The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, June 15, 1893, Image 1

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m T. ”eopj -E’s Advocate. Jfci J ‘ t ''J «>1_ ' ’ - S. »—’ H.A kb VOL ° • do* 3MC3S5^1l.X-l^ -at AT_aI_a JbiOlLJ.isiJS, —AT IV. K— DELM0N1CO F. c?. BARNHART -v- CO. Grecucabo.-c, Ga. M GUI IF, Items of Interest Gathered Here and There, CITY ITEMS OF INTEREST Don J. G. C. Black was in Crawfurd ville last Friday. He came up on the 2 o'clock and went back on the 6 o'clocK train. If is reported that his busines was something in reference to the Cjst Office at this place. Dr- R. C, Binns was called to Antioch sgaie to sse Mr. Clem Moore who he re¬ ports to bo improving in health. Rev. It- E. L. Airis filled his rcgulsr appointment at the Baptist Church last Sunday, preaching to a large congregation a sermon on Prohibition. The Crawfordv'.lle colored Base Rail nine went to Conyers and played the team of that place a game last Saturday. Tbs score was 11 to ltJ fsvor of Conyers Oeoncsboro Mercantile Co selling tine stockof goods balow cost to close out. W, il. Weaver Receiver. Jfr* J. D. Hammnck who has bees quite ill for some time left for Atlanta last Monday accompanied by Miss Mamie Hammock and Mr. Will Bird. Il is sin¬ cerely hoped by tbe many friends of lira H-mn-aok that tbe medical treatment under which she Is now placed will be the means of restoring her health. People’s Advocate and the Peoples Party Paper for only §1,60 a year. Only a lit tie over one cent a week lor each. Certain ly you can afford to eixsnd that much a wrefc for the news, and for the People Psrty Last Monday our Rase Ball nine played a miscellaneous team of Artisa n t, Mer chants, Sheriff. Clerk, and devils. It was quite amusing to sue some of the healthy samples of avoirdupois waddling,‘and puf¬ fing around the ease*. They did »•»!! though despite the heat and tbo fat and succeeded in scoring 8 runs. The boy. acoredHS. Messrs Beigstrem, Moody and Norton have planted a tail Sag pole near Ur. Bergstrom store on which will be dis¬ played the weather fl-tg rgna'.s f sr nisbed by the U. S department of Agri cuiture, weather bureau. Fair weather is indicated by a white Sag, r»t\ >r st w by a Solid blue, local :aic* by a wait- and bine flag, and a cold wave is predicted by a iiag with a black square on a while ground. The Imn per&tuw sign is a man guisr black flag, w uen placed above the white flag it iwFcates fair r.mi w»rn weather when bt-iovv the white flag it rays fair and cold weather. There are i!- - principai signals but ther - k o l un.jrr :e Other cotnbtnat:- .iiS v.r s a r; n: About Dl-2 A M- Monday night t'. citizens of the wes aide of toxio were aro'tsed by an aiarrc»>f fire h rre.t Jis covered that the Inuse of Isaiah Ellington CoS ws. a sheet of Barnes. Tire fire ™, too faradvanccj t, be quenched. there was no one living ® in the bouse at tbe , time . it sod that . the burumg is sun y > * tbe . work _ of Incendiary- , .. If was su . is tbe case ana .... that Incendiary be , 3 /' be should fuel at i.rrce the utrno-t . ol punishmeet the law allow*. Every ert ixen of whatever race er condition should freely aid >n detecting and in bringing to jugedm««t such abvndoned wroteaes as ** house burner..’ —- NOTICE. I will be in Cvawfordville. at 9 50 A M Sun time, on Saturday June24:ii 18 ji fer the purpore of examining applicants for license to teach. No license will be granted any one who does not furnish, as the law require*, “evideuce in writing of good moral character/* let all be reany on above date. The annual sesrion of Teach¬ er* Institute will be bald July 8-_? in¬ clusive beginnmj at 9-AO sun time, on Ju¬ ly 8rd 18V3. W T Flynt. Goun'y fkhocl Comffiirrioncr Aiar/n Gs. June 12 IIM OKAWFORDVILLE, GA., JUNE 15 1893, SHAROX DOTS Bv Shook--. i* i- very strange that ferae of the •L-n..*c itic n.xpers are still kicking nt *•••» irtj -vi ta they Lave « dcKs.icr.-itic i re.-ideut, Senate an : //ouse of Koor-saii t.ttvts; It :oek.; like they l-.ul in t'n'ir hands a dynamitj caririiidge and-ire afraid it i* goii: ’ to expicie. i 'Lev should t>« careful iu what tney pick up wtui not tdame sonic ouo else for their owu acts, Tie grain crops are about all cut and will make a very fair turn ont. more than last year by lots as there was more s-.-vH and in fact tne crops are much bet¬ ter tiiau they were last year. Mr L Croak’o brother of Augusta has ’..ecu oa a visit to him ia tins p lace for several days. Court days in tho GO 2nd diet. G M arc ou the 2nd Wednesdays in each month. We arehappy to slate that there has not been a vase ou docket this year, Mr A D Mvoro’s little boy is quite sick at this writing. Wo hope he will bo well again soou. Capt Sam Fly nt Principal of tbo Ray¬ town High school was in our tu wa last Saturday. Jfr Howell Cosby is happy. Why T an¬ other little baby **gtr’ Rev F I* Brown of Atlanta visited rela¬ tives aud friends in Sharon lest weok. Mr Brown is always a welcome visitor to our town. Wish hu would come of¬ ten* r, Miss Kate Jackson ot Jonesboro was in our town last Saturday. BV supjtosa purchasing goods for ber stoic. Miss Kate is a charming young lady and will make tier mark ia this world, * chip off the old block. Our .own was full oj folks daring the wet spell but it is vacated uow. .... Spring chickens are in good demand, Several ware sold hers last week at faocy prices. Mt R4f Gilbert has put up a soda' Fount iu connection with his meet mar ket. Raytown High School Exercises closed last Friday night. W 0 Brown has returned homo from Atlanta, He is locking better. Williams Creek High School closed last Friday. Dr (Rilkes, Dentist is stopiug at tiic Dor det. hotel. Sacred Heart Seminary closed last week and toe pupils have gone home to spend their vacation. Mrs Fanny Moore and J/ra Dorab Cald vvell visited Mr A P Moore last week. Wo would state 'h it there is no trouble to t v. -k on the l-irn. now, pler.fy of grv to ' ’!!, Warren ton High School closed last Fri Dy. Mr 1J R Atkinson of the Farmers Light H.irlwa Ou waa ia W'amntou last Tues¬ day oa b'.u’viMts. f ir. John G K-effs has liad Iris house nicely p i u'".\ Mr George Fou«ha <Ieing the v .r M* 0 D Mofxjre has leiiowe t sn t waich -id ’s r-.uett to the !wh of that part of our town. .'!?r <j I, Rigby »aM state lli'it hi wish cs to get a,J the Tin work be can A biros* i.i' i at'Av: n O F* i T If I By W G-v m,r ,.n c - W-:. a. j.m ■, u ,1 a.h ir.t it; i w;.l atauJ it the door auU tcii w:.*t * itie I kuow. J>y j c ^ throqj;h Fluk „ . , t Wl , e froni hw k ,,. r lt Sandy Crow. It is bard , . to tell ,, wh>ch «. . is . .. the finest, - corn or “ grars, :n . Fluker. ... , G-.neru ... (f'ccn fc»s . .. b:s , forces the on the , lock . will ... get . . hurt, on ;.jovv., or you Dr- Wt!! Bpratrm _ and earn Caldwell were in our community last Friday on ^ chr0B ide the dt4th rf I yj r Charlie Bherror's little child,- U wa , nu : , t -iat Carters Grove last Friday ffe 1 «’«* i . U*r sympathies to thc bereaved pa- , rents. . ffe «*d * very instructive and eu* juyaUe evening last Sunday at Carters Grove Church* The occasion was tbe meeting together of five Sunday Schools, de Lad lectures by Revs. A A Fluker and Joseph 6*iv. Tbe Church was full to overtluwing. Ws raised five subscribers in five min •jtes for the A'ivuc.te.- who t.,n baa; it,’ [Hurrah kr you ‘•Vox.’* You ate in tbe lead as yet. L-t us bear the same tunc agios —Ed. “A PAPER OF. FOR. AFD BY THE PEOPLE.*' LIBEKTY LOCALS. BrBcn. Vegi tables plentiful. June peaches few and far between. Farmers have a hump ou them alter ifo' ecssHtion of tho laws. lu proportion to the rain there is grain m abuudauce. Money tn utters are still tight and op¬ pressing but people are getting down to hard work Foster T. Smith was quite sick a week or so ago but has about recovered we arc glad to say. Wheat has boon cut aud shocked aud is now ready foi tho thresher. It is dr*' courageing to note that the crops will be short in this locality, Strange but true, all the big bugs of to day have either the title of 1/aj. Oapt. Col. or Gen. it all these men served un¬ der these titles duriug the war the pri¬ vates were scarce surely. There are men to day culled Col etc who are do mors Col etc. than we are. Income tax and Ires coinage is tho mate issue iu the democratic papers now. The Greenesboro Hernia-Journal says, ‘‘with an income tax snd free coinage the tariff would be uijghtily lowered," You will notice that the tariff "aiut” in it. Mrs J T Smith has been quite sick for the past week or ao but is now, wo *'* glad to say greatly recovered. Maude aud Fannie Adams of Greensboro is speudiug vacation iu this community. C U Williams and wife are on a visit to Mr II l* Williams aed aud fatally. We are glad to see Charles aud bis estimable lady. A colt belonging to W U Gentry hap¬ pened to quite a serious accident several uvruings ago. The colt was attempting to run attd frolic but on being Jerked by • halter he slipped and fell on a sharp .tump it penetrating to tno inter nal ot gaus. At last accounts it was d oing well and hope it will recover. Vymf Liberty flundayr Seiiqqt with Fred P Supt will attend at Euan SB fourth Sunday. 11 m Supt hopes the eel ->1 will turn out in full force. The school will then moetat tbs church in tbs after- ■ noon and practice siuging. A . G Copulan visited nesr Siloato, Sunday. Trof T Smith has begun to make eoirn preparations for tbo closiug exercises oil the Liberty High 6’ccol which will bo held sometime in July. Mr A L Smith the stove repairer wishes the Alliancoicii to meet at the school house here Saturday night [to-morrow) to icor gauice tkir Alliance. Let everybody go out. There Will probobly be some good speaking. Miss Fade Crodellc is yisitiug her sister in j’tunaiii (Jo. GREAT QUADRANGULAR DEBATE Question ; Which Offers the lie st Trac'd ca’t'oliticH for thi Rj.iidt of the Workingmen of this T:!E Dkm< Country, v:katic I’ahtv, tiik PfOPLa'* J'aiit v t:ii: Repi umcak I’aktv o*t thc Chi,'M oit. This, tba groatesf debate of modern time*, was held at Philadelphia, 1‘a., lit dor the auspices of the Lhatham Literary union by the following speaker*; Democratic Party—Got. Henry K’atter t oo cf Hbntuckey. Tho Uiiurch — lie v It U C'ouwelI of Penu* 5j-|vr.r.:-i. J« B Weaver of Rcj:n‘ Party—Col 8 L Woodford of New l'urk. Tbe four speeches complete are printed iu pamphlet form and aud will be sent to auy address on receipt of 26c, Or we wiii send tire Advocate 1 year and one copy of the speecus fur one dol¬ lar. Spread the fire. SHERIFF SALE rW In **id cuuuty on the first Tuesday sale to tbe highest bidder ‘?«* for 1 cosh, boun one °* gixtl| , lttdiTld ^ merest in and to ail the tract or parc-d of land situated in said county ot Taliaturao iu the 172nd dis¬ trict (i. M. bounded on the north by lands of William tinith, on tbo east by lands ot George Parhan , on the sonth by lauds of Mrs. K. E Flyat, on tbe wast by lauds ol W. T . Flynt and lands of David Perkins, cunUinlng Six Hundred acres more or less, said interest in said tract of land levied ou as the property of A.W, Mersbon to satisfy a Ufa issued from the 8yj»erior Court of said ooanty in fsvor of Gbdduu* and Curtis against A- it. Mursboa. This the OKS. day of May IWI V. Beasley trberif. WILL IT ALWAYS HE THUS' T eg country has ru.ichc! that condU tier, where aome radical change must be wrought about in regard to Its fiuan •'i*l policy, or trouble will be the out ■onih. IVo are killing tho goose that Jays the golden egg. Tho very tile of this republic rente with the laboring clasaea anti yet wo see about us every day laborers who work from morn till night, not able to buy euough to cat and to buy sufficient clo bta is out of the question. We rsiaecotlou The western fanner raises coru, and wheat ®H'-t meat. We exchauge with each other aod iu that ex change both parties are oh-ated. Thia ie strange bat yet it la trie. Something ie cerlaiuly wrung somo M iere. Where does the treble lie. Iu our hunnciai policy. This republic i* run in tne iuteres^uf monopoly. It tsrun it the interest of the nonproducing class, it is run in the interest of Um gambler m.d the swindler. The Democratic psrty premised u* a s vssptng relief. Oa tbs strength of this | roaues they were intrusted with the reins 'I the government by » large majority• Ileve tney rneds say tlort to relieve •as people? None wfestever. Terse amnia* here been epeat dealing oel offices w *a hungry a horde of oMee seekers m ever ‘.jfesud the Nettonsl espiui. The peo )>le ore waiting .patiently sud quietly .They •re watuhiug tue drift of political affairs •loeer then ever, sad If tbs democratic party does dot give the people the needed relist It will be sidetracked in short or¬ iel. Judgeing by the present I am eon* ti lent that Cleveland te not iu sympathy *ilh the demauds euuuctcted by his par y at Chisago. He is s gold bug of a deeper dye than Usrnsoa. Us will sot “bey hu party. Um party nut obey him The Democratic organs ate now divided 11 ^ wtisther to staid fey the Ch ica g o pUtfera* er act. | think they will $*•»» necessary for tha People’* ****/ to do ie to edueate the people and results. These demons of platoera 'f !tb <i Republican and Democratic par dss} willjcertalnly destroy tbsmsel vss. Tbs only thing is to keep them from destroy lug our country before tbe srs destroyed Jo natban Buckead; Ga. TAKE YOUR OWN KIND | Tho following from the Advocate, To paka, Kansas, disc loses another example ul Wall Street method. It also furnishei further evidence that the only safe oourss for reformers is to subscribe for their own ret orm papers. It Is getting somewhat dangerous for People's Party Papers toencourage the circulation ot either Republican ot De¬ mocratic papers in consequence of a mauifeWation of a spirit of truthfulness aud fairness. Tho ht Louis Republic has been for some time that kind of a paper, and People's I’srry Tapers have been Advertising it and encouraging Its cir¬ culation. But a change has taken place. Tbe gold-bugs have throttled It- Its editor Mr Jones, hae been compelled to Steu down and out, and those who have been induced to subscribe for tho paper on account *f this reform fairneas are vietlrnixed. No Democratic or Kepub Ucan paper can he fair and truthful and remain in good standing with tha powers that be. It is best to let them alone. 7he Kansas City Times was bought ia tLc same manner.—National Watchm an. WHITE PLAINS. Mr. Maaer Banders* eye which was In Jured by the end of a wire striking it. Is improving. Dr. Moore and Mrs. M B. Howard art attending commanocment exercise* at Mil iedgevilie this week. A negro boy was confined i n tbe cals booee last Saturday night. I think this is but tbe second time tbe cslsbooee b** had •o attendant. Mrs. Johnson, the mother ot Mr. John Johnson, ws* buried ber* oo laet Tosedsy. s&u had beso ia Issbie health tor oome tiro *‘ Several of our citixen* visited friends is Atinata lecenlly, The Dramatic Club. The _ dramatic , . dub , . is . at work . OU the play “Lnde josh, Some expense b aa been i&cu/ad in preparing fee for it. A ■ a<J misfeioii will be charged to will m. th. be phj. TU lm inmdi giveu to a cause in which all are intereeted. 1 NOl’ES BY**OU6'iLSVEK " Ws observe that there Is only oae Ham Jones though many try to imitate him, whicti uo dou* would serve longer for a traveling evangelist hut a local p-eachei to use such epithets as Sam Jou<m does esnt long retaiu the respect of a congre¬ gation. y/t observe a wonderful revolution giMugoniu atul around Crawford villa. VVntu a petition is haudisi the Grdiuary astjug aa election “for," aud “agaiu»t‘ the sale of liquor in Taliaferro, thou you mil sas what wonderful tbmgs sometime* Happen. W« ouserve wo scaaniug over the Repub¬ lican platform adopted st Meuueupolu last June, the f.Uowiug paragraphs. *‘Tlie aiiuuaie rein ot tree aud popular gov erweui is tfce inMiligeuca.ul the peupis ami the uiaiuhnnaues of freedom among its oiea. Wo tnereiore declare anew our d« vot.un to Ui* itberfy of tnought aud ciu ■clsncv. wi speecU sud pro**, and approve sit sgeuoiu* aud lualruiiu-iitM.iUcs whicu contribute to the education ul the children ul Ui* taud ( - but wail* msisuag upou tne fullest tusaeate el religious uberiy, we or* eppeswd to any uat«e ei churcn aud •MW." " Wt guysUiw tfeitA aU moo amt log -e' iiiMau if Junto to Icttiit ami prcOtt t tac ovUt oj uotomporance amt promote moral stjf." t ary paoU far M vfd corrupt party. We oo*oi to turn in* Dsmoareuc psrty IS MN*nug eu Utlkallcitru. i aanusuy is Ustheiio aud Caibotics generally beloag to til* democratic party. ‘i'Dey may Iw nghi, we oo Auivricau citiceus believe mat #very luau should jvoisnip according w tbs dictate* ul aa own coucaence. Ws ebasrv* ia revuwiag tha Natioaat Deiarerau* pi at to (in the loiwwlag par¬ "Wo d — ouMc s the republic** known a* tha HMrrnaa act ul 1HV0 as cowardly iu* hssbitt fraught with siUiUle* of i,anger in tha future should make all It* supporters, a* as it* autnore, anxious lor tu speedy peal. We hold to tho um ol both gold sod silver aa the siauts.d money of ootiniry and to the cnusge ol botu gold silver without discrimination against eituer inrlal or charge lor mintage." Very good—We are sittiug steady in tbe boat wailing to see them redeem the pledge* made iu their ptaUaru. JH* observe tnat Csveland in his hrst term reooouimended that the coinage ol silver be stopped aud iu IHtlti with almost two thirds democratic majority a free coinage bill was defeated, aud yet this psrty of promise* claim to favor free cum age of silver and legislate to the peoples interest. In tbe last house with a dem¬ ocratic majority of shout 160, elected upon promises ol enacting * free Coinage law— 3ilv*r wae iu gloriously defeated and the gold bugs given eontiuuad lease of power Ret they wanted more time. fte!l grant them more time sud don*. 1*> impatient, for Jfr Black intimates that they will Lave a hard Lin* m enacting fur relief? but give them a chance. BANDYCJKJSa DOTS Bt WAMnaRsa. Bsantifat weather this weak. And tbe (armors ore making us* of It There is considerable sickness in this section at present. Since tbe recent rsiu w* never saw grew and crops grow oo rapidly. \fo are very glad to know that Mrs. J q 4 ^ uuterM - health is very orach improved Wears sorry to know that Mrs. Mary Purtwood U very ill at present. Mrs. Port wo(X ) ^ ^ «xcil*st t hrw»i,n lady and - t lt Mrue *t!y bopod that abe may bo sgoiu restored to ber former health. ^j r4 . yi„ C y Moore of Pearldge we are l0TTJ ^ keo% ^uta been coaAacd to ber rtom for |bc ^ Vwk . We hope soon , _ ^ readored to ber wonted health Out Irteod Dr. <f. 9. Kendrick was thrown fresa his boggy near here q hursday and was very painfully hurt tbe ihuck res pore-1 him unconcious for several w# Me glKl w koow tnat h* hae r «ry nearly roeovered by thia Urns fimX *"*•• wuu «d#otally ont Ms foe* wery sestotwiy Usu9 ^ itatad aa em putaiioo ot that ammtm, Dr. J. A- Kbodas preformed sa* oporotioo lorn Tberwiar *• “«* r « R dwug my w*u *t tni. * ntl, ‘8 *-• «i- * a u .u. «nt va ye* iu a gi rb No 5 8 HBL1UEOU3 SBtfViOBd t*y UUAWFOHBVILl.S CHURCHES lUlKST. Preaching on tirsi a • t second Sundays Id each mouth at 11 a. u and? Wr.M tau.i. day School every Sunday at 9 a. m. Pray¬ er Meeting Wednesday night. Young Men’s prayer mooting Tuesday ntgut. Kov K a li Harris pastor, Methoimst. Preaching on the fourth Sunday in each month at 11 a. m, and ? 3oi* h. Sun¬ day School at i l- .4, Prayer Meeting Thursday night Mov J H Lewis I’as tor, COUNTY ALUANCK V The County Alliance of Taliaferro will meet at the court house iu Orawfordville on 7’humiay the 1.1th of July, th’n is one weak earlier than our regular July meeting buh for convenience of (he District Lecturer, Bio. Buxton, to be able to meet the Couuty At iiauoei in rotation, an t by hi* requejt we call (he meeting for thia date; So lei all Sub Al uauqas take notice, meet promptly, elect thet'r dele¬ gatee aud fuiuiah them With projier credeutiala. Thia ui tu be a meeting of the Alliance, not a political Alliauceman gathering, unu iu wo urge every the county to attend* 8. //. Rhodes. Pms. Taliaferro I^o Alliauce June 8th. 1893, CITATION EOKU1 A—Taliaferro Couuty. G. D. lluore, who was the guardian of J- C. Bryant, a deceased lunatic as ad¬ ministrator of tho estate of said do cecased, lias duly made application to bo discharged from his trust aud for letters ot dismission aud represent* that lie has fully discharged all of bis duties aud preys to be dischurod from said admin¬ istration. 1 will pass upou sai.l applica¬ nt! the first Jfonday iu isoptcmlier lttlld all persous coiicerued are required to jhow cause on or before tnat day the granting of tuc discharge.. George il. Jfitcuull Grdiuary CITATION ^Vjl_EOKOJA—Taliaferro Bounty. Charles S, Kendrick and George IV. Brown as uaecutora of last will and testa¬ ment and on estate of if. Kendrick, de¬ ceased, have duly m ule application to he discharged flout their trust aud for let¬ ters of dismission They represent they have lully dichaigod allot their duties and pray Li l*c discharged from said administration. 1 will pass upon sail application on the first Mon day im Sep¬ tember next. All persons concerned are required to show cause against the granting of the discharge oa or before that day. George II. Mitchell. Ordinary. SHERIFF 8ALE /''t LuHvslA,—taliaitirro Cuuuty. \Jf inure will na sou in liwa. ot tbe door of tno Gourt of laliaferrod County on tue best t o relay in Jdiy lfel# within the legal h j rrs of sale at public outcry for cash, an uuJtviffei oae sixth Interest In all that tree, or lot of land situated in the 1 VI UsstrictU. as. of raid couuty, containing oixty acres more or loss odjuiug lauds of K. a. U ’111 leu on the east, laud* ot o, r», Guapiuau on tne west, land* of F. Garden oa tue uortu. end lands of a. B. Chapman oa tbe soatu, Said uumvtded oae stxtu interest • a sail laud levied on as tue property of De, fendact L. L. Durham, ny virtue of ait execution Issued from tbe Justice Court of said district to favor of Peodietosi Guano Company against L. L. Gurbaui aai J< K. done*. Bbersff. U V. Beetle j. June 1st. 1«3. 'iAX MGl’iCb. 1 will be at following place* ua Monday June 12th at battery 608 diet. Tuesday Jane Utb at Rocker 602 <bst Muod ay June 19 at Lyuasfl’U 806 Jl»t Juco 29th Sew H./p; •/>'• diet Tbe Ut.auCe ol my Luw i »4.r be t>* Crewlutdvubi Mao k* c ase *»st dag of June. Ravi. U. It. Moore, r R of T. c w