The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, August 12, 1881, Image 1

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The Democrat, A. Live Weekly Paper on Live Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at Crawfordville, Ga. K 2. Andrews, Proprietor. HATES OP SUBSCRIPTION: Singfe Copy, (one year,) . . . SIM Single Single Copy, (six months,) . 75 Copy, (three months,) . . 50 and tfT JOB Advertising PRINTING rates liberal. BOOK to suit the a specialty. Prices times. Legal Notices. Application for Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA —Taliaferro County. WHEREAS. Henry T. Hammack, V T Administrator on the Estate of •Tames M. Hammack late of said county. Deceased has applied to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate : These are therefore to eite and ad monisn all persons concerned, to show cause tember on or by the first Monday in Sep¬ next, if any they can why said letters should not be granted: Given under my hand at office in Crawfordville. this Mav 31st.. 1881. CHARLES A. BEAZLEY, Ordinary. T. C. Application for Letters of Dismission. G EORGIA— Taliaferro County. -\TTHEREAS, t ministrator Wiiliam the M. Estate Harrison, of Lawson Ad T Wlmbum, on C. late of said county Deceased, ; has applied to me for letters of Dismission from said Estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to he and appear at my tember office, on or by the first Monday in Sep¬ next to show cause if any they can why Given said under letters should band not at be office granted. in C’raw fordville. This my June 6th , 1881. CHARLES A. BEAZLEY, Ordinary, T. C Citation for Letters of Ad¬ ministration. GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. WHEREAS Welcome A. Stone Sr., '* has applied to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Elijah Meadows late of said county deceased: These are therefore to cite, and ad . monish, all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office on or by the first j Monday in September next, to show cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted : Given under my band and official sig¬ nature, this July 11th, 1881. CHARLES A. BEAZLEY, j Ordinary T. C. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that any and all persons hunting or fishing oi^ my premises without my permission will be regarded as trespassers and prosecuted to the extent of the Law. JOIIX R. MOORE. Hotel Cards. QLINARD HOUSE, CI.AYTOX STREET, NEAR l’OST-OKFICE, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Rooms all carpeted. Good sample rooms for Commercial Travelers. A. 1). CL1N-AUD, Proprietor. ■RATIONAL ATLANTA, HOTEL, GEORGIA, E. T. WHITE. Proprietor. This House is now complete with its im¬ provements, viz. : The addition of a third story, capacity giving thirty-three seventy-five additional with rooms, thing now and more, the modern every¬ fresh bright and all improvements. Being situated the Depot ami near con¬ venient to the business houses, Thf. Na¬ tional, newly renovated and refurnished, offers superior inducements to the Travel¬ ing Public. Rates, time. 82.00 per day. Special rates for longer Railroad ^Notices. —------------- — --- r - I Georgia Railroad # -AND “IT j \ ^ "X'T" I T~ I \Ti'S ( /'A Y Office General Manager, Augusta, Ga., July 23 d, 1 SS 1 . ‘j /COMMENCING SUNDAY, 2tth instant, : the following passenger seliedu £ will he operated : ■ NO. 1 WEST—DAILY. NO. 2 EAST—DAILY. ! Lv. Augusta 0:325 a m I.v.Atlanta 7:1.5 u m ‘ : Macon 7:00 a m “ Athens 8:15 a m : Milledg’Il 8:58 a in “ C wf’d’ll 12.-.17 p m : AY’sli’i’n 10:45 Ar.Wash’g’n 2:10 p m Ar.C’f’dv’ll “Athens 12:31 p in “ Jlaron Milledg’Il4:45 p|m pin’ I 3:15 pm “ 6:45 “ Atlanta 5:45 n ui “ Augu*l:i 5:47 p ui NO. 3 WEST—DAII.Y. NO. 4 EAST—DAILY. Lv. Augusta 5:30 p in Lv. Atlanta 8:45 p m Lv. CrTv’ll <i:52’|> mlAr. CTdv’Il 3:011a m Ar. Atlanta 5:00 a nrAr. Augusta 7:00a:m No connection to or from Washing- : (ton on SUNDAYS. joflN W. GREEN, E.R. DORSEY, (General Manager. Gen. l’ass’ger Agent. Mav2,187!l. .500 MILE TICKETS. oo C OMMENCING Augusta, March 2, 1880. J this date, this Com¬ pany will sell FIVE HUNDRED MILE TICKETS, good over main line, at THIRTEEN 7,7-100 DOLLARS each. These tickets will be issued to individuals, firms, or families, but not to firms and families combined. E. It. DORSEY. General Passenger Agent. MarchlO,1880. t-o-o 1.000 3IILE TICKETS. , Gf.orgia Railroad Company, ) OFFICE Gesekal PAs.4ENGfcuAofXT. - ■ U JNOMMESrCING MONV>AV. ,U 7t!f'b,-t.. this Company will sell ONE THO US AND MILE TICKETS, good mer main iine and branches, a* TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAEB each. T’ re tickets w>i' be Issued not to firms to individuals, and families firms combined. or families, but L R. DORSEY, May9,187'J. Qenerai Ua -eager Agent. Yol. 5. MRS. LYDIA E. P1NKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. % . £0 s-v-’-W.;.. a - + u g ; IH9COVSBKR op LYDfA Ea PINKHANI’S VEGETABLE CCMT 3 UTO. The Positive Pare . For all Female Complaints. This preparation, ns Its name sipnlflos. consists of Vegetable Proportion that are harmless to the moat del icate invalid. Upon one trial the merits of this Com pound will be recoernisued, aa relief is immediate; aiui when its use *3 continued, in ninety-nine cases In a hun. dred, a permanent euro Is effected,as thousands will tes¬ tify. On account of its proven merits it is to-day re commended and prescribed by the beat physicians in theeonntry. It will cure entirely the worst form of failing of the uterus, Lcucorrbcra, irregular and painful Menstruation, nil Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacements and the con¬ sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterusin an early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there is checked very speedily by its use. In fact it has proved to be the ffreat eet and best remedy that has ever been discover¬ ed. It |>ermeates every portion of the system, and give# new life and vigor. It removes falntnees^flatulency, do¬ st roys oil craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach It cures Bloating, Headache a, Nervous Ur* *«t ration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indl post ion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It wlllat aQ times, and under all circumstam ces, act iu harmony with tho law that governs the * female system. For Kidney Complaints of cither sex tills compound ls unettfpassed. Lycfia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 236 Western Avenue, Lynn, Maas. Price 81,00. Six bottles for *3.00. Sent hy mail in the form of pills, also In tho fern of Lozenges, on receipt of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. FINKILAM freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pain phlut. Address as above Mention this paper. Wo family should bo without LYDIA E. PINK HAM* LI\ Ylt FILLS. They euro Constipation, Dillousnesa and Torpidity cl tho Livor. 26 cents per box. Sold by4r' H- ’• JT'uH!) sSYaw’furdv ^ ville, Ga. Rankin * Lamar, & Lamar, bolesale agents, Atlanta, Ga. oct.27,’80.j-y. STITTE CELEBRATED ^ ■Pffw ^9 Pi $2 ... p-tlr ^ iL m STOMACH && Malaria is an Unseen Vaporous localities, Poison, spreading for which disease quini and is death genuine in many .e no an titode, but for the effects of which Iloatetter’s SSSSSSl'lSS; extending over a period of thirty years. Al! disorders of the liver, stomnch and bowels *re alsofnmmere.n.y i’ie- Litters. ^ generally. tutts sa.1 PILLS INOORSHO BY PHYSICIANS, THE AFFLI CLLfiOYhflEN, RYWHERE. AND CTED EVE THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH QF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ppSSSp® clfnatioj Irntab'.h.ty to of cxertiop temper. of 1.,-;w body apirUs. or npd, Losa gyted ofinemory, with du afeging ofLavlfigneg; Dizziness, some t ? ,w fcari aesa, fluttering of theHeflrt. Dota before tha eye8, Y ellow Bkm.Headache.JleatW netss at night, highly colored urme. IF THESE WAEAIKOS A EE UNHEEDED, SER'OUS DISEASES WILL 300 N EE DEVELOPED. TT 7 TT 8 FILLS are e.peeiaiiy adapted to such easetMinetlou suchacliange u<r«re of feeling as to at»toni«h the 8 r . xysterrm. nourlahefl.and bvtheirTouic Atfliouon the i v** Oricaus, Uejfu’ar SlooU arepro ducerJ. Price 25 cents. a5 YSfsrray Nt. W.T. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Gra y Hair or Whiskers application changed of Ihia to a Ijye. G va&y It Black by a winkle u»iy. irnparts a natural color, acts In stall t taneo * y DruggiMd, or seat by ex^rea* on receipt " ' Office, 35 Murray St., New York. g Ur. TUTTS I n. oi VainIafenuti on and b ^UV-ful Receipt « will be otaile<l IK££ on app ,:< ativn-^ '/ iprii , s, ol. j-v. I.'u i.- ■■ AT.. /.a,:’ Newport- Quartered G-:., .- ... 7 I.ev.' Shoe-- n-sorted. -J A. DAVL8 a CO, r., . , r , ,' , , r 1 J ' : " ‘ 1 ' a,,< ) Summer goods in Georgia yqst re ceived by C. A. Davis or Co.. Greenesto ro’ Ga * The Democrat. CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1881. Poetry. (HI1.I)11(M)1). BY GEORGE I>. PRESTICB. I ’Tis sad, yet sweet to listen To the soft wind's gentle swell; And think we hear the music ' | Our childhood loved so well; To gaze out on the eve, And the boundless fields of air, And feel again our boyhood’s wish, To roam like angels there. There are many dreams of gladness And That from cling the arbuiqj tomb of the feeling past, Old thoughts come thronging fast; The forms we loved so dearly. In the happy (lavs now gone, The beautiful and lovely, So fair to look upon. Those bright and gentle maidens, tSSSX a J“L°n.y iss ’ For such a world as this; j Whose dark, soft eyes seemed swimming O'er brows XUw streaming | SO sunny brillllt. " ! Like the brightest buds of summer, I Yes, They oh, have fallen from the stein; it is a lovely dream, To fade from earyilike them. And yet the thought is saddening, To muse on such us they, And feel that all the beautiful Are passing swift away! That the fair ones whom we love, Grow to each loving breast, I,ike tendrils of the clinging vine, And perish where they rest. Miscellaneous. [ Communicated. ] Burial of Charlie Overton. [Sacred to the memory of one who died away from homo and who was buried in the city of A ugusta by strang¬ ers.] Yonder is the ojien grave and tearful oyes looking down upon it. Slowly the hearse moves on as if it is wearisome to bear the young unwearied form to that cold couch which age and sorrow might render sweet to man. There seems a sadness in the air bending down the long grass upon those verdant mounds wdrere raAH*Srtdw oidhping. There is a train of people, some fair ones with brows of bloom and shining tresses, standing near the brink of that dark [lit in pensive thought waiting the ap¬ proach of the corpse. They are there to meet one not as the gay bird meets the spring, brushing the dew-drops from the j morning flowers, breathing mirth and gladness; but their hearts are sad and their movements are fashioned to the deep-toned bell, some of them are, per¬ haps, those sorrowing friends who watch¬ ed so closely his journey through the shadowy vale that almost to their hearts the ice of death enters from his. For many months fair Charlie had been wast¬ ing like a snow .wreath which the sun marks for his own on some mountain’s breast and tinges long with rosy light. In the dismal night consumption crept into lijs breast. Hushed his cheek, bleach¬ ed his skin, and feasted away the vital j spark of life. Many a restless night ho listened to the death watch tick and was convinced that only a short breath held him from ! ■ that grave yonder where youth and beati ty must sleep together. But the grave is Hot the goal. Deat h Call not CUIlCCl I the gt oat band that bold commingling \ | spirits. Thoughts that have no bounds, I that search out the Eternal Mind can ; not become inmates of the tomb; but ! must rise and shine iu that bright day | which ends not. In trembling prayer I we hear those dear people ' lifting their hearts to God who is the that’ Judge of ill who so loves tins world lie will let | his light shine even at the last hour, suffered his neace so dove-like to res! with some who had loved earth and its pleasures, so fondlv urged young <;tiar)ie 1 to count and resign the allurements of a tion. world so When dear, that and voice to find within a better speaks por- j us tlie startling word, “Soul thou shall nev er die,” we desire at once to know God * hy a mysterious sense; to feel Ilis nii seen presence; to learn tire song of our great immortality Jrericc that same sweet voice of joy might cause those marble lips in life’s last strife to claim an ever lasting home. Those who stand aroumi met fair brow and those unf rested locks must . too t return to dust, , must wait the , morning of the resurrection—be not then down nor fl’sgusLed in uo|h ; but. l»e in failjfclifliug the heart to Ilim who gives tire victory. Living souls; resist no more, Nor Dreatj tl(us not the grave’s cold gloom, complain that my sweet life Is darkened in tbe tomb ! There’s a fulness in God's mercy, Like the fulness of tbe sea; There’s a kindness in this justice Which is all that life to me. There’s never a heart so haughty; <b 'f ,; ’‘. b ' ow an f 1 v ‘-_r a o-a. - ...» wounded 1 ! ‘ d ~ vhe savior can not heal. There s no place where earthly sorrows At - more felt than in Heaven; There's no place where earthlv failing Have such kind iustiee ” 1 justice given. mven For the love of God is broader ThaiPthe measure of man's mind, And the. heart of the Eternal Is mot Wonderfully kind. 1 once made His love too narrow By false limits of my own; And I magnified Ilis strictness Wit!zeal lie would not own. When ’ found my sweet life wasting I the—irayed, not doubting thus; Weepinj. lowly, trusting freely, • His great tenderness for ns. I found lis love great, yet simple; Only Jousting on His word, And giving all earth’s fair sunshine. Died i a the sweetness of the Lord. W Le-Rave. _ For Premature Q«y Hair Use: Londe i Hair Restorer, Insures new Londka Hair Restorer, growth. Re-j Londu i Hair Restorer, stores the col Loudon Hair Restorer, or, Exquisite Loiido) Hair Restorer, dressing. The London Hair Restorer, only cleanly and effectual Hair Restorer in the mar¬ ket. A .oil at luxury entirely free from all obntKfous or unpleasant odor. PHYSICIANS USE AND RECOMMEND IT. Some "Light years ago my hair com¬ menced applies falling; top became quite bald. 1 “London Hair Color Restorer.” My hair not only stopped falling, but is now invalual^ grm ing finely and I consider it an article for restoring the hair. | street, 1’iiiadelph‘ia. 1 “price’ 7ifhint's a ! bottle, - K'tiles $4. Sold by druggists. “irtuiN. files”—still another moistur 1 suffgied intense terribly," symptoms were night, Itching, particularly at soreness, &c. “Swayne’s Oint ment <t ed rne perfectly, J M. Ileil tier, (lot. Maiket street, Philadelphia. Swaytie * .Ointmentis sold by all drug for snl '<• the trade by IV. II. Barrett, Augusta .. i ami by II. S. Smith Craw fordVllW I It Isa’, .allslt Mistake to eiinfiiund a rem¬ edy of in,' :t, with the quick medicines now socommi.c. We haye used Parker’s Ginger Tonic wic n^t the Dyspepsia, happiest results lor Rheu¬ matism and when worn out by ovens k, and known Time*. it to he a sterling health tv oiativu. See adv. <U'5rerrible Conflict. “Sti ,: i s’ lightnin’s said to be pooty f w»wp ’ itjf” a sired a. trentlenmy noir. AY*"Lots, as he lanl a Ihree-pouml radish on the managing editor's desk. “It is a force against which it is im¬ possible to conte id,” said the editor. “So I alius s’posed till t’other day,” said the farmer. “But if you seen what I saw Friday you’d change your mind.” “Well, hurry up. What was it ?” “Wo had a little shower out tn’nrds New Lots, ami 1 seen a streak o’ liglit nin’havin’a hard lime for a lew min¬ utes. Right smart streak, ton, but it. made a mistake in localities.” “What was the matter with it V” “When 1 seen it fust it was foolin’ around playful ike, but finally it got an eye onto a w\\W o’ mare, wlmt was hrowsm , and it lit for him. I didn’t think the mule was noticin’, but ho seemed to he impressed more’n 1 knowed ol. 4 hat streak hadn’t more’n got in reach when Ire straightened. Twas hard on tho lightnin’, editor. I neve, seen more loose electricity to lire acre Hum there was around there for a min „l,.n “Mule kick it ?” inquired lire man aging editor. “Wunst. Just wuust, and that was the most astonished streak o’ liglitriu’ ever visited our township. But it was game, editor. It was game lightnin. ” “Come for him again ?” “Well, I should emphasize ! Tire wc 0,1< * b Wils cb,:u ' through, the n, " Ie tbere - ,re ’‘ l n»H«sl his '« the |«de, cut tire halyards and k,10ck ‘ !<1 tll(! <lff - He let go, and 1 a “ Kcograplucal when I a»y hre-baM went 100 rods without hit tin h' 1 '"""’- "v on ought to see that in,llc kl 111 ,iul ' be ba,bl ^h'ot through.’ UliH slor y >'«'*■ ?” «« kwl tbe e,lit,,r - | “-No sin e- What d’ye think that lightnin’ done V It just gave one swish of its tail, and up it went. Thinks f. “good-by lightnin ..... ,” as it went up, ’ . but m Jess’n a minute, back it come witii four more streaks, (hi n’t tell me, light ton’ ain’t got no sense! FOur more streaks, editor, and the whole five o’ ’em went for my mule. Then, thinks I, “good-by, mule !” “Did they get the best of him ?” ‘ 'Wait'll 1 tell yer. They took a leg apiece, and one of ’em went for liis head.” “They were smart,” grinned the edi tor. “That fetched him ?” “But he hested three o’ ’em fust,” said the farmer, with a sigh. “Three went to gran*, and the other two was so worn out that we been nussiii’ ’em ever si net-, liut they downed him.” “Been nursing them ever since, how?” “Took ’em right in and fixed ’em up. They’re the most grateful streaks o’ lightnin’ you ever seen. I’m break in’ . ern to . harue-4 , now, and . they „ 7 ]! „ do the work o’ that rr. le this summer. Will yer gimme a notice o’ this reddish ? j Biggest one e^r growed in Kings coun ity.” Xo. 32. It is remarkable what a statement of facts invariably accompanies a phenom¬ enal vegetable when brought to a liews paper office. The agriculturist seems to think that an editor has no apprecia tion of proportions till he has heard a ruratist lie a little .—Brooklyn Eagle. A fool once more. “For ten years my wife was to her lied with such a complication of ailments that no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure her. and I used up a small fortune in humbug stuff, Six months ago I saw a U. 8. llag with Hop Bitters on it, and 1 thought l would cured her, CS'«i'.''‘IviMS she is now as well and strong as an >' man’s wife, and it cost ine only two dollars. Such folly pays.—II. W., Detroit, Mich.— I'ree Press. Words of Wisdom. Iii refraining from being mean to others you are good to yourself. Every man is bound to tolerate the act of which ho himself sets lire exam¬ ple In matters of prudence, last thoughts are best; in morality your first thoughts are best. Hope is like the wing of an angel, SOilri "« »l> to !*«wen and bearing our Players to the throne of God. Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many ; not OI1 f 0Ur past “tarortnnes. of which all men lll " ! somp . The most adroit falsehood is but thin ice that may break anydav. The true j u (( , ' 1 „„ 1 1 t* ....... nth, and . b °" 10 w ‘ l, hold il i but ,ievo1 ' 10 *>«“ w, lh anything , else. 1 An Indian philosopher being asked what were, according to his opinion, I ho two most beautiful things in the uni verso answered: The starry heavens above our heads, and the feeling of duty in our hearts. It is most certain that ill tongues would bo silent, if all ears were not open ; and hence it was an opposite say¬ ing of tire ancients, that thu toller and hearer of slander should both be banged — tho one by the tongue, and the other by tho ears. There is a certain moildltsome spirit, which, in tho garb of burned research, gous prying about the traces of history, casting down Us monuments, and mar¬ ling and mutilating its-fairost trophies. Caro should be taken to vindicate great names from such pernicious enidition Antediluvian Remains. There are few objects so exciting to the imagination as the colossal frag¬ ments of an antediluvian life. At the very entrance of the gallery, and iu such a position as they never enjoyed before, we fi m | on our right hand the remains tho toxodon, that alarming rodent which, in shape like a mouse, but iu size like a horse, gnawed and squeaked on a grand seale in tire aboriginal forests of Buenos Ayres. The loves and wars of tire toxodon would have I,eon worthy of the song of Homer; nor would tho muse have distained the, slow progress through !t groaning labyrinth ; of trees of the n.e gatlierium, ,, whose vast . forearms , and , blunt ,, , huge , daws , arc lifted , in a nato in ry lashion from t.lre pc. , eslal in tho ecu ter . of ,,, lire small „ gallery “ ■' tit the extreme A , cast of tire building. The megatherium was the prototype of which lire cm ions nm,. »h,th of modern times is tire degen descendant; it crushed through the forests, griping young trees in its paws, ami strippiiig off the bark will, a muscular, cylindrical tongue, to which the trunk of the existing .m-pliar.l is mere pleasantry. Saim-tlny ICeUie. “ Uub M TeombCEmkmmsmcut of Richer* ‘ ‘” 1 oom « m im> o the < w W !’T‘7i ' °'"iT . , Va-smcnt’or^'nVl'Is 'Tie "«Tvs 'ire has fU'’"'' . 1 , ’ 1 ’ ” Lo mI and , he . is ashamed , , at the ease with which be , can make , money, „„ tire other , dav , a v """ ,- ( , v v ‘ " Ul tn " i lM m “ i ( ° ,IS • |, \ p, ,l8 ,l< . "\' ... . . . s: ‘“ W: ‘ MI ’ ' ! , ' W,th "" Jl1 ' ‘ te ' 1 ul Kb " w ‘\ " " s,stmg, and asked him how much he wanted. “Five thousand dollars,” said he. To His surprise sire wrote out a check for the amount and handing it to him, waited for hi* advice. “Madam,” said he, “tell that toy to git git.” I he boy is now outlie fiouticr t soure where. Toombs says lie means to lmi?d a house for tire widow and make her a present of it. It into be presumed that ; a mail who can make money like that, feels as if he could afford t o be “uiirecoii structed.” Ihtemt t-'ree PresL V.V> Cathedral Si. Baltiwiree. ft, with real pleasure that I add my les!, loony to the great virtues of Nenrah/ine. ; -'is a Specific for Neuralgia and Head ’ uc! * a remedy is a blessing, and all sufferers .iliould keep it on hand. J. It. ltidgely, to Hutchison k Bro., i proprietor;;, Atlanta. Ga. .Sold by all Druggists. The Democrat. ADfKKTIHISG RATES: One Square, first insertion S Si One Square,eachsitf»se<juent insertion. 4 2 a One Square, three months . . M One Square, twelve months . » 00 Quarter Column, twelve months . . ZS Oi Half Column twelvemonths . 40 * One Column twelve months . . 60 oo ZNT One Inch or I a, a considered m * square. We have no fractions of a square, al! fractions of squares will be counted a* squares, laboral deductions made on Con* tract Advertising. A merican Manners. i A child, being asked what were the i Miree great feasts of the Jews, replied: “Breakfast, dinner and supper.” About {the only force some people have is the force of habit. It is the wife of a bridge-builder who should , ,,, be uamed Bridget, “There’s my hand !” he exclaimed, in a moment of courage and candor, “and j n i v ,leart ls 1,1 it -”, slle jkwcod at the i empty palm extended toward her, and ! 5 0 ROt “ 1 ****** ‘ j IN EXPLANATION. i Her lips were so near That—what else could I do ? You’ll lie angry, 1 fear, But. her lips were so near— Bell, l can’t make it clear,, Or explain it to you, But her lips were so near That—what else could I do ? There are some very economical girl* in New Jersey. For a social entertain¬ ment the other evening a young lady chose to be a shepherdess, because, sh* said she could afterward use the crook for a cistern pole. Joaquin Miller: “How would a lec¬ ture by me ou Mount Slmsta suit the citizens of Boston ?” “Very well, sir ? exceedingly well ! They would be much better satisfied to have you lecture on Mount Shastivthan in Boston.’’—Boston I Post. ! A . Voting lady . . in . Wis-otism .... . refused t»iv offer of marriage on the ground that hsr father was unable to support a largo fiunily Th ° ,H,y wl, ° waB ft,ter 80,100,1 for b8d ortbograpy rM bo was spsll HIUII<b A medical writer says cliiMren aesdi more wraps than adults. They general !y more, A milk-cart race for a pump will to one of the attractions et a forthcoming entertainment. —Ntw Orleans Picayune.. '/I’oB-Wcm Is n pastilro lot In which' tto aSihnnl getting tire bust grass is snro loi get the most mud and gravel.— Yonkers, Gazette. The proper time to run a town mower i? about five o’clock, a. m. Then you not only cut tire grass, but present the neighbors from oversleeping and’ being late to breakfast, and tho fact that they hope you will get your lingers cut off doesn’t hurt you any.—Boston Post. “Conceal nothing from me, Eliza,” lie said, fondly. “Of what art tliink ing ?” “Dost see yon milky way V” she I asked softly. “I-ee,” lie sadly replied, “that you are getting spoon-y; but you ; can’t plate that way on me.” “And the j weather hot enough to creatu-ate one t: <>h, John I” It was “all on account o| Eliza” that John stood off his wash-. woman next day— WUeelm, Journal. A , * ,,, lU y ... V->rk society . , wom«s I "w 0 ', f"." 1 " tll,re "*« of f'.?*: “ Sola’s l,fI !' w greatly ad i on * h, Fifth ?* i '* avenue. °" «* x »»»«*'*on “Oh I” *«• »»• remarked wter*- t% Irtend ,, dolorously, , , , .. “what , . do , you nuik * pose Lot . , thought ,, ,, when , lie , , beheld , ,, his. - wife tinned to pillerof salt?” i poor a 1 I “1 suppose,” ,, re)ilied nor wit, with ad- . j miralde gravity. “Ire thought liow he j could get himself a fresh one.” “Von old vulture you !” she exclaim- 1,1 wl,,n ’"’hinted thm, five bonnets a . 1 - v0:l1 ' ' r, ' r,: «'»ougli foriuiy ordinary worn ! »*»'• Next day, when [ he relented and t«M her to order a sixth, it would have* *»' smile to hear her sweetly C!l11 bi, » “ ,iir<Jio •” “ ’' hat did he say to me. bite beggar?” said the prisoner, in a fine burntotindig* “Did you hear what he called ?•*•' »<»»*r ? •<« stowed an’ stud sU " U " 5 ,,,i ’ hUe ,,v U,e 8treet an ’ ho niver tqiened hw blagyaid head; he tool^ rtff l,is u " al ' j " Ht ’ :l "' i 1,0 tlowud il dow,v on the giouixl, tike Hint, an’ he luck oils ills , bloody , , . hat , . an , lie , trowed , it down on, top , uv it, . just, - . an’ • he , spit ., on , ins . hand* , . ’em, the wan in the other, hke that, an that s all he said, the 'blatherin’ son of a gnn ; an’ pltwat morev wild ye want him to say before ve tuck ' off the Uffiof him wid a pavin’ ham-. Irier T ’~It U rUn<,toa Umrkojr. ^ k ”’Hhe architect kind , . a house , Oh,” dyowwantf” recast the 1 (b >» c ^ !,lb ->»«"«» "» them tiers of closets, like pul cells.; one hun^ dred and thirty ertoeetswt a tier, and put a roof over the top tier, t want to puft. : up a lionse that will contain enough clov. i ts tr ?satisfy my wife.” lint tlie archt-. tcet, who wussnuan of brondiexperienc*„ told him ire would have to put a thoun sand closets in a tier anil make bli* edi-. fice six stories high, and kh«m hw wW* would say when it was completed that there wasn’t a closet in tlie house bip enough for a cat to. turn around iu.—■„ JJiii Haul;cue. l*r Buy Good - of U. A DAVIS * CO),, < .rce - < .a ,