The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, March 23, 1893, Image 4

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THE PEOPLE'S ADVOCATE. —rmi«Htr. wekklt at CRAWFORDYILLE, - - GEORGIA. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE GKEENE COUNTY FARMERS ALLIANCE AND INDUS¬ TRIAL UNION. ITbUMIEKft NOTICE. UBSt RlTTH N *l,onper >e»r, M cent* let six mouth. , Ji cents lor tmee uiuuth*. SsubsdijrtioM# payable in advance. COKKKfePONHENCE on live and newsy subjects invited* 1 h s real name of the »utirur must accompany ail tom liiuhieatlons Ai tides intended lot puliiicatiou should be addressed to the editor. IlUrriSE-V* COMMl NICAIIOXS anl those relating to advertising should be addressed, and ail checks, money orders and drafts should he made payable to PAUL L. HMim. Ci a w lordville, Ga PAUL L. .SMITH. Em To*. Craw ford ville, Tb'iiaday, Mai., K’i* Kdllurlal Kuiall Mlaot. Your county ami state paper*, the * ... People's AdV'jcate and tho lWplua Daily l’ajiei lor ouly 4 I ,*»0 a year. Duly a lit* tie over ••h# cent a week tor each. Certain |v \ou eau aft Til to Hjictiil tliat mueh a v eek lor tlie hews, uud for the Peoples i’arty. We come out late this w**-k but it is a fault not to la* laid to our charge. Read elsewhere in thii paper wh .4 it was nr ole Us late. Ji. a card published in tins week's Deni* ocrat; T. A. /f,*otic makes scven.ral state luvuls in regard to us ami U> liimeelf. tlue of these we notice, Hu claims that he is and always has been a democrat. We are not at ail sorry about that, but we do think 1* was wrong lu him to wrilo that piece headed *‘a move." which piece a|)|>earod iu the last issue of the paper at (*l<, iu which he relot » to the deiliucrats as being "Damuabte." Thu county school eotniuienouer Mr, W* T. Flint gave the school enniuouilors their fitccssaiy stationery and etc last bulunJay. The euuiuoralur# are Mr. J110. U. Elliuil.oii, Mr T L /foully Mr W 0 Rhodes, Mr W T Flyi-t Mr J V\ Reive., and Mr Martian, 'ii nt meiaiiqi} w*|i of as Ol -mm}* It i# naturrd ’hat we should wish to our friemta pro*|Hir. Those firm# w ho •adveitiss with us are rut IrieuJs aud iu a great measure thrir success is ours, There¬ fore If you wish to help the cause aud your paper alro patronise those firms that udveitise with us. Each cute is reliable will do what they say, and in quality aud quautity of good* aud business integrity they are suppassed by uonc iu the c oun ‘y. rOWELTON DJI'S—We caunot pub*. |i*h now owing to the sudden and unlooked for departure of oueof our printers. M my thank* lo "Xarator’' for same. Be hope be will overlook this fault not our# and scud iu bis locals next week. Bar ha# IwB declared belweeu the Atiauta Goustitutiou aud the Atlanta Journal which will hardly tend to hasieu Democratic harmony iu tho South. Uoke Smith, editor of the Journal, is tfocwUiy of the lutcrior, and bcuce ibis trouble. A few offices *>r a little plunder will fix up the Coustitutiou, however aud iu good time this w ill be forthcoming. There is no paper on earth that can change the tone of us editorials as quickly or more com¬ pletely than the Coustitutiou.—National Watchman. WANTED. A goud, live «virespondent and agent io each militia district of the Nineteenth Sesartotial district to write each wreck th. local# fr *m hi# or her district and lo col lect and forward aubacriptiub* to the People* Adv^<ate, OrawMvilk Ga. W# will give that correspondent, free. of above utentioaed pajwr. , for cm# copy ciab him paper and pay for stamp bill aolong a# he represents us. and allow usual per cent on subscription# collected. If you will act as agent please dr* p ua a postal at ooca and we will f jrm#b you with material F ret come- First served. IX THE TENTH. The 1 ate move of the Advocate, th'Ugh • dutau ee of twenty mite*, carried from the dUi tj the 10 th ilialrict- ' move u, with,,, .he ooiiiiury line. .1 h section. upon which .her. we. recently hvstened .1tUutu.11 ol 1 be world* Rncl'}, ns 11 men upon the causes brought shout Ibis uuuniiai octurreuce. Several ve»>* sgo the Isriuer* so l borer. ol lue .*y»till» amt vV'e.t goa<Dl almost lo ties}** ration by »oi«e inigniy evil cause that ki pi thein iui|ioveii»lte«l .git,: ol ,, f it* ir ctfclt* to la tter c< anil (tin lagan to oigani /.s into so Alliance. 'I h a step was the Iiatuiai thing oil esif.b 'I lie} ha<J tihU to light the hatte tiuiajc*l, r«, ii inah lor hhi.seit. Ilui 1 he hard schoolmaster, taught them that uiu icni tiut.i, that teii they might staml, but, iliviiled ih -\ would ho sure lo Iwil,” Through then Alliance orgaui.i.ioii the farmer* sought lt» dtrlloy the hiitilvh i ansi oi li.e iitftiil *I*fjneaolou tuat was Cohtin naliiy foreleg lUo'issud* of their t- the vsil. "I he }>athway of the Alii.nice, as groped its way through lln .hadoWs anil uncertainty thrown a.ou 1 I a hew enterprise is toe Well Known, ami wit* Uaveieil lot leicntly to uecn more than a bscU« ai t g.auc*. lake honest men tuey began the ivoik a | home, making as I n ........sibio tber twrutw auil.usiainiug bunging shout lelieueiuueut 1 i every maimer. 1 hey also began to caaiiiliiu tlieir. CC <UU'a with their me tenant* anf-uai.y came to the Con, lusmu tliat lltey weie paying li.m uiiiawlni ami ru uoas p.i cent, lu many lustaueua this was true but as all will admit now it was not (he cause ui • '1 lie result of the m/es was that many coopuialive stoics were built und run by the Alliance. Was good as lar a* it weut, but u did not Ircglli to touch tilt* teal cause. Alter a at time litis tact wa. realixvd by a majority of the farmers and they began lo look laiiliui hi 0,1ml in liu searcu. Auout the licit move ol illi|t *i talrce made by the Alliance was tue u.«i ol l ie b»ycoU, which beXi lo the ballot is the t pacific poWci flue risen posers. TUeJuio (lagging TlUst Was whipped lbs Alliance liieiebj, scored Its most signal victory, Thu farmers through their were gradully groping their way toward the light toward the prin¬ cipal cause tliat was oppressing limin. From the birth *4 the Alliance unto the time it discovered the rest cause ol uppres - lion there lud been scattered throughout its every branch literature that dealt with the real eause that aiiowad the ch*racter of the tl epressiou^n d the f.rce* ihsiV the writers ol these book# tract*, and were generally men wflio had studied years the ,very question tl*«t ihe were trying t» solve and Ihere ihoiisai.d of men in the Alliance *..b<* aud tn ked Hie luhstauce of what literatuool the .Ibiance taught. The w.,rk soon began to liear fruit. Jfen to think and to reason, and to ask .he government responsible.” The result is known, Tho Alliance almost to a man found the real cause of depression existed in the government aud its administration. try read and heard* and saw, th« indisputable fact that class lcgislatou, and ihe lack ol proper Itgislaiion. was Hie prime cause of Hutir impoverirhsit comhti >u. Tue Alli¬ ance may have .been sl..w in finding tin* real cause, but when they did find it they set about t>* destroy it :u .1 determined aud business like manlier, And then tlw plutocratic politician# got scared. Tuey claimed tin* proper sphere of the Alliance had nothing to do with government. They sought to deceive the fanners by Itlltng them the reason thst the times were so hard was that they had made too much They seemed to have forg.dlen their pre¬ vious explanation that they had u»t worked hard enough, had not inadeeneugh With such talcs they sought to divert the attention of the people from iho.r own past and present Bat a* the "old war hors* ’ S. A. Walker decUrwd, 'Ihe Alluuce liad not been to school four years for nothing, and a-l the attempu ended ,n miserable failure The Alliance WuS now iu politics, t*ol from choice but from necessity. They set forth their grievan¬ ce* and |H*tit ouott congress for***. L'ougro*- would not give it. aud hooted sod ridiculed their petition*. This got the farmers aroused iu dead earnest. They m*t at St. Lout# \to. and again |( tv . 4la p- u . , platform and de¬ t no w , n «o ild g *t thenv t«s u..le » he solemnly pledged Uuuss.f to supp-vr thrir demands regor.fWs# of party turn# and caucus. The strength of the Alliance at this time, may U* See3 from tr* fact ]U tt*c state* tlie nominees el the Al.isuce weie endorsed by the old party. This "as throng! fear alone. The 01,1 »’•«? V "'* ‘ * n ‘ lh * Alhance principle# but were afraid V* offer much reaituace. jt oeem* now that their policy was to corrupt, if p>>**it>!e the leader* the A'..:snee a id through the n work tt* dissolution. Th * 1* x short sketch of coarse *>» the Alliance pursued in **«• «r-»l of tbs Hou hern and W**Urn State* The **me will answer for Georgia aud the t.mii district. as we'd as * review or aome of she cause# that made the tenth a ceu-j ter of eo much interest. TI12 II <u. 1 A t\ ataon w*a* the choice - of tb, Aliianc. in the tenth ««-u->.....Pi-.t.ou hy the,nng trau tiny, through lorcc of necosity .'iiseil mm. Tie: Alliance nil n it gi ve nj, all ho, e of relief through the democrat ,C part) anil tbsy acted oil tue *U|>p >si Inal It thev prsaci bell tbs platlorm, nominated ti-e men, relief would be tamed, This it >pe o*f relit I through macliu.eiy ol the licni'afaliC paily n-turai. loi lire demands were pure Jellersii'.an dem. crecy applied to lie and vailed eni.ditiuhs of Hie . V*c CaU ali ituiviulnr I10W qs.ckiy t u, n ije; was dashed to | iecea. tue craiic ja ty liud leit every pllnctpic and OliC t»ial milked to l trill U lliall c aild not l<e a democrat rti* AiliaiiCdi.iUi sit U*e iMiiicumc, re pf ecc,, tail v Co WUU lull Otl (he ...allorm. and who ware elected by A lilAllCC al <ic«i by lb*» iiuu*oc*Al»c kvoiu uulicu -*All:uute l>ciiif>cratu." » m e lslVIligftlUlit MuicK, Wiuu, iVutlKHA and others, 1 iit-tto li.vii werii elected lire distinct pledges i;iveil that they be hut ol sU ii Aiiiauceiocn auJ tu.rt would support tiia Alliance Ceiuauifs le* A* . just • . sum . . gardkss ol parly caucus* It was not long before they (i'seovered they must tuuouucn either tlis party lire Jlllicipics' \t hat each did wo W»i teinemhi I. Ail *>l tho Georgia delegation .Vt\d Vi aUim laud W mu wno proved Ins lo , a.ty to principle and to ills pietiges ei> chose to servo tuo party lather than ilMS JiCo|l C. Tuey I or got the piv.ges aud (uii.t'U uiiir bdv.ii* uu tuu litvii wtiu Ltiii picned lli.ur up Ircm oUcunly and bad given via III pool tiou and power, llateoli itmcmbcrcd Ins pleiiges. He knew aud fell the sole muia of his 4 *c KiiUvV that they must have relief at any lie taw the course of the utlllocratic par |v so shaped a*> lo shut out ail hopes ol relief aud standing lor principle lather ibau party o« renounced his aiagiauce to a t,*lse dtUiuracy and with eight other bravo souls like juiucO til ! i’soplta party, me ouly paily that piomised relief. Zealous lor the cau.*e 1(1 which ha had enlisted Ihe representative of llm tenth district threw his whole soul iutu the strug gle lor tue reiwf tbu people Justly deurau ded. lu 1 lie early pait of the sesatou of the last congress Watson exibited those Hails oj character aud that genius that stamped him as the Peel less. The able manner in which he showed up the past rocorJ of tile old parties, the scat'• Utt^jg^^'^^r^.etraimn ho showed in laying bare lituir subtle traitorous at¬ tempts lo siill further enslave the people. The quick comprehension with which he eveiy design of wail street upon lew remaiuiug lilterlies, the brill la n he exhibited iu seizing the very gnus of his enemies aud from then to.tress piuriug in those ceaaeletu. volleys ths* sha.terel every rank the , . torcea ol , the G ,, r,> >rat, . t „ ow#. .1 in* .1 Uv U vullutt he proved, tu tl».* luteicsts . of , fils , . oppressed and tluw .croddeu couutrymeu bis dauntlesk carnage aud hi#clear irre sistiole logic in advocAliug and .lemaad lug relief IrotnoppieAsidu al ■ marked liiui an the great chunpioii *>l the Jieople wud ihe deadly, uggrecsivo enemy ol everything tliat threatened their iUtorc#t». Tai» explain* how lits teuth became fan* ills. It w#s its repret.-otative tbst m#d# this district the ceuU-r of tho worlds aiteutt ju* A nmodil more to we.tkeu tho false dexu.vracy and build up lu a correspond¬ ing d«g rev the IVoplca cause than did Watson. No one did ui t ra to expo#® the fearful wrong# being y*erpetr*t«d oil the people under the guisd of law. Th# uxon c> kiug*. the corruption i.*t#, the corrup legfaUtor.-. iu short all the corporate pow¬ er* it may by truthfully said, trembled before tbs luJicttucuts t be dauntless Geor giau thought against them. They deter¬ mined ou fii# defeat. vYstsou had thrown down the gauntlet to tl«c* Gold G od. And the Gold God had picked it up. The struggle wa# betwavu Right and \V rung, lot »cen Patriotism and Prejudice . between man aud Mamou. F.esii and Biood ag*111*1 Gold aa.i Oppression, aud the Tenth district was the- nattle field, and the world the* pectator. Watson champiouiug ti.e cat.*.* of Man. Black the side Mamnr’o, Tue end all know. B!a*k t!ie reprmeut.vtiva of M anitn on was dfx-lorrd elected. To eecure this end all appearance uVre even ol honesty aud fatrnev let go. The bounds of reason ue*a of tboir majoc^ - stamp# >“» on its !"r face iu burning letters "Fraud. This is briefly the story of the Tenth. But history ha# not closed her vo! ume yet and let u* hope and endearvr to make 1 tie result of the conflict to to fou-ht next year dificreut from the last. 7 be Advocate, while it lo ves the old ftth none the less, feels a pardonable pride in knowing that in the next 'attie it will tight in tbv column* of he gallant Jtatk. iiiJiE\”fO. i'< >e> di:y & Mil Ms Athens, C a. — -h*'p-. ti*w **» first -*1 i-s men ami materiai. ll’lild and repair ad kinds ol machili .-rv. Saw inibs uii.t mill* cane mills pulley's sliaiiitig ded »ta! Iioxe* etc . sp ciil'y. Macufacuueis anums f. ir 1 ^ e| 1 V lm , s OI „| b.iei- it: jw.-fors amt ejectors on the market. i\ _ e|» in *f» s .team and water J p • a,id ''ll.nt'- and cot:,>11 presses. Correspondence solicited Tin s. Iktiley, Manager. I ; L * r( riiis Standard bred, and RegUt red .et All . in ATLaKTA will stand tin® season * farm of Mr. T. A. branch, ^iwenesbocu. For full particulars as pedigree and for all information wanted *»piy to T. A. RRANC 1 J, J.F. UARM 1 US 1 AEL. <r ■ .T. II. 3 Moi»ei*i«f esident Dentist, Greor.eaboro, Ga. ^1 Lis wish to tuttu 11 my thanks to a pencr , public for past and to announce •list 1 have the “New and Improved jBchud" for operations in filling teeth, mi piepared to nerve y ou in a satisfactory m *uuor at all times. EDUCATE for PROFIT -BY AlTENUli MOOHE’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, AT LAN T A, GI A Hi0h-(!rade Bsnaew fruuusc AW 2 ±&&S 5 cuter i & r Sir Ume. y u «4 ttcud tut pi.11. tHsdeuU any etrrulssa. BOTANIC BLOOD A thoroughly tested Romody rOR ALL I BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. ai^g^n!!SeMMs!^fobr*Muf i ai! ^iacertain illssssss a^i.^u nvsryiuKHnrt‘p«“rur reciniiiiciidt'.l. I* fur which t» t» Iivvsr fslls to tii ni llt Irom tho first rtose. all ciiirklv sml vff.'ctuult}* drivii'K through out ms.Tium term* fr.*m the ijntrm the of the iVm, liver and kid- 1 'T.*l« *.» with,,ut sny unplensnnt *>f ur tanoraiiee Injurious ■ I’ a* no ‘ tbl ' result erbipyrstitlon. eoifaion sml hut thnreuKh tt Is fouintwi know h-<te>' u|*on of.'h.Mjern sense » .-ireiXualfy me.ilc*! sclenc* II ins tlw. and enriches sufferer. the hluo.1 r.i.,1 ml hriii^v he , h to the As 11 *!••*.« tunic It' Vlthuuta rival, nu.l In is snsiysisuf alwulutety he* hs' ita Kivin* properties it I* id eomparisnii w Itls»psnscvsf»rall llh nny remedy ever off'’. IdtotBepobHc. 111 * .ssltlng from Impure and life; Imp,‘*er- quickly l»h * blood-the current «f « llibiuetf u«. vcifuts. Ho n. Bnran. w 1*1*1 *su*l*. ( nlHrrh. IttfuiiniiiUMU. 111 Adder lllarMSS. Uxi. remitflo Kidney Weal.. snS now Renoat htaows. etc. 1 (HVCSTiqUTt roil VOURUir. Send fur our rree «o»*h of X (Siuabls 1 nf,,must Ion. tuvether with ,. w. ,, r fallurrsv ol cerUBcnte# of remarks'..c i nrlo from t*ie simplest to the n.. *t vir ulclt disease, after ail known testify remedies itlt had (ailsd. These certificates w nu uuoertaln *uund. that n. tame Hal|«||«thetwwt,cheapest, quiek.-i *tre.,t eat knot siul most powerful Miuod Puruier ever s to the world. Taicte_#i.00 t>er bottle ; #6.® for f. hetwcs. Foil sole bv drucr.tfC* : If not. send lo ur. Address oLOOD BA CM CO Atie.ta. Ga. An Eye to Economy. She wan a girl of wisdom. lit id to her: “Do you not lore to Wander in tho moonlight?" “Why* ‘‘Yen,” ghe answered. - “Because it saves gna." Then ho did some mental arith¬ metic, ‘‘Will thought mine?" it over und said you be skying a Kind Word, “My clear friend. ~ said a tem perance advocate to a Storm beaten tramp, ‘let me S»V a kind word to Thaci ve * "* ued the SSfcruESftva - I 4 think .-I be after Ba%nQ - Vef houor Texiu Stft ingS. Nothin^ to B© Thankful For. Bleeker B-.-nd—I suppose you celebrato-l Thanksgiving Dav with a groat deal of zest, cou.-i 3 t*ring 6 tho largo crops you had, Uncle i? Undo Si Low—I dunno as I did. kind Crops was so big I can’t gel uo of price for anythin’.— Puck. m CHANGE. A BUSINESS E2. HARE-ISOKT But'cessor to Mrs. H. M. llobertaon, io RK1 tfxMaSBOH< >, GA j | flour, lid, mam Toba'T'O and C!garn. Satisfaciion Guaranteed. T' t 3 T\\nJJ»ejmre_you wlien meii^ tion this paper yon T eaironVim. next'CO.tdnys my entir# stock of Tinware at actual tost 1 will sell for the to giv® ro# * call in the Herald-Journal building. IJe aure THE FRICK COMPANY. Eclipre laginss. *c * Kri« City Iron Works Er g'ne and Boil¬ mm ers, Automatic Stationary Engine#. GINS FROM *i to $•*! 50 1 *ER SAW Huilars. Saw Miiis. Moon* C*>., Corn ' S^iteg Mills l’ratt Gins, Seed Cotton Elevators Cane Platform Mills. Seal®#. Cotton Food l’res*as. Scientific Wagon Grind¬ and m Mills, H<»a'» U'liisle-Tool. S*■' #, Shin- ^ 1 ing machiuery, Shutting, «lc. otc. gi* MALSBY r db T ATEUY, —SOUTHERN MAXAGinS— ( Atlanta, Ga. 81 oouth Fo 8 syt« 3 St., ME. A. B. McDOEALP, —Proprietor ef— MllfilflLLl RACKET STORE. ___DEALER IN- gts? ~h p op Aud n Ururrul l.lae ol Dry Uouils. ad. in crockery and Tinware of every iort and a ^\P«® n - j \ J^'o^goine oil br*- w,t fK - D. McDonald. n « IIE- 4 DQ UARTER 5 FO* LOAY PRICES st ds" oiLai at a small plofit in fact our whole going at Bock Bottom Prices ! jJ ri h ^Tred’^kMAiMWHiS , f Call at once s.'l get > on * thr«w fourth U— w ,». - to - Victor few•*•*!'« an.i extra tail in us - yfospt We sell genuine T>. *fc II- Scovil Hoes. c* CDapman.M S r