The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, July 08, 1881, Image 1

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The Democrat. A lire Weekly Paper on Live issues Published Every Friday Morning, at Crawfordrille, Ga. H. 2. Andrews, Proprietor. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: •Single Copy, (one year,) . S 1 50 Single Single Copy, Copy, (six months,) . 75 (three months,) . 50 ieT Advertising rates liberal. BOOS and JOB PRINTING a specialty. Prices ito suit the times. Legal Notices, Application for Letters of Dismission. <JEORGIA—Taliaferroo County. | "117“HEREAS, Henry T, Hamiuack, v T Administrator on tho Estate of James M. Hamunack late of said county, Deceased has applied to mo for Letters 1 ■of Dismission from said Estate : These arc therefore to cite and ad monish all persons concerned, to show •letters should not be granted: Given under my hand at office in •Crawfordville, this May 31st., 1881. CHARLES A. BEAZLEY, Ordinary. T. C. Applieation for Letters of Dismission, ■GEORGIA—' Taliaferro County. “1T7I1EREAS, Yv Wiiliain M. Harrison, Ad ministiator on the Estate of Lawson C. lias Wimburn, late of said county of Dismission Deceased, fr Th^lre applied to me for letters therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv office, on or bv the first Monday in Sep asassA'SSifflffi Given hand office sans in Craw- ~ under my at : fordville. This June tith, 1881. CHARLES A. BEAZLEY, ! Ordinary, T. C ! Notice. GEORGIA —Taliaferro County. A Magistrate’s Court in and for the 601st Ilist., G. M., will bo held in the town of Crawfordville, on the fourth Saturday in each month. Earths (interested will please take notice and •govern themselves accordingly. June 15th, 1881. ! C. T. BOGGS, (,’.’ J. P. : 601st. Dist., M. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that any and al. persons hunting or fishing oil my premises without my permission will be regarded as trespassers and l r isecuted ito tire extent of the Law. JOHN U. MOORE. NOTICE}, OTICE is hereby given of an iwteu L q tion to apply to the next session of the general Assembly of Georgia, Iq he held in July 1881 f,,c. .the passage of an act. Entitled an net. to amend the fitock Law; for the passage of an act, to lie entitled an act to compensate the county Board of Roads, and Revenues (for services Tendered: A ml for the pass¬ age of an act, to b• entitled an act: to allow Ordinaries extra compensation for services rendered when no fee is prescrib¬ ed by law: Cruwfordvilh*, G. ., June 8tR., 1881. Hotel'Cards. V 1LINARD IfOr.SE CLAYTON BTBROT, SEA It POST OFl'KU, ATUKNS, GEORGIA, Rooms all earpeteJ. Travelers. Good sample rooms for Oommerriiii CL1NARD, Proprietor. A. D. In tational hotel, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, K. T. WHITE. Proprietor, This House is now complete with its im¬ provements, viz.: Tho addition of a third story, giving thirty-three additional rooms, capacity now seventy-five and more, with the modern every¬ thing fresh and bright all improvements. situated the Depot and Being business near houses. The Na venient to tho tional, newly renovated and offers superior inducements to the Travel ing Public. Rates, 32.00 per day. Special rates for Jonger time. Railroad Notices. Georgia -AND-- Id A _ —qr— ■— r —■—a LAI(1 -r- ( V) ►A- ^ -A- -A- v \ --A_ l v -' • Scpkbit.-tesdent’s Office, 1 AUOUbTA, Ai'Y’i-c'r* /* UA. * Vac JNOV. OWJ. lutu) C ) /COMMENCING f SUNDAY, 7th instant, operated the following passenger schedule will ; --*■ . WO. 1 WEST—DAILY. NO. 2 EAST—DAILY. 11 “ " Macon W’sh’i'ri ;*i N--V&5', r- • C;wFd’lll2^ip Wash'g’n Athens 2:10[p . ... 5555 = = XitO.pfth : Mniedg’ll Maoon 4:45;p: * Athens ; 6:45.p - 1 A tlanta 5:45 bim : Augusts 3:47ip- = WO. 3 WEST—DAll.T. NO. 4 EAST—DAILY. Lv. Augusta 5:30‘pim 9:52p'mlAr. Lv. Atlanta 8:45 3:0l!a!m Lv. Cr’f’v’ll C’f’dv’ll Ar. Atlanta 5:00 a m Ar. Augusta 7:00 am SUNDAYS. No connection to or from Washing¬ ton on JXO. W. GREEN, E. RTdO R8 E Y. General Manager. Gen. Pass’ger Agent. Mav2,1879. 500 MILE TICKETS. GEORGIA RAILROAD COMPANY j Office Genep.’l Passkvoeb Agt’, > c OMMENCING Augusta, March 2,1880. J this date, this Com¬ pany will sell FIVE HUNDRED MILE TICKETS, good over main line and branches, at THIRTEEN 75-100 DOLLARS each. These tickets will be issued to individuals, firms, or families^' but not to firms and families combined. E. B. DORSEY, General Passenger Agent, Marchl0.1&?0.t-o*o Yol. 5. ■ Jt y , i\.y © T S ■ Hair - if ' FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair, it restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may lie desired. By its use thin ... hair is thickened, ... and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of th * h * ir ^mediately, and causes a new growth In all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or *hm strength, ™*f.»*«. and renders it pliable, «** The Vigob cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not alt of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair, The _ v _ Vigor is incomparable. It is color h*ss, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for tho toilet it is economical and unsurpassed iu its excellence. nurxBin ar Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemist*. BOLD BY ALL DSUGOISTS EVEBYWHERB. April 29, 1881. j- y. 4m Trade Mark^^^ AND SPERMATORRHEA. 1.1. Rfprajr nal Emissions fur (ha sp«*»d7 and Impotency add permanent by the ('ure only of Semi¬ truo way, riz: Direct Application tothe* ineipalfl«afc of the I ”.8«)Ase, acting by Absorption, and exerting: Its fj*»cific influence on the Seminal V^aiclc.8, Ejac¬ ulatory Ducts,PyoptatoGland,and Urethra. Tho am of 1 ae Remeo/ Jjj uttended with no pain o.- incon Ycnlcnce, and does not Interfere with tbo ordinary pursuits Fortxxl, producing of life; it is quickly dissolved and eoo»* Rtive effect tbe sn imine<liatesootblngA»' sexual and * ,vqt^r tions wrecked uj»oo from self-abuse au<t wur-^ l.kAD'zi the dram from the entem, resto-Uig e-ecsses Btonplnjr health and pound thy mind to mem*'— '".-tovui*- ** : A*” *ffor-Jetv. • d«dJ1 ! *'. etc., " and 'usics theappearnneo of I dead, pretr. iturc • ’ cec., nsnally this r trouble, - and restoring ^ ngo perfect Sexual eocompanyin# ViKor, wbero it has been dormant for years. This mode of treat¬ ment has stood the lest ui ve sevorr cases, and la now h pronounced success. Di. gs are too much pro¬ scribed in t hese troubles, and, ns many can boar wit¬ ness Is to, Nonsense with but al»out little this If any Preparation. perm ant” tgoud. Practical Thoro o!j no scrvBtionen.ibJeB us to positively fyuauanlee that ifc will give satisfaction. Dv.'-mr (no eight .ears that it has been in general use, v;c L-*. o thov s i i-sof testl monlalsasto Medical its value, he and it is now mne- .i-.j by tha Profession to tho mni-t rational mea.’.B yet discovered of reaching arid curing this very po vai- at tronbla. to that is well known to be tbo cause of untold misery so many, and upon whom quacka prey with their useless no#trunks and big feea. Tho Hem* dy is putupin n*»at boxes, iof three sfzes, 2 V j. l,(nwnufh t->lAsta month,) $3; No. ii, (suilicient to efl'ect, a per¬ manent cure, unless in Gevero casi;s,) ft5; No. 3. (lasting over three months, will atop $v.- emissions by mail, ana sealed, restore in vi&or plain Jo the worst ca«os.) Full DIRECTIONS Sent, wrappers. lor UBD'.ff will accompany EACH BOX. & /Semi for Sealetl AnntomiraCiIllustrations TtemcvinHre. f*amph-\ IrtHgiving \ | and Tt&litnony, Mrfi toil/convince m I tho. *no*t Bkejnioal tit at tiioy oat 4 be I I Q restored i<» perfec tluliom t nut niuxnf,and fit- f \ ted far tho. of lifi‘, oh if / Npefcr affected. Sold O.t T1 Oy HARRIS REMEDY CO. Mf C. CHEMISTS. Market and 8th St*. ST. LOUI8. Mo. Aprils, ’81. j-y. GR.BUTTS’(££§£&£ Trent ill Chronic Diseases, aud enjoys « natfon #»l reputation throoeh tbe caring of complicated cases. iWQlSCRETiOR..rEXPOSUR£<^'T etttonti t)i he blood, pkin or treated witiis-'O re ss, without usini/Msrcuryor I*oisonoii» Medicines. oho are BufferitiRfrom^the tims for lmttf noos or marriage, termaoently enred. ! O 4 TI ¥ 9L “T<K TP £ A TED ! Y Mail and Express. poiibu. j went mailvt free to any address on application. A Per*<m* gafferlug from Ruptnrr their advantage. should Mind It iheir a*ldr«M,V \iuid leant vuaetblnr lo confidential, and (hould <■ not a Ir re—od \im.f Commuuicsfi'inp I)IL BLTT8,12 atncUy *ivrtb ^U» ZU, 8t Louis, be add Vio. April 8,’81. j-y. OR 0«pJW us wggs DAVID LAUDBLEXH * 80X8, Philadelphia, Pa, oct. 27 ,’ 80 . j-y. XX': vjy// oS I \ \ A n-.ffaod C complete hap’ers 4.1 A IDff t '.mprea: TO W MU.ttCK, W ~>nta ng oe man -o' if, -t refion <ai wit. # *Hei rt* of Virgin ft .. . * V P«o» (;■«, — JF • -vVt *• a*’- •»«*• L.* *• ! — ! *. I" *«< f lm^-m *».< Mfcr ■ <o . L '• *4*-*a. L-» J »!."•-«» *«s ;>■.•»•>*, L-«- Mis fl-r'.:-•/*■" “FiiVfftVModlfal *-->« !>•——*' ‘f--*-* Adviser"* d,»*x«e» Si » suiting froa. imf>u r ; seXJAl •> a«i i ». xnd no s«!f-*bu«e— —:•« »*St .A j- i ~«*«4 v* *A— . U -*»«»; K *»tij P.-r —:-«• A . Y,» «-.,«( BlilM •*.•!> .J* » JF' ' -•*».»• « --»» ad* -«» • eukU or* A W t,* rC ** 1 - " u f*<4 *f t«*< — • •ft. *tU*C. • * *••»' »« ' t: u IJ-sr*^*!- <M If—. t-*>.'.*ga u. J-» »»« * KS. n »«. .« ... <« •*-* »«*•■» ,»t—. » * -*•• i A. «/. *««<«>. :5**t*»x>s f*r $i. , B PTHEg h-«* w / (r. Ie . F.-uu nr-rt#* *i) l* • —• SS.SSTT S* BISMUt UL I a *■ ■ -«■ r— April s7 ’81* j-y. I-sF" C A. DAVIS & CO., Greeneshoro’, Ga , are supplying hundreds of lad i< ^ vith their Dress (xbod- Fan'. Parasols, Milline ry.Goods, jsdne'of Hat?. Bonnet?. Their Milliner theSiies* in Georgia. The Democrat. CRAWFORDYILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1881. THE i BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS ! FOB MAN AND BEAST. I pASmore than a third of a oentnry the t only safe reliance for the relief of i accidents and pain. It Is a medicine kind. above prico For ana praise—tfce form of external best of pain Its the every MEXICAN Mustang It flesh Is without and muscle an equal. to penetrates bone—making the the very continu~ ance of pain and inflammation impos¬ sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and the ful. Brute Tho Creation are equally wonder¬ Mexican MUSTANG i Liniment is needed day by brings somebody In of every house. Every awful seald newi___ news burn the agony of an o r subdued, of rheumatic rhe-----------— martyrs ro stored, or a valuable ltorae or ox saved by tho healing power of this LINIMENT which speedily cures such allmoufis of the HUMAN FLESH as Joints, Rheumatism. Contracted Swellings, Musclss, ' Bums Stiff and Scalds, Cuts, Bruisss bud Sprains, Poisonous Bliss and Stings, Stiffness, I.antsness, Ol Sores, Ulcers, Frostbites, Chilblains, Sore Nipples, Coked Breast, and Indeed every form of external dis¬ ease. It heals without scars. For the Brute Creation It cures Sprains, Swinny, Stiff Joints, Founder, Harness Sores, Boot Dis¬ eases, Foot Hot, Screw Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind galls, Spavin, Thrush, Blugbona, Old Sores, Poll Evil, Film upon the Sight and every other ailment to which tbe occupant* of tho Stable and Stock Yard are liable. The Mexican Mustang Liniment always cures positively, and never disappoints; and It is, THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN OB BEAST. May 20, ’81. j-y. Ir. Hay docks NEW Headacb.© AiixriD LIVER DILL (SUGAR-COATED.) Oue Pill 1 h a llosc. Ouc Pill Ik a Dose. One Pill Is a Dose These Pills are au absolute cure for all Bilious and Malarial affections.— They grapple with disease at its foun¬ tain head, arid root it out of the pa¬ tient’s system at once. They fortify the body against Disease in all tortus of sud¬ den attacks and epidemics, and enable all to brave the Miasmatic danger of sivaaips and forests. One vial of DR. U AY DOCK’S NEW LIVER PILES relieves the entire system of pains and aches, enlivens the spirits and sends new blond iimmniM; through this vui\s. ('.ill for this inestimable medicine at your nearest druggist, and take no otli or. I)r. Iliiydoek's Mew Liver Pills. 7 I'or , all „ Diseases of f the Kidneys, He- „ tention of Urine, Dr. Haydock's Now I-iver Pills are a perfect cure. One Pill will satisfy tlio most skeptical. For Female Diseases, Nervous Prns I ration, Weakness, General Lassitude, Waul; of /Ippei ile, and Sick Headache, Dr. Haydock’s New Liver Pills will be found an effectual remedy. They are Universal in their effe. ts, and a cure can almost always be guaran¬ teed. Each via! coni ains twenty Pills. One Pill is a dose. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. I‘‘i>r Sale by all llrugi'iiitn. CViTTTION.—None arc so genuine unless the signature of A LLEN HA Y DOCK surrounds each vial of Pills.— Ei-ery 1‘i'l i.s Sioinr-Ouitsd. If your druggist does not keep limn, we will mail them tree to any address on receipt of 25 cents. Five vials for 31.00. BUY AT ONCE. DO NOT t >ELA Y. Haydock & Co., 30 Platt. Street, New York. April 8, ’61. j-y. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC . Ulanr, other Baeho, of the best Haadraks, medicines Stllllnfia known com-! and; .many thined in Parker's Ginger are make so skillfully grsaiati Blood Puriflar Tonic a r ■ |to it the Restorer and used.' the - Health and Strength ever [Bowels. Randall Fo/nale Lungs, Complaints. Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs’ ► If you are w:is, ‘ n Jt awa Y w,t ^ Consumption or< * 'your try disease. uv* the Tonic be, to-day. will No matter what Remember! symptoms *nay This Tonic it turely drunkenness help you. ] , cures ► is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely < ; iifferent from Bitters, Ginger Preparations ac ; ’ , other Tonics, and comb jeet t he best curative prop •rrttesof a!!. Buy a 5®c, kettle of yourdrup^ist ^None wrapper. genuine without cur si^na^ure ©n ©utsidt L PARKER S HAIR BALSAM The Uit a A no " •teeo J-rSk.ftt IImtCi •NWJOY — - ~3T Buy .Good? of C. A DAVIS & CO , Grec-nesboro' Ga RUM y* • . A TRUE > ^ «• TONIC ^PERFECT STRENSTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. * ncON lUTTLIiS are blffhly rci^nimitruled for a!l tiUt’KM quirin; . certain and tonic;' re * efficient e*p«a ial!y T„li.)rsti,m, Pyspe/^io, Intrr •it.'h'f.: l>kwd,/trengthoiuf fever?, 11 cat of AppeUie. hues of Strength, Ixuk of / ir.-.ff/, tic. Knriche* liie muitelcs, and giv.sin-w life to the nerve*. They act likea eliarm .n the digestive organ*, removing all dyspeptic*ymntoma auch as Til?;in.) the Jptrking, Eoii in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TllO only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tin*, teeth or give' head.tolls*. Bold by ail dniggists. V.’lite for the ABC Book, 22 pp. of wml nrul amusing reading —tent free. lUtOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, MtL ■H - ERS % Fel^VBl.J.y. SMITH’S SCKOFULA SYRUP •la Ineed and in Fact —TllE— MEDICINE OF THE AGE. -0 HEAD A FEW OF TIIK PROOFS: One el the first young men of Atlanta saya it saved his life when all others had failed. J. IF. Johnson, Cterk Superior (Jburt of Oconee county, say: "It is all itclainis and more too. It acted like a charm on > the friend I ordered it for. mid lias cured ! him of EVERY SYMl’lOM of tho disease.” sSSS'kS'3! : without iienctit. Commencing with this lie is 4 a^dy better. Mr. K. Tauten, of Buck Ilorr., says ,\e was cured of Chronic Oiarrhou*a and Sciofnlotis Eruptions of lifteen yei rs’ standing, with less Ilian two laitties, ami says its effects on him have been so won del fill that his neighbors look upon it as lltuo lit il« less K SS 1 UIHM him a a mirndf* mirdtlf. Numbers of physicians, knowing its. ingredients, hesitate not to prescribe it, j and always with benefit to the patient, Hundreds of others are in cestacies could OVei itsgood , , effect S. Lnllg , ,. list , ol . names . be added if necessary, hut its ef- i feels sneak for themselves. Sold by H. S. SMITH. DRUGGIST, (Jrnwf.irdvillc, G;i. Mar.2 V@l-bni. G. H. IT. Tho .Music House South Pianos -AND - Organs l°m£8* K li re asm Vt H Georgo 0. Robinson A Co. ir AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, o, 1 1 lclVC n tll6 LfU’ffOSt i , ulOCK l ^ —OF - Pianos A Organs. THE LO EST /RICES, AND THE LARGEST SALES IN THE SOUTH. E, I. O. M. I v«w*t Musical lustrum nts of every description. “IIEET MUS 1C, M U.S1C BOOKS, BEST ITALIAN STRING. visiting 3Vfl[one Tr JSJaved or corresponding with THE MUSIC HOUSE OF THE SOUTH. GEO. O. ROBINSON & CO. Oct.27,’80, j-y. Augusta, Ga. 1,000 MILE TICKETS. Gf.ougia Railroad Company, ) Office General Pakbenokr Agent. /COMMENCING Aooosta, April 5th, 1879 ) \j this Companv MONDAY, 7th inst., AND will sell ONE THOUS¬ MILE TICKETS, good mer main line and branches, at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS each. These tickets will he, issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms and families combined. E. R. DORSEY, M a-: 1.1379 Ger.erai Ps'*en**r Ag*r T No. 27. MRS. LIDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. 1 i 7S A 1HSCOVKHKK nr LY P coOTo!iOT 1 ’* TOSMM The PoalUve Cnr* For all Female Complaints. This preparation, a* its name sljcnfflps, consists «# Vegetable I'nipta tit* that arc barmloM to Um moat 4*1 Irate Invalid. Upon one trial Um> merits of this Com pound will bo reoognlsod, as relief lo Immediate i And when Its ihw Is continued, in ninetj nine cases in A him. dred,»p*rmiul*nt«ur*ta*«.ct.d,**tl*iw«. l il. Win ta>. U,T ' On areoant of It* prana own*, It lato-darr* lam praa-rlM bj lb. pbjGcUo. kl thooountry. it via Rl . entire!? u» vent term ot feutag v ,h * Leucr.i***, irregular amt p*i*f*i ."•‘T 11 '”’'H u.mito, lai umantim nai Uleeratfnn, Floodtn**, *11 impkeemeaU and the eoa ..qtHtnt.pInol wemkaem, end I* eepecleily adopted to the Change of life. It will dliwoire and expel toman from the uterus In an early atago of derelopment. Tbe t«Miden* y to enneerous humors there Jj cbeoked very rpeedllv by Hs use. In fact It has proved to be the great¬ est and beet remedy that has ever been dlseever ed. It t>ermm tea every portion of the system, and give* new llfnend vigor. It removes foJnfsuMis.flatnleney, de¬ stroys all craving for sttmulante, and relieves weaknees of the Mtoroacl) (t cures FiloaUng, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, Gonernl Debility, nieephiHsness, Depreaston and hub gesUon. Tliat feeUng of bearing dowa, noosing pals, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Hsu***. It willnt all times, and under all clreumstaiw cm, act fa ha ruivny with the law that governs tbs frmale system. For KUlncy <;onjplolnts of either sea this oompotad I* nnffurpassed. Lycfia L Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound | In pi * pared ut2M auij 236 w«*Lern A verms, Lynn, Moss. Price 9 1 . 00 , BU bottle* tor $ 6 . 00 . Bent by moil to tho (orrn ef pill*, also In tho form of TiOEengss, on reostpt of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. HNKHAM fracly answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pom phial. Address m above Mention thin paper. No family should bo without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' PILLS. Tltey curs Oinstlpatloa, BtUoaon^ **n*IT»irpl(lity of thaliver. 36 cents per bo*. Sold by Dr. H. ». Smith, Crawford¬ ville, Ga. Laniar, Rankin A Lamar, holesale agents, Atlanta, Ga. oct.27,’80. j-y. TUTT'S piEls INDORSED BY PHytlCIANS, CLERGYMEN, ANB THE AFFLI CTED EVE RYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ix>»»of>pp*tit«.N*m«*,bow«l* oorttve. Fai nlnthe HAivd.wflhVduTTnannation in cUnuTroIfcBxertioKofijoJT “ or oB£ of Yn-rubniFyoftemper, with* feeling ofEaving heted memory, duty^vvo!irine**^Ut**tne** n*g • ome J . at .light, hiihly colore.i tTrlnT. IF THE* K WAXNIXMA&EBBHXXDXD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILISOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTTs PILLS*re e.peoiaiiyiidapt*4*o Thsy Inffreate Ibf* Appall tv, andcausttbe oiveatiTrfin,....,Kenier*tu»u_»/.j>rr>. sur^i. pric. ?. rent., m wimrrmj »*., n.t. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Okay HAinorWMiB*r*.'h.njfi-i to» olz*iy unp^ Black b : tsssrag^iaIni^iy! 8*-Gtbv of ft. Soul by L’ru^gi*»U,or exj res# GU Itcsipt Office, 36 Murray St., Hew York. Cc-ki 1 April 8, ’81. j-y. BF The mi mo3t . complete , . stock of Spring ceived J 5 by A Duzjs in t Co Georgia '»r»*eaesDc. just re r0 • ,a - The Democrat AUVEHTMITO RATM t One Square, first insertion > » One One Square, Square, each subsequent months insertion M three . 4 N One Square, twelve months . • M < hi arte r Column, twelve months . . n tt llalf Column twelve months *• sa One Column twelve months . Nn MT One Inch or Less considered as a square. We have no fractions of a square, all fractions of squares will be roosted as squares, liberal deductions mada on Con¬ tract Advertising. AlTKVtPTTO ASSASfUNATK TIB PRESIDENT. On Saturday morning last naar 10 James A. Garfield, President the Uu'ted Stater, was shot In tha ls room of the depot of the Baltimore Potomac railroad iu Washington whither be had gone to tnko the for aooM point in N cw England, by Charles Guiteau formerly a Chicago and latterly a temperance lectur¬ As toon as the shooting ooc u re d news was «rrr m* WlTfifi H direction, and the entire country waq shocked by the sad intelligono*. Secretary Blaine was with the Presi¬ dent when he was shot. He was disd upon twice while his back was towards the assassin; the first shot taking effect in the right arm and the second Just above the right hip and near tha kidneys. Onteau, the assaasin, waa immediately arrested after tha shooting and carried to jail. Various conjectures hare boon made as to tha motive which prompted to shoat the President, but tha real has not'an yet been ascertained. A latter whs found in his pocket addraaa ed to the White House after ha waa ar¬ rested in which he saya : "The President’s tragic death was a necessity, but it will unite the Re¬ party and save tbo Republic. * * * I had no ill will towards the President. His death was a political necessity. lama Stalwart of the Stal¬ warts." A letter wns also found on the street, signed by Gnltenu and Gan. Sherman, which is as follows ; “1 have Just shot the President. I shot him several times, as I wished him to go as easily as possible. His death Was a political necessity. I am a law¬ yer, theologian and politician. lama Stalwart of the Stalwarts. I was With Gen. Grant and the rest of our men In New York during the canvass. I am going to tho jail. Please order out your troops and take possession of the jail At once. Very Respectfully, Charles Uulteau. The President’s condition was report¬ ed more favorable yeMertay than It had been at any time, and great hopes are now entertained of his recovery. ►— • Sharon Correspondence. N. K. WARE, EDITOR. We have had several cool day*. Wilkes, McDuffie, Hanoock, Greene, Warren, Lincoln, Taliaferro, counties were well represented In 'Bbaron last week. The season for the past week has been extremely good. The Fountain Gamp Meeting is spo¬ ken of now as embracing the 1st. Sab¬ bath in September, We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. A. W. Mershon, which occurred at the residence of her bus band, Mr. A. W. Mershon, in this place on last Wednesday evening. The be¬ reaved family and relatives have our sympathy. Tbe commencement ot the Sacred Heart Seminary at this place came off last Tuesday evening. A large crowd was in attendance and tbe commence¬ ment reflected groat credit upon both tbe sisters and pupils. Sharon was livelier tbe last week than ever before. Crowds of people from a distance epent several days in our pleasant little village. Our good people used every endeavor to make them enjoy their sLay here ; and •v ery one seemed pleased. The «• animation of the pupils of Sharon In stitute began early on Thursday morn¬ ing and was listened to from the begin¬ ning by a large and appreciative audi¬ ence. Tho exercises were intermixed with speeches and recitations from the beginning to tbe close. The pupils were self possessed and auswered quick¬ ly the questions given them by the ex¬ aminers, Proffs. Wm, B, Fambrough, ol Thomson, James Roberts and A. F. Ware, of this county. These exercises continued until 4:30 P. M., with an In¬ termission of two hours for dinner, which was served on the grounds and general invitations extended to every body. 4:30 p. m., Col. Thoe. E. Watson ® f Thomson made his apjiearance on th ® and was introduced by Dr. A. (J. Davidson, The address waa one suitable for the occasion aad was listen- 1“ people. — Many words spoken br « '«« by aoo the speaker, will live in the memory of lh " 8 ® who listened to bim on that day. The Thomson Coinett Band furnish tbe d v j ** « 8dy ttiey Were punctual , to their flnilf and carried out their part of the pro themselves splendidly; aud so conducted while in our village, that they received the highest praises at the best citizens. The exercises at night were the heel 7« It 10 r rj tne tnesM<1 yoUDg ,n pijrfOI 01CF8* W* m The entire programme for day and was can led out to a letter and the order during the exercises was as good as could be expected. Now aS ie o v< t *nd every one enjoyed tliemsehree. Thanks returned to all who aided ths arrangements of tbe tccasion;and both teacher aad pupils are now efcjwy ing their vacation with tl«ir frieads.