Newspaper Page Text
Edward Young & Cm,
Jehu M C.raliau. < »rr«.->ponding
Entered at the Post Offlc at
ville, Gw., as Second Class Matter.
We hope that all who are in arrears
p.->~pu> p*r
they owe. We give our readers, with
additional charge, a paper double its
.. . .. . ..
r * w< M) ' * *
amount of reading matter. We wish
we ask on tbe pari of subscribers is
prompt payment of their subscriptions.
Some of our subscribers complain
they do not regularly receive their
Whenever this occurs it would oblige
greatly if they would inform us of
fart. We wish to fix rbe blame where
This fall brings with it a rich
vest of criminal* in Georgia.
courts are quits busy with that
of work.
Tint colored people of North Caroli¬
na have just had an agricultural fair
their own. This is a raeve^pnt in
right direction.
Atlanta is to have in the course of
a few weeks another daily. Col. K. F,
Iloor., a prominent lawyer of that city
will be editor-in-chief. It will Vie back¬
ed up by strung capitalists.
GorrrAU in his written defence says
that President GABriKl.n was doing
vaat harm by the unwise use ef patro¬
nage and adds: “Tbe Lord and I took
the re»p©uHibility to remove him.”
Attorney-Gknkkai, Mcveaoii has
resigned on account mainly of Want of
harmony with the President. It is
thought by some that he will he suc¬
ceeded by Emory Storks, ef Chicago.
Tub Wellington National JUpublkmn
thohead “A clerical crank,” re¬
fers to a clerk in the Internal Reronue
Bureau who has resigned a $1,600 posi¬
tion because he considered that the dr
ssslgned him was inflow the digiti
of his salary. There should be a luni
to the pleasing flctious of journalism.
An exchange says of Farmer Jones,
Treup, that If lie can Induce t
farmers throughout the South to folk
his example ho will have accomplished
more for his section than alt the legis¬
lators anil statesmen from Thorart
Jefferson down to the present day.
Hknatok John Siikkman made a
•peach before tke Cincinnati merchants
last Wednesday in which he advocated
harmony, and dwelt with gratification
upon tbe abatement of tmUtical ran or
and tke brighter prospects of (ratio .al
prosperity. He kuew of no political
issue m Ohio worthy of the name, and
the Democrats and Republicans had no
reason to quarrel. He alluded to the
fact that hu and Senator Voobees.of In¬
dians, stood upon the Name pisiform
in regard to the tariff. He was expect¬
ed In Atlanta yesterday oa* visit toF *
ExiHUUtion. ... 1 be (senator ..... doubtless If . *
1R84 iu liis eye.
Great numbers of ihe peraecu’ •
Sew* of Europe, are constantly arriv¬
ing tu this country. They should meet
with a hearty welcome. They
the liest of citizens, and furnish
paupers, drunkards and criminals
any other class of our people. They
are a shrewd and thrifty race, but
conspicuous for liberality ami
hearted generosity. Their
and intelligence bring them to the fron
in every progressive movement.
that Georgia had ten-fold her
number of Jews.
fi-’l' . vn A ati 1 LAN ant 1 A 4 I PICO r.Url. PI K n ohu ii
Wini CONSCIOUS }'bll)K
Th.> i»ot«t it «■»*
was Intended to Reach-Goiu nil Slur Mur
^an-Hra. AlexanderU Stephens
Excursions to the Big City
News for the Week Enlarged on
I Mittortoi Cerrupendenatof the fiemturat |
Tbe Exposition has never yot appeared
week. I ntil the reduction ol fare on the
r&llro&cU the %\\\kU attemianr*' was a sub
change has been striking. Thousands
pour into the city from all directions and
the crowd seems daily increasing Mr.
Huff of the M rkham House, r. mark d
yestordav evening that he had tuned
a wav . hundred lW ple. being unable ..
acconuKtatcthem. The proprietors of the
KimbsU House c> . • to have n ariv
eight hundred guests, and numliers are
dismissed for lack of riK>m. Still, good
may be had at many other
In tbe oil) on reasonable terms.
As to tbs Exhibition 1 have never heard
one opinion. The stsreotypeit reply
all Inquiries** the subject is that it is
a "big thing.'' In these columns enough
ha* been said in a genera! way of its mag
I nitudp, an<l i not dwell further upon
that point. A man of intelligence ami
nervation 'an nrofitablv ....... snend days at the
I Expo-.ition, and iny advice to every far¬
mer i* to make the visit if he can afford
it. The benefits to be gained of course
depend on how one sees it. A man who
* in «* w * eyes well, inquiring fully
about what he *e«s, will carry away many
facts and figures and new idaas which
j .12
Mr. Auinra 'i!„
well said that a closer acquaintance is
needed between the farmer and the man
ufacturer It i* here that this may be ob
taiiied. But it Is needles* for me to w
,, ^ benefits M th , ExpoV.Uon
sens* can see them, and no one should
neglect to avail himself of an opportunity
which may never again he presented.
oRSERAt. sRERuaff's REcEmoir.
Tuesday was appointed for the
of the Mexican War Veterans.
those in attendance was General W T.
Sherman He had been invited by
managers of the Exposition to attend on
that day and was tendered a formal recep¬
tion. He declined the reception, however,
preferring to appear simply as a private
person and as a member of the
Association. At the meeting he took
hack seat, and was dressed in
elothes. his staff being habited in
manner. After the oration of the
hafl been delivered by General Henry R.
Jackson, General Sherman was
upon, and responded in a short
He protested hie unwillingness to speak
or to take any conspicuous part in the ex¬
ercise.*, and concluded in a few
expressed with admirable tact and sense.
He likewise excused himself from attend
ance on the banquet that night, having
accepted an invitation to attend the opera
with his staff. The manag-rs of the Ex
position provoked much criticism by
posing to give him an ovation on the
niversary of tlia burning of Atlanta. The
people of Atlanta were willing to
him a respectful ami even cordial
tion in hi* official capacity as Command¬
ing General of the army, but were not. sat¬
isfied to give prominence to the bitterest
recollection in their history. Last
day being the anniversary of that event
it was selected by the committee in charge
anil the fact duly announced to the public.
Gen. Sherman however, with a sense of
the fitness of tilings which lias elicited the
kindest comments from those who least ad¬
mire him, declined the ovation tendered.
Many who would not have shown hint atten¬
tion under other circumstances have
praised Ills action and offered tlielr con
gratulations In person
Mr. .Stephens arrived at .vl.' Monday
evening and took quarters at the Kimball
House, where he remained until U:!5 on
the following afternoon. He left then for
Washington City. Much attention wns
shown him and crowds of friends and
strangers called to pay thoir respects.
An invitation to visit the Exposition was
tendered by the managers, but owing to
the condition of his health, he did not feel
able to attend. Quite a pleasing Incident
occurred on the evening of his arrival
Moon after reaching his room he called the
attention of some friends who were pres¬
ent to the fact that within a few steps of
that spot one of the most critical scenes
of his life had been enacted. The memo¬
rable assault by Judge Cone in IMS was
then mentioned. While the conversation
was in progress a new visitor entered, and
Mr. Stephens beheld for the first time
since that memorable occasion the man
who had bound up the bleeding artery and
saved his life. This gentleman was I)r
Hitchcock, at that time a surgeon on the
statf of Gen. Taylor, then on his way
North under orders from the seat of war.
He was unable to stop more than a short
while, and left soon after the occurrence
|( , RVtnR pa tieut in charge of others.
They had never met since. Years ago
the doctor went to California and is now a
resident of San Francisco.
A few days ago my attention was di¬
rected to huge piles of trunks and boxes
which blocked the sidewalks and filled tbe
baggage room at the Union Passenger
Depot, lit response to an enquiry about
them 1 was informed that a large num¬
ber of emigrants from various part, of
Georgia were on their way to Texas, and
that many more were expected to leave in
a short while. It gave rise to a train of
varied reflections, and conspicuous among
(hem was the picture of broken down and
seedy looking individuals straggling back
in the " years years to come 1111 . with won meagre meagre caruet larpn
sacks, seeking an abode once more among
the red clay hills of Georgia. Doubtless
! ‘««n wd' d« well and become the
prohendors of a>»ce of prosperous T«x
ans; some will di* there with not enough
to pay for a coffin; bat the old and oft
-cpoatcl 1 history of hardship * and toil
» ^ , ^ » , >J '»“** , , s for ’l"**' _ „
" ,14 ' 4
>n time make his way back and pillow his
head under tit* root of his clxti<11««WKi.
l here Is a great future before Georgia,
*'»«» il '»•' >l,ai the wiser plan
w.ntld be ts cling by lue old state and
w hen our people so * earnestly ' to work
to remedy , the . evils . which , . > bear v
"* H4 " U ""' Paid
and « more judicious system of farming is
ado|‘ed no cm,gnu mu will be called for.
M, ’ n ' h:U: "' to1 ; ' ml ' "terpriso will find
it to their advantage to stay at horn, the
nhiccs «dl noon, with Hie fruits Of
directed h r, and the realization
’‘^eleo.-e 1 here's life tr-th in the «id old land burst yet.” upon us that
J. M. <!
. ___
How can a sluale dost? of A y er 's Tills
cure headache ? Bv removing obstruc
tions from the system— relievii.g the
stomach and giving healthy action to
the digestive apparatus,
A rul C. Myers to the front offering tbe Public one of the Largest 2 >nd best se
tested stocks ever brought to this section, and at prices that will astonish the
wise. Having taken the greatest care in select tug my stock, I am prepared to
offer tiie best selection of Dry Goods, Clothing. lJoets, Shoes. Hats and No
tions, that have ever been seen in Middle Georgia, also bear in mind that I
have always a full supply of CerocsrU* on h*nu
Our Clothing
«“***«■* »«*» - li “
Suits for the Rich and the Poor.
, jt , 7 ri, hu«t,«T I # ® UrprH re *° fj ld yo ®ii^t% .“w^ 1ID *| t- S a,e A ? fial , * ' s “*? \ , a ) ] „ ! T n ?° . ® 8 , u * .. ta ®
f . ^tTf lothtngwm . ^u^i^^fTifn'rrnnUasni; n
nn c do IZu re I haLan
smiling countenances will always greet vou.
Truth is stranger than fiction. My pride is with the Ladies, and I am pre
pared to bring smiles to their faces, when they behold our grand stock of Dress
Goods. Elegant Black Cashmere at the lowest figures and the prettiest line of
Worsted Plaids at ll,e 8° this season, also, a fine assortment
of Kla,;k A)apaca al to>«5m pric&T
A full stock of the prettie^ fl- prints river seen in Crawfordville. We can
suit the most fastidious taste, very best prints at 7c., per yard.
Having paid s)>ecia] attention to this feature of my businsss, and also, be
ing in direct communication with some of the largest and I-cat Shoe Manufac
lories in the United StatesiA^Stf-jiS&fTbe best inducements ever known.
Our one dollar shop will give the best satisfaction, and a Ladies’ Calf
•"'hoe for $1.25, that cannot be sold elsewhere for less than $1.75, also, I have
a complete line of Ladies’ and Gents’ line Shoes, band sewed, Sailer lAirvin A
Go’s make Philadelphia. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction.
Our stock of Hats is complete, and we can give you a good at from 50c
to $3.50, some of the nobbiest Hats 111 stiff and felt you ever saw, look at them.
Owing to space we cannot mention the other articles, but, will say that any
one in need of goods in my line, will do well to give me a call, as quick sales,
and small profits is my moUo.
\cvv Arrival of Furniture
We are now prepared to show the public tbe finest and best selected stock in
Walnut and Ebony ; Walnut i. o-ssing Cases and French Dress Sets, Dinning
Will Library Furniture, Ac. Our prices are within the reach of everybody,
and guarantee our goods to give perfect satisfaction. Give us a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
Agents for National Wire Mattress.
Pr. I lay docks
H e adacli©
Oue Pill Isa Hose.
Otic Pit! In a Dose.
One Pill Is a Done.
« These Pills are an absolute cure for
all Bilious and alarial affections.—
They grapple with disease at its foun
tain head, and root it out of the pa¬
tient's system at once. They fortify the
body against Disease in all forms of sud
den attacks and epidemics, and enable
all to bravo the Miasmatic danger of
swamps and forests. One vial of I)R.
relieves the entire system of pains and
indies,enlivens the spirits and sends new
III* III. IliljUiUhN K'mlncL'v \ .Mil 4 v 1 v I.irni’ imui
For all Diseases of the Kidneys, Re¬
tention of Urine, Dr. Havdock's New
Liver Pills are a perfect cure. Oue Pill
will satisfy the most skeptical.
,, 01 1 cmaie ........ Dissases, Nervous XT 1 ros
t ration, \V eukness, 1 tenoral Lassitude,
Want of .4piietite, and Sick Headache,
Dr. llaydock's New Liver 1’ills will be
found an effectual remedy.
41 Universal 41 in their u effect* ueits,
, , alwa , vs , 1,0 S ' l;u
F.ach vial contains twenty l'llls. One
Pill is a dose.
Formic by all Druggists.
CAUTION.—None are so genuine
mtess the signature of ALLEN H AY-
1HH K sunoimds ea.-ti 0 of Pil's
^ ^ |s . ' ,f,,f [f v „ uv
avuRRist does not any* k »ep tlteni. we‘will
m ii them free to address on re
ceipt of 25 cents. Five vials for 81.00.
30 Tlatt Stree* XewVork 0
April 8,'SI. j-y.
r: t __" . " ^-iPtCUmvanafi ....— .......... r-r-n
1500 ^**
C J[
( /tIJV'ARn nnrer
clatton strkkt, nfar post-office.
A TllUNs . korgia.
. i^ 0041rooms
c cScTauD
A. D. Proprietor
J. N.
Has on hand a full line of
Wagons, Harness, Etc.
I have the fullest and most complete
lot of BUGGIES, and Buggy and
Wagon HARNESS ever brought to
this urarket and which I am selling at
BOTTOM PRICES. Give me a call
when you need anything J* in mv line,
sep24 4w N. CHAPMAN,
1- centrally located, ami within five min
ntos' walk of all the principal Business
Douses, Hanks, Post Office, Public Build
bigs,Union and Depot,Opera Express Office. House,Telegraph
Street ears pass the door,going to all parts
" f the ci G » ,,<l v icinity,(every live minutes
.luring the day.
The House is supplied with all the con
venienees of a first-class Modern Hotel.and
is especially well located,and provided with
all convenient facilities for Commercial
lraveters carrying connected sanipels.
Each room with the- office by
Mls is - Iclephoueattaehmentwiththecity iervilteintheofficefortheacco«n
. mi umn
modation of guests.
Formerly of Clemens House, Danville,Ky
FOR *n\i» RENT.
W '' ILL vented for tbe year
on the first Tuesday in
l>er next, at public outcry before
<-'“iirt House door in
Taliaferro county within the
hours of sale, the real estate
to the estate of ILun Stephens
w*. »*
Oawfordville whereon Casper Myers
now lives, including the orchard
and lot hi front of the dwelling .house,
One lot known as the gin house lot
containing about three acres.
One tract ->f land nearjhe town
Crawfordville containing >0 teres, e. it?
-he dwelling house i Town m which
Isaac Taylor now lives.
Terms—notes with approved security
will be required, deads due the first of
December 1882. This October 11th,
t ’1 t i-vvT r S
on Estate r of Harry Stephens 1
Oct. 15th, 3t.
tsitic x r-**> .... .____ a remarkable . .. one wuii ... us. „ ^ Gur people have u„ hardly
.... , ° ^ ^-* l drouth, and such hard tim The
' sl cont;ilne< such short crops s.
. reduced hundreds the
‘ ey .f. very s ??. rce - Tht thousands are to :
tii"v >« ten f- are the people to do i Where are they to get
tneir winter clothing, shoes, flannels, linseys, woolens to keep out the biting
which will soon come on the icy wings of the north V Is there no relief?
©, K%JlJCSmifto?ffiSJ^g5, ss» S££
are coming ,b ^X5i2ig!£»SS
in crowds to avail themselves of the great advantages offered in
purchases from their extensive stock. With thorough knowledge of the market
and personal presence in the great trade centres, we have boagbt our goods far
lower than many; then in pricing them we have made the figures lower than
'l sual ’ to acc °"* with the hard times. In these paragraphs we want to invite
3 ' T t7’
#-> C. A. Davis ■ s c. n Co., 0 Greenesboro, „ ___„ Ga.
Is by far tbe most extensive in this part of Georgia. We have from 25 to 50
different departments, in every one of which the wateword is LOW BRICES l
Everything from a penknife to a grindstone, from a thimble to a sewing ma
c line, from a doll hat hat to a French pattern bouuet, from infant hosiery to a
giant s overcoat, from a yard of prints to 50 bales domestics, from a pound of
coffee to • >0,000 lbs meat, from a Virginia Stogie to 100 boxes tobacco—every¬
thing .or the inner and outer man is to be found at the store of C. A. Davis k
Co., Greenesboro, G a.
The ladies can find in our miilinary department one of tbe finest milliners
and largest stocks of millinery and fancy goods of the South. Our clothing in¬
cludes the most popular styles in the market. Our fine shoes are the best Balti¬
more and Philadelphia custom work. VVebavequantitiesof furniture and houeff
furnishing goods, Ladies’, misses’and childrens’ cloaks, dolmons, sacks and
It is not always best to quote prices until the customer reaches the counter.
Once at our counters, you will be satiisfied that nice goods at low prices makes
things lively and pay people tor going even along ways to get what they will
have to pay much more for at home. A visit to Greeuesboro will be very pleas¬
ant to many readers of The Democrat, and cannot fail to be profitable to those
who feel the need of very low prices to enable them to stem the current of these
very hard times. Awaiting your visits, to show you what we can do for vou.
Most truly,
Greenesboro’, Ga
Druggists and Apothecaries,
Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Soaps, Cigars, Etc
Also Dealers in
Fancy Groceries.
A call solicited, and you will be pleased with our goods and prices. We
ko?p only the BEST GOODS.
W, K, REID 9
Will keep constantly on hand a full line of the FINEST BRANDS of
In connection with his other sep23m
V. Eicliards & Bro.,
fade the lucky members of a POWERFUL DRY GOODS SYNDICATE. All odd
sition must stand aside when our prices take possession of the minds of tn ■ pop
September, October, November and December, 1881 will ring over this
And every human being for one thousand miles ground will
advertising to their friends the unheard of bargains to be had at
This thing will lust through the whole season and NO MIST VICE The larsrpst F a 9 r
TORIES and DRY GOODS RINGS of the WORLD have given us control of
and we shall distribute in four months
ltKck'ifutl’ wiif’ C f a , ssi ! l ' (ires ,’ Fluids, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Colored Silks,
and allow competitors plenty of time to rest.
THINGS a»aaa'iwiJ MUST w s. x GO uU OUT? WWAii WAV W ill.
Welrave^yw e ha , ' e , New yiS* York ’ 1 1,i6ton Philadelphia , Ever and ybody Baltimore, must know besides forthwith our success.
On Black Silks and all Imported Goods known in this part of the country 5 To sum
up we control the reins and this country' shall have
t e er * WHOLES VI^’BUYERS , , : NOrf THIS 13 flrom S ” y market and we wiU do bet
'.KlUiAKDbA nTni 1 t n no BRO, ty pra Augusta, . , Ga, n
Samples and prices at Retail sent when desired and EXPRESS FREKiRT FREIGHT v> PAID \ tf»
on orders of $ 20,00 and over.
nmen'-■ d mand for th> -'i.'
Compicu-. Authcnt: • N.H
UiLe of President
Attempted A^assination. V\ onderfui ^ur
f.^ al Trt " atlue .R t ; Pecu l iar Cntical
wRh »iui stlef'portrak sieei penran of oi d irarne rlii a, “te etc. 'b™ «
|>rioe. By far the fastest selling boog old.
m5 cu *l?r free \ Liberal torim«. Outfit
Address at onee.IILBBAKD BROS.,
Publishers. Atlanta, Ga.
►ok ot ra originality, eutttieA
Practical Life.
Bread-Winners. VX&Sik. The
are t0 e volume
: abounds in striking thoughts,rare informa
Uon an 1 intense common-sense. Full
, page colored plates—each one a gem
Agents wanted everywhere. Send for
ircular, full description terms, 6c c, to
j <j jIcCuedy a Co. Pliila ' Pa v. 4