Newspaper Page Text
i lie Democrat. *
• \ K Si
We wish Ui rail the attention of our
eulru rilwrt again to the fart that our
terras are strictly cast* in advance. The ;
paper costs us nearly a dollar and a half
a year, »n4 we tnimr U well wtrtn Mia
price asked. Those who do not pay up in
advance will not receive the paper. Those
In arrears we again call on to square up.
owe* Horns J
Open at 7 :00 a. M , Clone at G OO iv n.
ncvDAT HOCH*. ?
Open from 7:30 till 0 a. Jt., and from
1.30 till 2. •
•• Wave Your Hair’* Keep It flcautltul.
The "Ixmdon Hair Color Restor¬
er, "the most delightful artlcfeever
indrodoeed to the American people
and i» totally different from all oth¬
er Hair Restorer*, living entirely
free from all impure Ingredients
that tjic render main other articles for
hair obnoxious Where baldness
or falling of the hair sxists, or per
maturely grayuesa,from sicki lessor
other causes.its u-* will restore the
natural youthful color, and cause a
healthy growth, cleaslng the scalp
tniui the ail impurities,dandruff, time most pleasing Ac.,
at same a
• ami lasting hair dres-iDg, fragrant -
iv per I lined, tendering the hair oft
and pliable marking in it toilet. an indispen¬
sable article every
Ask your druggists foi 1/radon Hair Color
Restorer. Price, 75 cents a bottle. Six
ImttleH, ?t .Main Depot for the United
StatcH.SiSO North Sixtli St., Philad’a.
Avausts, fit., November la-.7 p. m.
Tone, Firm Infctior, , l ow (*rdi
nary 1*4 ; Ordinary, H 1 , , GiunI Ordinary,
Hi; Low Middling. Middling, ll»H * ; .i,o,l Middling, Ordinal 11
*io<d II . tainn, y
Mains, I. . < 'le, i o', ,
Middling .Stain*, 1IM.,
HHnni’ts AND J-AI-KS AT Ai:or ia.
Days. 1’' ■•eipts Mali ;
, n“d li ' r ' ^
T„e"l*y, M liufj
ui 7 J
Tlmrsday, Wednesday, 20tW 1504 1HT2
Friday, 1.577 1
Total, o,4i'.5 »,07r,
Mock In Aiig’ tTcountNov. 18, -H. II
Stock lust year, Nov lb. tb,7:a»
Kci Receipts idpts sinee September 1. Il0,07;s
Inst year,
He who coin Is and gin away
May live to emirt 'another day ;
Bui lie who wed . and eourls girls stilt,
May get in court against ids will.
He w ho courts and courts in vain,
• high! never try to eolirt again.
And she who smiles on every liny,
Diigtil never married life enjoy .
—llow do you like onr new head?
—I*. II. Meehan was here Monday.
A band of Gypsies is In town to day.
Dr. II.S Smith Imsniuvi-d Into pis ,evv
IMktns and ulstmsiUe*,cheap as dirt at
Mtssfcnsh* Taylor, Uedaitow n, is on a
visit to Mrs Isaac Taylor, of (Ids place.
Mr John W. Kenl is putting up a beef
marl i, next to the < Tawturdville hotel.
—Read the udveiliscmcnt of <■. A. Davis
A C« , ol Greensboro, Ga
Dr I! .l lteid has in Ids store two of the
largest pumpkins we have seen.
— Mrs. Thus. U llrlstow returned home
hiunifay from a visit to Nor wihhI.
Ovcri'oiits The liest In town at Myers’s
Mr. It. (I. Clary, removed to Augusta
last week.
A hugs stock of furniture and house¬
keeping goods, very cheap, (j. V Davie A
II. N Wiiliiuits'a eiillditiou is not im¬
proved. The doctors- have serious doubts
as hi lib recovery.
—(llothlng! CliiUiiilg! I'lothing! The
tmhbiost suits to be found D.ts side Atlanta
or Augusta, al Myers's.
-—Colonel Jim A. .Hsephens has mtunieil
from Atlunta. He s|«'aks in the highest
termssif the "K.vposisli."
—Thk Dkvioch.vt has just flplshi d
puldiCHlinii of the ordinances of tin* council
—Childs' w inter lints 25 cents up. Boys’
wilder lials g# and lie dents up. Mens
whiter lints 23, :Ci and30cents up, at t A
Day is ,V Co's., Greensboro, Ga
~C. 'I'. Browne made a dying visit to At
liitita Thursday. He returned yesterday
glowing over the grandness of tlie Gate city
—Dry Goods in endless variety. t‘.
—Colonel Sealxirii Itcese. of .Spartn, pass
ed through t rawtmdville Weiim silav. re
tumour turning Horn n ,.hi a 1 visit visit c , .Mi.mui itluici lie n. was was
liHikiug Ids usual lieartv and lumlsouie
—l-atlic-s cloaks ami do!nmn» from iho
auction , room, very oh•ap, , t.looks . mmi -
81.30 up. Lsdios' walking jackets and
ulsterettsat C.A. Davis A Go’s., Greens-
1h»io, (ia,
—A train of t Nt'nvikm a froiv «'L;u '
ton and along the line of the South Carol i
na railroad pass, d h Monday ta At*
luitii. The wore 1 ho
rxcurtlonists visittHl tin* F,.\jH*sUion, and nv
taniol lumii' WtnliU'^tbn.
—Tlie true 4'Xplalnimr the j»n*a
lush to V. \ l>avis A Co > ' UiVt ushovo,
is fnir dealtii!! tiiul wvv low j i ;vr>.
—“Our women many * • ami their
hushamls i’neUmo mA dio hard,” v ' itos an
ItuUana trusts lo the hutvau of statisti< s.
— We iULiftlL' f {I . IlMlVui't c . ■ >
Attanta ami \i la uuukru \\L «L* *'
uot tlux \m o-o\»* * i mueh tu ; u [ v» vur
county riHoWrs.
—Learnhow toecmijuortho“iiard tim ‘ s .
hyaeadiiij? the nnnonneetnetil of (' V
Bavis»v Co., of virt-t ii'itHir**, (ia.
—Our sanctum was enliwniHl on \Ved~
nesdav , last , by , a visit , from .. Mr . Imviviw
Jones, with the ivllahle liquor hou-e of
l*a«l Jones. Atlanta, Liwrvnce was look-
4pwn rapidlv.
— Mr. J.iu Wuitrrs, of Atlanta, wa* in
t»*tm Monday. !!* ’»?w*** 1 dKl in tw-a* r»*»
«* 1 *»f our playing billiards*, and went
‘>ut •*» •»«« a p« keG.'ull of u«mi,.
orders ai.ii tl »• n-putalion »« the champion
—We haw Htrlj w«n» our editorial
.tear- in half by j.i . • * :•
Uieil to learn inAtlanta the other (lay It is
this: Take a pair of common shears or
......... . I ' ’
‘‘“iidle and let the pram* hang downward
Turn tlwni towards you and,without chang,
tag from the fingers, tiling them up, with
the lrawks of the hands to each other, and
tin- |m, ints of tlie scissors upward, ft looks
like a very simple trick, but anyone wii
find it very difficult. After innumerable
atb mpls we l.ave succeeded in
in* it <>r»i* or two time*.
-Itev. L H. L. Jennings loft WediK-sday
at noon for Warrenton to perform the rib
of iuarriHjt«* then*. The eontrarrtjtii' parties
are Mr. IV. T. And'ew , of Greene coun
*y, and Miss Annie Cody, of Warren conn
She leaned along upon the fence,
And then -hi hove a sy,
And for his fradsteps down the lane
She waited pa.ient.y.
And presently he came in view,
A And heavenly then howl yelled jov a sl»- yell; howled
And her bosotn swelled a swell.
—Dr. K. K. I’arsous. of Warrentou, has
spent a wet k with us.
—Mr. J. T. Chapman has gone on a
v isit to Florida.
—For the nobbiest hat go tu C Myers.
—Ttie trains are crowded every day
with visitors going to and coming from
.... ...
—\V«- arc uhrd to soet ,'mainon the Hiieet.s,
Mr. Joint W. Kent, who ha* }>*•*■ n cauhtnA
to his ht tl for several vv<‘*-K s.
Shirt tints, collar button cm'T but
tons, al Myers’s.
— Jud/- Bristow vva on the street Mon
day, the Or-t lime helm t !»•..„ to leave
m » ,- • » • •».Li .
rapidly improving. He now ig, am
chair limilai to that ■ l Mr '• - pheii.s.
Ties ill eiidJo . variety at M.vei
Wei A d a ph I .tntea!l from Mi
W. T. Peek, Ot Woodville, on T UI ,1a .
He come down to the entei tainunnt
Mrs. Dr. Farmer. His many friend, her
welcomed him with pleasure. He vejmrt -
cd the burning of ab iut a bale of oott n
in the gin house of his fattier on Wednes¬
day night.
......Thousands of yards of remnant ca i n
41a cents per yard. U. A. Davis ,'i Co.,
— I Ion James F. Held left Thursday mi
an extended trip through Florida. Ib- oil;
visit Fermuidilitt and the lower portion • of
Hie State with a view to settling there, lie
will write Tub Dkmoi iut an ni ea.iniml
letter stating how the land of How s ap¬
pears to him.
—ltev. Mr. .Simpson, of the Pr-eshyh'iian
itiureli of Wilkes county, was in town
Wednesday, lie was suffering w ith a sc
ver<‘attack of neuralgia, lie left on the
iHMiti train for Washington.
—Fine lot of fancy candies, just received
at Held A Reid's.
—Ned llruffcy.iif the Atlanta (,'oiutil-ution,
lias tlie shiniest legs and the longest stride
of any news)>»|H'r man in Georgia, it is
a treat to ace him rush off from die Mark¬
ham, dart into the passenger depot, mid in
wo minutes aider Pnd him linked arm and
arm w Ph a merchant at the postoffiic,walk¬
ing 'eisnrely along and gently twirling his
imistaelii'. Atlanta couldn’t stand hut one
Bruffey, enterprising and go-ahead as that
city is,
—Dr. Dozier aaya that there is a man In
his neighborhood soerosseyed tliat he wears
Ilia gpof'tacjes on l-lie hack III his head—
There MrIhtj/h is Journal. 1’sliuw In Minus ! lliat’s whose nothing.
is large a young when man nose the
so dial promenading mi
the streets, ho rolls it on before him in a
wheel harrow .—Attn in* Chronicle.
Ball! What is ttmtWeImve got a young
fellow in ('rawfordviUe whose ears arc so
big that when out lu tlie rain In* never gets
wet. He just ties the tlie ends of ids eats
together and they answer the purpose of
an umbrelly. lu the summer time they an.
swer doubly for a tty tap and a lady's par¬
asol. The feet of ttiis same young man arc
so large that, he has to go into the middle of
tlie road to torn a corner, and then has to
hook round it like a dump cart. 1 hie of his
old lines is now used as a horse stable by
one of the hotels, and Imssix oreigld stalls.
His hands are so big that on court days lie
stands on tlie public square auil the coun
tr\ people use Ids fingers for hitching posts.
There, we've told a good one, but we t'eot
much belter, fan anybody lay it on tliii'k-
------—, _
1 In lung Files *>v mptonis amt l arc
I The symptons arc moisture, like perspi
'ration, intciisu itvhlng, irtcreased >Y
| scratching, very distressing, particularly
!lt as if pill Worms were , ravvlilig ill
> inij
sometimes affected ,. |)rjw „ ( .
I . aru ; if allowed to . 011 -
tium* very serious results t-aav follow.
I ** All-Heailtig Ointment ” is a'pleasant
jsure etuc. Alsu for Tetter, Itch, Salt
Rheum, .scald Ilea.I, Krvsipel 1 ; rh -•
Itch, Blotches, all Scaly , t’rus'v, r >
ueous Eruptions I’riee si cents: a U,.\,
for $1.1*3 Sent hv mail to any address
I ! on receipt of price in currency or tluve
cent postage stamps t’reoared only by
i>:. Svvayne* Son, An North sixth m ,cot.
; ^ by allpamtertd Dnlg
:Ul£?S\ 1
1(1 lilt' t'.\[H,MUoll.
Torn St,'Win:. V. T. Smith, Maisluil Vn
divws, Viourt G'orlmm, J.S. Clmpnuu. and
family,.I. R . Tucker, John \V. Ilixou, T
K Brixtow ami Wife loft Thwistlaj for the
cxpoGtion. 4Vc wish them ail a pictsaut
time and « -.uV ivtm-n. They will com*
back Satunia) n'ght.
v I.uiUUmi |Ky.i IMiy.n-tan writes :
Some months ago the daughter of ono , f
onr prominent citizens was pronounced s
hnpelos- consumptive. ticsli, She was ver\ much
roil need in terrible cough. I; - r life
gnMlnatly wasting awav- i rt*»'m»i.>"'ii,'. d
her to use "Di Svvuy tie's t'pmixmm! Ss ■■
or Wild t’berry," which she did. In v
short time she was free from till cougu and
other svmplnms. and ....... rosy a-.l
I s . . _"i, ■ hg ;.;id 81.o.■> a bottle,
> >r ' A '? ,il '‘ i:l! '4*' ' - the
ZS a Y © © Q Z "T .4
T^J _ jC y ~y = S.T'*l HE , 3L'C5£E» ,L~3 9
B()OTS 8H0KS HATS A N l) CL01 IIIa (t. 1
mHEUMDEKSItiW J would 7-o-tfnHy Fall stock inform is the being roemtante received, of andAn Taliaferro price
iin( , adjoining counties, thatth*dr now
and awirtment is un»*aual»*d by any that ha-» cv r been bright *•» il, , market. A
special feauture of our business is the establishment of a
Klltir ,. lv from our Dry Goods. -Notions and o Ur I), j artirti t<| It: hub
store will he found the largest and X* fleeted ~to «-k < V.<>K> vA HATS v.ehav
evt*r had. and we reel ^tisfu'd tbaf it will he to the mu t ol pur :i astrs to jn>pec
our stock before purchasing eih«*where,
Sept um t ier i^ sl. yt- 2¥l and 2BS Broad t, Augusta, Ga.
Free Fans.
Col. VM- Yoiiiijr. tin* cleverof *>•*■
Ciawfonlvilb ]>i:MocnAT, has vi»i;e«l tin*
Exposition end felt ri. ben,.ugh to pay
YOHIIg !.-«•*. t 5 tl ! V *
i* i reckless with their cash. . ,<■ .e x*
t ijgwe lie r of Young will be paying In -
fate on . fi,* Georgia lfailroad .—Orijjiu Du
^ '*•
Not (ju t, that Young thought he » ns?
crush the Exm>-,iti am l,y his scemitiy
pcii-len* *. But they <1 ft tn to
hcln spcnl u:
fialf <h‘Har. Yonr^ ban h en JH'OIgA l; l» ‘ .
II** has shut hiuiM'lf tip iii the edit »rhtl
r* Ntlil. All ;■ v Sis. - i it!*- lil’dd r *IIS
ate near** Even j t
to him ; • \ n {j
om . ht* v.'ii *
and th«* first ms
imiti )1‘W
)U h at C. A,Vr>A
V !" ■ ' << .. n*( tu sboro, (»a.
M ' "d, make Ih
lively . il.xi u’{ bttHiiici'S il
.moil i !
Aii iliitt.u
1 y r, Iti igb! ti. i rt
iimtHiles gain m i.row.i v
! .
hi October, v.o tin no .,: arf
liottS ill tln-ii -e ■ ,et ., , o .,.
ty, is the iidnr to toe c
leaves ml tVrns. A O '
.even; s>; '
the i
Hull’s t ou.mii oyrua •.’ w, ; i
Couglm iind v’oliU. J 'Pit 2.*. . n:
lie lids ! lo 7 ers
Our tiianager ivuira - tluufs m
know n young lady forahuud.-a
of ll llVt',':.. Soldi tsibtdl r « *.
Wor d of iilis . ' a -!a a: il la .
fall upon Ills barren iietd gl our i.up liie
the gent e rain upon the sun-pan aeiUeartli
To Tax Payers ol lallalerru Comity.
i will extend the time for receivoig ; ay
meat of'faxes 1 1 om Hie 13th In tli-■ v.iui
iiist., at which tune my Imoks will poa
tlvely close. .I acksonGouiiam, T. C. Safe.
John ilix'io, our talented attorney,
just received it i.aml.'ome new a . i;.mi
.Mo.-'er Habmaiiu W l e, of • im :.. It
weighs l.g.i i pound . He wed nil ; vvitii
musty law paj ers and deeds, ti ; ..nd
injunctions, suits ,iiul emuitei suits and
eat tie iind peas and corn atel eolln.i the
W.iry ex|w,nent ottli''law "'oeesi > ■ i * lit
disagreeing tanners. Jlis 11 : 01:1 y,
says, lie vyill carry 11 hi.- watch-;«> .
For tin* iteiicatoKtuI cuiniiliaatcd Utf*
fictiities pecuii.'tr to ttie feimie outsa
tut ion, Lydia K. I’inklm'ii’s Vegetable
Compound is the sovereign remedy. Jt
aims at the cause, and produces
results. Send tn Mrs. Lydia L,
liHtti, 2153 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mass., for pamphlets.
Cil. an T
Nr- EltOU-S Testimonials and
. IjUnjt* ~ thut prices
prove of Finn
o.i and Organs, for same make and
style, are from 20 to 30 per cent,
at -The -asie-mse of the s .uth”
than elsewhere.
G. (>. ROBJ.YSi>.\ A • •().
L. r. q. 6.
Large (’asb < 'old r.icts wit h t. a i <-s
nuumt.i turersand 1. irgo . ■ > : Tii
Music couseoi: the Sontli." i r:!"U'
O. ROBINSON & 5 O., t eil h , 11 io
Pianos atid Organs at less ;>. : ■ i
paid by small dealers.
T. M. li. 0. T 8.
G. o. ROBLNSO-N ('o.scii T< x
as, -Ylalmuia, JJJrkatisus. Florida, Lon.-Mtia, Miss
urn State north > i G< . a. .
3>’.ls «'.*b justly of ,, il. Maim , . ta , . nave I ; is:e
•MM) r'*»i • i *
“-*“ a & s
t-AW-W U.;V WN..;- * '
W T-“
Tv. ¥ to • li
ii. -i’. i is; run:
Bo* Us nnd b
rim l t * (>U
Tuning ii i m
T *1 ■ >r
red Ttmer of the Mrs" C TXi *
outli, Augusta, tin.
13b Cathedral St. Baltimore. It is
with re;J pleasure that I add my testi
monv to the great virtues of Ntnmlgx m
“v* Sp S|“ h :
’ ’ ’' i' ‘
J. li. Kidgsly’, to Hu t chison & Bro.,
Bropi ielt z. s, Allanta. Ga. S, o’.d by ..II
tj : s; ; :r.
lea?’ft, a M’t i>\\
and p»iiU t in
pf»Cs k|t>m very
I V,. sVilD i i
t*Kw iv
ur r ■
wr.o a
c 1 rx
}H o r
«k* ti I h ose
r f
ms, t A - *)
. Vvi.^
M ;r'e 7 r 4
.it i J, . .....*7
:.7" V
TOgg CCV.2 j' UITS,
The Positive Care
i For all Female Complaints.
This preparation, as its name sir
VeffCUiKt* Propert., . trial aro lmrr.i. .
ipfcteInvalid. Ppoa o»;c tri:\l tl*o ;i». lie of this Com
pound will be rocognlzRHj, relief is immediato} and
j Akben its upd is continued, in ninety-nine cnnes in a hun.
dred.aitermanentcureiseircoted.ftsthtnififtmte wilj ten
tify. On account of its proven merit*, it is to-day re
eommen<l<*<I an<l prescribed by the best physician* in
the country.
It will eure witirely tl )0 won't form of falling
of Mo^truoionTuiwa. tiie uterus, Lrucorrho’o, tIiT irregular and painful LT.-i
i,.. ---„
Uceracn. no, .line-, aii Discisomrats »nd the con
neauentepinaj,vexkm*M.and is especially Adapted to
Mw* Change of life. It will dljwolve and expel tutuors
from the uterusinan early stage of development. Th»
tendency to cancerous humors there is checked very
*J’« t
t<\. Hpenncai««overy portion of tb« system, and gives
new JifeauJrigor. It roniovo#i faintness,flatulency, do
stroya all craving for etimujaots, and relievt ^ weakness
of the Rloraacb
Uvurca Bloating, ITcftdachos, Ncrrous Progtration,
GcnemJ Dobtllty, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indl
gosticn, That feeling of bearing tlovm, causing pain,
wt ight and backache, is always permanently cured by
its use. It will at all time3, and under all eircumstan.
ees, act in barmony with the law that governs the
For KidnvyOnriikaijite of either sex this compound
?« unsurckTsexJ.
Lydia E. PirUau’s Vegetable Compound
tTicn J.) (:
for ■inthefom
of li
jihJftt. A ,t i VC »!f,
No f • wit’ cut I.YE
. cure Cou./t'.;
per bo
F westo^' • "• • i -'rent asd
Csf€ •“ : cram i>. '■4g8
MgiOTwr "i—fur-viMirac, Frar.crt- aa-1
i All
Li re mi Li, j
r.LirsU. you con
r If you a i
4 4 0 l- ; y J • :
rites*. Kcsith & Stress h B
l.-lgfa- s
Wf AIXS. 3 •m CoixsT.
m mi
A'- - --w • j. ssa
it) 'a: s.\ :X - r- - r
Ubt-StiC-*! f 'A.Par; £$*t ;
Can-J t+mm **>
i'L'T'l'.-, Vi .>rptS» Mia St.. Sfc twb, Ha.
*3d and f3S BftOVII STRKLT. AttlSTt, GA„
Carriages, / Rockaways, Bugsies,
Plantation and Road Wagons, arts. Etc.
Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale of the
Cortland Wagon Co.’s Spring Wagons and Buggies,
Wilson, Childs k Co.’s Philadelphia Wagons,
The Lightest Draft
Wagon made. They Also, the Webster, OW
have Hammered \ 7 Hickory,and Our Own
Scrap Axles, and \ Make of One and Two
Wedge opoke Horse Wagois always
7 \ in fuli
Wheels. ‘ B'e keep \ stock, at BOT
*** / tom prices.
°" I
Y»e have added to our stock of Fine Buggies and Iiockawavg,
A Line of Cheaper Grade Suggies.
Made to our own ord rtG'uri to;’.. .Mality of the wheels, axles, and
spring-, wtiieh v Lsiwer than any house tliis side ot Cincinnati.
A No, Full ia Work Sold.
a stock ' ami II»i! i i. -’.l'oilars, Whips,Buggy Umbrellas,
Trunks. Coach - : - ; \ ue• ription,Glottis,Pamts, Coach Varnishes.
Alsu, Luiitiu r aiitl tium a* a. I a : - ‘ • • ' «!•■' ! ■ big. Hooks and Bunches
a uiii I. 1 »-.p, and Soapstone Packing.
Also, Oak nmi Hemlock Sc r . ’-er, F itch and American Calf and Kip Skins,Lin
mgs call • and • . ■ L s, late Our prices styles, just ...... irtn
ry or see ns. will, at all times be
i't22yl . ... _
' .q
f A. * e lx* I LIE k SONS.
iE IN —
3> ,
*t*r • I and
ii is Shades
• a ad £)orders
J T7( w«r-, Vs/ Ju
■ t - - *' m f J
bane Mills, Gin Engines, Cotton Screws,
Shafting Pulleys,Hanger's Jounwl Boxes. Mill (bearing Gudgeons Turbin
W e- i\ b"ci-'.Gin Gis'ritig.l ” ! !v A !’! "’DdA'S •.OVLliXOlis DISTON’A
i ntCULAi; S,1W and t im mms and Fil Abdii,, au.l Babbit Metal and liras*
9 ,: Iron and Htiisiy
Castings, Giu Iiibs, ami Gold Mine Machinery, . ’ c ’’
( EG, li. LOME Alii) aV CO.,
FOHESt CITY foundry and machine works,
Near the Water Tower, I7(» l''cuwli'U Street, AUGUSTA, GA.
f'J“ Repairing Promptly done at Low Prices. July 13, *81. j-y.
“liichiircrs Ilimseif Again!”
--DR.II.S. S3!I IL Proprietor of the—
*dM-*fc>dai uL* *5? fCLtXX Adtk uiiW l-.—j.' it* Q.. ^ AAL/ ‘aci Xtst' ira Be
(iS-t.A.1 /VVYT TVAAT? UUUll RPT 1>BBU>Y HIV t lilt. I If IinTfl ttUIbJj,) \
,,, 1 AKEh . . rr<D tins ... metliodof informing • \ his ■ many fririifls e • , - and , customers , of his EN-11 HE
LY RESTORED HEALTH, and with it his WONTED ENERGY, and desire to I a
goods, etc. They will find liitn at Ids post ever courteous, and ready to serve the up
W itL f hanks for liberal patronage in the past, solicits a continuance ol the same.
Begs to inform them that in addition to tlie usual lull line of
lie always has on hand, they will iind an Uiiusallv Full StocK of
With something specially good under tlie brand of
oiLiD isr~m :ta^hyes
and Also a full line of Tobacco*. Cigars and Cigarettes, With many other articles
IN ANI) OUT OF DRUGS H. S. SMITH, Crawfordville. Georgia
Mar-25, ’8t,k-m,
Tlie WHITE Sewing Machine.
m ? Ladies Pavorita!
:-t is tliti Lightest Running
: ir ' ’C' t cu:--t makes the prettiest stitch ;
sr—' L££r c -
u . I;a -gjv conveniences than any other
»i AM"
' ' *1 .' years and is the easi
ud gives the best satisfaction
'4m!§5E of any machine on the market.
’ solicited to
■ ' r are ex
II F In buying. Responsible deal
:upied territory.
W ■J3L& ■: A S3I2TH,
Wlxi. • air R rail Dealers,
) A .1 . T.U E0R IA. 59
' V t.Hwfi'tlville. Ga.
y ; y’.N,
>*'pl .2. >1.241.