Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 26, 1881, Image 8

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i iio I Jon ocrat. LOCAL NOTES. —Mrs W \. I>?gwfn and daughter are in .Atunit a —Overcoats The best in town at Myers'*. —Master Frank Mitchell is viewing the t eautie* of the Exposition. —Thousands at yards of mutant calico certs per jarrt. V. A. Davi* A Co., •ireensboro. <«a. -Dr J s Farmer went tip Thursday to the Exposition accompanied by his young um Guy —Dry Goods in endless variety. C. Myers's -Mr. Jim*-- Anderson, a very popalar young Crawfordville gentleman, is in the Gate City attending the Exposition. —Read the advertisement of C. A. Davis * < o , of •reensburo, . „ Ga. — Mr. Kuan, the clever proprietor or (he Koan House, of Lexington, tms bwn *1**14 mg a ccuple of weeks in Crawfordville. —Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! The nobbiest suits to be found this side Atlanta or Augusta, at Myers’s. —Mr. Monroe Gorham, our very clever and excellent jxwt-master, has been suffer ing very much during the |>ast few days with asthma -A far., -tr-k of anrl Mm ai...p ,a u,„.* —Miss Lena Bruckner, of Augusta, is on a visit to her sitter, Mrs. M. Carey Jones, of this city'. — Learn h«w tocoiiquorthe‘‘Uard times bv a^ading the annouucement of C A Davis A (Jo., of Greensboro, U*. Mi - . Moselle Li-ary who lias been at tending the .school of Miss Kattio Farmer, left for her home at Crawford Thursday. —For the nobbiest hat go to C. Myers. —llor c-lradlng has been the order of the day In Crawfordville during the past week. —The true theory explaining tliegroa rush to C. A. l)uvL& Co'».‘ Greensboro, i* fait dealing and very low prices. — Mr. Horace Holrlcn, who has been at tending college aj Falrhurn, Is home on a visit. He is looking well. —Shirt stud*, collar buttons, cuff but ton*, at Myers s. , at'M^m^Bminell'ctl^g^AL -UdH-'scl.wks and dolmans from the auction room, very ch-ap. Cloaks from 5I.S0 up. Jaulivs' walking Jacket* and nlatcrcltsat C. A Davis* Co’s., Greens imra.Ga. —The household of Mr.RylvesterStewart, was gladdened on Monday lust by the, ar rival ot uliaiidsoins daughter. —Ties in endless variety at C, Myers's. -Mrs. 1 K Boone, of Crawfordville is v ,:n.;: ivlutivea In Orccuesboro. —Childs' winter hats2.1 cents up. Boys' winter hat* 21 and 11 cents up. Melts winter bats 25, -’ii and so cent* up, at C. A Davis * Go's., Greensboro, Ga. Cobb Anbury will frolic around Atlanta during tlie next three days. —Mi W. F, Holden, accompanied by his wife, left Thursday for Atlanta. Mr. Hol¬ den la one of the vice-presidents of the cot t-m Exposition, and lie will visit that big show dvrinft bis stay lu Atlanta Mr C.inpcr Myers has, witlda the past week, made quite im addition to his cleri¬ cal force. Mr \Y \V. Bird, one of the Hind popular men, is now tearing calico, and at¬ tracting the ladies to Mr. Myers's storo by hi* winning smile and gracious manners. - There is a death of local news this week MV have tried to manufacture some but our feeble brain is inadequate to the task —Claude Holden K we are glad to sny, again himself. It wus'a severe pull, but Claude curne, out, as he does in every tiling, top-side up. It did n* gins! to shake his hand last Saturday, and hear him say in his hearty, impulsive style, "your honor." Mr. I M. Jackson is making some im provenients on the dwelling next to Mr. Ti¬ tus Rickards'* store. The house will be oc I'upied next yeat by Mayorllrlstovv. — Margaret Peck, a small iieHro child, died of diptherla about seven o'clock Thursday evening. Her death was follow¬ ed by that of her sister, Mitt Peek, at one o'clock Thursday morning A iiiimt**r of Crawfordville'* fairest d (lighters will visit Exposition next Thursday. They would have gone day be¬ fore yesterday, but the festivities of the hanging proved too great un attraction for them. Board and expenses were Entirrly High lor too aw steep hysU— fot Hut Tlie the average fare Is man's reduced physic ; to One I cent a to‘Atlanta* mysle— Am going Well, now, 1 should stny-de. —McDuffie Journal. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC draki^ Ginger. btiiiingu, Bucbu, £tan* S and m.vy of the l>mt medi¬ cine! are com¬ bine*! k» ParkeFa Ginger Tonic, into m medtetne of «Kh vax ted pewem, ms * to make k the crc.itvM r*!«x>d lhwtfirr and the Bt bt Uea ith.v Siren-Mb Ueatorr r Kn»r V*rL It cuiea Rheum .v. m, Hair Parker's fatetifte: Balsam, h ““"Y t .“Sr ■n* h.y rwoc «j r I It.. .nil wSctt 1WCL a» it i r*w(>a , Nvw .»!.*« w rohMvtlM twk. ntver iotsxicat**. lllssox c; A Co., CtwmUta, N. Y. —4 ♦' »*—■ t oy s«e.^ *«o»x twim si— • ? i A. - '* 1 Cd • >, r i y « i * : i - 1- \£ MO I ' J , , Kis g; ii. u. jS UMEBOU5 Testimonials ami Large >•)«» prove that prices of l’ian- 4o and Organs, for same make and style are from 20 to 30 j>er cent, less ‘'The Music House of the south” than ebsewliere. G. U. ROBINSON A CO. fHpf; ¥9* L. P. Q. S. ' ; ; lArge (wall Contracts with the bes j tuanuta c turers and Large Sales at “Tb jf ug j c ,iuseof the South,” enable G y ROM NSON A CO., to Bell Superio 1'iauos and Organs at less price than i paid by small dealers, T. M. H. 0. T & (i. O. ROBINSON A CO.sell in Tex JMS USal.'law’^II*'S uS “17* MiMm Am T \JPm AY lyr A a k * ■•••■ •• Twenty to thirty imr cent, saved in |nti chasing Superior Pianos and Organs, Musical Instruments. Sheet Music,Mus l« Books and liest Italian Strings, at ‘•The vl nio onse of the South.” Ttilling 1111(1 I* (‘pairing Auut^ta- 1 >iSI °° ^ tbe ». O. ROBINSON RoniMROM l- * nn CO. Oct.27,81 ,j-y. f| MI EG LOBE HOTEL, CORXT&U EIGHTH AND UKOAD HTRFETP, AUGUSTA, GEORGlAp 1* centrally located, and within five min ides’walk of all the prlnci^l Bnslness Houses, Banks, Post Often. Public Ihiilil iocs,Union Depot,Opera House,Telegraph > 'Hires and Express the Office. door,going to all .streetcars pass vicinity,(every five minutes parts of the city and during (tie day. The House Is supplied with all the eon venielirr of a first rliiss Modern Hotel,and la especially well bleated.and provided with nil convenient facilities for Commercial Travelers Kaeli carrying eonneeted sampels. with the office by room Ih-IIs. SumniervuTe Tebplujlte in attachment office f* - iththeeity the and tlie n accom¬ modation of guests G. S. ATKINSON* SON. Pron'rs. Formerly of Clemens House,Danville,Ky t HA\\T<'OHI>VU.I.K. GA. Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco A full line of Salmon, Lobster, Clams, Corn And other Canned Good*, Pickle* Crackers. F.le. 1 keep only llm Res of Goods, amt respectfully Solicit your Patronage. 11. 11. FLTNT. 8ept.»,4-w. Speeinl Notice, Having disposed of the TfiK Demo¬ crat to Messrs. Young* Co., they nre authorized to collect and receipt for all subscriptions and advertise¬ ments due to Tiik. Democrat. M. Z. ANDREWS. || I I pi Pjljl T) Yourselves by making i.sjolfcrcd, money when a golden chance from thereby door. always Those keeping who al¬ poverty take advantage your of the good chances ways making offered, for money that are gen¬ erally become wealthy white those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women hoys »ii,l girls to work tor us right in their own localities. The business will nay mot]* than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish »n ex|B*nsive outfit and all that you need, free. No one who en gages fails to make tuonev very rapid I y. You can devote your whole time to tbe work, or only your -pare moments. Fall information'ainl all that is needed free. Address fen nson A Co.. Portland Maine. No- VHP. *) 1 rivn .' S' OltUAN’8, l x3 h oets. reeds. Only tut'. Addles* DvSlXi, K Beatty, Wasbington, N' J. w worn •s.^,4 a «»'M r ; M - ---fck eft *r a. n **»*J»^' n» b, » b ut- « U. U»W, w« K. R. SCHNEIDER. Importer of Fine Wines, etc. Cigars, Mineral : J 61 and *256 Broad Street, • 1 Vll „, lsl , G ! , wH j c M YERS & MARCUS, JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, 9 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AX1) CLOTHIXG. rpBE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully inform the merchants of Taliaferro 1 *nd adjoining countie*, that their Fall Stock is now brought being received, this and market. in price A and assortment is unequaled by any tint ha* ever been to special feauture of our business is the establishment of a BOOT,SHOE AND HAT HOUES Entirely distinct from our Drv Goods Nntinp* and other SHOES Depsrttmrtp. end HATS in turn at'ire will be found the lurgrstand best selected stock of we hav ever had. and we feel satisfied that it will be to the interest of purchasers to in spec our stock before purchasing elsewhere. MYERS & MARCUS. September 9, J Ail.— yl. 236 and 288 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. * REDUCED RATES! VIA THK GEORGIA RAILROAD To me Atlanta COTTON EXPOSITION! 2S»%SKSsSTSiSX 'J ue in force until December .31st. proxi mo. calculated one way, which is L-ss than one fare for round trip. Tickets must lie procured from the Cornpaif* Agents, and will be good to return for Three (3) Days from and including data of issue. No extension of time will be granted. SCHEDULE OF DAYS ALLOTTED AND TERRITORY: Mondays—-Embraces all stations be tween and including Augusta and C'arnak. Tuesdays— Embraces all stations be tween a:.d iucludiug Haddocks and SKlIS’ Imlnesdays-— r* Embraces a all stations . .. between and including Norwoob ami Jlgton. Thursdays- Embraces all stations he /Eirit.lln. mELT* ‘eluding Crawfordville mid Fridays—Embraces all stations be tween and including Greenvsboro and Alcovy. Saturdays—Embraces all stations lie tween and including Covingtou and Decatur. The service will lie performed by the passenger trains leaving Augusta. Ma¬ con. morning Washington and Athens, on the 5.43 schedules, arriving at Atlanta at p. rn. By all other trains agents will only sell the live [5] day limited ticket, at five |.>J cents |*-r mile; or the ten [lu] day limited ticket, at six jii) cents imr mile. No tickets sold on the trains. Bo sure and obtain your ticket prior to entering the cars. John IF. Green, General Manager. K. It. Dorsey, Gen. l'assenger Act. „ 1,000 MILES _____ TICKETS 1 ’ Geowiia Railroad Company, > OeeickGeneralI'asscnokrAgent. AuotwrA, April 5tll, 1K7!I. \ ) V' pOMMENCING this Company will MONDAY—7tli sell ON t£ fTTrfrs- .inst.. AND MILK TICKETS, gootl over main line and branches, at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS each. These tiekets will he issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms and families combined. „ E. R. DORSEY, MayO,lK7U. General Passenger Agent Georgia Railroad -AND Banking Co. pOMMENCING Augusta, Ga.,S SUNDAY,4th eptember .1, mm. t the following instant, he operated passenger schedule will : no. l west—daily. KO. 2 EAST—DAILY. l,v. Augusta 10:30 aim Lv. Atlanta 8:3oa in " Macon 7:10am] " Athens 9:10am "Milledg'll tmifia m! "C'wf'd'll 1.10pm " W‘sh’i':i lt:3o a in Ar Wash'g' 2215 p ni Ar. C'f'dvil t:12!p|m " Milledg'll4:4!l p m " Athens 4:50 pm " Macon i>:45p.iu " Atlanta 5:43unv" Augusta 4:0Gp'm NO. 3 WEST—DAILY. NO. 4 EAST—DAILY. Lv. Augusta3:55 p raiLv. Atlanta S:3ll n m Lv Cr'f'v'U S:52 p 111 Ar.O'f’dv’ll 2:13 a m Ar. Atlanta 5:tH) aim Ar. Augusta ti:30 a in FT No connection to or from Washing¬ K ton on SUNDAYS. JOHN VT. GREEN, E. R DORSEY General Manager. Gen. l’ass'ger Agen THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. The Mhrt and Hlrert Route North. Schedule in effect May 15, 1881 , upon tlie Richmond and Danville railroad—At¬ lanta, Charlotte ami Richmond divisions : j U • ‘ s **"' waii v~V 1 ' it U 'k h tast •(.. , Northward. •Express, ‘ ' No. 43 No, Mail, 47 No. 49. Lv, Atlanta 4.00 pm Mas pmi 5:30 pm "Lula Toccoa 6:40 am t'coo pm I 9.0'pin “ 8:15 am ‘7:30 pm 1 -0:17 pm “ Seiit*t*A 9.-1 am ;S:41 pm 11.2 pm " Greeny'I 10:29 am |10:22 ami 1:05 am ' Npart.l’g Gharl'te 12:11 pm 11:42 pinj 2:12 am " 4:15 pm 4:03 am B.15 “ Salisb'y I ii;07 am pm 5:3H auijlf.-31 ami 7:10 am Ar. “ Danville{10:09 Retim'd; put 10:21 pm' am 7:*S ail) 4:18 4:43 pm " " Baltliuo'l Washt’nj 3:21 1 ;00 pm pm 11:25 9:30 pm' 11:25 9:.i0 pn. " Philadel pm pm t»:50 pm 3:25 am 3:23 am " New Y’k ;10; 05 p m 0:10 am South ward. u. S. Y. ! -UTsTFast | No | Express, No. .Vail, . 42 4s No. 50 ______ Lv.New Yk _ 8 30 am 10 wi pm 4 3) am " “ Fhilrdelpjli Baltimre. 3 20 40 am 3 00 am , 7 (W am pus 5 05 am 9 43 ;; • Kichm d 10 so* 45 pm pm .12 7 ou 0M an, Jl 215 m am t am pm " 7 27 am 0 18 pm 7 »1 Sallsb'ry n ir> am 110 33 II 03 pm ‘a S pm p m '■ s*« v } an n' t>i, AO pm 4 fS 0*> am a "' ‘'i 2 .VI 10 am a ‘* Cirt'tMiv’i .*» or pm IK am 4.v» ;V m .. f^* 1 »H 1 * > 1 OUA *^* SO] b pm !(,,, P ri1 7 K m 15 »: 4 (0 am "Lull ;i|u ')) 9 ,8 9 31 am Ar. Atlanta, 12JI.1 am l*a» p m ,10 00 m t lose connections made at all junctions or terminal point- herein named: with ar riv Sleeping in*; anti departing trains of ut her Lim*s. Macon ear on train No*. 42 and 4‘< be and Atlanta. I-lf“ I*uilman Sleeping Parser vice daily without change, between Atlanta aji,i nokets York, on trains No*. 47 and 48. sold and luiggage ehcckeJ from i to xi| points North. Smth ami West. ‘ V POl’E. Gcr'l Fas* Agent. TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY f ThV i'rn E rvrDVWueM*g* D THE AFFLI irTrn CTED EVE RYWHERE. SYftlrTOIdS OF A TP/>I5 ■ Vnii jn •!> jni I LI ll/ETD V EsKs Low of »ppetlte,Naii3»*.b owl» oo ativs. Blade, fullness after rating, with jaduiif ©Tmouiory.with»r«elfc*ofn«Yl5|a5t Iectod oom* duty, w ;arin Di'zimeMj *».;«. .fluttering ^ifSg°hoU^y of eh - f. *«rt SlB^ Dot.before tK IF THESE WAR^UrOS ARE UI. HEEDBD, SERIOUS DISEASES mi SOON BE DEVELOPED, TTJTTS PILLS e«i>eciMiy adapted to •««'hf’Hs^A.onfMhiiiprfrVctjuuirhachnngo Orvnns, Rmilor fc Mtoola are pro in-,. -x ■- v,r.-., *l El. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Okay Hair or Whiukkra rhtnpd to kOlomt Black by a Mm trio ai>pU*-atiun of ibis Dr^ It Imparts a natural color. «vt* In<tantan«K>oclY. Hold by I)ruK£i5U, or »vst At mh»n t>u r«r»ipt of p. Office, 30 Murray St., New York. g (Ml *r. Tim atliriL .Ill b. W mIM T.laau. mi I.bnta ll«WmJ Ml k M w 1 i | PC? ■c ' V“ ‘ 895 F C m $10 profitable SS5«S£SiS!Sfi business that , iSS gage in. The business any one can en¬ to is so easy learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who is wilting to work. Women are as successful as men. Boys and girls can the earn business large sums. Many hundred have made at oyer one dollars in a like it ever known before. Ail who engage are surprised at the ease ami rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address True * Co., Augusta, Maine. Noy.4,',S0.j-y. dh ™ Outfit sent free to those who wish to •yVJcngage table business in the most pleasant and prof Capital not required. known. We Everything newi will furnish you everything. $10 a day and upwards is easi¬ ly made without staying away from home overnight. workers No risk whatever. Many new wanted at once. Many are mak¬ ing fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fail* to make more money every dav than can be made in a week at anv ordinary employment. will find Those who engage at once a short road to fortune. Address U Halleyt * Co., Portland, Maine. Nov.4,'su.i-y, Floreston-SfgsiK Cologne *bU. Sold •rt by •lirerfMOM. de^lrrt Fn«mi IA FmMm* la On* •M Perfumery. ► ‘&C., All who 2-annerb, tired MothCTVBu«0€ssMcn]Mcchafucs^ by work and ftU who* arc out or worry, .are miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neural-* 'be invigorated Rowel, Kidney or Laver Complaints, you can' and cured bv using___* i— T you arc wasung away with Consumption, Age, * ,Dissipation ►Ginger Tunic or any weakness, you will find Parker's-* the greatest Blood Fertilizer and the’ 'Best Health A Strength Restorer you Can Use. and ’ far r so penor to Bitters and other Tomes, as it' -builds land $1 up the he system, system, but but never never intoxicates. intoxicates. 50 50 ct. ct.* 1 sixes. Hrscox & Co., Chemists, N. Y. 4 PARKER'S Rftnoves Dsadrdl HAIR Ilncly Pcrfcuncd. BALSAW iUsWre* Cviof. DR. BUTTS’IHS *U Chronic D,.„s,,. sad ,n.,o, » „ aIlon . *i repatutlon tUrooifhtli©curioj?of com:»iicat«*dcase*. IN P13CffET>ON*rEXPOSURE ^^ ?CoD»o?H?Bb)^5?TIkS , orKonP5f?^HtH<rorith : **^ W.ihout'- ib'.ixk Mprenry or Poisonous M#dicine«. YOUNC wi **** ‘i^SSMfK'.lZSS.Sl *^ hw-Viona*. ln *"- T r *-»** <L(*T^r ifcrt*| fr«B KxyiinrlMM m «4 tb*lr Conn rne!l» co*id*n!i*i. b**dtfr***«A DR. HI TTS* 1« N#rth SU OC. SR Udb !*■«. Fhilsda. w»Mui,?“o DAY, TAMAHILL A CO ,M ’35 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA„ MAN! FACTURERS AND DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OF Carriages, Rockaways, Buggies, Plantation and Road Wagons, arts, Etc. Manufacturer's Agents for the sale of the Cortlaud Wagon Co.’s Spring Wagons ami Buggies* Wilson, Childs & Co.’s Philadelphia Wagons, The Lightest Draft Wagon made. They Also, the Webster, OM have Hammered Hickory,tad Our Oira Scrap Axles, and z Make of On* tad xwa Wedge Spoke! I Horse Wagot s si ways Wheels. We keep in full stock, at box all sizes „n hand. tom prices. We have added to our stock of Fine Buggies and Rock* way*, A Line of Cheaper Grade Buggies. M * de t ?, ur ow ,!' w ith «wd to thuQualitv of the wheels, axles, and spun**, n, i which we will , sell Ltwer than any house this side of Cincinnati. Italian Uesvp, and Soapstone Packing. A,s ®> ° ilk »nd Hemlock Sole Leather, French and American Calf and Kip Skins,Lia ingsand Goat Skins. A full stock of Shoe Lasts, latest styles, just received. ktr Send on your orders, or call and sea us. Our prices will, at all time* bo Sept22yl JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS. —DEALER IN — Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Curtains and Shades -ALSO Wall Papers and Borders 713 BROAD STREET OLI) STAD 1 AUGU TA, GA JAMES G. BAILIE Jt SONS. J Feb.25,’Rl.j-y. * f . - ORDER YOUR SAW MILLS & GRIST MILLS, Cane Mills, Gin Engines, Cotton Screws, w Shafting PulIeys.Hangei-’s Journal Boxes, Mill GOVERNortTDrsToSSs Gearing Gudgeons Tnrhin ni«T , Gi8ftv' wn .?' 0,IEA1 ’ r Juwo.v's Castings, Gin Hibs, and Gold Mine Machinery, 8 ’ 1 ' 1 d Bra * ( * from CEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, ; Near the Water Tower, rt«> henwick Sree, AUGUSTA, GA. Repairing Lhomptly done at Liw Prices. July 13. ’81. j-y. “RicharcLs Himself Again!” —DR.H.S. SMI 11. Proprietor of the— Old Reliable Drug Store. (NEXT DOOR BELOW TIIE HOTEL,) CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA tv Ti^K»™"a£saaKK';fj?r. ! 'th-i t I.t-. h L W, J 1 tin, l him his post , a , ever ‘*nSrr courteous, , Ko ■iksbStTus ami ready to ■sjstjs Wit)i \\ ith thank.* for f r liberal , fiatronage in the past, solicits continuance of the surve them Begs to inform them that a same in addition to the usual full line of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. He always has on hand, they will find an Unusally Full Stoex of LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS With something specially good under the brand of e-v ‘i— > InVnD OUTOF e DRUGS CCOS ' Cifiars aiul a.s. C 'Sarettes, smith, With c»ias'(S5ir Mar-25, '81, k-in, The WHITE Sewing Machine. 4 The Ladies Favorite! I Because it is the Lightest Running; r the most quiet; makes the prettiest stitch.; ami has more conveniences than any other Machine. W A' It is warranted five years and is the easi -r vA> € v est to sell, and gives the best satisfaction M, of any machine on the market. Intending purchasers are solicited to ex amine it before buying. Responsible deal - ers wanted in all unoccupied territory. J. D. & T. F. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, BROAD STREET, ATLA5TA, UIU. 59 . LorSakbjr -Mrs. D. A. Williras, frawfrdviile, Ga. 9ert » ’r-.-m