The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, September 29, 1893, Image 1

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The People's 1 Advocate. V0L2 Items of Interest Gathered Here and There, Col James Davison of Greenesboro wa» down last Friday attending juatico court Mr Trope has recently bsen doing some splendid masonry work intlie family grave yard of Mr Henning Murtlen. Elbrrta Tobacco. 355 ts* per pound . Finest 9 inch iu the world. Andrews Gc* & Co. / Mr Jno Murdun of Robinson lost a v*l» uable horse last Tuesday with oolic. This is really * heavy loss fr-r the horse was • splendid animal. 1 * yards of shoatlug for $ 1 . Athens Jeans 20cts, per yard at Au drsws Gee it Ot. M.v J R Lewis left for Union Faint last Wednesday. Boat Grogan shoes $1.10. Bust Polka atiites No's I to 6 05cts per pair at Andrews G«c <6 Co. lie* Gunn left lor Daeatur Ala last Mon¬ day night. Lee was a spleudid fellow and he will be missed lots. Bust Sec ind Patent Ftuur $8.85 per bbl> 16 pound* gran, sugar for $1,06 at Andrews (Tee A Ot, Zfezls Richardson who Is now working with Aim an df Washington, com. over or a visit home Sunday. Full stock Boots $2 16 • pair at An* draws Gee <4 C>. Mt h A N»nnan left for his home at Uolon Tuint last Wednesday morning. Ni -o line dress goods, underwear etc. cheap at Andrews Gee S Co. lout Sunday Messrs. PLi'.lip* tiid Cook ol (Fashington ware over. Full cream c'eeis 1 Set* per pound. Andrews Gee A Co* Hon J H Haiti Fred Massengale, Will Thompson and Sain and Ben Gilbert of Norwood vtsHed our city Sunday last, 125 pounds sack salt 70*'ts. Andrew# GrC A G'J. Mr H A Norman again nisisted In tbe protracted service# the first of tho week G* to the Alliance store and buy table oil cloth at 20c per yard. Miss Roxie Andrews of Holden Ga In the city yesterday* Mr Gu* O’Neal of Union Poiut was in town ycaterduy on lu.ij<#\ M-»s and boys caps from 10 up at the Alliance Store. The Exposition at Augusta wilt not open until November 14 aud it will close December 14th, Remember wc are still selling three lbs. good tobacco fur $ 1,00 at th* Alliatcu Store. Capt S If Anthony of Washington Ga will represent a splendid Life Company to the cirisens of 7a.iaferru a.xt week. Capt Anthony is well known and likad by our eitixens aud he ia alsu a successful agent, Whtn at tba Alliance Store be sure sseourdfic: .-anU. Mtsa Mamie HTseuiirf returned to Thompeou Haturday ■WOwSSMta. « of Cro.f-J. v'.lie's charm ug yeang labss, returned home after a vt«t , of several months . to Sharon and vicinity. Nice line of geate underwear at Alliance Store. Mrs Fops and Jaug'.ter of V. sshtugton are vetting at Ltkerty Hal. Mr Man es end eile of B'hita vtdttd Mr C Bergstt-xu Bondsy. CRAWFORDVILLE. GA.,SEPTEMBER 29 1893. New Schedule. OFTRAINN THAT PASS CRA TFFGRD VILLH. P«s. train No. 1 goes West 10.19 a m. H •* No 11 " 7.89 p. m. •• Noia s East 6.19 a in " No 2 " ** 11.16 a tn Night -Express No 3 goes West 2 3.3 •’ m >* No 4 East 1 33 ** goes . SHAH 0 N DOTS Showery weather at this writing. News is scare, Evsry body Is busy picking cotton. Mr James Triplett ons of our young men has accepted a situation with The J B White A Co of Augusta Ga.JWe wish him much success. Prof Hatcher has reopened school at Sharon for the bstanco of the year and we undorst ami that the Board ot truitucs have turned the school over to him for an. other term to miko out of it what bs can The chitons should bs liberal tn their support of the Prof for he is a good teach¬ er. Well qualified for the Profession and au honest, up right Christian gentluman. Build up a good school and yon build up your town and greatly advance your owu and others interests. Rev Mr //ughes filled his appointment here last Saturday and Sunday at the Methodist church. Mr Burnett Darden has bean quito sick in the past week but Is better at present ami U is h >ped ho Will bo himself again * soon. Mr Robert Davison trill leave for Au> gu#ta Friday where ho eocepta a situa tion. Suaron looks like a grave yard at diu ner time since the It. It. schedule changed last time. There was a public sale at the late re¬ sidence of Dr Keochiy last Tue-day, household and kitchen furut'uro and etc. Every thing sold remarkable cheap. J/r L A Moore’s ginnery rune night aud dar rather than get behind young Mr Louia Moora is always on baud to wait on customer* and give them satisfaction in tbe giuning departmeut aud Uncle Billy Moore g.iuds out tba bread stuff for them. Mr Wm Croak of Augusta haa been on a visit to bis Uuclo Mt Edward Cioak o this place. Dr C S Kendrick was In to seo us other day, have some work don# on machinery. The doctor is a curiosity hear. Mr Doughty is utilising all the seed be raise# in improving hi# lauds wti t he can buy too. Mr George Wright of Raytown a pros¬ perous farmer ,«y* tbit a farmer gets value received for his cottou seed less be puts them on bis land as Mr Albert Barnett, depot clerk at ron tay# theie has Lett three hundred bales - if cotton shipped from tba’. depot to the 26th of this mouth. CGL JAMES GAVlSON. A successful and rising young of Greeuesboro was dawn last Friday for t— purpose of reprearaiing th* Advocate ^ Uw >uit tb , t bM Wo pending for some tint# past. 0 ’ir readers will likely remember tit* particulars of th* suit coo ducted by Juo Hixou aga ; D»t the paper It# manifest -so*>v aud unfuirneoa, togatuer with the evident malicious raanifeste l toward us throughout the first of our stay here. All «ouM see that ^ ^ ita (w malicious tuouvra. Gw Dsvisoo, repreeentlng tbe woo tba mm for the paper U*t Fuday iu the Jut due court Mr Davison Las mods a fair record 4 n.s faiu/e looks promUiog. if in need of !«#*■ std you mignt make to ywat inlatest t# e.«*alt him. K»a tar J in u*. Airosois. A PAPER OF. FOR. Ml » BY TH E PEOPLE SOME THINGS I SAW AT THE WORLDS FAIR By Dr H ¥ White. (Continued from lastweek.) One thing that attracts the attention every une at the fair U the search lights. There are nearly a do*, co of them in play everj night. A search light is a powerful electric light with a refleettor placed behind it, which concentrates the rays of light. The light can be thrown on any object by moving the reflector • An object can be well seen miles away at night. The largest search light in the world can lie seen at the fair every night* The beam is ao Intense that small birds are killed by IU. The largest search light In the world previous to the manufacture of this one can '*e seeu more than 100 roil-*#, and baa such a powerful beam that sign boards can be read many miles, and yet this light is not one-tenth as strong as the giant at the lair, Search lights are used by nearly all the modern ships of was. Ths exhibits in tho "lores try buildings are not very attractive to the average visitor, lltro marly all of tho inure use ful varieties of wood in the w-.rld are shown. Th.r« is a very high polish that can be given wood which makes it show up very well. Among tho exhibits of wood is the la-gam plank in tbe worlds It is j 2 feet long. 16 feet wide, and 6 inches thick. A great convanienee In tba fair ground Is the “lutramurai railway." qralua tnis take a patssnger to any desired point within tbe grounds. Hulling chairs with guides eau be had by visitors for seventy hr. ceula an hour. 1 did uvt one tbe whatta wtiLl, • tfeShl wy Aku\.*£< vehicle Is the sedan chair. This was brought from some of tbe castvru countries The chair is like a little house. A per¬ son steps into the said Itttie house, anil two men carry hiui The use of tbe §e dau gives the passenger a great deal of plu.wutu aud the carrhns a great deal ol money. The U*t an«l most popular ni do * ot cou veyanue ot die gr»UU is is known as the "giiivtl liaiu.” /hr till y ousts a prr.oii Inis the privilege ot u.siug tuts tram all day. Thu mauutacturs* mid liWal art build¬ ing is a Urge aud haudsoiuu oue. lull cau be seeu almost every thing of in¬ terest miuuix’iure I iu me Unitist Status Many other couutiiea ol tbe worldare also rcprecMiU'd, Souie of the foreign couuti ius are well represented. The lifter*! arts de¬ partment occupy twice asuiuch area us did those of th- great Paris exp-mitiouof 1889 Alucaiiouel cxnibits. iustruraen's for civil engineering, scientific !.*vu*tig.Vious, all kinds <>f printing, all ximls of <nu#c. archi tectur^l work au*l ih ,usau*ts of oilier thing perUiuing to thu art”, sre showu In tlie i.iauuf.icturtrs ile|>.. tmeuts no.irly everything madu lor practiesl pttrpuMO, suit a great duTi of i.itistiC work, sueli as all kii-ds of lasts, wax. bronsu aud rnai* ble statuary, work of the silversmith and goldsmith, sre *<u exhibition* I saw a vase valued at 40,000 dollars, I saw a picture made by a Frenchman rapresrns lir.g the president* of the Uoilod Elates. Boca individual picture was made of let¬ ters, snd eacu picture cotitained a bio ' graphical sketch of the President it rep¬ resented. The work is valued at 2000 iollars. I did not boy It. lit artistic work of a valuable nature Fiance leads tbe world*, iul> lea'ls the world ia statuary. In the specialty of making I gold bug presidvuu the United states ia strictly in It. Ia the manufacturer* department Smith and WVasoii make tbe Lest display of !«““• « —« I saw 00 • valued at 1400 doe. Urs 1 shall conticue to take my chan ^ wtlb m l<u ^Ur weapon. Tbs (it* chrater U*y<eotiug Arms Co makes the best display of rifles. 1 believe that a person would be in I be manufacturers three wa»k*lf be ware to carataliy exaiuis evcryUung 00 tx hits lion It N >“ Uat# UnUliug cepscuHJ lb a the Lot ted hrates snow thwr *«|wrKinty over any country tba worid» A 1 -ort* of ma. chi..try ijr practical purposes, sucli as the Baking v ! wollcn ware, gloves, cloth, etc., are exht Wj Oue thing that 1 uoiicod in parliculn * v’ the manufactures of a glove hicn the pieces arc fastened with metal ps instead of being aevrid. I saw »' iage*t beltiu the world. Iris *n<*. 8 j feet wide and weighs Ok pounds. The number of hidca USCl s construction was 6G9* A ‘power house is annexed to the macbii i hall. The steam engines in the pc boure aggregate -3000 hors* power. ffhe Mammoth Reynolds cngiiiel of 3 W 00 t use power’ is thu largest iu trie world. 5 th«r eugincs of nearly equal sine are * the power house. The great Corliss on,;itH‘, the wonder ol its Jay* was oll400hv»s* power. . (To bo continued ) Stock Holders. A TIE ATI ON. Tbs Stock holders ot tho -People's Adv<»» cate FuL&hiug Cbmpa ny uro requested to meet at Orcencsboro on Wednesday Get 4 ‘h, Business of importance will come bos -s the body. J L Smith, Pres, J H Me W hotter, Socy. Y ur Chance. l! .r $1,50 you can get e People’s Par¬ ty Pi cr and the Peo IvseHt** for 4iiio year. Now is your chriicc. Don’t Forget I ! s. For llireo months past WC wo hiiVD nUYC UJI^K US lv refrained from asking ..crlrintr our MIbSt I m,-i llH hr .»•< 8 for I what tlley were due us w l’uew the condition of Himu ces in th ?'rage home during the past fewtaonths. For till reason we have said nothing aboui, our dues. But now that money is com mg in we resjjteetfully ash that you remember us. OF IJVTKREST TO Y OU I will locate in Cr*wfmlvilla for two weeks in each m mth, eimisiMl n u Mo-day .J aucr . the . first „ ouu „ i tf tn month, as a PRACTICAL JE ffTELKK. If oi|r Clock of Watch Ncc< 1 a impair!ng, Or any work whatever bung it i« me, and I will guarantee the work a# well done, and a great deal cheaper, tfian you can get ’he saute work elsewhere. And to the ladies I ray bring a.! of your broken nags, and breastpins, and hare them mended, and if you nee I any piece of j»w«lvy made, I will mski it and guar ale# satisfaction. Bring pour,work tbe first two weeks in acb a satn aud have it do te as it should It Ann". (Mbo iu U»e AUwoce tHon, Ueepoctfiliy S CnnMifik Mice Stole Our Motto • • Honest Goods for Honest Money. Head wlint we have to say before you buy your Fall and Winter goods. We have sold goods for cash this year and are therefore in a condition to give you bargains throughout our entire stock. Wo have no bad debts that we will try to make good at our customers expense. Bargains! Itargains!! dress in Latest designs in prints; one a patera. A large stock of Factory goods always on hand; among which we have the heaviest checks ever sold in this place. High Shoals £ shirting at 5cts per yard. Jeans! Jeans! Jeans! We have a large stock of jeans which we are selling very low. Be sure to get your part of the bargains wo are offer* ing in 9 oz. Athens jeans before it is pU gone. Boots and Shoes. We desire to call special attention to our stock of mens and boys boots ; see them before you buy. The best line of ohlldi m hr. : q *»H stock, we have ever had. Young Men. See our gents furnishing goods, latest style lmts and gents underwear before you purchase. I*roinisciioiis. W« keep ou hand » gu«l supply Sugar, Ot th© coffee, folio wine lanl, gootlo; Which ^ \v« p n »mntoe bat^rnig. P'jces, tics, molawtM, i meat^ oil, ' .^ niea Hfl f sym]*, vinegar, collara, nails, plows, Di*i« plows, anil oxtra jioiuts, rope, Horse shoes, broom. I cat litr, tobacco, cigars, crockery, drugs, lamp* tinwa.**, fin est!, craekerv, canned goods, staple Other things too mnnwous to mention. If hen in town he to UH a ca " u, “* -e ° wliat Wii ttre O’ Cliapman, 3MCsm 72QTJSJsl. suss mm ro:i M._ FiLl-CD v:.\ SK!H C21EASES. Tin* r*m.'«W * a t%fi«i t #..tin I vr ‘h'.uz, i* r ",rty ; -ar*# hr i.n * ,a#*..•*•*«. |'*»y *#.»«•, v, # i«.sn u t’l ii • . i • • gjs- r wiiii .i i* \* r * * •»«*** I* n. it t f.Mii fii<* tint ir. if .1*1 GllVIlu! *'»•! •»* htsm frve* tlj« ijktpw U'mur.U th« in*" *»f the t*L.r». Sitkf a t kill «-yn v*ill’' »* i**<y “ lit *.r i./U* nti-l-. It n not th- r* ->l!l •■! !.-• >« Mil#* t,r - is—lstiljJJ, I t It II 1 I •I J»'*V * cumia-u fc-sf.* h * i ■*< It Of I*. . 1‘ * .'I-! -I* 1V ti*’ •it 1-omp.ri-m luT. \ ^ olftr ’S.l. fw«» -j uu impo*** ■ f»fv; • M|# ififf r »rr*«f «## t rurw-* #wr»#r.ii», I *•** |> V M ry# ei3rum.«f'«m, %.1%+r. KU«li>"r » **••* JU* Weak- 3 *» rvw :44 r#*«l»M *. *•* iNV£*vic*T£ von veunsrtr. ' fu>e..t f.jf -«r •f ViJNaMf) % In fo. : .«*!«» • 1 r - hm * ■ fa! ftffsy »#f «-^r» 1^- it*-* **« cures fr«*nk lit** nui pt*- t l • ' ,f * % Mla-fkl «!.*•-*»>• »ll ktc»»* r« kik4 S**~LUUfc* IhfNilfr ««• ^ no uurprulM %•*»;»»*! tbsst 4 *mt a;i>! fiu'rSt I'ar.i»’*f rrrf knoNR lo th« wafttf |*Kin: fl.WI'D : Ik « P+ f ‘ fm ^ f*>€ sail# !#f Iruyi V’» . If $»*»*. ** * <1 to W. MCrv-. At-oan C'L'# CO a;i«.t», &». f or iiic advocate: on jy Jb| J \C41I*# NO 73 Nfa MO-1'4 4 Fl * ■ —i 4 * -hcoi>*H. *he th€f Bit mil ,n4 rmmturl W®C I -J mm ,.—l A TrUtk.** NEW OCCASION? Monthly Magatioe ol Social and 1 Uitrul Progress. ed iad by II. t pmswoou. Kne Ore—lens will *■ ; Ik* organ ol any parly M cHqn /A^ill oflev a free 6 e.i to* the ‘j i* 3ving questions. It wld Hits problem ao booby will help ia solving th* great .Coring justioa lor those who do the work J jb* world, io cent* a a umber. |toa No free samples. j_ Nrur Occasions aad mmff —» el tha fc4> free. <o cent hook* poat paid Ice ft- u * The Russian Refugee, a Tala by H R Wilsoo: 818 page* Why Goverameat at f* AH. by w. M Ornom. * * The Ccmiag CUuax, by L. C. Habfcar Tbe Rice Mills of Port Mystery. An Liberty Ouncs and of Life, Freveatiax,Ji by E acobooo. Powstt. r. loqulreodo Island, by Hodor Genoa* Tbe Lest Tenet by Hodor Geoone Tbe Faith that Maks* Faithful. K*gh sermons, by Gannett and Jooes. Tbe Getrioa of Calites, an by Aosta Uriel Hancock. 5*7 pag*.. lobs Aiborotop. Novelist Hos-etk The Anroraphooe, by Cvrus Cole. 1 inn— from the WoeM *f MaMt> sad tbs World of Man, Theodor* Parks* end sis cents *0 stamps tor a catalog! .nd a copy of W. H. Van Ornim i resaa sddrsa*. Jir-t poblvohed. "How S. an th get Rich.” Charles H. Kerr « Co-, Publisher*, 17 $ Monro* Street, Chicago.