The People's advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1892-1893, September 29, 1893, Image 2

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NEWS NOTES The Little Siate Of Greene, Collected Hy Our Vigilant CorreBjwnd* enta UNION POINT I’.v Via. Cotton ii coming in in a hurry naiv and »re selling right along. Toe Georgia railroad Iim mails Union almo-t a gate city, it seems to L tie r c uMoin now. Wi-odville in making h!g preparation* for the Georgia AewciatUm which con* vencs tber* OeMbsr tho 10th. The nnwaiari.i£*iiicnt ol the Terrace hotel will tak* hold next Sunday Nr Jones util b« muster ol ccaauumM' liiardi «hur«li ordained two deacon* Isa Friday, fho. Hob law Harris ol yonr town iBli?*r»d the ch.irgo and it was a fine one, jdain,practical scriptural and point* *d. Mr* Isaac Hall a p)e0»nt and popular lady of Oglethorpe county spent a few diye with Iriend* arel relative* hero Inst • oak. Union I'olut a«nt «|>uto a nice little con* tributiou to the )allow fever suff reri at Rruuswlck this weuk. Tho prop hi gcuor ally are raa|Hmdiiig ami we hope tie y will find tho help they *o much netd Farmer* *r# logining to prepare fir gfiio Md «sy they intiud to put in i»rg« crop*eaperi*l!y of >xU. Th*re 1* n like a food oat crop. t>pt llntcbem is Again on the regular p.uwiigur train on tiie Atheu* hinnch and tlietravelliug public will begad to kuow it. Mr* \V Y Law aud childvru wl*» Imve been *' tlio hotel f.»r a couple id week*' (lilt this to j.Ill her liushsod to ,fu* gust* Ua. Rev Mr ('alaway t!o< pastor ol tiie Il ipti*! church here is pteachiitg goo*! loon* III his church and tho re moo* .Sun¬ day mori,lug and even ug Were espectaliy Strong. White Plain* has only one train m day row and tbit go** out at half past in the iveniiig with V’apt Plunkett Conductor. (iivunu Comity hUH ALLIANCES. TAKE •JICA’ The ue** regular tueetiug of the Greene CoU’ity Earn rs Alliance ;* ea'.lol to in Oreeunt'oro on 7^vur*day the 5th October oef; 'icU-grtos, brethren have U»u eh'Ctrd at your first mn ting Feptrmbcr. Each sub 1* eidi'led to .1*1,-gate l.s ovey ten nirinber*, ti-mal part of U’», lie u»t t.'iget yoiu eoouty and *taU duo*, au.i have your si Itauce u - By rcpreseat-ul. J ti M '.Wh.utor f t* a. c r a. LOST A iarg* an.ouat of XI uey is ’ost r. i Wiaiy bf parties pcrchasing w«rthl t «• fruit tree* r.eta and etc. - t them ham a firtu Hut *r.w. >w t-v.** aea.D out nothing l>« e - *H e'O * a >J eeR» at rea wHial'te pneee. MV want tire aidr».-s ol every faran - r gardener in your set :iod el*.II auk* yon a lihveal offer, write lor particular* and prices at .me, e n l Man phr deacriptire t.'atakrgi . Agent »#!.’ 1 every •h re. A- .be*. Chrrcchcc Nnraerc C \V»>c*w*Ga irard tsrd Crsrd "Hf --- |«MPiWnP| *9! ft TO NEWS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM OUR SISTER COUNTY. kditwhal quotations Were silver scarcer thin g-id, Hr »« would not be delayed and .f« tdotiful a* « : iv« a f rc^t he kicked out by the money ' who . dictate . the .. financial - , . legislation. . . king* it ir tne i'.arce duller they want and ; he material o: which it is composed i.; „ j matter of indifference to liicm.—Ex. President Cleveland is the first nr,.’ onlv President that ever h-ui both parties j>rai» ug him. The old partit a are frying ji < ». one another in praise of his gold bug message. The I nh.n flmc* and other Crowned iivad paper* w;H thub'lers contribute their commendations. England is in a lair way to so*ti annex another dependency to her empire and enlarge Victoria'* titlo of K npress el Hiitam* India and America.—Ex A felDw who could n.«t sparn f 1. tor a aawapaper, kcnt fifty itro-aetil stamp* to a down cast yankee to know hew t<» raise b.wtr. Hr got an answer tn-uke hold of the lop and pull."—Stula Clara Journal. The nath'nol bank* are clamoring for the danooettmtien ol ailver, Iwtun* there i* too much wouoy. They aro also clamoring to be allowed to issue hank nob a tip to the face valuo of their bonds - , because thero is too little money. It is Silver against bank notes. Under prear.-t conditions fhe metal in the silver dollar is worth (JOct* and free courage would make the sil¬ ver minor a pivseut of 40 cen«* in the d,d* ‘ar. The paper mid piluttng of a bs.nk n*.,o is wurtii i>n i cent, ami the propostsl a.iicuduu-nt to tlta law will make the banker a present ol O'* cents in the Inlliii Wluch ** the greedier, the bank* cTor Rts^Sfffcrrfiuo i* sa»t*fied with 40 cebts, and the other claims 90, If th* bankers aro allowed to issue note* op to the lace of their bonds, it will be making them a clear gift of Jf2o.b00.000. That i* uiliight— they o* n the government, ami charity la gin* at home.*'—Va. ina. FOR THE SCRAP R 0 OK Tot 0 g >! I -an t siiv *r u .« t ..* moiicy of t>'« world iu form of colli and amount per capita Mr Leech, direc’or ol the United State* mint his pn par ! f-u tiie ctmgrer»ioual eouimittec ou coinage a series ol tubl*» allowing tho cstiinubd and i lhcially t>' l*irnd amuttuta of gold silver ai.,1 paj«:t in eirriii.i i 11 a* money iu different par.* , I H e «raiId. The following list compris¬ es s uiicu! tl"' port: jns tiie stallmeut ill n.fe.ence l , go'd ami silver. l>| specie, the United Mat, | o*-*.*, $l.UO,0ttl»,2l5. C*f tin* smauiit .»!!. Old.Pog is g-'I*', while f IsjOBvL 1 ! »dv«r. The United Kingdom owns of *pi, i« . noy iioO.'.KW.tKM) in gold and £100 IKH'.'K'O m ad.’Cf. Of *j*ec. Franee J'HKi.Odo.'KWt iu g -Id an : j 'i'.VW W it, si nr. Auntta'tJ £ IOO.rK(',000 * g id amt fT.tHLM-OO ofn.vor We have not rotun to ,ivc amounts in «*thcr countrk*. The total amount of g >M iu tiie world is £i,T27,«tlMt.*J. J'he total amount -f f.'.v.r in the t* « t b29^TI.8« Ib p pi.ii ui » f tu Well ! :s 1,475, ...g^g) * T;.e Mt*l gehl <<f ti.e w,*ri! in c.en * - »>l built -r. - *e.l *s n.ut -y cm • *•* •-* * - » 5 |*r e*piu. 1 be te*»l *:Irer id the w, r J in c-in *- a b’lKt.m u> .1 *» money asueauts tr £2.4' i et capita. Viw te'al gold ar.d ell vet el the w>tl»! jB ^ , B ,i noal a. monay am •«.» - ,v. >a t j. . j-r If i*,.-w.iU!ia rviuced to « c*ld ft ;.i t„ mpita * u* damfl i>. u #»c—. c? £',•*? staler VIRGINIA, ■ The campaign in Virginia i* progri*- L, ^ p l>pt|li|t W(ttiiwi ar * L. ^ ttemici] Hn( , l!ie ljUn „ tell , llUj>iaMli 1 va:',. Tit-re i* no effort made now onjtal l’ :,r * c * democracy to ignore or treat ifl *>’ the growing strength of the J Party in t hat state. The fact is fully .1 if Mr O'Ferrell is electee will 1* by the hardest work and tr flagrant frauds in counting the lutil Already it has become pain fuly clear the nomination of Mr O,Ferrell wa mistake, and that the jaiopie haviflbo reajKs't lor the mucl.iac. Ti;e populist speakers are conduct v • a campaign in such an honorable and fvar- 1 pm manner that tin; /democracy are «ven it this early dale at a loss to know f.ow to Congressman manage it. ATimpson and Ren i 09 list* already tahtu a hand i-.i tu« pon lest with telling effect, ‘iiapsou lot; Mr Marshall th* “cyclcne*' cf fc the dem attc ^ „ ilicti( ., u . r ou <Von(Uy t ^ ud Ht*r**lly v*itM-al tl.w «*ttU with on He wont tack’.e Jerry again tni* aea i'*". Kvery’hing is moving a* well aa could and uiuch Utter than wa* anticipaled. With a fair count Virginia is outs i»y 25,000. 7IJK IfJV IT WAS DONE. There nvvor was a more carefully p«n tied or more successfully rxocuted Wb\ splracy than the ono to repeal the S«L* man act It began with the daily I'jr* and at the proper t*mo the banka to hoatd money at homo and nwMt 'H abread. This we* t.» culminate in«Hit» teilniy abou t dm time money wnulH j demand for thu movement prepartdfithe of cottoijjjfud wheat. Tho pri** bad country f«r ahhost »nytlrng, aud. | rn the mills beysn to clocc down f>* if rcgutai ttsnual repairs, if was given A*ut a* the roMilt of the panic. The larger nmnttfactururs were iu the sehemo aud timed tlieir cl.nung down to correspond with thu panic. The repeal of the bifl in tho House \va* accuroit, and immediately the batiks itegan to bring out their hoai'ilrd fund* and call tor the gdd sent out the country. The mills whi-’h l>ad shut down for icpn rs bugtn to stait up as t« cy n*:ura!ly slmuld, and have for years, whirli fit is also »Aon up *'. v the tu.d led ah,ut as an evidence of r«» turning c.aifidwicc through the prospect .it a speedy repoai **t toe t>h* rruau pet. The entire, conspiracy will ba so plain iu a lew months that no ono need be de ceiveel.—\Y at clua m. the ii’ay. If you \v:-.nt to l"e p- stnl on what (’ ■nr’x-xani'U and Senator* are doing tiie /xtr» S,.:.*- . yotl c*n each have tk u ufticial recoid placed before ll»* exirt went* a* uttered by the tors ai d Re; rts. i.t:\tive* ou tiie tloor o both i il.HisiK, II .1> W a-b*. S rtbiii£ ' * to the ' i iiAt iV;ii«Tmun. \Vd>i!»!iij;ti>n. U. it is on!v 59 cents per y <r and out «.vkly- 7ho Trove ding* of * * given can bo dipejuKd on cs ihov art an im t • >pv t.ikeu bom f’>.igre*»ional Record. St : d in your i atac with »« i4ber* as you can. Ik - sure >o - J address your letter to N ATIONAL WATCHMJtff, 18 D Sir N. W. WushlegtD. EDUf \TF for PROFIT nv ancxpino HOOi RUMNE94* COIXK A ri AX r.V G.t,. A Uifih trade Bum tear, *elw A H tire *oUth r i,.tact*wt ua t »• letual tm * - . pLn «ta,l.*ui»v **cr any tla*^ *•»•! r . ir> ntarw PHOTOGRAPHS! The Cheapest gnllevy on Keitrth. rdo.. & n««!»■«»» ■temnono. GEORGIA. f During the month of September, six first cla s cabinet* for one Hollar. Good von a: in ell kind-* of weather. JAMES DAVISON — Attorney at Law.— Geonesboro - Georgia LOANS N EC,Oil ATED. Office in thnirt House. Wift practice in adjoining e.-oati si C. II. FINGII BLACKSMITH —AND— WHEEL Bring me your repair work: your black smithing etc and I will givelgood honest work at prices to suit the times, Give a trial. Shop back of Amor Bro. Store, Greenesboro Georgia .1 T I. Monurif! f* Resident Detnist ' Cl roones 'toro, I wish to return my thanks to a goner ous public for past favors, and to announce brat I have the “New and J Improved Method" for operation* In filling tcclli, Am pt A pared to serve you in i satiflact or manucr at all time*. MKAiuS ---VT A T .* I-* It OXJItH —AT 7HE DELMONICO V. s. ltARNHAiiT A CO. G'Ci tff shore, Ua. 1 ill 13 ^SHHVSVl^M ir 'he standard bre .. v» 1 Register** 1 8tal«,*» ATLANTA w,ll stand this season lr IA,ie , 1 ,h ’ * k ‘ * Orcemslioro. For full particulars as to | H »,V4^*0 Atul for .ii! wat«!e -1 |o T. A. UR ANUU, J. F. i wim 9 For vi>i*y Cl - Mi N*w »h -p«. new ti»v*. £nt-c!«« men si •nat -Hsl. it n l *>•«! re; a,r ail k:mls <• e,«eh i vy Saw noil* grist inllie cat. •««* ' >Tw a?SJ u »r."-ir 2 th- . artist leiic- toiictt-.i rr ^ ffi rr.--,-*'. 1 h -*. i’allcy, M*»i.ig- r j. T. STONE W. D. WE it |MM >MMj T rK?a t aV AA ■ * ar; \ r *. Mi i FAMILY GROCERIES jCOMlSS'N MERCHANTS MEAT MARKET. RESTAURANT. Onr's is a New Stnr*. with new good-; and n -w prises and tlvrsa prices the lowest possible. Our groceries are fr<**5> end will piaaso yon. -Saturday ml Fresh I'a'i-f nil the tini«. Fresh Fist and < 1 -t*-rs on every ■? on publi • days- WIII handle game ns in-mi •«.- jm- mi.*. Bring Us Your Farm Products. Midi as Apnlo 4 Chicken*. Pgg -. Huttos garden pro loots it etc. An 1 v * w ill , Wo have perfected arrangement to sell to tlia sell them on coniuu-sion toi you. best advantage to the city houses A Good Eqiart Msal. I< what we cm give you for 23 cents. Wo also iiavo a dining room for colored people, in short wo mean to FT'.RP i ilk PUBLIC. Com * t. if vou have farm prwluco to e«;il. If you want frosli f.imiir Groc»*ri«s. Mo.vs, frosli Oysters and Fish give usatiial order. Ami don’t forgot us when you me lu town mid are hungry. Kespeotfu! ly. Eton© ©st G-reexiesbor o 1 2 s QfD IMN ii r ■3 i n u OTHERS BLOW. BUT WE GET THE TRADE Do yon know tho rsasoit? AVo nro selling splendid 'ate style goods cheap. We buy our Pawn ooods In who'esalo lot*. 'Hits enables us to let you iiavo thorn for a little. Our Broke:*goods go at New York Prices; Ann th" gon l« can hardly bn to'd from new. Come t« sea n«s before yon j»'j elsewhere. \Y« will take pleasure in showing our goods. Xjct«.iie-£3 *Taclx.©ts In 1 itet *tvle. tVs . •n.l the n-ropio nway sho,l ami siio I wltli the latest utvl of footwear,Shoes. B-rot*, ffiippers.iLits Cap*, As etc. tVo '.iav-j thj good, ami mu 3 sell l ours Ready To Servo, Saffor | W cbcT> G-oenesbor o TUB FRICK COMPANY. Eclipse * Engines. -V T p Erie City Iron Works Ei-glnc ami Boil¬ er.*, Automatic Stationary hngim-r. * A A FROM 5?2 to $2 50 PUR SAW . "... Boi.ers, Saw Mitts, ;>I<«>rc G'. t Corn i Mills, Prxtt tiina, Scrwl Grltoll Elevator* 1 Mt-lw, CUtoo lVt>«-s, \V» ‘ ^,. t . 2 »» :ms S»*icii!i!ic <. nn ! •*- Mills, iU-V s, S;, n ^ Suammg. et He. « ■-‘•V'aA**’ 3IAIa^BV VVE 'nr, 1 —SOUTHERN MANAGERS— dotU’i F'»r-rt!i 40 OF BUDGES Agrat* WuM i /1 SYU»H V\ aCc JiHS" eveue. bum t «»y, _ Uw km. ItvMSn:* We ai» r-«- a Ii«t4 Brisk. Uisstra^Catwie .Set* to Cats. ROUSE, HAZARD & r* w«*a*’ cjrjm t*e»»htC vkivs* tu AGUFTS, OiALUS mi WkEHJIfn la ail mt! aaa stytea. aou al mti ptwe* IT p r hai,*M We *U ItUI W— o* Mwt Has*. Mel aril oc ±~*v p*r rrK*a. ku> »e,ro uurra. iarxxam an : c waa*. OUR SUPERIOR INBUCEMEITS "S2 meet. >* rowOra tauicfwe aoC bartma tm trm. Wfn, To£J ST., PEORIA, 111 *