The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, October 22, 1881, Image 1

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The Democrat. A Live Weekly Paper on Live Issues • .Published Every Saturday Morning, at Crawforilville, Ga. Ed. Yonng & Co., Editors & Prop’s. BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy, (one year,) . . .. $150 Single Copy, (six months,) , . 75 Single Copy, (three months,) ... 50 t-3T Advertising rates liberal. HOOK and JOB PRINTING a specialtv. Prices to suit the times. *■__ FOn HFMP 5 : WIT THE Ear UP the law is DEAR TO THE PLEADINGS OF THE PEOPLE. Sang Armor Respited—The Murder ot i Amos Ellington Assumes a DiUereut Sbade—Rumors anil 1'ounter-Kumor*— The Arrest of Aleck Steve os and Jetl Adams-Carried to W »rrentou_t „ opy ot . the Respite and Order of the Judge-A j Large Crowd to s*ee the Hanging— l)U appointment and Vexation. Yesterday was the day appointed for the hanging of Sang Armor Thurs day the reprieve arrived, but the news made little headway in the neighboring country. At an early hour yesterday morning . the crowds began to gather. From all parts of this county, and from neigh¬ boring counties for a circuit of many miles they came. Sturdy farmers, mothers with their infants, troops of | darkies with mules, some afoot many , with stout gripsacks and a day’s pro- ! visions, might have been seen wending their way to the festal gathering. It i to be i was an epocli in their lives. Nev had. hanging . er a been witnessed in lahaferro. , ho ,, said ., that , useful , , relic of „ I the past, ‘ the oldest inhabitant.” In j a short while the city was densely crowded. The streets and avenues were line ! with wagons, and groups of anxious visitors. .Since the days of the great Crawford, and the famous stump battles of our own venerated “Commoner,” the public square had a multitude, Ihe scene was an inter eating one. Here and there was a buggy with a blushing uiniden and the attendant es¬ covt ; here an ox-cart with a primitive looking cargo, here a huge wagon with lbs team of mules hearing the family . f a sturdy farmer, the children all ea ter for the fun,the trusty “hound-dog” hitched on with a stout rope. Here and there the peddler of pies ' ami can ty . idled - Ins vocal*** ... . and tne howls . , ot Ihe eager infant went lip at the sight of I he coveted ginger-bread. IIow cruel lr the disappointment fell upon them. A Cruikshank or a Keppler would have gloried in the scene. None others could have done it justice. Gloom fell upon thetacysof many : indignation spoke 01 HVG 1 ti'.e f*',t,,res ' 1 ethers ” Ti.e unde of the maiden relaxed its sweet ness; the good liousewite grumbled at the useless trouble of the trip; theeltil dren cried at the sudden spoiling of their fun .and the hound-dog echoed Iks .regretful chorus. On the fences of the Court House square the brawny jeomrn sat,and gave earnest utterance lo indignant protests. We too looked mournfully on We had just come from a neighboring city commissioned comiuissioneu bv uy a a g great hi. da’lv oa.iv to to re- re port the details of the dreadful Our resident associate gazed sadly at three columns of solid type, wherein a history of the crime, the trial of the condemned and an interview with a a fresh con tession were set forth with blood-curdling minuteness. The en terprising r.a however was soon equal to the situation, and rushed off with subscription book and a Jot ol fly* specked accounts to make hay while the sun shone. “Liaps ’ were d.s cussed, fresh items collected, and the breeches pocket ot the r. a. grew lieav ier. At length the hubbub and murmur of the gathered multitude was hushed, The great day came to a close. The sun went . down . upon a procession of , retreating vehicles, and silence reigned through the once busy streets, As night fell upon the public square there was naught visible but a flock of village geese. Ever and anon a solita ry passer-by wended ins way along, and again disappeared We retired o our sanctum, and sadly thought of the uncertainty of human hopes. We shall now give the CAUSES WHICH LED TO TIIE RB8PITE. For two weeks past our people have been excited over the presence of three detectives in Crawfordville. They came among us in the usual mysterious way. The train was stopped about half a mile from the city proper and the mysteri¬ ous men were allowed to get off. But the Ijten eyes of our home detectives— ever outlie alert for news items—saw them, and iu less than a half hour, the news flashed over the town. Tiie pur¬ pose for which they came was tiie SAVING OF SANT- ARMOR, the murderer of Amos Ellington. They wo, ked in a secret wav. Little was known of the character or progress of their investigations until Thursday morning when the news broke l ! ke a thunder-clap upon the community that Sang Armor had been respited until the twenty-fith of No vember next, and Aleck Stevens and Jeff Adams arrested for complicity in the murder. Elsewhere we publish the The Democrat YoL 5. reprieve of the Governor and the war rant of Judge Pottle. Sang was retnov ed to the jail at Augusta, and Stevens and Adams carried to Warren ton l»y the sheriff of that county aud there imprisoned. This strange proceeding is ENVELOPED IN MYSTERY. Why they were carried to IFarrenton no one knows. When taken to train no one knew their and the Sheriff of Warren who had Uu , m j(J cllarge prote8 e d ignocruce on the g^ect. (; 0 1. John A. Stephens and Messrs. Marshall Andrews and John W. Hixon, the counsel of the pris oners, sought information as to the disposition lo be made of them. The re P*y was that they were to be carried to Harnett where instructions would he received from Judge Pottle by tele S r -*Ph. It is claimed that no telegram was inquired for or received, and that the prisoners were conveyed directly to Warrenton. These DARK LANTERN PROCEEDINGS aroused the indignation of the ent'-e community. What proof is to be ad¬ duced in support of the charge against these parties as yet unknown, The de¬ tectives claim with confidence that ample evidence exists, aud that others still will be implicated in the crime, They boldly allege that Sang was HIRED BY TWO PROMINENT CITIZENS TO DO THE DEED, certain money transactions, it is said, implied them to tiiis course. No names are given. Stevens and Adams were arrested several niontbs ago, and afterwards discharged. Xu evidence could he brought against them save the conliict iug confessions of Sang Armor. At times the latter would charge them with complicity in the crime, and again these stories were flatly deni d. At the last term of the Superior Court a thorough investigation was made of the case. The result was that Sang Ar¬ mor was indicted as the sole perpetra¬ tor of the crime. His trial and convio tion followed. And yesterday was the befoie the sentence of the law was pronounced, he confessed the crime, but charged that Stevens had directed him to strike the fatal blowy while lie finished the murder with a pistol, ami j e ff Adams stood by to keep watch, As the certainly of his doom became ,nore >'0 denied this story and confessed that he alone did the DEED. .Since then he him finally adhered to th.'"te'im t» _u im m'atfairs'isst^Th 01 i.isi 1 nuisurtv. 11 ilslav^ " nli ’ 1 he cmVom.-ff man «m»*v-d no s ir . pnse or satisfaci 1011 at the intelligence j'U-.MotV-'v Ids’removal r'« ho visiri-'i lie 'idiii'iust'mvv 'tin , us to confessed crime and expressed his willingness to Imbed it is said by so in- tint lie Asseited liis r desire to nu hung ilt tl,e appointed time. The co-’iisel employed by Mr. It. T. Edge the ad ministrator of the murdered man. to conduct the prosecution of the prison ers, are Jas. IFhitehead Esq., of IFar ienton, and lion; Jas. F. Iteid, of this place. In an interview with the latter gentleman a reporter of The Demo crat elicited the statement that strong evidence would be brought forward to support the oliarge made by the detec tive, and that results would follow wh,ch w0 " 1 ' 1 cle;lte AX excitement greater than E\ ER BEF< ItE KNOWN k -vowv in this county. Further than this Mr. Iteid was silent. Stevens is a young white man about twenty-five years of age, the *in ot a widowed mother. So far as we know he stands well in the county. Jeff ams is a young colored man a iitnn baud of Stevens. Each stoutly pro c ims Jus innocence, and looks with confidence to a speedy release. W hateyer may be the proofs against these parties the citizens of tins county are indignant at the cor se pnrsur.i. Wiiv they shoull he taken lo anot county and there incarcerated no one knows. There may be a rea .,011 hi , tiiey are unable to see it. vV’e ly 1 can see none. I be be. t lawyers in the place denounce it as an outrage and say that they do not understand what law it is that permits a man to he snatched up and carried to a ounty beyond the yunsdiction of the offence charged upon him. )Fe -are strictly impariia in the matter. We , wish to seethe law carried out to its letter wherever it cuts. We have tried to state fairly t ie public sentiment witii out passion or prejudice. - «» “»ve the reason. Wlmt is it t The Respite. T Executive , Department, . 1 8 " T f OF °“- ) Atlanta, V . Ga., ,. October 17 1 <, 1881. To M. D. I. Goo-er, Sheriff of Taliaferro county; Whereas, Sang Armor has been sentenced by the Superior court of laferro county to be executed on the 21st day of October, 1«81. and Whereas, I have received from the Hon. K. II. Pottle. Judge of Superior Court of said county, a letter bearing date the ICth of October, stant, in which a respite of the tion of said sentence is strongly mended, on the ground tha 4 . the est of justice imperatively require it. You are, therefore, hereby and directed to suspend and the execution of the said Sang until Friday, the 25th day of wr, 1831, when, if not otherwise CRAWFORDYILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1881. Iv directed, vou will do execution upon the body of the said Sang Armor, as required by the judgment of court ren dered in his case. Herein fail not! Given under my band and the seal of the Executive Ltopartnient, at the Capitol in Atlanta the day and year first above written. Alfred II. Colquitt, By the Governor: Governor. J. W. Warren. Secretary Ex. Dept. THE REMOVAL. Lexington, October 18th, 1881. — For good cause shown to me, M. D. L. Googer, Sheriff of Taliaferro count •, is ordered to deliver to Thomas X. * irtey, Sheriff of Warren county, the ;■ on of Sang Armor, now in the common jail of Taliaferro county un der sentence of death for the crime of murder, and said T, A, Shirley. Sheriff as aforesaid, and tlie said M. I>. L. Googer, Sheriff as aforesaid, are here by ordered to take said Sang Armor, order, immediately upon the receipt of th s to the common jail of^the county of Kiel 1 mod. and city of Augusta, and the Sheriff of Richmond county, , keem- ot „ said ...... pul is ordered , . , to keep . said su|d Sang Armor until lie closely delivered confined by due hi prison is course of law, or by command of the Governor of Georgia. Done in duplicates on the day and year aforesaid. Given under my hand and official sig¬ nature. F.. II. Pottle, Judge Superior Court, N. C. ■— •—•* Back tram Boston. Mr. J. A. J. McDonough, returned from a 7 visit to relatives in his na¬ tive city of Boston on Wednesday last. We are glad to see him again. IIis ap¬ pearance is much improved by the trip. He savs Boston does well enough, blit that its attractions pale into insignifi¬ cance lieside those of our city. This is gratifying. But we always thought so. Nature’s Sluice-way. 1 lie kidney* are nature's sluice-way to wash hut the debris of our constantly changing bodies. It' tlnm do not work properly Tiieu he wise the trouble and is felt everywhere. disorder as soon as you see signs of get a package of Kidney-Wort and lake it faithfully. It will clean tlm sluice-way purify of sand, gravel er, slime and it the whole system. Druggists sell both liquid and diy. audit is equally vliieient«.ther way — Moporilfent, — — . --------- TRAMPING U. -- A'Sit uae Ca.-ocr.-Lirs tth„i. - ^ a3t ' vo< ‘ k » young man with a hand snmc! Mitelliffurit face, ami pleasing ad dress, apparontly about thirty years of ago, made his appearance at The Dead ocrat office. We recognized in him a member of the art preservative tiiat we had once known in the employ of a large daily. He was on an extended tramp and had then travelled afoot for il K>eat distance, lie seemed light hearted and cheerful and 111 noway discouraged with his present condition, His career lias been a varied one,—full of ups and downs and tramp experi ences, by 110 means uncommon. We have met many like him; and the great brotherhood of printers is full of them, Our ilinerant friend once lived iu com I“£}j{ £ sl11 * ’’I" 8 an ho ,10, td position on the staff of one of the most prominent newsnaners in this country and is tl.« nossessor 'earned [he » r -t ,r,,i>d incnine The s/m printm [ trade J Being T iff a rovi , t( , rln he eft , lorae , ( usilc t o Bee the world. For years lietrav he had Pacific? »> IA o„ country ffe from Maine to the By t peculiar masourv w'as which exists a(n printers, lie enabled tx/i.Tr.h to get f nn< j , ltl( i work in ov»rv tnw n could boast of a newspaper. Some time8 , ie woul( , mn ai„ in one place for montll8 wit h a good situation and in reeei t of , ine w , ts . Then the roving 14 mood would come upon him. Money was spent as fast as it was made, and the hardships of a tramping life were again undergone, until seedy and hung , ie would tilke his at the case „nce more and rest for a brief period, i Hj s civ il entelligence, and good humor inade him a most agreeable companion; and frleild8 were always to be found, Two or Tliree times he returned to iris fathers home . Tho filtted calf was kiIled and the prodigal received with ^,j jov Good clothes were donned and ! the comfort8 of home were enjoyed f or ;l short season; but the tramping . mania would return and off he would be again. He has ;iived among the Indians, among the minors of C’olont do, and among the Mormons of Utah: jndee I there is scarcely a section of this country which he has not visited, At one time he was shut up four days in a box car without food or drink oth like experiences lie has undergone. After spending a short while witli us. enlivening tin; sanetuum with his good humor, arid ‘ sticking a few pastures, tvpe to keep his baud in,” lie was off new. Whi-» he left we could not hut reflect wit h sadiires upon his strange lot; and and wonder at the perversity of fate which in de a thriftle:-s wanderer out . of one gifted with a hught mi ml. and golden opportunities, and w;io but for this strange peculiarity of character, might hf in;; a useful citizen and an ornament to society. - — . «. - All who have ever used Brov.-n'- Iron - ffitu-r* re-'ornmend them to their friends. TlllifU’Cir ^ L ull crADiM UgUKUIa i A WI>CATCHING THE NEW S AS WE GO. j The Crimes, the Casualties j and t| e otl • ■ Happenings in the Empire State. As our Exchanges Bring Them To Us.— The Week's Doings Condensed by the Democrat Ibr the Information ot Its Readers. 1 —Building is brisk in Barnesville. J 's —Mrs, dead. Manta Kagan, of I are countv, —A good many Atlanta contractors have failed. Cause, cutting prices, . .Atlanta rolls in street lights and jdes 1, ■awn Harvey was arrested the oth ,u Atlanta for stealing harness. The “Ilerdie” cab noW* formf one thing. “ Atlanta’s attractions* It is a good ! it—The sideline of Mr. | j r Fruuklin George liar ison, of the Printing house, wins robhed Saturday lad. Loss small. —Carroll county Superior ’ court is in session, , mtl t |„, Cl ilm u , is vm ' Urge. Two murderers will be tried. —The store of W. li Lee, of Coving¬ ton, was robbed Monday last. Tne robbers have mu been caught. —The Imiiv of a negro man was, found in Baiuhridge tiie o.lier day. i He had drowned. I —The governor has pardoned Charles ’ Mclvey convicted of bulglary and fur g' vy. The prisoner resided in Fulcoti County, and was but foueleen years old. - T. M.'Conmir, of Columbus, in an Rttereal on with hit brother-in-law. •John Bat-trick, was killed. Baltl'ick Was fatally wounded. ! —The militrtiy post at Atlanta w'l lie discontinued at Atlanta. It would 3 >e a good idea to make the same move at other Southern (goints. The South is not now assuming a warlike attitude. —A sensation was caused in Atlanta last week by tlm report that all llie railroad magnates had formed a grand Lbnilt ■ syndicate, and no new roads would be n moved however lloWftv ''' ns ! ‘. s -ill in- 11 1, in . Atl.iut.i am . KeiieriUly do, to be ioim founded in empty air. —From information just received we m nvll t i,..i Mi- Willie \milchv JR ot ' Jhckson , ... coiliny, , lost Ills cotton gm, . house mid all machinery, by a lire on IFednesday night. H’e did not learn wheiher the lire was by accident nr in e- Imry. People cannot be too par A An ar in watching their gin houses, llnim.tvdl ; i ,. y . }Mrw | w ' iU ,y emergency, . Eujlr. —One of the must horrible deaths as ever recorded happened yesterday. Mr. deavo'iiig tluLjniiioi^ to* 1 ot >V-( Ibook t'' 'o'n' i a' A Bio., put a I puMey that had fallen off, when lie was caught and drawn around the shaft one time, and his thigh was torn from the trunk of Ids body nnd his fool from Ills leg just above the ankle. lu Thepoorun fortunate mail died twenty or thirty minutes This was a heart-rending scone for his father, mother and wife, ail of whom were soon by the dying man’s side, lie died in the saw dust where lie fell. Ilis sad calamity liap peued yesterday morning at RJ or 9 o'clock. God knows wc deeply syinpa tliize in the bereavement, of hi* friends. lim » HH,r 'vifo—t'dri-mif/c iuc J rc»t>. “A Biol t'old or Distressing Uougli,” Dry, parched, sore throat, pneumonia, bronchial anil asthmatic attacks,weakened and debilitated state of the system,all I liese dangerous symptoms are cured hv “ Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild (,'ber¬ ry. ' The first dose gives relief, and Hie worst Cough mid sore lungs yteld toils heal of ing properties. l’ills An occasional dose “ $ way lie's ” .should lie taken | o keep the bowels free. They are excellent fob to! pill liver and bilious complaints. / our ntnT'.i.v, T\i* ,%ri iv,i’k-~'.lo\v fitfj ! H ( oniu into ( ranJoniville kwsiutkheo at the darracott hol'si 4 . J. V. Tuggle, Atlanta, \Y. If. Martin, Atlanta. Frank Rhodes, A tlions. TIioii*hs JSIrirly, Warrenton Might, Warrutiton. A. W. Sinclair, D«*tr«it, Midi, (j. VV. Shaw, Canada. cuaWkohdvii.i.k hotel. '>• Join's Gardiner,; M. Jacques, A them ; J. .Mas-engale. J/m ■ ville, Ky.; Dr. K. E. F.trsom, JWhit- n to,, , .la- Taylor. Br„„,wick; W. K. : Bale-, Augusta; W. A. Martin, J. A. i KaniM i 4' M Acton V W Ucdwim |,nru'-v u ‘ !( i, ,,.k IT Dawson M K ‘ . s udiner S-.™h • JJ- l".lton, hornsrin ; L. Lum ,, . , , U- L. Alhrooks, W. L. Alhrouks, Hanro-I; enmity . Iv It. Furry, Union Point j Ld ward Keating, Sharon. ,,r « ^ *“'-w*n, Piiekiwcnt -Maryland IIoszitai, Raj.ti M,,KK ' • " '* 1 l,i,v ” n-ed ( <„.ks - Lh-.ih' r-np , m r.. tiiac-i ok Ri.i.i v.n I comS it a! 'if“, ■ „ .-i.aratiun- : hv. . t ■■.■::, i ' eomhin.-s Hm virto-- n fmal »..•<! tum • ia a r-markahi- w • y. a .-i l ... vl b. '-■.'•d ; ; f<* wit -n no oiln-i in->l • n —■t*envu. '//.......; , > >■ oi '“' -t-- :l ''"'ll 1 r ro „ p,.... -, n ^ $,. IHa ’ k ,. | !ltI vvn - iiti-u-rs v,' :„'■ No. 42. SENDING US word. " MATTIIHPEOPLE OK ADJACENT TOW NS AIIE DOING. Tile News of Neighboring Counties Cull ed from oar Exchanges, and W ritten I By our Greene, Correspondents—Wilkes. War. | j reu, Oglethorpe, Hancock, Sha ron. Etc. POWELTON. I SpeeM Vorretpondente Democrat. ] Several cases of fever around Power toil. In the Chronicle and Constitutimi of the l'2tU. .Mr. Sam fairy explains to “Justice,” how he raises colts at ten dollars per bead, and oats at fifteen cents per bushel. Mr. I.ary is one of our most energetic and thrifty farm¬ ers. qf The Greene dwelling of Mr. Each Walker whs the LUh, in,si - Caught from the sieve, J. A. Herfel has converted the ‘‘Howell work shop” into agin house, and is using a ilammaek gin, with which lie is well pleased. It is c oudy aud the prospect fur rain is client ing. SHARON. [ Sfi ciiit (’)i , r.:*pohdenct Democrat. j Indian sum,ner. The turnips m ed mill. More Imy has been saved Lhi t season tlm » ever taffnre. < 'ottim lively (Ms Week, a fetv bales shipp'd to Augusta. Mr. A. D. Keml.ick has the finest apples we have s en this seas . Mrs Jess. Haul 11 , of lt iytow.i, died on Tmsda.v last. Mr. Thomas Ki nd! 4 ’.ck and lady, of Sparta, moved to Shaion last week, we give this new couple a hear., weleoibe to our The school a Sharon Institute closed Friday to begin again the 2nd Monday in January. 1832. Tne childrens party at the Institute Iasi Friday night was an enjoyable oc¬ casion for the little folks, and they re¬ turn thanks to those who aided in the affair. Mr, ,1. K. Kendrick biis moved bis steam gin to Buunelsville wheie be is doing a large run of trade. Mi. ................ (•abiel Kendrick,of WrightfibOTo will move to Sharon another year for the purpose .f edm ating his children. Misses Price, ot Augusta, and Mur den. of Wanvnlon. are amuug our ladv visitors. HANCOCK. Sparta rejoices that they escaped the mm ci liary dutches of tho circus men. It is sun! Dial the price of lumber is higher in Sparta than Atlanta, The grand jury of Hancock made the bar-keeper disgorge for selling bug juice 011 Sunday. Misses Beck and YVrigbt, of Cnmak, have b.icn on a visit to their brother in Sparta, The Times Jts Planter hand Davis, of Greehesboro, a kindly thrust. The Times A 1‘lnuter is guilty of this: No injunction has Imscii liied yet to re¬ tard the building of the court house. Perhaps an aiils-court-house men have wisely considered the impracticability of their effort and concluded not to en¬ join. WARREN. Crops are good. From tlm Cliope.r, wo gleam that Mr. I'!e,as;mt Walden and his wife died ic cently within three days of each other. GREENE. Mrs, Shivers an old lady iff that comity,died on Friday last at tho home of her daughter, Mr*. Little, Mr. W. II. Griffles has been quite ill for some time. A cat-belonging to Mr. J. M. Storey, iias been showing, lately,quite a Strange disposition tu tight everybody who came in his way. Dave West who owns it part of the Woohlin place,has twelve hundred and fifty bushels of com lying iu one pile in his horse lot at this time. OOLKTIIOUl'K. Army worms have totally destroyed tho coUon^around i.nxmgton. Mi. Andrew Young, while working on the road last Monday, had two of thn lingers on his right hand mashed off by a large lock ho was attempting ........ter, Esq., mailer, acn, of ground this year, but his neighbor says his cot ton adjoing uiailu nothing at all scaioe. Mr. M. W. Johnson sold his place of about 2W acres,near Lexington to Mr Walter JWaxweil Aidxweii,oj of Crawford uawfoal, at it S7 8/a» an ' been ra ‘ * eria^m'srooe „?, ‘ ,‘ \'. leetionl'of 1 J S"/- tl ’? 0 ‘ " 0 , v oodstotk , district . , . " ’ " " ‘-U __________ . Urumdds *a V thatlvdlal- imst |« nk rem"d | la „, Yeg.-Uble for (;oiupouiid rs tin, v female weakim-.- that they ever heard of, for it give- uulvei-al -ati-liu-tion N-ud to Mrs. Lydia K. Piuliiiam.s:!;! West Avmtue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. ti,,. n,. i/i-owip* t .r-TiT'i/, ^ .. eve ' made j, j, uu Hie Democrat.. f . ADVERTISING RATES; One Square, firs! inseitioh . . $ so' One Square, each sulise*i»eat insertion, 2 a One Square, three months . . 4 uo One Square, twelve mouths . a Uo j Quarter < 'olttmn, twelve mouths . . 25 on Half Column twelve months . . 40 m* One Column twelve month* . . 00 oo> One Inch nr Less considered as * square. We have nufractionsof a square, ail fractions of square* will l>e counted as s<|tmres. i.ilieral deductions made oil C’on. tract GENERAL NEWS. AS GLEANED FRO.1l TELEGRAM* AND I.ETTF.HS. Being tile I.atest In formation as loss, dr used from the Newspapers—A HrleT Review of What the Country Is At. Culled tor the Readers ot the Demo crat. —The British government is arrant^ ingtlm people of Ireland right and left. iron file is anticipated. — Dallas, Texas, had a big fins the y'-her day. Loss, $ 35 , 000 . —The quibbles in law are great. A chancery ojisc of eleven wars, standing giving was recently the plaintiff decided the in Troy, Alabama of $1,50. enormous verdict —The Tammany delegation has nom¬ inated John Hardin to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Fernand • Wood. --Tift. Senate. litis grown inugnani-. ■nous. A eoPei-Huikttf textiles and .sam¬ ples Imvc been voted the cotton Exhibi¬ tion. —Edwin It uith, the great actor, mwl his wife Lave separated it seems to lien scandalous affair I 11 which persons not at ail concerned, have mine* he h tpiunessi of those most acutely interested. If Mr. Booth he a mao -fur his wife regret* to, lose him—In- will send tile miserable mon¬ gers about their business. adjuster — Uidtlleborger, the gay and gallant has narrowly escaped having n scene. whole Mahon-,his ‘'parti,” squelched the business by being arrested. The of magnanimity the “< ’aide,'' of ts the law.In frequent cases for blow Mulionc a very convenient clonk, hards. was to have taught a duel with Early, of Virginia. — An account of a terrible crime reaches ns from Little Buck Arkansas. \ mob of thirteen men called at the house or one John Miller, a respectable farmer of they Randolph took county. dwelling Miller Being. absent, if nu the two of Miller'* young anus, and most unmercifully bent them. The younger tried to escape. Tlu» died ruffians him fireu with at bullets. him, and completely rUG — On Wednesday last tlm York town centennial wit* opened formally. A great crowd wns there, (irmly write* the L'#n itUution a kin,I of newsnaper history of the affair, Grady ha* a briK Raney ce'ehraUon of expression this one U<i in ires Tl»« iff centennial was what It was Intended to fie. Big men from all over Him country were there, President Ar¬ thur made a speech. In cotnmciitliwi on this speech the local scribblers who, tho hash for the newspaper* had w* lm-> mens* As for thing. They tpHiiul themsetv**. ourselves tne affair resolved itself Int < a shape that a 11 shows dee There was u goo l deal of edihusltsin, not mncli pat r.o.lstu, nnd a grand frolic. —Close on the arrest of Farrell there comes more Information In regard to tba land troubles iu Ireland. Public, sympa¬ thy I* with them. The foreign eortuotx* dents say ; It Is a settled detorntinatioio of tho league W demonstrate that tho land act Is worthless. Tins is shown by the fact Unit the test eases tin y hrfvi; nt '-ctod lower valimtfoii. 'ZufZ*'?" uven "" tu«n Griffith's it is not true thu.t Marquis Waterford inis applied to tlm land eiiniadsslimeis to have the rant* of two of Ids tenants raised. It Is roporttd that the Limerick pel lee have received a number of warrants for the attest uf »m-. pacts ■ CAUGHT IN A (UK. Mr. George R. Gilmer Has 11 m Arm Frightfully Mangled. Thursday morning,about *l@vejn o'clock, a very serious accident occurred at th* steam gin of Mb. W. K Hopltn, Mr, W. F. Jlohlen. Mr. George It. Gilmer, one of the employes, was mljasting tho machinery. The breast of the gin was thrown up. Mr. Gilmer was taking out of the teeth some cotton that lmd clotted Fiore. Bis foot slipped, lie fell against 0 teeth. Tlx same were, rapidly revoly- 1 ig, It was the work of an Instant. Ilia arm was tel ribly lacerated. The flesh, muscles and leaden were completely lor* off, leaving nothing but the bare lama, from about two inches above the elbow to the l ase of tlu> hand. Luckily Mr, John Akins was standing near. Be caught Mr. Gilmer, and thus probably saved his life. The wi undid man wa* removed to fils house hardby. Doctor’s .shields and Rhodes were ill-patched for. They responded at pmee, 'I hey rendered all the medical aid iu their power dress¬ ing tlm wound 1 and making the wottuded man as comfortable as possible. At the hour of going to press Mr. Gilmer is lost mg comparatively easy ; he hoars his snif¬ tering* with heroic fortit title , and tlm physician* attendant have some hope.* of -aving his arm. It was a most unfortu¬ nate accident. Mr. Gilmer is a wivrthv young man and we sympathize with him m Ills misfortune. ^ „* Aiim.i,-,. ' ‘ i-,-. »' rw ' . , i» R # 11 * ‘d" 1 ^ Roiaiiar with the *.! ‘ 1^,' i tfffle'l with paiwr on & buys loi his cp-stjuary flq'.ies. But now nnniins. 1 he othm day l,o wrote to " w LMiy-love, nnd ul Hie sauw. tin* a ,Ion UB ro' a °|V u " dbecteU , yl , 'V 1 ' 1 tlm ' ti> * respeotive *»»* ‘b ' envelojas; ,U! retveis, , «,,«!: lying la, oil i them his desk. together In vyi^H the “ ,f ?J k iy °‘, 1 r ‘* u,li | mder "«' ‘f lor "lade beer a was slight sent mis- tu rim young lady, and tho tender missive ’ hl-r Sm young way tuait to knew the • „ ’» F-w days after ,l ’ ^ nn 'i "wy, returned the 4 b • , , mild . »fie would like to till It, but there was no beer foundry iu her "’’Y- t he. whisky man in jfiugUBta .wrote him that the letter was a fine , “Key “rVno piVtiV-Vu^rlise*f*'t*’ ^