The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, April 22, 1881, Image 1

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Tlie Democrat. A Live Weekly Pap. r on Live Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at t'rawfordville, via. M. Z. Anare?/ 3 , Proprietor. RATES OF SUJiSUqiPTIOX: Single Copy, {one year,) S 1 3 Single Copy, (six months,) . 73 Single Copy, (three months,) . 50 £57* Advertising rate', liberal. HOOK and JOi! PRINTING a spcYaily. Prices to suit the times. Hotel Cards c 1LIXARD HOUSE, CLAYTON STREET, NEAR rOST-OEFICE, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Rooms all carpeted. Good sample rooms for Commercial Traveler-. A. I). CL1XAKD, Proprietor. RATIONAL HOTEL, ATLANTA,GEORGIA, Ii. T. WHITE. Proprietor. This House is now complete with its im¬ provements, viz. : The addition ot a third storv, giving thirty-three additional room . capacity now seventy-five more, with every¬ thing fresh and bright and all tlie modern improvements. situated the Depot and Being the business near Ironses, Ini- eon- Na¬ venient to refurnished, tional, newly renovated and offers superior inducements to the Travel¬ ing Public. day. Special rates for Rates, $2.00 per longer time. rjMlli GLOBE HOTEL, CORNEIt EIGHTH AND UltOAD STREETS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is centrally located, and within five min¬ utes’ walk of all the principal J’ublie Business Build¬ ■ Houses, Banks, l’ost Office, ings, Union Depot, Opera House, Telegraph Ottjces and Office. reet ears pass tlie door, going to all parts ot tiie city and vicinity, every live minutes during House the day. supplied with all the Tlie is con¬ veniences of a a first-class Modern Hotel, ami is especially well located, and provided with all convenient facilities for Commer¬ cial Travelers connected carrying samp! with tlie ■■ office liy Each room hells. Telephone attachment with tlie city and Summerville in the office for the accom¬ modation of guests. G. S. ATKINSON & SONS, I’ropTs. Foinieriy of Clemens House. Danville, Ky. Railroad notices. Georgia tiaiiroad n.w K I NC 1 StTPElllNTKNDENT’S OFFICE, ) j /COMMENCING AitausTA, Ua.,-Nov. 5th. isfio. SUNDAY. 7Ui instant, the following passenger schedule vviil he operated : WO. t~\VEsT—DAILY. NO. 2 EAST—DAILY. Lv. Augusta ‘.i:!!rnaaii;l.v.Atlanta T^oiaan . 5 : 15 ,r “Maemi VuWi.oiiYi'i'iWr^V.Y’V!!' “ At'.uiu; > ’ " “ W’sh'i'n ll'rloapni ArAYasli’g’n 2:‘a.p ni ArAJ*r<tv'lt 32 Si|lp nil “ JfiUedg'll p m >Y‘,AJtliei> flfcallta s aiBfip'jir “ Macon fi.-^-p'Bi “ 5:45 O in', “ Au gust a :}:17 j> u: rKO. 3 WKSTM)M«V.' TtO. 4 east DAILY, L r. AllgnsTS ?i:.d() p'm Lv. Afiaura S:45.p in Lr. Uv'f’v’H K:52 p mlAv. U’f'dv'il 2 : 0 , i m Ar. Atlanta 5:00 a m Ar. Align da i a m IrtT Noconn'otioji to or from Washing tun on Sl’NDA Y S. S. K. joilNXJN, K. !‘. DbnSKY. Superintendent, lira. Fax-,'— r Agent. Miiv2.HA'). -am - w T-t-n wr-'-Ttr LAWDRETHS’ « SEEDS S BEST ]QQ I 1 | If not sold in your town, you I mm IKK] | can get them by mail. Prop J US a Ptmtal Card for Cat»- extensive Seed logue and Prices. The Oldest and m»*t £mnllNDRKTii*iS 0 N 8 .P«L.^JL DLli.-l ,17 VJA OU.J-J. : , 3M0BC-vm The ftPari-stunitl».*t Hetficim rerii.Ge. Acolmbinaiion raaie of Hops, Buohu, Ur.ii* d »nd DnnUetioo,' !)' -.utnu bo ‘- and mortem u rafivel’inixrti . of all other Bittera, ■e.akerXt!iev rcat< ami ' ! ‘ t Blood Lite and Purifier, Hcaith IU.-stonng Liver u tor, earth. ax^Ctlt OU^»---- _ verfooi are their "ii asiviesitsti* UTA’- 1 Mr ’• -ranus. .oftheiiweiso^Ld.yyoof"?-Jj*- wl . A %ig^*oYnionts cause irrernlan Mop /uirc Bitters an Appeti/er%. inva lW ia > c andmj WitMOUt 1 ^ In to .* , 1 are ^^2% * ‘ * B Icatlng. e^clinfrs S7mpti^n3 Ko matter what your f or ™ are what the disea; 3 or a iiVi :n e’- 1 1 is USD 1 Hop iAib" 3 ters. Don’t w»ut untiljv,,ir> T A re sic'; but if you f only feel bod cr rz: aU^aved the L m b undreds. at once* A It may sa vo your life;. ,l,, 1 J JSSSS'STiSt' them'%3 ;<> iso HOP ^ suffer,but use and urfre if A drunken Remenu)cr, /Top but Bitters the is ParesV^f^®’ novi^ p i 11L - raj nostrum, Medicine ever made; the “ISYALIliS and HOPE” a«d no i« rson or famiiy'v; should be without them. tZESE^S mTS tSc°irSi»r. Prtrhpatcr.y.Y * Doji av! Bll'lm To-”'b., if*. »'r>. Vo., "A ■ Sf failing cure for J ' nL 33 Ba f/irrm-' i'T JsS iL toi . , ftEFQRE TAKIBB.follow, as Loss aftTirS of Memory, sequence of Self-Abuse; as the * Universal Lassitude, I’ain io Dimness of V‘sionpremature Old A sanity*™? Consumpttonand a Grave. |*r Full particulars send in our by pamp Y ; ..-r. which we desire to ir •* file. everv one. taf The --y ••die Ab divine sold'hv Ml druggists'at 81 per package, free six packages for 55, or will be- sent mail on receipt of the money by addressing. THE GRAY MF.UIC1SE CO., Mechanics’ Block. Dltroit, Mich. V3T Sold in Crawfordville and every¬ where bv all druggists. Nov.21,18I9.i-V. . SqGF bW rS-tc til Mil 1- WH»! ; vir**D •mp*r*rr Er.-e r.;’-. ’ -• :.r- rr.v Private Med ica! Advn- - c w: d iwiffts rt It is a so a 1 soUinjr frptr. tt. ■are texa* - v-errt real "* ■' *s*— FttcftT': ■ * r. ** ftpuraw-. «■<- f ' .... ) ss.sut:s-J!5?‘fS£V'ATL ..U. April 8, Al. j-y. Vol. 5 . TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUKPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS CF A TORPID LIVER. frysof ap petite,T7«n«'ga.boweh costive, Pam in theH ea d ,wit n a dull sensa tion in ,f i tho shoulder* r • a inr, with adisin clinrdion to exertion of oocly or mind, Irritability of tempe r. Low sp ir its, Xios e oT memorr, with a ffee lins df having neg Tected some duty, irearinosg, Dizzine ss, Fluttering < rt Pots before the SEHlY enow Skin, «ea 3 ache, HestW. ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WASHINGS AKE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTTS PII.1 cially suchachange adapt «‘(t to such ca*es,»su> iIo.hc <*l»Vcts of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase tbe An»etlte, and cause the body to Take on Fie*!*, thus the system is noartukrd.fiiuj by their Ton to Action on the »)«(«tire duced. Price Ore; ceuts. :*m, EZegri ^5 ularXlfwI* Murruj Kt., are N.T. pro TUTT s n c, Gray Black Haih by or single Wiiiskkuh application changed of this to aOiAtmv Dyk. It a Imparts ji natural color, acts Instantaneously, ft. gold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of Office, 35 Murray St., Now York, £K Dr, .eful TITT’H il«ccipt* MASl will Al. be ®f litoiled Valuable UtEU (nfonnatlon Mpj.liration.jf and | cn April -31. j-y. ' r;o C iisa; •W* dract diis \-;Y: : j — -*T* '‘■’■M'Jr-'fi IS ■VS * tel : y I N A A Jd ■if m r : ■ i mu ‘ v'ht . >S.Y* tUhatc-wnbo • i..■ •. \ein;urc 1 I*i l¥ YU f rrvt.* on H5 ■J- l ; ; M Id tuye -••no bftttrgiutralli.; t.r.i riik m ShlppGCi ftv’.e I.f \ DlfC .tnllv r KS J j 4 ” y 30. ■■ - ' d\, w i r '•I it. elute ... • ™- r 'S a:ul 1 nr I■Cisgo ar ‘ r\ : n r, ^ontlv 1,050*1 b$. liHishci. Hcvp’f 4.1! HRin k uo • * -ii '. ( f, c-v*. f ]1 ejro; r* vwood IMS. Illl r-wnul Cf-5-<‘r;, L*g id; a 1 w-t-:- \ 1 ; : iasmaiu pen this a - ' 1 top nsuhliRfSuH r tuic • v ,!: ■ f; ilshi frenl l ull iron uniltfc, . Ji, . vv. hr r: j'jisvirtt now scale, Frdndi rrarj J fi-r-t il.-sk; carve’ ,. w in! l. nli'i mould* in tvs, lv ’v tvj.kli key fr' }'., c-inv. ■] i 1 \>h\f ' ingaifi ui.i Piano forte, in oy-iv ii”.j :%■>•< nec-nt : it .u . u>rit to tbd uer :-c • t mi m t • v-a »i.d w-c t anal .«•:*» s «. i i«t ^ h , four .outai. - i t r-J •,>. t.-.\ ’. . : - meet a us.:»J*.y C t i , «v* m - ty.-j ?. *i : •>=. Shipped Directfor-©205. '»Vf Guarantee <M* I 1 .mi V\ he a* i» -.,J Jri every and to p-wi.? h- . .. f f-.. . Ibis .-gaount. p.m? v« i Ml;,! 1' ir in wvli-u.j fwr !'>»• ar .-t refer to 1 he F‘rat '* m.'- us'...- Ur--., -.'ativisi ItsnV eftl«!*c;ty as to »ur rc-»po:i«;s:iv. i.eud fir 1 at J;; Ai'i.tu.1% The Mondea PurchastniyOa., fd'. rideruCenn. oct.27," | CELEBRATED ^ ' ^ A ' -AT • TTTftrA-;' / Y . . ? i.: -- if . •- ■ '«w iff ■ % |;;; T - |: 7= -T , '. -. £* "" H-y.iti 'g t .::P (-own ,->e G ^ . and'ugo-.' '3' with ■■■ ■"■.'■ : A. tev’.'. st,■:n:icii 7;it : , v ti i tutes for the chiliv sensation a . iila! I waimth, regul , the stoi eh, nd p;irls tone to the liver. The' iiowcls, I the stomach and tin* hiillara gland lA.-.-g ■ restored to a healllily condition, the to j ease is all conquered druggists at the Dealers outset. Tor sale _____ by and gener „n v ‘ , 1,000 MILE TICKETS. G-EpBOI.t KAXLUOAD COJIFANY, - Office Genlii vlT...!: exolr Aount^ "(OMMEXCl ■ :«I(>NDAY. fth in”., this ijomi : y wi!i Oil ONE T'flOi ? _ MILL J ki.l 1 AND i< ', Vp'- j'pi'j'pj line and hran< ii*? afc DOLLARS each. TI tickets will be Issued to iiuiivbUials, lirrns or families, but not to firms and i&wiiies combin< <L K. H. DOliSEY, Mav9,1879. General Passenger Agent. tr- An experienced city Milliner of fine taste will take charge of Millinery departtr-ent at C. A. Davis k Go’s Greened or’m, the r.tii of April. Ladie’s all take notice «.f this. 5r;vvi : .: ' ; d dm . paK^ad n A \J V . m * : * ) mocrat. CIIAIVFORDVILLB, GEORffl.t, FRIDAY, APRIL 22 . 1881 . Poetry. 1|f. 1 , ,-2 I. PS AM) DOWNS, f|j What legions of friends always Ideas oft* When golden success lights our wayii How they smile when they softly address? us So cordial, good humored and’gaf, ““fi Hut oh! when the sun of prosperity O Hath set then how quickly Lli t frown, jj And cry out m tones of severity. Kick the man, don’t you see tbat'he down 1 ' 11 rvuv* , * ^i 1 '' L ll 0 Your heart was open as day, ; And your friends, when they wanted borrow, Y0U OWige H1Ul n “ Vei aSk thCm t0 pay What though not a soul you o’er slight t*d, As you meandered alwiit tlirongh rour friends became very near sighted , When you’re up, you arc highly exalted And traders ail sing out your praise ; | Whenyo^u arc^lown you liase greatly And they re i! 1 v don’t fancy your wavs Your style was lip top when you’d moil ''-'mmiw” ufs miChndv*fmmv Wn ' : vxv altered’becausVyoU t hings arc iU - 0 down. ! Oh’ give tiie heart that forever *> j 3 | me Is free from the world’s selfish Vusti And the soul whose high noble ' or, Is to raise fallen man from the dust; An I wlicn ju adversity’s oceaiv A vie tiin is likely to drchvil, • All bail to the friend Whose devotion Will lift ut. a man when lie’s down. i | Miscellaneous. • 1 * Curious Facte. It is queer that America has not yet i" i■:i aide to produce a grape which will make raisins, though there is SOtueti In . hkcit ir. C.ihioriilM* * t’hTmilffo 1m nt t' r compel pu ^r «?• dfe criminal to sirepief-aness, by keeping him awake a week, night and day. Ten days is sure iii prove fatal, and is terrible agony for the Victim. Tiie stages and theaters of tiie Greeks aid Horn?,ns w-re so immense that tlie actors, to be heard, were obliged to have recourse to metulic masks, contrived with great months, to augment the nat¬ ural sound of tlie voici. If a train of cars should start to-day and travel toward tiie sun at the rate of sixty miles an hour, and twenty-four hours a day, and 365 days in a year, it would take 170 years to reach the sun. And the sun is our next-door neighbor; and our solar system is a little flake of light on the borders of infinity. In tlie manufacture of attar of roses at Gharapora, Hindustan, tlie petals of the flowers are put into clay stills, with twice their weight of water, and the produce exposed to tlio fresh air for a night in open vessels. The attar is skimmed from the exposed pans, and sells at £10 the rupee weight, to make ' which 20,000 roses are required. It is frequently adulterate 1 with sandalwood oil. An old miner who has had fifteen years’ experience underground says that ! he has observed one peculiar fact, that ! between 12 and 2 o’clock in tiie night if \ there is a loose stone or bit of earth in i the mine it is sine to fall. Bays he • I About this time it scorns that every ! lh, "2 b, *^ i,,s t0 stir ‘ and immediately after 12, although tiie mine . has , as a tomb before, you will heat paiticle* j of rock and din, come tumbling of ground down, i and if there is a caving piece j in tiie mine it is sure t j give way. Fifty years ago tomatoes were called | love apples, and were considered poison 0,,s * It is calculated that sixty tons of steel arc annually consumed in the rauhufac The canons of South Utah abound i« AzU-c picture writing of a curious and nvkahl-* CB character - T ere is a kind of lemon which grows in .Southern Europe as sweet as au or auge but alt other species of lemons are intensely sour. ; Tiie game of backgammon is the oldest wo know of, and was common a thou ; sand years before Christ’s time. The water of tiie sea and rivers con tains morn animal life than exists on the land, if we can believe scientists* Acccordmg to Dr. Edward Smith, an egg contains 17 1-4 percent, of riitro gen, Another writer estimates that the value of one pound of eggs as food for sustaining the active forces f of ... the body . . ‘ is to the . value of - one pound , of !eao , beef . , . r f . * } # . pr,un “ ‘ \ 1 of \ ,s a "' ,u < ‘ <t " a t0 , p0(in ,] 0 f i,eef. Htortn warnings arc a distinct branch of tlie forecasts, of , mceorology. , ,,,. . object is to give to seamen notice of an approaching gale. They have been now is operation for more than ten years, and during that period at least seventy five p«r cent, of the warnings issued been justified bv tlie gales, or strong winds which followed. ' A Woman’s Dress. j R 0 b Burdette, in the course of an ar tic-le in the Burlington 11 <wkrye on the ghts and wrongs of firemen, says: Our wife wants a dress. After two or three half a dozen stores have been ransack-i for goods, the dressmaker is sought The matter of measurements is tedious, am) then the matter of fitting i j» one cf numerous and repeated trials. the dress is finished and sent Then it is sent back to ho taken fn here and let out there, and at last, af the customer has been fitted moiv rac8 f 0l . (j,at one dress than her bus has been measured for three or ^ dress Il01M8 for th „ time ami is pronounced by the wear- i , her friends, and the dressmaker as a e autiful ami perfect fit, and is finish : Beaut if ill it c rota inly is, fat mot e i than anything her husband : wears. Colors, material and style, | and contrasting bits oi are all in th» perfection of good I No man can improve upon that. Bjriy isn’t finished. When it is ' com ■; as far as tlie skill of the dress liras 1 ' cau finish it, and , it .. is . put , on, it has be .pinned. Somewhere; sometimes in or three often in, half a dozen pieces. "It always requires a pin. I^-avej iaiowheie. o jt the pin and the dress is cnfi+Weiit allay^’ On ml this broad tii >i;c'is riot ou^ Atffaricau woifian k\|d wlio 1 ,*i toss s*hs "’AitjJ” »ny Without q^ au ? iirgsod J ,ety ;8hoqJ*^|ad w o 5 r toil, home Had iwen vroMd put ®n ti b coat-we hud td*dh lYiit Uietiyuk / f’A -putfee (here was no|u<peuder but ! *■, . ...^ dlk %mg yt ha.-' ■' ■ !■'» «« the c how wo idolhesstayintlicbousef IVho'vouhl , ,, ba responsibie ior language used by the man who had to pin his coat V No tailor would date so to tempt the wrath independent man. but woman alas, she patiently fins on Uiu dross that si,ft paid someone tflJ or S Wlo make, anti doesn’t think anytnmg about it. \Y. wid not itmiao tms pair. s ibjeet. Latino women or Aiaorica tako it up, and think about it, and learn m the noble independence oi womanhood to make their clothes before they put them Oil. Dr. W 1 / 1 . Alex. Cireciic. Macon*, G a., writes : * * l cheerful¬ ly 5 1titc that f have tested the virtues and efficiency of ('olden’s Lit bit/a Liquid Retract of Jiaf in my private practice in cases of general debility, waknetw, dcpvcfi.don, dy^i/epsiu, loss of appetite and nervous aillietions, when I medicine had proven more than useless. s I have found it tlie best remr ly 1 ever j ns(d. Bold by Dr. 11. S. Smith. _ ^ ____ ■ o Bridge Until * ‘ rosa a Come ' to It.” Tliere was once a man and , woman who planned to go and spend a day at a frjl)]) , rs ho!1He , which was soma miles distant from their own. So one pi e;W - ant morning they started out to make Uj(j yjsj ^ ijut thuy had uot por , e fnr te . : fore the woman remembered a bridge they had to cross which was very old a „ (! was Siti( i „ot to bo safe, and she ; imme , liately began to worry about it. n\yhat shall we do about that bridge?” she said to her husband. “1 ; 8 ball not dare to go over it, and wo can’t get across the river in any other wry. “Oh, said tiie man, “I forgot that bridge! it is a bad place; suppose it I should break through, and we should fall into th# water and bo drowned ?” »-i)c even,” said his wife, “suppose rotton plank break your leg, what would become of me and the babv ! ’ ■ I don’t know,” raid the nun, what , would become of any of us, fur t couldn’t work, and we should all starve to: death.” Bo ttiey went on worrying and worry mg, till they got to the bridge ; when, Io -and behold, they saw that since they had been there last a new biiuge bad been built, and they crossed ive .i ii, in safety, and found that they might haye saved themselves all their anxiety. Now that is just what the proverb means; never waste your worrying on what you think mav i - - biy be going o happen ; don’t think, “Oh, suppose it houH rain to morrow so that l can’t go out ?” or, t4 , What should , . I , <l , r > if . P ^ r suoniu i,. n.iv,* lv , .1 headache on tlie day , „ of , P n the sr puty n ,, tvV” i Half the tune the troubles we look fur do not c me: and it is never worth while to waste the hours in worrying. xh • mo ‘ ’.vonderfiil W/** l purifier in the world— tru/ikni. m tmi.t No. Ir. Women's Superiority lt was evidently some married man who remarked : “A woman is a strange being, and the more you study her the more interesting she appears.’" When a woman’s feet get cold she can draw them up and sit on them until they be come warm, and no one is Use wiser. How she manages tiie movement is a mystery ; but nevertheless she, accotn plishes it with a quiet grace. Which dis counts the greatest sleight of Jiaud per fortuanco that was ever iuyeilted.— This bit of information will duaibtless astonish thousands of men who have foolishly imagined that they could read a woman like a liook, but what else can be expected when conceit and ignorance stalk tluough the land V The idea that man is superior to woman in everything, is too absurd to he entertained even a moment. A uian may practice for years, and vet lie unable to catch a Ilea with the skill which distinguishes* wo man. IK will get Huai in his socks and when lie undertakes to capture them he clutches and slaps frantically,but when he ojicns his hand there is m> game in siglit, and a sail vacant staic settles on his cluiirnv couutcn^icc. Hoes a wo man proceed in a rude way L> destroy tin can;verous insect ¥ No, she locates its exact position, ami suddenly her Iiaiul diyes down like the swoop of an eagle, and the next moment* she hi calmly rubbing the life out of a ilea, be tween , her thumb ,, , and , forefinger. , A . may not he able to wing a bird a sliot-gmi, bat when she tires at a there is a funeral, and yet aim never goes around challenging other women to a .shooting match. J/e r modesty will not allow her to boast of lim' deeds. Man is not filul never will bo equal to wutyan InlMtno respects, aqd A(iis,' we trust, has bltm clearly defined. X. O. Time*. — ~-------- . bti Cathedral St. JULUmorp. r It Is 't Du ^eat vn all mthcrers shohld , | kecp .l. on .V^Bro Ilut.'lus..,, 1 roiu idol s, A (la util. Ga. Sold bv all |» : j.q,,. He Darod. n|# |)|lf()re , )im tIl0 (>f ,,,'q „ V(ll| fi , nmr wl| „ was urreded for „. | lin!i lho 1WH(H1 Bl)d b , illK , lnlllk . ' a)1(I , vhfIt t , 3ke<1 fol -his defense he said , liVB 0Mt hcro llbollt tw « lvo n)i| ., s _ Yl!Stm , lity lnorl>il)ff , as , w:ia splitting . ... rails, , isiil Auams . , lie . came al(>lipr ntItl diirad me to ermia to town w|llll|iin- And , , late j,, “A ou hadn’t any errand i" “None at all. After we got hero Bill Adams lie says to me he’d dare mo to take a drink. And I dared. Party soon, after we had been to a harness shop, ho dared mo to take auollior. And I ilarod.” “That wns two drinks V” “Yes, sir, and after Bill bad bought four pounds of nails he dared ine to get j swiv.zleil. Anil I dared.” “What is ?” “Just drunk enough t® think you can lift a barrel of salt, but you can’t lift one end of a hat full of bricks.” “Well, go oil.” “ Well, when wo got Swizzled /fill ho dared me to upset a man carrying a step-ladder. And I dared.” "That’s when you got that black eye, oil ?” “Yes, sir, I u|«efc tlio man, but lie ffi>t up and knocked me pizen West.” “Yew.” “Well, then we saw a policeman marching along, and Bill Adams he dar ed inn to pitch him into a snow-bank, And I dared.” “Was it much of a pitch ?” “No, Bir—not for tlie olflcer. Ilo gave mo two cracks on tlio head and brought me down.” “Well, now I shall dare you to go to tiie Work House for thirty days,” con i hit Honor as he settled 1 And ho dared. y/hat a Boy Known About Girls, Girls are the most unaccountablest thi rigs in the world—except women, Like the wicked flea, when you have thml ttiey a i n ’t there. J can cipher c i e;ln over the improper transactions. . U)(] lhe teacher says I do first rate ; hut f can’t cipher out a girl, proper or im pj-o;.er, and you can’t cither. Tiie only ru ] e that hits their cases is the double rl ,i e 0 f three. They are as full of Old xicfc as their skins can hold, and they w ouid die if they could not torment H . me (, 0 qy Win-n tiiey try to be mean, Ul , . tr( . ilfl nl ,, in as , ius . y , though they ain’t as mean as they J let on, except Rolnf »* jme.s, and then they 4l are a good { ] ca { rn eaner. The only way to get . t( , v 4 ith a girl when she comes to you w i Ul *her nonsense ta to give her tat for tat. and that will iliumnux her, and when you get a girl flummiixed site is as sow more Tlie Democrat. AHV i'.KTI-l\i; KATES : One Square, first inseition . . S CO One Square, rich-ubseqe.ent insertion, ‘A3 • •i ?*; One Square, twelvemonths § 00 Quarter Column Column, twelve months . .Vj 00 Half twelve months ^0 oo One Column twelve months • . 00 l<~ (hie Inch or Less considered as a square. We have no fractions of a square, all fractions of squares w ill lie counted as squares, laneral deductions made on Con¬ tract Advertising. wild oats than a boy can sow in a year, hut girls get their wild oats sowed after :l white, which boys never do, and then they settle down as calm and as placid as a mu-Jpuddle. Hut I like the girls 'hst (ate, and 1 guess ail tlie boys do. 1 don, t <’*''« >'«w «“«">’ triiks they play on me—and they don’t care either. the hoity toityest girl in the world can always boil over like a glass ef soda. l: Y *’? they get into the traces with si titiliody , . they ... liket affui -. poll . .. ?s steady , as an o.d stage horse. 1 lent is the lieau t> o. thenr .So let them wave, I say ; they " ill pay for them some day, sewing on buttons and trying to make a uinti °/ t>'« f' 'low they luWe spliced to. and ten chances to <j|rt if they den’t get the worst of if. It is all Wright. hevaial people were making purchases ■'* " oodward avenue grocery yester ,1: '- v " h ' n ”»<» with a cane in 0 ln 1 ’ lnu ,l in mo ottiti stoou tl,e < ' 001 Hn< ’ as,;e< * : “Did any of you drivo up here in h sleigh ¥” “Yos ; I did,” replied one. “Was it an old white boss ?” “Yes.” “And au old woman in tlio cutter “Yes.” “And can she manage the boss “I guess she can.” “Then it’s ail right,” said tlie man of tlie cami and the bundle. “Tlie old host* lias run away and the old woman is hanging to the dashboard and yelling murder with all her might; lint, if sli? can manage him, there’s no use of any¬ body getting excited over it. Let ine inquire what the price of cranberries is to-doy.” [4 l* 1 uuuers.* ’ a fan - “Then's ......’ panaita thi r “T r tail, a " * ' nil® O ‘.The. A RKiiopnr* ilurWen j Miftim 1 m forgeOrou. LMim Tlie stars will falter as iliey cross The blue above, and sudden loss WBI till tlie hours with bitterest dros* Thu day when 1 forget you. The sunshine will not glide the day, The green hill nor tlio rippled bay, Bid all the world will walk in gray T ie day that I forget you. For you, if not for those you know, The heart will fill and overilow With bitter tears that hurt us so, The day that I forget you. Though silence should, like velvet pall 7 Hold voice and pen in mutest thrall, Kemetnber, darling, through it all I never w ill forget you. Here’s rosemary leaf, and pansy blue, They’ll tell you tli it I will be true To memory, darling, and to you, And never will forget you. Even lying under grass or snow, When summer’s winds or winter’s blow Above tlio heart that loves you so, I never will forget you. Eve was tlio little sideshow of para The way for a had Imy to go on a ben¬ der is over his Mother’s knee. Tlie only ban 1 in the world which blesses those who grasp it is a full hand. “Teeth inserted without payin’—” re¬ marked the tramp, as lie bit into a sto¬ lon pie. Why are young ladies like arrows? Because they are in a quiver tilt the next beau comes. A Providence paper talks about “ani¬ mated fragments of shattered rain¬ bows.” It moans ladies. It takes a justice with an awful sight of cheek to tell a merchant that a jury of his peers inis decided so and »o, when tlie said peers consist of four old bums and two corner loafers. A witty doctor, who was one of the corps of physicians appointed to vacci¬ nate the policemen, remarked: “What is tlie use of vaccinating these fellows ? They never catch anything !” ‘The prettiest girl I ever saw Wason the banks of Arkansaw,.’ instead of tlie flat modern ditty— ‘1 never saw as pretty a lass As tiie girl i saw in Arkansas - ”? A witty gill, seeing a dapper little fop of her acquaintance with a large hat on —lie affected largo huts—sweetly said ; “Come out of that hat, William. I know you are in it,, for ! see your feet.’,’ “Yes, sonny,.” said an old negro to a }' oun 3 ,IUU1 wl, ‘* was boasting of tlio i 8"' at ll<e v “ : ' " oin ® l “ accomplish ! “»"y* ” oWjt - vou has » *reat fntur’ afore you, ^ you only toes 10 xce u it 1 m j An old lady seeing a paragraph bead ^’H*>v Inventors, said : ‘‘Boy In vviitors’. Well, l hope some of ’em will invent a boy that won’t always tie teaiing his trowers, and that’ll stay in the house nights.”