The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, September 22, 1893, Image 1

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Advocate. ^ v/^ * - '"-* _ VOL2 I (tetus of Interest Gathered Here and There, Lot Osltn has returned form his visit to Ilar’eui. Mr A &.Larataorc was calle<i to Thonip ■on by the (linos* of relative but return¬ ed tho day Inflowing Col Whitehead made a professional visit to our etty last Wednesday. /•rotractcd services are still in progress at tho Methodist rhure.b. Rev J R Loan tlie regular pastor is being Wntal by Ins brother. Itev. N F lanvis of Atlanta. Rev Mr Far. a Presbyterian d : vine is also as¬ sisting in the services, very good aUeud auco is the rule. News comes of tlic death» tho infant child of Mr Charlie Chapman. Mrs Ih F 11 Phillips *a vbiting her mother Mrs L'.gw.-n, Mr C 11 Gobicko went to Augusta Tuesday on a short busino-* trip. tirozier Williams (only <lio«l Iasi Mon¬ day a.for an illness of five days. Don't forget that snlwciiptioo. We arc in actual need of it. Mr W C Chapman, ocr c anty surveyor woa absent last Wednesday survying. Mr II A A’orm iu of Uaion Point c un* down list TU.tfsd.ty and is * toping at tho Home A Mr •«) U--rgstio.ii. Mr Novatan i> a ckristion w lnsio life and walk prove that there is something more than in.-re theory iu tlmt thing we call lull*- liis lie*p is of nm.h Inmefit to tlsr |ia»ler Ifi iWi m-dln^. The -la It R i* ag.uu to clitngc the fichalaics lor severs! trains. Seo else¬ where in this paper a full account or the clu uges to place mxt Sunday Mr John Henry and Parks Carlton wore down ou a short ousin.-s* trip lo*t l burs day. Mr II II Slack o» White Plains was d mu on Wednesday. Mr i?H Gunn goo* to Harnett to day whore ho will start t*. w..rk as asistint telegraph ..|ivrab»r and agent- Ell is a Splendid fellow and ho will I** missed SANDY CROSS DCfS fly it. J. Lost Wu-ks Iran*. Oi'tun is c m-r lrrsbly .lamsgal by tlie late rains. John F Portwoil went d.«wii to Augusta Ja-t week on bn<i j. ks. Jam-a L made a qus ness trip to Ma*biogt<ni this week. \Ve are glail to know that Mrs J G lluuto.s health is nrtoh Improved lars Eli tt Sagans we arc sorry tu know 1» right sick this week. We regret *.hat Mrs Mary Portwo sl* condition i- no la tter. She ia hopeles*ly ill. Miss l)*’la Johnson of uoar Tbiilips church was vi.rtilig relatives in the viu ctuity la-t w«k, Mr O Jf Saggus lets built for h : ni*elf a meet exnrtWnl au l convenient bare. lU;v and Mrs H L Harrison of A'hen yi.-itod relatives iu lliia section lost weeW, Miss E’la Rhodes who has Inca apend ir.g -ome time wph h m.c folks bcie n turn#*! to Athens to day saw! will sp-nd the autumn* mouths with relatives iu that city. Jfr* & Crciton of Athens *a« Tlsl tiug re la lives tn Hus section recent I jr. Mi* Dn. Rhodes acd clu I Iron been apco-ting soue liuae with n-Uttvca in f4glcti**r;*e c-ainty, Wooder if c flgrrs. L **»*•>£ to liielK-nwcratic ptetMm before come home Vt'e are glad to lu*>« that , ur h alth irvrt h*» b*e® *u b a grand ci-as this wa»*ti Ihi* hta Iron the |m-**|* r am rw u the lbs*rt baa CRAWFORDVILLE, GA„SEPTEMBER 22 1893. fbt the last three Vtars. Wo a/tended Sunday school and it,g at Free union last Sunday and much pWsed with the services and pita Me home. bHAROX DOTS Sharon has a new gioctv Hecars \V. L. and J R Kendrick proprietor* so yon can have your notion gined packed and tel. it right hear sets! and all get your money and gone on rejoicing. Mr James Triplett left last Fridng for Augnsia^when he returns going in busi¬ ness. Nile can boa t of tho largeat stock of goods she ever had so we have been in¬ formal Mr J A Aendrick t* carrying % ton ihoos ind dollar stock while J “k son Croak & Co, and J W ltroau. laid in a very large supply. Mr A D Moore is manufacturing some nice one h.>r*e wagon- strong and durable ami ready sale. Xft« Cria C*rr»T was in our tiwn las week singing hi* Jittlo ditties a d mending ssd irons for tlio ladletOiia is » d* teY anyhow Judge Pitman siting «*oro dignified old age ho rides in his roak art uow and tlieu. Mr J A Honlali c'o.-ed hi sehoo! hear last week. Tho Doctors still keep busy ness still prevails lu Iliel and hut uot much fo its it did a w4dk> V^vck. lit AC Davison has bad him a new well nude. Mr Ki^jonc Moore bwl tho misf .rtuia to get a ncoslle stuck Iu his leg reoonth which made a very ptinfull wound. Mr \Villia Rmwii wna in town last week r rvaoli tn bt*.drll', «AiIIIl -J.. .*» lhip.o>« Afr. A l) Moore in ole a business visit In Washington last week. (tha-oD hotel has a tew visitors at pre¬ sent. Jbr John 0 Kocf visited Augusta last Satnilif and Sunday. M'-s*rs Bnaiks an! Hill have ....... . theirsqw mill out on /< A l.oi.l near town. A young negro man got his hap I SltHi arm b ully torn up in gin last Fri.l n it was am j minted aUmt tho elbow l)rs Do • tt.m’s performing tie; opperation. Mr L 8 Jack*, it and Mi*s-:s Gdls-rt and Hackney alt-nded church at lU-ne't last Sunday. CXIIAGE 0-V SUNDAY. A New tieedute Will Go Into F.ff. -i the Georgia Railroad. Tho Georgia Railroad schedule wil. la* changed on m xt Sunday, tlw 24 n Severs* chatig»n will go into cite. t. The first :»id most tmportat otn: Wilt lie taken off of the noon train out of Au¬ gust*. In place <4 tha mid day tra'u an ear¬ ly morning t.-ain: leaving here m ocl«k. citv time arriving in A’.lauta at < 2 p. hi. will be put on* This is tlie ebangs that was nq rests I «,f the ra Irotul l.y the ci'izens at a meeting held at the Exchange a week two ago. *1 bore will also be a change in the hour of anlval of the altcruoon train Atlanta, which now arrives here at . This wil’., aud af'er train tat arrive at 2,25 p in., an hour eaattcr. WUb the ww acholele the pasaeogcr train wh'ch is now attatclwd and oat fr m Augusts as (or so ou-1 the«a-ly muting flight will be kes off. A alight cbahge in the arrival and pasture *4 the acc**mod*ti'Vi t.-aiu la-tween Aug.ista and fnuoe Fotut is and, r eousidcratiua sod will he decided npou to-marrow. By tae new srraagesnetit tlie tom tsain out ot AngtivU will makegood con ncctiuM at Atlanta f *r tlie Avmbg News. A PAPER OF FOR. AND BY THE PEOPLE. iARG YOU GOING TO, THE WORLD’S FAIR? If so, see that your ticket reads via Cin cinnati and th > G II. & D and Men at— the acknowledged -World's Fair Host#." The *>uly lino out of Qtu-inuati co*> e«-t mg with E. I. •. St 0. an t yj, A U » am No. 2 arris'ug C.ncinnati 10. 30 p 'tu A solid train carrying through .leper* 1 **ut Jacksonville. Savannah, Pirn igi a'n Atlanta, Chattanooga, Jtac*u aud -’ew Orleans via E T V’ & G . Q A C., «' li A I), and Motion Route to Chicago, { You can stop ovei in Cineliyiati if > >nr ticket roads t ia tliu C 11 Af l> aud Mo ion Route, by depositiug sauie with the * «r ebants' snd Manufacturers' As.-ocisi >D, Cli-aiiibcr of t'Jbninmree Uuilding. corn, of Fourth and Niue Street* one block fi- m k'ouiitaiu fqiiaio * (the 1 C» & l) tnaei office is tat the same building), fhis «a* able* you to visit the picture-one “Queen City” at no addition*! cost, aud spsrlal ettort will bo uiado to strap., •<* hospitably aud ruaaouably. TIm uuivi rsai verdict of tlie tiavcl 14 public is that tbo Pullman O’.tlelj V* ti» | b ilid lr*iu>^ ruuviug «««i> day* ‘•aWd Subday dm." via tlto U 11 if- l> and dv tub betwicu Ciuc.uuali, imliauapolis aud C eog<>, arc witb-»it doulit tho ,‘,tiin»t on lartli." ’1 trains wore erjtceiaJiy bail* by lie /'ullmuii Company lor ibis awvivS and embrace every improvement. Their luagniiiteiit coachos, luxuiious *uiok>ug cars^ »uperb sleep.r», observation Curs, cu.iii^arlinvnt stooping cars and uut xcollsd timing car service, alford •*»ll tho eomlo. ia >1 lioino.' 1 Leaving C udnuati you pass through ti>« beautiful Miami Valley, sud for taeuiy* li vo r iles the double tracks run ihrou H tn« very hoiit <iuor* yards of lbs *' »uutorban lifiuus in the c uulry- M» f<» pi lianib ton aud up t<> ludiauap Jis. mv Im p 1.oii-il fut iu acouiu beauty, A atop over at ltiJiausnolia, the c*s»ji. ml »f Indiana majr |« obtained by deposit¬ ing your ticket with the .S»*cretarv of if * Gjtumorci .1 Cub. Tbiscitv is more s-onhv of a visit than a!inert any other of it* sir* t» -.m, Wiri, sn 1 .fie-a «b- greatest bW to favelisr a.. I t«-t»t. Rvtw sn l.i.liao ,•'li* and t"In ag-ihe line trsv-is •* v,,rv 1 *d 'nr-1 rv. m I tFe ri e u .«w o us* ps,, ... I i.*l -.0.1 Irt rt ...d Is-a.. I . D t»r in rn J y«l tii it tii« C II Se l) i il Motion K i^He trains all run via ildrusi.I.; Cro*>i m. fro-i wliich tMut «he Illinois Cunttal auburbau trains run direct to 'If W ‘ wM ’* F,ir Q, "" wU tWen ,a0nun '' ffb Jewwd connection ia made with Hi e'ectric car*, which run every five tnluu’.i n,e gf .tinda, but vye rrcmniiend si peiaoua to gu dtrcQlty in'o ti.e Drsrb .i ■» «bm, which i* A.waUsl to tbs hea't the c ry and from which all sir*.I ear fine Oliver e g*» direetfy by car or ut •** >'"* r '• ,,r l»«n|in: place. F.r« oC te ■ ouiself. ku -w wli*re ami h .* vo S to hv.. w il- h. a« ag , ti , the I*. firmly fixed in your mind. U-««»r a ta X to tlw H’ rld's Fair by a*,>- *.l t,.. uiiuierous conveoie.t ways, 'krcoVef at. eirctric roads elrvatai r-ilroa-1 I.iiama Ccti'Ja! R U suburban train* and *h a,earn boats -fl rd ample . mmmmM um , for all pu»i b'e vi itura, an I it is but five tui .t'tes ride frout «be b.isiuesa (fee dt, (he ground*. „ T. k t, . your Ueakfost d..wa town, boy y.M,r lunch at tlw ground., sod take your .upper down town. If y«u follow three suggestuxm. y..u will aare money. Tlw fhcillttes fur serving lunch at the World'. Fair groendr aie extra,romary audtb. prkro cheaper than at yuor ow. hanm tat Iraak fast *nd supper ah**e:d be taken do*;, Iowa, or st yoer boarding hotm, Th, so fi /at o iirtily tat >1 ■*; at*. <a 11 ng and atupeudous spcctac'e ever attempt - «d bi any pcoj*l«aad a days via t wait aflurd Rxaenelight und inatrueti*.n than can poasibly be obtained in any other w*. or by the same eipeodtlur* of mow;. For further particulars, descriptive pstn pit let a, ra'e* etc., adirro* E A BotnSS, General Adv.rti.iBg Agmt c U * D ft II N« P»J w Fuuilk Jtt Gmcinna l *>. Legal Adv&rtissmenfs SHERIFF’S SALE, Hill be sold in trout of court house door of Taliaferro county, Georgia on first Tuesday in October next within legal ho»rs of sale to the highest bidder for cash one tract of latnl in said county containing 2tf acres more or less adjoining lands of Dr J Kent on East lands of Jesse Collins on West, lands of T K Hrtstow on South amt iand of S M Whitney on North, levied on as property of defendant to sati.sfiy execution issued from Justice court GOUt District U J/ said county in favor of Wm Howard trausfered againt Komallus Collins. Hkkshku. UkAkiJCV,MheritT. CITATION QEOiMlIA-Tiliaterro t’ouuty. of K 1 Moore, ^ deco* ed tuts f duly sppl'ed to the uutierstguutl for leave to sell the estate and i will pass uoou said application on the first .Von day tu Ototver liaxt t 10 o'clock in my ^ffipcin ' b* Court House of said couuty. Lou l Modioli Odiuary bept 4 im. CITATION KOKOiA—Tuliaforrw Couuty. It appearing to tlto undsrsingod Mrs H«)b*cca Harper depurted this iftst year intestate while a resilient of Mild county leaving 1111 ustaie consisting u( realty and personalty and that the es¬ tate of said deceased is and not likely to bo represented. good cause l>e shown to the contrary 8 H Rhodes Clerk 8uperior oouit of said county will be appointed cdtululslrator of said estate on the first Mo inlay In Oc toiter negt and the administration of said estate will tlteu be vested Iu hlui This 7-tlsy of September fi>»3 OfM. ll .Vi rt HBunurdlnary. CITATION ICORUa—- isllaferro Cqunty. To sit whom It may conrarn; Jacob Rocker administrator of Jatues it Camp¬ bell deceased has in due form applied to sssssi .kjsm, r ceased to wit-0110 tract or parcel of land lying in 'I'uliaferro county containing one hundred and twenty seres luoro or loss, bounded ou the north by lauds bo longing to ilio estate of latwreiiro llsttle »v.« I iuu to c an udj .loin- ‘und*of other* Also one tract m Und ijiugln 5" »p$i i, 0 | lm , r Ir-t.i/oiids) ,| Mt Hl> „n, ,, , raw . for., on Mm in October itvi , (l| >IM|llU> M| , Bpl( . ml)Kl M onuruv ii. ^iuli«ill Ur<ltuay ADVEUTISE1IE.NT. VJ * E i It o'M TAM IFA'RRO t;o|lM|T. Notice ia hereby gneu of luwatioii to apply to lit 4 legislation uf said state In ps i^xt ae-aj..^ for the \> ia-agc of a lo eai qr s)M.-ial bill timeinting the e rt the town uf St,arm. in *ald erninty. tuieof said bill will b« as follows: S AVI” To amend an uet to ineoriKirats the tawu of Miarun >e '.lie county i.f Talit t,rr„ a W ta«« Dnecnbor 21 tort and to ah »< t approval DecemlieriM Ms* 1 , whi h i* a""u>dato r > of said firvt named H ' Jl of l'» c ‘»rj«ratio... so as to givp the Hoard of Cownissionen of tmVd town the power of making deposit of any fuud Ending out «*d»*^ ol tatorest of useing an, of .to ,foo, l “ r nioney iu erecting a lie hotel in the support and aid of school fowterllll? mnd ....inUluing other !lc enterprise* in said town. \n lug propety. re.i and personal, for such purpo*# with power ta -vll *a.l pioperty * Dd to re,UT * st lU ****•. *"•' ^ ^ ^ A pf# Arthur <7 Davidw... Kdwa.d Croeke Charles S Kendrick JuoOW. Lookout Kctintain guesu. L,d The East Tennessee or- win «u ffioft Ticket* at low rates. B W. Witsmm, G I* k Tkt Ag% OF I.VniKEST 70 YOU I will locale in CrawforJrille f.r two wrek. , It. each , mouth, . ommencein g Mo-day the first Sunday in each month. AS a PRACTICAL JEWELER. If our Clock or Watch Needs impairing, Or any work whatever bring it to me, and I will guarantee the work as well done, and a great deal cheaper, than you 'he work olscwbdlfc. 1 can get auine Aud the ladies I bring a.! i to sav *4 y«ur broken rings, and breastpins, and have them mended, and if you need any pice ■ •of jvwelry made, i will mak.! tt and guar •itee sa ti-lueliun. lU-uiembcr I guarantee all m> work to hold gmsl twelve months or iio piy. 8 ling your work thr tir>t two weeks in «ch month ami Imve i,i done us it should it done. Office in tbo A ammo Shoo, Respoctfully A SLaramolp. Ms ranteirs S wo t y. Bare teone of Chaumvy M, DepoWs itoruw: Vt'hea (Virnei) wan fa this country in 1880 he vi.- 4 Uhl Albany and stopped st the Deievaa Uouse. Hut rooms were on the first floor the sumo foouut that Tweed untie otvtituod. A dwuntcr of whinky anti twoleanuiB Bttnxl 01. the table, ami newspaper* ami willing tun tennis wore in'., tiered ail anitiud. ParneU left Ute room for t little w-blkv A well known Irish American lawyer, looking for hte <»wu loom, which was imrowl lately lu the fear of Parnoll’n suite of apartments, got Into Parnell's rooms by mistake. Boeing the whisky ffid lemons on the table be said. ' Well, tbo land lord must either amat* do iny pab fooaaw Ulr qr bo Intents to incre .ee my Just then nu Ir- hmet, figsue IS sfd sold. "t)li .Mr. Ptuflcfl, God nave aud keep your honor,'' and saw a florid aixHah iltierntor. of i-omplimout U> tho supfaiMMl Then bo oontkniod: "Hard look ss rzZ zztz;;tz are mteing tm uoy for tlu> evlettvl totmnfrt and fin- fsxir vsailaou tp, e othor Bide who noisl it l*ad j UI1I Wl ualc ii won* off than ^ t | ia | j tjdnk you might give ms | | tt ,„ •• The lawyor Jutiijavl 1111,a»;d -niBtiinu ? thottld tnun’H lututte wmltal r—"*;• «■» C)oofH>.v. my friend, I ciw you all I fauvo.” TheMtoutehod rtH-ip.ent wan uioutha aftorwanl toMmg tho itory of iliu woudeifal p«>VMity ftntl meroetty of Mr. Pariadl. — New Fork Woi lil. net. ra rro*. Ini i>ector New, of tho FViricty for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Ch*» dren it. imported to have made *ii» markable diocovory at Wont flartto pool. While investigating u cano of dlegod childdeBortioo, honiot with a youth J apparently 1 ! S about eighteen Iff 111 ?'? if a tag© frog naked, and was hopping altout the storm floor of hm father 0 Lo me with the mo vemen to of a frog. Hie n operUn left tho houBe to tnmimini cate tho matter and t.iko action if uoctwB-’iry, ^uman hut ou re turning found ^ tho frog had U un sold j or n W)V ortign to a porsoo who iu t on to exhii^t biia. - Central 'England) News. FUMoure-ful lav. ft’s a cold day when tbo attorneys si , , act. , . . SESona w stotnto- . A dispAtch frtua New Orleans, dten, S ing the r^eul strike in that city, says: “A vital incident in this cxpenTmsntel Cleans ta too »M«d to the Lmted Blnk „ M a conh{nnicy against ir.tenttoU commerce. The f<-l»rsl writ was sued out ou the advice of the beet lawyers in -Tho »«et lawyers in Lourmn.” ore ^ ^^S^IaleziSS ^toc VS other community, they tab»g to racy, and toeir ‘advroe 'and •topiaiuos' £*?£** **** “ d ^ _ Wlilcn . . _ Seat. . rmfT _ . Wta» dose the cyHotoc lortlte eroo, fer> It mmit hoPerkias*. ael im wont ttLSSZzaxxs eiklK-o. —huttaeoi KwotioinaA. NO Wlp aud Lnig-lujnut Tnriuii An encouraging symptom of the hm '* i •*> th ® gnulual abandonment of the misleading term, “inteUigenoo office.” for the more rational “em ploymunt bureau.” By the bye, if there any inflexible roeson why the mistress of an employment bureau •hould wear a wig, as an amazing proportion of them dot— Boston Coo monwenlth. A Rare Sight. Little Boy—Well, that's the qoee* mt thing 1 ever saw. Mother- What tel Little Boy —1 just saw our school teacher tt the com r of ths street a laughing just like other people^* Kxohauge Had* So B» p — ■ ■ In his memoirs the Mumbai 4 i Luxemltourg relates tho following fen eidcut. The aceurrvnoe took pLuos during his service iu the army of Plunders. Noticing one day o va march thql fieveral soldiers wen uot in their places, ho sent an aid-oe camp to ro thorn. All obeyed promptly ex oept ouo. Tho murbhiil, then Count Je Bouttovillo and a lesser officer, hastened to him, stick in hand, ana liraitenod to strike bun. "If you do that you will repent 1 ^* cried the soldier. Boutteville strwk him sevoral times and forced him to return to bte regiment Two weekf, ^ later the count offered • l«rge sum oftmmey to any man wbu wouki u prnilom errand for him. A aoldier who wua oon Mdered the lira vest In his rcjdment presented himself for tho commission and acquiftcl himself with groat auo cesH aud coui-ago. Bouttovillo praised him highly and presou ntod him with the reward which Lo had offered. Tho soldier imme diatcly dtetrihuterl the tnonoy among hte comrades and wild: "I did not serve you for money, 0111 *>"*»' pones will ^ you 1 mako me __ an re<> floor! Do you rwi^desuH#? sfrT 1 uo coout repimd that So had Stvis seen him. "I am the noblior to whom you gave a Bcvcre lientmg two weeks ago. I Baal tliut you would rt»pcnt it.” 'JTto count embraced him with «««* 2 5 ** u * t " c locctvea an mamrv CCJWnteSton . tMt Vfl>y <Hjr. Tlio rahhor tree of Brazil (Biphoola elaxtieu, a near relative of the Ficus elaHtica of tho Boat Indies and the Urcoola olantica of Asia) is really a «a»»T «a«s ****• ,ibcrai ^ ^ the Fions, gtcatest and ih mflut-mo that to which over the ^ho legut- pa*^ lator ought to K tvo the greatest an couragement. Kai>olton. Lesumann, the humorous wr i ter, liko Burton, put an end to him — tf hi * of meUiucholy._____ rt... r..t«t«. Vri«nd-Whnt ora vou 3 workina * at ** i nTen to r —Groateat thing of the age—a ^-a ^ dollar dollar in in the tho slot slot voting voting and and eighing In<u . hlne . It eollecte the ^ly dui-rinlinat^tliat JbereTl ^ no UJOl e troubl6| ^ mure pobtjc^ more Bjteeehea, no more hr use ^ nd)J ^,,5 ^ 0 £ ^ no mor9 W "ily Btan! WLat's tha idos V • Siuiplo os A B C. Tho machine ouly counts tho votes of those under ® certain weight Quick as tho party fn power begins to got fat oa the s;toils of office thoir votes oro *m>vm out, anti tho half starved ■daorjty walks iu, and when the sew party gets lat it grt* out. tod SO OU.” Now York Weekly. , 1 ^ Tery ' bi^ <* Cleratantffi rate wlU bo the cause of hte ^ V" J^d! «*«r2 h wlinw un 3i and down tha Hte ba sura to “J AH otherp:uiittefcuu mey fail f* SSfiCiilJS ^MOf . ^ ; 0 ^rmtohrsis' beforeadj-aaraing^-Noncraifamtet. *» Went Oer WUfl. \ . U ,J n «k— t ... nlj p^Lhly OartiM Eh# ■ ta sSfesrraHB jjjtoMttouVyfste - - - —- JpGaC f