Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, December 17, 1881, Image 1

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CRAWFORD V ILLE J )EM< n'HXl n . o By Edward Young & Co. WONDERFUL BARGAINS. TO ALL WHO ARB IN WANT OF fubnituse. :o: Our HANDSOME, WELL SELECTED STOCK and LOW PRICES gives the advantage over other dealers. 4 1! 1 he Latest Styles and greatest variety us in the city. Stock, and all say we offer the Every one who calls upon us admires cur Greatest Bargains They have ever seen. Think of Parlor Sets from $-7 to *300; Chamber Sets from *15 to *‘>00. All ask lsatrial. . , It' will call or send for prices we will convince you. we vou York, Philadelphia or We will duplicate any retail hill b msrtit in New Baltimore. All Goods packed and shipped free of charge, COME AND SEE US. R. €. HEGG 1 E & CO., 839 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. GA. Dec.17,’81, ly- __________________________________ _ _ CARPET8-743 Broad St. EsTABUSHEI) 1*50. GROG ERIKS Broad St. Georg© A. Bailie? --TIIE LIVE— Carpet and Grocery Healer OFFERS A full LINE of the FOLLOWING GOODS,LOW FOR cash 01 ,tS XlQtfTVALBNT’ Octor-pot Dopartmont nruiv 5™ R-nssp' i Car lets Tapestry IrussoU Carpets. Heavy 3-Plv Carpets. Scotch All-tV.. 111 Garp,m*. ration *,,d and Wool Carpets Stair Carpets and Rods. Strip l Ven - . s Mats. Cocoa and « unton Mattings. Floor V te Door Kagsand Mats Win O ' M’IW’: i v V Oil Cloths, all widths. Oil ClytlJ Re,n, d l *1 z ■ Rustic. Shades. Paper Shades. Store Shades, any Size “ uw ,‘ ‘ ............ins cheap and fine. Curtain Loops aad Baiius. V\ inflow Cornier- "waMPap. rs a: m Borders. Fire Screens, Room Centers. Picture Frames. Beautiful t hromos. Mosquito Nets. i vlQCEEY DEPARTMENT. Ferris’ Hum*. Magnolia*. Country Hams Fe.rrisAir.'akfa-t Bacon. I'Vr- | ris’Simik"d B’i’f. Geo. A lb e’s Best Flour. Baker s idioiee flour. Milk ciaek crs. S M\ MOJIU. u ", . , ■, iMM.-rs AND OIL CLOTHS MADE AND Sales and Sum 1 1 * ,, ^ p sh vDES HL NG AT SHORT NOTICE. • ' ‘ AUGUSTA, GA. MASONIC " hall BUILDING, Dec.17,’81 .ty. ____ l? n uriuitur© 300m, We bare just received TWO CAR LOADS of ELEGANT CHAMBER & PARLOR FurniturB, ,t„„ i|.,u there been such a Slock in Augusta, and we bought them to sell not have Stock ■ we ’ have the handsomest and most . ti STYLISH keep. All who seen our agree they have eyen seen South, and as cheap as they can be bad in the East, Fast West West or or North North We never misrepresent goods—everything sold on its merits. Satisfaction guaranteed. Our Stock is complete in every particular. Everything in idie Furniture line you will find here. Agents for the Best and Cheapest BED SPRING ever sold, every oue guar¬ anteed for Ten Years. Write for prices if you cannot come. J. L. Bowles Co., 717 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Dec.l7,’81,ly. Fin© Opera Glasses f BRONZED JEWELRY, EXQUISITE IVORY GOODS, FINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELRY. BIGGEST and COSTLIEST STOCK ever on the Augusta Market. For Tlie Holidays ELEGANT SILVER SERVICE, GOLD HEADED CANES. FANCY FRENCH FANS, SATUARY, PEARLS, F. A. BRAHE, Jeweler. Dec. 17,’81. ly M YERS & MARCUS, JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, Notionsand Hosiei-y * BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CLOTHING. *^«.hD?«nt pe a e nrjof ure f , ir our eq business n al | ,n>ya is the s 1 y th establishment ^, h e\ eTer ^"brought of a to this market. A T ^'T IOIjEISAIjE T)AAD' Iff I I Si! C 1 T1 \11 A 4 wttx \ IH-T TT \ a T ,n TrrtTr rrnTTCI -J ADVUljOIlUrjiiJ M 1/ Uxl 1 IlUliM L , wrn\ad ston^flbefomdrt!!! ^aml^rnTfeed sati^e^ D , y th^ < ¥?2*5 b? w"f Notions ite*t? *5 and other ^ Departments, » AT ^ Jr, our ha n v before*piucha.'; 1 "e our stock ug elsewhere^ 1 £ ° ‘ iut * rest ut l )urtf,:l ' ‘ ‘ September 9, MYERS & MARCUS. 18sl.—yl. 230 and 288 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga ORAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881. Georgia ~_ Railroad AND _ Banking Co. - Office Uenk&m. Manager, ) /Commencing Acocsta, Ga., December 10. 1881. > sun da v, nth instant, I the following passenger schedule will j Oeoperated : j so . l west—dailt. ajmiLv. NO. Atlanta 2 EAST— DAILT. Lv. Augusta 10:30. SdWa m : Macon 7:10 aiml a m 1 “ Athens 9:30.a;m : Milledg'U 9:05 “C’wf’d’U 1:10 pm : W’sh'i'n il:20.a|iuj Ar. Wash'g’2:55,p ni Ar. C’f’dr'll l:12:pun “ Milledg'll 4:49 p m Athens 4:50 p mj“ Macon 6:45 p m Atlanta 5:45 D m “ Augusta 4:06 p m NO. 3 WEST—DAILT. NO. 4 EAST—DAILY. Lv. Augusta5:53 p m Lv. Atlanta 8:30 p.m Lv. Ar. Cr'f’v’ll Atlanta 9:52 5:00 p aim mjAr.C Ar. f'dv’ll 2:83 6:30 aim Augusta a m JOHN W. GREEN, E. R. DORSET General Manager. Gen. Pas s'g er A gen 1,000 MILES TICKETS Gf.orgia Railroad Compant, \ OfficeGexfkal Passenger Agent. /COMMENCING Augusta, MONDAY, April 5th, 7th 1879. inst., V this Company TICKETS, will sell ONE THOUS¬ AND MILE good over main line and branches, at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS each. These tickets will be issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms and families combined. E. R. DORSEY, Mav9.1879. Genera 1 Passenger Agent UEBUCE1) RATES! VIA THE GEORGIA RAILROAD To the Atlanta COTTON EXPOSITION! Commencing Monday, November 14, 1881, The following special arrange¬ ments will be inaugurated, and contin¬ ue in forco until December 31st, proxi¬ mo. calculated one way, which is Less than one fare for round trip. Tickets must be procured from the Company’s Agents, and will he good to return for Three (3) Days from and including data of issue. No extension of time will be grunted. SUllEIKf^lO OF DAYS ALLOTTED AND TERRITORY : Mondays—Embraces all UtaUons be tweel , , t „a including Augusta and ..... Wednesdays—Embraces "T : all , Z stations between and including Netwoob and Wash ngton. Thursdays—Embraces Orawfordville all stations be tweeu and including and Athens. V \ otoye,- »tl el st ioaz hr. , tween and' including Grecnesboro auu Alcovy. Saturdays—Embraces Covington all stations be¬ tween and including and Decatur.* The service will be performed by the passenger trains leaving Augusta, Ma¬ con, Washington and Athens, on the morning schedules, arriving at Atlanta A will 5.45 only p. ni. sell By all live other [5] t rains limited agent* the day ticket, [lUj at day five limited faj cents ticket, per mile; or the [ft] ten at six cents per mile. No tickets sold on the trains. Be sure and obtain your ticket prior to entering the cars. John IE. Green, General Manager.. E. R. Dorsey, Gen. Passenger Agt. THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. The Shrt and Direct Route North. Schedule in effect May 15, last, upon the Richmond and Danville railroad—At¬ lanta, Charlotte and Richmond division*: U. S. Mail! N.Y. U, 8. Northward. | lExpress, Mail, No. 43 No. 47 No. 49. Lv. “ Lula Atlanta; 4:00 6:46 pm 13:15 6:00 pui] pnd 6:30 9.07 pin i am pinU0:17 *un “ Toccoa ! 8:15 am 7:30 pill “Seneca Greeny’)[10:29 ■ 9:2t am S-.41 pm: 11:2 pm “ am !10:22 ami 1:05 am ■‘Spartn’g 12:15 pm 11:42 pm 6:Is 2:12 am “ Charl’te 4:15 pm 4:05 am jam “ “ Salisb'y Danville 10:09 6:07 pm pm 10:21 5:56 am 11:31 7:50 am am am Ar.Ilchm’d 7:2S am 4:18 pm 4:43 pm “ Washt’n 1:00 pm 9:30 pmi pm111:26 9:3f pm “ Baltimo’l 3:25 pm ill:25 pin “ Pliiladel 6:50 pm | : 3:25 am 3:25 cm “ New Y ’k 10:05 pin i 6:50 am 6:50 am Southward. U S. Mail pNr Y . U . % Kart No. 42 ; Express, No. Mail, 4s_ ‘ Lv.New Yk s 30 am 10 00 pm , Mo ant “ Philrdnlpill 40 am 1 06 am 7 05 am “ Baltimre 1 3 20 pm 5 05 am »45 am •’ Washt’n 5 00 pm 7 00 ain It 10 am “ Richm’d to 45 pm 12 00 am 2 55 pm “ Danville 7 27 am !l0 ; 6 18 pm 7 91 pm “ Salisb’ry 11 16 am S3 pm 'll 05 pm “ “ Charlote|12 Spart’bg 3.50 80 pm |12 4 05 20 am i* 2.53 to am "Greenv’I: pm am am 5 07 pm 5 18 am 4 05 aui •‘Seneca j 6 51 pm | 7 02 am *05 am “ Toccoa 8 01 pm i 8 15 am k« 30 am “ Lula ! 9 16 pm 9 31 am i 7 39 am Ar. At1 anta |12 6.5 am 12 20 pm 30 00 pm Close connections made at al'Llunctions or terminal points herein named; with ar riving and departing trains of other Li ncs. Sleeping Macon car 011 train Xos. 42 ami 43 be tween and Atlanta. Puilman Sleeping Car service daily, without change, between Atlanta and I New York, on trains Nos. 47 and 48. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked from and to ail points North, South and West A. POPE, Gen 3 Pass Agent' dpi /"v Outfit furnished free, With full in and learn, plain, and our that instructions',ie so'.simple profits from the any one can make great ! very me^Lt'and^girts start... No one can as succe^fui aT can ,b earn b, larg. -um;- Many haw made at **. , J • I,< ' ^ hui«j«ed Mlai ? the'ease w^k. rapidity‘with Nothing like i5l tt • -r known Ire and Uncy Y^ iohCmv crL^e ’<> >-ke c.,: in t.s . -im Aning yo . par- •• .. « ' who need ready money, a hob' 1 write to u at once. All furnished five. Addr< Trce & Co., Augusta, Maine Pllks l x ^i ,s AI>V,CE “TO ALL WHOM IT CONCKRNH.’’ ** is Glad season °t presents for loved ones there * ** no dearth ; T; , lel none *»• forgotten—relation . or ‘ e • T , la , i may the holidays happier spend. t meres Nellie, poor child I far at some school, away " ' i0 cannot come home—’tis, she writes, I here's gainst the rule. of home, Cltarlie at college, now thinking T.lough seeming absorbed in some old 4 classic tome. AaiJ both for your presence now lovingly As yearn, homeward the fjnuiy eyes of their hearts turn. Ail things considered, Love’s impulse 1 think i’acuib;. that disturb, you'd best not Uieii studies » E: posuic; and traveling oft many tils Now thing; Puck's tiling counsel heed—'tis a capital * : lor Charlie, go purchase the handsomest A. suit, 1 sorts of confections, cigars and CUB _ ned fruit And Nellie must have a rich navy-blue dress, Which secure they'll get by the Southern Andyour Express. darling old Grandma, you must not forget, Put send her of seal-skin the handsomest set. Arddear, ' aged Grandpa, that needs so much care, Tou can sweetly surprise with an invalid's chair. No fears for their transit your mind need i'«r distress, tiiev’(l safely go by (he Southern Ex¬ iNere’s press. tle pet! Aunt Carrie’s baby—the dear Ht- 8hg think’s strange that no present’s been sent for it yet; Then buy an embroidered robe, kerchief and tab, And crib. with them, the prettiest latest-style vat , suyli costly gifts will risk, 1 you COll 'f th fess, not sent by the Southern y are Ex¬ And press. while you are sending your rich pres¬ ents forth. Don't forget all your friends and acquaint¬ ances North. Tor though freighted their orchards with fruits soiiH tinies rare. They have naught with our bright orange We’ve groyesto compare • the pineapple, fig, golden lemon and lime., The beauty and bloom of the tropical Dime, . But delay would soon spoil all such pres , enW, unless They Express. are speedily shipped by the Southern .\b‘w (me emir.sel more and said counsel •y^ItUt y Jjfp jjri, the poor—be to thorn e’er a 1 “• ^ ^ . » iitt!,. you’ll (JiVC, wYll glffr hi leresf accrue, r or God is their voucher—you II sure get your due their And ere hearts thanks unto vou 'they’ve confessed, ' .... HwVen Extuess." y Matt O B. Vilvmbut, Ga., D r., I88i. GENERAL NEWS AN GI.I.AM'.I) Kim.ll TEJA'-GKAMf AN II LETTERS. Being the latent Inlormatlnli ns Con* denned from the Newspaper*—A Uriel Review of What tile Country Is At, Culled tor the Reuders ot the Demo¬ crat. —Small-pox still rages in Now York. —The pecan nut crop of Texas is val¬ ued at $2,090,000. —Small-pox still seems to hold the fort at Covington, Ky. —Nashville lias grown from 17,000 in i860 to 75,ooo at present. —Kentucky state grange meets at Bairdstown, December 13. —The last rail on the New Orleans Pa¬ cific railroad has been laid. —Jefferson Davis will be 74 in January, but is as active as a mail of 50. —There were several earthquake shocks in North Carolina the other day. —A woman is to be banged at Pittsboro, North Carolina, on the 23d instant. —Three negroes are to he hung in Rock¬ ingham, Ya., (,.. the 13tli of January. — Dr. Sauuiei O, Green, republican, lias been elected mayor of Boston By 500 ma¬ jority. —The Cedar Key fishermen caught at Clean Water Harbor last Wednesday 40,090 mullet. —Mrs. David Brown, of Logan county, Ky., aged 80 years old, has just cut a full set of teeth. —A colored woman of Antioch, Ala., has just given birth to three infants—two boys and a girl. —The council of Richmond, Vm, lias purchased forty acres of land for small pox hospital purposes. —Considerable numbers of emigrants are leaving middle and East Tennessee tor Texas and elsewhere. —The annual winter exhibition of the agricultural society of South Carolina will ''‘‘"'eanors have been placed on the docket of the criminal court at Nashville. . —Mr. Lambert Chambliss, across the r ‘ m trom Montgomery, made 400 gallons of S U U P on less than an acre of laud. —Mr. B. H. Greer, who lives in Ander s ,.„ county, South Carolina, makes a char 1,roflt 01 8,0 “ >'" ar •>* his c ' ,w - 1 •»• •' M«.-hy, of Virginia, ■■ hen he r-turn, from, will marry a i WeU Otic k * ,0W firm ‘' in tartv ^ with Alexandria, — Kentucky houses at Laris and Fteuinlngburg, have dressed , 1 and shipped this turkeys, season — Miss Leonora Hern, of Peru, ha, 1ms a head of hair 68 inches in length, She has ret used $500 for the treasure. —A Jefferson county, Florida, farmer, recently sold six hundred hales of cotton, and now has 3,000 bushels of corn for sale. —Members of the Kentucky legislature are each allowed $20 for stationery N, ui e of them pocket the money and sponge the stationary. — sA Mr, Marshall, who has been boring for otl on Otter creek, Ky., struck a five barrel lead Friday of excellent lubricating petroleum. —Miss Harris, daughter of the late SCO retary of Harvard college, is to have charge of the secretary's office during the coming year. —A O’Connell, of Helena, Mon ana, met with an accident that is perhaps without a parallel. While sneezing he fractured one of his ribs. —A young lady in Hillsborough county, Florida, recently shot and wounded a large deer, and then to make life extinct, struck it on the head with an axe. —In a runaway accident at Brighton, Mich., John Duffer was caught under the hox and a bag of flour in the wagon was thrown over his head and pressed down by the box so that he was sinothored to death. —The railroad offices in Austria employ upward of 3,000 women. They receive :i salary of from five to thirty dollars per month. Invariably they are the near rel ntives ot dead or active male employes of the different roads. ' —William Allen, of Kckford, Midi., died from the b te of a weasel. The ani¬ mal was robbing a hen's nest, and in try¬ ing to eateli it hlr.'Allen was bitten on the hand. The bite caused a painful Ill¬ ness, which terminated In death. —Miss Mary l ope, of Muscatine county, Iowa, aged 16 years, lost her life by wip¬ ing her mouth with her apron upon which sumo strychnine had accidentally been spilled, She was taken sk'k the same day and died at night in great agony. —A dispatch from Brunswick, N. J., says: Thomas Walsh, aged 40, went to bed Monday night with Ills pipe in his month. He was found this morning his body being burned to a crisp. Ills wife and children were away from home. —The store of Bussell A Bradford, Gal¬ veston, Texas, was entered by burglars, the safe blown open anil several thousand dollars worth of valuable papers and $500 In cash were taken. No clue lias been found by which to discover the robbers. _a special from the City of Mexico •»» ttat In the conflict in Guadalajara, during politico,t e.Uictton on Humbiy between the . i. H j c t.-el el. e tions was wounded. Chnraiw muon of , the interference of tederai troops. Disturbances in other sections of Jalleo are re|anted. -A dispatch from Richmond, Vn.. says that, a caucus of readjuster members of the general assembly, to night nominated ltiddlelierger as their candidate for Uni¬ ted (Stales senator to succeed Senator Johnston. Every readjuster member was present except two, Uiddleberger liimself mid one delegate, Kiddlcbcrgcr received the unanimous vote, 110 other candidate being mentioned. —The federal authorities In Dalliia Texas, have levied on the property of the train robbers \tilliain and Henry Cellins, members of tin: Hal Boss gang of 187s, for $50,900. Collins jumped their ball and lied and were afterwards shot and killed by the officers in attempting to arrest them. The bondsmen consider themselves released from their obligations and W j|l attempt to stop the sale of their property by an Injunction. —Miss Rebecca Bates died the other day Senate, Mass., aged ss years. Miss Bates and her cousin Abbiu were heroines of tlie Brittisli “scare" in 1812, when two girls hidden behind rocks on the bench witli life and drum, sounded the roll-call and put, to flight several boat loads ol troops from the Brittisli men-of-war, who were obout to make a landing. Mi s Bates’s cousin Alibi* is still living am! is eighty years old. —The State senate, of Virginia, with its readjuster majority, has begun work in earnest in the mutter of displacing the official* In one executive or secret ses¬ sion a large number of nominations were rejected, including those of Dr. Thoma Pallard, the commissioner of agriculture, the hoard of visitors of Blacksburg col lege, sundry inspectors of tobacco at Pc tershurg and ftfty-four country and city school superintendents, among the latter being the superintendent of public icll0 “ l# ' 111 JVil 5b Richmond. At t, ' r Uus ll, ' st “ f January next a new up pointing power will eouie in and new nom lnatlons wil1 msde. ROUNDABOUT IN GEORGIA, ____ —Charles McLane, of Griffin was drowned on last Sunday, wl.Ue m.-..,im* Flint " river. — Mr. J c kson Trout, one of the oldest ^ ...... -The Industrial Mamifaettrrina Com pany, of Augusta, has been incorporated ’ Capital stock So00 Sph-rs,' 000 ■ * -Mr. James of fiery county, was relieved of •'•2114 wldle attending Urn }■; po-ition la-t Friday. 'I'he Jjlte ( ielietK} > ft shout 57.50. Win in ca h, stock u,J * . an/! real c ’at, to I, codr.-n...... divide’ » widow and four —Mr. -Jo-daa A of Uh . died in that city las s Saturtlav, of sis in the sixtj-sixth ar ot his ago. j| e was ail old rasi<b*nt. Yol. 5.—No. 50. —It is gem rellv reported that Col. S. K. Johnson, of Augf sta, has cleared over $200,000 this year in fortunate stock *p.-. - ulations, He made $96,(too on one trsnsa i • tion. — l’he Telegraph A Messenger, Macen, has changed bands. Colonel Albert I . Lamar, now has charge of the editoritl department, lie is a finished agd f> Ri les* writer. We look for great improvement* in the Messenger. —Mr. V. J. Cox, proprietor of the Ueg. ister. at Abbeville, Ala., while at the Et positiou hired a priuter by the name of Reagan. The two boarded the Central train for Macon on Friday night. Mr. Cox reached M.ieon, but Kajan and bis money, amounting to $200. were missing. —Near Hampton on the .Central road, a thief who had been shadowing a gentle¬ man from Augusta with valuable honda and money aggregating $ 1000*1 In a valise, while the owner was looking oat of the window, quietly slipped t he rail,* from his side and boldly walked up and pulled the danger signal, stopping tha train, and stepped off and took up tha track at a rapid pace The alarm waa given and pursuit made, ami finding him¬ self so closely pressed, being in a long cat, the thief dropped the valise and made his escape. AT WAftHINGTMN. Nows Gossip Around and About the Na— Gou’s Capital. 1 lie national bank notes received loi Voile nipt ion Wednesday amounted to $2:24,000. charge —Secretary LTelinghuysen will 1 «An of the state department NLoyduy - The set '.re’ary of the treaaurjr has. accepted *<•>,0D0, ot bonds under tha. lOCt 1 1 call. —The roeoirds from internal revnnue S\ ednusuay were 87rAl.Utl.u8, and from, customs, *557.671.43, During fiie week ending.Drccmbtt, In, J.i.i,4S7 standard silver tfiMlnra were put into circulation against 485,4|HJ.for the corresponding week of List year, I he president has not decided HOC to appoint wo., vu to olli, e, as lias been stated 111 the special dispute lies, a lady postmaster being among the noiniua tions sunt in, - It is learned at the treasury de¬ partment that ex-Seuutor l’addoek, of Nebraska, will succeed Assittant-Sec retury Upton, who letireci from the treasury Wednesday. —Public Printer Defrees’a report for the year ending June 3D, 1881, shows that the entire expnndltnies in |,Ih ' ni'" o w f*' *4’!,$i5«n!*?eT. tHi.a'lh.i:, was turned into the treasury as uuex p onied hainneu. The co 'it of claims nn.t Tuesday morning, all the members h, mg pres¬ ent. A motion to dismiss the petition in the case of the Green executors was argued and submitted. The court will now hold oaily sessions. Somewhat of a seination was cre¬ ated in Washington by a man who rep iv 1 nted liimself as the ‘'member from. Alaska.” He was flying around am mg the doorkecia-is showing them his credautials, ami Imtton.holing eve¬ ry pitsHcr by who had tlm slightest ap peantuco of being a repoblioau. —The sunate committee on naval affairs Wednesday held their a rat meet¬ ing of the present session, and distrib¬ uted to sun-committees the most of the business tints far referred to them. The mouth nomination of Pay-Director Wartl as paymaster-general of the navy was, however, laid asiclu for con¬ sideration hereafter by full committee. — Mi. Plumb, of Kansas, has intro¬ duced a Dill authorizing the president that whenever in his judgment exigen¬ cies of frontier service require it to add 2,500 enlisted men to the army to serve during such exigency, and not longer than one year. Rcfeirr'd to Ilia com¬ mitter on military affairs. The president sent the following nominations to the senate Wednesday : Navy Oouimndnies George II. Coiqier and John O. Beaumont, to lie rtiar ad minis . Captains Oscar O. B. Adger and Stephen B. Luce to lie coiutno doies. —Senator Edmunds introduced on Monday a bill to punish polygamy in. Utbab. The bill provides that any woman or innn who is married ami marries another, unless divorced shall lie punished by a fine of i 8b'> ( 1 and impi isoiiuient. And further that it will, in the drawing of juries, lie '''use sufficient that lie lias been living 11 utny or believes tiro practice of 1 t is right. An Awiuj Responsibility, Kvcrybod; has • omething to say about consumption. UY all deplore its‘terrible ravages, but only a few of q, a em to have ........non «< sen • eooiigh to tajfe the proper means pieve«tiuglt. It b a fact as easy of 1 roof as : two and two an- Com Unit Honey of Iforelioundand Tar.taken u n ' n "" :y eiwiglw, n 4d: A flic .Jt thing, horsi.ri.-s. or any oth<r iff tho ’’ "iptom " id-i.. d w.-,,. paw- the way “ v, '‘ l “ : '' *" v ’ I'nowr: ? thi», negh et, n, t ... 1 to 1 m- 1 -p,.rifle under | such circumstances, • a fyar/utl re- 1 Sold by dne t . Ticket ot liCktve Mhi* This j»!i ‘ntl'i / :• > ty will he pro* cliieed hy the t firv. DranirUies on next Wed fay* evening. " TJie play has been t ■ 4i ;< h ; • * 4 hihI the new a u Tie add n,... \ l>v»*ryouc si h mu I iit tend