Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, December 24, 1881, Image 1

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CRAWFORD YIIJL (E i •DEMOCRAT. By Edward Young & Co. WON DERFLX BARGAINS. TO ALL WHO AB* W WAWT OF fubnituee. :o: Our HAVDSOME WELL SELECTED 8TOCK and LOW PRICES gives us the advantage oyer other dealers. All the Latest Styles and greatest variety i» tbe city. *«*.—*" -I *• *• Every one cl.«. u. « Greatest Bargains ___ They liavt overseen. Think of Parlor Sets from $17 to $300; Ohnmbar Sets from Sir, to All ask is trial. If vou will call or send for prices we will convince vou. we a We will duplicate any retail bill bought iu New York, Philadelphia or Balt mn »e. All Goods imcketi and sliipped free of charge, COME AND SEE CS. R. V. HEGSGIE & CO., 839 BItOAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Dee.17,311, ly. __________ CAMPKT^TtS BnmdStT ESTABLISHED 1856 . GKOCF.RIKS-848 Broad St. Greorgo A.* Hailie^ -THE LIVE- Carpet and Grocery Ilealer OFFERS A full LINE Of the FOLLOWING GOODS, LOW FOLt Cash Of its EQUIVALENT. Octx*r>ot 33o^>str*t33a.orLt. „ „____________ Cotton __ Tapestvv Ivool'Carpei.,. trussela Carpets. Heavy 3-Ply Carpets. Scotch All Wmd Carpets and Stair Carp-ts and Rods Strip, dAeii etian Cftrnetf’ ileartn Rugs and Door Mats Odcor. and Canton Mattings. Oil dow Cloths, Shades, ait all widths. sites. Rustic Table Oil Sh id--.-. Cloths, l ■>!>< all ' widths. «*dcs. <$* s ; ’ Heps CorRic^* WftlVYapeA r S Boi'ier P illl Pire'screeus! ! "centers! und B iniis Window n Ro<>m Picture Frames, BeauUful aml . ( hrouios Maputo Nets. vROwiliA 7'TI’IQ U"; isiiX A Ti p 1 l’T/r‘K , 'K f, r X t, ■ Ferris'nams. Beef. Geo. Magnolia A. Baiiie’s TIams. B Country -st Fi-ur. Hams. .?**'* Ferris^ » V «reakf*st ^"',,,1^' k ri.v Smoked f Hhitlms linnets. E m ( recer Im fteceived HwlV.v Market ii. keis Hang- Tubs, •,»,! fluir Brnonis Colt-Web Brushes. Feather Dusters. Buckets Vails. Staple amt Yard Krm s. Live Chickens th- and Dressed ^’hling. Poultry. ' MY MOTTO : “The Nimble Sixpence b M-v then Slow Sales ».ld S,nab Profits for e.„D. MASONIC UA Dec.17,' Furniture Boom. ■v ik «. AVf, have just received TiY'Q UAH LOADS of ELEGANT CHAMBER & PARLOR 3F’-o.x ,, i3-it’0.r*3Ei3 Nevr lias there been such a Stock in Augusta, »iul we itouglit them to sell not to keep. All who have seen on - •it.o'dc agree we have the li.Midsomes! and most STYLISH they have even seen Snuth, and ns cheap as they can oe had in the East West or North We never ml-represent goods— everything sold on its merits. Satisfaction guaranteed. Uur Stock i.-; complete in every particular. Everything in the Furniture line you will find here Agents for the Best ami Cheapest BED SPRING ever soft, every one guar¬ anteed for Ten Years. Write for prices if you cannot come. J. 3L. Howies & Co., 717 Broad St., August a, Ga. Dnc.l7,’81,ly. Ifine Opera Glasses $ BRONZED JEWELRY, EXQUISITE IVORY" GOODS, FINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELRY. Augusta Market. BIGGEST and COSTLIEST STOCK ever on the For Tti© Holidays ELEGANT SILVER SERVICE, GOLD HEADED CANES, FANCY FRENCH FANS, SATUARY, PEARLS, F. A. BRAHE, Jeweler. Dec. 17,’81. ly. Mvr-nc l\| Y I''. K S Xr o M AI A i 1D1TTO l-M I S A- -L'+v’-' lyj OBBLKS ... I^N o __ _ mSm INI —■ OtlOIlS , . and. EEOSierV. _ ^ BOOTS, SHOES, ^ ^ HATS A YD CLOTHING T rrxn it ttv inrpsii'Vii'n ui/i ,< chant- of Taliaferro ± and adjoining counties, that Unir Fall.Stock is now beiiur received, and in price aud assortment is unequaled by any that ha- ever b*ti ?: I>r... ght to this market. A special feauture of our ousmess is the establishment of a WH03JKSA.LE BOOT,SHOE AND H AT HOUSE Entirely disti net from our Dry Goods, Notions and other Departments. In < ur etsewhere^ 1 ^ 1 *®T'^ALrcUaT.TT'to'inspt SttfsUKk MYERS A MARCUS. September 9,18sl.— yi. 286 air! 2 s Breed street, Augusta, Ga. CRAWFORDYILLE, GEORGIA,* SATURDAY, lUMEMBER 24, 1881. Georgia Z’uilroaci *—AMD - Banking Co. Office < iseral M&kaoeb, | . /Sommencin A boosts, G* 'Member 10, liwi. f: Vy the following passenger schedule will he operated : wo. l west— nsii.v. SO. 2 East—DAILT. Lv.AujjsU io«a m Lv. a. lams «ajw “ Milledg'll 0.-03a m “C'wf'd’ll 1:10pm ^.T^viss 1 : isssssafe “ Athens 4,30'p m “ Macon 6:43 p ut “ Atlanta 5:45 nm ! “ Augusta 4:06p'm NO. 3 WEST—DAll.V. NO. 4 EAST— DAIM. Lv.’CFTv*^*:33 _ _ p m Arkrf 2 S?inl a'm Ar. Atlanta iswaun Ar.AugnsUC:30 ! JOHN W. GREEN, K. It HORSEY — T^ n * Ker '_T‘ 11 1>as *'K w Agen 1,000 MILES TICKETS Groroia Railroad Company, Office Gen m a i. P assen ger Agen t. /COMMENCING Acovista, MONDAY, April Rtll, 1670. V, this Company will sell ONK 7th in#., Vy TICKETS, TflOC-S AND MILE g,„N|<,\cr mJifb line and branches, at TWKNTY-FAE DOLLARS each. These tickets wilt be issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms and families combined. U E. a. DORSEY, Mav9,1870. General Passenger Agent KEDUCED HATES! VIA TIil£ GER CIA RAILROAD To the Atlanta COTTON EXPOSITION! 188l ,oV, 0! Vm rhe enc i following n ,D l -' nila «Aeciat ' ’ Novomber-M, armnge meats j will be inaugurated, ano contin ue in force until December Slat, proxi mo. calculated-one way. which in L,% than one fare ■ io.ii trip. Tick-U j must be procured tvoiu the Company’s j Agents, amt will be good to return ire j Three (3) Days t - iu ami i. !m n • data Og issue o, time ' vhl b, ‘ « rit " ted ‘ SCHEDULE OK DAYS ALLOTTED AJyj: i territory : J Momlays-Etuhruc s all stations be tween and ittcludit,.; A Uousla am’. Camak. Tuesdays—Embrace, all station* be tween a d including Uaddocks and Wamntoii. hetw^'^Tm^r’“'‘“v" ! '"'” 11 ’ ob tween Thursdays—Embraces all e. .lions bm and including Cra.vfordvtik* an4 Athens. Fridays—Embraces all sta 1 oio, !>*• tween and including C eiies • :i. ztlcovy. • Saturdays—Eminners riba. ' tween ,and ,iiu:l eJms Cev ‘ ThX'vviee 1 beat n hi Will will be I” beef pen , . ,v , passenirc*r trains leuviim All.enalm -I i ! con. Washington ami Itlauu the morning schedules, arriving at at 5.4', ]>. 111. JSy all other trains agents will only sell the five [5] dav limited ten (ieket, [10] at day live limited f5] cents er mile; or (he I ticket at six cents per mile. No tickets .mid on the trains. Be sure am* obtain your ticket prior to entering the cars.' John IK Git KEN, General Manager. L. H. DoUbliY, Gen. idia.senger .!gt. THE PIEDMONT AIR-LiNE. The Slirt JUKI Direct RoilU; ?:• rtft. Schednle in elfeel, 7,1 ly 15, .881, upon tiie Richmond and 1 ,inw : i< railroad- At iauta, CUarlotta and Kiclimoini ,*ious: U.S. Mail | N.Y. L'.f,. ,a*t Northward. I Express,I Mail, No. 43 No. 17 i No. 40. Lv, Atlanta 4:00 pm (3. pm! fh.'io pm “ Lula 6:46 am 6:00 pni y.07 pin “ Toccoa 8:13 um 7:30 pin, 0:17 pin “Seneca 0:21 am 8:41 pm 11:2pm “ Greeny’! 10:20 am 10:22 am 1:03 am '■ Spartn gj 12:15 pm 11:12 pm: 2:12 am “ Charl’te 4:13 pm 4:05 am 6:15 am “ “ Sallsb’y Danville 6:07 pm 5:56 am am! 7:50 am 0:0!) pm 10:21 11:31 nm Ar.Rchm'd 7:2S am | 4:18 pm 4:43 pm “ Washt’n 1:00 pm ! 9:30 pm 9:30 pu: “ Baltimo'i 8:25 pm 11:25 pm 11:25 pm “ Philadel 6:50 pm 3:25 am 3:25 am J‘ New Y’lr 104)5 pm 1 6:50 am 1 6 Southward.! |U.'S. Mail] Express, Nf T. JI.j.Fast i Mail, _____J No. 42 ! No. 48 j No. 50 Lv.New Yk| t pm"| 8 30 c am 110 00 4 80 am “ “ Philrdelpju Baltimre! 3 20 40 am j 5 1 05 (16 ain | 9 7 45 05 am Washt’n pm ; am am “ 5 00 jim 7 00 am 1110 am “ Richm’d l0 45 pm 12 00 am 2 35 pm *• Danville! 7 27 am 6 18 pm 7 9] pm “ Sa-liwG ry 11 16 am 10 33 pm 11 05 pm SSSSMSR “sss’liss 7SS >»s “Toccoa isz sss | 8 01pm 8 15 am f.30 am “Lula Atlanta|l2J55a 9 16 pm 9 31am 7 39 am Ar. 12 20jn » U00 pm Close, connections made at all junctions or terminal point.- herein named; with ar riving and departre ; t rains of otiwr Lines. Sleeping car on n Nos. 42 and 4*‘i be tween Macon an A unta. .^[ n * t;ar service daily, Tickets sold and baggage checked from and to aUgwint* North, South and w. -t ^ ^ L, e a i i i.-H Agent _ <liin °uwt furnished free, wi:u fi;;! ' * structions 1 oi con*. : . 1 1. i !<■ , no ' profitable in. business The bu-im that any um can ■ learn, gage and our instrueUon- c- , . J...... and plain, that any oa- can »o ouvvwwiui ao iii'ii, ’ y tii;«j can earn large sums. Many ’have idr a- at the business over one iuimir> 1 do': • .a a single week. Nothing like it ever known I'"fore. All who engage are surprised at tlie ease and rapidity with which they are to'ttite able to make money. You can engage bu.ffness •.<l«t..'" ■ . at great profit. YoudomJ: )H do notil '.Ve to C capital in it. We take ait tie who need ready money, slmi id write to u* t once. All furnished free. Ad-ire True & Co., Augusta, Ms e. A Silver l.inlrg • - There's never a dav so sunny But * little olouA appears ; There's never a life so bappv But ha* its time of tears ■ r the suu shines out the brighter Whenever the tempest clears. There's never a garden growing rri There's . roses *u everj- heart plot; hardened never a so But it has »ne tender spot; " e h“ v e ouiy to prune the border To find the forget-me not. There's never a sun that rises Hot we know ‘twill set at night ; The tints that gleam in the morning At evening are Just as bright; And tlie hour that is the sweetest Is between the dark and light. x J here , a never « dream so happy There-sn^m'^dream of sorrow glad* But the waking makes us W T e shall look some day with wonder At the troubles we have had. r GENERAL NEWS AS Cl.CAM.ll khom telegrams A SO LETTERS. Being tile Latest f it forma t ion as Con¬ densed from the Newspapers—A Brief Iteview of What the Country Is At, Culled tor tile Headers of the Demo¬ crat. __ -drnlge Edward^ox, of Portland, Me., is (lead. —A sea cow was recently seen in the bay near St. Augustine. — There lifts been shipped t' is season from Tampa l,0;i;i,a»0 oranges. —st. Augustine, Florida, is out of debt lias »;.oo cash in the safe, -i',,,,,.,,,,-..,, ! s f a, “ j ‘ I,m * «* an ’, litdependeut can ' , . S«‘Vernor. " ' —twenty-five deaths m Chicago from ! ^mll-pox last week. -Frank K. Derring, agent in New .Orhmus for 11. V. Hobortsm, * Co., ii. lias disappeared ilith *23.000. — The Senate confirmed Hon. Timothy llorte yesterday as postnmster-ganernl. -It is agaiii rumored that the President ! v411 ,u,t Rive the South a place in the < ’ab »«t I —1 be successor to Judge Hunt will not hr app, inted until after the holidays. • *—There am 2:1,000 acres of land hi < r groves in Marion count, , Florida. ^niu MMo *bo isli \lia whipping post. ‘ il ‘ t’* 11 ”' J»s* lo e of Alahsina Is a rmter by trade^, and formerly worked at ih, ‘ v *’ u ‘ «t'Allien*. Ti, * , o<f. of •MWm9sw 'In tho jiimut ey null e""tuni at Greenwood, was .’ly -'S'a.-l;lia,. eleven ts>g*r Jt’i, t„, ies* eiga, '» 1 ”N: .annually. -' PW.-enstftd tprmW’t 11 , . ' vulow . <, .*' ' ,ctor . , 1 , ! | > 11 1,M ' » are v, ' a «^« 11 triimgular light for the Stanards villelMn., nost-omce. "liu.: <>t th ■ Virginia assoelath n <*f Auiei ■an otrm, 1 will be h Id at F„n hotel, Riehn.end, February 28th. -dews from Hus ha arc sotUt.v; eoa stoutly in all parts of Mississippi, -iu Kentucky Urn maximum yearly production of iron ore in tons is 1113,420. —They exnibif turnips in Florence, Ala., which weigh twenty-eight pounds. —The postmaster-general has directed the postmasters throughout tile country to observe Monday, December goth and Die 2 l ot January, as holiday*. - Two ears containing ! 000 turkeys, 10.000 chickens and 1,000 dozen eggs went from Knoxville to Savannah ft day or two since. —In the four states of Georgia, Ala¬ bama, South Carolina and Tennessee, the number of persons employed in the maim fae.ti're of cot.on is 11,788, against 5,800 in 1870. —A mulatto woman named Fanny Crawford has Just returned to her farm In Mississippi with fifty negroes, from Sum¬ ter county, Alabama. This year, about closing time, she worked 300 hands on her farm, which she manages herself. —lion. 11. M, McVeigh, of Mississippi county,, is spoken of for the gubernatorial chair in 1882. -The people In Hernando eounty, FJor. ula, are eating watermelons, tomatoes, new Irish potatoes, squashes and other vegetables. —Tlie state of West Virginia has no iu *7*r;T zss'szxzr ............. -— mmm A , ar 8- P< t,tlon iR being . g >tt,en ,, up in . Alabama, , , , praying for the opening of Coosa river to navigation, and beseeching that no delay be permitted. . .... CouitD! .. .. North Caro ima, was locked in a loom by her father, who (-Mined a savage Ini II dot under■ her pried open her window, and earned her off. .—Ex-Tn auer ^arrabee, of I. ' ■ View, (C, •,:»,> ■ a defuuifei. f i io Y .hum ,, i ri I r *i lie ) •*. -v t y * / ml i - ", ‘ 1 ! . 11 !r ’ ‘ “rmeh line to I- ort Church k 1. ' • H’ 1 j hay. families in Chicago have been summoned L ,e{!r , »><*forc a jn.-tscG 1»r ref \-iuz to " ‘ !> ted t Ives end id lie uiicr.- of their families to be vaccinated. —John (I. Hurst, an aged wholesale •-''eiteda '■ • Il -rr-.j ' •• Mi 'add in f-'!5,009'he'l at the in-tam-e , of b;s SOU. c Samuel Samuel B. B. tllirrl. Hur t, wl.o who charges elisno.. him with selling his business and stock and appropriating the proceed which amounted to;s 15,000. —Another assassination pint has baen discovered at the Cara at Gatchina. —The Iritb-AmeHcaB societies ef Haiti, mere ere endeavoring to rnieo * 230 ,uuo for the Irish land leagno. —^The Housa of Representatives has ad Journed uetil January. -Mr. Brown introduced a bill to an thonze the sale of the military barracks aad the lands on which they aro located in Savannah. Ga. Referred to the Com mift^ on Military Affair. sSasssrsssair -ZZLTLXT ~ — tJx^r^^z ,0 »' >cember 21 st hothing new had . been brought out the in Guiteac case, rh ? t * Rtl "' ony " s 10 hl * "*»«y «oea o. is:;:: ^-"“*** A ^pTa , 'w^ml V 'v ,n ?' Z?*' ntLlerSSerSe^rLd savs 1 n 1 c*' Moml “y ni B h ‘ i»y Henry lege ‘"-rest sarst _ K ‘JZZZZ :lz * “ ‘— • K “ - 1 hirty-four , persons wei# _ killed Mon [ £ ‘-The ,y 1,1 a collU ' ry c *l'l°sion Bolton, city of IndiatiupnllH „a* begun suit against J. (;. S. Harrison for payment of an assessment on *200,wo wort, of government bonds alleged to have been purchaaed on March 31, and sold April t. Tbe , 0 v '.aims thnt. , heso bond, , ere sub ject to taxation under the tax law of issi Of the hrlanger railroad system, lives at Montgomery, Ala. Karon Krlanger and other Karat,can capitalists furnished the money and Mr. Wolfe began to buv up small railroads in the Gulf States in 1870. Mr. Wolfe is about fort.y-flv, years of age ami is regarded as a broad, Uir-seetn business man. Aside from bis railroad business he owns a bank at .Meridian, Miss., and a hotel at Chattanooga. —A serious charge lias been mail,! against ex-l’resideut Davis by Gen. Joseph IS. Johnston. Ho says that the ex-Prc.xidv.iik is $J,50t),u0o sh >rt in his nc counts with tho Confederate Government. —The JianctU, James Gordon Bennett's exploring ship has been crushed in an ice¬ berg iu tlto Polar sea. Thu occurred Oil the vud of June. the Wandswortti (Bag.) pollen «nurt, Dr. iaimso,. was examined on n of murder, in having caused the death of « student’ at Bleubem House Sv^'l, MTundledou. I l.’s i with the I’Ll viownfsuc proiu o -ty. el,co was TJ ,-d of t:,' ... ft? 4., ■“ l - Pol*'L (Uooaoly , . ▼ - , . am Lite, .. , had been found in the stnmaoh of the do,.eased. It Is now Proposed to exhume tho body of a brother ef the Ue.consotl, who died recently under I") b-rioiis < ironm ,lances. Hr. lainnmi | to bw iu voml Hjiiritst. 'I'w'ivy luiuiliv.^ gf iliH coul mirfors. Who have heel, on a strike at Grand Combe, have resum.-d work. Secret ary Hunt said recently that he liad not been oil, re,l Um vacant Judgeship of the Court of Claim*, and that he hud 110 desire (o return to tint bench. A family of seyen persons in Bloom in * tim ’ 111 UK were* [>oi,suHL'(i lvuflitly by eating canned fruit. Th»y were made very sink, bvt It Is thought all will recover. —The fifty mile bicycle rac» for the championship of America, in New York. waH won by George D. Gideon, of German, town, Frank Howard being tecoml. The winner’s time was three hours, thirteen minute*, eight and a half second*, —In the suit of George Flagg and other* ag»ln*t the Manhattan Railway Company, the Metropolitan Elevated Hallway Com pany, and the New York Elevated Rail.' road Company, m the United States Cir¬ cuit Court, Judge Blatohford rendered Ills decision yesterday afternoon denying the motion of tho plaintiffs for an injunc¬ tion restiaining tho companies from eon solidating. -At the toll-gate on the Port Royal Pike, tw - ami a half mile* from Clark*. Wile, Tenn., the gate-keeper, Mr W J j Phillip*, shot and killed a young man i named Nick Heathman , __ I ROUNDABOUT IN GEORGIA -*.*«*-. -Kev. I eter Johnson, and aged colored preacher of Augusta, died tbe,other day -Win. Brown, of Conyers, was killed by the falling of a tree the other dav : ’ —The d><» ‘L-Jit lP-ht house 1 on Pig u-,, Island, , , near Savannah, .. was bun»u<l tho other morning, —Tlie recorder at Augusta is sailing in to the saloon keepers for peddling pop y. — Nancy (Jordan, colored, died In Wat kinsvillc the other dav at the terrific age of 105. •I-I,. hardy yeomen around Griffin an ■ !; 11 >|u 11'. I <» * I ami of tho Cayote y <iiul a (if ot , ..... ,,- .. v 1 x *' —Oliver J. Miller, a well known young business man of Savannah committed ili • * —Andrew Lyon, a mail messenger on . n Gd* h, \. \n. t v Oeorgia Railroad, was • killed near Ktiox \ ilie. on Tue-aiay, hy fall ing under the wheel Lnfiin i" pulling , . for an electric light, 11(1 if I;' ■ -p; pel : i '■ epoil, Ni|,;s of the Daily N( w will make them have’it. Hush Push nti up your voio* city j council, Niles, push ’em up. -Two negro - , Ben Myer-s ami Jim Ste J)it('ii8, i>uing i iiuirioruH <»f i* <t(TH* clunky - r c I. 5.—Xo. 51. |Umsei, ly. After had gently a reeounter punching in fcouUi* recent, «ashin* themselves. each other they deviated and behaving h.ul!y dialled “IT! aecoimt £ ’ rrie “ News gives a of a cutting ,u,p* t » Alapaha, between Lem Luke »n,l a Mr. ~ Tm^ucbwhuS —Floyd tbs"!^' 1 * wounded. chain^glng cobntv has tvn .it ” on the The s the laudable 1Z roads that * ? -• .;*,*• ***"** £ »W2S of 11 fv u dav thirtv * ' * r ' fiv,. ThSHvLTmuT'acStS conviction. ° f U ° m *' «•»■*£ •‘‘•T* ^ — -The Conyers Examiner savs that -g th. rr.:, AK5S2 *'r -? year. T’ wonder 7 Unit school ' aianua | never marry. -Dr. E. <i. Ferguson, of if*,**, hM |n I 1 ^ eZZ tt T" 'T ’’•"‘'I......• ! bed swinging , m ' ""^‘s of an iron can be turned to anv " *’ * and noiseless movement. I est _Jml'm James i it , "Hfeformerly , !' 7 '” U ' i it,,,-, r v , ed | rope. The whole ’matter i* I t mystery, but the presumption ? i t Hmt 1 t" ho commited suicide * ’ ,, , . .. M, .." wln * « Popular post. , V I" "> , hail his otHoml « , head cut 'T 1 l K,s V ‘'hninien, of that ^tal^Tof . tlm “ „ ■ - W. Million and I .K,ltemfru«, of tsar, deasviile, weui iirrestod li, A limit h the otl cr day for the bold, open daylight robljerv hn the streets of a man named (fuflirle from Kentucky. They sm-uteil bis r fital foity.fivo dollars watc,» in money, # A grand reception and hop were given at the Kimball House. Atlanta, file oftu-r night, in honor of ift,g dulla. the. m-clini. plislwd daughter and on yrhUd ofthe oiwat: soldier, “UtonewaV, ' - -The AIbany News reports t H ,, gro youths, named respectp, -n \',Am Nelsoniuid Tom Alexander, wor] at Guifpy J Jaawii, the f'nmaf pfiv w Pie 4 il 1' fill -S<TlftIf Sill tilth y of AtXrsRn v - • A • ■ load Altered Torn AiexrodepL ,,.,,7 buys not been known k»Mp<i; < rr„|| ll -. and were considered good frietlls an T tt,® ItlHIitets only tfy> niguU iif h care!e <<4 ■ ■ handling of fire.i MILS. Saturday < veiling floury Knluht shot and killed Refer Goodwill a short distal,n. from Mavslmilvill,,. They were both livinir on William Ii„s|,.,„'s m,,-,. ;llJf | homo when the difllenltv ore M red Knight did not runaway ami elnhnx the shooting was accidental." ™ -Wi’fglitsvilh, Advance > fty*: Judge VV W. Mixon went oft a few day* ago t» feed hi* hogs, and while In the »w«mp a wTld . hog made ^ fight nf, him, mid the Judge, not having time to pick hi* tree, ascended a "lick Kapling. After awhile the .lodge'* grip failed and lie enuio down, when the Img made for him again, hot w« learn that after a serious struggle with him he iltkOx seeded in tying film. —An old man, whose name D not given, was found «n Um rnudsiije lying m a ditch about twelve miles from Navannah. Mi. Smith, who lives m ar, took com position on him. The old man, who was about Hlxty years old, said that Uegrogs wuylajd him, robbed linn of hi* a U< | money and bent him terribly. He was badly bruised and egt. Air, Smith sent him on a wagon to Suvaimali, He got off the wagon near Hatbry Park, and after .oon was found dead by the roaduide, ,So says the Recorder. Milledgnville Recorder "An aflioted far,.!, ly Is that of the Biyne* of this city. A few weeks ago Mr. A. F. Bayne died. ,j 14st prt. vious to ills death he lost a child t, *i Fri¬ day i , last, . , bis (laughter, Mis* Martha died, after long Bayne a Illness. She Was a iiied allst atom latecouiinenecment and uyoung lady of unusual scholarly attainments. Her aunt, Miss Aide Bayne, a very intelligent; and lovely young lady, is ymy ill at til# residence of her brother-in-law. Mr. Jac«f Caraker. and her brother, Mr, Ed. iiav,,g the very well ill at. known fils home. and Here popular druggist,^! of^B i- a group Dictions rarely M „. f„, tl From eminent.1 II Southall, M. 1J. Hack, ,lrk i “I willingly !e ir testimony to tiM lent Liquid food tonic effect of C'uldvii’*JB F.vti ,,'t of Beef mul Touifl and ratog e mi; regarding digested it as Ionic, a mild. u^B .- well c:i Os f.f ( ]»!«,*'» i-• N'TVUUHiD-s^ Debility, * «»»is^vur*ut upon pcnotl of •AOJI54M,." f Ih llDMUlll' gunuroHy. J Humbugged aboj A r I saw so much «aij doi-toclig, „ Hop Bitter., ,nel and my wile ,yJ jj neec] v humllu in U Hi f my It Mini Hi * I'r«