Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, December 17, 1881, Image 2

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XOl T.VXI.I 'Hill 11(1 I tKV. , Mill - rtiwv*., iv4‘ •*. jfTMtac. it »lU. | tr*fx*| r itriiJ >1- • V«, k|> A j* t^» r . r«, uul «ttfa a > * jlMt iriO; Mv tUMts III-- !{/' I , to**H ftii 1 firw, lldl ttM'iT ua ' ’.jr Vhef*vtirrfr :« • ■■V'm rrtir f « «»■*»<1 1 * %r:tli I/* .jtru (i f «od*, ioHn Will* • L ~ mr 1 t mill It * i f# I’tu * Lnjtu * wttk (• r t : i > ism tm (thmst ir i* a Imre e- rnm Thsu tit* 0 u*$ - fiuu 1 Kt ti* *p;, tm f «y *iA »■**• (ftr rt4*s th# U.m k l >rm ; 4n*r fete • f*lr**r ttiunwme * h t<*f|4 ,4«*W1 %I ildu.jr U- *: mh • 'jmWh, m welt M At tlfHiig Uuiita. •'#IA( DO f*':i -r'h **ym '+■** tits' U*« work's ■**',< <Utmm r ? »#e 4 I Hi* mnsrvtU Un it * «l»l tm *, Fsiib f.,l sm mitinf the mm t 0-*m*t) iu her h’*”+*; It*, •> ifoirm, Y. .1 tm m hts Uifii *» * Tig gtxtl f.*i *y% Atn 4 i(*i m »li* -I o • wits. UtSMur* Wei f t ’ ’• ' W4lk idqifl llt*t ih«*n - l:Ls rsm, la hrr Um **l (1 *■■»#; ;> j • — fn tin (frtUn! j cat - ' / “ yr*tt }i* ■- * }>*;* ■ Ion H0 I.**? .jeir ..ktii>> The Crystal Bell. 1 w •o at***! iii the bur room of a half* WH « 1 , one dorniy , Wintrn- . night, . . , ?*' fc» tea r ' ' fork * "* li..-Ikudlonl * >!» •»' 0 *».> the *ay inn of the surly kind, who never •p-A. ,, uni,.- «.ry word and hur.Uy *#ii / l nu ,*i, vor to a «ivu ^nustmii. Tm t douMy disHgri eaiih to me, In tl r were no lasiks «n newrpa I" ilmr «ir afr in.iintamvK within fcke u ih » to .tiat and t •d *• gnil, a few hours that *er .....Ik >ivilv on my hands. A>u 1 \- - 11 ,v.-■--«»-Vv nail • j] itteiupl s to on ♦crop..a-. . 11 , my host,Who, ffto-o ,'. <hvnil v if hi- milliner, was "'•I “»i-H nut-les, I was just wh .iil I illm • s i*. o win 11 the door sml • s.i/, ------iii-il hi.I u nt a walked in. ttfi.ih. 1 . , 1 sli.dw■„ Ihe huge flukes of III mb til, h walked to the Me- when . cr-.ekli:, .• merrily in tho K fit*v He looked . . edingly tfireu shabby, ' i .• asisting ,,f . lliaiw ewe.: *. I. .> buttoned to hib throat, oli ...l He roughly-drench. I vt.d. cam., within' a few inches of j*». -bug bis pants. Poor fellow I he *d ilb'getln r as though ho with had not t*m a meal for a week, Ilia JhaikiU innocent of “cimh" during a nicer lime. When he outer* <1, the OeneMl (who was mated at tin* bar eimuting his ■aaaej . raised his head head and inspected has *i*w eiwttonier from to foot. I •weed tin* (snir man was some»hat •righlein'd at the stern look, but ho arms d lo g dtier enough courage to ask in on iiuploiing maimer: “Can 1 Und «het|.se for the night ?*’ “ Full, every rtsuu full, sir! ” auswer «m! tho I b'lieral. “ \Yi> seldom aoeomuio- 4*u< ivtiungera.” “ H i* » taiii night,” answered the ter. “ Aiid 1 shall not bo pm 'i 'u tar will you bf uiay welcome.” place me, au\ small smrtwt r ’”k Aory^n.!. y.'lj; (i,,! w,m u . Tui^ f e M lm/% .• I*. ”!*. In- former occupation. ■ T i Hraugt'r east oue longing look at *ie In'.gilt nre, am it In i at the flinty Wad! ini. then tinned and was about to leave the room, but all my fear and re •p. I for the Uenei il vanished at lilt) moil id. ■ l cried, ri-mig from my **\mr ; “ wait a tuiiititc, sir, ibis weather a»* t*k» ’»•*«! t<* allow h titatt t<» .s|*< nd tb« liaglii t ait ot doom. True, I liavit not the * ot knowing yon, but wliioli my lied* lunm contains IwoIuhIm, tuw «*f ia mt-vwim iiHjiosal, 1 ". <b" effect uiy words p.isl'iivid ou my himllord, 1 dnl hot *u»kt li.sii i\u- tfi t 11 k whicb tla* stf rtinr«»r ixpi.i'd t do nol:n lueiulsr ever Imv m h ;i pit tuuM’f surpris. . My coirs go ebbed perceptibly after my apee. li wufc finished, loi I -xperted noth¬ ing Iv - Umn lo ho pit! out of iluaw iu tsenil my with tic-stranger. Tomvgvewt «-si t<tohdiuieut the G.neial eliangiul his u >• tier and sant: "* If 'tr. Missy wishes to privet ice •tlch O'l.-sTtisli p -aerositv, 1 have no ob joeti- • ft b* his plan,” TI. J.N change gave me iuy native imui* *g.>, and I determined “to strike while •ho n *n ivaa hot," I peremptorily or¬ dered i hot supper. “ Hilt lull have pist eaten vonr atip. per,” reohest the General, trying to re¬ gno lus toruier dignity. laid dm's not matter I want to < 1*1 again; I often eat two supp-is." In my victory over the General 1 lav v»» to Isi uapertuu'iit. HulHee it to nay (hat within half an hour we had a iipptr between Uu. During Mil' Uu* Mt4r,uigor and mv^elf Ih* x.Ak’J* i ■ ttu- l> .( <»| frit iwla. I had never aif t a iii« uo ngr^oabb* coiupamun. Ho Vml 1 * n every where lmd s--en every ihlle.- and knew everything. Notuatter •jK)U h what He r.nhjecl aiuu-ed t touctied, such he was at u .. me to an ex bat that we sat together in my risen n !i * d ill ally t o’clock, aud tt liceer <* 11 - 1 i , v laiiiil to ask whence he came, 1 «ere he was going, or why he traveled 4 a •: owy country without a emit in .9 . j«w*ki t, 1 cun went to bed without look g the distr, or putting my watch M tv»Aw. my pillow. •Ill-I os oioniilig was dawning I was • niik 1 !y awakcUed ami found sotnelaaly e it I at mv Iwdsidi . 1 num* ilirttelv rose ' • .1 sitle.e (K.'xttnv aud tveogliued tn- • ..;oi. He was eutiivlv dressinl iol »*.-fil’d like 11 departing spirit iu the *i;. ghostly fight. gather For « moment, tn* H<i, 1 had (line to my thoughts, !.*.-■ i.iert si d me tlmt he was idrt.ut to rot- iu, and iustiiietivelv I clutched his •* Calm y ourself." he said, sinilliugly. • My ola.y't in awakening you i*- to Gi-.tik you agsiii fm your extiinudinary v; » -i less. Gist Ideas you lor it. I haven’t much, Imt what l have is yours. HU ire o. n eryshil In II,” Mild he sliowid iEw a i-umli, elearly-vut glass bed that U>..:\isl like a child’s pin thing. **tt wasc.- st iii a foreign country,' he said, ■“sad Uie master ui cresti: < i: sang the *b ;i.- form over it. It is the tonch of ti ,.lh. If mi untruth In' told to St*, jcrsin who earnos it. ti e l*ell will muk s soft ringing uoise. You will . am it BOW, out v*le i*e try 01 y Ulwmaa it will not di.-p r ,mt you. PumeBl" it, I «t could not h.-*r the taint.-st kind ■ 1 aa ’“ **" “* V ? M1 ’ l , rti my wuten , and . valuables were m their plac - ajid found evitrything as I had i*-ft tl^m. rp«P..d enmity I fook the I *-11 and the name ineff«j«tnal attempts to draw ft sound from it TTlmwboU day the little bell <**•upied my thought*, aiul th« last words of ruy m ^rZ!^lTuM II an untrnUi be tokl Tthe fc. iwraon iwrwn ’ "Srfi Annie L«ay i i^ear, Hear aweei, true, true clear clear eyed Annie Bay 1 Wliy did your imago constantly appear before my vision, whenever I touched the Imllf And when I thought of vott why did the fm-e ,A that hateful Auhyn apjie.'ir at th* saiue tii'i ? £ siiffer«i Urnltly /i ! L Wu» Bi to „» Suddenly amlinmin this stran^r comes, give. 1st m« as he calls it, iVgin to the trutli ami immediately I to donbt Ul( , tr)ltb mv wlli( . k f tins. I,I never ont, red mv mind. Did B he ready kwe me, or my we..lth ? Did h „e not eneour^etliut * detestai.h Harry A , who <b ml ,.l,,.rmiu K ly am, who,valid ,, talk to ivmuingl.v. . . .M ,, v e. forts to repress these jealous thoughts only servtsl toplrengtlien their certain *} • not ;• rrniMn « wlieie r “ v I v V a.-, ,, and "l ,1. - »< rmine.l to go to her and the won derful little pres> nt f knew well ........... d was u stupid, «ra/..v idea, but Ihen I would try it just because I knew my dear one was true. But why that did she tolerate tin atten lions of 1 fop. Harry l»« Anhyn ? f" “ f '«' """ pulling hastily »t the Ixsll of the house .if Annie Kav. Wheu I entered the reception room a gentleman passed out from within. A Aubyn. hasty glance e.uiviuoeil me it was Uarry We pissed each other with a e»ol recognition, but m that moment I would like t*> have strangled him. 1 mint have looked somewhat pale and etrited as I entered Annie’s room. for she cried out, “Oh, (icrsld ! What has huppmed?” Jhur. Isdoved creature ! All doubt tuder WHS dispelled as s<«m us I „«w the deep, anxiety ol mv beloved oue. I kiss' d her forehead and quieted her. “Hut Annie, dearest! What business hu.- Mr. Aubyn hen*during my absence? You kt ow 1 irat I cannot tiear the fel¬ low.” ins “ Why, (teraid t dear, I eannot his visits prevent eouung. assure you are jierfeetly In* rude to indirt him, renl I huv< to mo, known blit I him cannot so long.” There- gracious liea\oils 1 was it ini agination crystal or iciditv ?/ ? Did t hear u soft ringing iYe<I oaertdfnjtf } suceei us mv eon sternution, an I eoutiuued with a*forced smil<* Anil von really do not love Imn, iuy i little j>uh#v Y Now do come mul con* h'MM, that at out? time you did love yt »ur «<’lioo!muUi Aitbyii, ju«t a little bit” “ Win ! whatis the mutter with you, tieiaid ? you look wo strange ! 1 usHurt yon Harry Aiibvn has always ’ been in to nie.” “Ting e.ime i-ling! Ting-s-ling 1 Ting-a lin ■ !” Ir in mv pocket, I fell mv hlood rising, Imt I forced luvself to hi* ,p lu .| “And you love .your poor Gerald, IU(jr ,, thun else, even momthun your Nchoolmite, whom vog imvoluiown so long?” j?„, -. j rilly vou are ’ Gerald! (U imurse I f , love you abovei . everybody . , else. , And she kissed me fondly ou my tore ' 1 ng a-hng ! t mg-a-hng ! Ting :! s. k RI j’,?: * l> ‘ i““i't ° r" : v t,ns ,un 1,,m " ’ &k a it i i > 2 ?I self any longer. ” ' - " Traitor, I cried, pushing aside an nvui which she tried to fling around my neck. madam. “ Contemptible have hypoeritt*. Yes, My eyes been opened iu time to prevent your laughing over the easily-deceived Gerald Massy.” “ Gerald, are you beside yourself?" “ Not entirely ; have but a week after the W 'Jdiug I would been, deceiver 1 But now 1 know you ! 1 tell you, you diil not love me at all. During the last halt hour you have told me three false hoods, ” She triisl to embrace me, but I east her from me. Large tears lulled down her elieeks, nnd tier beautiful head was Unwed. She played her jwrt excellently well. * \\ hat can you mean, Gerald? I lime i„ i r deceived you, not even in mi luunvst thougute tf you have any proof of mv duplicity let mo know it, tint do no* heap accusations »)«ou mom this w»y “ Mv pri kiI'.s are here 1 " 1 eriisl, bold¬ ing the boll ou high triumphantly—d paii ingly. ttrmbK*. “ Here, look nt this talisman and talneeit <»f your h<*\ ! ” “But, Gi*taM, mv ywi fia/T * ? I mm? Oothing but a Ix'H *’ un ..; \% it 11 iii tlu bWt T hunt j'" 1 ,;* t at 1 ! “■ you h *. slit ! M .1 wrt'tt'htal woman. Blu* ^1'VtU‘g ui*>u mo likra ti«'T. t"oriH\l the liell out ,1 mv hand, with dl her mioht Ulrtiu the tlirtir sand A crash like the bursting of a thou IsimbslielK nmedlev of thundering beds that ..-Clued t*> shake the earth to its f uiihition--then 1 lookisl up. and ii. L lluipv stMiniHJg iuy side. “Mr. M:»ssT, the supper liell has l>eeu ringing ten minutes but you s,vme,l U, U sleeping -so soundly that you did not hear it. Please come. So it was only a—dream. No shaliby friend - no tabs man. uo deceitful Arnn® Kav. I rabl*ed my eyes—aud went had to supper. Not until we been married fair weeks did 1 tell mv Antiie the dn* ; im in which I doubted her honesty. — TJt? (s'*"d from the O* sviu. Hie Pr»f«>*^4 Udyklller fear* of tee. 11 '• 1 , Tr’nT ,n **, "V’,* ii r »L- 11 **' r <- » b “ ^ . {JJjv »f“£ <u Lar \n*A f*t atant r* » f * p /1 l, r „( Kl^ m , * ,, _ ■ . C«S V v^ J !T! i’ *• and • x-musie maater to M.-*l«i«. tin* daughter ,.j l.o-.u, XV.. ' VUlri,t -tuddeatr - on to ^ pb«k« of ri t <f <'<turrti» I'ranwi**. • • * ghmt <rf some mediaeval l-,r page, aorne little ,fei wl Je Sau.tre, killed erinmlinp with lu. Wv*a «iam» on hia Ii ( o. Or ia not ClienKiuo rattier a solitary forerunner of ; „„ 1 ,ut l ,aui, y*5SrT‘t-t^r -tumbled uid.mely into this Fran .• of aaor metamor,dn*.sl int.Ala.v? ‘ * But M. ns look well at him :' M, ,* him his sonp and raise hi - and e t him r.* and be pulled to and fro, iM-bfol with false hadif,.!, ..half covering pudenee, ins mischievous monkish .m while Susanna is mmurmusl him up ! in pottkoats .aidWhiefs: let ,, i (UI i.j., utrui Jf , n tl % ' - j ' 1 ' , . ., 1 "• “_ a .,.-‘ ..'• , • \, ... •* , ‘ ^ ,.r , , i noi mantie ti-ur “’f ’ "imt #n iw'.' rime” t’ or- .'<e ' little mvfmr, 1 ‘ ' " ‘ «we jat fc.iiwpes. Mining apd weeping ; l, ‘‘}! ' L , S . g f ™ 1 W '* T to *“* l ' llil, , 11 1 1 ^ t-V . . • , • , V „ "mmotu. in ■ -71 the “°m Uh* *« , W ‘ 1B ', 7 ‘«n w, n«ig witli ms j 1 '» KU,a , '' t ‘ t4 ‘V U „iT’i ti' 7 . ,u, T.,.oT" 3!! 1 . n Ti • T . *m"im',ntal moianc!„.|y i ■ ■*’ ' , ^< lewamg inu up , .* ‘. h 1 " " H ’ u< when m ie m"l»t •, «4 the mammal* tbs tlio votes ot » heard without, fcc page » ' ,*'**7 *? ,t V * > J*, l! * j v denied and ho Countess ad ")ita .. her adored though ftcUelord with a ''w We < TT teel vaguely fimt ui Sle.k^- v iKWe vronld wver have intriiduceil hm boy Ganymede or hwpjgstesano into U ' 0 Co ’ lut ^* AJmaviva .—(hmhtU Maoncmr*. riglitlng Their Own Battles. There are so many women who sadly aiiriiik into a corner when ji'sulted and abused that it is refreshing now and then to hear of one ne HiSrstdKt who who Ji dikes her own tiiihi*, who er gin hyntu-lionk. man with Iier h a pleasant tiistnnc of the fair exercise of woman’s rights. While on her nay to church a smisith-toiigued Seeing ruffian offered to he her companion. and tliul his offer was for no good purpose, that there was >'«t oneway to ge* rid of him she promptly took tlmt wav. Tlu hvwii I took was h< rolily wcajsiii, but she made the most of it. fn short metre, slie hit. him a [Kiweifnl blow on Bis face, emming him to sing something which did not sound extetlyr like a halleliijiih or uu au them of jubilant prnise. Imlupd it was more lik« a rauen^iiitud autheui, tor tlu* retrenfi d „ in* it. Near as sang Hcrious Bf““klyt> there was auuUMir tcllov ToUtovcd nfid more evts^. A tipsy it >oung woman wbiuli who she was driving f.urt'Ying in a light tlie wagon in w ar. H e tried to drive his ivagon in h „ ut , l( hil ^ aH ,, when hemUed in this be Ai„ pushed her into a ditch, km g „1T a wheel. Then he assailed ^r Whh alm.siv< language. Theivumm the ^>4 voiuig woman smote him with a «nd pr**vailed against him, w ' ,u,uh "« 1,,m '"'l 1 J f v "?K •“♦-«« >»s own wagon, with Ills head hangiug over the tail-board, ft seems that tliis pun ishineut was greater than he could hear, for iu the course of the following night !»■ died. The woman could not lie blamed for this result, for she had ‘not intended to do more than to defend hor m If, Is for the man there is not much cause for sympathy witli him, Tho f*l low who thus eoiidnets himself towards a woman takes all the risks aud deserve* all the consequences, >Vas|iin*rtoti Introducing Lalarefte. The following letter from General Washington, introducing to Governor Lee. of Maryland, the Marquis de La¬ fayette, together with several French ollh-er* of distinction, has been left for publicution in the Sun nv tfr. Charles o'Ik T.-e. the great-graudson of «ov erm.r Thomas Sims Leo, in w hose family it has been for many years a cherished pi issi ssiou: New WiNt-son. Sib l>t\. 17W», i'll; 1 hair the honor of iiitnxlm'iiic to vour ^ruV™!"in !w mw.’Tiid »u* (B^^ra^i^ < r I'ra uv . fhi- gentlemauV ohar.*i<‘k*r, iUuftriona Hrtb ^ fi 1 fortnn? -un not be m known to y«B, though vou iuhv Ihj unat* ttue to iiih ptal merit, to hi« t*»riy attaohuieut to tlu* Aui< rivaii c*um*. and to his powerful ot i hex* aiid at the Court of Yt*r “ ll, /?‘* 1 topenuit him to depart tor the tM ‘ oU> V n ' ,n "? "hhont this vtimonv of the sense l i-uUrlxinof in* worth sal reisminwnds turn »*t hiui to your attention, v"'^, "V ' !^!’ ,l1 ' P roba “*. hW Tl h® *o*ouip*n'ie<l “‘ ! N U1 by hi/ Ud « on ' ? -?* IV ‘Xrln^e.^ode'iS wh< 0 1 > sc* xewl to serve .VinorivTi b&& hie thorn U) nuke * winter^ to south "srl if p<-nul*»k>o own t*« obuiaeJ from the te m and r«pret, I h»<* the honor to be your Kxce Ueuey's UH-St obedieut xnd humble servant, Excellency, Geo. Washixcitos. Hit Governor T..**. —Baltimore Sun. Fot K hundred people are employetl all in the Philadelphia mint, and arc making meney. T.ktne «.ut Patents. Apropos of the editorials that are gen •-«# f,.. ti nrivik-c.- hcavitv 1IS or usthtlv is tajILl < AfiwP Afeotta* £3 .h -aid increase with the of tln be *-fi.U&H nefa "thm i* t still ^*1 u»ore absurd t .npp -rt ,a tax, a m proportion to the rat. ** which it merea*** and ptih li.'•» alth -, tint that is for service bv the ^rtiMWit other tb-u and inA p-ndent of the iaananca-<d an otUeial certification mention in the tor^ ot h-u.r, T i ! f u^*rti<m that the majority f \f***'**- test is so contrary '* aet „' h * " T U ‘ ^ <towu to lgnoraucv. Ihe Aturriixn* ^Mf*meea, exvu^h,,,^ ibi advocacy u«-h >s of pat-nts, the i«liev on ,0 ’ >?r<nind that H ta a nittehievoua as 'U to prt-siune that idl mt-Mi whH' ‘“’i *'*a*»«-f ; .re not l ally s ;ee,hl> pr<sb d.-v.-loped < « r , u*. and - &«^JSrscr?Krr; * u “" ‘ ul T ' w!l< ! ix-usnianu- inter - i ^■‘■<tp..Uo; attorn.,, so ® 0,l, * v |®K thu Nx'ratioii of to, patent ^ Jiateufed ntetlie u.veut.ons neiaui» and without «i the preliminary formabty ,rf oouaul trie ‘he inventor or .Ucurnug m.y subs, »««* usknof itaiuagw fori«ifruifp»m«nt \Vith a large umub«r of classes oi itivets rests with a few wealthy or gnuizatioiis to decide absolutelr whether * now invention within the class, how ev, ' r merifairions it may be, shall or shall Wunerativo n °f Is* speedily tW developed mi 1 made re to patentee.’ - — - Caiiulhal Ncotchmeu. When Scotland had a climate vrrv much like that of Canada to-dav, when the Hebrides boasted great forests of immense trees, and when, too, a man <»uld have walked ,m drv land from Edinburgh to Htockliolm, the primitive Hcoteh-lolk were as p-euliar in habit M|d |,,. a d. The skulls of this perioil, which are still occasionally is dug up, all belong to what characteristicaUv aiid called th c •• boot-headed" type, the g(Kxl people who owuetl them indulged in a variety of savage practices, from having ommnnnitv chddrci. of wives to eating theii 0 ,. n Prof. Owen says: “ The lowest skull iu t j le (jaithnesa aeries- of an ancient . t , SK ,..* ri od resembles that- of u West Indian negro.” f He also found a child’s ^ Cental .. wb eh ha(l U>eu broken, for its concluded press was the not gnawed by beasts, a n.l race to be cannibal.’' Little wonder after this that oue sci entitle Scotch observer skull i%, far asserts the animal-like antique more than those of any* European race either known in history or hitherto discovered in pre-histone tombs of the iron, bronze or latter stone something periods.” There is thus^presented almost humorous in the contrast lietween modi ■ i'u the iicqt land--* ol«l»Hcotlalid lemurc and devoted -and old, wh«v«* « kind of unutterable savage was in tlie habit of rampaging aliout, combining wiiole Male Mormouistii with the deieetable h;tbit ai Huxley b asting uu baby. Prof. goes so fur as to link th iso primitive anil Marquis ancestors Lome of Sir with Walter Scott the Maories! of the Australian but thqy were so in ferior to tho latter that they had no sense of oruameut, not a single frag ment of besd or bracelet belonging to these dim ages through. having ever bncu found in all Scotland Almost depressing is this idea of a people who belonged to so debased und low a tvpe of humanity. One comfort ,u. i„„..t ,to„«,,, m . v ong * 8 *■ * “ ” . t'V. i* ni’cee'ei , Vi'intain wai'.'r rin have' rilled lid not u' enough to teacup * * - toll Au Extraordinary Engineering Peat. mi flic tv Wasnmgtou v.- i n loM.meut . is • ton iieiu- to bo ever regarded bv \\ aahingtou people as anything out ot the ordinary run ol things. low peojile hen; ever stop to think what a feat of engineering has k ,m undertaken in the construction ot this monument. “ IW a nowhere 111 the worU ! Z" 1 as we have , m the m.mumeut, said Cot. t.a-ey. The last course of stone weighed 100 tons Now this 100 tons was raised vertically a distance of Mo eet. am tue course true hud m fifteen hours. In other words, two feet ol the monument was built, in that time You haven’t any idea of the amount of shine and the amount of work Tho'shine v.. mired to build the monument Us UuUd we have laid since the work W if taken down and out would cover the entire monument lot \t a ,Ushince the monument looks small the yardarms on tho derrick* on top look like broom splints; but when one gets near them and see how togo they are, how wide the structure is, begets some notion of the work. ”— Ilkdi.ii itoN Star. Tint favorite pastime of the youug nobles of Madrid consists in getting up a mock bull tight, with toreadors, pica¬ dors, chulos. etc., all complete, only the animals used are youug, half-grown bulls, hood, just olid a with little their beyond small the age inoffensive of calf horns mere straight points above their brows. These [sxn- little creatures are pricked, and scorched, aiid by speared, golden aud killed o e ndmarU m the youth of Madrid, who run not a particle of risk in their noble sport, and all the luckless tieast can do is to butt at their tormentors aud sometimes Tlie bellowing* to push oue of them over. of the poor tortured little iinimals me said to tie inexpressibly piteous. These mock tights are sometimes gotten up to practice the in students of the art of bull¬ fighting popular their noble calling, but they are also amongst the youth of the Spanish aristoeraey. A combat of Summer that description was gotten up at the palace of La Granja last sum¬ mer by the young gramiees of the court, and was honored by the i*rcsenee of the King and Queen of Spain, —/.* from Mrs. Hooper. &0S ' ,n> F 0K ™ L - U)1ES - T*« OM San Uaimi. 3 a»! tb*n h«r mt* b£ •«• •«•* *'* - ■ Jtatau*»«i S£ 5 ioM«Miiutp t 5 S?C?» ^ ^ M ^ ’ rafc . % wat «*• u-», to ««^»} •»'» «r, Vmmmemetmrlm. ma Ma«i (•ipii: w>, »aa*o. « Hu -Waui,,? m rmwkllM mS^SL* kn* twtu» 4n>cpiag n«ad i^mm, -omi-lftmrnmn. J^SSSt^SiffSSA !.«te«,^r.irn SSStatt, t»»»; ' h. !«A«a :.»• »rtn> dwj»rtr. ma ..«< batmaad-d. tssa^Atar m.-tt-u*»a ^ .^J^ ^S "SS.TSukion^ 2 S'^uf A aw «ap ot mimry. The 0 h: a blest if m thiag thla» wW*u#eiiBtie<ithdr* of ttwl ’ w** Jo^«*’s n*»«ia h«t ---- --— , 4 *^?** Tell me, she *“ said 4 innocently ** as she aged surveyed sock, the and reconstructed ecratched heel of an her head tv ith a darning needle sold “ tell me why so much grain 13 being at suction just “Where? he asked, starting t . up and manifesting the first visible sign of life he had shown during the entire evening, about “ Why, in Chicago. I Whenever see so much it m the papers. I go to look for a recipe for sugar cookies I come across ami something always about auctions 111 Gri*in, bedroom they hold them in the of a man named Ganvuras, " r something of that kind.' “Options, woman, the Chamber options. They options in of Com *»««»” “What’s them?” “Bear with me and I will explain.” “ Oats no matter, she said, disinter estedly. “ If it’s not an auction, I don't care “Bye’t anything .here about penult ii" me to remark, then, that it is the mission of woman to buy cheap, and that it is man’s destiny ^ be sold.” “Well, I reckon I maize well acknwl edge the corn.” is And this the long and short of it. >o i liac to iirud T),„ W ', ° <c,„„ detune, *? uo so i ; %,ZT* J-,,, hinfein^Mid t Z ™£2 “ b days J'‘,?V in _ lt no’snare^oments wb»*t' S , „a 'W' b , ! luoh * 5*“**““ “fa T 1 ,T1 0 * *? ke 1 T kn 5 'i ' 1v iluw - 1 indr*im» fm iHf ker .I ?,.! ^ fl ® 011 un ® 8 . atM>11 ^ “ g T' ,! “T °‘T onko.] ts »m»in am» re"? ' - . i< Ci’itmgly nrt AuJ, . 7 ^ , ,, - P., ‘ jl.ff 1 *’. : ^ ‘ e hfld very fine taste m u”* the “I, T ' ? ^ influence asssrffaKfaf’.'Stt *he might have i exerteil her children well the upon iu wb}e ^, Bhe as 1 as But upon ft** mistakeri society “O™* - woman adorn thought it of than more importance to the person to improve the mind. Cnltivate a liabit of reading if y° n have it not. We all need a little mental food daily. We need it its we need air, sunshine, sleep and fool. How refreshing to be able to lose ourselves, even for a short time, in the page he f OK> „ g> Let a volume lie beside your work-basket, and, if you have five inin utes to spate, improve them bv ' a peep ft tfts contents. >vuin, ev eviry rTg.ri gm aua an l woman w mai, should snomu l-»«j . take a in her ovm adorn went ™™ and that of her home she slionld ! Because own thing juuguu cheap. nt auu Get not what ouy just a is you u< ‘ e<k and iwfore buy ing think whether Ton [ ,! really iced the article. Itisproba .V a pretty trifle iu dress, in fuinimvc; 1,ut wlult ^ '" notit will it be to you? ° x il aomo lavnry for the *»hl. that t von C:tu as <1! <k without. Flunk, " ’ J*''*refor.-, .’vou need before a new you eaglet, upend new your sofa, money. new ohairs, new bedstead, <»■ new- dies*; you f hamlsoUK 10 | om I‘t^d r than to you buy Imu something intended, a little and it only . vo » tr:t!<* tlmrtom.-rsays end how toyoiq * s a more, sc* far prettier it is.” But before you purchase, stop to think. Will you lie the la-tt -r a year hence, much less in old age, for having- sipoindercd your something money? fvr Is it rainy not wiser day?” to All “lay* these by luxuries gratify a yon only for the moment; you soon tire of them, and their only jicnminoDi t such ib et is to consume your means. It is bv little extravagances, not much separate¬ ly, butruinous in the aggregate, that the great majority of fauiihes are kejit com¬ paratively potH*. Till* tir-.r lesson to learn aud is to deny yourself towanl useless lenruing expenses; this the first step lesson is to think before yon spend-—. Christian at Hor/., * Quiet Talk. “ Here you have been home a whole week, Mr. Breezy, without telling me a word about your trip to Cleveland.” said Mm. Breezy. “Yon knew you promised to tell me every thing.” “ Yes, dear," said Nir. Breezy, al> s-.-ntly, from liehind I ;s evening paper. 1 “1 don’t believe vou heard a word s.ii^“ exclaimed Xfrs. Breezy, “1>* put down that p.q*:r amt ut least appear be awMe of my existence, Mr. Br—-zy." S Kaik.1, Mr. 1' Breexv. shodhAold von told ® me nerv- were re pe-tall r that 1 a first place heart, wul tLat business, poli ties. evervthing f^tapi^woid, should give war to tav bare ’ asriW, With your dear, I have. aaitl Mr. Breezy, as a sickl.r smile crept over hu teatures. “What Jo you wish to imply, Mr. aJed Breezy, by »ayinir tvit'n my assistance?” Mra. Bn «r, growing atill more netyous. hlt ‘‘Oh^nothing, «l ok<? , dear. r ^ z T It was only a - - ' er tlesiierate eflort to tiuwh the article he was reading. “Your joke is a* usual, pMntlees, Mr. Breeze, and I ua-h you would drop joking m the future. My mother always t^d me ehxntcter, that you wssemed out I confess a light I didn fnv- t STaT" g W of voica ‘‘From your tone of vowe Mr. Breezy I , should imply that you rather regretted te Wg too We," asud Mr^ Bre«w. " 1 “ sult ' I f i «htdy at any tune.Mr. Breeay, to go buck to my father. I was so hnppv iu that dear old h< »mt^— ‘ f yon tbmk you are talking i.oasc nse, d<*ar? asked Mr. Breezy, in a mild true of voice, and quietly folding up his paper. “Oh! I see vou have got through witli that article/’ said Mrs. Breezy, ig noring her husband’s remark. ‘ Now. perhaps, T m» oui tell me a little about von r trip ” pleasure, dear,” said Mr. Breerv. “ What do vou wish to know about?” f’m “Sow, going Mr. sit Breezy, down and do write you suppose lot of to a nuestioim for you to answer, like one of those newspaper-interviewing fellows? I’m sure there is plenty for you to tell U ie if you wdl only get up energy enough to talk; but my presence seems to have a silencing effect upon you-” “ It does,” said Mr. Breezy, “I’m told you are an awful talker among your gentleman acquaintances, homo take but the moment you get you a newspaper, setdo in tbs most comfort able chairto the hons.*, and remain us dumb and uninteresting s* an oyster. I’m sure Ido my part; I don’t sir as dumb as a mum mv—” “No!”sakl Mr. Breezy, with cm a phasis. You Per “ think not, Mr. Breezy. much. Imps you You accuse me of unreasonable talking too could bo just enough,” pulling said Mrs. Breezy, nervously at the fringe of a table cover, “ You should be proud, Mr. Breezy, to have a wife with two ideas in her head tU 11 tongue Tu «-” capable of expressing « u ' “ I am proud, dear,” said Mr. Breezy, “But you know, love, there is a iiullt ~ y«)u !‘ Vu *< yns Mr. Breezy, ;i limit V, Will go on? ” said Mrs. Br wzv, glowing more nervous every moment. “A to a fellows patience. TIler, ‘ : ” Mv. Breezy, with the least sign of finnness in his voice, “ Mr. Bm-zy, I have done forever. I will never attempt, *\\V- ttiafcvdrse rationallv " ItJ. yon .igain! * am-when I when I am no mo—more, Mr. Breezy— n °* * am nothing to you— Noth * shutting n t5 •” und the dour Mis. with Breezy decided 'disappeared, force, “ •'■«>«.< ,• skirmish safely over,” sighed Mr. Breezy, Mtyk unfolding his paper, The Mormon freed. When a good Mormon dies who has “lived up to his religion,” and has « dozen or two wires aud titty or sixty children, he does not ltbeonic a mere angel like an ordinary Christian—lie be eomes a goil with a world of his own to reign over. A Mormon wife who opposes the polygamous hell marriage, of her hnslmnd goes to and is “destroyed.” A Mormon who obeys tig mandates of the church iu tnost reprots, but neglects to “go into polygamy,” becomes' H mere angel, who must be a kind of celestial m rviuit to the gods rill and other hum3iat- ang.’is. His wife must sham same «« ia, e. The doctrine of.“ hl.-vl atone .... • - , t] ^. That if an his bioed the the spilling 1,4 upon ground will save ids soul. Il he is left t„ die a natural death , H hu. , . son! will - j t hell. . ....... , ? iau il I’ os <> s !W .' T,ls have been saved 1 - tab. ™ Ini*, - tadistance. the ni is Mormon religion, tfs vagaress, how w ' r - «'ou*»«utly bran,-mug out in dueetmn. and m the - ouvse ol tin .‘ e «» enormous mtelLcet will lie n ^ eomprehciid and expound the + •• ('bantpagne Cider.” The following are the methods by . which wane of the beverages found in - the market under the name of “ cham¬ pagne cider ” are made : T! Cider (pure apple) three barrel; glucose syrup, four { gallons wine-spirit, four gallons. The glucose is added to the eider, and after * H efve days’storage in a cool place the fresh liquid skimmed is clarified milk with aud one-half eight gallon of of | dissolved ounces j isinglass. Tin- spirit is then f added, and the liquor bottled on the fourth day afterward. 2. Pale vinous gallona; eukr, one gia iiogslitad; nbeut ■sfir-e-spirit, thirty pounds. three | ose. The liquid is stored in casks in a cool place for about one month, when it is i fined down with two quarts of skimmed tnilk and bottled. Mitch of this and simi lar nine preparations is doubtless sold for gen champagne. 3. Fine apple eider twenty gallons pounds. ; wine-spirit, one gallon : sugar, six Fine with one gallon skimmed milk after two wteas’ storage, in wood, aud bottle. Tt is calculated that the amount of f fort* ing 1.50 daily pounds expended in the by performance an adult weigh- of I: f the ordinary work of the body would raise 8,400 tons one fo*t, if applied mechanically.