Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 26, 1881, Image 4

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Vi I lie i >< mocrat. Edward Ym»ner & <I'loprieKHb. John >». C»rahi,,n. ! " r - SATl’RDA V.SoV EM HER 26, D81. Enter 4 *! at the Post Office a* Crawford d Oat* Malt Pinr.IhHKRS XQTH’E We hope that all who are in ; 1 rear- for 1 he Demo* «*r will , -> mptly pay what ♦l ey owe. We give our reader*, with no additional charge, a paper double its form ci site with fat more than do: ttl« amount of reading matter. We wish to make it a live, progressive journal. All we »sU on the part of Kubseribers Is the prompt payment *if their subscriptions. Complain.*. Some of ottr subscribers complain that they dc not regularly receive their papers Whenever thh occurs it would oblige us grcuUy if they w«u f ,, , fact. W«* ^ to tix rlit* > Li. •! wlu re it f(e * ■»*<»•«, _________ All IhKCUIf. HV must tH*K f»*i r <Inn of our roador* for a 4uatb of editorial matters thin week. Tin* reply of Mr. Young to Judge Pottle, to getter with some other matter a., well usthe necessity of early issue, compelled ns- to h ave out our editorial. VUH I.1II- I>1(»H. Being o|iliil!iti( 1 ,;. . . „ne ^iifijertH la prtMul l>y the Paper* 01 the l «mitry, n<- Gentiu t» Be Pound. (Atlanta Constitution-] A fortune is open to tin' genius that will Invent a I'owpnmt gate fastening. I’p to date that reslderatum for Atlanta has not been found. llloM<M)nf)jt£ tHlf. i ,Atlanta 7W*J///*,*/ } The t’tiA wi-otim ii.j.j hr wont tr, , d. r the numagctyicnt of p i y..t)tig and , John M. lifaham, ?'* WOJAOjiJcit into l)ID* of tbs brightest ;nj,l uev u OtU' |*X change*. The Du Korn at deserves ■ literal patronage. A i'ardonable t'rline. [Allatit/t JV*f- Appeal. J It aeeras that the r0s> IsMilirune held .. . ..... ip i'nnU , in . a J*ouisviII(j court ln ,u otiu r day, wlum the lottery e»«-» against Simiuoii-i & Dickinson came lip The prosecution found Its game blocked by (!„■ productions of no hye. than fiffv-elght pardons from (lie Gov. ruor Brady lor Duty. lAtrurirou The Hon. Alexander II. Stephen* the distinguished arrived in Ueorglan Hepiesei.ti.’fiv,- „„i’ the olty this week and t ‘ ,ul ' etlv ml.,’ ' ' ' ,t ,ht National tint , : L * 1 i w " r,! s'c gratified to learn *i hi air. *i -Stephen,, i* enjoying what good health for him, and b prepared to etitcr npon the discharge of his Iteprearn. tattve duties t./o weeks Ranee, with all h!s xcciiNtorneil *eal mid------- ewirgv. A l.ittle liicuiutiNtnit l Atlanta Cormtitvtion. J I 11 ,ht ' , S " U ' n "' t0 ' ' Gun.souu' ol our most es ueiueit ,, vxclmiiges unfold the gory gar inent und go howling around in cih-i turn ...Mo. .......................... I.,.., * J . 1 i ,hJn fl .„ .... 1 •graph Hunger Rutherford ana .) 1J. Hayes, wliooin d the presidential chair some time ago. * has teen advertispd m^vern! tluius during ib*> past month to nrrlv* in Knfflaml However, he still lingers on this side of Hi ,i,-)-s T. 7 **TTtr .....* ...... : uu^ luftrfujJj bmj i hi or.'i of Jaio i» t)>r jn).st-of1Wt», Ircasiiiy «jjil navy (lojmit nient.s. He await... ^tii) farther; muita b« i, ton-ue leave* , for . uion coiijsemal , t-Dinra. \ l unundruni, [ .Vw/furAh hVijiif i- ■) "llow to keep tli ■ boy* at liotni is a conundrum Hist is sglUang the parent. of thelnnd, ’* depends oo the kind of n hoy. So mo hoys could ho kept at home by establishing a beer saloon in the base¬ ment, others need c ball room in the par 1 >r ; but (he best way to keep a boy at" home is to tell him to stay there, and make it a point to have him obey you. begin early, and you have the solved. I xiilllng In Gere [Atlanta Pm i-Mp/voi] Mr. John M. Griham, the official steno¬ grapher of the Augusta circuit, who is now sn the city, inform- ns that the Su perioi Court of Perk Miniv n uv n sus von will sit for I ho¬ ! *ll> tel in o' court n» •n th.ui s v» n v*.tNVw ui homicide will W i D this i« no: n pretty simsi showing fur ltnrke it will cer¬ tainly 5 • ft i xvahiun, \vht»n ht* puts in his work i sing down the testi¬ mony. Thu \cw i ulo » i i»u i The New Code efi-eoig: . -ir-lere-t by act ->f the t,i‘. tleneral Ass, :ab!v. w ill te r ubbsbed by James P Harris >:t >c Co . of ♦he Franklin Printing House, vfiaata. The numter of copies to he issued for wil be limited The hx'k is hidisponstbV te every law library in the state. It will be «e.!t. theivfon. fill all who desire !o o-'UP a copy et the new ( ode, to owlet tU*- saute «t ouee from the puhln' ers. w ho will nil the The order volume Immediately lets*** upon publication. .a 1 ■ P style. d in e •, --- 1 -pul to the hues; v->-ie .1 \ ^,.(0 t I In m Write w tte p-Jkii>ac<-»'. Ajjlieatua for Letters «wv*« - • ' BORGIA—TaliafebkoCoitxtv. ' H r Il£ 8 EAS Keuten S. 'Vest Ad » f rainistrator on the Extatp of Jafn' * UVst Into of county deeeas etl a lo me for letlfcjs of ■i ni from jniii estate. These are therefore to cite 'and ad - , !, ailjsTMins concerned to show if any they can, on or by the* first Monday in March why said letters should not be granted. ... . G-veu under my hand and official si 2 - Uil are. This November -' 1 st 1881. ( A. Bkazi.ey, Ordinary T. C. Administrator's Sals. Court House door, In said county, on tl e first Tuesday in December neat, be t ween the lawfull hours of sa!e,the fol lowing property to wit: One tract of land in said county lying on the waters of Gardens creek. Adjoining lands of i-solum Rhodes, Estate, of John Ma hair and others, containing one hun died and six. v seven acres '(107) more or 1 * r-s. said lau I sold as the property ( ,f 'Pyre <}. Ellington, deceased for the tenegt of tl e creditors,and heirs at law said deceased. This Novetntei 8. Dm 7 Tins cash. JOHN W.KLLINGTO V.Adm’r" of T.G. El.i.iNOTrK, Dec'll Administarors Sale, >R f > l A—Tai.x a KEiuto Cor nt v. I > V virtue of an order from theCourt ) of Ordinary of Wilkef county, Georgia. Will lie sold on the first Tues¬ day in December (next) A. I)., 1881, at the court-house door in the county of Taliaferro and state of'Georgia, tween the legal sale, hours. The tract of land in said county of Taliaferro, I Plunging to the Estate of Maria J. Randolph deceased, lying upon the wa ters of Little river, Ifardins and Reedy creeks, and lionmled by and adjoining said Jfittle rive, and Hardens creek aud lands of John 1*. Moore, John 1 E. A. Moore, George Wright, Josi'ph Brooks and,!and >i!illrnan formerly belonging and to Ksiate (W Jtisejm comonly known ns the Eieklen place and otliers, and 1 'iHitaiuing.hy estimation twenty seven hundred acres more or less said land will bn subdivided into fouroe live sperate. toacts or parceie. Each of sai I -SHS5SS same. of sniff. All who on the day persona may desire to examine said land oy either subdivision of the same, can do St) |,y calling upon Mr. Geo. 0. Fonclte who lives at the main settlemeul on said original tract of land, and he will show them said lands lyi well as the plat of ehch said subdivision* of the same. -Said land all well improved, lots ;l huge amount of valuable timber, an well as low grounds upon it. The terms () f sale, are one-half cash, the balance payable the first day of December .4. D- 1882, with lawful interest from day of T!m purchaser to execute his note for thw^npaid balance of purchase money. Tffe mliniidstrator retaining title unfii purchase money is fully paid. titles w jU g[ V e eqeciite purchaser bond for with the ifsifal conditions in same. I). W. Ur Bosk. Administra tor with will annexed of Maria J, Bsin estate. EMPLOYMENT I’OH VI.I, tosell k household N'r SSSRCTS r» ?</«R .round t | u , i,oii.e suit wait for others to earn it for them. We can Rive you employniant, »H the time, or during your spare hours If you do not care tof employment, we can impart valuable Information yptl free of e«*st. It will cost Aon only idle tent for-a po-tnl curd to write for our l’ n ’ s }" ,( 'tu., nud -t may be the means of making you a godd many,dollars. opportunity. You Do not neglect this do not have to invest a large sum of mon «v. and run a great risk of losing it. You «u<i <*stab)w)i ft lucrnilvo and Indepcnd honorabU*. stralRtitforward “"•>. NOW, !'r‘»«t«Ulu, for there .VU/NtA IN If to*- nil is «tu» engage with ii* W'e will surprise you and you will wonder why you never wrote to us before. Wk spniv vvi.i. i*\u ticvi.ars Address * , HI » KEYK M’F’G UO., r Name *his paper.) Marios, Ohio. ~ J. J. MULTAN, 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., ATLANTA, GEKC-IA \t\srv actcUku ok— MONUMENTS, Tombs S. Headstones, Etc. Designs and Estimates furnished. Sept.2,12m ‘ . i D. V W w '+ t > • MM ,i, 'Li? si a , For the Cure of. Ornghs, C. Ms, Hostrctw s>, I'-'-onchnis.Cr'tip. Influ . ett.-a. AM na.'Yho'qanii Cough, In¬ cipient Consumption and forthe re tftvt * * * i ARTHUR, THE PRESIDE T, And C. Myers to the front offering the Public one of the Largest and best se le< —d stocks ever brought to this section, and at prices that will astonish the wise. Having taken the greatest care in selecting my Stock, l am prepared tc offer the bent selection of Dry Goods. (Nothing, Boets, -Shoes, He.s and No¬ ' tion*, that have ever been s':e:i in M idle Georgia, al.~j tear in mind that I have always. a full supply of Groceries on hand. 1 Our CIoSMsig Is the nobbiest that has ever been seen South of Mason and D xon'a Line. Suits for the Rich and the Poor. smiling countenances will always greet vou. Truth is stranger than fiction. My pride is with the Ladies, and I am pre pared to bring smiles to their faces, when they behold our grand stock of Dress Good*. Elegant Black Cashmere at the lowest figures and the prettiest line of I Worsted I'laids at 20c., 25c.. SOc., all tile go this season, also, a fine assortment 1 of Black Alauaca at bottom prices. ! j LiookS JLsOoIsl!! . 1 j 1 SHOES! SHOES!! ' Ilavisg paid spechil attention t^lhis feature of my businsss. and also, te ing in direct communication with some of the largest and l>est Shoe Manufac tones in the United States I can offer the best inducements ever known. Our one dollar shop wilL give the test satisfaction, and a Ladies’ Calf hoe for f 1.25,that cannot be sold elsewhere for less than SI.75, also. I have a complete line yf Ladies’and fients’line Shoes, hand sewed. Sailer Dry 1 & Co’s make Philadelphia. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. ... Our . stock . of Llitts is complete, give good from and we can ytu a at 50c j | Owing to #8.50, to some of the nobbiest Hats in stiff and articles, felt you but, ever saw, look at them. space we cannot mention the other will say that any j one in need of goods in my line, will do well to give me a call, as quick sales , , 1 and small profits is my motto. ; C. MYERS. • -Mew Arrival «i Furniture ;\.| 4 , rit fl'TTl 111 ' xr \'l A 4 YniffiGtlT VI 4 I I H DtP/ADT S I ( )Ivi ^ ^ X P, • .Iil.Iilv XXX Ji ./XXX -OF - CLAXI BttMBM § _ \() T ... J. ()R ■ _ A IN I) 710 _ ...... BROAT) . nml SI RlhK , 1 s T -, rl1 I * 1 / * 'JL7 DJ.t /lb miVLUT IOXXUjJjX. \Ye «re now prypgred to show the public the finest and test selected stock in Walnut and Ebony ; Walnut Dressing Cases and French*I)ress S-'ts. Dinning Will Library Furniture. ~s(r Ac. Our prices are within the reach of everybody, and guarantee goods to give perfect satisfaction. Give us a call before elsewhere. Agents fot National-Wire Mattress. PLATT BROTHERS. SIGN OF THE BIG CHAIR. AUGUSTA, G A. osa . R-aim.KV w \VM. M. JOHUAN. SSBZnEY 4 oOMilN COTTON FACTORS. Augusta ■ - C3r£t. ■ WE ABE AGENTS FOB lujotos onr and the cotton bloom .... SPECIAL ATTEKTIO* GIVEN TO WEIGHT. QUICK SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS. A. (J. M.GAY & CO. Clothiers HATTERS AM) FURNISHERS ;iT Peachtree st., Atlanta, a. HEADQUAITER . FOB 8tyle and Elegance IN Clothing and Hats. r It *.? ¥*k UlJ sr-5 * F<r WWM. end EXTFRXAl use. ’ TfidKCeST BBT 4 HOST mOSLYnKWM mMUYBCOtCmC^ . PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY £ VF.GKT VBLE JTMEDY . Dysentery, *.s««, Cramps. Cholera. Summer Complaint, Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Sprams, Rheumatism, etc. extemalte, and certain to -w.-e afford relief Xo v - tamlly ,,miir Perfectly affegfl sate to use internally or druggists at **., .oc. andXi.oo a bouie. caa to he wlttemt it. sold by all PrevMwo*. B* L PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietor* KARS TIMES. THIS YEAR has been a remarkable one with us. Our people have hardly ever kn« wo such condoned drouth. -ucb short crops and such hard times. The resaL is that money is very scarce. The thousands are reduced to hundreds : the hundred. to fives and tens. What are the people to do ? Wher*' are they to get their winter clothing, si oe*. flannels, linseys. woolens to keep out the biting eold which wifi - 00 n come on the icy wings of the north ? Is there no relief ? II ijAK 1 A VOICE FROM GREENESBORO. This voice proclaims relief at least part all to the people. C. A. Davis k Co of Greenesboro. Ga.. who have large capital and loBg experience in mercan¬ tile life, appreciating the scarcity of money and the position of the people, hare 1 rought prices down so low that people lor forty miles all around Greenesboro are coming in crowds to avail themselves *>f the great advantages offered in ‘ r C. A. A imvis liVis A a fV» Co.. Greenesboro, « Ga. a OUR sTOCK Is by far the most extensive in this part of Georgia. We have from 25 to 50 different departments, in every one of which the wateword is LOW PRICES I Everything troro a penknife to a grindstone, from a thimble to a sewing ma c-i ne, Iroiu a doll hat h it to a Fre-eh pattern bmuet. from infant hosiery to a co., Greenesboro, Ga. The ladies can find in our millinarv department one of the finest milliners i™ and large . stocks of millinery and fancy goods of the South. Our doUiing moreai^Wfihidrdnha ensGmi'w Av!,, 'u/'^hh C qUi, ° ur nt, J ie sh, s of ' e ^ fl, Hre nnture t,le ****; and Haiti- houes furnishing goods & l adies’ , mw s aud i childrens now , cloaks, dolmous, sacks and ulsters OUR PRIORS. ^ ! s n0 ^ always best to quote prices until the customer reaches the counter, „ fince at our counters, you will he satiistied that nice goods at low prices makes things lively and pav people for going even along ways to get what they will have to pay much more for at home. A visit to Greenesboro will be very pleas* read er » of Ti | e Dkmochat, and cannot fait to be profitable to those feel the need , of very low prices to enable tbera to stem the current of these very hard times. A waiting your visits, to show you what we can do for you Most truly, ’ C. A. DAVIS A CO. Greeneskoro’, Ga BEIB & BEIB I Druggists and Apothecaries. CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. A FULL LINE OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Soaps, Cigars, Etc. Also Dealers in Fancy Groceries. A call solicited, and yon will be pleased with our goods and prices. We keep only the BEST GOODS. W. B. BEIT) 9 Will keep constantly on hand a full line of the FINEST BRANDS of W 1 HNSM.WB ZalQUORS In connection with his other business. sep 2 fim ONE AND A HALF MILLIONS SURPLUS CAPITAL. IT. Bicliards & Bro.„ AUGUSTA, GA. .Made the lucky members of a POWERFUL DRY GOODS SYNDICATE All sition must -stand aside when our prices take possession oan September, October, November of the minds of Clt * ^ pa ja ? and December, 1881 will ring over this GLORIOUS COUNTRY And every human being for one thousand miles around will SHOUT ALOUD advertising to their friends the unheard of bargains to be had at Y. RICHARDS & BRO'S. THE SOUTHERN MARKET and we shall distribute in four 5 months $ 250,000 bh.rts, Hosiery and millions of Notions and Fancy G& at prices that wlU TAKE the trade by .storm and allow competitors plenty of time to rest. THINSS M’JSTC-0 ONR WAY our success. THE LARGEST EUROPEAN CONNECTION On Black Silks and all Imported * control Goods known in this part of the country. To suaa up we the reins and this country shall have THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS sr ’ssoBbSu rev E&swsir *«• *»>■ «- - * do bat \. RICHARDS & BRO., Augusta, Ga. CONTROLLERS 1 OF THE SOUTHERN Jf ARKET o.forrim oT'A.yw'AdVver ^ 1 S, ’ nt Whea dC,ired and EXPR ESS FREIGHT PAID AGENTS WANTED immense demand for tiie only Complete, Authentic and Fully Illustrated i- st nuWishL^lf D Dt a ^thrmilrn «torv Attempted A«-'I£A™SS S33 i3 ',' < inular* free. Literal teims. Outfit 50c. Address at once.HUBBAKD BROS.. Publishers. Atlanta. Ga A hook of rare originality, eutt 1 ed Practical Life. The great P roblem solved - The in d > colored ssrsaasarrar plates—each P a R e wanted one a gem Agents ireular everywhere. Send for full rm-fl deserintion f terms 4c * ’ ta> 1 J i Urt j - KDX « i AO , phih t tma., P* r*.