The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, September 16, 1881, Image 1

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The Democrat. A Live Weakly Paper on Live Is-ue Published Every Friday Morning, at Crawfordville, Ga. Ed. Young & Co., Editors & Prop’s. RATBS Of SUBSCRTPTIOX: Single Copy, (one year,) ... 8150 Single Copy, (six months,) . 75 Single Copy, (three months,) . 50 and JOB Advertising PRINTING rates liberal. BOOK to suit tile -times. a specialty. Prices J.egal Notice*. Application for Leave to Sell Land. ■ GEORGIA—Taliaferro Couxty. TAOUR weeks Rfter date application will Ordinary, JD be made to the Honorable Court of for said county to sell tb real estate belonging to the Estate of Elijah Meadows, Tiiis late of said county deceased. September WELCOME 5th, 18S1. A. STONE St Administrator. Application for Leave to Sell Land, GEORGIA—Taliaferro County. J? ~|AOUR weeks after date Honorable ap;<WPition wil* be made to the Court of sell Ordinary, the real for said belonging county, for to the leave Estate to estate of Amos Ellington, iate of said county' de ceased. This September 5th 1881. ROBERT T. EDGE, Admini strator. Annliratinn for T ettprs Ilf ftiiarili-Hlkhin and Eugenia Floyd minor grand child Harry Stephens late of said county ‘ de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or by the first Monday in wwh'wli^^ai^letters •d: °^ouidn«t be* grant Given under my hand and official signa¬ ture this September 14th, 1881. CHARLES A. BEAZLEY Ordinary T. C. Application Administration. for Letters GEORGIA—TALtAFERKO County. XTrilEHEAS yy Andrew L. IIillsman Administration • Vf •pp ,,ed on the Estate letterre of Mrs. of Martha C. IliUsman, late of said coun ty Deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office, and show cause if any they can on or by the first Monday CiSXlvS W ’ Ga?tff ’ d A2U®20t!» n 1 mi CHARLES A. BEAZLEY, Ordinary T. C. J.rii j Hailruarih. iSilroi^ia l { i aiL^y —and Banking Co. Office General Manaokii, t /COMMENCING Augusta, Ga., SepUmilier st'.N A, 1881. 1 DA Y, 4th instant, ’j the following f,si passenger schedule will be opera : wo. 1 wtcwr—DAILY. NO. 2 F.A8T—DAILY. Lv. Augusta Ul::io a m I.v. Atlanta 8::to a m “ Macon 7:10 a nil “ Afliens !>:.'i0am : Milledg’U W’sh’i’n H:05 a mlAr.Wash’g’ ml “O wf’d’H l:10|p ui : ll:39ia 2:55,pan Ar. Athens O’f’dv’U 1:12'p in;‘* “ Milledg’U Maeon tt:4S!p|m 4:4.0 p:m 4;50 p in Atlanta 5:45 nm"* Augusta 4:00 p m NO. 8 WEST—DAILY. NO. 4 EAST—DAILY. Lv. Augusta5:55 y:52|pjmjAr.O’f’dv’H p m Lv. Atlanta S::!ll p m Lv. Cr’f’v’ll SiOttalnrAr. 2:53 a m Ar. Atlanta Augusta 0:30 a'm ; 5 F.'“ N'<> eonnection to or from Washing¬ ton on SUNDAYS. JOHN W. GREEN, E. It. DORSEY', General Manager. Gen. 1’itss ger Agent- 1,000 MILE TICKETS. Georgia General Railroad Passenger Company, Agent. ) Office > Augusta, April 5th, 1879. ) /COMMENCING MONDAY, Ttli inst., Vy this Company will sell ONE THOUS¬ AND MILE TICKETS, good oxer main line and branches, at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS each. These tickets will la: issued to individuals, families firms or families, but not to firms and combined. E. R. DORSEY, May9,1879. General Passenger Agent. Hotel Cards. < 1 LINARD HOUSE, CLAYTON STREET, NEAR POST-OFFICE, ATHENS,GEORGIA. Rooms Commercial all carpeted. Travelers. Good sample rooms for CLIN’AKD, A. D. Proprietor. TAT ATIONAL HOTEL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. E. T. WHITE. ■•, This House is now The complete addition with its im pi jvements, viz.: of a third st >ry,giving thirty-three seventy-five additional rooms, ca pacity fresh now and bright and more the with every¬ th ng ail modern im provements. situated the Depot and Being the business near houses. con¬ venient to The Xa ti >nal, newly renovated and refurnished, oilers superior inducements to the Ibit82.00 per day. Special rates for longer time. ri J tHE GLOBE HOTEL, CORNF.R eighth and liitOAD STREETS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is centrally located, and Within five min nfes’ walk of all the principal Business Houses, Banks, Post Office, Public Build ings. Union Express Depot, Opera Uffico. House, Telegraph Offices and street cars pass the door,going to all „ parts of the city and vicinity, ievery live minutes during the day. The House of » first-class; supplied Modern with all Hotel,and the con vemences; is especially well a loeated.and provided with all convenient facilities for Commercial Travelers carrying samp-H. Each room connected with the office by bells. Telephone attachment with the city and Summerville in the office forth,- . 0 -com raodation of guests. G. .S. ATKINSON* SON. Prop’rs. Formerly of Clemens HpUse, Danville, Ky Yol. 5. Marble Works. J. J. MULTAN, 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., *1A A T wJ.-a'i T A TTHN A A GEOHUlii, ~~ T . .a, —MANUFACTURER OF— MONUMENTS, Tombs & Headstones, Etc. i Designs and Estimates furnished. 1 j nept.-, 12111 . r --— educational. t)0Jll rnTII vn YE Alt t n nil Or mim HE Medical College ofGeorgia AUGUSTA. 1 ' 11 ut 1,1 " ^tate liinveiMt^ , the cploina, , are signei! <>> its Chancellor. avl*, will commence on the first j, 'A . „'Vi'kJollJ " ‘ rlul on t le f , 1 Apply . , lor Circular . GEQ ’ W ’ RAINS, Doan, ——- — ---------- trawioraville U Acmlciny l tlu n V ’ An English and Classical School, rpnEMi®?™5"nS r Siiooi win November. Rates of tuition from S1.A0 to #3.00 per scholastic month (4 weeks.) Accounts will he credited for the by the first three months; Pub pro-rata of lie school fund. rece.veil. Pupils pre pared for any class in any College which they may desire to attend. The Primary department will be un der the supervision of Mrs, S.E. Boggs. C. T. HOGGS, Principal. Aug. 10th, 1881. ...... 27 STOP BEATTY’S T A OL *?’ ‘ ts - . D ““ F - -----------.. —_________ ____ REVISFO SEW TKHTAMiM’si ' ’ j, - ‘ in,... ' IIGEMA.Vs'nkw , ... , pTgTOB I sight. I'd BEES' IAI , $rA*''A Apvim.s w.<i.,.xi A. .' II >L «!>., * if s t n.:i. — - A book ot tare oiigiMsilty, eutitieg Practical Life. siaw.jraajsrtJ&.’tt: , , _ . im-to he Broad-Hi liners. •s2 > $Xk2z I lie volume abounds in striking thoughts,rare mlonna tion and intense common--.wise, l ed circular, sB«raurt^%wRft full description J.C. McCurdy terms, &c., to & Co., Phils., Pa. AGENTS WANTED !;,»,£ immense demand for the only Complete, Authentic and Fully Illustrated Life of President Garfield, just how published. It is a thrilling story of he rose by hereiihmn struggle from obscurity to fame. Especially full regard- j I ing his Cabinet, Conflict with G.mkling, | Attenvnted Assassination, Wonderful Stir Kind Treatment U.-culiar Critical Condi- ' ! tion, etc. Ably written; embellished with ste<»l portrait of Oarfiohl, etc. Low price, liy far the fastest s(*lling bunk out. j Uinmhirs free Liberal terms Outfit j Puidi4 s YtH, p " (';H '■ ’ I ■ \ C‘1A |V structions Outfit furnished for free, witli full in- | ro / conducting the most profitable in. business The business that any is one can on gage so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great ffilwh. as' successful* W w lTng‘to ‘as* y work Women are large mem Boys and gMs ! can the earn business sums. Many hundred have dollars made at I over one in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surprised at in Krs^st% thi«i himinps* <lurim» w, ?,: l s u ss 7im<» n.Xhave vnnr gnarp 1 ’ at great profit. We You do to invest capital in it. take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Noy.4, 80.1-y. BOLD toiWMkM^’edtoStlnli MEDAL AWARDED cheapest,indifipensabioto evenr SSihPreaerv&tion finest French muslin, ; M enibosaed. bound in , SSI tions, fSSSSS^^^ price only $ 1 25 sent by JSd^Ad^pAdrM^: . KNOW THYSELF. • KEB,Ho.4Buifinchst. Boston. ' P*Send .. to „ B hwlifti 1 tin In business university Atlanta, Gn. For Illustrated Circular. A lt.eactual Business «®**°°*- OtabUthed tuentsi msrt. UinMnPCCIII IIISPnVCDV V---T -v 1 met At- Tip LAMP | ■ | I Pa«M Dee. 7,1880. rrnr ^--- / 1 I G.res a Brilliant. White and Stead, light, requires no trimming, and lasts lor months, sample wiek tOcts., a wicks -Si ets.. 12 wicks 7.V., no-tag- paid. Have three sizes. A, BandD. Agents wanted, Address METAL TIP LAMP WICK GO., - {) C’ortlandt St ’ N Y. q ___ **•’ K ,, pj 1 ly v n-nnw 1 > aps. Flv 1 iy K«-,i Lriislie.s -I.m UK I i> i» 1 .1 l^G H’>'>g!ion , Harts, Mosquito N -It mg t-r sale 'ey (.. A. I)A V18 .V CO., Greencsboro’. Ga. The Democrat, CR.UVFORDni.LE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1C, 1881. POETRY. --—• MY n IFF. AND I. ’RSSTu'SSSSJi S? “* *’ Sometimes beneath a clear bine sky— Sometimes through a cloud of tears. Long time we have sailed o’er life’s rough sea— in sadness-sometimes in We’ve journeyed long, my wife and I, Through dark and stormy weather ; Sonie.iiufs , As thus sigh sailed together wc ; But the sun's bright rays would come at last To tell that oi r griefs were ever past. * i i ^nueil, •• i toy wife .. am* , T I, YVe Through knew the the long, still dark, dreary night, stars shone on high Though we saw no twinkling light. And our hearts g«W strong, as ocean rise ! Gr.,. Joucnoeacj. As w» drift m ath setting sun And wc hope to drift o er death s dark tide As we vc sailed in life yet side by side. gkif. - - J. m J" LI _ THE OATES --’ SHUT, ASI) Ui«tPPi)i\Ti ffisAPI om i.U n lAHlUITUBS cviuniTims HO«L SPACE. T -,"rr'T , r i T"J i r' *d»ck of Space-Entrance e»»l Gazette-Hotel Arrangements -Further FacU-Fay lempleton. [Specwl Correspondence of the Democrat.) ...... c , ,;,ne uno 15,-1^ i)h’eetnr^™l thtl.^ c fte. Lid..w,l , - ^ J ,rd I i? ^ 1 ,.' ", »T LOU ' will h a decision the doora x of Ute Ex Kfax^sas-ia, Se b Um fi Sr£ s; upon him in such numbers to render it U( oy. F li l li e EXHIBITS, and already tin; door space applied for exceeds the amount contained in tlif ilIS^Thnreuw^dv 1 '' Sll “ : " {e ! A • ll '«ie. me only t two w»> s to | r«" ,l 'L • »o ont'A^u .a erect other 7»*i t unifjf. i he IMrector-General is doing l»«>tli. l’h<; greater of the past week has been devoted to the rearrangenient conse z&Tt.srjsrr’,"#“T A.u, .......................... «, w mechanics have been engaged in build ,„g annexes at every possible point upon the buildings already completed. .»u» lmpoitance and magnitude of the Exposition and every merchant and inaiiufactiiior in the. country is desir of obtaining space in which to ex Mbit his goods, ami in the face of the *t that the 1(11 h was the “last ,l ,v ” f-r CLAYIOUOLS Awoimea voo FOU admittance, * naiw, * J* ^ W(,, f possible to double thel and size of the buildings now upon uld be the filled grounds, with exhibits in 36 hours they j CO so cria nlu 1 | universal llnlvus ‘ t 1 ‘j is the tneuemanu demand among among the the , 'justness • men oftlio country for a plae< I 111 lbe great cotton s/iow of the South, growth to tiuly which wonderful ttiis enterprise to note has tlu at J ; What was a few months ago an undeveloped idea in the, minds ot II ward I. Kimball, Atkinson, J. W. has Ryckman, expanded and with Edj ; GKLAf , ..... international ........ COTTON EX POSITION, attracting the attention and command . i in g the respect of the civilized world a » enterprise destined to rank will i the Paris Exposition, and the Philadel j phia Centennial. The Exposition has lately organized j a bureau of private entertainment and placed it in charge of Mr. J. O. Kimf ai,< l il WHn ^-«• office business qualltie-i »<> will register all looms that can be had for the accomodation of and give them instruction how to reach hik I : these places, supplying them acceptel at office with curds that will be 1IV ry the tne i.mdloids hi-dif, ids for tor flip the lodging lo/fo-injr and ana board of the guests the uniform char S f! at Hotels will be §3 ; at private residences and boarding houses 82. ENTRAKCI2 FEES. There m will be very strict regulations with regard to entrance fees at trie gate when the Exposition opens. Tl* price will be 50 cts for each person, un } " 1 -nil i in ai ms. F.Acn nerHor. person will wui , lie com|»e,led to pay Ins own entrance H-e, that is hand it to the gate keeper himself— no one else uan do it for libs No money will be changed at the olice ' r ''f there will however Twnlmari', l,e a et-.o-.e '„.;u e.mveinent nvi lliftnt. 1 wo qi ait, ,« is will not , ,,1 > tr „ accepted; nothing but a silver ban dollar, will buy your way into t lie grounds. official gazette. 0n , S;(t , th “Omvml , .,.,. K . are(1 lh „ first l,lht numlier n "" ,K r of of the t'"- ; C a paper tout Will be published by Na gift * Uyekman inside tho Eximsition grounds during the three months Of the show ! '■Hu-ill ,‘g will Vi edit i„.'......, it t 1 '/ i '» , 1 rononn, d by 1 all o who see it, to be h model one m every part molar. Us j-<‘» loom.- will be furnished with every convenience, and connected with ,be office by elec trie bells. It will contain bar and bil- 1 liarl moms, dancing balls, roller skat¬ ing rink, Ac. A l>and of music will be I ^SS&StSSt **• 1 • Jonness, who has been Atlanta induced Mr. ; by the management to come to the Ex po ition and put into operation*^ tent hotel, which he has so successfully 1 ■ oorjductetl at Greenwood l.ake the past . seven. I cannot give you a better ! ■ S*" J* 14 ?v 'Uni U " s “’HL ,trta,H ,s That paper f^rwiek . J Gnwnwfxtd - *t Woodlands, ».v.l’ Lake, ? aail > I V. Lpon nearing the landing on a i< visit, we noticed a large number fc*. i<i* white tents, and supposed that n CiiuiLMueetincr was in progress. The ... , oi - tne .. » not . el * is • a tent, * wiln w iU\ all all the tut 1 ■ ii>l«;nmlw Upon inquiry of an ordinary to where hotel the ’— as : hotel was, the answer was that those , ^ .mtu table that oui stay was piolong id an extra day. The hotel was up J I vard of 50 tei.ts 14x14 with a fly over (, 0 keep out the rain ami the heat ;, f the sun. Tliev were ail furnished l ,, ,;!i clean l„, ,1s -irnl no noitlv k«d I T- * dining pavilion is a'large si ripe,i , imt near the office, with a seating ca l' Mi, y f° r 300 persons. The kitchen , ve r 40 feet long and is a marvel of i r . Guess : it has a very large hotel i v .adjust this sort of a hotel will lie , Spt near the Exposition Is; but tin a much larger scale. It will accom ; '"'ste IJKIO people,and be coiTespond gly large In every oilier respect, A iU, enterprise like this, there must fay tkmfi.kton. | 1 As I write In my room, lean hear 'the way the applause of the UI)W(1 at the Fay Templeton Opera b Sni^r ” ‘ U ’ e ‘ m '' d8 **** * A Remarkuhiy ' Fine Fish, . x . . 1>f , hi ... ... .. on ,. •!;, ’, v' re'--n'(! ‘ ’ ... • J j'., k i "id \\ and while there saw . lb u.,,., ,-u-p ilo raising that _______• MiTmiTi L 4 »i' »m ' ' ' r ee ci v ey’ ft' u ( • f . , ...... . ,iY '. i.l b.^ ‘ .. ,. . f . s ,, , r n, mlll niml .»i a JU.R*E 1 I)oj|ll ) repair tile dam when he found 1 * p t «*' > l nn.l an ItiiiumeiubK , , , , 1 iuglil and it ooiiclu ,itr c was f o ' Ml \ ,’ n tarn, ‘ ul1 " 'nigh- woo <“<• «■'« , IDb and look , ns dimension by l"‘«T'g H on a large piece ot paper. R Weighed i pounds, was ’EM niche* long and Hi) inches in circiiiiil'cieuec. Tile fact that this lid, ill loss than two years timo had grown from Jj inches to this great size ia quite astonishing to neoolo jjj. uuaceustomcd to (i.u imin can S'.n , '. j4a.! Imt shvs y this was V the AdVOied hsh r i he ever tasted. , Iliese carp are of the species known t he tni |. rm . oarp< having scales on only portions of tiie body, a large place on ciirii sid(? being scaleless ' A drawing Harter, of the fish measured by Mr. can be seen at Mr. (J. H. Smith’s store— WaMmjton, {da.,) ’ Ga ZC (( C APPEALING FOR FOOD. _ rllc fm«erers _ ol .. the , Late ... Lire in . Mlr.Hl. ^'--Charred >*<'«ics of Men, Women P'dldren-A Touching Account ot the Destitution. The following appeal lias been tele^raidi cd from Port Huron. Pout Huron, Mich., September U-7b 1 ! 11,1 1 1 [ J 1,11 *" h" Vl'il'ftK red' ; 'uid , tr i bodies r , p u writhing of wound, and children ; rough hoard coffins containing the dead followed to the grave by crowds a few blinded half-starved and despairing re latives of People at some of the stations asking for bread tor th ,, h . s and neigliiiors. We hear of mor#* than 200 victims already burned and more elmi-red and bloated bodies are riai ly discove.rcd. Already nd more utterly than <le l,r>oo lamilie- aie Pm to be litute and llOUSeleSS. J liey lUlddlO in bams, HI school houses and in the«r neighbors’ houses. Scorched, blunted and helpless some still wander, half crazed, armiiuj the ( jt then habitations, vainly Heekm« their dead. . Some are hands in speechless refusing a^o wringing their and to comforted. More tliuii 10,000 people who only a week ago occupied eomforta Ido hoi.eY-are to-day houseless and home l«-s sutL-rers ; llie.y are hungry and al most naked when found and in such 1111111 hers and so widely “affmed that out lies) ,.;T,, r ts and -roafo t r, ourcos failto . ,jy tio-jr immediate wants. Without sin-edv ,!; aid many will perish and will so) and I....... me exdes. Dm wdl do their ulmo-t lm their relief, but ab -nr r,-our,ms would fail to meet then '•essities. Wo appeal to the chanty and genem-Hy of th« American people.. Send help without delay. Oaklton, K. G. Mayor Port Huron, and Gli’m Belief Goto, William Pahtriff, John P. San whin. A. Beck, Waku, O.mkr I). B Hsneoi-.n Gokoek. < harlfs 15. I’ftfh ".iV.;. , •' . ..... »—T' --.mmitt.— ins, t^day tbata w -a b^rpffim>wcrera *10 . t- No. 37. GENERAL NEWS. AS GI.F.ANF.D FROM TF.l.F.GHAM* AND I.l’.TTFHS. Iteiug the Latest Information as « oil dense,I from the Newspaper*-A ‘ T Uriel 1,1 Ucvien ol What . the , Country , Is At, Fulleil tor the Headers ot the Deuio crat. -Gen. Grant has gone west. —Cannibalism prevails iu Hayti. ~ , ' Ko “ B,iss " <; °ckt«il U a new bever■ banker is dead. „ j " n 1 ‘ l ' ....... ir l° o1 ii ” ’ ,xT m amo,, K th® laborer? of New Orleans still continues. _ All Iowa far...... was killed the other day by a Jersey bull on his farm -The cost of drummers in v„„ York —Gen. Kit/. Hugh Lee will marshal three thousand militiamen at Yorktown. —The first wife of Marvin the lourteen' bigamist is more charitable than the other She says ho is insane. _v„ „•>,« Coil.-g', simply practice fr.nn medicine an in American Ontario. —Mrs. Alison, wife of United States Senator Allis, m, «f Iona, attempted sni <’ide by drowning, a few days r.go. Her •"» ' A clergymani , in Maine smote “ a man , mL'i m‘"^. wn‘s aro.Tmi e ha id'e.! and the admiring neighbors soon made it up. h.«U -By a llicSiarn^ single stroke i..d of lightning four sev. ral .malle. buddings days in Andover, N. Y„ were set on fire a few ago, aim several people In J ,w "’ -A fund of Sno.ono for the relief of ilie '■<T ^ " —U, HmnsHP', UiuUm 1 stutosSrn- 1 luimediate cause of his death was a spasm of the heart. —The Poslmastev-Genernl tetw««n\fcw has stonnod i {he stvninl.ont mail service '>''>*-ai.s and blirweport. making other *r ,iU f u J M,K * nU- * K«vciuuumt inthuH miv«H J 1 j 1 1 »is said Hint three nr tour routs of varnish will k.aip watermelons an in.leli , " f, ;.l , " ni " 1, waiermcl.m planters will ................ ias'rssKijKKiiES: of Hie Governor Texas of in refusing to »l'l"'i'»t a day of fasting and prayer, ( ,%•**: ,|„ m . l<n . ^ j, to |„ : s ' li" V " u ‘ ' rii an thn uplands r*r and Hut at.srm-e of corn and nuts, open lie eollon bolls, cat thu seed, and scatter the cotton. Tile eeumeneeal council of the Mcllin dUs representing a clmrcli , membership "f 1 .'»,oim>,o«o is now in sesspin in London, n«ev vepr-sent alamt twenty branches ! ^ * ,0,llM "’ nh “ U,,u s(, '' k < ' los, ' r ll, ‘ r - ."” A . v Northern .. denier . , . hi patent . meili «'"'»> l.v.advcrtiscd wishing to push Ohicago bis bnslnniw actlve !hI agents, 11 a and employed paper for liglit ,, who '"K ' undertake every one his came along to the sale of nost rums. —A new punishment for assault on a woman lias been adopted in Canada. Per¬ sons convicted ol this crime are now, iu addition to terms of imprisonment, sub¬ ject, to a dose of the eat-o’ nine-tails eve¬ ten — Baltimore is glutted with Western wheat. It is held in a great measure for speculative ptirposesand can not be moved. Thousands of loaded carsavo 011 the,tracks wliieh can not he unloaded on account of the lack of storage room. dead. —Sidney Lanier, Lanier the Georgia poet, is Mr. for some years past 1 lias resided North, and had acquired great reputation by li is contributions to Sen/) wrs and other Journals, lie was the au¬ thor of tlic “Centennial Ode.” -They have a^v&s.tss iust had a „..n 1I . rInff , wf. „ f ojx? *>/ tlif* features I»C 1 'll a slmm bat lb lM ’ tw ' ll ’u the severalmilitary organizations 11,0 Un ' ‘ ’ Nnce , his confinernent in . prison Mar , v a,I 'j!’ l'V *V hV. 11 “iw-UShing theology. ente H }'; ! instated . of information that lie displays a wonderful de vast.P-al on religions topics and ,,v,nc<!8 il of researehand shrewd ness. —K. I». Vanderbur# formerly of Col urn Utiu 'frambilenfcly (1 j. luis been obtaining ( 'im.inrmt! for money He had been detected in a number of simii ir • oi-.-mti. »s. II- was mice « young man 0 f hi|{h standing, but dissipation led him to ruin. I lie Chi, ago Tunes has three columns I!' 1 reporl - of U.e l.og er..p the West, wliieh imb'ate that the number of hogs is one- 1 .IHailtr - .than last, year and that tliev are of small «iz« and in .-oiulit ion, 1 boro is not He- usual mimlier of pigs and fatten ^ theui 11 'blnioncy for tile or food witli which to ; market, y„ ' ,... in,,, de!d m, n ^ v „,,md war 1 and a half per cent bond-hold-,; under t ,/f ,„ude w,th the the j it vf; ami six imr cent, war debt by See re u rv Win,loin a, the deb! be,-a,......... T|„ funding wa- done in Ilia absence of any provision bv f.ongress 011 the sub j, I r *»**»*'«« .. . .. Amcreran . -"bn- L. Brown, .ays ' "I- hole »u>. m«i„cd Mr brown a-Ins K'"" 1 ' 11 >• a ■ ompbment rarely j ta id V,; 0 , V""'-/w’ ;i! "V'g' tl"” '■ '"'l ' T is I The Democrat. I ADl EBTHIfiC KATES ; - One Square, first insertion . . 8 ! 5* : , U.e Square, each subsequent insertion, 23 One Square, three months . . 4 OP One Square, twelve months . . 8 0 » Quarter Uulum, twelve months . . 25 00 I Half Column twelvemonths . . 40 <X> One Column twelve months . . 1,0 OO One Inch or Less considered as a | j all square. fractions We of have squares 110 t ract will ions lie of counted a square, aa 1 1 squares, utw-ral deductions made onCon tract Advertising. one. As intellect descended from Pitt tk* elder to Pitt the yiainger, so has it descen¬ ded [rum Joseph E. Brown to his eldest sou Julius, a somewhat rare occurrence I” --Lorenzo Delmonieo the celebrated New York restaurateur is dead. He * r »" four restaurants with expendltuw a Capitol Of W *r ouo > »'«• V' e .vwriv Of • million. Kents were 8100,u00 a year, and servants 315,000 |ier month. Dinnsrs at his establisimieiit sometimes cost $100 a head, and Rowers for each as much as and the isriuted hills of far* llava at times cost 820 each. His head cooks have been paid from 84,000 to $,',,000 per year. the single dailies exception of the 7V»6uiw,all tb» leading of New York ar* edited or controlled by foreigners. The Ttmtt la ! *>wuoi\ by u \Wlshmaii and edited by ft : Scotchman; ati Englishman is the leal edi tor Hinton/edits of tlu World, an Englishman (liana (John the Am takes the blows), a edits Scotchman the Commercial, .slits the Aar, an a German -’'S W« * guard. First-Sorgeant Mason, of Battary “IV, ” when that company was relieving ! Gaptain tl window Graves's of Guileau’s command, walked and »p fired to "' cell, | .cau's through head the and grating. penetrated The ball his coat, gazedUult- which mg officer, lie assigned as a reason riding for j I the attempt, that he was tired of over r lie cobble stones to jail every day td guard the life of such a man as Guiteau.. sSrrStfSSisSES'"' ri.o 1.11 . ... appropriating <4, “'I* to . fish ... money MleA \ i( n\ y . poll as om oi iiii romumti'e uiiuin uie 'that liine V1 U ' '''.T''“'Vi’* w ''i ch wUl ‘ it s said, .. startle • Uu entire state. Hnnmcss is being rushed through UGIGvlly. An adjoiirmnont will un¬ doubtclly-be reached by 23d inH Great complaint is made on account of al>. ^'^‘^^^Srik^aSndsJn^ their failure measure, for to pass the net pi .needs aiming rw““ fiom the inspec tio.-i of fertilizers, to the public schools, The Increase from this source, it 1» thought, will amount to about 100,000, annually. 'increasing a bill has passed in the Seivata klrn'otare the educational facilittos of ornvciaic). the establishment of a high school in each Senatorial district, under Urn Bn ***>»«... m>«» ««. A Preventive for Weevil*. Among tin, preventives wc have heard of some of which we liavo tried—ar* tho following ; 1. Gather corn when wet or store it In unroofed crib In the shuck until thor¬ the oughly hoatiny wet. which It is generally claimed that tho corn undergoes, when put up wet, will destroy the wee vills. Others say that the wotting can mis the shuck to adhere mora closely—pro¬ tecting the ears. The answer to tins ex¬ laeks planation is. that in in fact Hie weevil at the corn the field, and IW) llW cars escape before housing. 2. Mix China bcrrbmatni Imvm thorough the corn as it, is put into thu crib. Wo have Iliad this, with gouie benefit,, wo thought. which Would suggest walnut leaves, art known to lie very effectual in extirpating llcas,— Christian Index. A COUNTRY MARRIAGE. Scenes at the Ceremony amt Aftei w-irrta as W Itnesaeil and Describe,I by Clara ■ telle,—l Idle I Ike I nunc cure. [Cincinnati Cuornrer. j We had a contrast la-tween town and rural manners and dress yesterday at a country wedding. The bride was a rosy cheeked chambermaid at tho hotel, and wo were all invited to the wedding at her The father’s farm-lumae, several miles away. ceremony by clergyman, was performed in fire usual maimer a late in the after¬ noon. A bountiful, if not a pretentious, supper followed, and then came games— old-fashioned kissing games, like Copenha¬ gen, post,-offices off awhile, and forfeits. Tim city girls held but seeing that their coyness was not well received, made ma¬ ty r.s of themselves and generally liked it. I think I observed a fact that is not gener¬ ally known in kissing that, for the most electrical results, one kisser should be a blonde and thv other a brunette, repre, senting the opposite poles of a battery, Certainly, the kisses la-tween persona of the, same complexion and looked and sounded mechanical perfunctory, while those liy contrasted couples were fiery spirited mid harmoniously hours explosive. However, after several of diversions largely oscillatory, there went to bed a most thor¬ oughly kiss.-d bride. Ih-rsearlet lips look,si swollen with the ordeal of long and earn¬ est kissing, for she had been smacked over and ovei by every man and woman in the party. Site had borne the treatment with good humor, and no married life was ever begun with exploit a merrier frolic. But. like crowning was an observance of (lie old Vermont custom of tacking up the happy th.-y bad couple retired iu bed. Half an hour after wc burglarized tlioir Ivwl •-hamher, and turned the, light of half a dozen lamps on them. H e saw a sight that The bridegroom proved woman’s superior fortitude. turned red and white, by turns, and was completely itabhergasted; but Hie bride, though her face lay rosy enough on the imwy pillow, was unite self-possessed, sic- had dressed herself in adaintynew night-dress, with shillings over the -boulders and on the bishop sleeves, and may have derived her courage from a previous view of herseff in the glass. prettily Very lovely she wa . and very careful to keep herself cover,-,1 just enough, lad not so much a, to hide the yoke that 'teeming night-gown. Lhe eermnony eon-, d-sl of tucking in the ) 1 VvV wWk«X?h C /!“ -'V' 7 TffimwluVuK "" »'*«l