The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, October 01, 1881, Image 1

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The Democrat. A Live Weekly Paper on Live Issue* Published Every Friday Morning, at CrawfordviUe, Ga. Ed. Young & Co., Editors St Prop’s. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy,, (one year,) . . . S X 50 Single Single Copy, (six months,) . 75 Copy, (three months,) ... 50 and JOB Advertising PRINTING rates liberal. BOOK to suit the times. a specialty. Prices POETRY. DON’T BUKKon TROUBLE. __ Don’t borrow trouble. Don't borrow trouble, nor meet it half way; Sufficient to all are the ills of to-day; ' Misfortune, E’en reverses and trials may come; those we deem the most nappy have some. Don’t borrow trouble. Don't borrow trouble. Don't borrow trouble—’twill conio soon With enough, forbidding aspects habiliments But wait rough— till he’s here, unbending his Meet boldly the. onset and battle it down, Don't borrow trouble. Don’t borrow trouble. Don’t borrow trouble—this debt will re¬ main, And can only be canceled by suffering The again ills we thus borrow by prophetic fears, Baptizing the record in sorrowing tears. Don’t borrow trouble. Don’t borrow trouble—it sprii1«# in each harvest path, A that beareth an aftermath ; It planteth itself with a plenteous seed, And is gathered in sorrow by hearts that blued. Don’t borrow trouble. Don't borrow trouble. Don’t borrow trouble, nor gloomily weave A harvest of tears in a shadowy sheave ; But, rather, come forth from the dark and the night, And garner the blossoms that grow in the the light. Don't borrow trouble. Don’t borrow trouble. Don’t borrow trouble, he sure, in the sky, The light will burst forth when the clouds have gone by; Be hopeful and brave, and patient and soon Will shine out & glorious gladdening noon. Don’t borrow trouble. OUR NEIGHBORS. What the People of Adjacent Counties Are Doing—News as Culled Iroui Our Kxehanges and Correspondents. si I Aiion. [SjtccM Correspondence Democrat.] Chinquepens are ripe. Muscadine crop is good. Cotton is rapidly coming iu. Fountain Camp-meeting is over. Sharon will soon have two new stores. ’ with l)r. Davidson has gracyit his front n gi^- ./lit",-. • ^ Mr. L. A. Moore will soon finish tlie largest store-room in tlie county. All of our summer visitors will s on leave for their homes. Mr. Jake Jones lias improved his store by adding another story. Sharon now has three painters at work, and the place begins to look white. L. M. Thomson has just completed his new store and harness shop, and keeps a line lot of harness. Mr. Sullivan, of Ireland, who ar¬ rived here about a week ago, after spending a few days with his relatives, Mr. 1). O’Keefe, left for Atlanta, where lie expects to do business. HOWERTON. I Special CorrcHjtondcnce, Democrat. ] Mr. P. G Veazey, and ltev. A. C. ington Rainwater, Association Messengers, to tlie Wash¬ from Powelton Baptist Church have returned. They do not bring so gloomy a report of the crop prospect of Washington county as we have Lad from others While tlie crops have been seriously injured, especially the cotton, the corn in the neighborhood of Bethlehem church was generally good. Rev. A.J. Hartley,of Warren,preach Sat ed at unlay the Baptist mglit, church Saturday, and am! Sunday night, ' 1Ve tI? worebantGo weie iMpnztu. i Mrs. M. E. Chapman, and Miss Eu , la, were thrown from the buggy as they were day morning. retuniingjlrom thc'baptiziiig Sun Mrs. C. was badlv hurt but is doing well. The accident was caused by the horse backing and up setting the buggy. We have four water-gins in easy tance of Powelton, The family of Mr. J. T. Andrews, the efficient clerk of the Superior court will move to Sparta next week. Seed oats are scarce and are bring¬ ing good prices. GREENE. Joe Harris, coi., was sentenced week to he hanged on the Uth of vember. m. The Grand „ . Jury T found „ 21 merits tor gambling last week. There will be an adjourned term the Superior court on the first tn December. Several Greene county people moved to Texas will soon return. Union Point reioices over a platform ' railroad ’ Miss „. Willett, , the sister of Mrs. C A. Davis, jr., after a brief stay Greenesboro, has returned to her in Macon. Mr. C. A. „ Davis, . j r„ and his er Oscar of Greenesboro, have ed from New Tcrk. The D Iff « rat Vol. 0. 9* Memorial services for President Garfield were held in Greenesboro. P t v el. Scendeny .. , formerly , , foreman • of J. I . Hart s shop, at I nion Point, , " as accepted the ixjsition of Superinten- : dent of the bridge force on toe Charles- ! j ton and Savannah railroad. Mr. .Jasper Kianebrew died very j | suddenly at his home near Bairdstown. | i He was an okl and highly respected 1 citizen of tin? county. : More corn will he made in Greene than for many years past. The landlords of Greenesboro, liaye raised the price of board, and the hung j xy traveler laments. The farmers of this comity intend to j plant a great deal of small grain. The hum of two cotton gins makes delicious music for the average Wood villeite. OOLETHOBPE. A promt lent attorney of Lexington will raise Lis own canary-seed. ‘ There is a prolific goat in Oglethorpe, i She resently gave birth to ten kids. The new post-otiice at Amis’s Mills has been dubbed “anou,” bv tbo face tious manager of the Post-office I)e partment. , The E ho says that a revenue officer attempted to palm himself off on Mr. Andrew Young as a tramp, and made a futile attempt to buy some whisky. Mr. Loung gave him bis meal, but when he learned what the character of the man was, he threatened to wipe up the earth with him. The It. M. depart¬ ed forthwith. The Echo reports an attempted assas¬ sination of Mr. John C. Stevens. Mr. Stevens was not injured, although the' parties fired at him several'times. Dr. Durham has put up a wire fence. We clip, this but from must the E-iu>. It is very steep, it be true ; gentleman tells us that he once knew a child in this county who got badly burned under the aim, and to efise its pain the little sufferer kept that limb hugged to its side. When the wound healed np the aim was found tube and will ever be thus deformed. HANCOCK. Judge Simmons has returned from a L.i.> North. .......... Dr. Linton S. Garner, of ton county, was married a few days ago to Miss Addle Archer of Han cock, at the residence of the bmle fat her. Tlie IshnHul'U urges the necessity of planting oats. Two young men of Sparta wandered .into a "weeping, yellow-jackets and yelling, nest. And and there hit- j i was ting of hands.” WILI^S. AWfib'IS night. -, r P t, ,, — ... . Mr. John j | T. Wooten has returned to I Washington. 1 |!'oa ’Tinafore” 0nTI " 1 day was T? performed lgll al 1 in iT Wash- atol j M i’' ;! * * that it whs ji great success. Maj-Geo. T. Jackson, of Augusta, and Mr. Goodwin, of New York, were inspecting tho Magruder mines this j Wasliingtonites will visit the Exposi tiou. Religious meetings continue. J The festive washer-women in Wash-' ington, create 110 small amusement by , ! futile atteinita to strike. i L)ii mist, was on Sunday last near the Lincoln line. Th „ r r,,,. r,. n „ ,, i.,w ' About ., , live bundled . . carp have j been received at Washington. The mu- : Jonty of them died. j --- • WARREN. • Court assembles next week at War- ; rfcnt01) - Rev. XV. R. Footo is ill. 1 Miss J^ee Murden is on a brief vist to 1 iu^Vm-rerlfom ^i ul !“ “• ... tW;n ltS . , ' y Ce ’ PUr P ° Un< Squire Scroggins and Josh Collins, I two very prominent colored citizens of j Warrenton, had a difficulty the other day. In the encounter, Scroguins was stabbed. The wounds inflicted are painful but not necessarily fatal. Col lins gave bond in the sum of 8100 for his appearance. The camp-maeting at Fountain camp ground is in process. A large crowd is in attendance. From the Warrenton rib'),,.,,-we glean that the ' taxable ' property of Warren county for issq was 8l,2b‘.i.7s.V, in 1881, $1,243,421, showing an increase of 8J3,f,:j(l. The condition financially of the couutv J is f «ond —— - fev- Good prints 4;e. yd. Grass < loti is 5 _ & i>c. yd., Muslins .V v,l., Nice lness Goods 74c vd. Stock .,1 goods marvel onsl.v cheap on Bargain Tables of ( . A. DAVIS k CO.. Greenesboro’, Ga. CRAFPORDVILLE, GEORGIA, : OCTOBER 1, 1881.' * « v * -- -> <£ - J / ♦ " i wA * * iV.'. •„ sy •> t . i* Wm ji$8 c f'-M XL A v. % ijifeA * R#*V a m I *1 a / / / , . a- t • , $ -.WN i X i f-' 4 " Ja-mosi J\. Ch " — * ->■ m >-y, Born November 19,1831. Died September ' st, A 'edfcbvcar!., *S.‘ >w 1 i ,T . , JAMBS A. GARFIELD. James AiiiiamGalfikld, our rnur dend President, was born iu Or»ngo, , ‘ ° *• 1 ’ November, 1831. II.s family poor, but they were respectably, Young Garfield was trained in the hard school of experience. His educa SJZSSlZffZJZ.S; f] ... , i !( , ... as tlie driver of a canal beat. But the innate greatness of the boy) spoke. He would submit to no oppression. By his own exertions be accumulated enough to educate, himself in later f.....- «• its practice, IDs star began to fo is5U he was elected to tho Ohio 8utu Senate . Ue continue.! to rise. "C was , brilliant, ,,. yet plain , ; eloquent , yet truthful. When the civil war of 18(10 broke out, he cast Lis lot witli the Federal Union. He was appointed colonel of tho 42nd Ohio Volunteers. Bis career was a bright one. In 180:1, | lie was appointed as tins chief of the staff of Gen - Itosencrans. After tbis man be was chosen by his onthusias-1 —««««. » O-r tive in Congress. He was elected and . re-elected until 1880, when the people I of the United States chose him as their Chief-Executive. He was inaug urated on the 4th of March, 1881. We shall not speak of his career since his elevation to the Presidency. It speaks for itself. On the 2d of July ho was shot by a miserable assassin and on months and a half of suffering and he¬ roic fortitude—he died. This sketch is brief. The facts are plain, straight tl-uths > We mourn him as a man, as a President, and .’as it noble citizen. Uuriii ol S'rcNliicnt Garl i ld. ThlJ ULe I 'resilient wi ion , ' at Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday last, There was no great display. It was conducteit in a bee........ maiim-r. .Ml over the couniiy m.-m-d cm-mon,-i held, in t ■; <:r:: ■ •■at caunda-s. services were i.< 1:. 0. sympathy have b u ... tr held and li-r family ,. or, fouffidnS all warren ' . ^ syinyathy ( j uw , n Victoria, and love. it is lull of womanly . A stmt Disgraceful A,/ill On Monday In.-.t a riot occa 4 in ^^ 1 u/Wto^ I *re« V ’ 1 ^ were being conducted in that city. The procession moved into DoGive’s openi-Re;. The crowd pushed and i jammed <-m;i other. A named Burke nisl,ed;. a lady, knocking !ier down. When tlu- noli ■ attempted t-, arn ,1 Liiit !.<• i . , d. A crowd follow, 1 to the si ation-liouse, v-lling and ii'/otm:r. < : mother ,,f Bicke .-lizml a gun Iran a .‘.tack and attempt'-,I t.o shoot tiie officer. At the rinlioii-hou.e-. a rush was made by the ,no1 * i'- 10 Burke. V wild scene "owd. Creunreoioiier Fo.v by great pre.-em-e • a 11 and. res!rained them, 1 he ring-leaders were urresled and heavily lined. It was a most disgrace ful affair. Everything has been- Batia factorily settled, *^ . ... ' , f ,, , r , _ ?Z " o v , 'rU f r ,1 n'.i' ■ J -■ t bfe <v co.. Greenesboro’ (fit ’ —• A POL iK* * * - "*• • ' ..... l >” <>m \ se'ea. ^ • pm—t*. m v> un»ra V v o- A ich ... «wwc.-. V »■ n i ’*" rmt know wHiit I on don ■!' Inn- l ” \ ! selling at m the Jeading cit ; ,,R ^ Bdt, but it ' ‘ ' c<) 0il purpose mu '"'“ge figures somewhere between > a 10 cents per pound, which is * ........ - wl ' : *- v low ’ >’ ml 8e,i - Undoubtedly ^ Vf^t. The strongest ob i M ' ' can be urged against it is ’ Jl ' 11 ’ stt reddish or purplish • an ' ! bei,1 K very fine is not d« • ' e . . Apjil Iruthm -W complaints^ have ever been made in that pa^yjinlar. The a fteilic employed by us in our experiments of last summer was the common White arsenic, costing by the Ij airel, lauded in Texas, from three 1,1 L»ur emits per pimtnl. We suppose it AoubJ wfa about the same at the pres Mmdbi either Mobile, New Orleans 0I ^^ Savan nth. A perm incut solution WiW ffiadc by addin„ to live gallons of ........— ”'•«'» ...... one P°und of sal soda, and then boiling over :l ^* r e, in a common iron pot, un til all the arsenic was dissolved. This makes a solution of aresnic that wlli keep for any length of time without the slightest precipitation. We have nmv in our office a bottle of the s .lu tmo made oil this plan last summer — it is just as perfect-to-day as it was on so ution one quart was !y gallons of water, which was then r a field of worm ft •1 ton -t the usual way. it de stroked vunii which were in strong ft 'CO llci .t.>;>1 iI ;st.ion was made. It av : " plants uninjured to any ,eOt w ti '.ii naming. .Several aimi 1 m. ■■ made, all with uniform uc.- . ; , ty gallons wain found nm.i,-.-.offiffieiil to •’.» over au acre of .....•'•dniary growth. i: "" v - have a remedy with which w< can av our crops from tlie cotton " ' or 0, ;' : ter ,,er ; ' ri ’ ' lt,n , K the l ,riCe ° r arsenic at four nt j i(itiml. and that of on! i'l.i 1, ;V < ids, which would lie very lii ;!i for the Litter. This,it seems to uk, i-i whitUing the matter of cost down t0 » ' ,oi " fc decidely One, Of course there must be added in the final footing uy of all outlays, the furtbur 'preparation and application, ono cent and a quarter pays for t))e A ..dasto the cost of the I’ ! it i.-uio greater than , that of «»y other liquid remedy; indeed it ; '•! 1 >4 l.- , •rent, on ing to the J » . !.:. liquid i.-i a j«-rl',-ct solo l i,nr. anil, therefor,- does not require tn • agit.d :• n tie - - .ey to keep in sus !•>-,■ .011 lie- nisolu'.de poison.-, such as Rom ,puiyla and Paris green. The ex , ■•! ,.ivparing the ,at,mated s dnlion ol .11 • mm iinglit Is; put down 1 as a very -maU item . but, we think tins is more thu, by the ] of having a u<*rlVi*t sol ol ion at j tho 111 uio in a inotiioiit. i Without tliis i)» '♦-sit v of sf iriii^ arul **g}iiiui*iiS5 - v tor an lumr or ho - wav kimt I'odte.: . P- of. .r f\ sun,. , Are Ye Pi.llr . No. 39. ^ . H W GENERAL NEWS. AS t.I I.AM I) I ttUAI Tl.I,Kelt.VMS 4 AN I* LETTERS. Being the faittst lumruiati >n as Coll dqiised Iroui t|i> Newspapers—-A Uriel Kps iew of VVliat the Country is At, Culled lor the Headers ol the l)«mo erat. , —Snow and ieo in Colorado. * -i~The trial of Urn Star Route thieves still goes on. * —In England thfc court is in 'mourn jug for President Garfield. - The iVi.sJt land agitation is still worrying patriots of England. —Edward Oats commitied ,suie ide at Albany Indiana, Thursday. —Secretary french, of the Treasury, | iscnlling in the sixtier cents. —J. A. Cutlihert, memlier of Con¬ gress in ISlil and 1N2I, idled the other day V Mobile. — A Detroit attorney says there can be no doubt of the convletion anil hanging of Oniteai). niecoq y-Mille i»V Napoleon SnSfiu Mu^jgalfonk^itjic nofiapaitiv^Jt in jfialfimnjc fe«i-iitly J) \ ; D. 'AirtnT was s^iot-ami iff-’ ’’V in f^irjfshmxUie dfcjf a>"es F, W » Nl,. ( •' t%nn‘ .in t- M^vdeiaJdi^pypRvjj^jf ; quarters' oveg Rie vise Mm Jr. eonvH-tNvlm * \ '. rA. kilM b\.rimy>e«4*hii:iyi' <r f -.C ’ i ‘ , i > iU" 'll I >-llt"ll.-TeX is desll.-ICil twelve business houses. „ eimreb and „n, mu-U. r,,*. $;n i *, K i, paHially In \ Me s;i,.,,„ s ’ ,: ‘ v tt,.u United i State. a ( . Mini*- »»• • tor nt Manchester „ Is Instltutlnac invoxtl nations in regard fraudulently packing cotton in America, —An excursion train mnhff Air-Li no *, l ................ * ith » J"”" 1 po "? n9 wpr « kl »’ and many others wounded. Gtiiteau will be tried In Now Jersey. riie point of law In reference to a murder j commuted In mm state and the *• """ i over. i Ap»ohe Indians are "vadually | 'on •' Twenty-five r luring to I he 1>elo.iging >f s/.piqinr (ipw er. to that tribe recently gave themselves up at Camp Thomas. —Editor South, of tlie Cincinnati Ornette, who has Just visited Atlanta says that inside of forty years It will have as much population, wealth and refinement as Cincinnati now has. —A special from Beaver Falls Pa states (hat a train, containing journalists , on tliejr way to Cleveland, ran into n liand-car on Beaver river bridge. Knur rnen were killed and two seriously injur ed. —The Directors of the Paramore Narrow Guaga Railway met have consoli¬ dated the Missouri and Arkansas Lines. The length of the lino will lie over 1,700 miles, its terminus being tho City of Mex¬ ico. —Tho Catholic priesthood in tho United Stat es has filed at Washington a claim to mo acres of land nonnnetnd with the St. James mission at Vancouver, Washington Territory estimated to fie worth ^i,000,001). General Ewing, emru «*l in the. ease,presents a printed a pamph let of 110 pages. Tn an affray which occurred Thurs day at the magistrate’s court In Burke county (diaries J. Walker wounded Mike i'Smith, who than killed Walker, shooting him through the head ; ami Ed waul Pal¬ mer shot and instantly killed Arthur Smith. The trouble grew out of a horse <uso. _ (Juiu , au ttf)) .r uroel-ilmina even'since sl.Lt tion wi(il his course , the h n , , lU w i| Ml ,_ n „« In do it over again, ffim suddenly changed | his tone, lie lias been heard in his coll praying remorsefully, bitterly reproach ing hiinselt, and calling upon God to have ""‘ n ' y l 'l’ 011 ,li "‘ “*l ,oor murderer.” A harrowing account of a sliin wreck cmnes to ..s from San Francis,;,,. ; The steamer ‘‘Alice Buck,” from New I ^ ork > loaded with rails, struck Ham ion's rocks, two miles below Spanlshtmvu. .She . sunk. All the I crew and passcu “T the captain and one or two othcis- were l«wt. ( Rumors are afloat about the as "•* Jnaiing of 1 resident Arthur, A dirt ' I' :l * < h from Washington states that a Mr. 1 Bayley, an employe of the army and i medieel mn.euni, filed a sworn .late j merit that, he oveiheard a plot to a.,sa.-.,i - iiate Arthur. Two men were leaning against a tiee. Tliev made the threat. j ;ayl ,. y overheard them. The time ore th-»,nation , , , ,* „„e month ,, Exc’iti'ineiit at the, national rapitol runs 1 , Landrelh's and Bumfs I'hiladel phia Turnip weed—new crop G. A. DA Vfs y PC) , Greenesboro’ Ga. Die Democrat. f AlU l.RTIM Vr. KATES; One Square, first iuseition $ » < *u.- Square, ea«fe aohsMitent insertion 23 OneS,[ua%, three months p 4 Ot) Ohe Squarmwelvc months . | Ou Quarter Column, twelve months . . !»5 00 Half Column twelve months . . ♦# ne tine Column twelve months . no 00 ( 'irT One Inch or I>s* considered as a sqdftve, W* nave rt" frmotioqs of a square, t fractions of *juares will be counted aa • lua ^' ,s * Ml ® 0U Con- • J^UJNTDABtpUTJN GEORGIA. 'Utter* Throughout the State K win red to Readable Items tor the IntoriiiaUuu and Kiitcrtainiueiit of the Header. t , — M:u'cel 1 US Thornton IS in Atlanta. T f-Tlie ’ hill,.) Legislature •i adjourn^? on ue-sd.lV — Win. Gnr, an old and highly re sj^ete.1 marble dealer of Atlanta, is dead. —Two hand red tramps make night hideous and terrify the people of At- 1;u 'ta. —A disturbance, which threatened to prove almost a riot, occurred in At¬ lanta Mond ay bust. —•Thestrike continues in Savannah. Somi»ol tlie steamship companies are organizing other gangs. -The track of tlie Augusta A Knox¬ ville road mnv extends live miles be YotWi the Savuiuiali river. — Bob Williams, an escaped convict, captured neat. Fort Valley, made a sec¬ ond escape from Ins guard on Friday last. — At Hartwell Saturday morning Newton Ayers had Ins arm Ixntly and painfully bi nned by a falling timber at the stead) mill. - Graham, (iluts "Spoity Rill,” a notorious colored Cbiiviot and inur dtWTlr, w. s killed by officers at No. 7* WnUral f Hadro.vb. Biedneqd! a»'. Ji? |ya8vattVnu>tinj| ^Xho < totisCapF. iBViuus,of the’ laiyo Bad,d im property 'lurveywl and 'mapped. img. mu • the 'i'hey. Kx>ot(iUflB. bropoq^ .to, fTlm exhibit the, the falf of water is calculated at 1,340 hoise * 1 ’V ‘V „ Hk:,. K , --lhe , llalub'ridge DcimmtoI states that a new sleainunat ’company had been formed in Golumbus with a caiH tal of .f M,000. They have purchased the steamer Caddo Belle, wfiich will be placed on the river shortly. —The Uedartown Advertiser says that on Friday last a Mr. PBtman seriously cut Mr. H. R. Garter. Tim former wanted the latter to punish his „ children for some trilling offense to¬ not wards Pittma^’s about It children, promptly and he did go enough to suit Pittman.*, —The Havarirmh, Florida and Wes¬ terly BiuMuidgo tail way westward, Is to Iw making extended through from autpRect connection with New Or The (Quitman Free Press cred¬ its Col. Haines, General Manager, with saying thauthe work will be completed in k*r thaw v kfmts u - . oxtiucted — Th, Ppie waj’, ot oua a cock's spui livo-eigliU of an inch in length from the cheek of a five-year old boy of Peter Cooper's. About a week since the boy was play¬ ing witli a dog. A rooster aimed a blow at the dog. He struck tho boy in the cheek. His spur broke off. The little follow is doing well. —A little ten-year old son of Mr. W. A. Roberts, who was attending school at Centerville, about a week age acci¬ dentally stuck a nail in bis foot. No notice was taken of it. lie grew ill. lie Lock-jaw complained attacked of earns in his back.' him. His suffer¬ ings were great. The next day he died. —We cull from the Savannah News that, on September ’Jh, a terrible at¬ tempt, at murder was made, about one mile from Brentwood, on the person of an aged negr > named Toney Houston, employed by Messrs. 1). I i. Wad ley A Co., or. their 1 )gway. The would-be murderer, Marshall Bryant, was also employed by the firm, who, after lift¬ ing paid off, went with Toney to Messrs, ltfiliersoii <V Moody’s store, where Toney spent live dollars of his wages. On their return Marshall struck Toney with a stick, knocking Liiu down, then rilled his pockets, tak¬ ing fifteen dollars the old man had re served to carry home to his family. After he killed him, as he thought, he drew him about fifteen yards from the railroad, and placed the body behind a log. Bryant then returned to the mill and waited for the train hound for Macon, in which he took passage for parts unknown. I learn that before he came here lie bought a mule from a gentleman m I lie up-country on time, and afterwards refused payment. Tho owner tried to Like the mule, but Mar¬ shall refused to give up the mule, an«l cut its throat. The owner then had him arrested, but lie made his escape and came down here. Marshall is said to be a noted scoundrel, 50TI1 YEAR OF TUB .Medical ('allege ofijeorgia, AUGUSTA. i lii* liisl it utb'ii c,mntil,ul,lhe Medico l),-|,l,i,ii.-, l),q,nrtini n( ol (lie State RniWTsitv : the :,r • signed l>v ,t. I'hanc-flor. l he ,'ssion will roiiiini'ii,',. oh the first ,fiiv ,,| Nov,, ami will end on tho fif ’f </( March loHuwitw. Mercer University, The Fall Term of Macon, Ga. known Una old and well Institution will open on the last \V<•dues,lav in September (gsth .) next, A Sob-Lresbmau <-fasx, tube prepared and by *he Fa nilty for the Freshman class consisting of voulhs not under 14 years III age will be formed. The Law School, at the head of which Uf Attorney General of the State j a*hanlagc-» to students of F-,r • :-,!ogu, - and other inforiration I address ANN). J MR A N’T f,V,