The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, March 16, 1893, Image 4

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r«— HB PEOPLE’S AI;VomT& f —W!»u««xt WVVXI.V AT— m>T|).l,l - . /HRftfFMAl. omiaS OF TUK SKKhAfv <*« M V F.tKdKKB ALUAMX A.Vii iNItCit TMlAl. CNbIS. Aba* Iba OMrlal argue ml lulerrw t'eaaiy. Pt'BIJSHBK'S Not ICK. H'HSCKirridX 11 ,'Minf yeir, ticeeta f«-r »ta moatlrvi .(• ,m»ii for turee H>mlbv. :MD*cripii* .* payable iu ■UIVUHC*. EX)BMKiePONUKNCIC «e live **d seway subject* inrileU' Toe aval »».»« «f lb* author .mu*< a.ic#,ii|».*y s ii «*«. biUbtcettu.i** .Mill ie. ivMWilei for puuinsuoii »lio»i -I Ps aU newel to the Ollivt. htRlNuA C«» SI Ml’Ml CATIONS tad tuna* relating t-* »<lv irtiaiug aheeld be »<IJiea*cd, and all <..sck«, lueiiey «wd«r* sad draft* *u >ul<l tie read* payable to T. A.It'lONB. CraWfaMlI villa, lia PAUL L. MMmi. Kinroa. T. A B ONh. Masamta Oasr--r<lviiiv, fh-rnsliy, Kir,, 17 1891. filter!*I Mmi iII 15 -mcmlicr, it 1* now, Tne l’a-rbr.'» ahv -cira. t,'r»wf<ifdvii|.-. (K—rgi* A'*v, please rciuuiuour (net eubacrlp* ti ai. A«l while e -n are Imlikiug about It jr-ai ulgki g t y Mr nngUii-<r« a .<1 send ii ai-iag k«, Ft* Herald-I,-urn *1, of tir«#nc*bnro. gc«* "el'«|tre ii” in *;-ciki'ig «f tbl* paper •e-eing to "richer clinic*." it* fiiianaial "pot" i* much larger. T. A.B. efne dollar per year f--r ib* new* of firoeiie end Ta'uferrn c untie#, and a y-vit-w the pi-acip.I *-'*iileof *Ut* and lit* naiIon. Ym cant affor ! *-» -I • without th* Ad v<«tra. I, V vln t |»'.m, Uetrgla'a Hrn-dtct Arm-Id, voted */*ln*t the carrupler bill. fit tbl* *uigli- a-1 lavingeion shewed that lie was tb* IO--I •* ih'ie* beiitlo** eerpo r -tl aM who value • few iloltar* more than tb--* d-i th* Id* and lnn'e -d their ont W. —— - - —— The PtltoM Angus eat* that th* (bird par-r iu North «J*-r«i« is -lei.l «* • mack ere!. Bls-n *acti i* ih» raw- -u th* Troth d'rtrtet. the peiple iii U<# AUtrut will be coma more pm*|i roll*.—Cr*w(urd*lil* Itenioerat. Gather all the duty Mesa and firnre owi how much the Iasi emigre** helped jf-rt. It Oort a* over #• j«-f capita, a*d |< nort tb* Bveiage family which U five I.he material U|il-uiUliiig of T..Ue'*rr» en miy and lb« c -nieutment and proapari ti of her C'he. n. arn .Inert* in the at taanu*iit of which tb* \ Iv k-ate is rsedy aud willing hi e|wu-l an-l Iw *pmt. A'.-fnnfn* to -h*p*o— “A dsm-«r*'ic fir e>d o». a -I# nvratl e eeirtt- and a Jem«r«ii« h-nw-night t o give th* e<H«»irv * -n.r rrlo-f Of o-urae in two or four y a., w- -anart rxpact lo ru !<■ « d-> tb# wr.-ng. tt 'nirty year* be' if 'hey wi!l h>u <hi a- ni u-h a- they «•«•* h- standing ov ilte pici -rm upon wturti ewe »#/* elected we will take It aa stop' lul alg' .—Ciaof r Ivllta /tumecrat W# laarn that Cnef r l.ilkla In have a t bod party pa|«*r. There is cue ihnugut w.-eih will afi.-rd aim* <n. .mirt-ia Iu iu e»uer-. *n-l that ia the fe> t a third |v*rty aticrifi will picket th* lee alien tb>- ere* said thirl party pepur U sold— 4>awl-adrill* Ihuuvivi, W# want e-«me sol, lie# populist In oath militia .li*'no* m t*«e * uu<v lo act *• agetii and corn-ap n rtt.l. it ie i* our fit-Mor Ut give th* |w -p # all th# h an# newt ao-l to <lo thi* w.* nu*- Have *io -S-pHld. Oi.U In each uvilttia district. Who wU’, v u ia leer. " > w in" •>» « 1 1 p.»l«i i t* »o k-'0*r to I ill • . » A !«.»-»te i* thei * «. h-M »• , * * ill re igi.m end u i a ' i '»* •» leuaMit of h • .. * •(• »-'*! privilee— i-S % .A*’ a pw.p a p*'t> It* "• Ibi cn >r Ceti «4 nt idack man a* J t » * w wt it* Haul, m l 'be A*iv..-»t» »• a^o-king in th* fattat .4 the la-plea F«riy,ih rek-re it (karrn your auppon. And even C-ug reeman M ae*, tbe #f*0 eeatry *cb »-J • .Nr», eoird to tawr»aw hia uwn Mlary t- ♦<. *00. Therr ar milt-uu* of thru »•<** ng As onr A - tar iwr .!*) an- bare •••-«* brain* # d of f*» -r tb* Ili a u*i l-w to the M*um 4 rrLam.—Nstioaa! .tckSMt VNtfriKU. Fosn b* new quarter* in The Pe-ipi* * Ailv <*i* men I* lo ' pepalhu of r*li4i«rm * id A irrrn co U<« a b. arty greeting. By btr h t*M P*ip V* Advocate to Ureene c-mntf, hut by edujitl-m «> •< «u» Under I'siiatrVr.i'r |T'l*cli'U. Tb* cordial weicumv, »s l iin'*rial aup port *:re*dy given ua by th-w* who*, •cguaiucauc* we (no for,tied in* led u to believe Ibst *e ar* m Mu ‘*Uou«* fnemlg' enJ am nia .h ** who will coniiuon ceil** wittt ua iu our cU«rt# i. bund up tb* Adv.icaia, and through it at tn tb. grand w ira of refurm a* eeporiee by ib'- l’. ..pia'e Pany. W* aaenr* oit uv« (riend* and eiippoi ter* itiat limy wilt rin I tne itdv.iaeta o “lb* middle ot tn Mad” a* i.sig a* it i under it* proaeiit luanageiiieiit. Fro ii choice, >* well .»» Iroin nar***jr> w* ailvocat* the iciamnl* of |Im pc Perbap. it miglii i .trrrrt >i,ir r.-td-ira |. beer a *b -rl bietorr >f Ibi A IvucaU. The br*t ot ■**> year, when tb • m iteri* of the present army of rwforiu wa* jo*l begiiming t>> aaemue definite *h*|Mi and oat hoe, eeveral of tbe (reding P-ople'r Party men oi Ureen* s..untv d-termtnwl Pi eetabiiah a nrwapaper liiai would rep freent tlie p*4ittcai lattii <*f th * pop-.iliate. Tb, y talked the matter over together und tiiea taikeil it to oth-r* of like |i*rau aeion a* themaalre*. Borne forty or fifty became enough to go down in lb Ii pocket* proee the aincerety of their intei-et tbe eauw by planking d iwu the bard to buy i lie prr»* and etc. I hi* wee praiae-w.irtby aetim on tne pert of Ure*no county p ipuitat* for (r waa at llial time ot tbe year when the that rnnipow »he greatnat in*** of party have little, it sny m mey. The firrt is*tie of ih* papm wa* on May fiib, Ififill. Ilr. >1. I K 'hui., who was hr A '(lance lecturer fir the Slit Cdgre*. linnil dl-tru't, wa- euoesn editor and un ter hi* able g u ieucs thi Advocate boldly launciiiel forth nndj-inel haul* with hoik wing* of the plu> cri'le force* lo nearly every h -ueelndd n| (lie populletr of Or.-e i*. (lie Advocate, young and email though |i we* hailed a* th. eilvance guard of new party, trie Herald that pmel*>med the ear between th* true and tb democracy had bi'guu and would be (Ought to the finish. About the latter pert of .Tidy !>r. Robin* wee nominated by the populist* the fithCuugreaeiunal diatrict tor Congrea* tad the datle* ettendent si tlie eempeign compelled biiu to ley sent* tb* editorial P*o. Till# left th- Adenea'e wl»h«wit an editor at least no amir appearnl on the A*« »uff a* aucb tnoiigh Mr. .1 L Cross ley, Preei daut ui the Green* t’onaty Alliance, who ha* been bueinaaa mtnager ut the p«|wr fr*« Ob i«Akbfiyi,^6Jj%9»li*I. w of editor, but eeemlagly he wa* too to a-l -pt th# title. The pap*' coatiaueil pniiMcation Mr Crowley* guidance until the of September when the preaeut eilit-ir aaaum. d th- manng- ment. The fioant tal aide <>f the Advocate that of most county weeklie* bn* heeo a Mo-mung *t nw, and the st ick hoMer* thought it would be belter for conwtoed to put It in private hands, thereby make it* luccwe dependent on private en'crprino. Ttwy Oi-ntr cted 'he paper h« run in the iutereet* ol Peoples Forty »> d api-omte-l a board director* to direci it- p -licy. Under rnanageini-nt the paper run until tbe first of February, when the editor, from rea¬ sons nnseawary to mention uow, turned over the bo-ina-* mtnagement t- the pro*, ont manager T. A. Il-.sis, an-l Dr J. A A -l-in* again conaentc-i lo writ- Ihn tnii torial me tri, but torw in the eapaoiiy of a cocreap si-teb'|R ] i*n elit-ir. •V -tb wit {islanding the (act thai the love' p puiiat* ofUreene wen- ei.pp-rtii g tlie p*p*r a* b-artilv a. could !•* asked, yet, partly fr.un n.iyc<St by advertiser* and f o«a th# eevretty of -no«-y th finan¬ ce* cf :he paper were at l->w el>b. Th ugn It could have live.) at the rale it w«* liv¬ ing, it* income vu •< small it. ctlicieacy cond not have hen what it toiild Tlie stockholder* h.-,d a meeting and being informed that the Taliaferro popu¬ list* would welcmn* in* p -per oecidal to move t> -It* Mil n [A move tbe preeent nlitnr wielied and tried hi mak* three month- ago. A commute*. Mr. Erank Rh -lr* and Paul L Bimth, wera appotuted to c-ufer with th* PeiiplM Party men ot Taliuierr... 1%-* w .* don* arrangement made f-r an n®,~. the pre*. rut editor again t k charge the end it all ia, her* we arc. tt’v rapes! n Mortal..'*, whit ere have aaid rleewrhcvr t-» tbe p -pnli* e of >bie county, the Advocate i* iu y mr ini 'et, at y ur *e> vice It will to th- very Plat ol tie a>-itU) ck-tnpl -n e -ur canar, yel in each a epmt that it w-i g - r *r> u-da for "-•ur (rt-od* the rormy" t t»*» joat except -n to -nr e-uree. It wiil »l*o rndeavor to gie# e-m el! the county oews and a. m-ieh at p-w-ibl* thr hewa of tbe o» *id* world. Mnt a* you will admit It can Out do th a anth-xit your Mppnat. I he A-iv »t, *e% .ne : • every b-snabohl iu tbe c-nu buj i- rrtvrt. for live new* »nd e-.tei it m.y bring aek* in return— anhwcripiMu. Tothor-ughly prwea ami encourage the tiphaildmg «i * maanty «e % eea- 1» i* ahanlntelv nrcewery tn bar* paper that w ia tooch auk tbe epint ot progrte*. aud that refleci* the advauciug ilWV-'BIrMU of the (tinea. |u iw t Mil, poiam 1tf.\c* in the ma¬ teria! upbuilding ■.( our Cuniiiv i» now. *ud will be a* B.quBiuUmeatiip become* uur* grneral and thorough tueaitu of the Frupie* Advocate. H« know our party la often culled by til* uppn*iu-.u a part* thadpU'da 4uwo out ’doe* not btuld up. We answer tbit bit ta * 1*1*# charge end brlieve that we Mi prove to tii jm against tie that it is eucu. to apeod and be 'spent in any movvioeut that Da* for it* end me •ubrivutial upiKdding of our aection i* eome thing the A-lvocatc it ever reedy to do. Wr ku«» t <et fr<m, lack of proper m ui-euiente, Iruir. tnunpieweiaiioa by to a* wpi ar<- purp.seiy tmetile to the dvanceiiienl of toe beat inieraeU .1 ttn *"utb eu.i (roni *n ignorence ol our ed rtnUgee both l»U»r an i.capit»l 4 #/e *eek' mg and lovreting in field*, where nature it aot near *o c iig- ni«l a* with us. a , u | •here their reuUmereuon tnnet be far laeet in e*ti«faction and materiel raiuc. s To labor in a cause that M*k* to beat all aoctioial ammo* fie* men the halm of a lasting p*te>% that look* upon political difference* in the broad, clear li^ht »f Christian liberality and forbaaracce, that know* no nor'b, no amitb ii* *aat nu w«*t, but strive* to upi>uild onr com¬ mon dainty and alike, retry eommuni ty of that oouiity , that'makve.rhe a»nth -rn resident end northern immigrant a m l in advancing the material gmsl of in which etch vraidee, oecb forgetful that their political fai.b ia dltfer W»,aay to labor l.i aucb a cauee not only a Uiumlvn duty to oureclva* to gvnvratiuas to follow ua, but a gio. aa Th* A-lv.ic te aland* ready to join In any move with eur citizen* that look* tuWird the aecnmaot of desirable (mini gra'ion. Ail over the slate there ia iimn good work.being* dm.a In thi* direction. Onr asetion ca-.t afford lo mi.* the wealth ih*t d-tirahle^i mini grant* wuuld add to our c-iint* from the tack of ’ mere proper iu ducarnenw end preeenration of our ad van Ugce- We bar* deviated aaneWhat from the line on which wa eurted. but it ia up. on e •object that mean* much far our state, that i* rapidly becoming popular and that in th* end will aid Wuoderltilly l> securing to the rlUena, of th* aouth real and laating proaporiiy. OUB’ FRIKND5 IN UhfffiN’F. IPc trnal they will art relinquish their hold n|*m u* in the matter of anbecri p. lioaa and ad eertieomont, or allow (hair ia th* Adro a'* le lag fur th* r***n that it I* act puHlIrhad * cloee'y lo BUM* ol them sent wae Mara Iu re¬ llalea* infi rmed that tb* Advo ^ ^ O ww Mh u tkiff y t q t hrt •criber* would iwv«| know the different*. Onr politics are the tarn*. Wa print Ureen* ooubty nrw* end aa much of it u weilid when th* paper wae published fu Hie. ncb-iro, and they get their paper m #ar»y in the w«*k a* they formerly did. 8« the fact that w* ar* In an adjoining county *h>>uid uot detar .-ur friend* and supporter* from continuing business with lather contrary aff et should be pro¬ duced. 1 he paper it now on a »>oml*r financial baaie, ha* a mure exteuaiva field and double pntr--nage, cnnaeqneatly we will be able to Inrraaaeit* elK-iedcy. We believe this (act ie *o evident that a mere mention of It will be euffieieut We have re-rived several aubucuptl-u* from Green*, partis* wh.i •*• (or themaelve. the p -uite w* have Ju*t mentioned and that- aubecritwd on th* strength of tb* •*rae. When we print eli of our paper at h->me [which we expact to do soou] there will be r—>m for a whole page ot of Green* county new*. W# want eome good, live populi -t in each militia diatrict of the c-Hinty to act a* agent and corres¬ pondent an t it poaaibl* get every man i* bia dirtuet to aubacribe, to gather all ilia local*, beve them her# by Wednes¬ day morning .it each week and we'll have th.m printed and buck before the eye* of th# people among whom they happened by following. Fidey morning. ATow we beg you -lent reed thia end throw tbe paper down an-ljforgrt'ab-it it. Be# that base a c-irreependeut in each district. Us will send him tbe'paper free, pay hi* atamp (toll and allow u« tai per ceat on subscription* taken. At th* next mo-ling of your club eetti* on eon* o .* to give the newt from your community, and then give him at! yon can hear y -urseif If y-ur club p >» r* resolution* or each lik*. and you want them published tend them iu ire wiil gl*diy publish teem Th* eent* h -id* good to tb* AKiaec* lodge*. Now good pop il.att -rtir your .tump* forth* Advent* and lets put ia on n b-m. firmraMr it U mom y-«r pap« iban our*, and tba cause ia which it fight* is aa much your* a* outs. ** T * ^ Haottoc malirtoaialyi , , Too Rf*»*W ™®***^*®^**^ T*mn T *VVa**f| V g n lgU.fe I oely rvenewi b*» you tuaala auch a lovaly chapwua for me wheat 1 cam* o*A—Chicago Newa Reoowd. * ANOTHER LOAN 1JOONOHE88. During the ehwinj >n of Pratte™ with fb* grip of the at" bnodler ar it* thn at S loan of , .•SO vu mad* lo the ayndiesi* of Cb *?o tend *i*rnta lore who ha*e th5 W^l* lair in their keeping, A tnairdls* a ifa omtemplated alt the time bat -die 'M af an rXtende-i di*eu«rf--n, in which |l'< - rnmid» j- •* ermiiCiit l-'an* lo ■fke met would he n elrong until (ctkllVJl few hour* frv*Of/ n*adjournment, ff* * cbirHig np a i paei''* A* it i* thia con grea s*<i to loan onr half a millioa of ; *y to a private corjioratHn. afcif VPfuae to rrp rt a bi.l which' would lead '!>■ a'i* seneaton of the proprieties of granting be asinr privilege lo lhe toiling prodBcf CiX of th* iiaiusi. Wb«- right ha* \ to inen m-nev to a doern people as f«a* i< to fitly millicnf What ki er-cnril) can ' hi. c«rpi>ration giv. t •tar than land or cotton or wbf4 ’<* the iuv (ice of lei ding! iu'.rreat to t be rich aed *c dtingly n lure t»*ii«lp tb Iden produ eer who i« willir is to pay a re*equable remu ter it* urrf D c* Coourear in lie a oaolenc* aaamr.c that the pe op le i ye taan-ly tub mil to anch isitrag ;f *s. the time !e muc'i nearer than eu ««d when au?h in faniie* will be dealt- 'j i„ » ai0 et direct maaner. Why abou Arc# not bt- <h* eloaen and repree* matter^ rvatening ••f a distress when ! people will vote to e mmtry wrung from uai by imjual d n to a »,wcula. ting laud aypiicaU . city and to cttend a hatpin, hod tu the weary producer whole cn ^d under a load .d m iitg»g«* **d othn f v icbtoincM? Tlie wonder about ! V <*hu!e matter lira the long aiitertn -of tbe pn«lurer. Doratbl. apathy 4.. from cringing ^ ski--. Z~: »** 7 ■ J, _ , ; - ig iw Or U t\ m> calm betora tlu that wilt awe* w.lbtbc h-i. su eat ruction over th fair imt unhappy Knu tbe urns4* raj-l U* tura fi»j *< fiha> paotila.—Ka* w'atcbmaa* ■ • | - . IWAUGURaTUV KKfLECTION (j 'lta naturally Ike roople a.k; What's all this -fua* about; Iu all becaut* Tweeflwiura went In, And Tweedladaa w«,tent.- The moot ardaat ad rarer. <4 IVdden* Cleveland seem to ha tn tbe other -ids of water. Fb* Ergliah prra* are de¬ lighted et hi* iaeuinral mr***g* and pronenar* him tV t greetc.t American living and far i«-^ i A bit party. —National IP*' ' r '* —* Th * a F* of Mr (hack a. tlrcided what d# tank Tom Wat •sta y iliat began to draw on the *<b >■( this — National Watohuta- T h Th* first purely and UiatincHe* list measure became a law under tbe office appropriation!. Non. Tom fenced ao ameadiueni on to thit priation hill whiab graiitrd #10,000 t* fund for *S|-*ri(Mating iu frre rural delivery. This wiif not be athxuprrd village* or cr an e r oad towu* but th* farmer* a I-solute Mr. M'ateoo tin* experimaat will dee- lop iuto a eral free delivery among tbe portioa of tbe country. A* it etauda. th* farther* lulp pay for dclivo y maB ta cilia*< Yruwt fibre* to ten anch day, la it any m r* than lair tb* taruMr should have a ciieuc* at ut thorn tavors? Mr. WaUou thinks it not, and hence this *xgM-ria>ent.-«-Nalivnsi IVatchmeoi ' : u Thar* ar* thoueaud* ut m«u in th* em¬ ployment of th* va.1 .load* in this coun¬ try who voted far the un that viued them, agaiurt their beet interest* tb* safety of ttartr livrs. VV« reter tv thoe* eeogreasmau wa.> voted agamet tlie bill to enforce th* rail roa.1* to uw sejaty These ‘ d wr* ol the law" should he spotted, end if the of rsUroadcs ep f o y* could prevent it, be allowed lo retain tocougree*. H ■ w a mao retain nt* «uf reapaat end eot * thus* whe »pauiy en- ecaasiaealy plot ruisT Th* mo** ba> k ml tato th* people'» p- rty like a th-> •d to htiek* because there wa* »«• t lit party ootiii nating Greshatr t»»t thia aa in tollable evidea- pipubsts were merely deceptil - 1 ). N-iwJthat CWvetaod has .m third iu tt.r land, wee* .ijdag lo imagine ^ Uioa* who lairiy den-nneeiu. #« utterly, fart about tow matter of Grealtom* pr ^*m Th* tfcmfikl .hat thi. life ^ r inutlM* Aaa given tbe first ia the Ptaenlw *ynag-<3ue* mast be hitter as t # of gall to their fiery palatta. - a Wallace.* cried his b wv lo . "you Bern getting to he a btg fellow Nearly Mght uow. aren't T**l~ *' 0 «wt at».“ said Wallace. ’ Fc,* Fm than a i tota '-w 11 TfllMf Poopla __ ME MAKES WOODEN SHOES. ta Caiaaa ru<* ha Ota Ma* trmm r Did you know that a family of Frvin-b people here in New York livod by tirnkmg Wooden ahoee—jnst •neb sabots as the European pea* tutu woart After going down a steep and oar rnw flight of stairs you almost stum ble into a little dingy room- The Sn«t thing you turn i« a stout French •tan lamdiug over what look.* like a .wr|i*«nter'H tx-neb. Back of you in a huge, old fashioned French four p«>*ter Tbw. M Honrtou! will tell you. if roe *]vak hut native tongue, hae at-t*oi)i}<ui!>e<l him m ail his wan deritigw to California. to Mexico an<l Anally to New York. Around the room ail two Isiye and the wife at work On the bench are piled blocks of wood. some of them partly covered with leather, all liearing a grotesque row-inbliince to a gigantic humar hurt, while Is-fore all the windows, serving *> a su n but keeping out the light, are innumerable umbrellas and more cnricntuivn of shoes. M Hirtirtmil is a Maitre Jacques— Jack of all trades. "What will you!” he says, with a deprecating shrug, fienius must oat. Sane day I will make nothing but sals its You would know where I learned my art! Why. in the fair country of Auvergne, where iny father and my y am) jy f,, r man y g.-ni-rations have |wM> ffe left otireirUD tr y ni y w ,f e un< ^ | ani ) mln „ to Atiisru-a WTiy iliti we-But know the Amvrii-aus nlniost all wore tho lewkthvm sb<s*l Ah. ous judges other ivmutnes by what one secs at home, "Well, thu Isuintws has its utm and * wr "-’ 0n, • ,, • ^ h " n * r Ki ™ lf T - brvwijcht <mt « Frem’B Imllet. tl there »>••<>*)• t«.^ i w„uid d« |t w |j a|{Hm vritlnsit pay. to measure |)lolv thorn-pretty feet, to look rnnro at tliias dainty Anklr-sl Hint nut foi that was as good aa Auvergnt-' "But now such thintra happen rare ly. Now ttuil then an order for one pair of wooden shoos for voinplotiag aims fancy costume that is all. "No. I had forgotten. Many French people know me. and they come and order what we call so-jtlea shis-s with a wooden sole and a leather top. "You ees the pastry cook* aud bakers, the waiters and giassinakers would rather wtutr tho aaiaita; th«y hurt longer * The oltl man picks up a tiny aautipl* of his liaodiw’ork and strokes tt lovingly. That holonged to little Pierms. he saya, but widest sou, who dlerl years ago in Mexico. The twi light has fid ion. runl the ok! Mloie't fare la in doop ahaduia And wa pick isir way out nf >-S» * poor room up hill .ns rit1t«f>-1to£ flieitAhe sounds of • hjtnaonica. "Le Is-au (stys fiatr osiutry of AuvcVgue"* alngs a fr«v*h young Voice, iu the fmut room all is dark and still. New York ropier. He wuaono of the ‘t’holly“ ty, with a smooth face and a in his scarf. He demanded of Miller, the Chesterfield of tb* ball counter: "Ah. is Mr. Jouem inf “No, he's out. sir." “When will he be tor “When he return* from being out, •lr."— Atlanta Constitution. *•■•» la Hasjr ledeatrto*. Harriet Mnrtiueau found American women engaged in only seven indue tnes udiwire of domestic service. This was. comiwrativety ejx-aking, only a few yean* ago. Today their participation in the world's work is practically only limited by the num¬ ber of industries fMssutde to be en guged in. -New York Times. Rhuatini A Tekmmho i Micli i sportsman win* ol-jeclnl to the sparrows eating the seed ho had provided for hi* sbirken*. thought that his shotgun would discriminate between tb** pouts and tbo pnllots and blazed sway. Hi* shooting resulted in the death of ono ajisrrow and throe chicken*.— Philadelphia Ledger. Hfid » IdtRf tlffird Mfital PrapUn! TWIota Matthew Robinson (Lord Rokebyi, • prominent but eccantru- Euglish nun of the last century, hecutno fa moun for his long Ward and his pro Bounced hatred of medical practi n-ak-rt* aaul that uikih one t>» own.- ; on when it - going to an election he stopped at an inn where the country people, who had aseeinbled from miles around. t««ds him for a Turk, and through tine mistaken idea almost worried “me lord" to death. His dislike for physician* wag car Tied to such aa extreme that he left a codicil to hi* will which wa* to the effect that a favorite nephew waa to be disinherited should he ithe nephew i in the last illness of the lord Vet his sympathies cause him to send for a doctor. Thi* having Wen made known to th® nephew when bia un cle, the lord, was in good health, it is needle** to add he allowed that pat eon* spirit to take its flight with¬ out calling tn any of the "infernal sur gtoal fraternity."—ist. Lorn* Repub i*0* A BUSS CHANGE. SnccesAor to Mrs. H. M. Robertson, (}R EENKS BOR O, GX J J 1 Tobacco and C!ffnr«. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cl M I CALL I^”AnJ tion c?H on this him. be paper irare when you me you i*. f V I will sail for the next 60 deya my entire atock of Tinware et ectael cost Be sure to give ma a call In the ilerald-Jonmal build lag. THE FRICK COMPANY. Xclipsfi IngisM. Eria City Iron Work* Kugin# and Boil¬ er*, Automatic Ntatiouary Angina*. GINS ntOM «3 to R2 60 PER SAW • • l Boiler*, Haw Mill*, Mooro O'., Corn Mill*, Pratt Gina, Seed Cotton Elsvat-r*, Can* Mi Is, Cot too Preset*, Wagon and Platform Seal**. Fimi* Scientific Grind¬ ing Mill*, Uoe'a Ctnsle-Tool.8a a. Shin¬ gle machinery, Shafting, etc. et*. 31 AI^DY r cjfcj XT E HY. < i • —SOUTHERN MANAGRRS r 81 ’'South Fowiyth Ft, - Atiaoto, 8 a MB. A. D. McDOKALP, —P”opTi«tor «f— mm ---DEALrfffIN- gad at Mr aerial *.laaa ef fi»ry Head*. Al«* In Crockery nnd Tinware of every sort and description. A fall Has of Notion* for everybody going at tbe vety lowest cash pries*. I am uot going to be undersold by anybody. Ladle- we have sierial bargain* good* In Just dr#** received g«wd* that vt-u sliimiit nee before going el»ewticre Mj My lot ot -bring Good Good* aud tquar are new and of tlietlate-t oesigu *u*l fluul-h. motto Is Deallsg* koora Ready toterve. HEADQUARTERS FOE ELOW PRICES Bhoea. Hut* Notion*, reather, Nall*, Flow* enrf a general Jin* hardware and tinware. Al.-o tuvar, eollee, flour, meal, sail and a lull stock ot faffilly groirrie* *oid at a small ptotit in fact our aho.e stock is going at Rock Ikacm Piiees f ^*11 at once and get yoar Irish Patatoea and Garden Feed. Nice lire ef straw hat*and gents futairtirir good* ssSat’ggJx&wiay Just received. oce and thrae fourth —w«srt«3: s r~ uw have prompt attention, We sell genuine D. A H. Scovil Hoes. A 9 * w GREENESBORO, GA-