Newspaper Page Text
It was Dean Swift who said “Bread
Is the staff of life .' 1
Thf. entire loss of the German armies
in ISTO-’Tl was 53,000 men.
Grxpowt >* n is coru}iosed of potassie
nitrate, charcoal and sulphur.
Edward Yorxu is the author of the
line, “Death loves a shining mark.”
The came of polo was introduced into
the I it*si State.s in 1876. The game
originated Iu_U~ among the British officers in
Ti B - lary of the President is ?50.fM
ICE President, 88,000; bin
*5,001 tieers, infiinb ra ctf Congrews,
I; Speaker of the House, S8,0U'J.
The custom of appointing men for
pali-bearers conies from the Romans.
JuJins Osar had magistrate© for his
pali -1 •arers. Augustus Caesar had Sen
mi-ty Vikchow, an eminent Gernuot anate
has written a treatise on tha we’!
authenticated cases of hitman beings
with tails, tic fays an infant, bom at
Aldenburg, h id a tail whose movements
usually were muter its control, though it was
doubled up like a pig’s tail.
Til:-: word “thoroughbred” docs not
mean an animal of pure blood, that i
unmixed ; it is used to blood, designate but animals
raised ‘ om the. be~t origin¬
ally d.-rived from a mixture of races. A
pure or lull blood is an animal whose
pedigree is clear, and which was hr. d
will l.inxturu from the same source,
as j: pere ClTtlesdalo lioree. A thorou^}!
br» i- !uny also Ik.* a pure bJoixl, but not
lieci s^.inj v go.
lx l ie reign t.f George II. the 11 *jol;
(or Prince) of Bengal, India, mareheii
suddenly glish to the Calcutta to drive the E'i
from country. As the attack
fcat>-A was unt-xpected the English were t it : -
and 146 persons were taken pris¬
oners. They were driven into n place
alrout J 8 feet square, and 1-5 or 16 feet
high, with only two small grated win
dons. 11 ns is what is known in history
as !ite “Black Hole of Calcutta.” One.
hundred and twenty-three of the prison
era died in one night, suffocated in a few
hours irom confinement iu this close,
hot prison-hole, the oxygeu of the air
being sooa^consumed supplied by so many lungs,
and its plaoe by carbonic acid
exhaled by the hot breath. The victims
all died sleeping, because the carbonic
acid duces gas, herng a narcotio jxngon, pro
drowsiness and death in those
inhale it. Of the twenty-three who sur
vived, fevers the larger portion died of putrid
after they were liberated.
Thu national anthem, “ The Star
Spangled Baltimorean, Banner,” in Baltimore, was written by a
ai.d put m
tvpe 1 ^Bidtimore by a Baltimore Aaa^an boy, in the «°^ office
night of the bomlmrdment of Fort Me
Henry Francis of Scott lag Key, under the
protection a of truce, went ou
board the cartel-sliip Meiiden to en
Mr. Kiy was detiineJ a prisoner, and,
posed, during notes the conflict, the poem was com
of it being written upon the
back of an old letter. When lie was re
ieused he wrote out the song iu full, and
by the advice of his uncle, Judge fficli
olsou, had it sent to the printer. It was
taken to the American office ; the men
were all iu the army, and to Mr. Samuel
Sands, then an office-boy 14- years of
age, and now the veteran editor of the rican Farmer, was the copy hand¬
ed to he set up. He set it up, printed
it and distributed it among the people.
Set. to music, it was first snug iu a res¬
taurant next Charles to the Holliday Htreet The¬
ater, ceived by with great Durang. enthusiasm, It was re¬
and was
sung nightly and for some time afterward al
the theater, was soon adopted as the
national anthem.
Allreri i/oft^r.r j eket.
AH^ecial from Helenn^ Ark., October 5tb, flava
“Night before last an attempt was made to &s»
sasriiuate Simon Silverman while on his way to
this sity. Five shots were fired at him from b<s
hind a tree, with no other e/Teet than to frighten
attempt Sibcrmun’s WS
ou iife is owing to the dm
pute wbich about the the ownership VIS.OOO prize o! the the lottery ticket
won in Louisiana
State Lotiery Ooiapany. Silverman claiming il
purloined froai him it from her. The ticket was taken
at tlio muzzle of the pistol, and h<
has instituted snit for the money. It is sup
po-i*l that the attempt on his life was made tc
a«^“i^n^ pr cSI- n i 9 uait -"-- fieu
A Soft Answer,
“Can I see the lady of the house?” in
quiroil the peddler. if ain’t
“Well, ves, you can you
“““ who “
lnrfv von „
the then ” ‘
fho of 5 house wt. 0
fur? Dal yer "»> think I was ■;>««- the gentleman -
or ?, or “the farmhand^ ’ ^ the ’ or
tiie ice-curst.
might “I didnt be the youngest know, madame^but daugntei. you
“O, did yer? V. ell, tuat was nat ral,
too ” replied the lady of the house.
T'ver want «ir»”
Th m the ivddh-r that'doorstephaUan displayed his wares
Mm he left
hour later, his face was full of pleasure
and his p<*ckets were full of rnoaey Ho
understood human nature and had made
a good sale .—Boston Transcript.
Too Much University.
Little Johnny Fi/.zletop was sent to
the Sunday school on Austin ~
last Su&tLy for the first time. lh ”
teacher asked pleaearttly :
“ Who made you little b<gr? __
“Wh.v, don't you know that yet?”
asked .TohnDv, opening his eves "ignor- in
amazement at the teacher’s
_ T ^ , ow , bul . T 1 ™'* . 1 , , “
■-wsKim .wil uj»to.I
neecln t ,ell you, ana u« post
tlVCiy rcllIBCCl to UQp9it ioy mor6 111
formation. Trxus
Thi coming holidvrs will be more generally
observed than any for many years, and we
would remind oar readers that a bottle of Dr.
Bull’s Cough Syrup wifi prove a moat accept*
ble holiday present.
“ lllede I p.”
A young fellow having an odor of th.
stable about hiui. entered a Detroit
plained erjjiiKr'- establishment and ex¬
that he would like to have aboat
ope phoh>gra.rh'aken, but on learning
:ii led to invest in a tia
tyi>e. After t ■t in th. hair.
lie shut one aund
U ie -loe, stu up no. and
j>ati nth* wait “d 7 Hi * ■rat r. whom
astonisUment c iusetl him to exe .m ;
“(hxxl gn’ciorit ! hut you don’t want
look that ’
to wav f tret a »i lure. Xo
now you from "utt’ig
fj.p it. * x» V
Do van want me to take such a phiz
as that ?”
“ I do.”
The artist took t. It l eaf Sol Smith
Bu^eii all to pieces, and w highly
s hi i-t >ry tot e sitter, who paid for it
and said:
“ i i llc. 1 hid H sort of objci-t in
this. Came here from Allegany Count'
six months ago—engaged to gal out
there—found a gal here I like better
—g S to sever old tie—
“But ... . >t to do
with old tit S?” a-:e 1 die artist.
“ Lois—heaps I’ve writ t her tha* '
1 was blode up here and d.s .’. ured fc *
life. Sh -'s awful p ond. Whtu she
gets this and secs how the expl<*sion
wrecked me, she'll hunt a
ijuickex’ji wink—see ? How A i dl lik
tell ■ . plot? Just gaze on ties picture and
me that Mary Ann vun't send back
uiy letters liv tiist train
He posted the picture. The letter was
brii f hut expja'iied it all. It said ; “My
ever <!• ar girl—f enclose ray picture that
you may see how awful bad I was hurt,
tlio’ I know you will love mo just the
same. ”
‘ • Ever see that game work* d afore
he asked of the artist as he licked the
stamp on the letter.
“No—never did.”
“ “ Course Course you vou never never did. did. Il's It’s mine. mine.
i t struck me the other day while I was was
gre.isiu’ a wagon, and f think it's boss,
hlmle up—see ? Picture right her.! to
prove it, and she’ll wiit buck that she
Ua . at last concluded to yield to her
parents wishes and marry a young man
out there who owns el. ven steers, a hun
died sheep and an eighty-acre lot.”
T „, tW ^ Moiiie„ /Tnww'i~~7V; Tit.* v7 ;-;.,
>j j ournal . Market Snuare that Mr. that D. Bensinger’,
IMm:(1 by i st Jacobs Oil of a violent at
t „ u ., *•
-- -—
Breviops to the invention of the mule
for . spiuningcotton few operators con d
v-uiiHinakinir a'bank V?* H li
j.',‘, k “f n same time
f s ! , a f T I , ‘ 3 11 ! 1 ^ coiion
tlll! Ml ., srs . Houldsworth, of
t( „, En p liind( have succeeded in spin
n ing 700 hanks from a pound of cot on.
Wl udn a short time 10 OtX) hanks have
«sisirjsr 4 rsK.*ai
vara is spun ' iu England b and made into
i,, 2 ,;,, “ p,
It ih * t f ------, f ro ? n w ! th jbf .
^‘Ben , a bottle of Bt. [ i Jacobs Oxl will cure
ir . SB e v '“rybody knows. t o lambu»
(Ohio) , Daily J unes.
An Item for the Superstitions.
A great deal has bertt-siml of tho Into
President Garfield's superstitions feel¬
ing in regard to tint number 42, and how
be was always figuring out dates, etc.,
so as to sum up or make up that num¬
ber. Hero is a serious coincidence,
which, perhaps, no one lias noticed:
James A. Garfield was:
Bom, Elected, November November 19
| Shot, Died, July September ■2
It will also be noticed that there are
I two 19*8 and two 2’s in this series of
dates .—Paler non Press.
’ As a tonic and nervine for debilitated women
wriptfon.** nothing Hurpaeges Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Pre
by druggists,
I UDIIC School Discipline.
There is iu the pnhlir schools too much
tired . 'li !S and military restless (killing child which forbids n
sition and from to change its p<>
rest, a cruel constraint.
It is sometimes absolute torture to a del
™*r ° hM t-.-if- r a
. stfiluess enjoined V.y the foolish teacher,
A m- slerate amount of freedom of move
j ment can not he productive of distmb
aliec to a well managed school. The
j teacher who thoroughly knows his l.usi
j ness and is bom to his work is never an
! unreasoning martinet .—New York Tri¬
Da. PmucFs “Ple, M .t Purgative Pellet, "
are wgar-coati n\ and inclosed m glass bottles,
th ey- \i ,ues being thereby preserved unim-
1 ‘
„ ~7~
, id#11 sncce edcd in proving that she tubw
! “She wiis g oi,, 8 pretty «« nronncl girl,” li.-r and He sigmft- said,
is a very a
cant blush spread over her face.
lF j nAI) onT skin or blood diseases, like tet
ter , itch, ’scald head, r-imples, “LmdKeVV sore eves, serof
,., a- etc . r W0I ,id take ' Blood
I Searcher,” sure.
FeakKMK, who died iu 1790, was
grandson of a man bom in the.sixteenth
century, generations, in tiie reign thus extending oi J^iizaDetn.
Three over
two centuries.
____ _
Get Out Boors.
The close confinement of ail foctoryjwork
fites’ gives th operatives pished isets, poor appe
lanpnid.mberab o fselitg.-, poor blood,
the woil i cannot hen. them ulIcik tbev f e;
out of doors or use Hop E tters, i he purest
and teat remedv, especial.y for «ocb cases
having abupdauce of health, sum-bine ard
rosy cheeks m llem. They cos' but a trifle
See another columv [Cbrisiisn Register.
ttSrStflXsk&T.'Z It Lae been general !y eupp.,sed that
WMl ZtSZa mjBi
holdi gs are of 50 acres each or under,
Tlic f8,T*HlS &l)OV6 1 0{ »0 pGFftH ‘ Dlinilicr
& -6. In Scotland, out of 80,101 hold
ings, 55,280 are of .50 acre* or uuder, and
79 only exceed 1.000.
Tl»*» Best Proof of Merit
is uniform tacoeas* and on thia basin Warner’s
Saf e Kidney end hirer Cure ia without doubt
one of the greateat remedit* m th e land.
Insnrii; by the Eye.
A eorrpfptnnleiit 01 the Boston Tran- |
**'1 -is tha children should be
exir< cd iu measuring by the eye. He
“P y< rs agi >, when he went to i
school , m . a httle weather ither-beaten , beaten school- m ,
house, the Dcliolats the had most favorite exciting j
(*outt’ 5 »ts over ex
trex- 4 » them estimate with the i
W «* se iUiu w« ight of dirierent ob- I J
jeets in * {
He i!i> his eaue ami have I
O'V he thoiiiiht it
Wi! N fhild thatci.-aW •
(?0 * ae within a hail a foot of the rig at j
lit* VUl«:U t asuiv a urcliin and then
nave . tiie . sc-j tolars try to repr*Him‘e tiie j
measure on tn*. all. He would I
off an inch, or a foot, or a yard, iu t !
oon.>tHcuoius piaee, aad ^hea see uyw j
l5eiU * ^inixxly eould come to chaining
^ ie S!I * ‘ hugth r<p*>a hn? b,at*k. i»aid.
lt was astooiailing how with?
astr: one would go. The fact is, our
Wets tl lived us ruiu*u!o\uly, even upon
the commonest thin y s -
At tirst taller, thought which wo.ild you sr.y
was the a 3-y tar-old child or a
barrel of liour? And could anything
but actual ineasmenient convince yon
that the same child is half as high as a
six-h ,ter. J
riie.-e m nurfd Haying that a child 2
yeare old is ball us t.dl us Jxo 6 \i?i will |
lx , and after a few ex}xerimexits iu meas
wring one can easily believe it, but not
Almost VouN^r A^ain.
Mv ra"ti wa 1 H ^*t»**3 a iuie with
.‘.euralyin, an I * iiult ‘leHvy inactive coati*
| . ” t* vt sn ‘ te»i; h#j t*< lU'fir f Dt-rVOBS
prvstrHlu u. aiai alimn r. N>>
• by si emus r*r n.e • (•’.CVS it.<l Lee any jrnoa.
TbffC llldinli* Fj'b tl t*» use Hi»|»
tht-vis with Hifh ttod •rflfct ;hB t lie set ms
iiiij jet I vnui).’ Jiocgh over M-vmiy
ytar old.
Too Troo, Too Troo,
Alan that is married to woman is at
many days and full of trouble. In tile
morning he draws his salary, and iu the
evening behold it is all gone. It is a
tide that is told, if rauisheth, and no
one knoweth whither it goeth. ne
risefli up clothed seeketh in the chilly the somnolent garments
of the night ami
paregoric wherewith to heal the colickry
bowels of his infant offspring. and He im
itatetli the horse or ox, draweth the
f luir ‘ ot bis imsterity. He spoudeth
bis shekels , in the purchase ,K)som of hue linen
f ld b ,u T ,U ’ c ^ er °. f J j iH
family, . yet he himself is seen at the ,
gates of the city with one suspender.
g e eomelli forth as a flower, and is cut
flown . There is hope the of a tree when
it is cut down that tender roots
thereof will sprout and again, but man
poeth to his home, what ia he then?
Vea, be is ah.'gethci. wretchisl-Ahs/i
vM lla,lUtr -
From the 10th of October. 1881, to
the 1st of July, »vi(J 1882, supplied genuine Rock
Spring Water be to cus¬
tomers by Ellis ft, Co., of Bailey Springs,
Ala., at the following rates:
Ten gallons in anti-corrosive can. .$5.00
Same can refilled at 4.00
Five gallons in anti-corrosive can.. 3.25
Same can refilled at 2.50
Niue gallons in glass kittles...... 7.50
] Reasonable freight ami express rates
are given by all railroads. This witter
finis been known iTf-iweri. fifty years
as for a diseases sure cure of for the Dyspepsia, kidney and usurp Bladder, cure
a sure cure for all curable cases of
of Dropsy, a sure cure for Scrofulous cases
the Bones or Skin, and a certain de¬
stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi¬
cating drink that overcomes so niinrv
ard worthy resolutions. Deprive a drunk¬
of his dram for three days and
meanwhile give him plenty of Rock
Spring Water, and he won’t want the
whisky. Don’t you think it’s worth
trying? If you do, drop a postal to
Ellis & Co. It will cost oDly a cent.
“Geiatino-diaspon” is the name given
to a new explosive, produced by M. An
ders. It is composed of wood-cellulose
and tiitro-glycerine, i« unaffected by cold,
is not sensible to blows or shocks, and
explodes only by a sudden increase
of temperature to about 320 degrees
Fahrenheit. It burns quietly when ig¬
nited in the open air, and is not affected
bv water.__
I.Ym/i E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound
strengthens the stomach and kidneys and aids
It has been calculated that the in
testines of flies and other insects contain
blood-vessels so minute that two hundred
thousand of them placed together in a
bundle would only equal a hair in size.
A DTOL heart an ,|‘ a bilio'n^tomacb can b.
best conquered bv Kidney-Wort.
For echo of more than one the
sr» “ n “ “ •* *** imiM
roTfly lb»lre»».
That tv wbicU prol]uc , !fl tlm grelte , t
distress L not of the pane but of the blood. ami
Deprivuil of iU ileinuM it tjecoman aeaut
"'"fry, s condition termed anemia in medical
wntr -a. Given this condition, and scrofo-
1( .us *weUme« and aores, general and nervous
dobiiity, los B of flesh and appetite, weak Isags,
tmn, are among the common reaulte. If you
eunchea the blood attd cores these grave affF«>
lions. Is more nutritive than cod liver oil, and
“ hannlesa in any condition of tlm eyatwa, yet
powerful to cure, iiy druggists.
Fon dyspoppifl. indiz'-ation, (lcpvossion of
spirito also and general debility against in th, :r various
forms, as a preventive fever and
agaoand other intermittent fevers, tho Fekho
>7 a ' ! druggists, u the tort tome ; and for par
ti&nts fever other .
recovering irom or mediums
it has no eqnaJ.
*> od Kali.”
Ask Drnggists for it. It clears ont rats, mice,
roa.hes, bed-bnga, flies, vermin. Insects, lie!
■uted»tin .o.piui. Tb»detsorsarid t hats kotsin
asbig** half * dollar. Al ou* tun* a report, ‘ !
Peace- I g*t a bottle, wh«n, to rny surprise, f com- j
tn thr pa-.'-fA to f**J l>*(t*r, T and tbia to-day r feel better than fc | J
y oar a past, write hoping every *»• &iJ3;ctfe<J
With diaenaed laoga will take lia. William Hall's Bal¬
sam, and he convinced that eoswamor ca» br cL'aan. •
I cart poffhirelr say it baa done more sjood than ali th :
other luediciues I hare taken stuoe ray I
The rernevof J* New York ilattuir.
The statistics of the ferric* which pJv
between Nevr York and the towns and
cities adjacent carry in the course of a
year upward of 100 , 000,000 passengers.
The proportion carried daily on the
different lines is given as below:
IfcrriM. r /■.
to: ue„. .t,i et
- djj 10 4.0 - Ay £
SSf 1 ' 6 i ,ct- r r«l -tr -tmt. 4,i
J irtti >h
I f emuhns live boat-,
wmoh run t* vei^ng, ix mumtes daring the
*Lti t 1 ever hfteeu
minutes a!h r 1 a. m. until in the
morning, only two boats, however, be¬
ing < mpioyed in the latter ni| «. Each
fit till joats Ir tpn utly carries during
the ®owded hours d.UiH) p.i - ngers.—
lycicntiji' Ayr r it
i.i idustr \tnig the explosive eharaetor
of dust mixed with air. Prof L W
Peck said iu a 1 cture : •• If ;t
of wool were ignited it mh-ht be awe k
before lielng entirely consumed Spli*. it,,.,
it up into cord wood, aid pile
and it would bum in a couple oi
hours. Again, split it up into kind iu
wood, pile it np loosciy, and perimps ,t
would born in L ss thiui an hour Cut
up into shavings and allow a s f r<ro
wind to throw them iu the air or in an e
way keep the chips comparatively w* 11
from each other, and the log
would, perhaps, he consumed iu two or
three minutes ; or, finally, grind it up
into a fine dust or powder, blow it
such manuer that i nch practice is siu-.
rounded by air, and it would bum ii
flmil a sei'oirtl.
of spHin/’said tins journal eiiptimiAytoiVto in a ivimli-niutii"
a recent conversation by tin*
sea shore, “I had to shf>ot’ 10 f » waterfalls, thv.
larcest rapids. being about Crossing eighty-live the ttvt.aml *1’ inmuin r
able Straits Minina, 1
had three ribs broken in a light with sharks aim
coming received down charge the Homane, u river in France, 1
a of shot from an excited and
startled huntsman. Although this was not very
pleasant and might be terme*l dangerous, I fear
nothing more on my trip free than intense cold; for.
as long as my limbs are and easy ami not
cramped or benumbed i urn ail right. Of late 1
.. * v
f #1
V i
• v
“-8 s. real
ft mss
carry ft stock of St. Jacobs On, in my Httlo bont
therein [The Captain signal calls rockets, it“Haby thermometer, Mine,” and im» stored
provisions, e(c.]—aml f “have but little compass, trouble.
llJiOre sLurting out 1 rub my sell'thoroughly with
Uk nvoiderful. article, and its action upon the muscles is
From constant exposure I am some
-Wmt subject to rheunmjiic paina, and nothing
ov tvenent nth unitr i g.,t lmv. t
./Jot German people hemedy. who had Why, beenstiil’ering on my travels
huve met with
rhemnutlsm it for cured years; them. by my ad vice they used
the Oil and J would sooner do
without food for days than be without this rcni
cdy for one hour. In fact, f would not attnnjii a
trip without it.” The Capiain became very en¬
thusiastic on the subject of Sr. Jacobs Oil, and
when curative we left him he was still effing instances of
edy the qualities nd of him the Great German Ken¬
to a party arou
■ts miM
V%4 _/A«
* ‘.e.
■■{tN i -':’j
One of flic Bcnionablfi 5 1« »*nrew
iiftto properlv cookml ifleai, gfiordn
no present f/jjoyftient, coofirmed tnd diepeptic. much
h it torture to a
chronic indirection ib
tet.te.*8 Stomach llii'er.-, the food
cn a i th reh’kii, and moat unpo taut of
by and nourishes the
tJi ib gnud tonic and corective aUo
cone ipation/ b.ilioOanefeK, rheuin *
lever n-i ague.
For sale by ail Uruggi^t^ and dealers
*8*lr !u your ewi u tow* . T*r*»e xrdVj O'.tlt
*>a. A<td ew H. H ILIMTT ■ A Co., i'oriiinj'i, V.*>,
^P^ES ffiythe 2 q.jSi^
|H c«*t f-t t ftifclfi — xcs-n ,■**,, j .nf
H *-a*r, vr-rj hM.'i*nur., q<mt, c ..-ah'.a*
almula, W ucd <■/, l> m .-at, ftentM.nrberf’o* *ud ynwtrhA.
mrar <««/•*.
*4 ^ 1
if f
• tav .**. : *U. Aha r, f..< :'•*»«
list to trr... bsh»s
fcr 11 ,SIO .-or’i'-r >«%;«> Dr.-’A MlvvS in <».">•■ 1 •• .
»l,.nd» iwl . Sr.lns V, ■ w.
I r
„ ] i j I <§ Ifi a 4 . v i
5s I / ;T f 1 j
r< fey
if v JC&
• trtu F t«r«tfa< rtprefencc tha {«i (> Ui • Ick.hf
i !
( E.'t Conyli*. I i-.tio lti (i, , [. 1 OI
i mh-, a!* .,»f ili. 'I'liroal .mi l.l M. .. .. pe, ,a.
ileti *B(i uet«iif b«']roo*t aii coiat .nn„n.
i ii ipp*( 4 rfc«no»Mi nt*cihihu “**«*.«»" >»,
1 j ^***** ^ St‘
c r< *** ®*rm tiw young or 014 .
J. N. HARRIS i CO., Proprietors,
. mm mu. a
! TRUTH » **»4 m
«o i B t»rd will F.r *T c»nl
fc«.»hi. cefer * f * »•#. amt luok «>f lifer, evu.l
<W» b«»l and vr wif. ■
51 #1.Olid, w til awm«, tiaa* ...”..“,7.1 1 ^?. * v
is'* af uiritui. M«*< e» retur«#< u.
44'!*••• K> »l L Bail '.0 fe». • . ■ -V
$ 233 SS':mi* J •f 't»l» ull. Mtoft »*< ftt !
Btst Methodist Paper in tho World I \
• v x v i * a K^iliTIOUS ,, .
, tOHSl'J’VJll 1 V(h
The Metojst i
1882 .
I k nl»IUtic«l ncutl.n ul 15 IlnriAT Wt., YOKH.
Ho e4h»r pa yrr of ih* *lrr itnd ch.rmitrr »/>. chrup, JO to 24
gi* 2 «>s Iu f»cU numbel, heiJ only
Two Dollars a Year.
Th»if« Hiilon iblnj |»‘**| Iiuytiif mtPVi tnr
ibift will rml.v ih. «- lor Hit- real of
y«*nr fki i;.
HEV. D. H. WHEF.Lr*. Li. 0 ............... Ftlilor.
RLV. DANIEL CIJRHY, LL D .Associate LiMor.
AnAisthil by uu ablt* Blair of roittribuInrB.
•lMN*l»MMl f U|tiB« 4 «*ut Fl’pr OX W|»pll«»IIOM.
»#• In A“iiding fundi for subsi-i ipli'mn, mmlt by
Draft, < Jbeck, l'. 0. Mo««y Ord< r or I;. Mstfitd Loiter
uond caii vtantod fvr *»V n firtr-, tr> whom thv
hl«b»-»t rufl* eitmtimuous will paid. A •idicfti
H. W. DOBGL.^3, Publisher,
JVfe. 15 Huriny, *tt., V«tk,
Payne’s Automatic tnginos,
Wh- n * } H $
>1 ■•-■■ ■ .ill
ftm i fen i -9
-AB ?
Reliable. DhtiDb Kith Irs* mid rl d o .uf/tl. than •< ill/ttrnUth i>thpt a
hr ,#• poh'-r ! f > m i n, r ony -off.
En'jnfp (/Kilt, not fltT'Hl With III AlItODiafiC ( ' if
Hi n;l for llMiHtmted AtalDgni' ".1.” !'<>r Itit*>nn tflouR N.Y.
Pnccfi. Ii. W Payne -k .vinu, IJhx HMi, t.'orumg,
To {he People ^South,
MIMrt NOtliV I AhY A»<l lift HKKOKI,
which A Ihfttotj led of the Untile, Oct. f, 1780 , and the ermate
to it, after two y*ur* epeut in prepHriiinn, U
now pu hi I* hod and ready for d«fiv«ry. Tn* *'ithor,
Ltman 0. bnaraa, LL. L>. h*n *peut 4ft year* ti. gather-
11*14 niHti'i iiiln for this work, which abound* In alining »•
cilala of ad venture* mul hair-bread' h t-Mcape*, alike laler
e-ting to old nod young. The dei-eiideni* ul *uch men m
c.imobeli, Hhollff, Sevier. i:|d» land, Wiilltcn*,
'•nb. llnmoright, Mcbowall, living Wiiii.iofe, thn-.miind* Hammond, und th*h
18 , .i.w bv th* throughout th*
ftouth will widcutn* thi. 11 'crnunent reoord of iliat «l(»
rion* event which turned tn* tide of th* Revolution. The
work contain >oJ2 !>»«'•», on fin* paner, beautifuJJy bound,
W ill seven uteid pnrtrftita of ' be He roe*, and nurnernuN
wood enf‘, with Index of A/lfKi reference*. f»l,
*. ut post paid no leceuR PETER of juiew, O. THOMSON, or may b* bail *f Agent*
m eveiy couuty. No. Vui* Ctnclonati, PuUisher,
17’J Htrewt, 0.
*+* AKruta vrs»»»t**«| for una**igit#d t*rtitory. L-*tid
ini term*, circular* and aampi* copy.
GUNS 0rr*t 41 ( VOlWt Weil. B. Ou* C»l*l»git* Work*. fr*«. Miulmrch. Ailtlrr**, f'»
wmrm Minvmtfft h t f Hi* mof/i-l
Mraf i/i'o/'vHHln ll. /*»»'■
I lo/N|i«|iNj«, ijrm/til ■
■ lit hilll t , « mnlf SHu ■
■ on**'*, If'unf »*/ I'Huf'l
1 it,, .VcrrwM* IVomUti R
mitt 1 tn/vnte*-W
\ \cenecfrom t''rve.r*,£ctj
Oentlkmen: 1 wiiH Huflerin^ from ih idtoI debility to unchain opoiit. th«t. rny Inhor v*;iho*<- yyru/ljr hur
^mTwtbl^iirmrtrRtlornmd^dnklnKehUI*. allzod alinowtimmediatfe and wonderful results. Al ihisLime T'hnoiden*r*«y I boRun tho raturmnt us») «#! your uud I lie found -’l *rn<\ tb tl. myoatund fromivhltb for«« I r< ~
w as not (A.rmhrtmtly idiuUui. I huve used throe bottlesot th* 1’oob . Hinci u»inu il 1 With b. <; dono t wb.'» Mio la¬
bor that 1 ov«r dldln the nnriie time durinu »> iilue**. and with doubbi the eu ■,«. tn* tranquil oervfe
nnd viifor of body, bus com* alao n clearnoHnof thought never >1.1’. Wathoh, Imforo nu 1-.ed.or oywl. <'!>' 1ft i^ian h** J ntili: < burch, ban not Tff*> don* <)• tho
work, 1 know not whut. 1 give It thwrrwdlt.
SThv iron 'Ionic in a Wa JTi
Mt/rcpavntifmk of t p ro»
Mtojrlflc o/ Iron. I*cru
MHnn tin//., tmd I*/o>a
mpdii.’lt-ti, uHmicifitfft
Bif/f/i the Vegetable
■ A roomticH. It * erceH
\evert, \f,. pnrpoHe where HUUrg.f , , _____________ W
Ionic iff net t tb i- I..OT mmutmrnir a*U' - *
* tpm*
ii m ©
m 5T&X I
f>r. M1STT '%V Ii’5> HKADAOIIK THTiS UKAJ»A(jBi;; car* t,Ml vroml^rfnlly Ji. x
gbmrt tlm a Icoth >WK caul M.flVOLS it nil v. :,iUi n*
thru nervous f.ynUim, lam to t!i* itomith of cxi&na »>i biJ<
YvCtfu* hoftltliy uctfoji ut tho bow«f*. *
I IllfisR,,’: n :■ 1 H
IA ifi ■ i
/ifttll *lr.« box of the** valuftbl*I*IIXS, with full ’’r, 11 f .i- . t om*
T/I. -.JI ctur*. mailed to any fttldrrug on vc> elyA, »>f nfno » « ' • ‘ v,t j- •• . g 4
nor aula by aJJ flra^b nt 2&c. Solo iVoprifttoj-*,
© © % II 1 1 V ^ /
m 1
---V .J
Wh r or parlor org*r.« bf-v* v.- ujouf st uovok.*i Ar nxr. of the okkat wokM j’t* mwiinui. vxwmwrm
for ro-.’f; rr.* b*iti( h* . Ar Ariuirhin tigs* ■ hiri, hahtt-r. f-. itri worthy of nt toy ftuj , feat* *ff«.'et*8 pWk*w
mou and ‘,%%irr.y, vHf.OTWAi.i r vat iMTKOt it f ' • i »h« i.Afit rr.AK than in *lrnU»
* '“thfstirnx inU<4wt%*n -i trot lustrumont tv th*-m, twenty n h; •- '• >w olffertug o..o*ii*of * 1 W*KX|»
*K«,Wi' r. an 4 **L*»*7t> gai-a' » ; abo pur. .iar tn.h wu an 4 imau.kv. < r. a of i nr.u w oamtt, anti at ursmm
Ml-**: $2‘2,t?/>, NtMJite.JtA'l 9M, !• , 4 \ i*\.W IM^ rTUA I h„ LATAL<»‘ ’ V, .V, pp M 4to. i- « w rt wlv (brtobmt*
mart Iftlj I’ullt lllmWHt «*, V V 'y • ' ....... ,«»!•., W ,.|.HI,:oa,u* : of pufjl..* »ud Ki.Wlll l»u M Nrt
frt.nSp.ltfM ft, . J V - .rffittS / ■' OKUstf CO., 154 Tr.a, . vn, M„ ilO-toX; 6»., »»*
JraU, il.« (4 0,1 HtN
YOJiXj or, 14V j^ie
poos, steam auGis.
rOvEF.N03S. 4c Send la* P.
W. H. LINGHAM f c :
■J.hViiLt, ■jr
sjv 777 O-nftt P. a r^tR O ft«* VlrArrjr, as>4 K Uf«tl 4 mmm tttfu« m ». anil
l*». %YS! 1M. 1 X%* »*•. %*«•!
F'ihV **:’• n*tk
< t-.
is £‘iiv.u‘a:ri,tv«V-. A
k Wl N X It fM »*« ttJ -w»i»
A u £ '•g.AtjoK wihI B*bhpA. r>ic<n . «Uuc
MQt, NftUonftl fuL!i,tu*i* C*., Pi
= trfsii »lk», . M,
O PIUSV 3 : at ti*. i. A Hr ! n At
z i
HABIT • to* m* liwV. na
CURE. U<| fl.itMt A tin Cut i i , «*.
A*em» ;. | life or rinlttein »»
.-«fI«> A cuut^it!»«, L>y fiuthful Utaiorv turnm
to gr «f**, I:hr* «ui(n«*nt
. < i» for (tt>
turn J. An t-I** ai.tiy illu .;rat«a volume. Ku<! rs< 4 v lii-- tt
I.iberk) t* rui*. Ag.nts ,* orde. afm from 20 to *.*■•**
daily. OutselUeiif rfthrr book |nto|, Agemauewt
-aryj'a iiionct •o i last, Tti,« book «« j !• it«eJf KJtp*-rienc* ruA n*-> r»r
i.tueunkuown. All meU. uameiiwptuhlt. l*rH
lr*#. • ikOgttK Rt,-»#«•» A c<?,, Portl*n<l, Afaine.
.... you f «ic» NlauRh HswUlr
Cj luu Uftteti ttinti’uli t iey.
* '' ,:t if you’tv font! f»f lot*
Ji.; I buy lb* o’ tun^
% opt .*» mi :
Wt. »■"' Mftp it i4Ut(.rr,n ar»» <tit<Ju«ife.
am »- xs *’°w- *** pi^tunbgnn
5.4100 A£«*!* tl U» IH a‘o of
u I'ot ii»iin tti» fall hifftoiy it ).iw »»)»! ev- itfn
• III! lit <i ill* -IflltiV • < »t n>A*UM ut
ftiUftn t f*t* < *•!• . httiu* of s. -
innkf mull y. JW\»;u ♦* «•» rii
is Hi** dttfv miilif-ntie mt Oilly Htunlrntnt
Almtyrpi! t’i* lit* jM ltlllliK. I
Ul Aeei.l *. * i
A dill i i’«i.m)iiNft ro., Aildutu, i;«,
• t >n, wlAioM VA1.*NI»S» 1UL04.. W».||
w <»»* tJJ* ti»y mt uom* MMtllj oik'l/'. f>*t!y
™ I MfeOutdi frft«. ft4*1 Tauo A
»«m Au^ukU, Mft
l ti r»t.ry Wrltfei r.\Kl>9 for gfle kiu" for 90s. om
1 fefe <»' •(-74 By ftiftlI C. K Gtouffi t*
I I \ltn nt\J Slot*, willmtU imtiti*- tj.
/ itftui]. fbi thn la#. tl, it, Kill | Un
WATCIISC fr«*. A<M»»*». fW»ft.’vrift
* n»«' V »l«t» t’ft
Mlo-’d, ftttd wbl coiiipU'U'ly rbftngo the bloed in .«*
iMibTA in :hr** oniitbii Auv i<*
roitl'ited will Ukt* bin 1 1 'l r.fe'h nth lit fvoin I to 12 •voeltK nm \<«*
to*K'. i*<i >;»-<i ’! tf «.i<'h ft 1 liliife i.r t i-** .'44
Hold hvor* wlit r or bv niftil for R l^tt**p **tuOi,K4
f. *. .lott \*(PS tl CO., Howl ou.
ffe.iit. rly HHiiyoi, oj.
■ l
I'llbllshart' Vuioi’, AUui'tft, <)•..... „Fony-*l» #».
The mpurcfct and Ui*k 1 Mi illcliifl ever >!»«!• •
a « rtT ■Lliint.l iii of Hop*, llUChU WtB*V*
draw Mini ti.nictclion, Willi ail tm-!«• f I amt
im*Ht c iimtlVM |>r«-j't rtiwi o f all other bitu i-%
iimkthegreatett L blfe lood Purifier, Llvttr
ftoa; u l%a tor» «»»«i UruUh i«/t di.
AkviiL oii\pB*B*B**®* *'-ftrth.
No dlneiuto an iMinwllily lnnur exlnt wlivro Hop
Bittern him uh L«(J,bo vai iwtl t*i*d pci'fcci ui u Uivir
Ihe 7 give now UlC vicorto tko igol lr.S infi-in
T«l nil WllOHO iployitM UtHratine IwrBlnrl
ty of the iiowefnor urlnnry urgtiuH, or who r<»
quire an Appetlwr^Tonlc lnval^‘ mnl mild BUiuuluct,
Hop Bittern ore ,tthl,! » Without into*
tea tins,. m4
No mutter what.your ftiw lburp or ftymptomn
are what the flimuiHc «,r iillwhent Ih dm- Ho: MJ*
tern, boii't wait uiitli you a^rc k Irlt but H y„ .
only fini bad or niito ral»l< ,» ,,M *' them «t on»*is
It may nave yourllfi .It lianB H *» o«t liundreil i
$300 will tw paid ffiraraMiu' they wilt in»(
eureo”heIp. Do not tniir«;r% them^* Wf •* t yom frieinl.i
iiilf<-r,but uwftiid urge 0, *H«* Hop B
lUtmemher, Hop Hiftf-r* l« )*tm*a\^ no% nj»-, draw id
drunken u<. truin, hut the i» i » i* /lent
Medleljie over and nuulo ; Hi* “INV*|,|||ts tutulli* ntlKfVG
IKU’E” no |* rnou Or
mIiouM 1m- without theiil. WnMi
D.I.C.H an fttimiluto and Irrenlntl
I«ii-l>ruiikeiinr*H ho|i| r n e by of opiuiil, nruf?tfl«tM. lolwtceo mt
nftreotU’H. All
tor f'lrrulaJT. liny Ml tm Hr*. Co.,
KochQiiter.N.V mnl Toronto, Ont.