The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, September 09, 1881, Image 1

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The Democrat. A Live AS e«kly Piper on Live Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at Crawfordville, Ga. Ei Young & Co., Editors & Prop's. HATES OF SCBSVniPTTOX: Single Single Copy, Copy, (one vear.) ... $ 1 W Single Copy, (six months,) T5 (three months,) . . . 50 ZiP Advertising rates liberal. BOOK and JOB PRINTING a specialty. Prices to suit the times. Notices. Application Administration. for Letters of GEOBGIA—Taliaferro ( otjnty. TYTHEKEAS Andrew L. Hilisman If has applied to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Mrs. Martha C. Hilisman, late of said conn ty Deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad i , monish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office, and show cause if % In any they cair on or by the first Monday October next why said letters should not be granted: 4 Given under my hand at office in ** .^Ojawfonlville, Ga., this August 29th, •' ‘’ CHARLES A. BEAZLEY, Ordinary T. C. Application for Leave to Sell Land. Georgia—t/i.iafekro cou.wty. I I/Oin 1 weeks after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary, for said county' to sell thereat estate belonging to the Estate of Elijah Meadows, late of said county deceased This September 5th, 1881. WELCOME A. STONE Sr Administrator. Application for Leave to Sell Land, GEORGIA—Taliaferro County. TAOi.’U 1^ weeks after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary, -II for said belonging county, for leave to s the real estate to the Estate of Amos Klington, late of said county de ceased. Tins Administrator. -- . Railroads, . Georgia Railroad Ocilllvlilg HnTiT'TrTcrPn VO. Office <Iekekat. Manaoeii, j CSSSfflii AnmtsTA, Oa., August gtdlt, IWII. ^^srjssi ko. - kabt—daily. 1 -isriigi: u Milledg’ll W’sh’i’n 8 -AK’a m 1 *‘C”wf’d’lliJ::ia!p m 10:4.)a ni Ar WiKhV'B 114;A5n|m ki'ii t» Ar.C’t’dv’ll W:;llpui“Milledg , Athens Atlanta .i:15 5 :t 5 p m ” Macmi Augusta (itislp m NO. .i WEST—DAfby. n m 3:47'p m vo. < EAST—n.ur.v, GV. - ugusta p til ' ,v Atlanta K :45 p m Lc on m r \thiet-fi r>:!"t a .id' .]V,o • \"go«'jt tv-ha..',', n zi ■. . or Ig. ton on si NDAYS. JOHN W. GREEN, E. It. DORSEY. General Manager. Gen. Pass’ger Agent. 500 MILE TICKETS. Omn^tiKSKiPiS August;!; toV. , ’ vssk I nckh fi^lWl 0 Auem- V ’ ^ S Man l_y /COMMENCING thisdale, this Com pany will sell FIVE IHfNTlHED MILE TICKETS, good over main line, at THIRTEEN 75-100 DOLLARS eaeb. These tickets will lie issued to individuals^ firms, oi families, lut not to firms and lamdies combined. General Fassengei “ Ageiit S,lolsdi » 1,000 31ILE TICKETS. C.Eono,A Raieuoad Company, [ v OfficeGknkhai, Fassenokr Agent. kn'^fG TnOU ^ line amt branches, at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS each. These tickets will be issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms ami families combined May!), 1879. General PaLnger A glk. >■ Hotel Cards. () L1XAKI> *»**■ ‘“.sRssffl A . |) . CLINARD Bi-NAnu, I’ronrietor i ropnetor. RATIONAL TiMTOivirnoTOi HOTEL, ATL ANTA GEORGIA E. T. WHITE. - Proprtctr. m,: T’his House is now complete with its pi Jvements, viz.. : The addition of a third st iry,giving thirty-three additional rooms, ca parity now seyenty-fivomore with every tii ng fresh and bright and all the modern improvements. Jeing situated near the Depot and con venient to the business houses, The Na tonal, m*wly renovated and refurnislied, oflers superior inducements to the Travel in ' Public. Rates, time. 82.00 per day. Special rates for 1 onger rilHE --, GLOBE ,—- IIOTEL, —--—- J corner eighth axd BtiOAO street?*, Al GUSTA, GEORUIA, Is centrally located, and within five min utes* walk of all the principal Business !S7;i^St;.S2S;;,5S.S; ' wSRS.pS.ailJwSMiMiiM, of the city and vicinity, (every live minutes during The the day. House is_ supplied with all the con ▼enienceffof a first-class Modern Ilotel.and lsespecial > vvcll loeateil.amlprovMvilwiUi SUKsasjsawr Each connected with the office bells. Telephone room attachment with by the city and Summerville in the office for the accom modation of cue^G VrA^i, ' » Hou-e,Danville, ° Pro r r Ky 7 X3~ One pound Bar Soap 5c ; pound Bar Soap 4>(c. C. A DAVIS & CO., Greenesboro’, Ga The Democrat Vol. 5. Marble Works. J. J. MULL AN, 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., ii . mr 1 LiillN A NTiTi 1 JX, A GTT'Q'R frl A “ uwl * w ***. . —MANUFACTURER OF— MONUMENTS, ; j ' Tombs & Headstones, Etc. ^ Designs and Estimates furnished. Sept.2,12m. , ( Educational. — 50TH YEAR OF THE Medical (’oliege of Georgia A . Tr U .. l M A. , U _ this Institution constitutes the Department Medical of the State University ; tlie Dcplomas are signed by its Chancellor. The session will commence on tlie first day of November, and will end on the first of Marcli lollowiue. Apply for Circular to GEO. W. RAINS, Dean. Tf- ( t'*1 U’f *~7- (IPflvi -fTi-- 1 It' IpDflpinv i -i L1 101 (l ' 1110 ^^<1010111) . An English and Classical School for Boys and Girls ’ T .1 IIE Commence Fi ‘" on of Monday, tlds school the J-2nd, w.ll mat., and close on the last Friday November. Rates of tuition from S 1 .S 0 to .'s.’i.OO pcrjscholastic month (4 weeks.) HHS® The vimn n)' wW 0 . Un ' lie, U the supeiyision of Mis. b.L. Boggs. , L-115UGG8, Principal, r ---MSrtl l.n.ut.,_ 27 stop beattvs vrs: tpp<]n. Only Address Dakieiv e attt, Washington, N J, „.,„,_.7. K'-VISia, Nbiv TLHTAMfcBTH t ' illustrated. Cheapest and Rest. .Sells at sight. HOLMAN’S NKW FJGTOBIAL j. JilHLKS <> Agents wanted, A HOL J!;. >. A/fo., / Philnda. —?---f-v % ’ L , - ------- A a bdok et rare originality, entitled Practical Life. The great problem solved. The indi t,,, ‘ »»; t,! J’dXS Bbsiu’ess, i ' lloim'" ‘llow w Ph 1 V J'E ria K'‘' Ac. ‘Bread-Eaters T V’, ^ ] ! '''ad-Wi,mers. The volume and" ^^cZtratl^cnVe TniV ‘ page .mb.redpla Agents wanted evurvwhere. Bentl for circular, full description terms, Ac., to J. C. McCiau.vA C o., Phiia., Pa, A(*Kh i nijHi fry IS *\ir W AMKD \ ATrpi^l^ tn %/Z «n, immense demand for the only Complete,Authentic and Fully Ilimstraied Life of President Garfield, inst mihlished ft « fbi-itiine wtnrv of how he rose by herculean struggle froth obscurity to fame Specially full "« his Cabinet, Conflict with Conkling, mss w?th steel portraft oT Garfmld 0 '"^'"low K«c®- Circulars By free. far the Liberal fastest selling book out terms Outfit LB ‘ BROS ’> * id _ _ (ftln D®tfit furnished free with full in IV) structions for conducting the. most ta n“ '’’rhe'“busffiess 8 "^ °so ‘To cage in. uu- nusiness is so eosv «.as> to mss rn® thei business hundred dollars in a sunglc week. Nothing like it ever known before. All wlio engage are surprised at, the ease and rapidity with whieh they are able to make money. You can engage “1 th,s buswss during your spare time SS^it^Wetvk?flitrisk f ,1 r^dv wF.teT^ Thou furnistiVd monev shm Id ., t Mf free 1 , v Tiuk a- (’o Vurnisla ” ’ Noy.4, Xov4*80 80-i-v. iv . iolB &SiJLSPSir MtBA l , .aSS^r AWABBEB 8 lf. fA ic«i Work.wMrinwdthebwtnnd „ EJrjilr w^ftif-PreseirMtion (isle jRflg miT"iitN»pp.““^fSSw5 ;*» boond m Bi^r .nzr.vmz B , OOW THYSELPrKER B^ndnow.Addret»ra»tio(ifM»<i'. iTB^Kch«t H B«Sti5' n 1 N ____ _____ _________ hb U n K| warn ■■ L Send to ea MOORE’S H asMSafftASR^*-- llC businessimversitv wnfftraiWWW.,—i I metal tip lamp wit’K 2 »fi 1 | Pat’d Dec. 7, 1880 . c r- a tsegam-Di ’ an ^- >■** ■ / I Gives a Brilliant. White and Steady ss&rtatssws......$&>s ,,t ";”. 7'£ r " 1 1 1 ‘ "’Lo Vsiri throesize” vi taee 8 IGv-e Mrrit'TiP A B*ndP *«.Wwanted ' ?o ihhow S? r imp inrno ’ Cortiandt N Y Fly Traps, Fly Brushes. Fly Pa I’«r, Roughen Harts, Mosquito Netting f,>r sale oy C. A. DAVIS A- CO., Greenesboro’, Ga. CRHVVORDVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER POETRY. THE AT HI H8T. BY FLORA. MCIVER Tlie Atheist in his garden stood, At twilight’s daughter pensive hour, 5 His little by his side, H Was gazing on a flower. | * 1 “teft ff ss a g- ., “ , “• „, “It is the fairest one that btoomi Within that lowly bed.’ 1 The father pluck'd the chosen flower, And gave it to his child; ** • With partnl lU>s, and spaiklin>?tt% She seized the gift, and smiled * "O, Pa-who made this pretty »l=. ' • . This little violet blue; Who gave it such a fragrant -on a. And such a lovely hue ?'* A 1Iis change came o’er the father’s biov i .?- ve K r f w Awlld. x- New thoughts , within him had. been stirred , ™ The ,, truth flashed on tlu> father , s mind, , , ITie truth—In ail its power: ‘There tr a God, my child,” he said, “<J Made that little flower.” \ —. . —:. ___________________ .■ v TU,nWT\ft llliUHlM* THF llUi HITfil UUttliK., V "—~ » H il-fc. ah.ama ... . Ul -Als A lit i URUM * • - The Visitors fixpected at the Imposition -Accommodations-AtlauU’s Growth - T,le Condition of Senator Hill ami the Aax.ety K’e.t about Him-Uopre seutative Rice Creates a »#mmUou Gubernatorial Speculation*. ~ __ --* . [Special Vem&pondence of The Demo-rat.] saawti.2fis.suis: alive to its magnitude and rnak are are in « 8tron K efforts to prepare fur it. in a , )roper way. day'the nornu nr.nw Day after wmrk on the Expo . t>licr© will only lea; is that not 1)6 room „ ioi til© isitors. Houses are in demand, ami to r nt Ote is even now a difficult, matter. 8 '-eral parties who have moved hot - late ! with tbeir families inte .ding I” Tnihi ! nermaneutlv tbi““ltnro . iSd v . l ,r,t *, u oe ' 11 1 Tul,n,! "« K 1 u S«W l • t | phi,ids arc ...^. iro;. • •\.\tsiy lining .qitao. Where families have been in a house for years the rent has w some cases been raised to such a hief, rate Hmt they are forced to move; and some even then fail to better themselves. Till-; jIDtBUlt OF V 1 STOI 16 . i Estimates as to the number of ex- 1,eCte ' 1 visit<,rs V1 ‘ r > r ’ 1{ >’ sorne it is placed high half , as as a million. Of course the greater number of these will make a very brief stay. j noAJW. Much has been said in the im » v . rs about exmnitant rates of board,and great difficulty was apprehended on this account. It was give l out that a mn ; jority of the boarding houses would cont f n ^V' 01 'p® 1 '^ da y- Most of _ those | ’!^.son j’ and^iUs rate'outshle safe ^sUThat'um ; ll! jfe ml! of the ! I ole Is i This s^looXsuXfAt* th, so i house fare. THE growing errr. l n point of growth the’ city never progressed more rapidly. Houses are going up in every direction. 1 rode out through a part of town near the suburbs 1 a few days ago and where 1 had seen S ^ and rou « hhll, s a year before, I saw I suppose at least fifty new hous ; “wSteL'S sult *** ££xxns£22 iiiias;.,™ £&«£77 count made of the houses built during i the last live months According ruing to vo the me count thus made, there were six him t a “ d thirteen. Many are now in piocesbot erection. It is not extrava to es t 1,nate ^ * h « y®*r W.l C ? 08e ,?“! the H first ( t 1 ! 10 of erection April. of Some a thousand these 8 ince of houses are of a more costly kind than ever before g3s built here. Moore <fc Nfarsh’s dry store ’ for instance ’ cost over r *1W,000 I shall not toot the horn further , „ , for l 'ie present, but will pass toother tlieines. SENATOR ouNAroK HIM, HILT’s s condition condition. We are troubled over Senator Hill’s condition Anxious riewso'iner immii 7 >s Offices tip i ifp evervwhon* v Tile A ? new 8 p«tpei offices are aro crowded dsiily w ith people seeking the latest intelligence. The last news is discouraging. The second operatiori S„1i,”“Lr t rS%r a .57 l !“. ,lll *.r‘“ ,*» d about one half of the tongue has been amputated. Dr. Westermoreland, who is one of the first surgeons in the state and who had Mr. Hill under treatment while he was here, advised the second ^'- trr ^ an **f y^"cver, u,inks vri shake then-lieads *tt doubtfully U( and express grave fears as to the result. There are chances that Mr. Hill may recover ultimately and not he restored to the free use of his speech. Calamity as this would be not only to Mr. Hill but to the state which has ever been proud of his mag pitieent powers of oratory, it would be & welcome alternative to the horrible possibilities which present themselves. SENSATION IN THE HOCSE. We had a great sensation in the House on Holiday. Hon. Frank Bice, °* Fulton, offered a resolution that one ^olf of the tax of 1881 be remitted by the state. For tiiis he gave several reasons. The state, he said, ha.i a «**<*'■*• spent its,* little during r-'-r the present session outside of the actual expenses of the Legislature. The capitol bill, the educational bill, and alaiotrt; every measure lookitur to uu expenditure of the nublii* *ile.» f.imls ,' hi»l lieen S voted ' down ,,r *» 11 6 £?*' nfforJ to Uk( It. ll “ s st “P- J 1 '® main ,, reason assigued , was the bad stal f cro P®. the distressed condition of the farmers, and the general gency in money matters. Mr. Hice is a shrewd man. He knew that lie could scarcely have of f er ed a measure more popular with the general public. That the measure w ill sat* *»s? sixis ncj after opposmg a movement so *P l ’ u ar ’ »”«have seldom heard of a stump orator who carried the w, tn greater eclat than the man wlm proclaimed to ail enthusiastic uudito ,W 'J i,S “ a K in U ™ 1 iou to ,lis latest breath.” Our present. legislature is not a pop Ular one. It falls far short in atiilitv of the Legislature which proceeded it This is notably the case wi IU the Scn. It has few able men. To the system of rotation this result is mainly «*>«• SPKITI ATiovs state, Kstirirs. and to Ms constituents, wh o *>hotv their good sense by keeping him there in disregard of usage elsewhere. gubernatoiial Inouih'f '“n ,"T^ '• . FORGING FLIPPER. __ How the Colored West Pointer l)U graced Hlo B»ce—A CJav 5 Yonne C in... - dv >- wit4 * . M > l.xpenses. ~ 1 V.‘ id*, , d stales ‘ , "f'' .. Army, U ’ Flipw ... ' r ’ " f . ***** of. reenntlv raised a " ti frontiers of Texas •• tew ' ' ‘ >'>s ,, appointment , from , tho fifth Cougre.-.v b.nal district, Ids many struggles at West ,v .ut, »•«" <’>»«' graduation, and appoint ment to the command of a cavalry corps "" f,lp (roatlers of Texas. Mis life looked l 'T' ' in ‘’ y 1 1*'"’ «as weak, and WM fell, r ’ rt ”" 1 and of with him fell high hopes of his people. Be was caught In the act of absconding to New Mexico from his post at San Auto bavingupon his person a oonsldera hlesura. He now lies in prinon. lli#h living was smong the causes of his f«l' hrough the trying ordeal of Best he had gons with credit. With his gift* of mind and the chances his rank gave him, he was louked to by his Immbler ” r " nu ' ra “ s a comi,, « lead ‘‘ r B,lt a b "®K ,in|C ,,nitation " f ,lis wi,ite brothren-of the Howgatcs ami a multitude of that ilk, a! I r bright career went,downm nil... Ignorance and Crime , Prof, W. T, Harris, North In American, his essay on “Ed «‘‘ a «on,” in the -rootes , ffp"'. ll"’repoit ““Mansfield, of the I mted States Com LLD Tl ! there shown in detail that the Illiterate | portion and nation of the produces population from fopr in each to fifteen State J tttsssxt&asztrz ftar-.....™,S5tr..... Neither read write 21,800 . ......... read,but nor i ; Bandy j not w rite __L__ TotaM!m , rat(! o 7 t^s r , 81 . ., 8nr ,. l „ Th avpral£< . of itlj tcra in the total wa' Thr’lie p 0tia Ht p,„ o^halfpJtnmnt.; of the seventeen bta es and thus Urn is-r centage. of criminal illiterates was seven times as large as that of the educated. Statistics are found to he similarly favor anle to education chirch. by the family and civil society, and the The percentage of criminala from the orphan class of the population tion), and from (destitute the of family had class that m.vcr learned a trade or business (devoid of the Hucatlon of civil society, has been proved to be quite as large as that from the crates/’ These are suggestive facts, and beyond the suggestion of the benefit of education itself, they also, show that in ail schools 1 worth the name children learn habits of obedience, respect for authority and law, which learning is in itself ;i great ye- , ' straint against crime.— N. Y. Obwctr, “»“«»«"'• j"»“ ra .v »* an interview with Mr. Bayley, the sistant District Attorney, at the oner’s request, but it appeared that he had asked it only for an opportunity to talk. Heapiieared to be in ing ^-vr.....v* spruced himself up he remarked •** r: that he would like to get married, and wondered whether there were any Ja dies who would accept his addresses, Mr, Bayley asked what kind of girl he vfoujd like to liave.and Guiteau answer ed that tho lady must he. a Christian lady of wealth aud of a firsWiaas tami ly.— Washington (D. C.< Star. No. 36. I GENERAL NEWS. | AS ULEAVEU FROM TE1.BGR.DIS ANl> 1.BTTEHS. ****■£ the Latest Information a, t on j dciiM-d in.m the Newspapers-A Uriel Review ol What the ( uuntry Is At, Culled li>r the Readers »1 the llrmii rr * u —Now Is the thin* for giii-!iou*c hurir illgs. t.’Itv‘V.iV‘!.''‘ . runs atVli'e rile V.V i ... msU i! N ni° . , - , n^itfhbor . ,, child at Dougola s Ills., was lynched by a mob. -An Arkansas child was recently caught head hi its fathei in trying to bite off the of a young snake. —Dr. Pucker in a verv pointed and sen slble article in the I’ holer rails for In behalf of ' prayer tiuitcau. —Artesian wells are being dug in manv l ,a, ts of Georgia. People are thus enabled ,0 « eta larger awl better supply of water, —The tomato rot Ims eaus-d much 5' , ;;; ssw; wheat, rice, tobacco, and .«tk*ys duets have other pro suffered greatly. V few days ago was a massacre )>y the in which Indians on the oflieers border of New Mex *'’o seven and Uu soldiers " T l '' S ’ An,,v w,,w kilk '‘*’ «•*’ —By t proclamation of the Governors of ,li IT, ' r '‘ l " S ‘ a ‘*’ s . .v-sterday was gene, ;V 1 V > „.ViT‘.V.\'Vi , tU.-.M.unrv " '''"W 1 '’"''' asa day ’-vnagogocs .dpiaA,. _'S . .! y r,n 1, mlltn df 1 , , hit be celebrated in the presence twcu tv five thousand soldiers. \ great num her of military organizations have formal ly signllled their intention to he present, ftsisrfiK;.*8sw!Mw?Es: that anuther « ,1,m operation was - — 1 anmraxry liall disclaims responsibili , v f ‘, .b-feai in the late '»“l S>» Y.S 1 IVuSnli’. from ^trsrs&w^srsa; Deadwood, Dakota. The sr vein, which is four feet wide in *• tfi r *»t 1 tn “contain more precious metal than T^Dz,” and to “run *150,not! m the ton in the foundation,” —Jas. and Walter Mallev tWe now on trial nt New Haven for the murder of .........c (’tamer mjdcran indictment of liyo coniits. one o* which charges them with mid astn x^.ng. „o„ of the bmln by th,«or Imldiiigl> ntdiHnvn drugs, and another with rm downward in the vttnl and m,' .eating her \ Gommany Hall Uemoemfsat their *vmp«Un hope : for X'iMISt ^"rosshlg the that Ids life might be soared 1^* for ", «l ,Vi * 'sT./'k di^^roelmt x o«'- ntl v * R '» ' 1 is t I’* 1 *' >- 'flm iT brt timeUng wh'd 1 V *' noted the Preside,its condition. -The A mh*H says the cotton seed oil in "west in Memphis is fairly boonfing.— excellently equipped year, an.\ t’hiw'wiil he started" ending “ids f Jib lhe mills, durincr tli« year I»t ^^d^!K,^eU cd S^ldwS ' tuns of enkc and I,(ioo hales of cotton. -Bold T Clavton formerlv horn',.tin., and late tJ.S, Consul at Callao, I' as returned to this country. The Gov at The'pel.ple his removal. of CallaTex^rcss^leep Throughout Fernet reient the war in that seetion, he was the only rep saw' whu _ A , lady stopping at a "toney" nehnitv—fw’iu^oliT'Viidenes* '','/.ois, ( .C*•!{'spii!!‘V'n«IS«l! rS quested, had made by tlm proprietors to leave. She several complaints to tils hotel having o" rlo' 'Zato'X but her arfst mot In? ’ the i,, m „,. n ., f t .«■ nei«. of crarv and ‘ ,, i() toa dyi„g friends prevailed. , , ,, v . °! Buropean < .< "ties anfI forces a return of cmr securities, which our people, frighten ed meantime out ot tiioir wits, will refuse to buy. -Senator Brown says that Genl. Hu ,5 " H ‘ ,ir » t K" v<! currency to his alleged “ f *"« word iqdgr^. “How ^,,''0 ‘f '‘sT''l ever B.ury to take Kdw.irdso) thgt liberty, the Sena- Tele , ^ \V l\y, replied, Uic '■ “ •- J ?. a !\ ll,ou r ' 1 . was telling ^ Inin that Ben « 11 vvrll '; r m ho , lacked «m« great ^‘"sit^ r as a leadei • -juAgmMU. I wish f 1 to emphasize the Hu Bose went home, toblihe story cm, me and It ha, zttte ,l,c - <iV<jr Wmmnrjton Cta " ________» . Another viewthe lirmifh [Au/jutto Kremng Nem.] There is no question now about the fact that the drouth has been overestimated. The American says in Tennessee this is / - o beyond alljiuestion. It isjbad enough with out exaggeration, ldemagogues and alar that a little nature! exaggeration such as always follows such events, would stinm late all the more to exertion and economy. Hence, it has invited and presented full reports Irom all quarters, in whieh w re •.*c*rn7t an(1 „ m p,r stale, merits. It is thoroughly satisfied that.the aggregate wealth and prosperity of that good state; will be, by next ..It, if they ivyorid have. crop, next snmmer, #1 or f^ueeiiflg 'T? hfeMtali thatafar^norebonT d£ has already succeede d the. pair which, two or three weeks ago per, vaded a large portion of tip: stafe Hie Democrat. < ADVERTISING K lTlCS • | One One Sqi<aie,,.uiliMilKeqii.iit Square, first insertion . . S Si j | Oue Square, three iuvertioli "4 2.4 j One Square, months . [ no twelve months H ut OnarU-r t .-lumn, twelve moiitbx 25.04 Half Column t waive . . One i'otmuu ruontlw . 40 Op ' twelve months 00 00 i s,r^re °"ve , h;;!'e" r '"** , '°“ Si * >red a* a ROUNDABOUT in GEORGIA. >,aUers ‘ '‘ruugliuut the State Reduced t« Readable Items lor Ihe Juluraatto*ami I'.ntertaiument o! the Header. - Seven Xewnan families save the j iW-Apj<uf, will SvHUi move U* \tU., M tit. T)i<* hotel waiter# of Atlanta wiM be | tn*i month during the Expose , -The Calhoun. Mining Company haa. purchased a rich gold mine near Dah lonega. , * *" Colored . People "'Muscogee own property* J i **-'1,301. county to the v*lu* t —Three C-wt utirw^f h,.* 1 . . 6 Ui “ ri6 $41 this sr'ism, 10 on 1 a 1 UUarter of acre in - u ' .fern ,. ,,s ’ Ml «ron h repotted unjisu ally abundant am) Hue nearly all over 1 'corgut and Florida. — Georgia is the only one of lh» thlr Ksxsjr*** °"'> ulxmt lllly per cent WilMar saved Plus is due to the action " of '* tlm. lh * water. . Smith '* »> “1 t rr..„. Iteniy Grady r< have Liely ;. wl erect" ... /! '‘ ‘T??’ , dtMfit.i. A t W c to t/lavk, the .. v s -i- 1 ^ "mimfactniw, lor JH.UUO .’ ’ ’ ; Hm Exposition, Kx l.overnor Smith was wTuln: married ^’'!*«’ bridal''Lin'r 1 ''n F >«tida “7 rthwa »'l on H a wrwal bride i« aavl to. t lU3 h '»'Ml*)meat women ip ,i 'be slate. l “' t 11 buf H* 1 ' ‘ “ w ° 1 ^ A 1,1,1 ll!,s 1 , >wn llled in AugusU, and est tor hearing by .Judge Snead on 10th JTT W,— ** ** to (’tfthbeft duv at the rate of L,, 2 ,V) Inisliel! ® ^ iti'r *» , nv nt. tbi.r J* .[! 1 ® Making nnlklno^itu^tdioi »Umt ffyu J5, .r ithms ‘ .J'Vi^'i'^ .b.ile . ' Wmke k Hue Disiilrty , at the Imposition. —Mr. W. S. St. iSer (ieorce liaa Imm an. ,minted General 1 ”* Wrf Koval 1 Railroad with i . , i August a a. w„ We are highly pleaaed to A i Jl® M. 81 '®* (JeortHS Dll* deferred will make promotion. audlj Mr.jcU cMciimt offltter, J a popular ^ M - B. Wharton, of Macon haa 8i w, veil lch be up the Uertiian Oonsulate’ to ' Was receiitlv apiwlntad, and UmUnt Hnfftown ^nmdalr'*' 11 "** *“ IWW » t ,,'..'\ wI lcl. ff ' ,< ^ ^ o 1 eduemm, Sl ’ 1 1111 advantages to Ivin ohiL . ' ooo twelve inilea^flMtoS w^yWill wtli^oh make S cxSstoS n.» Sat W c^U per bottle. I i is vineyard covers ui1 eleven Tilt lie looks furward profit of $ 8,000 fq,- the seivmn. He can sell more than he makes, culUvatLi, and is ora, n,J^Z,^ ms ?*"“}!* $ mtm ot for » r *«» W® the Ui,,to " Warren. THE COMING CROP**. Governor Joseph K, HrowH oh the Mitt °* Thing.-What We May Expert. III. Advice to f armer.,-^Aa Excellent Letter Which (should he Heed, t lAUnnt U .i HmeMutom,} C i Ba'-hoon, August in ?7—Kdltnw a-ntiilw. , I lie w>n. crops nil this section ar« aat cs ■ir*st 2 t,*w-»t r **fi^a lmgst srs» for the nromis^ ing than coining 1 haro y*ar are siqT iwu th?. any ever la ,n18 earX , mt rwnrv our r».nnm yerVurBe ouaStt? 5,1 life. There is now a C’ w*? Thl of corn in Mm state tlmt smoimlof tassel is dead or dying, and no rain.could cause is It to mak. corn, Much of the fodder still greeu and tlie stalk is ^retoi. AM hw <*6 earn should b« cut down immediately Just below the green blades should »',*?* he- *> a,efvillyaluK-.kcd in « "> *«« » andstalks day ur two tied it tightly around tlw tops of the ahocka. A* soon as the stalks arc dry in the shock it should he put under shelter. In this way a wj'i’h's vast quantity of j{oiW| foort for »tock A will lie greatly now wasting, could l»e saved. It needed next winter. No stalks should ba cut that are not. yet iq tassel, as in the case of g«Msl rains, they Pj* *»J‘uht should iiiiikc sow com. heavily When of winter it doe* rain varieties peo^ turnips. If they do not grow large they may make salad. Vour paj>er circulate^ ^xtensjvely and I trust you will warn the '»'fc*SK^'fclnas .iiv-’ 2 n»;i.r.«.u'i.'T!^,'K 2 r »* lr »>«ls and telegraph. f * J< 4 *eph B. Bi^wx. • - .» Noble and (ttndtv AeA . »««*•»-1 General Toombs ?S.JSSSts*" wax inlrndnc^ __ preaoliing to of was one o«r poor dhttrehn without salary. As noon with, arm Hernan’s hack was tnnwl i.. .^ i. lwn the opportunity of jV,**** a d,,(| a , p,n ,| 1( . astonish^i »»<* will doubtless Imujore than any one that the eye of the renor ter observed th ] noble deed _.P„,n * u * l *‘M*» ’ p , a .