The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, July 13, 1893, Image 1

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The People’s - Adyqcat ;•] l i VOL 2 Items of Interest Gathered Here and There, CITT ITEMS OF INTEREST Miss Maude Ledwen is visijin;; her sis tes at //..Hum this week. Mr and Mrs E C'Goluck of madlsoi. are visiting their qareuts of this place. Mr and Jkrs John 2liou.pM.ii of Aug gusta are visiting relatives at this place. The sociable given at th • resi lenco ot of Mr and Mrs If'/! (f inn*, last Monday caning was hhgily enjoyed by all who at landed Mrs burnt Phillips who lias been visi ting her parents Mr and Mrs \Y A Leg wen returned to her home at Harlem Gu last iinmday availing Tbe Crawfordville Base Ball nine crossed bits with the old men oil hut Wednesday sfht noon, Tho tcofe was 12 to fU ii favor of old men. Miss Rosa Gorham is visiting fiicnd. aud relttivr* at .Vorwo d this week. Carl Holden spent a couple hours at ffuinn Po'nt yesterday. Oscar Cbapmau has bee* on the sick 1 at this week, Jtra. H. II. Holden, went to Union 1 oint yesterday te attend the funeral of 1 r. William Cor ry. Messrs. Fdwin aud Joe O'Brien of Bar (ended tbs '.wfositr • • 'as' *msy ingot. Miss Jfaiie Lary who has been on s visit to ber mother at Crawford return© Monday. Mr. J. A. Kendrick,of Sbanm spent a ceiiplu hours in our town Thursday. TIJE Pl.-fY LAST FRIDAY SIGHT 7hc play “Uncle Josh” which was pre •enti-il by tlie dramatic club last Friday night was gi.ctid by a very lair audience It was pronouiiecl a success by the au dience. 7’hc jilay will Iw p resented again Friday i.i5h t . -t«lv 21st. niA DRAMATIC CLUB. The dramatic e.tto na* reason to fee! latidl d with the reception given the play '•Uncle .Josh*’ last Friday night. 7lic play was pieseute.l for tho puiqioae of aiding the S.epheus Moiitimetital .(» ■•>ci»tioti. The ecenery aud everythin.* else bail to tie bought, the expense were heavier than anlicipa'©!. The dour receipt dill not q-iite .-qn.,1 th* »xj»en»es There Kite it lias been deformed to iiv* the play again; and besides,quit a num ber of |K.*r*ons have requested v repetition of the play . It will lie given to the pub lic Friday night July Jl another »hur play, entittod. "The JRasl.-r piece’’ will atsa be given just be*>re Uncle -f osh. Tbe admianion will he the same as U •ore, 15 cts f.«r all pers.n.s ovei 10 year wfage. All |«ers«i* under IO tree Tlie cast of “Uncle J.vh'' wil! Is- the same as before. Is-t all conic to *«•« »w I, ours of entrrtainaicn', an-1 at the -am t itne help * cau-c wli cb is dear to th* heart of every «uie. BmuiiWr the It* e 1 l RKI.IUKOI’S SEffVICES : or Catwvoit iivti.i.E <;»ircmi*. ltAni*T. Preachteg an first and -e-rou I Sou 1 1 > < e«ti i-it t t: v «. til' A»i*. e v i i 4ty Sekwrl every eat lay at o t. w. I'rai *, r Me-liug W-Illicit}* nig'it. Young I Men's prayer laesti.ig Tac»tav night Rev R R L Harris pt*tor. HmNMd Tres-bing on tbe fourth lay in j eacli mouth at If A, v and 7 Arp m. >ut- 4a> Mheel at « r u, Prayer Meeting InartUy nig ktv f R l.i*ii Pa s CHAWFOBJyVILLE, GA., JULY 13 1893. THE TEACHERS. Yuur committee appointed to draft suit able resoluti in.t expressive of the views nf the (• achers of Taliaferro couuty con cerning Monthly and annual Institutes under existing laws in Ge.rgia, concern ing the bill *ooii to be .iihiuitted to the legislature to establish a uniform system of the text-b-oks for the Sate; ar.d to emphasize our displeasure at tho great tardiness in paying teachers salarieriu tins county, respictfully submit the following report, while we led assured that all our teachers are snfiiciently awake to tile im portance of education to cherish and em brace every opportunity ttiat may lie of fered for their improvement, we are un conditionally opposed to autocratic man.; ner by which we are required to attend these Institutes or bo subjected, as if tnoughtless children, to punishment, by due for uou-atteudaiice. We lcul a species if humiliation In this requirement sn lit tle in li oniony with the diuity of our profession and not in accord with the de cree of usefulness and iul'luuucs we be lieve wc are destined to ex-rreiso in our community; especially is the conviction poignant when we reflect that no associ ation of lawyer, physicians or o/hc-r pro fessional or laooriuj men find it mandate* ry hi assemble “uolens Voleus” at a time and place arbitrarily oppoinUd by anoth er, We believe it would lie wise to dis pense with institutes in future, and require tho Comity School Com mist •loner to devote one week of the public •cbool term to the ulsuissiou of the va non. psesot: be Hyltabns, he perferuiiog U.e functions of Expert, and restore t> the wearied teacher lus Saturdays which are sacred to him. We see by euch arratigem-nts some .-light ret-enchmcnt which would add ma terially to the present poorly paid teacher ■ four County, and tnat by oiiigeucc on the part ol the County Mmol Comu.iss.mi I ‘ er jusf as much solid truth co'.ldbe elect ed by of pcis .iial cxpu.ioiice j amongst tho teacher*. We also .eel that lushigii hands 1 motnot’ , of . couipul- , •ion is es;>ecially tsfiou. aud will ever he till til- re is a fairer disposition of the li mit,res of this Slate which might be *e oomptishul by requiriog the Slate Trc us urer to withh ,1(1 enough of the public revenue of Georgia to pay all oflcei- from tin* Governor down oulv fifty per cent of i heir salaries and upon a warrant from the governor duly txcuted pay tne State School Commissioner Hie residue, or such part thereof as n -Ccssary, w th -xpress, d stipulation that each teacher shall have at least fifty per cent of small salery by June 30 of rach year. W e also think the School census nnwarrenteil, since all uc-'cssary iaformation rea-My lie obt.iina<l through the teacher* at th** same time their anual repoiu and audited The experitrce of Missi-sippi and •*tber state* a* t*» a uniform adoption of .-clmoi books and the;r repudiation of such a scheme, we tuiuk should be suggestive to Georgia. The integrity as well as the . Ivrnry of the country hts been already s-ri.Ms'y iujariwl by intrigue and corn oirie.-, and we shall lie very reluctant to ..II any ci.caiirageiut.ut to any monopolv ’hat will l« invited by said adoption, and ac further V.ew tin* conteiuuiioa sebe ne with -on- suspicion a* ander its proper' represeataiioa of the rural districts h.w beeu otc hs lin] I>>i»t Buy A New On*. 0H1.AN OU PIANO S-. that it will be as g'—l as new. 1 guaranty my work l» le a well done that of aoy tuner <r repairer. I live at at White I'laina. was raised here ao<i C«4t! give tost .mgkt to satisfy tin n.o.t t|. Mild Ail as u. my alulitv as a tuner 4ii*i fr|wi« r. l a: t*k« ti it. I»y tramp who |.is|.ws to lie a pia~o worit tn n. but let ms d«. jutir work* Kespt. IVicy V llwtil. JV' te Pla.ii*. Ua. “A PAPER OF, FOR. AM) RY THE BITKHEAD ITEMS By Jess. Very hot and dry. 1 Cutt'Hi looking very well in this sec lion hI' ilic country. Mr J K MeRoe why ha* been workiug 11 1A " p El*, hit* returned hoe - Col l' 0 Foster was in our burg ou last Wedues.lvy, There was a large or jar l ofielvred poo pie li re ou the 4ih of Ju]y a ,J spent the day pi.lying ball. At the present price of c it to it will take uearly three pounds of sotioti to pay lor one pound of moat- Ho can we tar mils make money under such oircum stances. Jfr </m> Stovall of Thomson Is >w at this place stu lying tuleg.apliy under his bro. Jehu. Roasting ears are very backward this year in this community there is "none to be lia-l. * Squirrel limiting liar playe 1 oat an 1 limiting is all the go* Thu farmers are layin by thsir crop* any will start the barbecues soou. Protracted meeting will start on next Sabbath at the methodist church at this place. * '1 he boys had splandeJ luck wining ou last Mou Uy and Tuesday they brought back a fine lot of iish ‘Mr .1 li McRae paid a fly lug visit to Penfield last sabbath. % I A very large rattle snake wai killed uear her* 'ast Monday by a col>r»l man Geor* mth. The sns'- w«- f 4 years old and measured 4ft Sin in length and was very large for its age. FLUAER DISTRICT. By Vox. We had a fine rxin last Saturday which was much uceded. Formers are neirly through laying by ” ,,r viciai “> ** * ra VJf >’ lt ‘ ir « “ so ' ae tX tra f'" 0 coru and cot,OM with ieiit rain from BOW ou there will be very little coru to buy next year. Mrs K 1> Cox of at hens lias been vis itiug relatives iu Flukcr. We are sorry to hear Mrs Mamie .Slier rar’s little boy is quite sick but hope it w.ll soon be well. J/i Chillis is runni t g a stock farm .-ear us he has fifu-c ii colts all of the.n fine a, *'°‘ l - Si uce reading Mr \Y .items fouith of d 11 “P e °b * think Lta.vto rdvi.e should “« “ CUsto, ‘ au,J ^ * Cnbe collect-, r wonder if ti.ey won’t allow us 1 ‘* <, '' ,ota, 'y. 8IIA I! ON DOTS* By Sxouks. Mr* Rebecca Flyut mother of W T Flyut is; uitc sick at this writing We teipe Sihe may soon be restored to good |,e,tllh Mrs Sallie J ickson au-1 two of her little children aie quitj with fevor Miss Ruby Meshon is visittag \V T Fiyots family near Raytown. Jfi» Kattie Jackson of Jonesboro visiting be> Brother last Sunday u«-ar tins Place -Mi 1 ** Lula Moore visited lier mother Mr* Ida More near this place last week. Air Purcell of Augu.-ta is vkitrng oui town now recuperating his health he i> stopping at the Darden /feel. V lr James Croke returned to hi* hon.e in Augusta lust week We hope hi*' visit was .i pic-.t-ai.t one. Marstwil Tucker of Crawfordville was r ~ h » “ 0, *‘ •»-••••• »■ s * S II at i'owellou pas* il.* home last week. Going iu tlie direction of Washing t.n W L Jackson aaa him 1-^. tt>h Gilbert had hi- market hoe* full '*• *'*' ! ‘ l * !p * »**» Satu day B-.b rartataly “«»*lerrft.>l. his bUMimm*. None of . people , taxing our are in GcantM-.n Ex.imsrmi. Walter Dav.e of Augusta vie* id Jim Johow.e of While I'lsin* ar-4 fawily ihd. Ilill ai-l family ef H.u>*k v aip-J the Lmdy Mr and Mi. Kac«.c Jack oa tan week. SANDY C/fOSS I K)TS. By Wandeueii C rops fine :, i this section* Several ou t. > sick list -this week Mr* J 1 Lyli treat over to Washington last week Mr. Geo.go T Edward* ha* bum on the sick liit .his week. Wo are f,i.ul to know that M:a J/.,ry Pofttvoods condition is much butter at tbj* writing. Mbs B K Johnson aud Tube lisckny wore in tho victui/y last week Sunday. Miss Sallie Port wood lias been Very sick but is much batter at this time. Messs &»m Ac 11 to aud 1'iauk Brown id Wilkes were in the vicinity lust Suupay. Rev J (J Bail Idled his regular appoint mont at tho Baptist church here last Sunday, Mr Ball is very much liked by this people. Miss Mamie Ed ware was quite ill this week but we are glad to ku » w tiial She is much better. IredDtuial of near Phillips church was here last Suncav visiting his uncle Kov A S HiHmon. NOTES BY ‘OBSEAVER" We noticojthat the T«laferro County Alliauco lias aroused from its morbid drowsiness and comes forth vigorous and active with every Sub In goodslainl ing and all the mcmliars clothed with the zeal of two years ago; may the good work go on We uotice that Mr Watson is honored wdh attentive bearing of the good peo ple nf all parties; aud bis speeches ore having effect,* Jfay the good work go on. ffo uotice that Mr Cleveland is (till fishing at Buzzards Bay while his last fall cstch in Georgia and elsewhere is spoil* ing.* Iietter save what you havs or ibu good work will stop. COUNTY ALLIANCE MEETING, To day tile Taliaferro County Alli.ine met In regular Session, a lull atiendance of dehigaliou were present and a large number ol Allianceinen from a!! parts of the county, ft is evident tlicv had a very I harmoeioiu ami interesting meet ing. Ollicers for next year wete elected as follows; Pres W T Flyut. V|*e /'res D A Haggus Seer T I, Chapman Chap J U Jackson Tie* T L Bentley I .<-< t .1 A W ucilall Ast (act Murden Stew.irt W T /'.uktr I), h', ES Aalk-u Ast D. K. Geo T Edwards. Exu tive com R T Aendiick W I', \\ all IV I- I-hijilt s J f. Chapman was elected delegate to the State Alliance which convenes iu Griliiu ou the 16th of August—and W T F'ynt Alternate. The Peoples Advacale u-os adopted the ..ftlcial organ of the Cbnnty Alliance. An-1 much imp irtaut buMi.-s transacted The Alliance of Taliuferro are mucii e nth used aud the good cause of t-lvancing the moral, social and pecucary interest of to the country will st;!l g-» forward. JOB WORK. Be c:tii suj.ji.y you with work of all description aud at a cost that will he as mall as you would have to pay anywhere. Work of Autistic- llxsiss ax© Fi ( x*n one neatly and ptomptly. Seief u* your onlers. AI.lvAlil.1IJ H4 ti'l/(Yi:i' «»; ■: adveae for THE PKUPMCS ADVUGA’l K i WoAN'S WORK is a literary and domestic uagazioa-sfeservedly on- of tb- most popular published. It is pure, -nt-rtaining and helpful In every depart m-nt Its pages tr-r fill-.l With high class ortglnat reading mallet ai-l illub tr at ie m sailed to all ages it I* publish-j to satisfy the gr-at n-e 1 for good home literature, an»l no other periodica! Met* it *o w-l! >.-iid u, t« f-.r our l*»p-r amt WOMAN'* WORK on-) year , “*“. ,, lf the f.M-r -utir-.y Dee j ra"Pw ru'i l*iM • t 11EUE IS YOUR CHANCE To Invest Money In A (iocsI Ami Safe Enter]disc. So Wn tilled Stock. 'I’lh Peoples yd\ovate Pub A lishing company have issued $75.00 worth of new stock and i.j\v offer tin; same 1* r $5,00 jter share, the proem tils thus rc nli/ed to It; used in purcha sing much Heeded type aud other necessary hi tides for 7'hc Peoples ^dvoeat'.'. With a vkvv to furthertlie interests of the '•'lusii through the Advocate and tomcreas the eflicieuty of that paper, 71 io stock* holders ofl he Peoples Advi«..»Ui /’ubiish-, ing GtUwpauy assembled at GreeuesUnv on Juno It th aud voted an issue of 7 h,00 of new stock. This stock will lie said at fcn.OO per .share in Greene aud Tali ferro bounties and the proceeds thus ■ uised wilt Is- cxpciuledcd in Uiu purchase ol new typo and varios other articles that must lie procured ere we call expect the Advocate to increase much in eilicieiiey There is not sntiiniciit type in Hie i.llicu •»*•<! nunc whatuvur m which to put tali* torinl and political matter. th $.75,00 judieioiislv expended we can purchase enough ucw type to make the Advocate a far better organ both as a newspaper and as an advocate of our politicat demands. . Knowing that our friends In Taliaferro county would not care to sc»% ra< ife-y in uu enterprise abuut which they knew little or nothing, wo have prepared a truthful aud full account of the financial condition of the Advocate Pub, 6'ni|ioauy and have placed the same witn r S II Rhodes of Crawfordvilte, Ua. r It i od e» will take ideasiiie in cxulainirig anything you may wish to know about tho busi ness and condition of the company and he is uiithoii/.ed to sell and receipt lot stm.-k. There is no watered stock about tlie Advocate every share licit has Iss n n.suctf is representisl iiy So,00 ol value in the press aud etc, .Voitlier will any of tho new stock turned bo water for the inou' V realiowl by the sale ..f tlie same will he used in pureita-ing new tyj«* and etc, and thus every share will still bo represented by $5,00 worth of material. Now is y *ur chance to help ir. a worthy C.iHM . The value of the reform press will t.uvi-i Is! apprixiated, u-iless jMiiinps every pnpn!i't paper in the land wn to - pnblicnti hi, then and not till then, would we realize li.etr inesfiuiabics value to .;tiis,; of th.* pe--p!'*. So pureliaB! a -hsue at oiicv, or if you «“'* uk, ‘ * share yourself get your neigh bor or neigtiisirs to go in with you. For ,, any further , mformaUon , . * « ... Mr. S il Ith'sle*. Crawfonlvilie Ga, or the I'ics •lent or S.jcretary. J. L, .Smith Pres P, A. Pub. G. ■ t //. MctV liortor P. A. Pub. Co ... .oc. A NICK It KK I A!'I'.Y.VI. Gree'iesboro was lu-rky onough t-. g< a nic.) rc-taurai.t which leseial.l'** a city very murt, We would IHrc l( , itsprsn u|Min our reatler* tlivt when tl.ry visit Grteuesboro to be sure and Park the "Delmonie.,-” V. -r- E N lam. hurt A Go-aro the proprietors and won Id l>e pleased have you call on them at any time- Meals at ill hours, Ho not cany your lunch a- you can get just what you want-1 hey <an be found at J W John'On*, building next door toth-. palace saloon • Give theme *;all K S Barn bait Ac Co (<recn-ii(ib<ir« Gm u*.„urc-iui UT ■»»«* "A vital UYcedent ur tins expertaaaBtet K«w 'rrieoni te tb- appeal to the Ur- u*i 8tat»w «,urt* to durtl with this ">*t <4 a oirike <t* a cnnrpirary egtanrt rntenOate cmmu-iw. Th- IMixl writ wen mod out on the edvtce of tx.e c-iet uv>u 3 tn Loomana.” “Tb- be-t lawyers In Lo»r;stana" are hfu- "*he Uet lawyrH'* la lvr:mqrl*arna, egtd, with an «M*a»Hm*l»txn-|>*i 0 B, ev*-«y oUvr -ouunntiiry; tb-y t«d.<ng Bo pfcroc tacy. ami tamr 'advux, and mptaioia.' always fctwr . er- agataet u.u poor to the neK * NOG v^mat fse cnowos u Varliai FTi '.li soil S, ari*l< tiolt *« Ti^yu Istfttur 'AU .u bf'iUl Lni,i« In the past quarto!* of a c cnly threw men haw ev. * . thin;? in r nation. 1 pal* > .1 • ticn whii li the .'wtwal ,«uL.« vv looiribi rod. Thw-o vv> ILtucneU- .tk lin- v. h 'u 1>*; non inrld <*i »at» Robort Ing.or.oH vboi he nominated Jttnine anil General 3r .gg when he Ceeoudoil the cciminutton of Clovo land eight, yours ago. Evou Dopew, gimi-fnl table talker that bo is, wcunul the Minuvap; ’is conventiao by a Hjnatch which hau notbir re markable about it except ita inardi nato length, llo was a sad diaap poiutiuout. Much wan promiaed fox Mr. La; Witt, of Brooklyn, whqft he came to nominate Governor liill at Chicago, but the rejiorta of hi* speech indicate that it was turgid, “dry ua summer dust,’’ and alto gether dreary. Ho endeavored to “rise to an occasion,” but the occa sion eluded him. and hu» effort did him no credit. The trouble with the average ora tor in that ho fails to catch the spirit of those whom he addreaaea. It ael dom occurs to him t hat an impatient crowd can only ho reasoned with in tbo lightest linen of speech; that crisp, hriirlit, sententious divlarationa are accepted with shouts where argument would full upon unwilling tare, and that oratorical gi-eatuesa can only ls> achieved by striking out from the beaten jiaths. But it fro ‘qucntly happens that m the effort thought to depart from the old lines of the orator only betrays his weak ness and meet© with failure where be hud expected success, Tho truth is, men will not listen to the reading of a president's message; neither will thoy himp not heed.tho announoement of eompemtivo sta tistics. Those tilings they can read with profit, and pleasure in their ©wn homes, at their own times and u. their own way. When they got together in a public assemblage the resultant contact develops tho ani mal in them. They aro exhilarated, nervous, full of imgnuthnn, reetleeg and in anticipation of something that will give them nr. opi»ortunity to “uncork themselves." The man who cun supply this want, is tho 'W •■essful convention ornw»r. He may uceCmplish it in various ways and by intern th % mei 1 1 »must adhere t»i the one princ iple of direct Bt«4 and cle . mess. H< must he briefaii'll,right, strong in lung power and distinct in enuncia tion. These qnaliti* and M U«e overstrained nar.i? liwil itles of a v«*t audience andthar© (Wt.-d Tnsgnet<Mi tbW! ftc-r carries forward tog* th. r tho orator tad th© list ncr. —St T -tuis Konubli©. •Vcnti *# Tlio vordii i m tbo Iatar.’ cv-“> it Pfttn burg ih just V’biii tin >.c wh*. *r:ive -arittcb.d tbo cuiiwo *>f r-v-'i.i.' coonocu-l with ine lloim-Rtcud difficuiiy oxjss.f--d. Ooioii-d t.,i wit.-, found “aot guiltyv/lnbii! that bt-enuso Run.. « •lidiiko lor Tyrant f- ricL it v.«c ns-ht to furlnro iiiui, shave Ida head ana drive him in dl-gruc. out of ciimp. Judge Porter In fcm mstr.irtionri to tbe Jury : In.w. <i that ho is better fitted for a position ns bluffer w ith a traveiu.,* eir- tu Umr. U> ot opy a piers.* npon the liench. Notio* tho dignity nvi.lenoe-l iu too fol lowing language, in an»«-.7eriag a |«*>|., i.ided by t?*« jury: “•V< l!i-*.o «J.t yon wh it the tnfirome court of toe In. if sf Stat. „ sajr, th». \\\t fe, and tnat is tie ia y»..j r.-aj.t to know, » » «h'a jury Uenlm ho kuo« ..'T," ,a .^ 'ff -lie LrU ^ 1 i Sto ‘ r ? c / e '*« M \ W,?T ^ I opjmon. lt t is a :<buine.fc..w,wor that * mi '\ x wi:h «■»<M pr-fo«*d know ledge should irvt' h:r? rime tn iLe jury no E a-h a mat- fixt no btnar-aAwis tb© Jury box.” Tt.!* f < «->-•. An eT'-h.ti!'tu take* t.u» ; AibwrylAlli view of tbosi. i . *.J rtok- -. a btreng l-.itt i >r A1 imsce u- a to eau.Jc*: The <l*cti*>;i end t “ exi-itciaaot tact dost th»-rt-to l.av- — 1. and while tba in-lividunl fw%o.i*« cf a-inebawe bor.a , . ■ ..'i.’T, '* ~Z ,^ n „ %T <i ; thtedx© ' t aw the A*'.' the 8U.V , • .rtnctpl-e im'- T Xr te ©**- 1 in ami &+■ r v b»‘ in nil t'.e Inf->ra ition p.wei fT-ittau-K <«m!ve«vrtA - Ij,} i„ ib- c-*d »hR* w. rev b© ^' r rwvr ! T *hl- v, Beet aiul coritrv ,,. * rt a q , k.< sirioa. An i'i 4 |cak>t of the Kao-.-s b«ai*e if m* 4 mg a pf««itinti oa chief Ark. N» «t tl.frg well h-ar ■* thegovert-r hi *3 ©j be jnRt. How are tMt* wlghej a-Tepdot Aalv «•*»