Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, December 17, 1881, Image 7

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f JOHN KEELY’S GREAT SPECIALTIES FOR THE COTTON EXPOSITION SEASON! tawing I i* inflow «»i vi%ttorF whh-h tb^ Kxpoilhtfte^ifiv'. willr»»»«a«*» g»vori* lmivflvi dt isinil n »» ilw- . N-»o • ).* t«*: -L-* trade, ilie wriirr has intuit- estraordiiniryiBvHvati;Hi<! t-< su|*fily ot iicurgu the wttl» ?««*; the mi«l «-w*lost hiving Rubins bee»i f»*rimiau* over winm en^jgn w it is hi- determination to iK* situ * CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS Tweni* Ute-Bsa u*i .ioUai* worth of Cloaks 'I'Ue i ni$_- s-ux-i. v! . i,.tJacket- and * V*. r* .ii 1 1 of rhiladtfph.a . ‘ *(.- \n -t *. -jt(*. * 1 h e - < liwks r t $.'m vaefi! ijiseruicHate Jaicet I have I't.sik. at every 1-a.k- by doe | l have i NOT ONE OP THEM WAS WKCHASKO IN THE WAV. who. havitta boodsfn ihe < H,<w, i i., uS.v some m oolrr i» rut**' ni.mej .• 1 *> ” „ ■*i. . as- •li’jdc.T ft^u *u Ihu.kiu then in another, on.m but all atssiemiie.. « iMimte m, at ouee the target an.tiS»,-»i» .tlotnf • 1,uv ' ever I. Lie ' » 3 *r..» . !o». boaght 'tint Im .we way, i :j» make , zood ... ! <-au aell t<*u a r fnrfe, ami and then dien mat*Mil h tlst ors»r.i pn&l 1 want* An *> * l«»ak C»»r I mi> ■<•},’ ywn » *>* U#ak tot $Z.*> A * ,k |1>T ^^»«issr Awsmad t th»i y*u invostiaite r-* Hue trf 'dfl"<fk‘r .v«w h.ivf* ‘Offl Cltuksefcewlitre, Imt invaiteWy Bl.VOKh VOl « urn in u„ ,« j «. I f*rvt 4 ii«>Kr*revio« , s|r dhnvu! fnlland . ... l«nr. imml^miu . . ].««» 2*1111**11?-. i„i'<iv, s ii*,- aius fi! A show' snp^rt* iium TIIRKK IO >IX n m- itiaii) ? uiahSttttT f»?hf*r h«»ust SAviiih’ alt* iitl*'*itMliijrtv (hut i nu\ to BLACK CASHMERES! iTiMfi aii;i»ty fouiut tMiL-fitcUwy ia <iefn%w. arr.iu; d .. • ukto ni uooilsi.# NOTICE. lie -maa* iv¥|HiTUfn>lc fix lilt’ f’oh'T of fViT tif UUt k i'a>\.u\*‘r« s wkirh will ! o smt{»t f.vrv my oAutircrsJS TAKK Hill ?>atl o'nr. lone its hnUianev C i Wilt vod'-.m t, whieb means tiiat it * piece slumkl prove to b<*« t to vu\. RF« r\* {; ii\\ 1 fIi A \I MiORKS ~. ich iitce>, hut I never do k, e\et*| t the vase ju-lilies i». anil 1 XKVKR FAIL TO KK>l*t-*N • s v, . ,/♦ >,n.n lif’^crhcil hv eompf'iior' nyr 'mmiLv drain ' V !:!A < M.l.KhoN to M AKE IT LiCHilL either by n-kuie «‘«>r Hhu:h tiu-v 1 rreommeud thv Clue Blft k i“i F?. it.!-1.^ I x*- fwifi jh ifiih- n;.- ton >->».»*s »> p;\*;rr. dr.raHh asiimeiA'- -Vi y*ni. -old lrt-t UU > \>b‘< " n\*<* #M w.n.I < M-diuere*. W • ent< yard . Black all w»n »1 < ei-ms yard. m»M Ih.-i fall hc ■ 1 A 1 '- ^ wool « , Miniou>. ♦ fit Ct'tltH V iUM (dll „,As Black «11 v<r* 1 F«sbmw. hi «viiIh an > miK -- |'Kc 1 * UfHHlS. i IK ,vrt« «»f the iH'tt HUckrtll WigsU iishmcresin Aim-riva: Parueuiar ;Hie»iu.-*n i-initetl «o i»u- vriarteoi ui = I.w’ «io uicee- Jiite uitele Bla«'k t'aslnner\s*'. [tropoytioii.-iitr'iy hieryihmy* mwmjc■ >0 .*w.oriil <d -hi At it HU l ! tlushigMv atlrsictive 5*u»«ck. t will guarantee ?o lx*at A N V BODY'S sample of B.ack Cashmere-, no matter w net ner •t . tvmif.s ii (Li t 1 Kf-.> \ SI LKS ! SILKS! SILKS ! SILKS ! a 'k fn SILKS! lmv»* ihrvc , _ "■p-1 , sl<iu f“, u •< . titi ire. Hardly . aiivihmg can ?»<■ asked , ior w a t earn1 r»t shoe ' i-fl! pUH't fi.> Ltiufs. departmeJi' (MilliniHng » verytbluit 1 possibly »es as laiy needed. ;* s >0 * * If lack and colored Velvets, all j>rict’.-. all shades. Black 1 ivess Silkp lUm iits, ©Ob .1 t ,:*i, and the kikhIs $>, r«l. (VdortHl Silks .10 cefTts. dd cents. 7 **» rents, ** > < cuts, *.* MO eem-. ?t $1X0. up to v* ry t»u»*-t at per colored Broeuded Silks in every pt*sd c»}'i at ir! t>er yard—an imtaiiiiv* line. Xfoire Autiqfie siript**! Triidiitiituand Ihe-s^-ilk L-. A suiierlt line Black k and a Id- quality wud d* .si-jr*! The luruest Hue of short imp rii*c« >;ik idushfs Her wlVeretl in Atlanta. DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS! m.’u writs jr*rd togootteat TliD detijiTtrnent *»viV i^* found t«» t»«* iiiue-uaU> nitraeiiv > »•••«-o-•• iiunsitdot Pvcr iic- from .• .• -* w fabrics'f>uall up iLf'yy hress * I'toih flress(.imfis, Krertch 1’lwld- mid innlnv- >u iiovi'Hles iu Bt*i>dc u«»otlts le*autiful soft, llnip the uraile^. d ue •• .'due, in fact, thi-^ dej'ftrtmvul is pert"' t. «" th** e.Uonii »n l«'si.ovv**«l up" the jiuifh 'v »f div«s Roml-. fvpial pains ha< been taken with the eh**atJ Brenr'e- etc. -o*»ds. that matter teHhera eustomur vi* (rood*, at 10 r-eut*, 1 ">eenlii, •JOi'enta, L'Acents, ; 5 -jeon? *" cen t thi 'i* rv d::;*a priced ami the fine sc 110 n? _v\ ih« li; will here he found. ■ ,.1 the v*iv finest iroods. a iii.mTiidct'ut n-sorinn GOODS n> ?« !> v « ■ MOUHNINO goods: Kca' iiftiI Hues MOU <»! Mduniinn RN liie>s (iingls, 1NG, both for deep -uhi s» i^Uter ! lliUii.l,l. n iding iimiiv in-vv ia»»ru* . .. 1 " ’ MERINO UNDERWEA.R, ETC, HOSIERY AND «i • , 1 s All.I ...I mine-11 list .-ntirsiy t<»> vnlunilmin* SPECIAL licrc. BARGAINS! _ , T.;.-iio-' IMoftfhvd mid f uh\«*a« Hmi t.loiked heal Bidhti^.m it— 2 -m* • V air.-«* ihIs wliieh always *Ce hefoi 1 **. Ladjow ...... Mcmif* Fndene**ts The •»•*( . >'■ 7 ;. e*i p.-u all sly.*’- mad**. *mulE Merino FiifieiddH'•Hid Drin'-ry >1; ev e , x f-fijid it aide mice "and in unlimited variety as to quality, all p'mdeK- style, etc. Fluids’ l »*i«> ; . ’-carhi Merino spin, ml Dsnwem. nfh red in Hmdcia. r’nihls' Vesuiml Drayvers JiepauiU*. ||.„L, ; . i c-<fj l.ndie- iW»«l * •» tn- In fuel h* h pi («> jrani ver ieulavi/e die unnd*. in thi- Ha-iriy*(ock. ivetc* siiuple folly, i'or the enlirv paper* bta.l feb ‘a- * 'U' .aid Dmv/cr- Rti:ieUed, ull ’4r>«les. a tic m V-tf ‘’t f’. widi its detail. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS! .......KEELY’S -a!.- SHIRT «-«»iiis »v.-k: auri iroiulv! BOOM! ii should la-, hu-benormous fre«h «lCivc-r» 1, i^, u ,,v «. V cral uir.i.lh* j-, cxi.-icno'. »mf i- -lifl’iii iul. Wast. in< nci.v no m* u p>-> tf» the p’lhlic i>ett**r y mliie than the former. THE SHIRT BOOM was Lji.^d ml i- t.r injr cominued and iieittly <ievch»pc*d on thcinincifdeof ? STERLING VALUE AND NO TRICKS! JUST OPENED , .... or ni.v.-iiin'. of 15 .iv - Laitn-lii.-.l an,f I'uhiiimlrivC wliirt- nio! >!.iiL: ! , > tfiinu l«p-i hb' nf -hm- • NolUmg lint bftrAiinr m.ltiitv. ici m*i*v ThToiThiff iu-v n®" iti.iK-ariiiK ; Wii"l in bin* 01 tlK- v.v, \ !*.-i*-i vtiffi* * I IVn .lofir. Ki.Ti u ill v*li o linn innv Shirt !»ir vi-rv lilllii moiv than lb. C ** '* o.r.ii i . 11, on'-. Mom 1" b im> b.-n liM: * .III.... ..min- them I Tim, b .In* wav to tcM th.- fai-b! I.W . * * ' -f HOUSEHOLD GOODS ! HOUSEHOLD GOODS! PTllnw Towels. vipVinb, i»f»ylicv. BI.-n.K';U lk»d >i i"iii'j,-. * • »niit»i".t tilde Linens, etc. just <»|K'U<'<< , , Mi’ll iMH? • • uline*of *Uci*mvj>s, l aMie^. keepers hny them, ntcpndii • k'ClICl ! j-. buy ;i*4 them, 'riiey are g«dug out fast. The prices me l»*w. 1 he iv ,, !. .jin.; ,«ie^<Mril. them. In del J'oi- Rial these lMi«i*i rcii.-oiiM 1 iiiicii(iu>e they h it tv i<». *; • 1 - SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! WciiiL received j Hit sliit.k til Im* if tlic sin,.‘;ii shoe- .11 > to I»i• JtiiCl'l lll'l ( ' I'n'.i - am! ->»!«*<•*« it» iPc at ! Ol : Ir c, i sImmUIv. N« ri-A-h. No i*Hpcr nnnibw »*j LADIES " Hrl A L mwnn am s j L-_ I cr: 5 N « .)., ;ii;ti *kl «'ow tin the * Pilot KLiit-.- .-.I ivlml, m i! 1 itu m.Hti* curstMs i* 1 ureal vitriol. \ llpCl I* stfM r 1 In- taijp’st line in 1 ho Suite is< ai ri* fi. i ho Hvlt cl the prim* mtifh ]»»wt*r ihan cxj‘0< l t-» J .il . lesthaony ol the uuivt. -<i NOVELTY. A ("iHof Fr:t-«i<*e, beautiful s?Huiii.> ipurt Iiii*vCfl t fcUV' 1 ?!’!' lilHM c>n,H<Ue‘.' Hand Kni}»rt>*f]' ri'‘i l uil«;;wem Iu -**•« ■ *»ii I-'i IM- 1 ,i- of hfc'li fiitrincifl^iAHitol ini) le ?h< "A l’t 1 beau tv a'sfl tijtoft \v 1 o«lu“ theiii fav <»r«hty pusi’ii'lt*, tuiti 1 - In i,e k quilt; a. iu tin j 1 iij-ptrfin’1. IT hji » »a niaikPfi ttitsiu i*iio«|i, st» a- <tin<nKhe\%‘lom lo iuii - n <» iu Allan if?. *' a fc - : * .. -.XU • ric Ur^f-^l Hiui ht-M Kitu k JOHN KEELY'S.* Voting (iirls Take Notice. The following is an al istvact from Die j j Iiowis’s sormon ai iout matrimony: , ! You are lierfoct idiots to go on iu this ; war. Your bodies arc the most beauti- I fnl al (rod's cre»tK>n. In the continental * galleries l coustautlv saw groups of people gathered It. »lxmt passion; the pictures the of ; women. «likely was not l.«, gazers ft j were to women as men. ! mm the womlrous beantvof * the woman’s i „ W stand with me *t mv ‘There office win dow and sec a lady pass. goes o«e. Now isn’t she a prottv Riking object wiMorncss ? A log hump, and three big lumps', haul! s ot crimps frills, a mg up of dress bore ami there, an enormous, hideous mass of false hair or hark piled on the top little of her head, and on the top of that, a nondescript thing, ornamented with Into of iiu-*, birds'tails,etc., while the wlwleLe*, shop window* tell us of the padding*, thence and springs which occupy most of wHun the outer rig.' In the name of ».) th- simple, sweet sentiments which c aster a home, I would ask how a m m L to Fall in love with such a com jKiund, comical doubled artificial touch-me-not and twisted, curiosity starched. V This dress check- your movements. With that wasp waste, your lungs, atom ach, liver and other organs squeezed down out of their place and into one half their natural size, ami with that long tail dragging on the ground, how Ofii; any man of sense—who know that ■life is made up- of use, of service, of work—take such a partner ? He must be desperate to unite himself for life with such a deformed, fettered, half breathing ornament. If I were iu the matrimonial market, I might marry a wo-jianthut had but one arm, or one eye, or no eyes at all if she suited me other wise retain ; hut so long as God permitted me to my -senses, l could never join my fortunes with those of a woman with » trii’il' waist. Ta.vr were standing just by the fiont gate of the old farm-house, Farmer Robinson leaning on the gateixwt. “Weil, Miss, I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself this summer. We haiu’t put oa much style for you. hut we’ve meant to treat you all right. ” “ Don't mentiou if, pray, the ” replied Mis» Fitzrov, “It-s been most delightful season I ever knew. Why I've learned so much nlxjut farming that I really believe I shall set out a small watermelon orchard iu our garden n-vt summer and will start a in pumpkin winter. tmtob ia our conservatory Li -j ” Hume. l>r. Holmes says : l never -aw a gur incut too fine for a man nr mai l ; there never was a chair too goo i for a cobbler ••»' J '' ,M, l M ’ ) ', or ; l k , !"«. f ” s,f • 1 '• " «* }»**«••''• tiro tinctoeh-lUTtln hutuuu head, I..!. ; mei.L almut us, the gionoue mi.i, ai- not too good ” human mee. I., gjneo hts niau. '' !!l "'" > 1,,! v “ l “« th ‘’ s ' **“* "«'. v iin '"' ,r ‘ ««>*? KomcUmcs luort^a^e h"««giiito a huus« I had for rather tho maliogaiiy din- we it? cat my the head of a buyrel, or dretta »tt-c the fashion ot .John th.- Jarptutt in ilf '- tl,un r ' ,nsl,me « al «» n ! ” v M U ,,, f f,,ro / &'* to 4 h '.T'\ . much il . ' ntJ ! * f " , " U ’ WI ,. h<: “* V- * ‘ f 8™* id ‘“f “* 1“ ’ 1 '^ . ua of \ f»«'“«{ f ' 5 I'.rmlure are b.wrlrv ornamnnU compared with do A11 ek 8“ M «® »* woria wlU J* ot . make . a homo uud I would f"c i.iorc for a M»onfuI of real hearty uvo th:u j »** * ,,,te rfn P- lon ‘ lh tn \ c aU .% eorgeousucss M tho »«l»h«lH*en » m the world can gather. Firoiusil old saying that is, “Better rub than rust.” That depends a great deal on what yon arc going to rub. 1 > you have it in mind to mb yourself with a fly-wheel on a circular saw, or if your only chance is to rub up against the after-guard of a cynical back, and embittered mule with a live you had better rust, if it takes you a thousand year* and runs you in debt to do it. | 1 |Jf)l|Rf)r M 1 ]njn (jP T f fk A VI J I JIK (ID * . IIMHI HWI* 1 n 1 ' I R^T’ABLISnXD ISii. : ■’ •s 5 g nrofU r. « iwpcnr ii *e ii •a.ti n T« c 2 in 2 # « l - Us w ate* »t., yiw tosh. Are pnrer, better, monger and longer ’■now* ia the market than any other article »f lha kind. Are always sure in i reliable, ami r.e-er fail to lasnre the beat results wi tooirry. Ail T ‘»r gr-itar f ,r it »ad fits it a trial, (puiranteed at ht*r. The Mode*! Father. Father, were you in the war?” Yes, my son.” “Was it awful?” “ Yes. ” “ Lots of dead and wounded men ?" “ Yee.” “ Did you kill many?" "Well, I shouldn't like to answer t imt question.” “Arc you very modest, pa?" “ I hope I am too modest to hrag. ’’ “That was what Mr. Bmith meant, then, when he was telling the men down «i the drug store (hat you hadn't any war record to brag of.” “ He did, eli? Smith is a liar !'* “ That’* wlmf r thought. He tobl the mi n that you run so fast ho couldn't catch you on horseback, and any boy knows that a horse can catch a man with a stitt' knee.” TUTT'S PILLS INDONtKD BY PHYSICIANS, THE CLER8YANEN, AND AFFLICTED EVENYWHENE. ii THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. symptoms of a TORPID LIVER. Ixjaao ! anp«M»e,Btuj*a,So‘ wdIji ec«tir«, f-ftin m thaHaad,with a t nil saraa* lion tha back part, Pun undar tha ahooidar- . bWir, fuUntsa after saiiajp 'wiih a dlaie ("honion to DFArtlon of oo Ay or mljad, rrriiffibili*/ >1 of with Umyr.Xcw f* •llojB of ipfrito, X>o*d k memory, % La Ciwsln rl nf u «f iDoV^d »ouae du ii. thHqml FlutiMriiyi #}•*, Tallow of ftja, IT Wodscha tort. I>ot» Jlaaflaaa- h*r£orm j n«M %\ night, highly tolor^dT TJrixxm. 17 THEM WUXIIM A EX MXXXDXI). SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON IE DEVEiOrED TTTTT • FILL! ada^Ufl |« • i»«U •*•••,!>•• •fl’trU iaaha «haaf• •T fettling ai to MVoaiih Lit* aaffarar. r>m*y rh*7 ff m Uk% App«MW. autd rmm»* lAe u» taka mm naah, tlma »»;• vratan * wat »Hratova H a kafU Oiwra, inl by UialrTwW AaMaadk tka i %m*T*nk Aara lar lla a I* a r* iTv. ; 4mom* rrlea ■ a ir TUTT’S HAIR DYE. W«b r HiftorWi r m* mum c hMagmr! < * 'U*mmx *i: ACE l>r 9 »in*!» aiipi Irakif,n t.f in a I>T* Ik araa lnai*kOt-ar.*»AialT. +•,.4. mr I»r-j|fiita,or i»al Ij *u,'•** s#a . •*•; ,<i af %.. Offlto, 3B Murray St., New ^ork. f rr*rra ma if» •IA u W *r •***•* 'WHoia FACS ifffiPMtMi ** »--!«***lBaX **4 I ’M ;■ § jjSfgm ■HI ha rsSBaTma i I* a compound --f the virtue* .'f MWaafwrill*. htillingia, mandrake, yellow «lo. V. with tin iodide of |H>tvhaiii| iron, jl'.I powerful making, Muod-cleatming. an l lif. onstwinin* elements. t! is the mire- aai.-U. and in evervwavtliemnrteBeetual alterative ro«li- ! . ins known or available to the puhli-’. The n. iencet* o( medicine ami • Uemistrv have never produced so valuable ateea.wsre.ulUu* a Itemed}', nor one so potent to our* all from impure blood, it curt*..® Scrofula, and Scald-head, King worm. I'leers. Sores, Sen Rheumatism. Mercurial Obese. ealglii. Pmslr Weaknewes ami lrr "J u - larities, .laiutdicc. A fleet ions of tll« Islver, Dyspepsia, Debility. KmACiafion, and Henerul It. By its searching and cleansing c«*rniptions qualities whirK purutss out iht* foui contaminate the blood, and cause derange. tn^nf anil♦b'rav. It Atimaldtes and enlivens the vital functions. Ii promotes enemy and sStlYngtiL if rrHtor*'* ami pm^rvpg llpaliu. It infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole gyntem. No-siin* rcr from any uisea^o whitiiariAea from i in pur it y «»f the IiIihmI need trial, . . , tlio Aptvmer 1- in** , cure. Its recipe has bm furnished h. pliysi. iaus For nearly forty years Ayku’s SiRSArf. , 1:11,la has lieeu widely used, an,I it now pns. - the experienced confidence of millions of its |ieopl« who have benefits from mar. velloiii curative virtue*. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., rrmllrnl and Analytical t’lifuihti, Lowell, Mass. 8on» ur Ai i. i>m*.toiMTh nvinw imiui. THE BEST or ALL LINIMENTS m MAX AKE HAST, r.a- aim** tliii -4 *f a uaari u« Mailaua lam a I. I a taa.a t Xu h nv------.-----— ttia only , —Ii over tba aorta n aafa iwlians* for Ui< rallat of ».*nl*i)t» *ud j>»in. Ii i« a ■«iirtt.< aliora pi le, and pralae-,b>« «r l« kta*. Korevary form ofaxtaraat j.ain MEXICDN Idti(Bi«nf i« fritli«ut»n ••nitl. | It pe»rlr*l*# fl«ah mm 4 mkiiIi (• jtl»f *'«<;• very 0/ 1>*I» *n<1 IbAamkimImk Him tnnMnit* iiupo* •ml** •fT«t?Ui upon Human Vlaah and |tli« f.niiB Creation art •naally Wirodai* 'fllU Tli 4 MttkUmn MUSTANG Iiiniin^iit if Ik*«ri«d by fotBfUrtrfy j n •Tfry houie K« «i j <U» bnnfi m«wa ot (hM|«iiy •uMnari, •fatal awful aaald or tiara trt rhenmai#« martyr* re fU)t«tl, or a valaabla han* or ok • avail )»▼ tho looling powfirot tki* LINIMENT which •naa.iiir aura* »u«h •l)w«ai ( „i Ur rt( Uak ri. K*fl H ■ ■ ■heamatlaaa, •w.lll.g,, nils Jalnt.a. 4>»ke..i_s B*rSu, Iul hall*, tau, Iralut an* ■ Paltaaan, lll« »i ■ lilOni, loainu, 01 a •arat.ITIwwia, rruthtui. t kllklalw,. !■*••* •*<• *ipph>- t ake* Braan, arary thru ar axtaraal lie aaaa. It. kaavla wwltkaal aaart. tor Ua Bsarn Cmmajio* It aura* ■prataa, Iwlaaj. *11* Jalata. Saaalar, Vaal Raraau >am, Baaf Bla •aaaa, Ballaw Max, Baa-aw Itara, Saab, Bara, Baralabaa, Wlaal aialia, Spaalu, TBraab, Btaabaaa, ! 014 Saraa, Kail B»ll, ITIaa mp»n ■ tba Slgkt ul aaarr albar allaaaat ■ whiah ul tba waaaaajata af tha Stabla Itaak V». 4 .. . Ilabla. Tba ItailMa Baikal IJalaaat always tmraa and cavav dUappelola; ■unfit la, posMvaly, THE BEST or ALL I >- >• P"! 5 T HI —f M an S DESiRASLE »= HESPEDT. ZS y\ 71 •< g VICTOR DU O X1 4 M an ec r#' 2 ■ • L UTIES. CM 7 . E 3 c c^> **tT The Latest The Best. THE *EIT IS THE CHEAPEST. , 1 he handsomest anil molt complete ; URSE ARM MACHINE Yet pmdueed. lhl.f'NT*ATI!D ClllTLAIR fCKT : 9S AfPI.If ATION. Victor Sewing Machine Co., MiddlBtown, Conn. IIIil, B*. a N. CftarlM It, 9*>tjmmm. M U4 i - 4 — - ------- WtOofm fcsJRsnacB as*ii£ti«airbini^tfiwifltlut i o CLo DC — <o >:z ; Zo jg VbE %£■■!,.-' If I im^Wl STi'i.T -VO, 110 . Talk, I\ I Iw OmM TZShZSSXSttS&i: Oiga*. EnfnM from * KS&S ^ruuvwt’- ^ut *>.h ,ww Shipped ni,»n,««.it Directfor t'*,i - os. $98. u-w» r ¥ «i «»w |V| IPIANO WfjlCJfiSS ora t«3, f»QV*R Ma«uitt r. wn «•**• •(i a**. »a> *»t—m »«*.»■ . tUmputm^u*. k> ,Lit.T*iJfc^n >«n»«,., r ,!^JiJiV. ! SrtSnHV 'TThTL iv^tqifihrw h vis. i. i*»t*, i» *ki*fc cv*ry rapai-tpr that ina».y *:.> m**»» tu p« ’• L»,wbe»«UW riM. vV l»vnh»t» Ultbha is nuUuarUy aie.| R\ u*.- ■.•■>%*.*4 ,, t , 1 ,.a.*.,3 rt .r. Thu«>-K„m».w»» ** j r f r-t* , »mi« Shipped Direct for-$285. \\ *■ lniir.tttl *+ ff i» IT*'Mi In- ,t> .,*o,l In evert- r-*pey*t *n«I t. » i*,^**. wmm m .v(aiw«i, l ,(f.)i N ‘ ' ’ The- Meriden PurchasingCo., Meriden. Conn. “ I IRON & f ! BITTERS imowsn iron rnrtm are a cmaio ear* fbr oil (llseiuira rctinirkaic a compleM tonic; Mias of ally Iwdigfwtiou, Dyspepsia, Inter¬ mittent Forort, Want of Appetite ism of Strength, Isdi of Kncrgy, etc Gnriches the blood, gtrengtb cm tlm niosole*, and give* new Ufa to the nerve*. Acts Ultci a charm 'on tlie digMNvo organs, rvoiaoving all «ly*p*ptio symptoms, swell as lasting tho food, Belching, If sal iu (lx- Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Th® only Iron preparation. *hat Mill not hlucken the teeth or give, he-adaclic. Hold by alt Drug stota at $t.OO a liottlc. , ** HltOWN OHKHICAIi CJO. lhtUiiuorc, Mil. •** kJia’ &M It»* ftjittra ki» m»i 1 » kf l*u»w« Citrate*c A* mHi bate «v*m *4 r *4 Mmm aid trade Mark an wr*t p*r. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS* sS »It AKQ SPERMATORRHEA. A IMw'ov'iryr and N«w Departure fo M»4. ! . K v* ■’ »n’"»h/bnwa*il 1*0.,il\wiy nil* 4-Li for ari<1 < H v i *.« ap«.,dy |ri»riiiwin.t('.ir*, nr «*mi rin "V '- TUrct-t, nt* "ntt AnpiioHliutttoltinpria<'i|-<tlfloat IfftfX/Macy ?>/Ihri nnfy tjrr^e A iek-Hu* V "** I"auanoflout!i«Mamiunl by Abnoriition, » n .» i Vaait Ian, I«.»£ - v Ii -h. Prfjf iutoOland.and Viftthi i. Thu ’ Is ftf-?>XHlatl wilb no pain Innou- 4 1 .'J.rir-i nut iB'arforfj or •*. • - with tb t r>r<)i:uti i ' c't. .)•«, J - ; i'- in luifjHtdiAla fjnlekljrdiasolvedtt?"l mv.n •)> nr m,> an viol litnr aflfl rwator ' ’ ’ 5 '*•* } * r%m 1.1.0 MX uni Ur.'I a«rvo»q ornanb.^ wiiS Bir \ . , r>r , mtom, rtaorl-.* oir<4*M^,HVf*i»t-.i> c ' ’ tho toil !'I t*4 o Birrtjt. TV *;-vqtm jHklhtr, Ooofualon of I<U*m. T "<»!4 ** ' and th*> «(. ^arafsro Wnhi^. '■ *7 at aud r'w-u.ia* offer parlact uaatlJ/ Aax-iai ac<onipan, if .Air ihi« * d *’«mt (or TLm m ,r, wham *“ n nP. 4f i«r«ff raam. »o<U of ®“ thQ tint Mnr« «••*«, ropI f« ;t arpoouao»d f ewi, Drngiaratoo n«»h pr*. * #v - “T 1 *? tr**l>\m tm 6 ,*i» x'iy **» >**j wit ribb* ♦<*, w»Ui hat llltiaif l Aanamm* about iuMrprrr» ; .r,B»t,to/ >, >*l. it** thkrrri^nJUar. acVral ob n^rvau/* will ff.-rt ri.4hU. ar, to ►'•«*/eljr uun*n th* rxitrajnt^ tight ymr* Uu^u that ft Z »* ffwaaral naa, wa bm* thmaktli of riwU am >rof«B«ioa to nm vain*. wUtlii* aa<i it (a **■* t«a*uUM t>y tlwa *ral M«H n»Utm*I mamma rat. mmmorrrrnrry. nf r*4kcl»Iru; wflTnawa AiMl r«rlaff tki* r«ry lAal l* y# ba ilaa kmmw tf waVnUi &&£££fi! K B«»M-*«i». 8 fcar& A /yaws'/wr- *afca» l k« »a e »<i M a* 4 ili»— rawi >> . V 8 « i u nn k “— — ---imlii.i | tfca a»aa * IM tsaai mm ka 1 N »| w mW m »*. <■ Mtwzrai / HAJfRia rkmioy 00 . «i anari Uvaat 0*4 Ml a», 8 t. Lou*. Mu \ % Gras or THOUGHT. Thf. best amor is to keep otit of gun* shot. Ik vor believe in evil you have don. evil. THoroHT in invisible nature—nature i* invisible thought. Love is a severe eritic. Hate can par* Jon more thau love. G knits begins great works; labor alone brushes them. \nvERHirr borrows it* sharpesi sting from our impatience. Uianv, if Jirt was tramps, whal han. la you would hold. Tar. best lightuing-rod for your pro¬ tection is your own sjiioe. I*m scn-tvs like tnxjw of the line are unilisf orbed and stand fast. < 1 usaiNv so fieri ng often jests licit, t<it it kuors no idle longing for team. Thow who never retract their f>j>inion* th« love tliemwlves more than they row* (ruth. I!p«*v the margin of ceieatial streams alouc tin w aimphw grow wliieh core thw heart ache. Tn e (Mvvla of knowledge may be {danted ui sohtnde, hnt mast lie cultivnteii in public. V vTjOAtt mimls rofuse to croudi lieneath tbeir loed; Hie bmve betir theira withouk vopiniug. Fir. that is indeed a man dare never again commit those aius of whieli he has •nice ropenteil , The changes we personally cxpcriencH from time to time we obstinately deny to mr principles. When von have a numlicr of duties to (w iMe rtorra, first. always do the moot dmagrotv one Vir.rj'R dwells at the head of a river, to w Incii we cannot got but by rowing vgaiust the stream. Tp a niau talks of his mLfortunes there is something in them that is not. disagreeable to him. A t thu-let ef verse, aperiod prose, may cling to the rock of ages as a .shell that survives » doing®. White men should exhibit the saaia insensibility to moral tortmvn that red uieu do to physical toraiouta. (lENics, as a rule, is no more con¬ scious of itscii tluui is the rose of its sweetness or apple of its flavor. If ton wish to ho agreenhU; in so¬ on,ty, you must oonstwit to t>« taught many things which you know already. Imhi'khuknt souls never port. Im kifissioned souls part, and return tn onw another, because they can do no licttor. Why need one always explain V Homo feelings arc quite untraiislatntilo. No InnguagB has yet lieon found foe thorn. Htteonss ikhiu palls. The Htrilies joyous tima is when the hreoue fiiat your sails, and the waters rustle under your bows. Ik ton would convince a man tlmt he does wrong, do right; but do not car® to eonvine® him. Mm will believu what they see. Jbalodsv sees things always with magnifying glasses, which makes littlw things large, of dwarfs giants, sus¬ pects truths. An Old Adage Verlfled, A Nihi York man toll* in i lu.- Kvenintf /’out how In' wan i-urnd o( intorfi-ring in other pcnpla’a Imainees. Il« live* unar H Jiolicc-atatioii, and ujam one iM-cnsiou »av u crowd moving toward flu- atution huumi ami a puur-looking woman ht,nig¬ gling lictwoou two ofHcors. Ho know nofliing aliout tlio roasou of tho arrest, but I**write at ones iatemut ad on notic¬ ing flint (lie pri«on er wan h middle-aged (lifcnt-loiiliing intoxioidod, woman, appurtuifly not followod tlm to bu let go. H» crowd to tho Htatiou-hoiuv, sunceedi-d iu g-tling in, dotonuiuoil to sen fair piny, and took » poaitlon in front of the nergi-iint’s desk, I in fore whom the woman wan planed end at mini charged hy the office wifli dm.ici ly conduct. They found talking her in the middle of ths street, loudly and wildly at aur¬ oral won and le.ya and ollV-riug to tight. Ah she did not, oln.y tboir directions to go homo they reitolved to " taka her in. ”| Him atrugglod with them nit the way U>l tin- elatiim-honse, making night hiiloou* by her shrieks, etc,. Tim woman all tliia wliile remained calm and quiet, and tlm sergeant asked her w hat ohe bail to say to tin* -Ilargo. She at once caUKcdl a tirado againHt thoao wiio had her arrest. Slid said that ntin was i piietly fitting on tho atop when wovcral loa tors eitino them Hlappiug along, ami insnHod Jier, out} it her in tlio face; that h)^ " went for them,” nud a skirmish ensued; that the police came up and instead of arresting them nrreetod her. At, this moment hln- turned her eyes on thal giHsl-uaturod citizen or bystander, plnyj wha won there to soe tlmt eho hail fair and exclaimed in a voice of thunder j “There’s one the--loafers now.’l fill With with that full -die force jilankeil right lior her champions shut bony] m auj left «ye. Hi* championship ended in instant, and her e.a,,« was settled by thq sergeant her downand ordering they the officers hod to “ takd their hands liadlyl full. The “champion's” oye was blacked, and when ho told his wife about well! tho case she reminded liitn of the worn hung story of the man in Tennessee wlnj was (or not minding bis OlY! business. SI.KIMI THE l'Ol.I.r OE IT. drinking An Austin at the father snlixma. rebuked his son foe) loons “ Didn’t when yon used to of drink at the sa-| you were mv age ?” askixN (li< promising young man. “ Yes, Imt L saw the folly of it, and gave it up.” 1 “ ‘Veil, how am I to *ee the folly of itj m 1 am give it up, unless I go there'H firm, \ erdict and for appeal tim junior .—Texas member of the] 1 no Siftings. 41 VV A(Ti,/{, hp, exiuoiuirig iwi !<kd critically, “ t *hould judge from the hill that this was an English sparrow." He finished, and was lumded lii duck. After a glance, lu- remarked: “Waiter, I was wrong. Judging trorJ tlm hih, that was a Pompeiian nightin¬ gale.”