. An Interesting Group. The planets A enus, Jupiter and Sat urn now form an interesting group in tlie south western sky soo-’ after sunset, Although the small st of the three, Venus is clearly far more brilliant than 1 tlie giant Jupiter, which she is rapidly approaching, while the contrast with lh« dull-lined Saturn tlie upper left hard member of the gron[i--!s still more tnaife ed. Jupiter is also slowtv drawing near to tlie ringed planet, which it will over¬ take on April 21st, but their conjunc¬ tion will not he visible since both plan¬ ets will then he lost in the greater glory of the sun. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place once in about twenty years, but it is more than a cen¬ tury since Venus formed with them such an attractive group as is now visible. Venus was in conjunction with Jupiter at midnight on the 2lst ult.; and a few evenings ago bnturn passed north of both but much nearer the former than the latter. A few evenings sined her near approach to the moon mad.' a bril¬ liant sight. In the telescope Venus now lias tlie appearance of a half moon. ' During the next two months her illumi¬ nated disc will dimmish day by day till the planet appears like a thin silvery crescent of dazzling whiteness and finally lades away at her inferior conjunction w ith the sun on May 3d. As a telescope object Venus will there grow in attrac during March and April. Iu fact, the less is Been of her the more beautiful slm hecoines. Slip attains tier I greatest' brilliancy on March 27th, al¬ . though less than a thud of her illumimi ted am face is then turned toward tho earth. ; Romirltablo Historical Pacts. Tho battle of Waterloo was not American victory, and it. is a matter of C’irin- s*, took pail therein ; I»oiiiTlinjj-htjus(*H j i wovr*. unknown in (ho isJand ol Jiiiin hVrrtatifiez iit tho turn; Mr. Selkirk rnsUiod there. 1 iaiger-bcer was Unknown in the da vs i T’hc O'ltvnn f-unilv '* -ire ’' f, e on, the constellatlou n Orion. ; There are no existing Sanscrit maun scripts of Buss in /loots. I lie melodies of Mother (loose are lili doubledly the production ,f Topper. I’ostagB was not i>reitui<l on the fottom of Junius. | 'Fiio broken by ofumlms was ! .......... Sani*on is prrlitinn d to have horn the I first gentleman that ever tiaveled on his muscle. The Yankeoism, “Do Tell.” was orig inaily used by a boy named Albert, to hi. father, a Swiss gentleman, famous for his skill witIi tho boiv. j “Indian corn” would seem to indicate i that the aborigines had an occasional need of the services of a chiropodist. Salt was originally manufactured in j the upper stories of buildings, hence sometimes called Attic. Johnie's j Story of OJd (iattW\ And now for a story about ole Gaffer Peters. One day Jack Drily, which is the wicked sailor, swears and everything, t, 'at I *c wm* goin by ol 0 Gaffer’s house, and lie foun iiiui diggin a well, ami a hl>y waH 1Ml)Ijll lho rocks in bucket i a with a winlass. So Jack he give the ! bov 2 bits, and sed : j ‘Aon go and git sum candy, and I’ll pull up tor you wliett I get Duck’’ and the boy done it. Then .]nek lie put Ids 1 bull dog in tho bucket and let him J^ v| ^| i, 1^,’. H Jack' ,«!'«- h! *'• j ! wjI(i ,io« Then got ole Gafferses’ cat, and pitched that down too, and the dog tackled tho cat run it up Gaffer like be was a tree, and i Y^din’ like ingens 'lhere wasent never such a lite. Alter a while Jack he let the bucket down and hauled old Gaffer up with tlie Gaffer, if f hadent come slung yude liad ! a pretty rough time of it, cos that boy’s «”'■« f- ^ " I Then Gaffer ho helped Jack git and! the dog out, which had killed the cat, Jack and the dog they went away, and when tlie boy come in site. Gaffer lie XT’- ..... . ............ . Words of Wisdom. J/appir.ess is evident to us in this life by deliverance from evil. “Happy is lie who sees the day'” said a blind man; hut a man who sees oleaiiy Joes not say so. “Happy is he who is healthy I” said an invalid. When be is well he does' not feel the bappiuess of h* altli. , ! ■ 7 ~ ............ e,v. measure one with his own yard st:cx may be hard, but it is air. •; No person can be so feeble or so poor that lie lias not a duty to perform ; , which, l*ing performed, makes Inin one . wit.ii tlie liigbest and greatest. the Democrat. t ' AUlKHTisin; KATFJi One Square, first insertion S < >iie .Squaw, each subsjespieiit insertion, «>ne Square. three Mouths . A On. Square, twelve mouths , , H Quarter Column, twelve mouths , , ?SS Half Colima twelvemonths One Column twelve months . IsT One Inch or Less considered as a square. \tV have no fractions of a square, all fractions of squares will be counted as > squares, l.iN-ral deductions made on Con* fract Advertising, To pronounce a man happy merely be cause he ft rich, is just as absurd as tq call a man healthy merely because he lias enough to eat. Ignorance and deceit are two of the worst qualities to combat. It is easier to dispute with a statesman than a block-head. Nature has written a letter of credit on some men’s faces which is honored wherever it is presented, Poverty may excuse a shabby coat ? v»ut it is no excuse for shabby morals, American Maimers. isr gs sag, .sgj A K IHSlKfi SO NO. The following will suit somebody, so w<} give it: Aib —"Let rue kiss him for kit Mother.’I Lot me ki*s her for her mother— The bewitching Polly Ann— JjOt mo kiss tier forhyr mother t*r aiivotiier man. Let me kiss her for someliodjr, With Anybody in Die world. lior hair so sweetly auburn » Ahd so gloriously curled. Let me kiss her fov her “feller,'! And 1 do not care a red If he ttips mo on ilie smeller With his “billy made of lead.”. Let mo kiss her for her daddy— The pretty pouting elf— Or, if that don't suit the family. Let me kiss her for inyeslt! The lion is not tho king of beasts— man is. A red is a thing that goes with¬ out saying. Why are people who stut ter not to he, relied u|>on V Because I hey are always breaking their word. Never does a mail portray Ids own character so vividly as iu his manner of portraying anothers.” No 11116 rv (ir ynt.saw a nniV) with in or# 1,0 ilto , ,vo d«>g^ engaged in a battle, »<» lo,, « ns bis dog was having the best of it. The load ambition travels in too nar rmv for friendship, too crooked for Ioy*, too rugBy for honesty, too dmk for science Very nearly every yowng man under Kt«nd» liovv to sow It in wild oafcs alul yat has not the remotest idea of the proper wa y to plant turnips The family name of l)om Pedro, tho Brazilian Kmperor, is Alcantara, and means a bridge. Very appropriately, loo, for a man who is supported by his piers. There aro ono million more females in America than : men, aud man is becom¬ ing quite a valuable animal. Make much of him, ladies ; lie cannot be will: you it)ways. “ H ill you have your oysters Scallop ed ?” asked a Galveston waiter of a fraai* customer from Hie interior. “Mav. tho oyster scalped V No, but yon can scalp the hn.ter, if you want to. It needs it the worst kind.” A young lady was caressing a pretty and murmuring: “f do love a nice dog ! “Ah, sighed a dandy aland ing near 1 “I would I were a dog.” “Nev mind,” retorted the lady, ‘you’ll : Nnmrk Call. Teacher with reading class. Hoy read “And as she sailed down flu* river ’> Teacher: “Why are ship: called ?” “Boy : (precociously alive to the responsibilities of bis sex): Jiecauso th.y men to manage them.” “Do you pr«t«nd to havu an f(ood judgement I have ? exclaimed i as an en raged wife to her husband • “Weil, no,” he replied, slowly ; “our * of partners for life show* that my judgment is not to lie compared to An old darkey who received a hard I goring from a frenzied bull, was after¬ wards relating the incident to a few friends : ‘ Gen’men,” said he, “I’ve but d*t was de A practical q.’KSTiow. "0 Muses '** on 00 fate; Ghastly experiment Life seems to him. Subject for merriment Something be ate '( won’t fat thk penalty. _ 1 'nmhrk'is 'ihro-'d gi " e M ;![ garden-gato'swingllig on*Uie lea ’ A „ ( | o v the A maiden is waiting for me. will wait till she’s weary, I’m think wilTwait^tiil , , this - Wight^sUre .. , . S : ie are blinking Am, I’m not the sort of canary io be kicked for the love of a girl. ;<<•' C'mlits Suits, Childs Overcoats, (: \ s Seifs, Boys Overcoals, Mens Suits,. M. n< Overcoat- Evcrytliing very tlieap, ( A. Day is & C'O.