The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, August 03, 1893, Image 4

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1HE PEOPLE’S ADVOCATE. ftiutlto WXXKI-T ft' UEAWFOKDVILLE. - * GEORGIA .TliK OmCIiL OBUAN OF Tilt GREENE COUNTY FAllMEUtt ALLIANCE AND INDUS TRIAL UNION. A lew ike Ollciftl ergae ei T«l Isferrs *:•*■• V. PUBUbUKK’S NOTICE kUMCRllTlON *!,»» per year, 6t) ceuts for six Months ,J\ cents for three month*. butMCripttous.jpajable in •dvanca COKKJtbroNDKNCK on live and newsy subjects, luvlted* Tbs real name of the author must accotupauy all cotn * uuulcatlous- Article* Intended for publication should be addressed to the ad Uar. NUbiNHMH COMMUNICATIONS and tbora relating to advertising should to addressed, aud all checks, mourn order• and drafts should be mads payable to SMITH. PAUL u. Crawfordville, G» PAUL L. 8MITH. Kpito*. Zm ^VmwfcwlviU®, Thursday, August 3 181*8 W« ars vety sorry that * Iftck of lima pisvsuts a* from publtabiog iu this weeks iasus an articls which w« lisd prepsred oa tha evil effect* of too much, of thst emumodity known as the bc»t and at the ssCMwm tbs worst of thing*. Tongut, ami lU use In s reckle** aud evil mftnner Intended te •'Injure otbeu. 1. He did not - tntenJ to preiM the g»od qualitic* of the tongue, hut to strika straight from <l>* shoulder at malicious and falsa »U tern can* uttered at isodom lot the *o!o luteatlon cf lo|urlng the reputation of tho*a who hap|wn«d for tbc Urns bring to to opposed In some manner, or pt> kcna non yra'a to lit elsaderar. We print lh* CViu»olid*tel Uetumt ol Ik* euutne radon of ihs m h»ol populatioa •f Taliaferro county lor I*M i® this weeks Adresato There Is food In UlorI«iflecli«n By sonparlng the ackool suumcratlon of IMS with Ibat ®f !«•». «»• Jr*** »K". •» la aeen Ibat there la not at many children In th* county betw»m u and It y care of ia ]IM ae there wae in l>M In *•»* tto*«ln 21 * 4 - 1 » 1 IM la othot wonie. tbor* le no* 1M lees eehoul childreu than there wae five years i. Why Is this? OUR CAMPAIGN. Whan Ilia National Watehman unco pula IU band to tlio plow, theta t» no uoktng baek.flit follows up its appnal tor Virginia wttuMur following. • We are uow more tliau ovui Imp lessed with the Importance of th* .Virginia campaign U la tbo Initial battle of tha This fight cannot ba con fined to the Mato of Virgin*; It Ift battooal In its charts tor results. Every Populist to this country U in tarastftd In tte outcome, and shoe tu etand roady to.dobtsor her full eliato to ibnr ehout a gloiious'vicuiry. We propose to asart a "Watehman fund' for Virglna to he used Iu paying the expense of out eIdo sphakers. Thei* are men wlto can he sent late that State with little ex* l Everything will b* dona under th* dtracttouof the Vlrgtaia Hate Com¬ mittee. Aatrlct account will be render aA each week of receipts and Alsburee No matter bow small the con* trtbutton tt will be gladly received. Who will be the the first to be eorolled? "— SaformJ^apers pleaa* copy. Va ton of D w w ntl Frank flatten oft Grand Pacific tto other day aodtff who is otert that If OrrtUaft eacreeda we Itn artU have to aeake our with a tot oft {loll .* Mo to the method* and oft Mr Haft e troth and a of tt ta making this adoiio people lot gouerully realise thi* •o of potttfc-tane out ami to to afl an oteetten rueara or a bwampitobra Tbt* to vrhy tto tnniblc with "Voa oral fiool *11 tto Beak tea ___oft ahead-ia oft tto Ch i c ago oa -SWCW^~!t*rri2" to Maok w — L g l a*, a* raporibtead* tx darwasKie® ft PIECE OE V*t-LftfNV .3;™%-:?",' , , „ . ssstwestss low* tmbltotied a lie s«-at not frniu with sslS^iS s^MaasrsSm* SKaSS*^ iStrjw / mortal m*n wae the arr-st ofHom A. j Westfall und a few other farmer, near Sargeant Bluff*, on the charge of lar y of stuff washed down the Mwaoarl by the recent 8<iod that did each dam¬ age to Woux City. The charge te utter¬ ly without foundation, save that Mr. West-fall and hut neighbors did ail ia •hub power to> property that wa* takuig a free trip to the *lalf of Mexico, and wore so successful in their efforts aft to be able to return many dollars’ worth to the owner*. The arrent had itn inception In the io flnitesnml brain* of political opponent*, and was made with no other ertd in view than the isiblt'Mitlcn by every old party W* to the oountry of the highly col prod wpoitn prepared end sent out for I the purpose of nullifying Mr. Wc*tfaJ| and the r>4orin movituiuut, and theaaa! Walter u ***■'.*** Htrangft, on a drnnken boodles _ __„ and a rich English landowner of Wood bury county, who Is also u protege uf the tfcoux City Journal, and who wwi a Republican candidate for mayor of flioox City !.t-d spring, but was defeated by the cltttcwi’ candidate through tha efforts of the citiaeng of both parties, wae the man - hoeen by The Journal to rarest Mr. Westfall. Put Htrnnge, fear lug a hi* dauntge amt. got a worthless feDow«d employee of M* to file the tuformatk n agoixst Mr WnetfaU, and Ui<-a tried tu got Mr. not to a|il«ar tu tho cauci but. L^ariug thatthu matter vm a »pecio« of black mail, Mr. Weeliiili appeared and fonod only The ti*« Journal reporter waiting to write op auft« in the internet of the viliflrnt. A subpotfia was eworu out by Mr. Westfall and the arrested farmers for I Ike scapegoat complainant, hut be cot.ld ! But be fueiul until the hour for the trial had expired, and th. caao was dimnlesod. The facte in tb« ease are that the re, cent flood h.vl swept hundreds of dnlbue worth efU pr.jierty catothe sawI bars of the Missouri river south of Bioux Citv. Mr. Wtetfall's fann lice ft,nr mUee south of the city and he and his hired mon (otoe.1 with the neighboring farm ere la •muoving tho property to their forms •kmg tho banks of tho river, where M Was Identified and claimed by tho right¬ ful owners. Mr. Westfall turned ever what property dm had rescued to tho ally gwrnmment, the Bioux City and Norite am railroad, and the lumber compacts* •f Btoui City, who were tho principa! h iu the flood, and are well satisfied With thtlr ♦reatment by Mr. Westfall and the rest of the farmers, and had nothing whatever to do with the arrests, hut regard them as an outrage upon tha oonuBUhity, for the arrests stopped th# work of rescuo and the June rise hs* bow come and swept hilly one-holt of thft pf ope rty down thft rivor, which ia a total lose. The whole transaction sho w* to what depth the old party journals Will etoop In the coming contest. The Stoux (.Tty Journal Is a great newspaper oorporatlon and clnlrna t<> make fltHi.000 a roar; iu editor. George D. Pol kins, whom Mr. Waetfall came eo near defeating for •oagrom, Is drawing fln.OOO a year uow from th* government, and yet when * in toe ri ptton is passed around In Fioox City flodars The Journal sabacribuo twwuty Cv* and i- dla, on nocennt of the Rood, |,00fl extra copim; yet it hae time and th« money to spare t-> uoatroy th* repu tatioa of • private citizen I the Mr. W. satflail elrapJy because It ftviru his inflaen.-t in tho owning Content, when Editor Perkins will again no a candldato for cougeesa But Mr. Westfall will ngam take the •tump aud try not to »wallow tho Mis aouri food, but te wipe out the Repute Boon plutoorooy of tho Eleventh disinef afl low*. (btmt Omhhh. General Weaver rays there is a cause fin everything. Then what u the cause of the general indebte<liM-ssof the Amer¬ ican fanner! We answer that there are three great leading causes; First—The financial system of toads and banking at usurer's interest to caused a coutinual flow of money to tho h*Bkonaml brokers, whu-h has amoant efl to billions in the last tweutv-bve prana flecoted— 1 The roll r>ads have ciiargetl onornwHis oums for tr*n«j<ortaUon, far above tto value of the eerrit o. -imply , because there has toon uo check m luvr their charters to prevent their vxm> ttouR. which amount to public robbery. Third - A * ’gh protective tariff com pels the farmer and laboring man to pay bkmw for everything ho purchases, thus tokiag hta hard earned money to rartch ■nd Wild up the manufacturer* at the poor man's exp.-u.e Mt«%ou:ery iYke to Mnttoaal Ecoaomiet. <*•• «*wwai How Ow tfca OUu>. 1 Dock tto BeptibUcaa party u dotty oft ceenm caniud oanet for any length of U«»e. The Dm ' erratic and Republic on rartteo are vary alike, only a difference on tbo tariff. 1 thmk the a*iw a^gnmeet <4 paru*s which ho* ’^eeu dptrMupm^ fer aou-r time past will ^vit l-vv.-utc totter Aedficl 1 don': think tto third {virty mo«ld hav«> nude * la ,ier fboonu* to tMs eompai- 'i with Grvwtoiu <es Ito J* too 1 ^**; advocate pratriplc-. adrival- ht fntwvattoiv ,au<M*i«a wtll to Ito tw, p-Tout to nine ta this oouaut the Pi' j'h 'a laity aod tto ttofift" 1 * Tt»e H. pubtuan party will •ot b« to am e.-ether prmdr. im ato» ' — A. L touckx | | g ta K*» Vorfc. a form**, writing to the New York Ehr ^ ^ ssJ SDLyjs Tto2tratio& f ssgRSSStt *>" *•»** “ *«« ftnd £?C2ft *«" #avor , **» mftxmfaotofer and dealer. 19 t r- r A Om*i Floe* for a DIM*. Moot. A considerable number of bird* be classed a* “cave dwellers. ” may in clefts of They make their homes the rocka, natural cavities, in trees, stumps and logs, aud in fact wher¬ ever they can find an unoccupied hole, even if it be the abandoned home of a woodpecker. hawk, The wood duck, the sparrow the owl*, one notable species of fly catcher, the bluebird, the nuthatch and the chickadee arc the best known examples of birds given to the habit of dwelling in caves. Our oomiuox. house wren often choobee a crevice, sometimes a deep cavity, for Its nest . . ® ^ Hut* t. Mepeaft Is his memoirs the Marshtu <1* l/axembourg rolntw tho following la eidoct The occurrence took pkc« fluxing his service in the urmv of Handera. Noticing one day arv a march that eral he “ “ d f ^ £ «*»thnm »Pt «^. The> AU obeyod marahal. prompfly then Oouut de Boutteville and a leaoer officer, hastened to him, stick in hand, aud ttimitened to striko him. “If you do that you will repost it,* cried the soldier. Bonttovifle him several timet, and forced him to return to his regiment Two weeks Ukv thft count offered a large bum of money to any mau who would execute a perilous errand for him. A soldier who was coo ordered the bravoat in his regimoul prwu'utod himself for tho eommueaon •ml acquitted himsi-lf with great suo c-ss aud courage. Bouttoville praised him highly and presented him with tho rowiud which te hail offered. The soldier imme diately ihstrihutoil tho mouey among his comnulcs uud said: “I did not swi ve you for mouey, but if you think I deserve some reo ouijiense will you make me au fleer* Do you recognize me, sirt" The l ouut. replied that he had never *een him. “I am the soldier to whom you gave a severe leuting two weeks ago. I said that you would repent it" The count emhraqed him with •motion, promised to bo his friend and the inou received ut> olfioorY ceailuisbiion that very day. IF 1 U Hu oru* of five to send tut lit n y**;u!y stibaenbor vai.Ii wcvk AuiUaluo take, mid get your neighbor to dolikoivutv, <t shar® of new stock issued by to tVoplss dvocAto Puh?is*tit g FVROUK READERS. U you rau make eighty words from ie terf contain Oil In the word "MONTR8 A I/' you can ii.iue a free trip to tha Worlds Fair aim rsiurn. .as the putdlsh ersof that well known magazine *• DO MINION ILLUSTRATE!*,’ offer to puy expenses to Chicago and return to the first person in each stale sending a 'is! of nut less than eight/ word* as above. This is » popular way of attracting at tentiau to a popular publication. A ho bust of other valuable prices will be giv on to successful contestants, and every oneable to send a list of not le*s than sixty words will be awarded a prize val¬ B ued JBL at hot less mv Aivtood five dollars. toe As «Ut- pri t.isnt Htc ctntnft -tat' - jwrscn- rftsliUni icjiu'W In in »-i»- . i> ,!»ty have an equal opportunity jf ZJi£ ?r ZZZLZZZ II :tns leading aowspopors or tbM state fc • ; r-t ,iun* TUE >AMK DAY. Ka close- twelve U... two cent -Uinta with ,-t of w. i ts for sample number ..f ib,» C'egaiit ami profusely i :u:tr*tnJ (w» Pages) wagaxiMe. ftont.a»ul«s !«!! far. man “ *“• IH»miiiK*n llfwstiatml * '* ‘ al; „„ „»,lii.g and luiaest o.-dabiistod iwuta lilw y,. mttUh An-erica (Urgar that ita.pcr's, Ueatuiv. Swtbaor's cr tto otss.iiwO). It* pubtsber* are rated ay mercantile egem ies amt worth over • * Mildred tfiou-aml do’Urs ate d promut g a* l.tsd ptalwfttk fttettb- A«* »••» • I»1»M1NK)N iLU>'lteAik.D. <>toaud I ‘ Jt** V M c. too ot- n. M-mUe* Gamed ” 1 . !\loii<*riot* K esident 1 ro'r.rsVro, (Ja 1 .xr^ :lS 3£J=. - a—-»■** ------ JAMES DAVISON —Attorney at Law. Geenesboro Geer gia loans negotiated. Office iu Court Mouse. Will practice in d joining coun ties - OF LVTBREST TO YOU 1 . . Cratvfordnlle _ . . ... for . , t.v weeks ir. each month, commcneeing on Monday after the first .Sunday in each toonlli. as a I uAGi ICA^ 1t , ni {FLEER, . r .. n If your Clock of W atoh Needs AepairiiJg, Or any work whatever biing it to me, anu 1 will guarantee iuu «ui< as widi done, and a great ileal tiieapej', than you can get ’he #atne work elsewhere. Aud to the ladies I any bring si! of yonr broken rings, and breastpins, and have them mended, and if you need any p.oce of jewelry made. I will make It and gitar to i ax tisfactiou. Hememhcr I guarantee all my work to hold good twelve months or no pay. S ring your work the first two weeks in ch month and have it ilone as it should done. Office- in tlio Alliance Store, Respectfully S Lai tiinoie. ■ hi* standard bred, and Rcgiete Stallion ATLANTA will main I this season at thi ti.’u >f Hr. L*. A. Dr inch, u Greenes Wo. For full particulars as to (Hsiligree and for all information wanted apply to T. A. BRANCH, j. f. cv tdiJ-nr. V 33^tES^LXj-« -at AUU UOUHS . —AT 2HE— DELMONICO F. 8. BAIINHART A 00 Oiecuesborc, Ga. A FOUNDRY (S New material. *h:>ps,nc«v Ilaild tools, aod repair first-cla»* all kind* men,aid nf ninchincry pulleys Saw mills Rn*t mill* c.uir tnilla shafting dedostal boxes cte. spoCMd'.y. Ma'ui'acturero ageats in lor an-1 flu tost engines mul b.n!cr* jtvfors lectors ou the market. and K.cp Ittiug in stel; s»eam aud wale. pi|»c and cotton pressr-s. (Jom-spoUilence solicited Thto!;:i»i!«y, Unq- 28 i f A' K f t > Quo weceaaecere Crwcr io Oesn petcut e-r e n W .» leee ft«T»wr turn Cma 8w>r«|, Arne jq {> , -- lire QSZxsBssS&.\ w-aaicti. £ 3wSHmSS«s 2 as; Met free. Atoms. i We Q #»* A SNOW AGO. WV * / - EDCCATF forCITiOFir Bt *nxM»t>«., n*N*KE> Itl’NIMflMtt COLLEGE ATLANTANiA. A High Grads Uusioft** Tramina ir liar a plat-ed a vor Wi* »l »wlmt« tr, iiteeS: The fiee* tut-i.-ft** Uftitot In **»»*etwo the only the actual wtou «»a etSUUl C0K.i*cd«ed •»« Madwitft eateff ravriw HR. A. D. KeBONAMl —Proprietor ef— B----DEALAN IN And a (demerit! Use of Orv deed*. Alss in Crockery and Tinware of every soit and .lescriptlon. A full li a Notion* for everybody going at the very lowest cash prices. 1 am not g to be ndersold by anybody. Indies vve have special bargains in dross goods you sh= nnl see before going elsewhere. My lot of spring goods just receive new and of the latest design and tiin 'sli. My motto is Good U<M>ds ani a Dcaliegs. Vours Heady to Perve, Am 13. McDonald, Wonlii Alliance Store. 1 F/.l U Al/il i.'A' FOR ELOW PE1CESE Shoe*, flats. Notious, Leather, Nalls, flows unit a gansral Hoe hardware an H ware. Also profit, sugar, eoffee, fuel floar, meal, saltainl a full stock of family groeerie C lit a* u siunil in our whole going at Rock Bottom Prices! We have just received.a large lot of tho latest improved fruit jars which w sell vary low. Grind stones at lj$c per pound. We are still head quarters Victor sweeps and extra wings. Shoos and Atlions jeans a specialty. Don to cull ou us before you’buy mid )ou shall have prompt attention. W.C- Chapman, Mgr. TUB BRICK COMPANY. Eclipse Engines. fl 4 Erie City Iron Works Engine and ers, Automatic iStatiounry Engines. GINS FROM #’ to $2 50 PER SAW •IS lioilers, Sow Miib, M.Kirc U>„ Corn Mills, l’utt Gin*, S<*ai Gdt«n Elevators J Cane Mills, Cotton Presses, Wagon and E J Platform Scales, Fous Scientific f/.ind ng Mills, Hoc's Cliislc-Tool. Saws, Shiu- Ur gle machinery, Shafting, etc. etc. MAI>»Y c^n WFUY, —SOrTKEitN MAKAORKS— i nth F ovsyth St., A b Alltfly •'Nee acc&siene eiek •s-teei Ttow owe enrieet food ieewith. Ttej BUM upweri s-tll «nft eovafft ehe keep tLreitt eft Trvth “ •«vqa boa soft w of ••• NEW OCCASIONS a Monthly Magazine of Social aal In >ss!rial Fr ogress. edited by D. F } rrrwooD. New Occasiona will not * h« organ oft any party or clique, praill offer a free field for the discussion j wring questions It will ride ns bobby. ~3k will help ia solving the great problem ol scaring justice lor tboae who do tto work * Ito world. 10 cent* . auabor. li.ra a ICU, No free aamplea. - New ^ Occasion* and bed . of . tto . . Jol- , one lowing aocoot booln poet paid fat fc.oe. Cir ^Tto R^eten Rttogoa, a Tala ef tto Bio. KidgW by H. R. Wiiaoo; fild pwgee v vcy Government tt t ao, ny w. » a. _ EtfSiSjsiaflBL. Libertr and Life, by E P. Powell. I*Iulr«do IMand by Hudor Geoooa Tto Loot Towet. by Hodor Geo one Tto Faith that Makes Faithful, Eight gsrai eermoo* by Gannett aod Jane* Th e Genius oft Galilee, an historical \ / Tto Aurorapbora, by Cyrra Cola. t (rout tto World of Mortar ftted tto World oft Man. Tbwodore Porker «aod tu cent* to eumpe tor a cttxlogca •aft a ropyc oft W. M V«o Utt. . riaartr able adirwe* Jaet pubii.iec "How can Ml get R>ck." Ctortee H Kerr AC*., ' 171 Monro* Streot, Chicago. 1SSL08B $ BOTANY BALM I # I A thoroughly tested Remedy i row ALL > ' i BLOOD aai SKIN DISEASES. • * Thi# «un<i«-<i r«n«er fc«e been I « < ' wiUic«rt»!:i »u f •an- a.-ylCE recommended. suc« ee«fc» «ll I . I «<•*..»>» t-i which *t i. It . 1 i tu <o ts-^-nr i t „ a u»e f m now, S&ffuSZJ* 1 1 |» < I or aeoNeatlnn. d^SU'^JMS but tt l* fca»d«1 epan i 0 mmu.m-- and»Ui.«oa«h i; keen2ed«r ..aectueiTy I 1 , j of modern n-.cuic*: ec-enee. i BassssasaeaBs essHs^! i < ’ < f in* r-..:itin C from impen »n« impover iMi»TM*Tf rea TMftfttir. ’ a#e ! (aroarPra* ! tal Mar ef i^SC5S - “roLIro.YT. m < oiw Irma lb- itMpieM *• U.w meet * r { a ' sk« «hu>, .'iroet»rtl8<-»tM otut *'» k*«*e feisteue I I bait totei teitllr pteaft aritfi , I u; -ceruto - -ew* :b«t Botanic ; , ► i kawae l- tee »»«< p*«c»—ftl-* pa* beswa; ftMC te* ft eeMSea. ’ ’ Fa* eel* br ftr»«»aae: II ewt, we eft tee* I I MteeRMMMlIMflHtoll